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  Some random thoughts on Mars in 7th house ☝🏿 (Page 1)

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Author Topic:   Some random thoughts on Mars in 7th house ☝🏿

Posts: 10575
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posted August 01, 2023 05:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aries23Degrees     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I edited this post so many times. I was thinking and rethinking.I am now coming from a completely different angle.

I have always had a very difficult time placing my Mars in 7th house anywhere. I understand the other placements.But as is typical with 7th & 12th house placements , it is hard to "recognize" this energy. Sometimes I think I understand it. Then I lose it😐

I reviewed this post after having a conversation with a friend. He was talking of how unintentionally "offensive" I can be in asserting my opinion. This so much so that the other party is "forced" to agree. Just for peace.

Then it hit me. That's how it manifests.
In that its far simpler than I thought. This Mars shows itself up in my interactions with others(7th).

I do enjoy debate.Not arguing.But the line is thin.I have gotten loud & thinking I am "debating".Whilst (admittedly) those on the sidelines, believe i am fighting.🤷🏿‍♂️

I don't attract a partner who is assertive,passionate or even aggressive. And that's because I am that partner. All the partners I have attracted in the past have been more Venusian and passive. Not Martial.

Just when I was going through brainstorming notes from previous years. One of the things I wrote was how challenging it is for me to be in a long-term relationship. That I struggle to think in terms of "we". I just suppose that I can think with an "I" and the partner will follow. And that's how it should be.🤷🏿‍♂️

The movie "The Break up" with Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston describes this attitude I have(I am Vince in that movie). And one of the profound things one of his friend said is that Gary (Vince) , wants to do what HE wants to do. F**k what everybody else wants. He will not show up for that if he is not into it.

And I thought to myself " am I like that?". If I don't see the benefit of something that directly impacts ME,I am not involved. Is this what makes me a ishtty partner?

So when( at the end) Gary said "being in a relationship isn't only about doing the things you love. But doing things
with the person you love." I felt that.

I must love them enough to be willing to stick around. It's so easy for me to walk out, cut lose and keep it moving. Will I ever love enough to stick around? Tough question. Really🙆🏿‍♂️

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posted August 01, 2023 06:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aries23Degrees     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The coming transit of Mars in Lib conj my 7th house, should clarify things further.

This Ven retro in house 5 will happen simultaneously with Mars in 7th. I hope I get a better perspective of what I am putting out there during this energy.

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posted August 03, 2023 03:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mee_chryssa     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Well, is the ruler of the 1st house. If it ruled some other house, the partner could have been aggressive or controlling in a way.

In Vedic, they take into account the Moon chart too. The sign Moon is in is the ASC and just read from there - sure there are some other stuff to take into account - and I have Taurus/Scorpio. I definitely feel the same in a way. The back and forth, the "me" thing that comes sometimes in relationships.

Mars is a bit selfish, in the end, the quest is very important to him.

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posted August 03, 2023 03:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mee_chryssa     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Aries23Degrees:

I must love them enough to be willing to stick around. It's so easy for me to walk out, cut lose and keep it moving. Will I ever love enough to stick around? Tough question. Really🙆🏿‍♂️

It's not about how much you love them, but I'm just speaking from an astrology point of view. It's because Mars is in detriment in Libra and Mars is lazy, doesn't have a strategy, picks the wrong battles or fights any battle, when it is in detriment. He doesn't arrive to the destination, which is what he wants when he lays his eyes on something.

take a look at what is happe ing between Mars and Venus in your chart. Are they in any aspect? Is a difficult or easy aspect? This will give you more insight about the relationships you have with others.

Its a good thing that the axis is in a cardinal sign and not a fixed one. Cardinal and mutable sign can be changed easier if there's something to be changed.

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posted August 03, 2023 05:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for PlutoWasHere     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I agree with mee_chryssa, Mars is your Ascendant ruler so it still represents you even if it’s in the 7th house. It could point to you being very relationship oriented or that in relationships you are most aware of your identity, a strong need to see yourself through the eyes of others. Mars represents our drive. As it is in Libra as well, other people’s reactions could be what ignites your passion or you’re a very strong advocate for other people’s rights.

