posted January 29, 2004 03:20 AM
Hey PureSag,I think what your saying is that the bible makes us all see ourselves more as a 'functioning working being' in as a part of the society, serving god, rather than as our own individuals. So man, as you put it doesn’t see himself like an individual person anymore, so he loses his identity and becomes more so like a "valuable robot capable of fulfilling the role that he/she occupies".
And in your opinion star signs do the same thing because it stereotypes people into different blocks so again they loose their identity as individuals and become a star sign.
So, you see this as misleading or a misconception because men and women, in terms of compatibility would be inclined to look for the right star sign in a relationship...instead of looking for the right person (disregarding their star sign and concentrating on their personality as a unique human being)
So when you say that when looking at star signs............"men and women cannot become total in their minds, forming this whole, as the two minds become integrated".........
maybe you're trying to say that star signs teaches us about soul mates and that no man and no woman can be complete or form a whole without their other again, in your opinion, they loose their identity as a whole and they are not a whole person until meeting their other half...according to star signs...
okay, im sorry to rephrase everything your saying and put it in my own words...but i got pretty confused and im not sure that this is what your saying....but anyway if i understood correctly and this is in fact what your saying there’s a number of reasons why i don’t agree with you.
First of all i think that the bible in itself is not aimed at alienating man from man and making people see themselves as things...I think the bible is aimed at reinforcing peoples belief in God and/or cultivating that belief...and i also think that the bible teaches us to stick together, instead of getting alienated from ourselves and others...In my opinion that is what it aims to teach anyways...I mean different people would interpret its teachings in different ways.
As for star signs I think you should read Lindas other books, love signs and star signs, because as linda always says in her books...any relationship between any star signs CAN work...the choice lies with the individuals, so she doesnt encourage people to look for a certain star sign that would be more suitable to them.
I think both Star Signs and the Bible are means that can be helpful for individuals to understand themselves on a spiritual emotional level...There are many who would say star signs stereotype people...but the study of star signs in itself does not do that, it is the people that have learnt about it that can use this knowledge to stereotype and some idividuals end up doing that...So from that point of view it is misleading to certain people only because of the way they interpret it and how they use it...There are those that forget that not all aries people are aggressive and not all scorpions are out to get them , but that is their own fault for misinterpreting what star signs teach, or reading about it from the wrong source...
Something else that is kinda in relation to what you said about star signs and the bible, is that, i mean from what i know anyways...christianity has always disagreed to star signs saying it is against the bible and against god and that the only reason people believe it is true is because people have a way of attributing the characteristics of their star sign simply due to having read about it. So, its basically saying that because certain people know their date of birth and their star sign and they read a lot about it and they want to fervently believe that they are like that they would pick up the qualities they read about...and consequently, due to this it would be easier for the devil to get to these people, who believe in star signs because they would've have picked up the weaknesses and virtues of the sign they read about, convincing themselves they are like the devil would know exactly what their weaknesses are.
In my opinion that is silly because there are people, like say cancers who have never read about their star sign and dont believe in star signs and still have very similar personality traits to other cancers.
I think star signs and the bible are similar in that you can study them both and you can use the knowledge you get for good or bad, and there are a million different perspectives and a million different ways to understand everyone draws their own conclusions as to how much is truth and how much is fiction...