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  Pluto Transit - What can i expect?

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Author Topic:   Pluto Transit - What can i expect?
posted December 26, 2008 06:27 AM           Edit/Delete Message
ok, so i hear everyone fears pluto transits?

well, my pluto is transiting into capricorn now, but (with fear of the reputation) my pluto is falling into place where it conjuncts 3 of my planets: saturn, neptune & uranus, but while doing this, its falling into place of my grand square, which is a ton of hell aspects -

hard aspects to: moon, venus, mercury, and jupiter.

can anyone help tell me what ways i can expect pluto to transform me?

i am fearing one thing most - i have a phobia issue, if it plays into that, i am crapping my self.

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posted December 26, 2008 07:01 AM           Edit/Delete Message
for starters you need to break it all down into bite size chunks libralove then it may not look so overwhelming,I've just had pluto squaring my venus now it's moved to square natal pluto and it's opp my saturn,natally for me I've got
sun parrallel pluto
moon quindecile pluto
venus conj pl
mars inconjunct pl
jupiter trine pl
saturn square pl
nept sxtile pl
pluto squaring nodes scorp asc
and saturn in 8th
I do think it will force things to the surface so that it can be looked at closely,your outer planets may be connected to the bigger picture rather than affect you in a deeply personally way but pluto mercury will generally have you thinking in a very profound way,more analytical than emotional though pluto is certainly capable of stirring very primal emotions,pluto transits are normally a really good time to do work on yourself either privately or with a therapist,I don't know if your phobias will be activated in reality but I would certainly expect you to be realising what's behind it during this time,pluto transits are reasonably slow which means it's a fairly long term process rather than sudden shocks or suprises

we only fear pluto if we fear the truth,it's not well liked because of it's abililty to dig deep into parts we'd rather not face and it will often "force" us to let go of something whether ideals or people or old feelings that are holding us back,pluto transits can actually give us a remarkable amount of strength to deal with underlying things that are damaging our souls.

Don't fear the worst but do be prepared to explore the darkest corners of your being and expect to be different when all the transits are over.

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posted December 26, 2008 07:07 AM           Edit/Delete Message
thanks for you response, ill post my chart, iv realised after looking at it again, it won't just be my grand square, it plans to aspect the majority of planets in my chart.

i have a question, how many years do u think it will be aspecting these planets?:

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posted December 26, 2008 07:11 AM           Edit/Delete Message
I reckon it'll be your beliefs and opinions about love/relaionships that'll be affected,you may start to separate what you were taught as a child and what you've learned as an individual,your sun is being left alone so it's not a complete identity change it's about what you feel and think,watch for people who also activate these points in your chart cos they'll be your teachers,you should get a feel of what it's all about fairly quickly but it'll take time to unravel the knots,the signs involved show staus/relating/individuality/nurture,I imagine related outer events will be dilemmas around work v family, freedom v closeness and it will challenge your previously held beliefs and feelings around these things,

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posted December 26, 2008 07:18 AM           Edit/Delete Message
jupiter in 11th in cancer,you might find your ideals being heavily challenged around mothering,it's probably in effect for 2 years but I'll go out on a limb and say unexpected pregnancy that conflicts with your mother's side opinions,pluto transiting 5th can increase fertility dramatically anyway but when it opposes your jupiter it indicates things might not be straight forward

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posted December 26, 2008 07:24 AM           Edit/Delete Message
hmm, my uranus trines sun, so won't the transiting pluto trine my sun at some point?

you reckon my beliefs systems will develop more at this point?

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posted December 26, 2008 07:35 AM           Edit/Delete Message
pluto will have already trined your sun maybe 6 years ago and will inconjunct it in about 15 years time,but yes I'd be highly suprised if you didn't do an enormous amount of work on yourself/beliefs,the thing is libralove if you're into astrology/psychology then pluto transits are fantastic for learning
but it is a slow process,sometimes in a year pluto will have only moved 1 degree and it's effects can be felt up to 10 degrees either side of whatever it's transiting

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posted December 26, 2008 07:42 AM           Edit/Delete Message
darn, im gonna be nuked by this aspect for 9- 10 years.

my identity towards people and my friends have changed in the past 2 yearsish.