I wouldn’t call Libra Mars lazy, I don’t think any Mars sign is lazy, it just expresses their energy differently. Libra is an Air sign so it’s through ideas and communication that this energy is expressed. It’s also very much obsessed with form. It wants to entice and even seduce the other into action. It’s about connecting with the other: team work, actively searching common ground, hyping other people up.

Edit: apparently Genghis Khan had a Libra stellium including Mars. He became dangerous because he was able to convince other tribes to cooperate with him.,_Genghis
Also Nelson Mandela and Abraham Lincoln have Libra Mars.

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posted August 03, 2023 06:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mee_chryssa     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Pluto, I was refering to the dignity of Mars, not the sign, when I said he’s lazy. Sorry for the confusion.

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posted August 04, 2023 12:39 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for frida     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Aries23Degrees:

One of the things I wrote was how challenging it is for me to be in a long-term relationship. That I struggle to think in terms of "we".

This - my ex with Mars in the 7th house. Your post made me think! Great responses too. His Mars is in Leo and the only aspect it forms is a very wide square with Pluto. Mars rules his 3rd (and 10th in Scorpio). Long story short, he has a lot of other stuff happening in the 7th - easy and not so easy. He was a great boyfriend, but yes, he was often self oriented.

In contrast, I also have Mars in the 7th (+Sun, ruler of the 1st, and Merc) but I never felt the typical astrological descriptions fit me. My Mars is in Pisces - I learned over time it's such a mellow Mars, in a sense that it doesn't want to fight, it just wants a lot of good sex haha. Sign and aspects make a big difference. I've always been all about teaming up as "we", sharing, maintaining harmony.

I don't think this was helpful in understanding your Mars, Aries23Degrees, but I thought I'd share... just different examples of how it can manifest. I would think that Mars in Libra has easier time with relationships compared to some other signs?

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posted August 04, 2023 07:15 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aries23Degrees     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by mee_chryssa:
Well, is the ruler of the 1st house. If it ruled some other house, the partner could have been aggressive or controlling in a way.

In Vedic, they take into account the Moon chart too. The sign Moon is in is the ASC and just read from there - sure there are some other stuff to take into account - and I have Taurus/Scorpio. I definitely feel the same in a way. The back and forth, the "me" thing that comes sometimes in relationships.

Mars is a bit selfish, in the end, the quest is very important to him.

Yes. Absolutely. I understand what you are saying.

With Cancer as the Asc(My Moon),the Dsc would be Capricorn. Mercury conjunct the Dsc. The partner being talkative within the relationship? A lot of commerce related activity within the partnership? I.e. working with the partner? A young partner? A partner who feels more like a sibling or "twin"? Etc.

With me , this is not so. I typically attract partners who are not verbose or particularly intellectual (let alone persuasive with words)🤔

Mars in 7th (as I found from my research)is also linked to single people or those who do not wish to be married. That is true with me.☝🏿

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posted August 04, 2023 07:23 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mee_chryssa     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Aries23Degrees:

Mars in 7th (as I found from my research)is also linked to single people or those who do not wish to be married. That is true with me.☝🏿

It kind of is because of the volatile nature of Mars. The only way is to find someone that has the same chart signature. Which anyway that's what happens, we attract the person that is on our 7th house, no matter what is there.

I have Saturn in the 7th, so the other malefic, I attract people that have Saturn in conjunct with Venus or Sun. And I like it.
For me is the responsabile type of guy that I like, and you like the passionate type, or someone to be very passive and you "taking over them"

The side effect, for me is that it can be a very very bounded connection and for you is the volatile nature of Mars that could take different turns. But since you are the Mars, and you know about this, you can avoid the worst case scenario.

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posted August 04, 2023 07:26 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mee_chryssa     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Aries23Degrees:

With Cancer as the Asc(My Moon),the Dsc would be Capricorn. Mercury conjunct the Dsc. The partner being talkative within the relationship? A lot of commerce related activity within the partnership? I.e. working with the partner? A young partner? A partner who feels more like a sibling or "twin"? Etc.


