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T O P I C R E V I E WpurplezenMy name contains: lion, camel, mice, seal, snail, clam, ram...as well as aries, leo, mars. The stranger thing is, my name contains healer as well as criminal! What a contradiction. here are the letters in my name: AAAAAEEIIOSRRHLLLNMCC. So far I've come up with a 6-page list of words, but I want a neat paragraph of some sort. Can anyone help? Thanks! wloracPurplezenNow how did you get a zoo in your name?? Perhaps the zoo helps to heal criminals??Perhaps you are so connected with natures best that you use your knowledge of them to heal criminals... they say that contact between prisoners and animals enables them to care and look forward to caring for other beings ... RubyRedRam Sarah, try full relaxation and meditation and then tune into the words you have come up with. The words you feel are being spoken to you, write down. Follow your intuition and gut feeling. It takes patience and practice. Good Luck! ------------------~~Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves~~*Sir James Barrie*purplezenThanks wlorac and rubyred.
Now how did you get a zoo in your name?? Perhaps the zoo helps to heal criminals??Perhaps you are so connected with natures best that you use your knowledge of them to heal criminals... they say that contact between prisoners and animals enables them to care and look forward to caring for other beings ...
Sarah, try full relaxation and meditation and then tune into the words you have come up with. The words you feel are being spoken to you, write down. Follow your intuition and gut feeling. It takes patience and practice. Good Luck!
------------------~~Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves~~
*Sir James Barrie*
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