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  in need for a favor....

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Posts: 3571
From: the Empress's garden
Registered: Apr 2015

posted January 09, 2017 06:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for lilypad18     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'm having a really bad night, feeling sad again like some time ago.
So I wanted to ask y'all for a favor; a reading now, which I'll return between thursday and friday, since only then I'll have my cards with me (forgot them at home :/)

So, anyone that'd like to do me this favor, I'll gladly appreciate it

the question would be something like, why am I so sad rn (cause I literally can't seem to understand it), or some advice, I don't know, anything that u think it could help me feel kinda better or at least understand why i'm sad


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Posts: 139
From: Oz
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posted January 09, 2017 07:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Magikaal     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Dear Lily,
Sorry to hear about your sadness. I will be happy to pull some cards for you. I don't really need a reading in return.

In the meantime I hope you will feel better and more hopeful...

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Posts: 3571
From: the Empress's garden
Registered: Apr 2015

posted January 09, 2017 07:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for lilypad18     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
wow... thanks a lot girl! ❤❤💕💕💕💕 in any case, if u ever need a reading, just open a thread with my name!

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posted January 09, 2017 07:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for thequeen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
i asked how will lily feel in coming one week and i got

king of wands, 9 of cups, moon

umm a wierd question? are you in love with a fire sign? or are you in deep emotional phase of your life. let it be however it is, you can cherish the pain because everything will sort out for the best in coming week. though you will still be emotional but either there will be a fire sign person or it will be you who will be very outgoing in coming week. you have the wish card so you will have every reason to be happy about. so just dont worry let time roll on.

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Posts: 139
From: Oz
Registered: Apr 2016

posted January 09, 2017 08:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Magikaal     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Underlying issue – Princess of Disks (A young woman being fruitful)
Realise your creative impulse and bring it into reality. Also: Not making the acquisition of material resources the goal. I feel that this refers to your journey of becoming the person you want to be. It’s to do with the realisation of dreams, finding your niche, achieving what it is that you want and that makes you feel satisfied and fulfilled. Do you know what it is that you want and the kind of person you want to be? Have you make any goals for the coming year?

Unmet needs – 5 of Cups (Disappointment) and Art (Trumps 14)
Sometimes we are disappointed by what life throws at us. Sometimes things can go wrong and we become unhappy but it’s important not to let it overwhelm you. At such times, you may wish to reach out to your support network and if by any chance you don’t have one, create/develop one. Let them support you through the sad times. I’m also thinking of the image of a phoenix rising from the ashes. Sometimes things do go wrong. It’s okay to be disappointed sometimes. Acknowledge what went wrong and come to terms with it. Then use this to rise to your next challenge. Keep going! Find your way out of this dilemma. You can do it. (Yes you can). The Art card to me also suggests working with others and honouring your creative impulses. It can represent the theme of alchemy: turn something plain into something precious. Do you journal? Would it help to write about your feelings?

Let Go: 10 disks (Wealth)
I think this means not to think about the money/material resources so much. Don’t make the acquisition of material resources the goal. Think about what really makes you happy. Make a list if you have to. Acknowledge what you do have, your material resources, friends, family, educational accomplishments, everything. (Gratitude list time, maybe?)

Focus On: Knight of Disks
Realise that there is more to come. Let go of what does not serve you (declutter your life). Good things are on the horizon. You are young and maybe you can’t see this yet but trust me, there is much to look forward to. Growing through challenges makes one more mature and wiser. It will be better, trust! Acknowledge all your accomplishments to this point. Here’s one: when I was your age, I had not even got a deck of tarot cards yet, much less realised what they meant. You are already a fine tarot reader. Acknowledge that this is something that sets you apart. I wish I was this good when I was your age.

Finally I drew a goddess guidance card and got White Tara (sensitivity). This is about treating your body gently and removing yourself from toxic chemicals, relationships, situations. Acknowledging your heightened sensitivity is important. I think the decluttering message applies here as well.

I hope some of this resonates for you!

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Posts: 3571
From: the Empress's garden
Registered: Apr 2015

posted January 14, 2017 05:48 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for lilypad18     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by thequeen:
i asked how will lily feel in coming one week and i got

king of wands, 9 of cups, moon

umm a wierd question? are you in love with a fire sign? or are you in deep emotional phase of your life. let it be however it is, you can cherish the pain because everything will sort out for the best in coming week. though you will still be emotional but either there will be a fire sign person or it will be you who will be very outgoing in coming week. you have the wish card so you will have every reason to be happy about. so just dont worry let time roll on.

hey queen,sorry for the delay. I promised I would exchange with u thursday/friday but things got complicated so.. here I am

okay so first as feedback, the spread was quite accurate actually. I dont know why the moon was there, but the king of wands is probably me doing all college stuff plus the 2 exams I got. And above all else, starting to allow myself to do what I want to do instead of what everyone else does (9 of cups here maybe?) so yeah, pretty accurate, and yes feeling better

whats ur question darling?

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Posts: 3571
From: the Empress's garden
Registered: Apr 2015

posted January 14, 2017 05:53 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for lilypad18     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Magikaal:
Underlying issue – Princess of Disks (A young woman being fruitful)
Realise your creative impulse and bring it into reality. Also: Not making the acquisition of material resources the goal. I feel that this refers to your journey of becoming the person you want to be. It’s to do with the realisation of dreams, finding your niche, achieving what it is that you want and that makes you feel satisfied and fulfilled. Do you know what it is that you want and the kind of person you want to be? Have you make any goals for the coming year?