Mercury could also be a free nature type of relationship because is an air planet and like to be free and play around since Mercury is a child. And yes, a younger person or someone that appears young in spirit, playful, maybe even androgynous in looks.

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posted August 04, 2023 10:25 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aries23Degrees     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by mee_chryssa:
It's not about how much you love them, but I'm just speaking from an astrology point of view. It's because Mars is in detriment in Libra and Mars is lazy, doesn't have a strategy, picks the wrong battles or fights any battle, when it is in detriment. He doesn't arrive to the destination, which is what he wants when he lays his eyes on something.

take a look at what is happe ing between Mars and Venus in your chart. Are they in any aspect? Is a difficult or easy aspect? This will give you more insight about the relationships you have with others.

Its a good thing that the axis is in a cardinal sign and not a fixed one. Cardinal and mutable sign can be changed easier if there's something to be changed. ex is MARS in Aries. Strategic?. Nope. He goes straight for the And that is not good because I think that even a seasoned hunter will tell you that : ANY target you go after you have a better chance of catching, when you are discreet and subtle.

I always ask him, don't you fear rejection right at the gate? And his answer is " ofcourse. But I have to take the opportunity. What if it's gone forever?".

This is Aries energy through and through. EVERY opportunity must be taken. Libra waits for the temperature to be just right and can forfeit any chance that comes "at a bad time".

I think the quote that reminds of this type of thinking is "You miss 100% of the shots that you choose to not make". I might be paraphrasing here. But yeah. You get the gist.

I don't have the energy to go and fight every battle (Aries does). I tend to choose my battles and let others things slide- which often makes me look impassive or "detached".

But when infuriated, I tend to act in a very decisive way . I can galvanize a team to support me on an "onslaught " 😁 But I don't think Aries can do that. They tend to fight solo and are triggered at that very minute to DO SOMETHING.

And the "lazy" statement is true. On some days, I don't want to do a damne thing. But not always. I can work hard during the week to achieve a clear goal. I often love intellectual pursuits. But am also open to physical ones.

But once that goal is done. Am not looking for another mountain to climb. No sir🤣. I need to take a breather, regroup and recuperate. I will go again in another few weeks. Not now.

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posted August 04, 2023 03:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mee_chryssa     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I've been having trouble expressing logically latelly. I even found myself writting or speaking other things than what I was thinking and I don't understand now if you understood me. I know how it sounds.

I donated blood yesterday for the first time and I've been feeling dizzy.

Sorry for this. I hope I've been of some help even though I know you know better astrology than me. :*

One of my friends have Aries Mars and always tells me to not back out cause thats how I learn to keep any abuser, of any kind, away. And he's right. I always isolate to tame the conflict. After comes the confidence that you get when u see urself winning time after time, and people feel that about you and they won't test you cause they know you're strong. My ex who has Mars in Scorpio, there's nothing that he can't achieve. And usually, they go to the next level after they achieve the first one. I never went to the next level. I stayed in the same place. Mars in Capricorn can arrive to the top of the top )

You seem to have fun with your Mars )) I like mine too sometimes when I get into his playful energy until someone ****** me off and I go wild )))

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posted August 04, 2023 11:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for teasel     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I have Mars in the 7th of my chart for where I live. Relocation astrology.

I mentioned a young woman in another thread recently, who did something to me, in order to suck up to her boss. Long story for me, but that happened about nine months after we moved here. That town is almost an hour away, but the astrology is basically the same.

The place we were happiest, had my moon and venus in the tenth, when I was just a toddler. my mum loved it there, and we were surrounded by friends.

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posted August 05, 2023 02:13 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aries23Degrees     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by mee_chryssa:
It kind of is because of the volatile nature of Mars. The only way is to find someone that has the same chart signature. Which anyway that's what happens, we attract the person that is on our 7th house, no matter what is there.

I have Saturn in the 7th, so the other malefic, I attract people that have Saturn in conjunct with Venus or Sun. And I like it.

For me is the responsabile type of guy that I like, and you like the passionate type, or someone to be very passive and you "taking over them"

The side effect, for me is that it can be a very very bounded connection and for you is the volatile nature of Mars that could take different turns. But since you are the Mars, and you know about this, you can avoid the worst case scenario.

