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  Cat rencarnation ?

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Author Topic:   Cat rencarnation ?
Alice Rabbit

Posts: 55
Registered: Dec 2003

posted August 31, 2004 05:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Alice Rabbit     Edit/Delete Message
I believe in rencarnation but I'm not sure how I believe it actually works. My cat just died and I am not taking it well at all. I rescued his mother and her brother and then she had kittens. She came and got me really early in the morning and had me with her while she was having them. Crusier (my cat that just passed) was the first out and was not going to make it. I saved him and he stayed with me. He has been my baby since day one. But on my way to work yesterday he came out of nowhere and we backed over him in our car. We rushed him to the vet but the damage was so great that we had to put him down. I just can't forgive myself and I keep saying that he will come back to me but now that I am actually faced with believing it it is hard. I know my faith in rencarnation is strong but it faltered when it truely affected me. I wish I could know that he forgave me and that I never ment for it to happen. I miss him so much.
Do animals only rencarnate into the kind of animal they were or do we all trade places to learn what we need to ? Is everyone important in your life connected through past lives with you ? I'm not really sure what to think anymore.
Please say a prayer for Cruiser so that he passes easily into the after life. Thank you. BLESSED BE.

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Posts: 1393
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posted August 31, 2004 09:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Nephthys     Edit/Delete Message

I am sorry to hear about the accident and your loss.

I do believe very strongly in karma and reincarnation. Yes, I believe that almost everyone in our lives is from a past life with us.

Betty Bethards, author, mystic, pyschic, taught me that the animals we have in this life, are the same souls of animals we have had in past lives. She also says that animals reincarnate right away.

She also taught me that animals only reincarnate as animals, and people only reincarnate as people. Buddists will disagree with this, but this is what I believe.

There are a few threads here about animals passing.

~(Nephthys is typing this from school; she is not home right now)

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posted September 01, 2004 12:41 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for 26taurus     Edit/Delete Message

So sorry to hear about your loss, I will say a prayer for Cruiser.......and Love & Light to you.......

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posted September 01, 2004 04:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LibraSparkle     Edit/Delete Message
Sorry for your loss, Alice Rabbit

Here's what I believe about animal reincarnation:

Looking at the question in the light of Theosophical theories, we see that a wide distinction exists between man and animals. Man reincarnates as man because he has got to the top of the present scale of evolution. He cannot go back, for Manas is too much developed. He has a Devachan because he is a conscious thinker. Animals cannot have Manas so much developed, and so cannot be self-conscious in the sense that man is. Besides all this, the animal kingdom, being lower, has the impulse still to rise to higher forms. But here we have the distinct statement by the Adepts through H.P.B. that while possibly animals may rise higher in their own kingdom they cannot in this evolution rise to the human stage, as we have reached the middle or turning-point in the fourth round. On this point H.P.B. has, in the second volume of the Secret Doctrine (first ed.) at p. 196, a foot note as follows:

In calling the animals "Soulless," it is not depriving the beast, from the humblest to the highest species, of a "soul," but only of a conscious surviving Ego-soul, i.e., that principle which survives after a man and reincarnates in a like man.

The animal has an astral body that survives the physical form for a short period; but its (animal) Monad does not reincarnate in the same, but in a higher species, and has no "Devachan" of course. It has the seeds of all the human principles in itself, but they are latent

Devachan: In the lecture “The Mysteries of Life and Death," Samael Aun Weor describes the Davachan as “a region of ineffable happiness in the World of the Universal Superior Mind.”And in "Mental Representations," he says, "The dead commonly waste much time in the Devachan. I will not deny that this Devachan is a place of happiness and delights, but the figures that make life in the Devachan agreeable are merely living representations of the families, parents, and friends they left on Earth. In one word, the forms of the Devachan are living mental representations, or effigies. They result in a bizarre nature, that is why I say they waste too much time in the Devachan, but they are happy in this place. They feel accompanied by the loved ones they left on Earth. They do not even remotely notice that this world of happiness is full of mental effigies. If they noticed, they would lose the Devachan for themselves

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Alice Rabbit

Posts: 55
Registered: Dec 2003

posted September 01, 2004 11:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Alice Rabbit     Edit/Delete Message
Thank you all for your comfort. This is a hard thing to go through and it can't be done without the love of others.
I have a question bothering me though. I had kind of the same mind set on these matters that we disscuss here but I just can't put it all together in my mind. Now I know we all start out on a low level and through our times here progress on ward to higher beings but it is where we came from and where we are going that is confusing. This is one of those questions that the world may never know in this time but I can't help wondering.
Are we all on different levels of existence placed here together to learn our lessons and learn from eachother ? Or are our cycles connected and we travel through each plane of existance to become what we are now and later become even higher beings ?
Lobsang Rampa has some interesting books and alot of them include animals in them and he states that cats in particular were of a grander race than they are now. They possessed larger bodies, great knowledge, and were in a way farther along than humans. But because of a great sin they are all punished until they can redeem themselves and are here to watch over us and keep us company. I really don't know what to believe on this subject. I have such mixed emotions on animals, especially ones that I have loved so dearly. Thank you all and Blessed Be.

