The Sun describes Man’s willpower and source of self-expression, and the Moon Man’s emotional nature and sensitivity to his or her environment. To realize either of the potentials encapsulate within these two astrological points in one’s chart, a third component is necessary. That component is represented by the planet Mercury. In order to recognize one’s unique qualities one must first become involved with his or her environment. This can only be accomplished through some form of communications. Through communications the individual learns to adapt to their environment in terms of conscious, nervous, and sensory faculties. These three qualities lead to the conveyance of intelligence through speech or writing and a means of interrupting one’s experience so other’s can learn from them.Through communications, the context of one’s world is established. Cultural norms, expectations, and history form the structure from which we develop our worldview and interdependence upon those within our experiential world. Man needs to relate to others in some way, and Mercury components help to bring this about leading to sociability, the exchange of ideas, differences in opinions, and the transference of oneself to another person or group. Without communications of some type one cannot make our intelligence, or make use of others intelligence and experiences. Everyone would have to learn everything from personal experience. Since the experience of anyone person is necessarily less than the shared experiences of the group, the in ability to communicate limits one’s ability to learn and growth.
Mercury’s primary function is considered to be communications and coordination within individual’s environment. As such it is said to rule the conscious mind, intellect, and intelligence. In traditional Western astrology, Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo, with its natural houses being the 3rd and 6th. Mercury’s symbol symbolizes the uplifting of Man’s spirit during his or her earthly manifestation. In mythology, Mercury is the swift messenger of the Gods.
Mercury’s orbit is 88 days, and it takes 59 days for one revolution.
Some constructive traits (I use these categories for descriptive reasons not value judgments) associated with Mercury are; inquisitiveness, analytical ability, cleverness, skillfulness, eloquence, versatility, fluency, adaptability, perceptiveness, and shrewdness.
Some less constructive traits are; restlessness, nervousness, criticalness, cunning, meddlesome, indecisive, excitable, skepticism, and over-talkativeness.
Through the characteristics associated with Mercury we interact with our environment, learn about our world, reason, and provide feedback on our thoughts. We are able to move from the concrete world to an abstract conceptional world where we can create brand new ideas and concepts from information contained within our existing environment.
Mercury’s placement in Sign and House, and any aspects to it lay out our mental capabilities and where we can best apply them in our life.
Mercury is well known for its retrograde periods; when Mercury appears to be moving backward through the zodiac. According to Donald Yott in his “Retrograde Planets and Reincarnation” the manner in which you communicate to others and approach towards others are characteristics being repeated from one of your past lives. He goes on to say that the highest manifestation level of Mercury is perfection, orderliness, and precision, and the lowest level is disorderliness and sloppiness, and a just couldn’t care less attitude. The idea is that as we evolve, we rise in the level that we choose to manifest Mercury’s potential in our life. When transiting Mercury goes retrograde in our chart we must try not to regress to lower levels. The same applies to Mercury retrograde in our natal chart, except that that involves our whole life, not just the retrograde periods.
In upcoming lessons we will look at Mercury throughout the Signs, within each House position and Mercury aspects. I hope that you all will enjoy and learn from this effort to put Mercury’s characteristics to work by communicating and learning together.