True. I can. I know when I am going overboard and just walk off. And it's interesting what you said about Mars there and the "volatility" connection. Sometimes I feel like the partner will mimic me or respond in the same brusque way I did. And that is kind of a "clutch invisible pearls" moment for me.

On another thread, someone mentioned Mars in 7th leaving your place single. Then coming back from the club in a relationship.🤣. I like that.

I feel like Mars in 7th wants to get to the "crux" of what this "relationship" thing is all about(7th) and doesn't think to savour (Ven) the process of slow revelation.

I don't have an issues stirring up a conversation with strangers I met in a social situation. I am quick to ask questions and perhaps that comes off as "interrogating" at times. But that doesn't mean I am about to approach anyone on the street.

I know a lady with Saturn in 7th. She is turned on by man in suits. And her boyfriend is always ever too busy to see her at times. But she will NOT leave him or search for someone else.

There is a weird other thing I have noticed about 7th house Sat. There could be a preference for partners that are emotionally restrictive/restricted. They don't show you emotions or you have to extract it from them. It's not an easy give And take. Like they are "learning" to be affectionate or how to be in a relationship etx.🤔

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posted August 05, 2023 02:26 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aries23Degrees     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by PlutoWasHere:
I agree with mee_chryssa, Mars is your Ascendant ruler so it still represents you even if it’s in the 7th house. It could point to you being very relationship oriented or that in relationships you are most aware of your identity, a strong need to see yourself through the eyes of others. Mars represents our drive. As it is in Libra as well, other people’s reactions could be what ignites your passion or you’re a very strong advocate for other people’s rights.

I know how to engage a team of people to achieve🙌🏿. That is my strength. I just can't do the whole "leader" thing for. It's too exhausting (Sun-Nep conj). So I usually want to detach and leave the group when the task is done.

When everyone thinks I will assume the role of leader for longer,I appoint someone else and leave. I am done!

This could also be an Ariest/Mars thing because (contrary to pop Astrology belief) Mars/Aries people don't like to lead . That makes them be responsible for themselves. No. They don't want others to tell them what to do. But they don't want the responsibility of managing others. Capricorn or Leo can do that.

You are right of being very "self aware" when in a group situation I.e. a discussion with a focused group.I tend to dominate. But I wouldn't say I pursue such groups nor do I become energized by relationships , so I don't outside them either.

I am usually "seduced" by the Venus types🤣. They persuade me to get into one. And then I see that perhaps they won't intrude on my freedom, so I go with it. Flow with it 🤷🏿‍♂️. That's until I want to leave. Then I tell them. Then leave.

The latter is becoming a problem now because I am concerned that as I get older,I am still not well versed in how to be in a relationship.

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posted August 05, 2023 03:15 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for teasel     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
That’s true for me. I don’t want to lead anything. I don’t want to tell anyone what to do, and don’t want to hear it from others.

I think I would have been good in a relationship, in the past. Not anymore. Or maybe I’d be better, since I’m not trying to get with someone who would be bad for me.

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posted August 05, 2023 04:14 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aries23Degrees     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by frida:
This - my ex with Mars in the 7th house. Your post made me think! Great responses too. His Mars is in Leo and the only aspect it forms is a very wide square with Pluto. Mars rules his 3rd (and 10th in Scorpio). Long story short, he has a lot of other stuff happening in the 7th - easy and not so easy. He was a great boyfriend, but yes, he was often self oriented.

In contrast, I also have Mars in the 7th (+Sun, ruler of the 1st, and Merc) but I never felt the typical astrological descriptions fit me. My Mars is in Pisces - I learned over time it's such a mellow Mars, in a sense that it doesn't want to fight, it just wants a lot of good sex haha. Sign and aspects make a big difference. I've always been all about teaming up as "we", sharing, maintaining harmony.

I don't think this was helpful in understanding your Mars, Aries23Degrees, but I thought I'd share... just different examples of how it can manifest. I would think that Mars in Libra has easier time with relationships compared to some other signs?

Yes. It was.🙏🏿

I enjoy good sex.That is often something I miss when single.And truthfully, I wonder if I would pursue relatonships at all- if sex was off the table?

