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  Nodes Question

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Author Topic:   Nodes Question

Posts: 6112
From: Mountain Gate
Registered: Aug 2013

posted March 12, 2014 11:09 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ellynlvx     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

You have two Anaretic Planets; Neptune and Pluto, one of which (Pluto) is being set off by the North Node.

Here is your One-Year:

Astrological Report For ladymunter Knowflake
Mar 01, 2014 to Mar 01, 2015
TimeLine ladymunter Knowflake
Chart Data
ladymunter Knowflake

Sort: Enter
Zodiac: Tropical
Coordinate System: Geocentric
Aspect set: Ptolemy
Transit Planets: Ma Ju Sa Ur Ne Pl
Progression 1 Method: Secondary
Progression 1 Planets: Mo Su Me Ve Ma
Eclipse Aspect Set: Ptolemy
Planet Sign Position House House Cusps
Sun Cancer 17°Ca55' 04th 01 08°Ta15'
Moon Sagittarius 10°Sg35' 08th 02 09°Ge48'
Mercury Leo 05°Le49' 05th 03 27°Ge20'
Venus Cancer 24°Ca33' 04th 04 12°Ca45'
Mars Scorpio 14°Sc18' 07th 05 00°Le49'
Jupiter Capricorn 06°Cp46' R 09th 06 00°Vi14'
Saturn Scorpio 09°Sc43' R 07th 07 08°Sc15'
Uranus Sagittarius 10°Sg09' R 08th 08 09°Sg48'
Neptune Sagittarius 29°Sg33' R 09th 09 27°Sg20'
Pluto Libra 29°Li19' 06th 10 12°Cp45'
Midheaven Capricorn 12°Cp45' 11 00°Aq49'
Ascendant Taurus 08°Ta15' 12 00°Pi14'
Copyright 1985-2008 Matrix Software, Inc.
Introduction Page 2
TimeLine ladymunter Knowflake
Report Highlights
Mar 31 Moon Enter Tenth Secondary Progression (Capricorn 10th )
**** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 03/31/14 Leave: End Date)
A need to be respected is an emotionally charged issue in your life at this time. You develop a
knack for organizing things and people, as a sense of ambition and practicality takes hold. Work,
achievement, and ambition: these things mean a lot to you now.
Mar 31 Moon Conjunct MC Secondary Progression (Capricorn-Capricorn 10th-10th)
*** Exact (Enter: 03/02/14 Exact: 03/31/14 Leave: 04/29/14)
This is a very public time in your life, with much emphasis on career and status: things can go
very well in these areas. You get support from people in positions of authority or from the public at
large. And yet you may have little time for yourself... A better time to sell rather than buy real
estate, all else being equal.
Apr 14 Jupiter Opposite MC Transit (Cancer-Capricorn 4th-10th)
**** Exact (Enter: 04/04/14 Exact: 04/14/14 Leave: 04/22/14)
This could be a time of challenge from a career standpoint. You may find yourself spending
more interest and energy at home and with the family, and having less shine on the job. This home
life will lay the foundation for greater confidence at work.
Apr 14 Jupiter Enter Fourth Transit (Cancer 4th )
***** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 04/14/14 Leave: End Date)
Family, home, and the other roots in your life give you a sense of mission now. There is growth
and gain through these things. Generally a fruitful period for real estate investments, if you don't
bite off more than you can chew.
Apr 15 Moon Square Venus Lunar Eclipse (Libra-Cancer 6th-4th)
*** Exact (Enter: 04/15/14 Exact: 04/15/14 Leave: 10/08/14)
Romantic and social relationships are apt to be in a state of change now - respond to the
challenge and establish new directions, or dissatisfaction will grow. Making important financial
decisions under pressure is unwise at any time, but especially at THIS time. Still, you may find that
opportunities will arise to buy things or make investments at below the market value. Unless you're
buying a pig in a poke, this can work to your advantage.
Apr 29 Sun Trine Jupiter Solar Eclipse (Taurus-Capricorn 1st-9th)
*** Exact (Enter: 04/29/14 Exact: 04/29/14 Leave: 10/23/14)
High-level differences of opinion or outlook represent an important area of change in your life
at this time. This extends to fundamental religious or philosophical beliefs, which cry out for
re-examination in the light of new information and influences. Educational projects require much
study and may also involve travel. Fresh insight comes to you through mass media (broadcasting,
publishing, advertising), giving you a whole new perspective.
Report Highlights Page 3
TimeLine ladymunter Knowflake
Apr 29 Sun Square Mercury Solar Eclipse (Taurus-Leo 1st-5th)
*** Exact (Enter: 04/29/14 Exact: 04/29/14 Leave: 10/23/14)
Resolving conflicting opinions and deciding between opposing views or different options is a
special focus for you now. This is a time of decision: a change is needed. Distinguishing between
facts and feelings, and giving each its due, become the keys to your best interests now.
Apr 29 Sun Trine MC Solar Eclipse (Taurus-Capricorn 1st-10th)
*** Exact (Enter: 04/29/14 Exact: 04/29/14 Leave: 10/23/14)
Status and security goals need rethinking now, to take advantage of changing circumstances.
Your career is a focus for this, but your home and family situation is also involved. Finances -
purchases, investments, and credit in particular - could stand some clear thinking now: getting in
over your head where such things are concerned can happen before you know it, so keep an eye on
the bottom line.
