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  Anne Ortelee's Weekly Weather - February 22, 2010

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Author Topic:   Anne Ortelee's Weekly Weather - February 22, 2010
venus in gemini

Posts: 365
From: Florida
Registered: Apr 2009

posted February 22, 2010 07:29 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for venus in gemini     Edit/Delete Message
Weekly Weather February 22, 2010

How is that new mythology of yours coming along? We’ll continue to develop our new myths because Chiron joined with Neptune and now starts to leave the mist of dreamy Neptune to step solidly into the world. Chiron’s orbit between Saturn and Uranus helps to take those fears, anxieties, and dark spaces we all have and transforms them into freedom, enlightenment and service to the collective.

Why our charts are designed that way, I am not sure. Why would our childhood problems and deepest fears actually become our work in this lifetime? Saturn rules both our fears and our work. Perhaps because as we progress, we grow in competency and skills in our Saturn area. Perhaps because we grow competent and skilled where our Saturn lives as we often over compensate and spend inordinate amounts of worry as well as psychic, emotional or intellectual angst over Saturn’s placement by sign and house. Perhaps because we do have many opportunities to figure it all out as Saturn rolls through house after house. And finally, perhaps because we weren’t paying attention when we were asking for our current life’s incarnation and the set of lessons to be learned. While giggling with our future pals on the clouds, we didn’t fully comprehend what exactly we asked for so we got our Saturn as our karma.

So Saturn is one of the big myths of your life. He probably has a whole bunch of phrases like “I am not so confident there” “That is not something I am very good at” or similar. Well for sure, for sure, the time has come for you to change THAT old Saturn mythology of yours. Uranus is bumping up on him, lighting up his fears, and asking you to move toward enlightenment and away from the fear.

Now, there isn’t anything wrong with your OLD myths. Those myths have served you well and long. In fact, quite a few of them are still in rather fine shape and continue to work very well for you. But I know there are a few myths in that psyche of yours that need updating or revising! Let’s explore a myth of a person from history.

When I say “Attila the Hun” what do you think of or recall from your early history lessons?

I went to see an opera, “Attila”, at the Metropolitan Opera with my dear friend Marianne. We worked together when a very difficult and nasty man was in charge of Pepsi’s Information Technology. He was down sizing the place, demoting, eliminating and firing all sorts of great people, with out regard to their past contributions, current work load or future potential. Just clearing out the place like a strip mining operation clear cuts the hill.

In one department meeting, he recommended we read the “Leadership Secrets of Attila the Hun.” Whenever your management suggests you read a book, you KNOW that is what is going to happen to your office SOON! I bought the book and read it. Attila’s Leadership secrets were pretty brutal secrets, as was befitting Attila’s reputation. Definitely NOT a feel good management style. My boss’s boss saw my copy and borrowed the book, never to return it! So here, many years later, as transiting Jupiter crossed my Moon, the ruler of my work place, I am watching an opera about Attila the Hun with one of my coworkers from Pepsi.

Ah the myths swirling around Attila! According to the internet we know Attila the Hum was called the Scourge of God by the Romans who wrote a great deal about him, his habits, appearance and manners. The Opera portrayed Attila’s troops as worshipping Odin, the God of War while the Romans worshiped Christ. Attila was king and general of the Hun empire from A.D. 433 to 453, assuming control on his Saturn return. Attila inherited his hordes who were disorganized and weakened by internal strife. Attila's first order of affairs was to unite his subjects for the purpose of creating one of the most formidable and feared armies Asia had ever seen ~ see the Leadership Secrets!

In 441 Attila's Huns attacked the Eastern Roman Empire. The success of this invasion emboldened Attila to continue his westward expansion. Passing unhindered through Austria and Germany, Attila plundered and devastated all in his path. In 451, having suffered a setback, Attila turned his attention to Italy. After having laid waste to Aquileia and other cities in 452, the Scourge of God met up with Pope Leo I who dissuaded him from sacking Rome. Odin worshippers versus Christ worshippers ~ a mythic collision! It was very similar to the cultural and mythological changes we are having now.

Attila's death in 453 wasn't quite what one would have expected from such a fierce barbarian warrior. Here is where the MYTHOLOGY of Attila gets interesting! Attila died not on the battlefield, but on the night of his marriage! There are a few theories of HOW he died. On that night Attila, who, despite common misconceptions, was not a heavy drinker, drank heavily in celebration of his new bride. In his wedding chambers at the end of the event, Attila passed out flat on his back. It was then and there that Attila had a massive nosebleed which caused him to choke on his own blood. Another theory was that he had an esophageal hemorrhage and drowned in his blood. A third theory was foul play via poison delivered by his enemies who he was dining with. And a fourth theory was his war booty and conquered bride stabbed him dead in revenge for killing her father and country, like Judith of the Old Testament. The bride stabbing him was the option the opera chose complete with soaring lyrics about how the Christian God conquered the Barbarian God, Odin and the Scourge of God dies too.

