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  Forum Topics Posts Last Post Moderator
  Astrology 2.0
All things Astrology; post all new Topics in this Forum, but no personal reading requests or personal chart postings are allowed (Moderated by lalalinda)
45282 816802 July 26, 2024
08:21 PM
Chat about Astrology; you can respond to current strings, but please do not post any new Topics (Moderated by lalalinda)
19866 298601 July 26, 2024
11:10 AM
  Asteroid Astrology
All you ever wanted to know about Asteroids and Fixed Stars but were afraid to ask (Moderated by iQ, ail221, and Gabby)
5333 66083 July 26, 2024
11:11 AM
iQ, ail221, Gabby
  Interpersonal Astrology
The Astrology of relationships--namely synastry and composites--which involve the use of chart comparisons and chart merging to decipher relationships of all types, including, but not limited to, parent-child, husband-wife, siblings, friendships, lovers, boss-employee, coworkers, and business partnerships (Moderated by Aubyanne, Lotis White, and Beautiful_Light)
12647 170285 July 26, 2024
05:26 PM
Aubyanne, Lotis White, Beautiful_Light
  Horary And Event Astrology
Answering questions by studying the Astrological charts set by the time and place the question is asked, and charts for significant events, such as first meetings and weddings (Moderated by LoadedPistil, tgem, appleberry, and Jessica2407)
2014 15093 July 26, 2024
11:12 AM
LoadedPistil, tgem, appleberry, Jessica2407
  Vedic Astrology
Since Vedic is its own unique system, this Forum is for everything Vedic, including Vedic synastry and Vedic chart readings (Moderated by Jessica2407)
411 7036 July 26, 2024
11:13 AM
  Astrology For Beginners
This Forum is for basic Topics related to Astrology and also for beginners to get their feet wet; no question is too simple, so don't be shy about asking (Moderated by hypatia238 and Electro DGX)
2410 28215 July 26, 2024
11:14 AM
hypatia238, Electro DGX
  Personal Readings
In order to unclutter our Forums, if you are asking for any kind of personal reading other than Vedic, synastry/composites, or horary/events (which have their own dedicated Forums), such as natal Astrology, solar return charts, Tarot, Palmistry, etc., or if you are offering FREE readings of any kind or type, this is the Forum to post them, including all reading exchanges (Moderated by littlecloud, Jessica2407, and MetalAphrodite)
27196 430872 July 26, 2024
03:24 PM
littlecloud, Jessica2407, MetalAphrodite
  Brown Owl School
An interactive school for learning various esoteric arts, including but not limited to, Astrology, Vedic Astrology, Chinese Astrology, Chaldean Numerology, and Tarot; like Linda's childhood group, the Brown Owls, you just might learn how to make mountains fly (Moderated by SDragon and sweet-scorpion)
193 10557 July 26, 2024
11:16 AM
SDragon, sweet-scorpion
  Sweet Peas In The Rain
In her timeless book, Gooberz, Linda shared many of her most private sad and heart-wrenching experiences--the loss of her babies, depression, thoughts of suicide, and the pain of lost Love--and in this Forum we discuss the dark times that engulf us all from time to time, including understanding the differences between men and women, depression and other psychological disorders, suicide, the loss of a child, emotional/physical/sexual abuse, bullying, and anything else of a mature nature, but no sexually explicit language is allowed; no one is too Lost to be Linda's sparkling blue and silver Rosary in the snow...just Go And Smell A Rose...or Sweet Peas In The Rain (Moderated by Lexxigramer)
2751 94460 July 26, 2024
11:18 AM
  Astral Realms
Dreams, dreamers, and interpretations (Moderated by Ayelet)
4394 35519 July 26, 2024
11:17 AM
  Lexigram Magic
Delve into the mysteries of words and phrases, and see what secret meanings the word druids have hidden in them (Moderated by Lexxigramer)
1672 27564 July 26, 2024
11:19 AM
  While The Soul Slumbers