Apr 29 Sun Opposite Saturn Solar Eclipse (Taurus-Scorpio 1st-7th)
*** Exact (Enter: 04/29/14 Exact: 04/29/14 Leave: 10/23/14)
People you rely on at an emotional level tend to be unable to live up to your expectations at a
time like this, probably through no fault of their own. Be supportive; do not expect too much. Extra
care is needed in all contractual transactions: read the fine print, and don't get stuck with a white
elephant. Real estate sales or purchases are probably not a good idea now.
Apr 29 Sun Conjunct Asc Solar Eclipse (Taurus-Taurus 1st-1st)
*** Exact (Enter: 04/29/14 Exact: 04/29/14 Leave: 10/23/14)
Health and self-expression are areas of your life that require some attention now, and the odds
are good that there's help to be had for the asking where these things are concerned. Close
relationships are apt to be in a highly charged emotional state - work things out and grow together,
or you might grow apart.
May 18 Jupiter Conjunct Sun Transit (Cancer-Cancer 4th-4th)
**** Exact (Enter: 05/13/14 Exact: 05/18/14 Leave: 05/24/14)
A great time, when good fortune and plain old luck surround you. It is easy for you to make
correct decisions, find the right path, and move forward where career and success are concerned.
Life's problems seem manageable and easy to solve.
Jun 15 Pluto Conjunct MC Transit (Capricorn-Capricorn 9th-10th)
***** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 06/15/14 Leave: 07/26/14)
A deep inner change affecting your career goals and the way you set about fulfilling them. A
time of intense mental and psychological change, during which you see how your inner self works.
A mental transformation.
Jun 15 Pluto Re-Enter Ninth Transit (Capricorn 9th )
****** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 06/15/14 Leave: End Date)
Travel, education, and exposure to religious or philosophical ideas: one or more such
experiences can change the course of your life now. Seeing the big picture makes the scales fall off
your eyes... Legal and political matters can have a bigger impact than you anticipate, so approach
them with care.
Report Highlights Page 4
TimeLine ladymunter Knowflake
Jun 21 Jupiter Conjunct Venus Transit (Cancer-Cancer 4th-4th)
**** Exact (Enter: 06/16/14 Exact: 06/21/14 Leave: 06/26/14)
You may find yourself more than a little acquisitive, and your current appreciation for just
about everything may lead you to overspend, indulge too much. You will make career gains by
your ability to sense quality and choose accordingly.
Jul 16 Jupiter Enter Leo Transit (Leo 4th )
***** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 07/16/14 Leave: End Date)
High drama, big romance, a creative bonanza: this is the stuff dreams are made of now. The
world is your stage, the spotlight is your goal, and the love and appreciation of others is the air you
breathe. Children, lovers, admirers: these are the people who figure large in your life as this cycle
progresses. A willingness to gamble on the future.
Jul 20 Jupiter Enter Fifth Transit (Leo 5th )
***** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 07/20/14 Leave: End Date)
Bigger and better is the theme when it comes to creativity, romance, and self-expression now.
This is a time when taking chances in these areas of your life often pays off beyond your wildest
expectations. A lover or child is generous or inspiring.
Aug 11 Jupiter Conjunct Mercury Transit (Leo-Leo 5th-5th)
**** Exact (Enter: 08/07/14 Exact: 08/11/14 Leave: 08/16/14)
You find that you can really use your mind to make clear choices and think things through.
Career decisions are straightforward and easy to make. You make your way through ideas,
concepts, and your ability to communicate and express them to others.
Aug 28 Moon Opposite Sun Secondary Progression (Capricorn-Cancer 10th-4th)
*** Exact (Enter: 07/30/14 Exact: 08/28/14 Leave: 09/26/14)
Resolving emotionally-charged conflicts is a key issue for you at this time. This is especially
true where close relationships and family ties are concerned. You've got to allow for deeply felt
needs, to make room for personal failings and foibles, to compromise in the interests of harmony:
anything else leads to estrangement. Generally a window of opportunity for buying or selling real
Oct 08 Moon Square MC Lunar Eclipse (Aries-Capricorn 12th-10th)
*** Exact (Enter: 10/08/14 Exact: 10/08/14 Leave: 04/04/15)
Your goals stand in stark contrast to the goals of others now, and an adjustment must be made.
There is a need for compromise, for coming to an understanding. This is a time of decision, when
small changes can have big effects later on down the road: make the right choice and it rebounds to
your benefit; the wrong one (or no choice at all) does you no favors.
Oct 08 Moon Square Sun Lunar Eclipse (Aries-Cancer 12th-4th)
*** Exact (Enter: 10/08/14 Exact: 10/08/14 Leave: 04/04/15)
Your home and family environment is likely to be the scene of many challenges now. People
who want to do things their way seem to pull the rug out from under you. It's important to take
action aimed at dealing with changes of this sort - otherwise, a sense of insecurity can develop that
will be very hard to handle.
Report Highlights Page 5
TimeLine ladymunter Knowflake
Oct 23 Sun Conjunct Pluto Solar Eclipse (Scorpio-Libra 6th-6th)
*** Exact (Enter: 10/23/14 Exact: 10/23/14 Leave: 03/20/15)
This is one of those "you can't go home again" periods in your life. Time is a one-way street, so
don't look back: take the changes that come your way as they are, and go ahead from there. Your
home and family life, as well as strong emotional ties in general, are a focus for this. Emotional
stability and security are worth fighting for - but the real battle could well be with yourself.