So Attila one of the most feared people in the world is dead at 47. And his mythology ~ what of his mythology? Did his God, Odin abandon him? Was Christ more powerful than Odin? Was Attila done in by a bloody nose? Was there a health problem with his body? Or did someone kill him? Did his new wife stab him? We CAN say for sure is his VENUS was definitely afflicted as he died on his wedding night! But what of his myth? And now that you know how Attila died (funny how they never talked about THAT part of his story), do you think differently about him than you did just a few minutes ago.

Some times our lives change in such a way that our myths become a relic of our past. That is happening now. And, when our old myths die, nature abhors a vacuum so she steps into give us brand NEW myths that support our new reality. Our new reality is coming into being and will form before our very eyes over the next few months.

This week Mercury joins with Neptune and Chiron to start each of us talking about the shape of our new mythology. You are going to be asked to verbalize what your vision for the your new and developing myth is. What is your vision for your life? You may not be 100% sure of all the parts. No worries that is completely where you are supposed to be. But there ARE SOME parts you are getting clearer and clearer about. Verbalize THOSE parts. Don’t worry about the rest. Saturn still has to go back into Virgo for a few months to help you get clear on the unclear parts.

Mars is starting to slow way down, dragging his feet very slowly. He’s getting ready for his station when he turns to go direct on March 10. He is out of bounds so people’s behavior and anger can be out of bounds or beyond the rational kind of actions that we would expect of them. Again, Mars in Leo bring us into contact with the darker sides of Leo’s anger or shadow part. He’s annoyed when he is not being respected for all he has done. It can appear as envy. Be clear on what you are trying to do. Mars is also in the mood to fight with partner about NOT maintaining the status quo. Partner is going to want x, Mars wants y. Fights can happen particularly on Thursday and Friday. Separate the energy into parts. Don’t globalize. It doesn’t have to be their way or your way or someone has to hit the high way. Think BIG picture. Get 20,000 feet up. Look at it from a different angle. Find the parts you can agree on. Yes they ARE in there! You have to look for them but there ARE place you agree with them.

Juno enters Taurus on Tuesday and can make partnership energy a bit clutchy, ownership based and grabby. Juno is possessive by nature. When Juno finds herself in VERY possessive Taurus, she can get way out of control with the emotions, particularly about proposed changes or adjustments to her stable, reliable, owned, MINE and solid world. What this translates to is Juno hearing partners’ words as attacks against HER security or attacks against the partnership. So you say “I can’t wait to graduate so I can move out of here!” Partner, roommate, mom or whoever you live with HEARS “I can’t wait to graduate so I can LEAVE YOU.” Of course that is NOT what you said. You simply expressed a wish for your self and your own place in the world. What they HEARD was an attack against their security and the relationship they have with you. And, if they REALLY like you, they may not say a word to you but go off being really hurt by the words you muttered about your own dream and your vision for your future.

The solution is to ask them what they heard you say. Ask them where they took what you said and the assumptions they made about what happens to THEM. What was the mythology that they looked at your words with? The mythology they had of a happy ending where we all live carefree in Buffalo is crushed if you decide to move to Los Angeles to pursue your dream of a new job. But you might hate LA. You might hate the new job. You might miss Buffalo and want to come back. They might come to visit you in LA and fall in love with LA and move there. Or both of you might decide to pursue other loves. Or both of you might decide to move to a third place that you both choose and pursue your dream of happy ending.

When you FIRST express your dream or vision of the new future or myth be aware that listening ears may interpret YOUR dream as a SLAM against THEIR dream. And it might be. And it might not be. We don’t actually KNOW yet. Give your dream a bit of room to grow to see what it can become. It is YOUR dream. So let it stretch and flap its wings as it wakes up and emerges from your insides. Don’t hamper your dream or clip its wings before it even has the chance to take flight. Dreams are fragile when they are first born or discussed. Support your new dream or mythology by only telling people who encourage you to go for your dream. Tell the lets-help-figure-how-you-can -get-there people. Avoid long conversations with the well-what-will happen-to-me-if-you-follow-your-dream people.

We are going to be entering a period of time with lots and lots of long void moons. Void moons are when the Moon kicks back and has a leisurely time floating on her back in the cosmos. Moon’s time off is supposed to be our time off too ~ so try to dream or do routine things that allow your mind to float along in creative visualization and day dream brain.

Monday or Moon Day ~ finds Gemini moon full of ideas and chatter. In general, it is optimistic and upbeat energy ~ a fairly productive day. The closing aspects are nice so that our dreams can and will be supported today.

