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Author Topic:   Machiavelli(19730)

Posts: 31
Registered: Dec 2012

posted January 22, 2015 01:22 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Eternalone     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Asteroid 19730, Machiavelli, was discovered December 7, 1999 by Charles W. Juels at Fountain Hills, Arizona. It has a period of 5 years, 210 days.
Machiavelli was named for Niccolò Machiavelli (1469-1527) a Italian political scientist and writer who advocated a strong central government. His famous 1513 book, The Prince, which was inspired by the notorious Cesare Borgia, describes how to get and keep power without worrying about morality.

Niccolò Machiavelli

In its astrological meaning, asteroid Machiavelli seems to reflect this.
Tom DeLay, for instance, has Machiavelli conjunct Agamemnon (ruthless attacks) and Hektor (bullying), square 2000 EC98 (picky, weird, ungrounded), trine/sextile the Nodes (connections), and sesquiquadrate Uranus (activism).
Richard Nixon's name is synonymous with devious, underhanded and ruthless politics, much of which he directed against liberals. Nixon also opened China up to the West through his historic 1973 summit with Mao Zedong in Beijing. Nixon had Machiavelli in the fourth house, on the IC, conjunct Vesta (dedication, commitment) and 1994 TA (to pollute); sextile Chaos, Odysseus (strategy, travel), the Vertex (significant relationships) and the Part of Fortune (development of the life, success); square Lilith (things and people you have to put up with) and the Ascendant (personal interests); and semisquare Uranus (activism) and Pallas (conceptualization, planning, politics).
Henry Kissinger has Machiavelli in the third house, sextile Mars (the military, taking action), square Asbolus (awful experiences), and trine 2002 VE95 (qualified benefit). He apparently came out of the Holocaust disillusioned with humanity to where he could sink up to the eyebrows in Realpolitik. He does not dare travel to some countries for fear of being arrested as a consequence of things he did during his career.
William Randolph Hearst, who did not hesitate to use his considerable resources against those who displeased him or stoop to yellow journalism, had Machiavelli square Heracles (to strive against, passions) and Chiron (to educate, to wound oneself), trine Nessus (predators, greed and lust), quincunx Pluto (mass movements, large corporations) and 1999 CY118 (a monster created by humans, motivating others), and opposite Venus (values, luxuries) and Chariklo (need to keep perspective, popularizing, glamorizing, conditional nurturance).
Velupillai Prabhakaran is a Sri Lankan terrorist leader credited with inventing the human-suicide-bomber tactic, whose goal is to carve a separate state for his Tamil people out of Sri Lanka and who has frequently used children as foot soldiers against the Sinhalese majority in the country's long, bloody civil war. He has Machiavelli sextile Hylonome (public support, the cry of the people, pathos, dangerous pursuits) and Memnon (attempting to make a new beginning), trine Saturn (hard work) and Pallas, sesquiquadrate Jupiter (philosophy), and quincunx Odysseus.
Muammar Qaddafi, a longtime supporter of world terrorism with a vision of a new world order who took power in a coup, has Machiavelli in the ninth house of philosophy, religion and relations with foreign people, places and things, sextile 2002 VQ94 (to shatter), square Memnon, trine Saturn, sesquiquadrate Neptune (idealism, delusion, oil), and sextile Actor.
Nelson Mandela felt obligated to take supporters where he could find them and as he found them in the struggle against apartheid in South Africa; these included the South African Communist Party and thugs who murdered people by lighting gasoline-soaked tires put around their necks. Mandela has Machiavelli undecimal 1992 QB1 (to make a stand), sextile Cyllarus (ability to meet one's own needs), square Mercury and Lilith (having to do what one has to do), trine Varuna (to make big, to judge), and sesquiquadrate Jupiter.

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Posts: 682
Registered: Oct 2012

posted January 23, 2015 12:41 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Keela     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
If you're quoting text from somebody else, please list the source or link to it. I assume this is from Mark Andrew Holmes's page, going by the style of the aspects listed. Think that was his name, anyway.

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Posts: 31
Registered: Dec 2012

posted January 23, 2015 01:35 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Eternalone     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yes keela thank you .this is from Mark Andrew Holmes's page. I forgot to mention this.

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