Dec 19 Pluto Enter Tenth Transit (Capricorn 10th )
****** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 12/19/14 Leave: End Date)
Ambition can take you further than you even dreamed at a time like this - perhaps further than
you should go, unless you keep things in perspective. Power plays are afoot when status is at stake:
don't get in over your head. People in high places have hidden agendas: know what you're getting
Dec 19 Pluto Conjunct MC Transit (Capricorn-Capricorn 10th-10th)
***** Exact (Enter: 11/17/14 Exact: 12/19/14 Leave: 01/17/15)
A deep inner change affecting your career goals and the way you set about fulfilling them. A
time of intense mental and psychological change, during which you see how your inner self works.
A mental transformation.
Dec 23 Saturn Enter Sagittarius Transit (Sagittarius 7th )
***** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 12/23/14 Leave: End Date)
The new phase now beginning in your life brings a need to break out of narrow concepts and
legalistic philosophical or religious ideas. Remember: "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of
small minds." Opportunities to broaden your mental horizons may not come with ease, but they are
essential if you are to avoid a kind of spiritual stagnation.
Feb 08 Moon Opposite Venus Secondary Progression (Capricorn-Cancer 10th-4th)
*** Enter (Enter: 02/08/15 Exact: End Date Leave: End Date)
Happiness depends on how you treat other people now, and how you are treated by them. This
is especially true in romantic relationships. There are tensions to be resolved, opposing viewpoints
and outlooks to be harmonized - differences in taste or social background may play a part in this. A
better time to sell than to buy, generally speaking.
Report Highlights Page 6
TimeLine ladymunter Knowflake
March - Monthly Highlights
Mar 31 Moon Enter Tenth Secondary Progression (Capricorn 10th )
**** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 03/31/14 Leave: End Date)
A need to be respected is an emotionally charged issue in your life at this time. You develop a
knack for organizing things and people, as a sense of ambition and practicality takes hold. Work,
achievement, and ambition: these things mean a lot to you now.
Mar 31 Moon Conjunct MC Secondary Progression (Capricorn-Capricorn 10th-10th)
*** Exact (Enter: 03/02/14 Exact: 03/31/14 Leave: 04/29/14)
This is a very public time in your life, with much emphasis on career and status: things can go
very well in these areas. You get support from people in positions of authority or from the public at
large. And yet you may have little time for yourself... A better time to sell rather than buy real
estate, all else being equal.
March Highlights Page 7
TimeLine ladymunter Knowflake
Report for March
Mar 09 Uranus Trine Uranus Transit (Aries-Sagittarius 12th-8th)
***** Leave (Enter: Begin Date Exact: Begin Date Leave: 03/09/14)
A surge of independence, a need for freedom, and an interest in trying new and different things
may take hold of you. Unusual or unconventional behavior, an interest in the exotic or in eccentric
friends. Breaking away, turning over the apple cart.
Mar 13 Pluto Sextile Mars Transit (Capricorn-Scorpio 10th-7th)
***** Enter (Enter: 03/13/14 Exact: End Date Leave: 05/18/14)
A time when you may feel very passionate, or during which your feelings, emotions, and basic
life urges undergo change and possibly transformation. You feel more personal and direct and find
that you waste less time with hurt feelings than before.
Mar 17 Uranus Trine Moon Transit (Aries-Sagittarius 12th-8th)
***** Leave (Enter: Begin Date Exact: Begin Date Leave: 03/17/14)
You could receive unexpected help or support from those around you especially someone
younger or a woman. A time when you may get insights into your living situation or support
system. New ideas about your past history, new approaches to established facts.
Mar 19 Jupiter Trine Saturn Transit (Cancer-Scorpio 3rd-7th)
**** Leave (Enter: Begin Date Exact: Begin Date Leave: 03/19/14)
A real time to buckle down and consolidate your career. Your organizational abilities and sense
of responsibility will be what guide you and prove successful. Your career could assume a much
more determined and solid form -- a firm foundation.
Mar 23 Mars Square Venus Transit (Libra-Cancer 6th-4th)
*** Exact (Enter: 03/19/14 Exact: 03/23/14 Leave: 03/26/14)
You may feel emotionally frustrated. Your feelings are going against much of what you value,
so make way for possible difficulty. Your enjoyment of life may be temporarily blocked.
Mar 31 Moon Enter Tenth Secondary Progression (Capricorn 10th )
**** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 03/31/14 Leave: End Date)
A need to be respected is an emotionally charged issue in your life at this time. You develop a
knack for organizing things and people, as a sense of ambition and practicality takes hold. Work,
achievement, and ambition: these things mean a lot to you now.
Mar 31 Moon Conjunct MC Secondary Progression (Capricorn-Capricorn 10th-10th)
*** Exact (Enter: 03/02/14 Exact: 03/31/14 Leave: 04/29/14)
This is a very public time in your life, with much emphasis on career and status: things can go
very well in these areas. You get support from people in positions of authority or from the public at
large. And yet you may have little time for yourself... A better time to sell rather than buy real
estate, all else being equal.
March Report Page 8
TimeLine ladymunter Knowflake
April - Monthly Highlights
Apr 14 Jupiter Opposite MC Transit (Cancer-Capricorn 4th-10th)
**** Exact (Enter: 04/04/14 Exact: 04/14/14 Leave: 04/22/14)
This could be a time of challenge from a career standpoint. You may find yourself spending
more interest and energy at home and with the family, and having less shine on the job. This home
life will lay the foundation for greater confidence at work.
Apr 14 Jupiter Enter Fourth Transit (Cancer 4th )
***** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 04/14/14 Leave: End Date)
Family, home, and the other roots in your life give you a sense of mission now. There is growth
and gain through these things. Generally a fruitful period for real estate investments, if you don't
bite off more than you can chew.
