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  help me to recognize sun sign

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Author Topic:   help me to recognize sun sign

Posts: 130
From: Tx, US
Registered: Jul 2002

posted August 18, 2002 04:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for sVirgo     Edit/Delete Message
One of my colleague has challenged that as I know sun sign of my friends so I make them fit in that. He has asked me to recognize his sun sign. I don't know his dob. So please help me. He is not Scorpion, Aries and Capricorn.
He sits whole day in his cubicle without doing any *** bit chats. He does not like to be stopped if he is explaining something. If stopped then he can start shouting on him/her. Next day he will realize that he has done wrong and try to be soft but still he won't say sorry means he don't know even how to show his feelings. He scares most of the soft females. He has bully face but not fat. He is not tall. He has one close friend in whole office. He does not like if somebody hurts his friend. He will say right for all his friends wrongs also. He is not social, he avoids in social gatherings. He do like sports and little bit of gambling. He do have interest in opposite sex it looks like.
This is all I know about him. So please help me.

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Posts: 554
From: Neptune, Milky Way, Universe
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posted August 18, 2002 08:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for pearly     Edit/Delete Message
Hi sVirgo!

Well, this is surely a fun thing to do. Alot of times I do this with people I don't know and they are always suprised when I guess correctly... which is about 80% of the time

I would have to say that sometimes I know a person's sign just by a telltale physical attribute. For instance, I have guessed Leo's by their hair.... but, I would say that this is not the most reliable method. In my opinion it is easier when you get to watch somebody for awhile first, as in your case. I try to see past any rising sign influence, which I notice is what your first impression of someone can be alot of the time. That is why I like to wait and see a bit before trying to pin it down. The Sun is strong and eventually it will overtake the rising influence!

With that said, my most successful process to figure out a persons sign is to go step by step. Try the following and see what you come up with for your colleague...

1) Try to figure the ELEMENT. (Is he watery, fiery, airy, or earthy?)

2) Next, decide what quality of element it is... Cardinal, Mutable or Fixed.

3) If that doesn't give it to you, you could also then determine if the forces are positive or negative.

That should give you the answer. But, you may come up with 2 or 3 possibilities, then you just have to decide which is strongest...don't go with the one that he shows when someone first meets him though. I always have trouble picking out a Pisces man. They are so chameleon-like. I am a Pisces female so that could be it too... I've heard it's hard to recognize your own sign. Anyway, hope it helps!

Honestly though, he may be a Taurus... but I think you might think that already and maybe I'm just being influenced by that I like Taurus's alot.... they are just high maintenence! But why do you say "not Aries"? Is it because of the social thing?

Well, take care...


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Posts: 67
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posted August 18, 2002 08:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for scorpspice     Edit/Delete Message
I think he is a taurus

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Posts: 130
From: Tx, US
Registered: Jul 2002

posted August 19, 2002 12:21 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for sVirgo     Edit/Delete Message
Why I said that he is not Aries because I already confirmed that he is not out of Scorpio, Aries and Capricorn from him. Yes even I am feeling now him like Taurus. But before talking to him I wanted to be more sure. Can you tell me more significant quality of Taurus so that I can check in him.

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Morning Storm

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posted August 19, 2002 06:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Morning Storm     Edit/Delete Message
Taureans often have puppy dog eyes, especially Taurus rising. They often have well defined, strong faces and features. They are usually barrel chested or have a big, muscular chest.

To fall in Love, is to rise. . . .

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Posts: 67
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posted August 19, 2002 10:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for scorpspice     Edit/Delete Message
Hi Virgo,

Morning storm may be quite right on the physical characteristics....i aint really that good. But i know for sure that such patience and tenacity is a taurean characteristic....actually they can also be called stubborn.A lot of them find it difficult to say sorry. And yes...does he have a taste for may be knack for good food or mabbe his place of sitting is stacked with things of his comfort.Also see if he thinks quite a lot before throwing stuff. I am sure even if this guy is not taurean...he has a strong taurus influence.
I hope u catch him this time

Good luck


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Posts: 130
From: Tx, US
Registered: Jul 2002

posted August 20, 2002 12:03 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for sVirgo     Edit/Delete Message
We got it. He is Taurus. I asked him today.
Thanks Pearly, MorningStorm and scorpspice.
Tell me one more thing if possible, that what can they like most in Virgo. I am trying to be smart here because I am Virgo.

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Posts: 67
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posted August 20, 2002 12:25 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for scorpspice     Edit/Delete Message
Hi virgo,

I cant tell u what they like in ppl. But they like comfort and security in general. If they associate anyone with it ,they like those ppl.They like good food.I think they are attracted to ppl who are more energetic and bubbly. But they dont like ppl who try and rush them.They want things going at the pace at which they feel comfy.

If i remember anything else ill tell ya later


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Posts: 251
From: The Desert
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posted August 20, 2002 12:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Joga     Edit/Delete Message
Yup, I must agree... Taurus. Is he really into his work?

