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  Uranus vs Pluto?

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Author Topic:   Uranus vs Pluto?

Posts: 219
From: Portland, MA,U.S
Registered: Jun 2013

posted May 31, 2014 03:00 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for whaaat     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I don't understand how Uranus differs from Pluto, and what does everyone mean by 'Uranus' personality??

Side note: I just realized how 90s this forum is and it makes me love it EVEN MORE.

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Posts: 538
From: Saturn vs. Moon
Registered: Feb 2014

posted May 31, 2014 04:48 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for starlitroad     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Quote from : About Astrology
Uranus is known in astrology as the "Awakener," since its aspects and transits bring sudden changes and shocks. It rules Aquarius, the quirky innovator, and sometimes these upheavals are a necessary break from restrictions in favor of a more liberated path.
A generational planet:
Uranus stays in a sign for about 7 years, and while there makes a similar impression on all those born during that period. On the collective level, it influences the cultural pulse of a given time period.
The meaning of Uranus in astrology:
Uranus plays an important role as the provocateur, the bringer of the cosmic wake-up call for both individuals and the collective as a whole. Just when we relax into our comfortable, stable lives, Uranus disrupts the scene. It can be through an event that happens to us, or self-initiated acts spurned on by a desire for change.

The influence of Uranus on a generation is revealed through innovations, break-throughs, shifts in perception, etc.
On a personal level, Uranus can factor in when there are intense aspects to natal planets. If you've got Sun square Uranus in the birth chart, for example, constant upheaval as you pursue your goals leads you to be flexible and go with the flow. Many insights come from looking at the house in which your Uranus falls. A 7th House (Relationships, Partnerships) Uranus can mean sudden changes that involve other people.

The gift of Uranus is to set us free when we've become too rigid or structured. While it's influence is disruptive, and accidents are associated with this planet, a crisis tends to sharpen the focus, make you feel more alive. Uranus can remind you of what you really want, not what you've been conditioned to think you want.

Uranus rules Aquarius and those with a heavy influence in their chart are born to shake things up, be the revolutionaries. John Lennon with his Moon in Aquarius and Yoko Ono, Aquarius Sun, put their desire for social change into action with the many songs, bed-ins and marches for peace. Some say Aquarians, and by association, Uranus, is 50 years ahead of its time. As the "Divine Awakener," pehaps Uranus' surprises are part of the cosmic orchestration designed with a future vision in mind.

What does Pluto influence as a "generational planet?":
An entire generation will share the same sign, and this gives shades of meaning to the mark they make on the world. It determines how they'll transform their world and how the external events of their world will transform them.
What about Pluto's influence in the individual birth chart?:
The house position of Pluto is key to understanding which area of life will enact the most dramatic transformation. It's often the area that you grasp for with the most longing, but where the attainment of your ideal vision ends up being difficult or impossible. The birth chart often points to a lifelong meditation on some issue, and no planet dogs us like Pluto does. Its potent medicine burns away what is not necessary through both our own initiated changes, and changes from external circumstances. We often have to undergo an agonizing letting go process and build faith in life itself, for miracles to occur.
What is the meaning of Pluto in Astrology?:
In the birth chart, Pluto shows the area of life where you'll personally face the intense powers of creation and destruction. It's the doorway through which volatile compressed pockets of self, spirit and primal energy lies hidden, which are released either by our own efforts or by provocation from the outside world.

Pluto's energy will not be suppressed but its power is often feared. This can put you in a showdown between your greatest fears of being destroyed, and the pursuit of the deepest longing in your heart. The Ego holds to its defenses, but Pluto tries to urge you to let go, and surrender to become a new person.

Pluto rules Scorpio with its province being death and rebirth. There's a Sufi saying, "Die many times before you die," and Pluto's lessons hold out promise of emerging from the flames a new person. When chaotic events shake us at the foundations, it could be Pluto provoking change at the fundamental level. We might not think we exist without the ground beneath us, our sense of who we are, but if we're brave, we come to discover there is life after this kind of ego-death.

Pluto also governs power itself, including struggles between people and countries for domination, and of course, personal power. It shows up when perfectly capable people end up under the thumb of someone else's control. Facing down the control and manipulation of others, especially parents, can make us weak in the knees. But once we do this, we are changed forever.