Apr 15 Moon Square Venus Lunar Eclipse (Libra-Cancer 6th-4th)
*** Exact (Enter: 04/15/14 Exact: 04/15/14 Leave: 10/08/14)
Romantic and social relationships are apt to be in a state of change now - respond to the
challenge and establish new directions, or dissatisfaction will grow. Making important financial
decisions under pressure is unwise at any time, but especially at THIS time. Still, you may find that
opportunities will arise to buy things or make investments at below the market value. Unless you're
buying a pig in a poke, this can work to your advantage.
Apr 29 Sun Conjunct Asc Solar Eclipse (Taurus-Taurus 1st-1st)
*** Exact (Enter: 04/29/14 Exact: 04/29/14 Leave: 10/23/14)
Health and self-expression are areas of your life that require some attention now, and the odds
are good that there's help to be had for the asking where these things are concerned. Close
relationships are apt to be in a highly charged emotional state - work things out and grow together,
or you might grow apart.
Apr 29 Sun Opposite Saturn Solar Eclipse (Taurus-Scorpio 1st-7th)
*** Exact (Enter: 04/29/14 Exact: 04/29/14 Leave: 10/23/14)
People you rely on at an emotional level tend to be unable to live up to your expectations at a
time like this, probably through no fault of their own. Be supportive; do not expect too much. Extra
care is needed in all contractual transactions: read the fine print, and don't get stuck with a white
elephant. Real estate sales or purchases are probably not a good idea now.
Apr 29 Sun Trine MC Solar Eclipse (Taurus-Capricorn 1st-10th)
*** Exact (Enter: 04/29/14 Exact: 04/29/14 Leave: 10/23/14)
Status and security goals need rethinking now, to take advantage of changing circumstances.
Your career is a focus for this, but your home and family situation is also involved. Finances -
purchases, investments, and credit in particular - could stand some clear thinking now: getting in
over your head where such things are concerned can happen before you know it, so keep an eye on
the bottom line.
April Highlights Page 9
TimeLine ladymunter Knowflake
Apr 29 Sun Square Mercury Solar Eclipse (Taurus-Leo 1st-5th)
*** Exact (Enter: 04/29/14 Exact: 04/29/14 Leave: 10/23/14)
Resolving conflicting opinions and deciding between opposing views or different options is a
special focus for you now. This is a time of decision: a change is needed. Distinguishing between
facts and feelings, and giving each its due, become the keys to your best interests now.
Apr 29 Sun Trine Jupiter Solar Eclipse (Taurus-Capricorn 1st-9th)
*** Exact (Enter: 04/29/14 Exact: 04/29/14 Leave: 10/23/14)
High-level differences of opinion or outlook represent an important area of change in your life
at this time. This extends to fundamental religious or philosophical beliefs, which cry out for
re-examination in the light of new information and influences. Educational projects require much
study and may also involve travel. Fresh insight comes to you through mass media (broadcasting,
publishing, advertising), giving you a whole new perspective.
April Highlights Page 10
TimeLine ladymunter Knowflake
Report for April
Apr 07 Uranus Square MC Transit (Aries-Capricorn 12th-10th)
***** Exact (Enter: 03/20/14 Exact: 04/07/14 Leave: 04/25/14)
A time for discovering others or for finding yourself able to respond to friends and lovers and
enter into relationships with a renewed sense of love and compassion. Real breakthroughs, a
willingness to try new and different approaches to relationships.
Apr 11 Mars Square Sun Transit (Libra-Cancer 6th-4th)
*** Exact (Enter: 04/08/14 Exact: 04/11/14 Leave: 04/14/14)
Emotions may flare up or arguments occur that work against your own best interests. Be
prepared, and walk softly.
Apr 14 Jupiter Opposite MC Transit (Cancer-Capricorn 4th-10th)
**** Exact (Enter: 04/04/14 Exact: 04/14/14 Leave: 04/22/14)
This could be a time of challenge from a career standpoint. You may find yourself spending
more interest and energy at home and with the family, and having less shine on the job. This home
life will lay the foundation for greater confidence at work.
Apr 14 Jupiter Enter Fourth Transit (Cancer 4th )
***** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 04/14/14 Leave: End Date)
Family, home, and the other roots in your life give you a sense of mission now. There is growth
and gain through these things. Generally a fruitful period for real estate investments, if you don't
bite off more than you can chew.
Apr 14 Neptune Sextile Jupiter Transit (Pisces-Capricorn 12th-9th)
***** Exact (Enter: 03/15/14 Exact: 04/14/14 Leave: End Date)
Your career could become almost ideal, or you could find yourself taking an interest in more
spiritual and mystical matters. The direction of your life could turn more to questions of religion
and world unity. Occult and esoteric subjects may concern you.
Apr 15 Moon Square Venus Lunar Eclipse (Libra-Cancer 6th-4th)
*** Exact (Enter: 04/15/14 Exact: 04/15/14 Leave: 10/08/14)
Romantic and social relationships are apt to be in a state of change now - respond to the
challenge and establish new directions, or dissatisfaction will grow. Making important financial
decisions under pressure is unwise at any time, but especially at THIS time. Still, you may find that
opportunities will arise to buy things or make investments at below the market value. Unless you're
buying a pig in a poke, this can work to your advantage.
Apr 26 Mars Square MC Transit (Libra-Capricorn 6th-10th)
*** Exact (Enter: 04/23/14 Exact: 04/26/14 Leave: 04/29/14)
Harsh feelings could flare up on the job or with authority figures. Cool it, and let this one pass.