Unlocking the secrets of the Uni-verse using Chaldean numerology as Linda described in Star Signs (Moderated by Gooober, sesame, Chahldean, and Nine)
592 9957 July 26, 2024
11:19 AM
Gooober, sesame, Chahldean, Nine
  Through The Looking Glass
Tarot, Kabala, and other forms of Divination, including prophecies and predictions (Moderated by Linda's friend--Aselzion, Jessica2407, and DaniPepper87)
2605 33183 July 26, 2024
11:20 AM
Aselzion, Jessica2407, DaniPepper87
  Lindaland Central 2.0
A general discussion gathering-place where you can talk about anything you like that's not listed in another Forum description; make new friends, lend support, and share inspirational stories (Moderated by juniperb and Lexxigramer)
5693 104079 July 26, 2024
11:21 AM
juniperb, Lexxigramer
  Lindaland Central
A general discussion gathering-place where you can talk about anything you like; you can respond to current strings, but please do not post any new Topics (Moderated by juniperb and Lexxigramer)
9509 177588 July 26, 2024
11:23 AM
juniperb, Lexxigramer
  Teen Spirit
A Free-for-all Forum just for teens aged thirteen to nineteen; New Age and Spiritual subjects are encouraged (Moderated by ILovePoems)
441 13775 July 26, 2024
11:24 AM
  Know Two Are Alike
Introduce yourself to the rest of the Knowflakes and tell us as much about yourself as you wish to share, but posting of any e-mail addresses is forbidden (Moderated by Moonfish, virgolotus, and Lexxigramer)
650 28115 July 26, 2024
11:24 AM
Moonfish, virgolotus, Lexxigramer
  For Yellow Wax And The Ants
In honor of Linda's timeless Happiness Poem, this Forum is dedicated to Knowflake creativity--poems, art, lyrics, and short stories; if not original, you must credit the author (Moderated by Cancer/Scorpio729, Venus, and Swift Freeze)
3591 36594 July 26, 2024
11:25 AM
Cancer/Scorpio729, Venus, Swift Freeze
  Quirky Cuisine
Food is life, and it's more than just nourishment--it's a social staple; this Forum celebrates global cuisine and recipes from around the world (Moderated by SirenSong)
553 10012 July 26, 2024
11:25 AM
  Hearth And Home
Sit around the kitchen table, cuddle up on the floor near the warm and cozy fireplace with a comforter like Linda used to do, or just sit on the swing on the front porch...and have a casual conversation of complete randomness with your Lindaland family and close friends; this is a Forum about nothing (Moderated by Venus and Lexxigramer)
666 32408 July 26, 2024
11:26 AM
Venus, Lexxigramer
  Linda's Life
Cripple Creek, Tesla, Linda's haunted slipping-off-the-time-track house, her marriages, her children, her poetry, and her Life; feel free to tell how Linda's writings have changed your Life (Moderated by mys-elf13)
486 15829 July 26, 2024
11:27 AM
  Oranges And Hyacinths
Cellular regeneration, reverse spirals, mental gravity, the illusion of time (the Eternal Now), societal conditioning and the business of death (life insurance companies, funerals, and other death merchants), and physical immortality (Moderated by your friendly neighborhood Immortal, Randall)
648 15114 July 26, 2024
11:28 AM
  The OOber Galaxy
An ongoing Group Discussion about Gooberz--a purely magickal and seemingly living book that changes to fit each reader and that is arguably Linda's greatest work (Moderated by Randall)
294 13076 July 26, 2024
11:28 AM
  Heathcliffe's Corner
ARF! ARF! Exclusively dedicated to Linda's talking sheepdog, although Heathcliffe has graciously agreed to allow us to use this Forum for Topics related to all our animal brothers and sisters (Moderated by Dee, BearsArcher, MoonWitch, and ballerina)
2627 15369 July 26, 2024
12:08 PM
Dee, BearsArcher, MoonWitch, ballerina
  Global Unity 2.0
The Aquarian Age promises eventual Peace on Earth, but whether we make the transition smoothly or have to endure the temporal threat of global imperialism will depend upon how each of us treats the other; in this Forum, we celebrate our cultural, national, and spiritual diversity as we each unite in Love and Light (Moderated by juniperb)