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Posts: 218
From: Australia
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posted August 20, 2002 01:25 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Nebel     Edit/Delete Message
Just wanted to run big Taurus rings around your theories Just to be a pain!

i was actually thinking (Agreeing with Pearly) that your man was a Taurus - however here are a few problems... Taureans rarely if ever (As a general rule) like gambling. They are usually very careful with their money and see gambling as 'risky'...

As for the appearance thing… I agree that some physical characteristics can help work out a persons sun sign (Leo hair is a classic But I look nothing like a Taurus (And my moon/rising and moon are in Taurus). I know a few Taurus sun sign people who are tall – and many Taurean women are conscious of their weight so do not appear ‘chunky’.

Its good to discuss these things – and its great fun to try and guess a person’s sun sign – I’m just offering some advice from a Taureans perspective

Love and Light to you all – good luck with the guessing

Difficulties are opportunities for the person who overcomes them.

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Posts: 3280
From: San Francisco, CA, United States
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posted August 20, 2002 08:39 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aphrodite     Edit/Delete Message
having been friend's with tauruses . . . they get annoyed by people who talk TOO much . . . LOL but, they are really funny people (in a basic, common way, linda describes them well). as for the gambling streak, it could just be he has a strong jupiter. or the sign saggitarius is important in his chart.

have fun!

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posted August 20, 2002 10:53 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for StarLover33     Edit/Delete Message

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Posts: 738
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posted August 20, 2002 02:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for QueenofSheeba     Edit/Delete Message
On the subject of Taurus...
No offense to any Taurans present,I hope,but I have had some rather unpleasant experiences with mulpiple Taurans in the vein of lying and manipulation.
Linda Brady wrote "Taurans sourround themselves with possessions for protection."That makes sense to me;two of the Taurans I'm thinking of have an obssessive compulsion to make more and more friends,friends,friends;no sooner have they met someone,than they begin to "colonize" them.These Taurans play friends off each other like cards:to friend A,Taurus says "You know what I really hate about friend B?" and then to friend B,Taurus says the same about friend A.Both A and B end up thinking they are Taurus' sole confidante and best friend,as well as hating each other...but Taurus doesn't have a best friend,because that would make the others jealous.And if Taurus is pressured into calling someone "best friend" while someone else is listening,he or she makes it up with an extra long session of criticism about their "best friend" later.
Again I apologize to all Taurans present-most of the time Taurus is great,but there's an occasional worm in the apple.
Anyway,the point of that rant was to explain my problem and ask if anyone has any idea what causes it,astrologically.Any help would be great!

"When you come to the end of your rope,tie a knot and hang on"-Thomas Jefferson

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Morning Storm

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posted August 20, 2002 06:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Morning Storm     Edit/Delete Message
And on the positive side, they're stable and secure and always there when you need them. One of my closest friends is Taurus and I adore him. Sure, life is always luxurious when we hang out, but gee, what a hardship!

To fall in Love, is to rise. . . .

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Posts: 3193
From: Southern 'Bama
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posted August 20, 2002 06:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for proxieme     Edit/Delete Message
On the Taurus thing again - I'm going to have to say a "hear, hear" to Aphrodite's observation on their sense of humor. Before I knew that my b/f is a Tau., we were watching Letterman and "Triumph the Insult Comic Dog" (an act that's roughly verbal slapstick) started his speil...and my friend seemed to think that it was the most funny thing ever to grace the earth. I thought that he was going to have a heart attack from the force of his laughter.

On that note: do ya'll agree with LG's description of a person's Sun as being about 80% (or was it 70%?) - 90% accurate? What have been your observations?


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Posts: 130
From: Tx, US
Registered: Jul 2002

posted August 21, 2002 03:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for sVirgo     Edit/Delete Message
Hi scorpspice,
Yes that's true that they don't like talkative people because I like talking being Virgo and can't stick to a seat whole day. Saying Hello to each individual in the office. That's why I was curious so what's there in Virgo which can make themselves special in front of Taurean.

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Posts: 3280
From: San Francisco, CA, United States
Registered: Feb 2002

posted August 21, 2002 04:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aphrodite     Edit/Delete Message
hmm, how to catch a taurus man. well, IF he doesn't have a gemini mars, venus, moon, or ascendant, then he is probably looking for *wifey* qualities. which is probably not cool for some people because most are just looking for casual encounters. they most of the time play for keeps (disbarring the gemini stuff---like i said). a taurus male friend always said this about his crush, "she just has these qualities that make a good wife." BUT, IF he already has a girlfriend, and you know this . . . then the question would be why should you spend time on a guy who has his heart invested for someone else . . . do you know if he has a significant other?


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posted August 22, 2002 12:21 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for scorpspice     Edit/Delete Message

My dads a taurus...and everything u told abt the guy just reminded me of him.

I said that taureans themselves dont like too much activity going with them involved but they dont mind having bubbly ppl kindda adds color to their normally dull lives.But always be in their good books only and never make a joke on them.
I hope i am making some sense here !!