April Report Page 11
TimeLine ladymunter Knowflake
Apr 26 Jupiter Trine Mars Transit (Cancer-Scorpio 4th-7th)
**** Exact (Enter: 04/18/14 Exact: 04/26/14 Leave: 05/03/14)
Things are happening, and your career, or path depends upon your own ambition and drive,
which are strong now. Able to use good common horse-sense, you can feel trends and make the
right moves. A time to get ahead by taking action.
Apr 29 Sun Conjunct Asc Solar Eclipse (Taurus-Taurus 1st-1st)
*** Exact (Enter: 04/29/14 Exact: 04/29/14 Leave: 10/23/14)
Health and self-expression are areas of your life that require some attention now, and the odds
are good that there's help to be had for the asking where these things are concerned. Close
relationships are apt to be in a highly charged emotional state - work things out and grow together,
or you might grow apart.
Apr 29 Sun Opposite Saturn Solar Eclipse (Taurus-Scorpio 1st-7th)
*** Exact (Enter: 04/29/14 Exact: 04/29/14 Leave: 10/23/14)
People you rely on at an emotional level tend to be unable to live up to your expectations at a
time like this, probably through no fault of their own. Be supportive; do not expect too much. Extra
care is needed in all contractual transactions: read the fine print, and don't get stuck with a white
elephant. Real estate sales or purchases are probably not a good idea now.
Apr 29 Sun Trine MC Solar Eclipse (Taurus-Capricorn 1st-10th)
*** Exact (Enter: 04/29/14 Exact: 04/29/14 Leave: 10/23/14)
Status and security goals need rethinking now, to take advantage of changing circumstances.
Your career is a focus for this, but your home and family situation is also involved. Finances -
purchases, investments, and credit in particular - could stand some clear thinking now: getting in
over your head where such things are concerned can happen before you know it, so keep an eye on
the bottom line.
Apr 29 Sun Square Mercury Solar Eclipse (Taurus-Leo 1st-5th)
*** Exact (Enter: 04/29/14 Exact: 04/29/14 Leave: 10/23/14)
Resolving conflicting opinions and deciding between opposing views or different options is a
special focus for you now. This is a time of decision: a change is needed. Distinguishing between
facts and feelings, and giving each its due, become the keys to your best interests now.
Apr 29 Sun Trine Jupiter Solar Eclipse (Taurus-Capricorn 1st-9th)
*** Exact (Enter: 04/29/14 Exact: 04/29/14 Leave: 10/23/14)
High-level differences of opinion or outlook represent an important area of change in your life
at this time. This extends to fundamental religious or philosophical beliefs, which cry out for
re-examination in the light of new information and influences. Educational projects require much
study and may also involve travel. Fresh insight comes to you through mass media (broadcasting,
publishing, advertising), giving you a whole new perspective.
April Report Page 12
TimeLine ladymunter Knowflake
May - Monthly Highlights
May 18 Jupiter Conjunct Sun Transit (Cancer-Cancer 4th-4th)
**** Exact (Enter: 05/13/14 Exact: 05/18/14 Leave: 05/24/14)
A great time, when good fortune and plain old luck surround you. It is easy for you to make
correct decisions, find the right path, and move forward where career and success are concerned.
Life's problems seem manageable and easy to solve.
May Highlights Page 13
TimeLine ladymunter Knowflake
Report for May
May 04 Mars Sextile Moon Transit (Libra-Sagittarius 6th-8th)
*** Exact (Enter: 04/30/14 Exact: 05/04/14 Leave: 05/10/14)
You have a lot of energy for improving your surroundings or life situations. You are very
motivated to improve. There could be some hard feelings, especially from younger persons, if you
become too aggressive.
May 05 Neptune Sextile Asc Transit (Pisces-Taurus 12th-1st)
***** Enter (Enter: 05/05/14 Exact: End Date Leave: 07/16/14)
A dreamy manner or appearance, plus the ability to enchant others, finds this a time when
mysticism and idealism seem to really be living in you.
May 06 Mars Sextile Uranus Transit (Libra-Sagittarius 6th-8th)
*** Exact (Enter: 05/02/14 Exact: 05/06/14 Leave: 05/15/14)
You feel like being different, trying something new and unusual. A perfect time for new ideas,
a breakthrough in thinking, a novel approach.
May 15 Moon Sextile Mars Secondary Progression (Capricorn-Scorpio 10th-7th)
*** Exact (Enter: 04/16/14 Exact: 05/15/14 Leave: 06/13/14)
This tends to be a good time to excel in the heat of competition - as if you have an instinct for
making the right moves, particularly where new ventures are concerned. Identifying and meeting
the needs of others puts you in the driver's seat.
May 18 Jupiter Conjunct Sun Transit (Cancer-Cancer 4th-4th)
**** Exact (Enter: 05/13/14 Exact: 05/18/14 Leave: 05/24/14)
A great time, when good fortune and plain old luck surround you. It is easy for you to make
correct decisions, find the right path, and move forward where career and success are concerned.
Life's problems seem manageable and easy to solve.
May Report Page 14
TimeLine ladymunter Knowflake
June - Monthly Highlights
Jun 15 Pluto Conjunct MC Transit (Capricorn-Capricorn 9th-10th)
***** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 06/15/14 Leave: 07/26/14)
A deep inner change affecting your career goals and the way you set about fulfilling them. A
time of intense mental and psychological change, during which you see how your inner self works.
A mental transformation.
Jun 15 Pluto Re-Enter Ninth Transit (Capricorn 9th )
****** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 06/15/14 Leave: End Date)
Travel, education, and exposure to religious or philosophical ideas: one or more such
experiences can change the course of your life now. Seeing the big picture makes the scales fall off
your eyes... Legal and political matters can have a bigger impact than you anticipate, so approach
them with care.