I used to firmly believe I was likely demisexual. And whilst it's true that intellectual stimulation or a smart partner really turns me on. I am not so cerebral as to be tuned off to sex if the party isn't as intellectual as I would like.

Your ex(Mars in Leo)is self orientated. Both because of Leo and Mars in 7th. Two placements that don't do well in the "we" house because of their "me" nature.

You have Mars in Pisces. And that Mars moves "incognito" by being very adept as reading the undercurrents of anything. And through using this intuitive awareness, being aware of WHEN to strike.And WHEN to retreat.

My guess is that when in the 7th, it can be very seductive and alluring.Very much into romance and related forms of escapism I.e. art, music, movies, lovemaking etc.

In the relationship, your more subtle approach was appreciated by the Leo Mar(who doesn't like to "compete" with their mate and wants to be the one in charge). And (like the Mars in Lib in 7th) you may likely attract pursuers RATHER than be the one doing the "pursuing". No?

I am also about teaming up. Love it.i actually do well teaming up with other Mars in Libra/Tau or Cap types (from record). It brings out my more energetic side( Mars)👌🏿

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posted August 05, 2023 04:39 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aries23Degrees     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by mee_chryssa:
Mercury could also be a free nature type of relationship because is an air planet and like to be free and play around since Mercury is a child. And yes, a younger person or someone that appears young in spirit, playful, maybe even androgynous in looks.

Yes. All those considered. But not with me. And whilst I consider someone intelligent very appealing?it's not a dealbreaker if they are not as intellectually inclined.👌🏿

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posted August 05, 2023 04:41 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mee_chryssa     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Aries23Degrees:

I know a lady with Saturn in 7th. She is turned on by man in suits. And her boyfriend is always ever too busy to see her at times. But she will NOT leave him or search for someone else.

There is a weird other thing I have noticed about 7th house Sat. There could be a preference for partners that are emotionally restrictive/restricted. They don't show you emotions or you have to extract it from them. It's not an easy give And take. Like they are "learning" to be affectionate or how to be in a relationship etx.🤔

It can be like that if she's not a Cancer or Leo ASC because it will rule other house than the 7th. Or she doesn't have anything else the aspecting the 7th house.

I never liked men in suits. But it depends on the rest of the chart. One sign of Saturnian relationship doesn't put everyone in the same position.

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posted August 05, 2023 04:46 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aries23Degrees     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by mee_chryssa:
I've been having trouble expressing logically latelly. I even found myself writting or speaking other things than what I was thinking and I don't understand now if you understood me. I know how it sounds.

I donated blood yesterday for the first time and I've been feeling dizzy.

Sorry for this. I hope I've been of some help even though I know you know better astrology than me. :*

One of my friends have Aries Mars and always tells me to not back out cause thats how I learn to keep any abuser, of any kind, away. And he's right. I always isolate to tame the conflict. After comes the confidence that you get when u see urself winning time after time, and people feel that about you and they won't test you cause they know you're strong. My ex who has Mars in Scorpio, there's nothing that he can't achieve. And usually, they go to the next level after they achieve the first one. I never went to the next level. I stayed in the same place. Mars in Capricorn can arrive to the top of the top )

You seem to have fun with your Mars )) I like mine too sometimes when I get into his playful energy until someone ****** me off and I go wild )))

It's all good ❤. And I do enjoy my Libra Mars. This especially when I meet someone who matches my energy😁

I like what Aries Mars friend said there. So often times I don't get involved in some standoffs because I fear being overpowered. Or not being as strong as the opponent.

I recall an incident where two guys were hurling insulting words to another guy whilst I was sitting at a restaurant. I caught feelings and wanted to get involved. But then feared that I would come out injured or worse(stabbed to death). So I didn't.

I think Mars in Libra may avoid such situations because of the public " humiliation" of "making a scene". And I don't feel Mars in Aries cares for that. They act in accordance to how they feel. This even if it's to their peril.

I just don't think I am that indifferent to injury or death. The air nature of Libra is more self-preserving and logical. It begs me to "think". Thus Libra Mars can be impassive at times.