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Posts: 3193
From: Southern 'Bama
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posted August 22, 2002 10:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for proxieme     Edit/Delete Message
Aphrodite -

So what effect would just the Gem Venus have on a Taurus guy?


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Posts: 130
From: Tx, US
Registered: Jul 2002

posted August 23, 2002 12:22 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for sVirgo     Edit/Delete Message
I think Virgos can't go along with Taureans well because Virgos like to be cared and are sensitive. Is that true? I was just thinkging to know about Taureans and Virgos have some common because being working together I could handle this person well.

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Posts: 218
From: Australia
Registered: Aug 2002

posted August 27, 2002 03:54 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Nebel     Edit/Delete Message
Hiya QueenofSheeba,

No offence taken with the multiple Taurus comment (Maybe a little... ) But to tell you the truth i myself (being a triple Taurus) HAVE noticed that more than the odd few Taureans have the tendency to lie and be manipulative. Perhaps the manipulative streak (Possibly the lying tendency as well)is due to the Taurean tendency to be possessive (And manipulation is just a extreme form of it?) Who knows?

But what i was planning on saying was that there's an occasional worm in every apple - regardless of their astrological composition...

sVirgo - i would think that Virgos and Taureans would be good together because Taureans are usually (very!) sensitive and like to be cared for as well

All the best

Difficulties are opportunities for the person who overcomes them.

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Swan song

Posts: 83
From: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Registered: Apr 2002

posted August 27, 2002 07:12 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Swan song     Edit/Delete Message
I read Queen of Sheeba's reply and had to smile. My ex-husband is a Taurus, and what Queen wrote described him perfectly.

He had a lot of problems with manipulating people and lying; much of it probably came from his background, but it could also be the negative traits of his sign coming out. And he absolutely HAD to make friends with everyone he met. Whether they wanted to be his friend or not! He often tried too hard and wound up driving people away. Seemed to be an insecurity issue, or at least that's how I perceived it. He would go out of his way to help out anyone...very generous in that respect, but again, I think it stemmed from the fact that he could not stand to have anyone dislike him. Yet he never had a *best* friend; everyone was always 'just a friend' to him. Problem was, his desire to have everyone like him extended to wanting others like him in *every* way....extracurricular women were a big part of his life. (Which didn't really sit too well with me at the time....:rolleyes

He also used to love surrounding himself with *things*...always buying stuff, lavish items that he couldn't really afford. And he hated criticism - the least little comment could get him very upset...and of course, me being a Virgo, well....

Oh, and he's quite tall too....6'1"....

Now, other than his *negative* traits I listed (and my own negative traits that I subtly avoided mentioning...hehe), we got along great. Virgo and Taurus - in our case - would have been a good match if the bad traits hadn't been so predominant (especially the extra women bit... )...

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Posts: 3280
From: San Francisco, CA, United States
Registered: Feb 2002

posted August 29, 2002 10:58 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aphrodite     Edit/Delete Message
"He also used to love surrounding himself with *things*...always buying stuff, lavish items that he couldn't really afford."

hehe, i pick on my boyfriend (taurus moon and jupiter) sometimes and say,

"you know that all this stuff is a fire hazard right?"

i agree with swan song about the compulsive need for *things* . . . aka junk really, useless and tasteless things some taureans get into buying, even when they haven't got much in their pockets to begin with. i've got white bunny rabbit stuffed animal with huge fangs to prove it (or the plastic pig with battery operated wings . . . taurean humor *sighs* hehe).

but my favorite present was a mini portrait he cut himself to fit into a heart shaped bronze frame for valentine's day. i forgave him for the rabbit and pig.


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Posts: 29
Registered: Sep 2002

posted September 08, 2002 07:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Hexiana     Edit/Delete Message
Heya All,
Although I was insulted at first really, there is something in your replies that has stricken a chord.
This may sound really Feministic but somehow, I think this lying problem is mainly applicable to the guy version of the sign, or rather, my sign.
For some reason us girls either don't get found out OR lack the burning desire to control others, sparkling mainly from the man's man stereotypical thinking that my counterparts seem to be suffering from.

In my experience, Virgo-Taurus is a grand combination full of ups and downs, the Virgo-girl Taurus-guy combo is pretty hazardous but apart from that things seem to be fairly OK.
Personally my best friend is a Virgo and I'm sharing her with a lot of other people without much heart-ache.
Agreed, it was a lesson to learn, but overall, you all seem to forget to mention the good side of us!

Oh and for the slapstick, I absolutely LOATHE Austin Powers and Dumb and Dumber-type movies, if someone forces me to watch them I'll probably use my greatly emphasised manipulative talent to try and escape as quickly as my legs can carry me.
As well as that, I must say that once we make a friend, that person is a friend, and we'll never let them down or lie to them. Unless they're whacked, I'm probably speaking for every Taurean to ever walk the planet.
So there you go, Me.

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