Jun 21 Jupiter Conjunct Venus Transit (Cancer-Cancer 4th-4th)
**** Exact (Enter: 06/16/14 Exact: 06/21/14 Leave: 06/26/14)
You may find yourself more than a little acquisitive, and your current appreciation for just
about everything may lead you to overspend, indulge too much. You will make career gains by
your ability to sense quality and choose accordingly.
June Highlights Page 15
TimeLine ladymunter Knowflake
Report for June
Jun 02 Mars Sextile Uranus Transit (Libra-Sagittarius 6th-8th)
*** Exact (Enter: 05/15/14 Exact: 06/02/14 Leave: 06/07/14)
You feel like being different, trying something new and unusual. A perfect time for new ideas,
a breakthrough in thinking, a novel approach.
Jun 05 Mars Sextile Moon Transit (Libra-Sagittarius 6th-8th)
*** Exact (Enter: 05/29/14 Exact: 06/05/14 Leave: 06/09/14)
You have a lot of energy for improving your surroundings or life situations. You are very
motivated to improve. There could be some hard feelings, especially from younger persons, if you
become too aggressive.
Jun 09 Saturn Trine Sun Transit (Scorpio-Cancer 7th-4th)
**** Exact (Enter: 05/25/14 Exact: 06/09/14 Leave: 07/02/14)
A time during which circumstances bend to your will and things have a way of working out
smoothly. Here is a real opportunity to complete and work out difficulties and projects that require
both long-term effort and a high degree of discipline.
Jun 14 Mars Square MC Transit (Libra-Capricorn 6th-10th)
*** Exact (Enter: 06/10/14 Exact: 06/14/14 Leave: 06/17/14)
Harsh feelings could flare up on the job or with authority figures. Cool it, and let this one pass.
Jun 15 Pluto Conjunct MC Transit (Capricorn-Capricorn 9th-10th)
***** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 06/15/14 Leave: 07/26/14)
A deep inner change affecting your career goals and the way you set about fulfilling them. A
time of intense mental and psychological change, during which you see how your inner self works.
A mental transformation.
Jun 15 Pluto Re-Enter Ninth Transit (Capricorn 9th )
****** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 06/15/14 Leave: End Date)
Travel, education, and exposure to religious or philosophical ideas: one or more such
experiences can change the course of your life now. Seeing the big picture makes the scales fall off
your eyes... Legal and political matters can have a bigger impact than you anticipate, so approach
them with care.
Jun 21 Jupiter Conjunct Venus Transit (Cancer-Cancer 4th-4th)
**** Exact (Enter: 06/16/14 Exact: 06/21/14 Leave: 06/26/14)
You may find yourself more than a little acquisitive, and your current appreciation for just
about everything may lead you to overspend, indulge too much. You will make career gains by
your ability to sense quality and choose accordingly.
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TimeLine ladymunter Knowflake
Jun 29 Mars Square Sun Transit (Libra-Cancer 6th-4th)
*** Exact (Enter: 06/27/14 Exact: 06/29/14 Leave: 07/02/14)
Emotions may flare up or arguments occur that work against your own best interests. Be
prepared, and walk softly.
June Report Page 17
TimeLine ladymunter Knowflake
July - Monthly Highlights
Jul 16 Jupiter Enter Leo Transit (Leo 4th )
***** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 07/16/14 Leave: End Date)
High drama, big romance, a creative bonanza: this is the stuff dreams are made of now. The
world is your stage, the spotlight is your goal, and the love and appreciation of others is the air you
breathe. Children, lovers, admirers: these are the people who figure large in your life as this cycle
progresses. A willingness to gamble on the future.
Jul 20 Jupiter Enter Fifth Transit (Leo 5th )
***** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 07/20/14 Leave: End Date)
Bigger and better is the theme when it comes to creativity, romance, and self-expression now.
This is a time when taking chances in these areas of your life often pays off beyond your wildest
expectations. A lover or child is generous or inspiring.
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TimeLine ladymunter Knowflake
Report for July
Jul 12 Mars Trine Venus Secondary Progression (Scorpio-Cancer 7th-4th)
***** Leave (Enter: Begin Date Exact: Begin Date Leave: 07/12/14)
Romance and finance tend to be bright spots in your life at this time. Others are responsive to
your advances if you take the initiative. Favorable business dealings and increased income are a
distinct possibility.
Jul 13 Jupiter Square Pluto Transit (Cancer-Libra 4th-6th)
**** Exact (Enter: 07/08/14 Exact: 07/13/14 Leave: 07/17/14)
This could be a difficult situation. Your career and path to success seem to be running counter
to your need for change and self-growth. Job requirements may stifle your sensitivity, hold you
back from growing. Tread this one with care.
Jul 15 Mars Square Venus Transit (Libra-Cancer 6th-4th)
*** Exact (Enter: 07/13/14 Exact: 07/15/14 Leave: 07/17/14)
You may feel emotionally frustrated. Your feelings are going against much of what you value,
so make way for possible difficulty. Your enjoyment of life may be temporarily blocked.
Jul 16 Jupiter Enter Leo Transit (Leo 4th )
***** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 07/16/14 Leave: End Date)
High drama, big romance, a creative bonanza: this is the stuff dreams are made of now. The
world is your stage, the spotlight is your goal, and the love and appreciation of others is the air you
breathe. Children, lovers, admirers: these are the people who figure large in your life as this cycle
progresses. A willingness to gamble on the future.
