  Someone help with transits please im in hell

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Author Topic:   Someone help with transits please im in hell

Posts: 52
Registered: Jun 2009

posted December 14, 2006 11:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BornUnderDioscuri     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
^^ Seriously going through relationship hell and while i dont want it to break up with all my heart im sensing thats wat is going to happen. Please someone tell me how i can deal or is there anything that will make me happy any time soon?

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posted December 15, 2006 05:00 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
BUD... I think you might be happier, things might be more stable for you when Pluto leaves Sagittarius or at least when it's not conjunct your Uranus anymore. (Lucky for you, that'll happen three degrees earlier than my Pluto conj. AC transit and Pluto finally gets the hell out of my 12th house - so it should be relatively soon). Also there are oppositions to your 9th house (where your sun is), so, when all of those planets leave Sagittarius and/or your third house, things might feel easier for you. There were oppositions to your Venus recently also but that has passed.

Take care of yourself during these transits, put yourself first and I mean that! He's put you through enough hell for now so take some time out.

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Posts: 250
From: The Strand
Registered: Apr 2009

posted December 15, 2006 05:03 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for 23     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Agree, also notice mars will be passing over n-ura soon too.

your transiting NN will soon be in the 5th house I see.

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Happy Dragon
posted December 15, 2006 09:37 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
transiting Saturn to natal Venus .. it's squaring ..
by prev direct .. now by retro ..
direct again sometime early next year ..
it (sat) goes back to 18 leo before it goes direct again ..

transiting Chiron is at a square to natal Pluto ..
it's been hanging around there since mid 2005 ..
.. will move of next year sometime ..
i think in the main .. over the recent period ..
and re prev b.u.d. post subject ..
it's t.Sat to Venus giving you that perspective ..

t.jupiter is active .. just gone into sag ..
before it arrived in sag .. it would have been opposing your natal venus ..

.. so what transits is b.f. going thru ????? ....

various LL thread links and mp3 files at ..

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Rev. Alice
posted December 15, 2006 10:44 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The real lesson here is that other people or "things" cannot make anyone happy. First you have to change your attitude.

You seen to have serious difficulty in "letting go." I would remind you that you cannot be given good things if your hands are full of the past.

Look for a better and brighter tomorrow. Realize that what leaves your life makes room for something better.

Cultivate "an attitude of gratitude."
Take time, each day, to think of at least two things for which you are grateful.

Doing this, you take control of your own mood and no longer have to wait for things to improve.

You are a blessing and you are blessed.
Rev. Alice

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Gemini Nymph
posted December 15, 2006 11:13 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
ALl I can say is I feel your pain and offer a bit of comradre and sympathy during your unfortunate time.

I have had tr Pluto in my 4th squaring my natal Pluto in my 1st and opposing my natal Sun in 10th, and it's been like that FOREVER and my life just has generally sucked all around. Also I've got tr Neptune conjunct my already peregrine Aqua Mars. What a joy - I feel like I'm in a dream where I can't do anything effectively, all my ambitions are nebulous and vague and I never know what's the right thing to do. ANd then tr Saturn's been a serious b*tch to me recently, opposing my Mars, and then squaring my Saturn and Venus. I feel like I just can't catch a break most days.

I just had a Jupiter return, and it has been anything but what they say a Jupiter return ought to be. My job's been bad and I need to find another one. I have no money. I can't afford to buy anyone presents this year. My depression has been bad. The only thing that I can say is good is when tr Jupiter passed my natal Jupiter, it oppsed my Venus. At that time, someone very important came into my life, but it's not been easy. I potnetial for it to be fortunate in the long run, but right now it's just making me contend with a lot of old emotional wounds, which may bring healing, but still isn't pleasant.

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Posts: 52
Registered: Jun 2009

posted December 15, 2006 11:59 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for BornUnderDioscuri     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you guys all so much! This helps a lot. Really does i just feel like there is nothing that can save this relationship and Im not one to take such a stance. I also dont believe that if u want something so badly then u will fail. Maybe i need to change my beliefs.

This is my bf's transits

Thank you all so much. I know that saturn on the DC is either make it or break it though i feel its breaking it...esp yesterday

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posted December 15, 2006 03:19 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi BUD... know also that Pluto has been opposing Gemini suns. So not just you but also your bf and my bf too. So I think it may be a transformative time with some difficulties for Gems lately...

Saturn on his DC may be hard for him to deal with. And remember that if Saturn is on his DC it is also opposing his AC. So it's probably a tough time for him. That's not an excuse for how he's reacted to you lately though. He is going to have to deal with this transit for quite some time, and it's up to him whether he makes something positive out of it. I know how hard you are trying, but is he trying too? You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink... and in which case, let him know that it IS make or break time... take back your power in this relationship BUD... and/or focus on yourself... you won't be happy unless you do.

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Posts: 52
Registered: Jun 2009

posted December 15, 2006 09:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for BornUnderDioscuri     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you so much GeminiLover, its tooo true i have to focus on myself and i keep trying and it works one day and nhot the other. yesterday was hell and today was nice we got along and everything was good and sweet. I just dont get it anymore.

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posted December 15, 2006 09:29 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Crazy... it's a shame he can't be consistent, you never know what to expect. :-/

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Sweet Stars
posted December 16, 2006 01:15 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'm a Gem but I've been going through a great time lately. Relationship better than ever.

Gemini/Cancer cusp, Cancer Ascendant, Mercury Gemini, Taurus Moon *29, Venus Taurus, Mars Libra

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