Unmet needs – 5 of Cups (Disappointment) and Art (Trumps 14)
Sometimes we are disappointed by what life throws at us. Sometimes things can go wrong and we become unhappy but it’s important not to let it overwhelm you. At such times, you may wish to reach out to your support network and if by any chance you don’t have one, create/develop one. Let them support you through the sad times. I’m also thinking of the image of a phoenix rising from the ashes. Sometimes things do go wrong. It’s okay to be disappointed sometimes. Acknowledge what went wrong and come to terms with it. Then use this to rise to your next challenge. Keep going! Find your way out of this dilemma. You can do it. (Yes you can). The Art card to me also suggests working with others and honouring your creative impulses. It can represent the theme of alchemy: turn something plain into something precious. Do you journal? Would it help to write about your feelings?

Let Go: 10 disks (Wealth)
I think this means not to think about the money/material resources so much. Don’t make the acquisition of material resources the goal. Think about what really makes you happy. Make a list if you have to. Acknowledge what you do have, your material resources, friends, family, educational accomplishments, everything. (Gratitude list time, maybe?)

Focus On: Knight of Disks
Realise that there is more to come. Let go of what does not serve you (declutter your life). Good things are on the horizon. You are young and maybe you can’t see this yet but trust me, there is much to look forward to. Growing through challenges makes one more mature and wiser. It will be better, trust! Acknowledge all your accomplishments to this point. Here’s one: when I was your age, I had not even got a deck of tarot cards yet, much less realised what they meant. You are already a fine tarot reader. Acknowledge that this is something that sets you apart. I wish I was this good when I was your age.

Finally I drew a goddess guidance card and got White Tara (sensitivity). This is about treating your body gently and removing yourself from toxic chemicals, relationships, situations. Acknowledging your heightened sensitivity is important. I think the decluttering message applies here as well.

I hope some of this resonates for you!

wow Magikaal this is SO accurate.... Im seriously amazed

So for the first part: it is the most accurate.Before reading this I have been thinking like, for some weeks, that I actually dont do anything that I want to do; I dont follow my wishes, little or big. Im always thinking what would X person think of me? what would be the consequences? what? what? what? And I didnt allow me to be myself and to do what I want to do. So all those wishes got repressed and so there I was last day, feeling numb and lifeless lol

For the rest of the reading, its completely accurate as well. I need to start being conscious about how much power I have in my life to accomplish things (which I really am not).

amazing reading girl, 11/10 hahahahaha

tell me anytime u want a reading!!!

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posted January 14, 2017 05:54 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for thequeen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
wow lily i glad you are better. my question is, does Ant think he has to let me go because i have too much attitude and so has he and we cant stoop. or does he want me to take care of him deep down. like am i at the back of his head?

i mean what is he exactly think in context to me right now?

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Posts: 3571
From: the Empress's garden
Registered: Apr 2015

posted January 14, 2017 05:59 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for lilypad18     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by thequeen:
wow lily i glad you are better. my question is, does Ant think he has to let me go because i have too much attitude and so has he and we cant stoop. or does he want me to take care of him deep down. like am i at the back of his head?

i mean what is he exactly think in context to me right now?

2of swords, 5 of wands, hermit
He might actually think the first thing u said... that maybe u are kinda incompatible cause u both got an attitude. At first he realized it but didnt want to think about it, but now its like.. he is giving deep thoughts to this

-does he want you to take care of him?
emperor - queen of pentacles - chariot
lol girl no, not at all. He has a LOT of control in his life already, meaning he takes charge of his life and is a really independent person himself; he doesnt need no one to take care of him.
with the queen of pents there I think he might kinda wish for u to be the same, or if u already are, to be even more independent and urself
hope this helped somehow

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posted January 14, 2017 07:17 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for thequeen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
yes it did..i think your reading resonates..we both got attitude problem even though the truth is i do care for him but i cant show it. i dont know how it will be for us in future ...i think i care for him more than he knows or would want to know lol..but thank you this reading so resonates..

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Posts: 139
From: Oz
Registered: Apr 2016

posted January 14, 2017 08:41 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Magikaal     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Cool thanks for the feedback Lily! Don't feel too bad, I have similar feelings (champion procrastinator here). Make sure to set those goals! Gosh darn I should follow my own advice...

When I was your age, I was so worried about what people would think. Now that I'm older it's more like, oh who cares what they think, lol. A lot of times I wish I had listened to myself more and others less. Oh well. I think you should do what you want. (what you really want)

I do have a funny question. Should I shave my head, like completely bald. Been having bad hair months (not days) and was wondering if I shaved it off would it grow back better. Or will I regret it because it may not grow back so well because I'm a bit older.

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Posts: 3571
From: the Empress's garden
Registered: Apr 2015

posted January 14, 2017 09:36 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for lilypad18     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Magikaal:
Cool thanks for the feedback Lily! Don't feel too bad, I have similar feelings (champion procrastinator here). Make sure to set those goals! Gosh darn I should follow my own advice...

When I was your age, I was so worried about what people would think. Now that I'm older it's more like, oh who cares what they think, lol. A lot of times I wish I had listened to myself more and others less. Oh well. I think you should do what you want. (what you really want)

I do have a funny question. Should I shave my head, like completely bald. Been having bad hair months (not days) and was wondering if I shaved it off would it grow back better. Or will I regret it because it may not grow back so well because I'm a bit older.

-Would u regret shaving ur head?
Wheel of fortune, 5 of cups clarif 8 of swords, page of pentacles clarif hanged man
u would definitely regret it afterwards. u would be stuck with a shaved head and not knowing what to do like that, asking urself why did u decide to do it in the first place!

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Posts: 139
From: Oz
Registered: Apr 2016

posted January 14, 2017 07:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Magikaal     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Lol thanks Lily

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