Jul 20 Jupiter Enter Fifth Transit (Leo 5th )
***** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 07/20/14 Leave: End Date)
Bigger and better is the theme when it comes to creativity, romance, and self-expression now.
This is a time when taking chances in these areas of your life often pays off beyond your wildest
expectations. A lover or child is generous or inspiring.
Jul 24 Mars Conjunct Pluto Transit (Libra-Libra 6th-6th)
*** Exact (Enter: 07/22/14 Exact: 07/24/14 Leave: 07/26/14)
A drive to probe and penetrate may find you examining and working through some strong
internal changes. Push too hard and you could be too dominating and even oppressive to yourself
and others.
Jul 25 Mars Sextile Neptune Transit (Libra-Sagittarius 6th-9th)
*** Exact (Enter: 07/23/14 Exact: 07/25/14 Leave: 07/27/14)
A strong drive to unify and simplify. You want something more imaginative and less mundane.
A yearning for other worlds and for some more cosmic form of love.
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Jul 26 Mars Enter Scorpio Transit (Scorpio 6th )
**** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 07/26/14 Leave: End Date)
Tear it down and build it up again, reach in and pluck out the offending element: that's what the
new cycle you have entered is like. Power becomes a compelling idea, perhaps even an aphrodisiac
- and you've got a stronger than usual supply of it now. Use it, don't abuse it - or you might find
that it's a two-edged sword!
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TimeLine ladymunter Knowflake
August - Monthly Highlights
Aug 11 Jupiter Conjunct Mercury Transit (Leo-Leo 5th-5th)
**** Exact (Enter: 08/07/14 Exact: 08/11/14 Leave: 08/16/14)
You find that you can really use your mind to make clear choices and think things through.
Career decisions are straightforward and easy to make. You make your way through ideas,
concepts, and your ability to communicate and express them to others.
Aug 28 Moon Opposite Sun Secondary Progression (Capricorn-Cancer 10th-4th)
*** Exact (Enter: 07/30/14 Exact: 08/28/14 Leave: 09/26/14)
Resolving emotionally-charged conflicts is a key issue for you at this time. This is especially
true where close relationships and family ties are concerned. You've got to allow for deeply felt
needs, to make room for personal failings and foibles, to compromise in the interests of harmony:
anything else leads to estrangement. Generally a window of opportunity for buying or selling real
August Highlights Page 21
TimeLine ladymunter Knowflake
Report for August
Aug 05 Mars Square Mercury Transit (Scorpio-Leo 6th-5th)
*** Exact (Enter: 08/04/14 Exact: 08/05/14 Leave: 08/07/14)
Excessive emotional energy could produce flare-ups, harsh words, and arguments. Your mind is
very sharp (on hair trigger) during this time and can cause as much harm as good.
Aug 07 Mars Sextile Jupiter Transit (Scorpio-Capricorn 6th-9th)
*** Exact (Enter: 08/05/14 Exact: 08/07/14 Leave: 08/09/14)
A perfect time to be assertive and to move forward in your career decisions. You have all the
drive and energy you could want, and it should be easy to channel it. The path is open and clear.
Aug 07 Neptune Sextile Jupiter Transit (Pisces-Capricorn 12th-9th)
***** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 08/07/14 Leave: 09/14/14)
Your career could become almost ideal, or you could find yourself taking an interest in more
spiritual and mystical matters. The direction of your life could turn more to questions of religion
and world unity. Occult and esoteric subjects may concern you.
Aug 10 Mars Opposite Asc Transit (Scorpio-Taurus 7th-1st)
*** Exact (Enter: 08/08/14 Exact: 08/10/14 Leave: 08/11/14)
Trouble with partnerships or others may prevent you from appearing at your best.
Aug 10 Mars Enter Seventh Transit (Scorpio 7th )
**** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 08/10/14 Leave: End Date)
Close relationships and other ties between people become a focus for much of your energy now.
New partnerships are entered into; old ones are renewed or else they get left behind. You try your
strength against another's, learn to cooperate or seek to conquer.
Aug 11 Jupiter Conjunct Mercury Transit (Leo-Leo 5th-5th)
**** Exact (Enter: 08/07/14 Exact: 08/11/14 Leave: 08/16/14)
You find that you can really use your mind to make clear choices and think things through.
Career decisions are straightforward and easy to make. You make your way through ideas,
concepts, and your ability to communicate and express them to others.
Aug 12 Mars Conjunct Saturn Transit (Scorpio-Scorpio 7th-7th)
*** Exact (Enter: 08/10/14 Exact: 08/12/14 Leave: 08/14/14)
Irresistible force meets immovable object. Proceed with caution! There is a lot of energy
available for disciplined work, but push too hard and you may break something.
Aug 17 Mars Sextile MC Transit (Scorpio-Capricorn 7th-10th)
*** Exact (Enter: 08/16/14 Exact: 08/17/14 Leave: 08/19/14)
You have a lot of energy to pour into practical and career decisions. You may appear
commanding and assertive.
August Report Page 22
TimeLine ladymunter Knowflake
Aug 20 Mars Conjunct Mars Transit (Scorpio-Scorpio 7th-7th)
*** Exact (Enter: 08/18/14 Exact: 08/20/14 Leave: 08/21/14)
A time of much energy and drive, perfect for starting something out or taking care of business.
Very physical too. Exercise or romance is in order.
Aug 22 Jupiter Square Asc Transit (Leo-Taurus 5th-1st)
**** Exact (Enter: 08/18/14 Exact: 08/22/14 Leave: 08/27/14)
A time when job and family take up most of your time. You may find that friends and many
personal interests fall by the wayside. This marks a time when your whole life path may be
redefined and see you heading in a new career direction.