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Posts: 18673
From: Columbus, GA USA
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posted September 02, 2004 11:09 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message
I believe that every animal who is loved by a human gets an individual Soul that retains Earthly memories in the afterlife. I'm not sure about reincarnation for animals, but I do believe that grief can bring the same animal Spirit back. Truly, Love is all and is more powerful than we could ever imagine. I had a baby bird for a day and loved it and looked forward to the day when it could be set free and fly away, but alas, it had a weak heart and just wasn't meant to be. But I like to think that it now flies over the Rainbow Bridge instead of being absorbed into some bird Oversoul. How could it be any other way, since I loved it?

"Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark

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Posts: 1783
From: Vancouver USA
Registered: May 2004

posted September 02, 2004 03:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LibraSparkle     Edit/Delete Message

Randall, You're a one of a kind man

With your marvelous use of words that make me swoon and you compassion... you're lucky I'm a married woman!

((((( )))))

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Posts: 18673
From: Columbus, GA USA
Registered: Nov 2000

posted September 02, 2004 05:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message

"Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark

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Sheaa Olein

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posted September 02, 2004 07:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Sheaa Olein     Edit/Delete Message
You guys are great

How are you doing Alice Rabbit? Condolences for your loss with Cruiser

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace." Jimi Hendrix (1942-1970)

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Posts: 1393
From: California
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posted September 02, 2004 09:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Nephthys     Edit/Delete Message

I remember your baby bird! You made a post about him/her and titled it, "I'm a Father!!!!". I am sorry for your loss of him/her, and I'm sure the little bird knows how much of an effort you made to take care of him/her.


I believe that all animals have Souls, and that they are higher evolved than humans. Animals incarnate to earth, knowing they are going to be slaughtered for human food and products, knowing they will help guide blind humans, knowing they will help autistic children, knowing they have a mission, a place, a role.

Please see my reading list topic here. There are so many books out there, you should look into about Spirituality, and Animals.

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Registered: Sep 2004

posted September 06, 2004 10:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for zoso     Edit/Delete Message
I also think that animals are reincarnated, and that their souls are of the same purity (maybe more so) as humans.

My cat, Pippy--I didn't name him--, went missing a few years back and I was so distraut because I was supposed to be taking care of the animals when my mom was out of town. Well, both cats were outside around 10 pm and they looked a little spooked, so I tried to get them to come inside. Quita did, but Pippy wouldn't budge from the front porch. I figured he was old enough to do what he wanted, and I wasn't going to make him do anything he didn't want to, so I decided to check on him later. We never saw him again. I should have picked him up and put him inside.

Anyway, the point of the story is a year later, I got a new cat when I moved out on my own. His name is Rufus, and everyday he reminds me of Pippy so much that i think he is Pippy's reincarnate. He's an indoor cat and I spoil him!

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Alice Rabbit

Posts: 55
Registered: Dec 2003

posted September 06, 2004 11:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Alice Rabbit     Edit/Delete Message
I am doing better but the pain is still really great. The nightmares have lessened but my mind I think is still not thinking clearly. I just don't know what to think. I just want him back so bad I feel like I would believe anything that would let me see him again soon.

After he died my husband told me that he would be back and that maybe he would be our son. (Please understand we have known 2 of our children before we even met eachother. We dream about them and converse with them on a regular basis. But there is a third child that we know about but we do not know personally. Back to my story though.) I appriciated the comfort but did not think much of it because he wanted him back as much as I did and we still both do. I went to work that same day and cried all day. My co-workers were so helpfull I was so lucky to have such support. But one of the girls I really like and respect came up to me and ask me if I believed in rencarnation, I said yes, then she told me that she was a cat in her last life time. She gave me a hug and told me I would definatly see him again. I pushed that away too because it hurt to bad at the time. Two days later the family went grocery shopping like we always do at the same wholesale food warehouse. We have shopped there for a year. I was pushing the cart and waiting for Ash to go get toilet paper. I was looking at the floor the whole time cause I really didn't want to be there but went for the company. I looked up just then and noticed the diapers that had always been there but I never paid attenten to one brand caught my eye they were Cruisers. I've never even heard of them before. I know I'm getting carried away with my thoughts but it is so nice to dream that I had already held my third child that has been so elisive all these years and that one day he will return to me.

Thank you for all your support and prayers. Love to all and Blessed Be.

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Posts: 18673
From: Columbus, GA USA
Registered: Nov 2000

posted September 07, 2004 12:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message

"Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark

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Posts: 1393
From: California
Registered: Oct 2001

posted September 07, 2004 01:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Nephthys     Edit/Delete Message

Might I gently suggest going to counseling or therapy? I lost 5 pets in 2 years, and I wish I had gone. I am sure it will help.

All best ~ N.

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