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T O P I C R E V I E WproxiemeDo any of ya'll know of any reputable past life regressionists within about a 2-3 hour radius of southern Alabama (Dothan area)?We'd probably be willing to go as far as Atlanta, as far north as Birmingham, or into the Florida panhandle if the person's good enough. Further travel's not likely due to Jase's school schedule.Jase'd like to look into some very specific and verifiable Vietnam memories that he's had since a child.trillianProx, you could probably guide him through the meditation yourself.Do you have any health food stores in your area? They often have a wealth of information about meditation groups, holistic healers, etc.Is there a college town around? Chances are that somewhere nearby is a cool health food restaurant, store, or shop with newletters and/or bulletin boards that could lead you to a guide.Good luck...keep us posted! I went to a regressionist once...fascinating stuff.lioneye68Interesting, Prox. I think the fact that he has these memories is probably the strongest indicator he'll ever have. But, you're right, it would be cool to have some sort of "proof". I was a bank robber in a past life, in the wild west. I was shot in the head throught the window of a bank, and I believe it was my 17th birthday when it happened. I was a dude.proxiemetrillian - I'm tempted to try, but Jase's not been responsive to hypnosis when used in therapy before. Someone more experienced may be better. You never know, though - perhap's if he's comfortable with me, it could work. I'll run it past him.The closest college town is Troy (about an hour away), but that's nuthin' for down here. The nearest book store's 45 minutes away. I can carve out some time to make my way up there.If you're comfortable saying, what'd your regression yield?lioneye - Very cool! Did you find yours out with aid or on your own?Re: the memories: Yeah, when he was very young he had recurring dreams, all in red, of a battle area in Vietnam.As he grew older, he began researching the war and found a picture of the exact place he had envisioned. It's name is something like "The Rock Pile". During some dental work (sometime in his pre-teen years, I'm not sure when), he went too far under and started flipping out. He was on the chair yelling what sounded like older radio commands. His dad (having joined the Army in the 70s) recognized them and talked him down.trillianWell Prox, I don't think the Regressionist 'hynotized' me, per se, rather, she guided me through a deep meditation. Is there a difference? Hmmm...yeah, I think so. I felt very aware of both her, and myself, and what I saw through the meditation.Only have a minute to reply right now, but in the next day or two I'll share with you what I saw. lioneye68Nah, Prox, I came to the conclusion on my own, based on an extremely powerful dream I had, the morning of my 17th birthday in this life. I really didn't know to make of it at the time, other than "wow. That was one freeky dream", but really, it was more like a memory" It was so filled with physical sensations, and visual details, and such a strong sense that it was me, but I was a different person. But, being a teenager, and much more concerned with more important things, like my hair, boys, stuff like that, I didn't dwell on it too much. It did pop back into my head now and then, with the same impact that I felt about it the day I had it.Then, one day, a couple of years later, I was reading a book about near death experiences, and a guy who had been shot, described the physical sensations he experienced, in detail, and I was struck with an overwhelming sense of awe and wonder, because what he had described was exactly what I remembered experiencing in my 'dream' that morning. I was standing in the back of an old, wooden building, wood slat floors, ripply glass windows, the smell of dust and wood everywhere, and my own stench (I needed to bathe, and I knew this in my dream), and I was taking part in something, what it was at the time, I wasn't entirely sure of, but I was quite smug with myself about it, and feelings like a real 'man'. I think my job was just to be back-up and guard the door, and that's why I was at the back of the bank, watching my partners do their thing at the counter. One minute I was standing there feeling all-powerful, then, suddenly everything went black for a second, and the next thing I knew, I was on the floor, looking down between the slats on the floor at the sand/dirt ground beneath the bank, and I could smell the dirt and dust on the floor, feel the wood of the floor pushing against my cheek, and I was confused. How did I end up on the floor? Then, I became aware of a high-pitched ringing sound in my head, and something wet on my neck, the ringing got ...louder, or more intense might be more accurate, and then a POP sound/sensation. And I woke up. And I just knew that this had taken place on another 17th birthday, when I was another person, in another life. I just knew it. It wasn't like a theory, it was bonified knowledge, like how I know my phone number, or what time I have to be a work, you know?I was just kid, by today's standards. But in those days, you had to grow up fast, and I think that's what I figured I was doing...TSK TSK. I hope a learned from that. Well, I'm not a bank robber in this life, so I guess I did. Aen quote: I just knew it. It wasn't like a theory, it was bonified knowledge, like how I know my phone number, or what time I have to be a work, you know?Hear you! Yes, you just *know*. Similar stories here! Not the death experiences (except once), but the dreams I just knew were not regular dreams. Cool, to know there are more people with similar exeperiences.proxiemelioneye - I'm now officially green with envy.What you say rings true, though.The process seems extremely...familiar.Thank you for telling me about it.proxiemetrillian - Do you know of any workable sites (or books) that'll give an explantion as to how to regress someone effectively?
