T O P I C R E V I E W |
yousay | I do not use my middle name except when filling in forms that require full name. When I lexi my name do I do my middle name as well. I look forward to you answers. God Bless |
scorplamb82 | No, you do not use your middle name when doing a lexi unless you use it regularly.. Jesica |
Randall | Welcome!  ------------------ "Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark |
yousay | Thanks for your answer |
Tuesday | What if their first and last name are too short or have unique letters, making it difficult to lexi? for example I was trying this name of a friend:AA E K M O RR Z that's his first and last, if I use his middle, it gives me two more letters to work with. |
scorplamb82 | Some names aren't meant or aren't able to be lexigrammed...  love and light to all Jesica |
RubyRedRam | I use middle names unless using it brings the vowel or letter count up too high. I have used my middle name in my Lexi, the only vowel I dont have is U. Its up to the person doing the lexigram. If it doesnt break any other rules I would say use the middle name. |