You can either be at the mercy of Pluto's provocation to change, or you can take matters into your own hands. It can be humbling to look soberly at the area of life in which you feel powerless, worked over, dissed by the Universe -- but by doing this, you can try to understand and alter your own reactions. You still might be brought to your knees, but while there you'll rest assured that Pluto's dark and punishing face is that of a tough, but loving teacher, leading you toward a more authentic experience of yourself."

Basically both are about CHANGE, BUT pluto does it through regeneration, uranus by sudden, unexpected changes
To put it simply, when you visited places you should not have been visiting ( meaning, did smth wrong, smth that lead u onto the wrong path, smth that did not longer serve you for your life purpose, PLUTO burns the bridge, it hurts, it's painful,power might be taken from you, ppl could die, but you have to regenerate yourself from ashes) Uranus, gives inspiration, eccentric visions where you can bulid another bridge, but a BETTER ONE, THE BEST VERSION, gives you the awarness to not visit those places again, but to walk straight forward, never looking back)
I could give to you 100 articles if u want to, but wanted to also give my insight/personal opinion. Hope that helped:)

“there are worse things
than being alone
but it often takes
decades to realize this
and most often when you do
it's too late
and there's nothing worse
than too late”

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Posts: 1030
Registered: Dec 2010

posted June 02, 2014 01:07 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for theunknown     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Uranus : very individualistic, weird, strange, ... Like Johnny Depp. David Bowie is pretty uranian. Eva Green too. They want to shock people.

Plutonian people always have some association with the theme of death. They seem darkkkkkk... Angelina Jolie is pretty Plutonian ( she also has strong uranus, but not off the chart like Johnny Depp). Plutonian personas wanna cause people to go through deep transformation, or the darker side. Not so much the electrifying, exciting, weird.

Honestly I think Scorpios and aquarius make great friends

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Posts: 367
Registered: Dec 2013

posted June 02, 2014 02:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for AlexDern     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
This is a really interesting thread,

I have uranus conjunct mercury on my descendant but my final dispositor is pluto and it trines my mars and sextiles my sun.

I have pluto in the sixth house.

I think of pluto as intense transformation. IT's like quitting smoking cigarettes and starting to run 3-8 miles a day. I have pluto in the sixth.

I have uranus in the seventh. This is where we aren't conventional. A lot of people are still getting married before 35 years of age. For me...I will wait until I'm over 35 most likely.

Otherwise I'm conventional but I'm known as a genius - although I'm not...I'll take it though - I have an mc in aquarius with venus conjunct their sextile my uranus and mercury.

So for me uranus is like being able to breath after meeting the challenge of saturn. I have saturn in the sixth. I work and study really hard. If I were married too I'd feel like I was suffocating. I use my freedom and lack of responsibility from being free of dating/marriage/ explore and adventure and quest the world and my psyche. I am really responsible and conventional in my risk taking but I am extremely open minded and liberal with my philosophy and associations with friends come from all walks of life.

I have uranus in sagitarius so this make sense.

Where uranus is in your chart you will be less conventional and often times free from that area until saturn's quest is complete.

And where pluto is in your life is where you release negative energy in a positive way all the while becoming greater.

I consider pluto the idea of THEOSIS! It is where we become gods in our chart when we dissolve our ego's.

For me I wanted look a certain way physically. I lifted weights but pluto said no that is a waste of time. I learned the lesson of saturn - if you're going to work out it has to be in a whollistic way. So I did cardio instead of weightlifting. It increased my neurogenesis and my IQ. IT was whollistic and the best thing for me. I had to learn and go against my entire generation and stop doing the bench pressing and meat loving they still part take in. This is why I'm 30 but I look 21. Because I stopped lifting weights and started runnig. I still do strength training but this experience was intense. I had lifted weights since I was 14 so stopping was like suddenly no longer watching t.v. There is nothing more addicting than lifting more weights - I tell you! But it's so foolish.

Cardio is where the power is builds endurance and trains the mind. It fortifies the body and the soul. It creates the pheonix.

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