great website Eight
The Eighth House
House of Scorpio Element: Water
Ruling Planet: Pluto and Mars
Area of Consciousness Relating
Emotional regeneration and the development of compassion
Sun in House 8
The Sun in the 8th House indicates that consciousness is opening up to compassion, and the agents in the process are emotional suffering and refinement of desire. This may be a relatively advanced stage of development because people with the Sun in the 8th House do have the feel of ‘old souls’. There is a gravity and maturity conferred by this placement, which is evident even in very young children.
The suffering experienced by 8th House people, is always at the hands of people with whom they have a close personal relationship, and although there may be physical cruelty also, it is at the emotional level that the pain is registered. The pain is nearly always that of rejection and the knowledge that the intensity of their feelings is neither understood nor valued.
People with this placement of the Sun tend to experience the transforming energy of Pluto, the ruling planet of this house, as a force used by others against them. They do not readily use it themselves even in retaliation. People born with the Sun in the 8th House are usually born to parents unable to or unwilling to recognise the child's needs. Usually they have problems of their own and expect the child to be supportive and understanding.
As the result of the early experience of having the emotional needs ignored the 8th House person grows up expecting little of the partners around whom he is prepared to build his life. In consequence his relationships are characterised by inequality. Whether it is emotional support, money or forgiveness - more than one 8th House person has discovered that he has married a person engaged in criminal activities - it is the person with the Sun in H8 doing the giving. The lack of reciprocity tends to be accepted without recrimination, and he will not easily give up on a relationship. People with the Sun in H8 demonstrate a great acceptance of things as they are and this becomes the source of the peace of mind they are capable of attaining in their later years. This acceptance may also account for their characteristic willingness to work with people whom society has condemned or rejected. A person with the Sun in the 8th House does not readily judge; he is more likely to respond to the humanness of the offender.
Eighth House people are found in the prison service, and as social workers, nurses and counselors. In helping others they are often able to make sense of and redeem their suffering.
This placement of the Sun tends to confer an interest in the astral plane and in channeling in particular.
Any Eighth house Suns out there?
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