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  Pluto in Aquarius SQUARE to Millennials!

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Author Topic:   Pluto in Aquarius SQUARE to Millennials!

Posts: 601
From: canada
Registered: Aug 2017

posted March 04, 2023 08:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for implosions     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I may have more investment in this upcoming square because I was born with a lot of personal planets in Scorpio, and right in the middle of the millennial gen - but has anyone else lived through their Pluto square consciously?

Gen X? Gen Y? Boomers even? How was your Pluto square? I know Gen X is just about done with their square, so I'm very curious to how that's gone for you!

I can only speak to what I've witnessed, which is a lot of pushback against the GenX generation and ... shall we say, the things a generation maybe can't see outside of themselves?

I think about the Libra-Capricorn square, very cardinal and perhaps a lot of pushing ahead in an effort to do SOMETHING with the energy? I have more Capricorn than Libra in my own chart, so I'm curious!

Scorpio squaring Aquarius ... I wonder if Millennials will finally have to reckon with their isolation tendencies. Scorpio Pluto (from experience) PREFERS to be secluded in their lives to some extent. Perhaps to protect, perhaps because it's EASIER than actually bringing that enormously deep energy into the general public? Personally I could see this; I often hide away because I find it much easier than to try and force interactions that clearly do not want or enjoy going deep.

With Pluto moving into the very structured, out there and detached air sign, I wonder if it will bring an opening of depth that Millennials have been waiting for? I do NOT see squares as negative aspects, perhaps only if aggressive planets are squared, but even then it wholly depends on the people involved.

I think the complete and utter restructuring of social-societies will be over turned and reformatted. Online spaces might become more ... more? with the new/younger generations aging up into places online we have previously not had them as much.

Not gonna speak on the situations in North America much as I don't have authorities there, and while it might be a very intense time, I think things CAN go ... differently than we might think they will.


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Posts: 8296
From: N. America
Registered: Nov 2010

posted March 04, 2023 10:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stawr     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
It should be brutal for me because I have Pluto Scorpio Moon Pluto Lilith in conjunction. But also Aquarius MC 16 degrees and Mars 23 degrees. I will get back up whatever it does to knock me on my arse. I'll be in my 40's when this happens.

The generation is dealing with Uranus Taurus opposing it right now. So I think they are kind of dealing with being isolated control freaks in some kind of way. I know I sure am. But then Uranus is also in my 12th house right now. I have been letting people in more. Socializing more. But yeah I still want to get my own place again someday. And my situation kind of sucks right now, but I am also lucky compared to others in my situation.

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Posts: 601
From: canada
Registered: Aug 2017

posted March 04, 2023 11:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for implosions     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Stawr:
It should be brutal for me because I have Pluto Scorpio Moon Pluto Lilith in conjunction. But also Aquarius MC 16 degrees and Mars 23 degrees. I will get back up whatever it does to knock me on my arse. I'll be in my 40's when this happens.

The generation is dealing with Uranus Taurus opposing it right now. So I think they are kind of dealing with being isolated control freaks in some kind of way. I know I sure am. But then Uranus is also in my 12th house right now. I have been letting people in more. Socializing more. But yeah I still want to get my own place again someday. And my situation kind of sucks right now, but I am also lucky compared to others in my situation.

Oh dip, I forgot that Uranus in Taurus will be squaring this whole shenanigan too! Interesting. Uranus square Pluto is something Millennials and GenX have, so that couuuuld make a lot of sense as to why the friction between those gens are oddly hidden yet so intense.

For me Pluto in Aquarius will be squaring Sun, Venus, Pluto, Lilith and Mercury in my 8th, but we've also already been through Saturn in Aquarius! I think the millennial gen may have a slightly interesting time as we have Pluto at HOME natally. The square here, I'm suddenly wondering if it's going to give a 'get to work!' type of vibe. I definitely have felt that with Saturn squaring my own stellium.

The Uranus opposition is something to think about for sure. So far I've seen it's a very externalized energy coming to disrupt the calm around the Pluto in Scorpio generation. Less so in terms of personal/internalized problems as much as it's happening from outside sources. Oppositions usually need some form of balance, but it's also a sort of detached aspect.

The square though ... I'm very curious. I suspect we may see more earthly based things happening. Natural disasters we have seen building on various scales for a few years now (and I continue to posit that Uranus in an earth sign just does this to some degree) - Verrry interesting that Pluto in Aqua will be squaring Pluto's ruling sign, but also squaring Aquarius' ruling planet (or one of).

I also think our collective understanding OF Aquarius is going to be evolving. The Aqua of old may rear it's head to be studied and reformed. But I think the sudden moments of being dragged down to the underworld- for a sign that typically prefers to be WAY out and off the planet ... The collective efforts of being forced into depth. I think it will be good.

There is something to be said about how maturity happens too. There's a theory/study I've recently learned about that shows people who have lived through higher stress, typically look MUCH older than their same-aged peers that do not experience the same levels of stress. They literally mature in different forms because of the external pressure forcing their metaphorical hand. Needs must, kinda thing. For Pluto going into almost a T-square here ... I think the collective, Aquarius, Scorpio AND Taurus are going to have some major maturing to do.

I try not to be nervous for it, because whatever stress comes, we are opposing the boomer generation's Pluto in Leo. It's time to mature out of the self-first thinking that has been engrained into the marrow of our generations. Time to grow up and begin including others in our internal psyche.

