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  Is Jupiter joyous for you?

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Author Topic:   Is Jupiter joyous for you?
posted December 25, 2008 07:25 PM           Edit/Delete Message
Hey Lindalander's!

Where is Jupiter in your natal and do you honestly feel as if you've been blessed with luck and abundance in that area. Like, if it's in the 11th do you have many friends, or if it's in the 4th is your family really loving and supportive (and rich)...

I've got it in the 7th...Mr Right seems almost impossible to find...

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posted December 25, 2008 07:39 PM           Edit/Delete Message
i have it in the 11th, when i was younger, i had alot of friends, now, i don't have many atall.

could be transit related.

my friends have been able to help me too.

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posted December 25, 2008 07:46 PM           Edit/Delete Message
I have it in the sixth house in Gemini (which means its detriment and I have Sagittarius ascendent, the luck factor has to do also with natal Mercury sextile Jupiter), my health has always been very good, and for a while I had a lot of connections with getting jobs, but it seems this has disintegrated recently. Can't wait till transiting Jupiter trines my natal Jupiter next month!

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From: aspideronmars
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posted December 25, 2008 08:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lara     Edit/Delete Message
Yes! I feel blessed by jupiter

It's in Leo, in my 5th house and l have have some wonderful men in my life.

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posted December 25, 2008 10:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Glaucus     Edit/Delete Message
My Jupiter is in Sagittarius in 3rd conjunct the Imum Coeli with 2'58 can be interpreted as 3rd and 4th

I straight up say that Jupiter in 3rd/4th has not been joyous. I have a history of problems with communications,early education,and my home,family was very dysfunctional.

with the Sagittarius influence,
I have a multicultural,multiracial background born to a white mother and black father. My stepfather was multiracial like me. He had 3 daughters from his 2nd wife who was Japanese. He also had a daughter from his 1st wife who was Black Creole. So I had 3 half Japanese stepsisters,and they were like real sisters to me. I haven't seen my stepfather nor my stepsisters since 1990 when my mother finally broke up with my stepfather.

I also have 2 half siblings that I never knew. My mother had a son before she met my father who already had a 5 year old daughter. She was forced to give up for adoption after she gave birth to him at 15 years old. My mom didn't tell me about her son until 1993, and she didn't tell me about my father's daughter until 2003.

I believe that aspects to Jupiter are factors in how Jupiter will be in the chart

aspects to my Jupiter

conjunct Neptune in Sagittarius in 3rd
oppose retrograde Saturn in Gemini in 9th
trine retrograde Eris in Aries in 8th
trine Ceres in Leo in 11th
sextile/trine Lunar Nodes in Aquarius in 5th/Leo in 11th
square Moon in 3'11 Pisces in 6th

My Jupiter aspects the following midpoints:

conjunct Moon/Ascendant - '01
oppose Saturn/Midheaven - '06
square Pluto/Ceres - '52
semisquare Neptune/Ascendant - '39
semisquare Sun/Eris - '30


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posted December 26, 2008 12:12 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lucia23     Edit/Delete Message
Jupiter in Pisces in the 2nd House. (Trine my Moon and Saturn, opposite Mars.)

I feel much more blessed in Pisces areas than in 2nd house areas. It's interesting, because if I use the Equal House system, my Jupiter moves into the 3rd house, which makes more sense. I'm a writer and I feel very blessed and joyous in 3rd house areas. BUT then again, although I've never had a lot of money, I've always been able to sort of coast with money. I'm the kind of person who always finds a $20 on the street, and people always want to take care of me financially.

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posted December 26, 2008 12:42 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for amowls     Edit/Delete Message
Mine is in my 11th in Aries in mutual reception with my Mars in Sagittarius.

I have a lot of friends, yeah. At certain points in my life I didn't, however.

Jupiter also rules my 7th and I've had an abundance of close relationships with the opposite sex even though Saturn and Uranus are both conjunct my 7th cusp.

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posted December 26, 2008 02:50 AM           Edit/Delete Message
Jupiter in Pisces, 4th house

Yes..I receive immense support, abundance, luck from my family especially my dad. I have a rich, interesting family life. They are my firm foundation even though they can drive me absofreakinlutely nuts..and they're all weirdos (aquarius 4th house cusp )

Capricorn sun / Scorpio rising / Sagittarius moon

Mercury:: Sagittarius

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posted December 26, 2008 05:04 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Deliverance     Edit/Delete Message
It's brought ease to the houses, but at a cost.

It rules my ascendant, its in my 6th house in Taurus.

I am never ill, I have only had the flu once in my life & I don't catch colds. The downside is I have had to fight to keep my weight down.

I am very employable. If I go to a job interview, I'm likely to be offered the job.
But I have left a lot of jobs because of too much idle chatter & incompatible attitudes from colleagues (mostly women).

I prefer the influence of Saturn. Jupiter is out of control!!

