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T O P I C R E V I E WfilleaspirantSo, I just did a synastry between myself and a friend that I feel very drawn to. Does "His Pluto square Your Venus orb -0°08'" explains that?I've read somewhere that the Pluto person is supposed to be drawn to the Venus one, but I feel this is the other way around for us... We've known each other for over 7 years and my feelings for him are very on and off, and I've heard he talks a lot about me (we've a mutual friend in common), very fondly and enthusiasticly...Also, I don't have his birth time... does that change any other aspect apart from the Ascendant's ones?Thanks!filleaspirantThe chart: http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q25/filleaspirant/Amiobssessedwithhim.png Ami AnnePluto/Venus is super passion in love. The square would be a "sexy violence" kind of thing, if you know what I mean.This aspect would stay the same if you did not know birth timeWelcome ------------------Want To Ask Any Question About Bible Prophecy? Go For it. It is Free, of course. http://www.mychristianpsychic.com/filleaspirantThanks, Ami!I know what you mean... half the time I want to strangle him, the other half I just want to jump him, lol.
This aspect would stay the same if you did not know birth time
------------------Want To Ask Any Question About Bible Prophecy? Go For it. It is Free, of course.
I know what you mean... half the time I want to strangle him, the other half I just want to jump him, lol.
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