Tuesday Mars’s day offers Moon in Gemini a few ways to try things. There is a long void moon between 12:29 pm EST and 6:29 pm. Mercury can find his comments are not well received so even if they SAY they want honest feedback, deliver it carefully and watch how they react. Too much honesty (and Mercury in Aquarius is in a very cold, clear honesty sign) can be problematic. Juno enters Taurus today and gets a bit possessive of her things, creations, partners, children and stuff. Exercise caution around criticizing owned things. Venus is NOT happy with Juno being so possessive. Remember, they may think you are killing their child with your comments. Sun wants to evolve and expand. Let him. Encourage evolution and problem solving. Focus on the improvement parts, the positive, the places you agree. The parts that you don’t agree on, put aside for the time being. Communications are emphasized today.

Wednesday or Mercury’s day finds the Moon in sensitive Cancer. Mercury is square to Pallas so today is the day when you say something that the other person completely hears it through their strategy, framework, mythology or dream. Caution. Caution. This is the set up for the problems in the back part of the week. Your dream deserves to live so don’t make it die before it has a chance to soar. Give it a bit of room to spread out and expand. Watch the time between 12:06 pm and 12:29 pm EST for the misunderstanding to bloom right before your eyes. Sun’s aspect of brilliance to Ceres will encourage you to see the bigger picture if you calm yourself down and look at it. Venus’ aspect of brilliance to Pluto pushes you to understand the world is full of ambiguity. You can love someone in Buffalo but still want to move to LA to pursue your dream. We don’t know if they are mutually exclusive dreams yet. Give all of the dream a bit of room. Say to your self “I wonder how I can have my new dream AND have my old dream. Hmmmm” Ask others for ideas. Triangles can bring solutions to the problem. Evolve.

Thursday or Jupiter’s day the closing aspect of Cancer moon makes projects begun Tuesday afternoon, Wednesday or Thursday morning really fly. Again we have a long void moon in the afternoon between 12:48 pm and 8:08 pm EST. Partnership fights can take place today as Juno has been cooking a bit since hearing whatever she heard. Make sure to clarify it and take it down a few levels with partner. What did you hear me say? What did you think I meant? What did you assume it meant for YOU? Remember the adage “Assume makes an Ass out of U and Me.” Double, triple and extra check to make sure that words are heard clearly. Once you clarify, things get much better. Moon joins with Mars making for GREAT make up sex.

Friday or Venus’ day finds the Moon in Leo pushing emotional energy across the sky. Mercury stirs the pot of the emotional nurturing you might want or need. It is a great day for phrases like ‘After all I’ve done for you…’ or ‘You might take other people into consideration before…’ Basic good guilt throwing phrases. Inquire about what exactly was being counted. Ask how much you owe for it. And as Ceres and Uranus separate from their square, they already kind of made the decision to move on or change the nurturing formula. Yes, it can hurt today. Realizing you might not be that important to them or that they weren’t that important to you or that you WERE important to each other but aren’t in the same place that you once were. Or the importance is still there but something came along that was MORE important. Encourage the other person’s dream. Encourage them to be the best they can be. Know that if they aren’t going to be with you, then your life has a different dream in store for you. We are ALL at major turning points in our lives. YOU TOO even if they are leaving you! Send them off with love ringing in their ears and heart. Leo Moon wants to separate with love or pride today. No envy. No hurt. Just send them love.

Saturn’s day finds Moon in Leo in the morning with a nice long void moon from 3:15 pm to 7:52 pm EST. Mercury links up with Neptune and Chiron, has an aspect of brilliance with Saturn and pushes off or away from home and hearth Vesta. Today give voice to the dream you have for your soul. Try to imagine what it will look like. Venus is getting great support for what she wants to do provided she does the work. Green lights all the way to Chicago for Venus! Saturn knows how to help you get to your dream. Listen for his wise counsel. Authorities or people in positions of power will step forward to help you today. Again, pay attention to the form and new mythology that seems to be shifting before your eyes. Make sure to hug and support the creative force that appears before your eyes and heart. It is your new myth.

Sunday Virgo moon is hard working and busy. Sun joins with Jupiter to create joy, abundance and a jolly good time. The full Moon takes place at 9 Virgo. Think back to the situation from September 2008 to see the situation ripening before you right now. Read the full moon report on this site for more information. Moon in Virgo pushes a bit on all the Virgo planets asking them to focus and move forward to take their rightful place. Remember Pisces is the time of the dream before the new season of Spring. Pursue your dreams! They are really all you have! Your dreams and your word. Go for it.

Mundane: The man who flew his plane into the IRS office in Austin, Texas is being called a patriot in some circles as well as being noted as the first shot in the upcoming revolution suggested by the upcoming cardinal cross and the Pluto return of our country. The mythology continues to evolve.

Russian media is actively predicting the collapse of the US as well as the dollar in June to mid-July 2010. Preserve your principle. Mythology changing before our eyes.

When the money gets taken off the table via a stock market collapse, it actually doesn’t disappear, it goes into various people’s pockets. Keep your money in your pocket. Put your assets in secure places.

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Posts: 152
Registered: Dec 2009

posted February 22, 2010 01:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for changchiu     Edit/Delete Message
Every monday i wait this mail..
thank you..

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