Nevermind my theories on what sort of psychic abilities may become more prominent in this time frame too ;D


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Posts: 1113
Registered: Apr 2018

posted March 05, 2023 01:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for StoneMoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
when I had my Pluto square it was over the period of 2015/2016. It was a time of reclamation for me, as I had gone through a divorce and I was finding my own self and power again. I had a rough time with my ex, but in those years I went back to school and overcame a lot. I lost my grandmother, had tumultuous relationships, and learned a lot about myself.

I remember there being hard times, but nothing disastrous. tPluto was in my 2nd house so it mostly related to me being able to provide for my own. I lost things, but learned I was able to get what I needed without help from anyone else. (I am an 8th houser so this meant a lot to me, bcs I frequently receive things from others.)

It didn't square personal planets, so I can't speak to that. But Pluto in hard aspect to my personal planets has been fine too. Pluto and Saturn tend to be fine for me- it's Neptune that lays me out flat.

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Kannon McAfee

Posts: 5021
From: Portland, OR - USA
Registered: Oct 2011

posted March 05, 2023 03:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Kannon McAfee     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I went through it 2004-08 (using 5° orb - Gen-X natal Pluto 25° Virgo). Robert Hand's description of it in his book Planets in Transit is pretty informative.

That was a period of gaining new footing in my life on the ground of healing and spirituality. I had to go from disempowered to empowered.

For me, it was more intense than for most people because the transit immediately followed (and overlapped with) Pluto's square to my Asc (since natal Pluto is 8° past my Asc in 1st). During that period I went from rock bottom to functioning better than I had in my whole life up to that point because I had no other option but to accept the challenge of finding empowerment even in my apparently limiting circumstances. I had to spiritually create my way out of that by co-creating it with Spirit. I learned to ride waves of synchronicity and accepting the help of other human beings along the way as part of the process.

There were some moments of ego conflict (one I recall anyway) along the way as I gained strength and saw through some of the b.s. around me. But there were more important ways in which I overcame ego, let down walls, got help, renewed relationships, renewed my health.

It was a rejuvenation of my life through healing and spiritual guidance.

The Declcinations Guy
> Soul Stars Astrology Gemstone Readings for energy balance and healing

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We were born for these times. We agreed to be here.

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posted March 05, 2023 11:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for teasel     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
It just keeps sucking. Whenever I expect anything good, and feel some hope, I get smacked down into the ground for it.

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Posts: 8296
From: N. America
Registered: Nov 2010

posted March 06, 2023 06:11 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stawr     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by teasel:
It just keeps sucking. Whenever I expect anything good, and feel some hope, I get smacked down into the ground for it.


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Posts: 8296
From: N. America
Registered: Nov 2010

posted March 06, 2023 06:31 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stawr     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by implosions:
Oh dip, I forgot that Uranus in Taurus will be squaring this whole shenanigan too! Interesting. Uranus square Pluto is something Millennials and GenX have, so that couuuuld make a lot of sense as to why the friction between those gens are oddly hidden yet so intense.

For me Pluto in Aquarius will be squaring Sun, Venus, Pluto, Lilith and Mercury in my 8th, but we've also already been through Saturn in Aquarius! I think the millennial gen may have a slightly interesting time as we have Pluto at HOME natally. The square here, I'm suddenly wondering if it's going to give a 'get to work!' type of vibe. I definitely have felt that with Saturn squaring my own stellium.

The Uranus opposition is something to think about for sure. So far I've seen it's a very externalized energy coming to disrupt the calm around the Pluto in Scorpio generation. Less so in terms of personal/internalized problems as much as it's happening from outside sources. Oppositions usually need some form of balance, but it's also a sort of detached aspect.

The square though ... I'm very curious. I suspect we may see more earthly based things happening. Natural disasters we have seen building on various scales for a few years now (and I continue to posit that Uranus in an earth sign just does this to some degree) - Verrry interesting that Pluto in Aqua will be squaring Pluto's ruling sign, but also squaring Aquarius' ruling planet (or one of).

I also think our collective understanding OF Aquarius is going to be evolving. The Aqua of old may rear it's head to be studied and reformed. But I think the sudden moments of being dragged down to the underworld- for a sign that typically prefers to be WAY out and off the planet ... The collective efforts of being forced into depth. I think it will be good.

There is something to be said about how maturity happens too. There's a theory/study I've recently learned about that shows people who have lived through higher stress, typically look MUCH older than their same-aged peers that do not experience the same levels of stress. They literally mature in different forms because of the external pressure forcing their metaphorical hand. Needs must, kinda thing. For Pluto going into almost a T-square here ... I think the collective, Aquarius, Scorpio AND Taurus are going to have some major maturing to do.

I try not to be nervous for it, because whatever stress comes, we are opposing the boomer generation's Pluto in Leo. It's time to mature out of the self-first thinking that has been engrained into the marrow of our generations. Time to grow up and begin including others in our internal psyche.

Nevermind my theories on what sort of psychic abilities may become more prominent in this time frame too ;D


Thank God Saturn will not be in Aquarius when this happens and Uranus will not be in Taurus. I hope it's easier than having Saturn Aqua and Uranus Taurus in the same degrees. That was such a hard time for me physically and emotionally. Or maybe it's the equivalent. I just hope the big planets are doing nice things for me when Pluto is between 6-23 degrees in Aquarius.

Saturn entering Pisces is a welcome change for sure! This will be some relief for the early Pluto Scorpio generation.

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