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posted December 26, 2008 08:51 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for SilverFairy     Edit/Delete Message
I have Jupiter in Virgo In my 9th house Conjunct MC. It also Square's Venus in the 7th. It's hard to see how it helps or gives me joy in that area. but then again, I never notice anything about my own life.

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posted December 26, 2008 10:25 AM           Edit/Delete Message
I have jupiter on the ascendant 10 minute orb first house side.

I don't know that it causes me joy. People certainly describe me as optimistic. I've escaped numerous seemingly fatal accidents without a scratch. I also always seem to carry a bit of extra weight even though I watch my diet and swim fairly hard 6x/week.

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posted December 26, 2008 06:37 PM           Edit/Delete Message
Jupiter is in 12th house in Scorpio for me. I have an overzealous 'guardian angel' effect. Sounds great, but it's not. It is a very strange thing to always be in the middle of grotesque catastrophes and always be the one left standing, unscathed, in the middle. It's dehumanizing- makes you feel like you don't really exist with the rest of the world.

On the other hand I have amazing emotional reserves, defensive tactics, inner...umph, for lack of better words, and these things have helped me in so many ways.

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posted December 26, 2008 06:57 PM           Edit/Delete Message
My Jupiter is in Pisces conjunct MC. I love this planet lol

Totally joyous!

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posted December 26, 2008 08:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for evander     Edit/Delete Message
mine is in Taurus in 2nd house opposite venus. lots of money problems. I sort of feel that all I got from this is the overindulgence

Jupiter is also the dispositor of my sun .

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posted December 27, 2008 05:44 AM           Edit/Delete Message
Jupiter in Sag and 3rd, ruler of 4th
aspects all over the place.

Yes, I've always enjoyed learning, getting to know sth new (& interesting) and literature. Lots of luck with books, they sort of fell out from shelves at the right time. I've also bought several without even glancing in and realized lot later why needed it. The same goes with finding books for other people. However, I loathed school. The political brainwashing, the meanness... general dispirited attitude... brrr.

Also, my childhood home had this noisy Jupiterian feeling*. Lots of discussions about everything under the sun on Sunday morning accompanied with pancakes and laughter. And lots guest and parties - singing, dancing lots of laughter and good food.


* PS. If I'd had describe my family, I'd go with "Plutonic", but home environment - definitely "Jupiterian".

No hesitation. No regret. No looking back.

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posted December 27, 2008 06:28 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for MyVirgoMask     Edit/Delete Message
Aww, I LOVE Jupiter! He's at 2 degrees Aquarius, and retrograde, in my 10th house, though by Equal system he moves to the edge of my 9th - and boy do I have odd luck with traveling. It just seems like I'm always able to pick up and move or travel whenever I want to, and somehow I'm able to go wherever, whenever, and however...somehow I almost always am able to find the money and the means and the place, no matter how dismal things initially seem

Jupiter also conjuncts my Midheaven - I don't know, it seems I'm really lucky with attracting positive attention from mentors and higher-ups (and with my being a writer, it helps)...Jupiter squares my Mars and Venus (I can be very indulgent), and sextiles my Mercury and Neptune. Jupiter's the ruler of my 8th, which I also associate with endings - I've been unusually blessed with my breakups in relationships. No matter how emotional they've gotten, I've almost always been rewarded with a surprising grace of friendship and love in the end.

I'm due for my Jupiter Return's already being felt slightly. Goooooooo Jupiter

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posted December 27, 2008 01:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for katatonic     Edit/Delete Message
ahh, deliverance, i feel so sympathetic towards you. i cannot understand why anyone would be so averse to neptune AND jupiter, although you are a cap, right? and saturn is bound to feel comfortable in a way no one else would get! wish for you is you will oneday see the beauty in neptune and jupiter, don't you also have a pisces moon? you could be a real-life magician with cap and pisces going for you, but you have to accept neptune and jupiter first...

personally, i have retro jupiter in cap in the 12th and have found i am an extremely lucky traveller (including daily errands/ short trips), that just when it seems everything is lost fate always seems to step in with a solution and some good luck, and that i HAVE to be generous to receive my blessings...also that the contents of my subconscious are the key to my fortune in general!

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posted December 27, 2008 02:48 PM           Edit/Delete Message
Sort of, but I deserve it.

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From: Australia
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posted December 29, 2008 03:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for koiflower     Edit/Delete Message
This is a great question of which I have been pondering for 2 days!

My Jupiter is conjunct my Vesta by 1*. I have always overlooked these placements until now. It's exciting to realise that the planet of Expansion is conjunct the Sacred Virgin.

From Astro-Wiki

Jupiter symbolises powers which go beyond what is necessary for strictly personal development and touch on wider themes relevant to the wider society. With Jupiter these include justice in the light of a higher order, morality in the sense of an ethical order and religion in the sense of divine order. These are qualities which enable the coexistence of different individuals within a community or society.

I'm sure this supports my ideals of sexuality, and service toward people. My spirituality is closely tied to my sexuality.

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