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posted August 05, 2023 04:50 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aries23Degrees     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by teasel:
I have Mars in the 7th of my chart for where I live. Relocation astrology.

I mentioned a young woman in another thread recently, who did something to me, in order to suck up to her boss. Long story for me, but that happened about nine months after we moved here. That town is almost an hour away, but the astrology is basically the same.

The place we were happiest, had my moon and venus in the tenth, when I was just a toddler. my mum loved it there, and we were surrounded by friends.

Never took vocational Astrology seriously. Have to look into that some more 🤔

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posted August 05, 2023 04:58 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mee_chryssa     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yeah, easily humiliated is a sign of a weak Mars that is not in domicile or exaltation, amongst the others I listed - laziness, lack of energy, without strategy (even though it seems like Mars in Aries and Scorpio go straight to the point, they know what they're doing), not finishing things, being late, bailing on projects, not arriving to the destination, staying in the same spot, not having tolerance for pain, embarasment, not being able to surpase obstacles etc.

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posted August 05, 2023 12:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aries23Degrees     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by mee_chryssa:
Yeah, easily humiliated is a sign of a weak Mars that is not in domicile or exaltation, amongst the others I listed - laziness, lack of energy, without strategy (even though it seems like Mars in Aries and Scorpio go straight to the point, they know what they're doing), not finishing things, being late, bailing on projects, not arriving to the destination, staying in the same spot, not having tolerance for pain, embarasment, not being able to surpase obstacles etc.

Interestingly , Cap Mars is driven by the fear of most of the above. And thats where Mars is exalted 🤔

I am giving it some thought now. As a Mars in Lib, I am guilty of much of the things you stated.Even though being easily embarrassed or humiliated is something we all have experienced in one way or another. But its how you deal with it. Do you give up easily? Yes. Guilty. Do you settle for what you can get and trade in what you really want? Guilty.

Its a learning curve. I am made aware of how I go right with Mars. Its instantaneous. Thats the blessing. And when you get immediate feedback, you know where your challenges are very clearly.

For me, its not people pleasing that is one of my challenges. I am far from that. Its people incorporating. I don't care for people enough 🙏🏽

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posted August 05, 2023 04:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for 93nov     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I have Mars in Sagittarius in the 7H conjunct NN in the 7H. Mars rules my 12H.

This post hit home on so many levels. It literally feels like you were inside my body while I was reading it lolol.

Spot on. Nailed it.

The funny thing is, it took me almost 30 years to even consider this point of view. I just always thought i was standing up for myself and asserting my self-worth. Never in a million years would I even think of describing myself as unyielding and self-centered. I'll even take it a step further and say I had no idea this attitude or approach towards relationships was even an issue lol. I see so many women assert their independence and even selfishness.. and they still have no issue bagging a guy and keeping him.

I just assumed I would eventually find the right guy for me and never factored i might actually have a character flaw lol. I'm being sarcastic but still serious in regards to this placement specifically lol

This is insane because I wonder if it's just my Mars I can't see being it's ruler is posited in my 12H or are there other placements?! I do have Moon square Neptune after all with Moon ruling my 3H (mind). Ahhhhhhhh (rabbit hole) ahhhhhhhh..

But back to Mars in the 7H. Ahem. I might not want to do what you want to do, but I won't try to stop you either. I just don't want to do it lol.

But as you stated, Aries

People with Mars in the 7H specifically will always be viewed as argumentative vs simply debating or even flirting. We cannot do what the others do. It's just that simple. Unfair? Maybe. Depends on how you view karma and past lives.

I needed this post. Thank you.

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From: South Africa
Registered: Dec 2012

posted August 06, 2023 03:20 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aries23Degrees     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Awesome 93Nov

I am happy that you are getting some insight from this discussion 😊

Mars is currently contra-parallel my natal Mars. And yesterday evening at a work related function,there was a lot of drama. Central to that drama was ME.I was excluded from an invite I was supposed to receive. Now the question of whether it was an administrative error or malicious? That came into focus.

Everyone caught feelings. People walking out etc. I was not nearly as offended as I thought I would be🤔

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