Jase'd like to look into some very specific and verifiable Vietnam memories that he's had since a child.
Do you have any health food stores in your area? They often have a wealth of information about meditation groups, holistic healers, etc.
Is there a college town around? Chances are that somewhere nearby is a cool health food restaurant, store, or shop with newletters and/or bulletin boards that could lead you to a guide.
Good luck...keep us posted! I went to a regressionist once...fascinating stuff.
I was a bank robber in a past life, in the wild west. I was shot in the head throught the window of a bank, and I believe it was my 17th birthday when it happened. I was a dude.
If you're comfortable saying, what'd your regression yield?
lioneye - Very cool! Did you find yours out with aid or on your own?Re: the memories: Yeah, when he was very young he had recurring dreams, all in red, of a battle area in Vietnam.As he grew older, he began researching the war and found a picture of the exact place he had envisioned. It's name is something like "The Rock Pile". During some dental work (sometime in his pre-teen years, I'm not sure when), he went too far under and started flipping out. He was on the chair yelling what sounded like older radio commands. His dad (having joined the Army in the 70s) recognized them and talked him down.
Only have a minute to reply right now, but in the next day or two I'll share with you what I saw.
Then, one day, a couple of years later, I was reading a book about near death experiences, and a guy who had been shot, described the physical sensations he experienced, in detail, and I was struck with an overwhelming sense of awe and wonder, because what he had described was exactly what I remembered experiencing in my 'dream' that morning.
I was standing in the back of an old, wooden building, wood slat floors, ripply glass windows, the smell of dust and wood everywhere, and my own stench (I needed to bathe, and I knew this in my dream), and I was taking part in something, what it was at the time, I wasn't entirely sure of, but I was quite smug with myself about it, and feelings like a real 'man'. I think my job was just to be back-up and guard the door, and that's why I was at the back of the bank, watching my partners do their thing at the counter. One minute I was standing there feeling all-powerful, then, suddenly everything went black for a second, and the next thing I knew, I was on the floor, looking down between the slats on the floor at the sand/dirt ground beneath the bank, and I could smell the dirt and dust on the floor, feel the wood of the floor pushing against my cheek, and I was confused. How did I end up on the floor? Then, I became aware of a high-pitched ringing sound in my head, and something wet on my neck, the ringing got ...louder, or more intense might be more accurate, and then a POP sound/sensation.
And I woke up. And I just knew that this had taken place on another 17th birthday, when I was another person, in another life. I just knew it. It wasn't like a theory, it was bonified knowledge, like how I know my phone number, or what time I have to be a work, you know?
I was just kid, by today's standards. But in those days, you had to grow up fast, and I think that's what I figured I was doing...TSK TSK. I hope a learned from that. Well, I'm not a bank robber in this life, so I guess I did.
quote: I just knew it. It wasn't like a theory, it was bonified knowledge, like how I know my phone number, or what time I have to be a work, you know?
Hear you! Yes, you just *know*.
Similar stories here! Not the death experiences (except once), but the dreams I just knew were not regular dreams.
Cool, to know there are more people with similar exeperiences.
What you say rings true, though.The process seems extremely...familiar.Thank you for telling me about it.
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