thank for gemmy for asking this articleseverybody enjoy ^^
(Robert Pelletier)
The square from Venus to Saturn indicates that you have difficulty relating to others. As a
result, you may feel left out of the mainstream of social relationships. You are basically
unwilling to accept the responsibility that is established when two individuals meet in a
more than casual way. You tend to be on the defensive, as if you feared that the other
person would make impossible demands of you. Perhaps in your early life you felt
rejected by someone you really cared for, even a parent. As you grew, you sheltered
yourself more and more from outside communication, always afraid of rejection. This
conditioning may have produced the feeling you have that you are not destined for
happiness in your relationships. If you accept others for themselves, realizing that
everyone has to make concessions and adjustments to others, then happiness can surely
be yours. Remember that even people who seem happy have difficult moments in relating
to others; your predicament is not at all unique.
Perhaps your most signficant lessons will be learned in relationships with others. If you
will meet people halfway, you'll find that most of them will do the same. If you are
attracted to someone whom you can admire and respect, isn't it worth adjusting to that
person's peculiarities? You will find your own identity by being willing to identify with
others in mutual responsiveness.Before you can hope to succeed in any occupational capacity, you will have to solve your
problem in relating to people. Otherwise you will create a difficult environment in which
to work. Most people will not tolerate someone who is cantankerous or difficult to please.
You have the talent to achieve rewarding and satisfying goals, once you learn to meet
people halfway.
You could find satisfaction in banking, finance, law, insurance, real estate, buying and
selling, or designing. Your sense of order and balanced judgement could prove useful to
you in any of these fields. But it is essential that you recognize your self-worth before you
implement your talents. You must gain the recognition of your employers for your
honesty, integrity, and good judgement because these are the good qualities that will
help you achieve success.
Try to become more optimistic and give yourself a greater chance for happiness. Feeling
melancholy and sorry for yourself stimulates some physical problems, such as high blood
pressure caused by tension and anxiety. Learn to relax and let go. Life is too short to let it
become unnecessarily burdened by unimportant matters. Try giving instead of
complaining about what others demand of you.
(Robert Pelletier)
With Venus opposition to Saturn, you are inclined to regard your experiences as being
almost useless. With this aspect, you will always be challenged by competitors until you
realize how important you really are. You must stop underestimating your self-worth.
Remind yourself continually that you can match your competitors, and don't give others
more credit than they deserve. If you will examine your good qualities carefully, you will
see that they compare very favorably to those of others. Stop hiding the truth from
yourself. Perhaps when you were very young, you were led to believe that you were less
talented than others in every way, and you still act on that belief. You need competition to
prove how capable you are; if you reject competition, you will never truly know your
Throughout your life, you will have to make concessions to others without knowing
whether or not they are worth the effort. In time, however, you will be able to judge
people without having to endure the painful experience of submission. As your judgement
becomes sharper, you will become very skilled in solving problems for yourself and
You may suffer emotional frustrations during the early years, but as you become more
mature you will understand that no-one gets everything when he or she wants it. You may
compensate for privations that you experience in your personal life by becoming
successful in your profession. Real estate, law, insurance, designing, sales, and buying
are suitable fields. All of them require responsibility, attention to detail, integrity, and
honesty if you are to be proud of your accomplishments. It is advised that you work alone
or at least be able to set your own pace. Working with others in an intimate atmosphere
would not be advisable because you would arouse their criticism. You have talent, but
your employer may refuse to recognize it in order to avoid paying you more.
Don't anticipate an early marriage unless you are prepared to make enormous
concessions to keep it together. Better to postpone a binding partnership until you can be
more selective in choosing a mate. If you marry for security it may last, but it will be little
more than a corporate merger with little emotional satisfaction. If your upbringing was
austere and you saw privation and financial difficulties in your parents' lives, there is
even more reason to wait for financial independence before taking a mate.
(Betty Lundsted)
Here the mother and father present an influence to the individual during his formativeyears that makes it difficult to develop any sense of self-worth. In order for an
androgynous personality to develop - a personality with the masculine and feminine
principles in balance - the parents must offer an image that can help build the concept. A
feeling of self-worth is created by the constructive union of the masculine and feminine
principles. The square aspect indicates that the images are at odds.