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posted December 26, 2008 07:45 AM           Edit/Delete Message
I just checked my ephemeris cos I guessed those dates and pluto trined your sun through 2006/2007 it is 15 before the inconjunct though.just had loads of family turn up so i need to do my sociable bit,hope others on here can give more insight too cos pluto is a dark horse afterall

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posted December 26, 2008 07:51 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MyVirgoMask     Edit/Delete Message
We've already talked about your Moon getting the PLuto transit. Try not fret, Libralove. The outer planets getting hit in your chart might not be felt as much.
And a lot of the transits are at large degrees which aren't necessarily felt. Your Uranus is conjunct transiting Pluto almost exactly though, and Uranus is your 7th house ruler and in your natal Uranus also sits in your 5th. You sure like kinky stuff
I kid you!
It may just mean sudden, new attractions and love interests, but they'd be right up your alley.
Pluto natally is in your 4th house and that's the soul - you may have some childhood stuff / issue surfacing (we've discussed this a little I think) - and it's life-changing, but really, don't fear Pluto.
Remember something: You have a grand cross in your chart. That means you're used being chewed up and spit out and knowing how to survive things no matter what and as a result you ARE wise. Some people go thru transits to get the lights turned on for them, but you were born with the lights already on.
So the Pluto transits aren't really anything in comparison to what you've been through, seriously. You go through this stuff and it stretches you a little and whatever...but it's not bad. You have an edge over some of use mortals who don't know a thing about how to handle these transits

But in all honesty, it looks like it might be a good year for love for you. I just get that feeling looking at your chart and the transits hitting. Remember that transits mean something different for everyone. It depends on the importance of the planets transiting and getting hit during the transit. Don't go the cookbook route and get all freaked out. Pluto in
your fifth is going to give your love life a jump-start. Mark my words. You'll have other crazy stuff going on but somehow love will worm its way in this coming year.

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posted December 26, 2008 12:43 PM           Edit/Delete Message
thanks mvm : )

yeh i do put up with everything, but the one thing i can't is my phobia, if pluto messes with that, i will turn into a little boy/girl.

i know people might think im joking too but im not.

i mainly started to change in 2007.

2006 is when i think i recognized a little, it was also my first year at college.

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good girl

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posted December 26, 2008 05:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for good girl     Edit/Delete Message
I have threads going about this sort of thing too because I also have a pluto transit coming, (and I always notice them because pluto is in my first house and soon it will be conj the ruler of my 1st).

I also used to have a phobia- sucks big time. I was able to get to the point where I'm past it (although I never dwell on it because I know I could think it back active)

Anyway I'm going to share somethings that have been helpful to me.
1.- bring the things of the transiting planet into your life. A planets represents an energy that is brought into your sphere of awareness. If for example pluto is transforming your mercury it means that your ideas, thoughts, memories such are total changed (usually by wiping out the old and replacing it with something totally different.). Well if you try to do those consciously, by choice, it still counts as that energy changing you-- and believe me, it is much more palapable. So with mercury then you should go through old letters, diaries, written things your keeping and throw them away.- for example.

Looking at your chart pluto with first conj uranus, ruler of your 7th/relationship house.Big changes in relating to others.I would get out there and start initiating relationships with unusual, ecclectic type people and groups (as indicated by aquarius).
It is also going to conj. saturn ruler of your health/6th. While there are other meanings to the 6th than health issues (for example jobs, co-worker, day to day grind) I would still address the health aspect of it. If you start reading and taking an active intrest in your health and hygiene (in a noticably different way than you do now) then that may be all the transit indicates, that you've taken up this new mind set. One way or the other these things are brought to your attention. Go with it, don't fight it , bring the change about.

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posted December 26, 2008 05:54 PM           Edit/Delete Message
i have been looking at my health for months, and still recently, thanks for your response GG, what was your phobia? i can't stand mine, im not trying to belittle yours, but mine is an absolute *fkn* terror. i have a phobia of throwing up, it is absolutely terryfying when i feel sick, and i can't get away or run away from whats causing my panic and anxiety.

its Horrible.

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From: aspideronmars
Registered: Apr 2009

posted December 26, 2008 06:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lara     Edit/Delete Message
I have this transit just starting:

Pluto Trine Sun A rare and enormously fortunate transit. One of your most evolutionary and regenerative times of life. Note ~ very beneficial long term transit that also gives protection if one has other simultaneous heavily afflicting transits. Work ~ a setting of solid foundations for yours life' work. Support from those in power. Involvement and/or work of a Higher Nature. Situations of Universal support and potential to scale the Highest Peaks. Opportunities ~ good for taking control of your life. Advantages and opportunities in rebuilding yourself, your life and body. Growth ~ good physical health, self esteem and financial benefits. Honors ~ recognition and rewards due to past lessons and challenges.

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good girl

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Registered: Apr 2009

posted December 28, 2008 09:10 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for good girl     Edit/Delete Message
My phobia was swallowing the tongue. I know it may sound silly to others, but any little odd feeling in my mouth or just thinking of it would make me feel like I was about to die. And being at home only helped a little. So there was no "safe"place for me.

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