9761 114667 July 26, 2024
11:50 AM
  Global Unity
In this Forum, we celebrate our cultural, national, and spiritual diversity as we each unite in Love and Light; you can respond to current strings, but please do not post any new Topics (Moderated by Randall)
4943 75288 July 26, 2024
11:30 AM
  Gaia's Garden
Dedicated to Mother Earth and all those who Love her; feel free to discuss ecology and ecosystems, gardening, the environment, and any related subjects (Moderated by starfox and SirenSong)
632 11887 July 26, 2024
11:30 AM
starfox, SirenSong
  The Spider Line
From the CIA's use of body doubles to President Nixon's secret yacht, Linda was very familiar with conspiracy theories, and one thing is certain--sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction; this Forum is for conspiracy theories of all types, and like the supposed body of Linda's deceased daughter, Sally, who bore no prominently identifying spider line scar, not all such theories are without merit (Moderated by SilverStone, iQ, Lei_Kuei, and aquaguy91)
471 10898 July 26, 2024
11:31 AM
SilverStone, iQ, Lei_Kuei, aquaguy91
  Aquarius Rising
This Forum celebrates diversity in all its manifestations; may the Aquarian Age bring equality to everyone, and in its dawn, bring an end to racism, sexism, and discrimination of every type (Moderated by juniperb, Stawr, Lexxigramer, and Venus)
156 6967 July 26, 2024
11:31 AM
juniperb, Stawr, Lexxigramer, Venus
  Uni-versal Codes
Star signs, fairies, dolphins, unicorns, psychic phenomena, ghosts, The Thunderbolt Path Of Accelerated Karma, Free-will Tinker Toys, reincarnation, deja vu, philosophy, avatars, GURUs, Isis and Osiris, UFOs, Twin S-elves, The Saturn Seven Cycle, Higher S-elf (Oversoul), astral travel, plant perception, and synchronicity (Moderated by SilverStone, Lei_Kuei, and Lexxigramer)
4258 62462 July 26, 2024
11:32 AM
SilverStone, Lei_Kuei, Lexxigramer
  For The Pilgrim's Progress
Linda's list of recommended books reads like a compendium of the New Age; while the other Forums are tailored for things Linda wrote about in her books, here you will find discussions on a wide range of Spiritual and occult Topics that Linda may not have written specifically about or only briefly touched upon, and New Age or occult book recommendations (Moderated by SDragon and Novabronte)
756 14239 July 26, 2024
11:33 AM
SDragon, Novabronte
  Health And Healing
Rainbow diet, vegetarianism, veganism, fruitarianism, breatharianism, nutrition, herbal remedies, alternative therapies, meditation, chakras, the medical theocracy, purple plates, and the Body, Mind, and Soul connection for balanced healing; feel free to request White Light and healing for your S-elf, others, and for your pets (Moderated by Aries Eagle, Gabby, and Stawr)
3521 41346 July 26, 2024
02:25 PM
Aries Eagle, Gabby, Stawr
  Labors Of Love
Career, money, work, prosperity, abundance, and Linda's Money Mystique; talk about your dreams, aspirations, and job/career--including the most magnificent labor of Love there is--that of being a parent (Moderated by Lexxigramer)
522 14227 July 26, 2024
11:33 AM
  Soul Unions
Linda held a strong belief in the power of Love to overcome all odds, so (in dedication to Linda) this Forum is all about Love, romance, and relationships (Moderated by Healing Mystic Melody and starr33)
5071 70628 July 26, 2024
11:34 AM
Healing Mystic Melody, starr33
  Divine Diversities
While Linda grew up as a little girl searching the mysteries of the Uni-verse, she explored several different religions and belief systems; this Forum is dedicated to those diversities of belief that encompass what we call religion (Moderated by Lexxigramer)
901 21282 July 26, 2024
11:34 AM
  LL Reference Library
A read-only Forum for important information and rare topics of interest (Moderated by Randall)
31 1119 May 19, 2020
05:21 PM

Archives are read-only topics that were previously posted to our forums.
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