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T O P I C R E V I E Wearthbound_borzoiI know synastry is complicated, but I'm curious if anyone can help. Since my Sun Sign is in the 7th House, it says I get a lot of identity from the relationship I'm in, much to the horror of my Aries placements. I'm just wondering who would be a good match for me? Here is some Natal Chart information. Any input is appreciated. Zodiac in degrees 0.00 Sun Pisces 21.22Moon Scorpio 29.04 Mercury Aries 8.20 Venus Aries 22.15Mars Aries 27.40Jupiter Aquarius 7.15 Saturn Scorpio 28.07 RUranus Sagittarius 17.56Neptune Capricorn 3.28 Pluto Scorpio 4.25 RLilith Aries 20.50Asc node Taurus 20.11 Placidus Orb:0 Ascendant Virgo 12.16 II Libra 7.53III Scorpio 7.40IV Sagittarius 10.19 V Capricorn 13.17VI Aquarius 14.17VII Pisces 12.16VIII Aries 7.53IX Taurus 7.40Midheaven Gemini 10.19XI Cancer 13.17XII Leo 14.17Aspects:Planet Aspect Planet Orb/Value Sun Trine Moon 7.43 3 Sun Trine Saturn 6.45 22 Sun Square Uranus 3.26 -56 Moon Conjunction Saturn 0.58 35 Mercury Sextile Jupiter 1.05 189 Mercury Square Neptune 4.52 -19 Mercury Sextile Midheaven 1.59 81 Venus Conjunction Mars 5.26 250 Venus Trine Uranus 4.18 32 Mars Trine Neptune 5.48 33 Mars Opposition Pluto 6.44 -79 Jupiter Square Pluto 2.50 -48 Jupiter Trine Midheaven 3.04 31 Uranus Square Ascendant 5.40 -2 Uranus Opposition Midheaven 7.37 -9 Neptune Sextile Pluto 0.57 69 745 -213 532 Sun is in the 7th houseMoon and Saturn are in the 3rd houseMercury, Venus & Mars are in the 8th houseJupiter is in the 5th houseUranus & Neptune are in the 4th housePluto is in the 2nd houseMean/True Node and Chiron are in the 9th houseLazyscarecrowBecause you have so much Aries and a Scorpio Moon, I would suggest an Aries sun girl with some Pisces in her chart or a Sagittarius girl with a lot of Scorpio and Capricorn planets. Both will give you the amount of love and space your sun-uranus needs, and with your venus-mars, you will be fiery enough to keep em around.earthbound_borzoiThanks for the reply! I forgot to mention I was of the gay persuasion. Both sound interesting but the last one sounds the best since I do need someone with quite a bit of Earth signs to ground me.
Zodiac in degrees 0.00 Sun Pisces 21.22Moon Scorpio 29.04 Mercury Aries 8.20 Venus Aries 22.15Mars Aries 27.40Jupiter Aquarius 7.15 Saturn Scorpio 28.07 RUranus Sagittarius 17.56Neptune Capricorn 3.28 Pluto Scorpio 4.25 RLilith Aries 20.50Asc node Taurus 20.11 Placidus Orb:0 Ascendant Virgo 12.16 II Libra 7.53III Scorpio 7.40IV Sagittarius 10.19 V Capricorn 13.17VI Aquarius 14.17VII Pisces 12.16VIII Aries 7.53IX Taurus 7.40Midheaven Gemini 10.19XI Cancer 13.17XII Leo 14.17Aspects:
Planet Aspect Planet Orb/Value Sun Trine Moon 7.43 3 Sun Trine Saturn 6.45 22 Sun Square Uranus 3.26 -56 Moon Conjunction Saturn 0.58 35 Mercury Sextile Jupiter 1.05 189 Mercury Square Neptune 4.52 -19 Mercury Sextile Midheaven 1.59 81 Venus Conjunction Mars 5.26 250 Venus Trine Uranus 4.18 32 Mars Trine Neptune 5.48 33 Mars Opposition Pluto 6.44 -79 Jupiter Square Pluto 2.50 -48 Jupiter Trine Midheaven 3.04 31 Uranus Square Ascendant 5.40 -2 Uranus Opposition Midheaven 7.37 -9 Neptune Sextile Pluto 0.57 69 745 -213 532
Sun is in the 7th houseMoon and Saturn are in the 3rd houseMercury, Venus & Mars are in the 8th houseJupiter is in the 5th houseUranus & Neptune are in the 4th housePluto is in the 2nd houseMean/True Node and Chiron are in the 9th house
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