Venus indicates the effect of the mother and Saturn that of the father on the person's
developing psyche. When these two planets are in a square aspect, the parents are at
odds with each others and the effect on the person during childhood is a weighty one.
People with this aspect don't know how they feel about men or women, warmth and
affection (Venus), or authority and the ability to execute a personal sense of order in the
live (Saturn). 'Is love frivolous?' they ask. 'Or, are men against women and vice versa?'
This person carries an unconscious memory of Mom and Dad against each other, and this
puts a feeling of apprhension in every relationship. Many internal or even subconscious
apprehensions may ocur because the parents didn't express affection in a healthy
manner. These people often get into role-playing marriages; they merely live with the
partner but don't really share emotionally.
The aspect can cause a lonely feeling; pessimistic thoughts about love are similar to the
Venus-Saturn conjunction. Here again, we see the person who was deprived of the kind of
love he needed, or one who was deprived of possessions that his parents didn't
understand his attachment to. These people do not enter into relationships easily; nor do
they work well or co-operatively when relationship compromises must be handled.
When attempting to break the power of this aspect, the individual has to stop looking for
guarantees; he must learn to give confidence to his partner as well as look for it from the
partner. More comes from a relationship when the 'insurance policy' ideas are
abandoned. Any personal behavior that seems to be motivated by 'my parents handled life
this way' should be questioned because it may be an imitation of an unhealthy family
pattern that will also create the same problems in the children he parents.
The person born with this configuration comes from a bleak childhood. He didn't have a
chance to learn how to give or how to receive, for it wasn't done by the parents. The
aspect can be overcome by deciding to learn how to give, how to appreciate, how to cake
a chance in a love relationship, how to work through a compromise without a feeling of
loss. When these things are learned, then the hardness of the aspect goes. It is much like
taking a course in French or German: you start at the beginning and learn the subject.
(Betty Lundsted)
Here the energy is similar to the conjunction and the square, but there is an additional
feeling of compromise or loss (or both). Venus symbolizes the effect of the mother and
Saturn represents the effect of the father on the individual, and the images are confused.
One parent may leave when the person is a child; but even if the loss of a parent doesn't
occur, the person feels like a victim between the two parents who are each throwing a
different vibration into his developing psyche. What is a man? What is a woman? How
does one treat men and women? How does one feel about oneself and one's relationships
with members of the opposite sex?
This often represents an individual who has losses in love because the psyche is
programmed to lose; this individual may fall in love with someon who is unavailable or
with someone who dies or who makes him intensely miserable. The parents removed the
objects that the person was attached to during his formative years. The 'love object' may
have been a favorite toy or a security blanket, or the affection of one or both of the
parents. One parent may have been harsh to the other; one parent may have suppressed
the other; the child saw the parents disliking each other in some way. So the image in the
psyche carries a message that men and women are against each other - each must make
the other compromise in some way.The ability to love is harshened or lessened, and frequently authority is resented. When
Saturn opposes Venus, the father is harsh with the mother because Saturn is a stronger
planet than Venus. It makes the person suspicious of his own desires, unnecessarily hard
on himself, willing to give up pleasure, and ready to turn away from love.
The mother didn't value herself, and this person will absorb her feelings: women have
little value; love can hurt or love can be a harsh experience. This individual grows up to
be very cautious about developing relationships, and it is this feeling that makes him look
for the love insurance policies that are unattainable. This is the type of personality that
doesn't give of itself or gives only of the material self, or one who unconsciously picks
someone to love who is taken from him. It seems possible that the psyche of unconscious
self of a person with this aspect may not think that he or she deserves to have a longlasting, good relationship.
It's important to understand that there are no bad aspects or awful destinies in astrology,
but rather that we tend to seek what we have been programmed for even though the
program is unconscious. The psyche is powerful; the power of the subconscious is far
stronger than that of the conscious mind. There is no argument going on between the
subconscious and the conscious. Once we are able to diagnose an unhealthy program, we
can begin to change the way we use the energy and rid ourselves of the negative
influence of any energy source that we call an 'aspect'.