Aug 26 Mars Trine Sun Transit (Scorpio-Cancer 7th-4th)
*** Exact (Enter: 08/24/14 Exact: 08/26/14 Leave: 08/27/14)
You may be especially dynamic and assertive just now. There is a lot of energy and drive
Aug 28 Moon Opposite Sun Secondary Progression (Capricorn-Cancer 10th-4th)
*** Exact (Enter: 07/30/14 Exact: 08/28/14 Leave: 09/26/14)
Resolving emotionally-charged conflicts is a key issue for you at this time. This is especially
true where close relationships and family ties are concerned. You've got to allow for deeply felt
needs, to make room for personal failings and foibles, to compromise in the interests of harmony:
anything else leads to estrangement. Generally a window of opportunity for buying or selling real
Aug 29 Jupiter Square Saturn Transit (Leo-Scorpio 5th-7th)
**** Exact (Enter: 08/25/14 Exact: 08/29/14 Leave: 09/03/14)
Your path or career may be at right angles with your own sense of security and responsibilities.
A hard trade-off to figure. You can't win, so some negotiations are in order. Try to cut a path that
includes both.
Aug 29 Saturn Trine Sun Transit (Scorpio-Cancer 7th-4th)
**** Exact (Enter: 08/08/14 Exact: 08/29/14 Leave: 09/13/14)
A time during which circumstances bend to your will and things have a way of working out
smoothly. Here is a real opportunity to complete and work out difficulties and projects that require
both long-term effort and a high degree of discipline.
Aug 31 Jupiter Trine Uranus Transit (Leo-Sagittarius 5th-8th)
**** Exact (Enter: 08/27/14 Exact: 08/31/14 Leave: 09/05/14)
A time to take risks and dare to be a little unconventional. You will prosper through new
insights, inventions, and an independent point of view. Your career could open up by taking the
road less travelled by, daring to be the oddball... new approaches.
August Report Page 23
TimeLine ladymunter Knowflake
Report for September
Sep 03 Jupiter Trine Moon Transit (Leo-Sagittarius 5th-8th)
**** Exact (Enter: 08/29/14 Exact: 09/03/14 Leave: 09/07/14)
Your home environment, friends, and surroundings in general get facilitated and receive
encouragement. Your work or career is in real harmony with the rest of your life. You could gain
from subordinates or younger people during this time.
Sep 05 Mars Trine Venus Transit (Scorpio-Cancer 7th-4th)
*** Exact (Enter: 09/04/14 Exact: 09/05/14 Leave: 09/07/14)
Your desires are strong, and you will want to enjoy yourself. Romance is very possible. There
is a basic drive to appreciate and taste life.
Sep 13 Mars Enter Sagittarius Transit (Sagittarius 7th )
**** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 09/13/14 Leave: End Date)
Ideology is a keynote of the new phase you have begun - the power of ideas and the power they
wield over people. Religious, cultural, or philosophical controversies and crusades have a way of
stirring your blood. Travel and adventure are compelling temptations as you dare to test your mettle
and stretch your horizons.
Sep 21 Jupiter Square Mars Transit (Leo-Scorpio 5th-7th)
**** Exact (Enter: 09/16/14 Exact: 09/21/14 Leave: 09/27/14)
You may not feel like taking the obvious road to success that has opened in front of you. Good
choices from a career standpoint may tend to ignore your feelings and ambitions. Your own basic
drive may be at odds with the direction your life is taking.
Sep 22 Mars Trine Mercury Transit (Sagittarius-Leo 7th-5th)
*** Exact (Enter: 09/21/14 Exact: 09/22/14 Leave: 09/23/14)
You may be very forceful in what you say and think. With all of this emotional energy, you
could speak or communicate very well. You have mental drive.
Sep 28 Mars Enter Eighth Transit (Sagittarius 8th )
**** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 09/28/14 Leave: End Date)
Who controls what and how to make sure you get what you want are foremost concerns now.
This is a sexy and powerful kind of experience at some levels. A need to prove yourself can lead to
all kinds of challenges, can lead to a new you that leaves the old behind like an outgrown shell.
Sep 28 Mars Conjunct Uranus Transit (Sagittarius-Sagittarius 8th-8th)
*** Exact (Enter: 09/27/14 Exact: 09/28/14 Leave: 09/30/14)
You feel like being different, trying something new and unusual. A perfect time for new ideas,
a breakthrough in thinking, a novel approach.
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TimeLine ladymunter Knowflake
Sep 29 Mars Conjunct Moon Transit (Sagittarius-Sagittarius 8th-8th)
*** Exact (Enter: 09/27/14 Exact: 09/29/14 Leave: 09/30/14)
You have a lot of energy for improving your surroundings or life situations. You are very
motivated to improve. There could be some hard feelings, especially from younger persons, if you
become too aggressive.
September Report Page 25
TimeLine ladymunter Knowflake
October - Monthly Highlights
Oct 08 Moon Square Sun Lunar Eclipse (Aries-Cancer 12th-4th)
*** Exact (Enter: 10/08/14 Exact: 10/08/14 Leave: 04/04/15)
Your home and family environment is likely to be the scene of many challenges now. People
who want to do things their way seem to pull the rug out from under you. It's important to take
action aimed at dealing with changes of this sort - otherwise, a sense of insecurity can develop that
will be very hard to handle.
Oct 08 Moon Square MC Lunar Eclipse (Aries-Capricorn 12th-10th)
*** Exact (Enter: 10/08/14 Exact: 10/08/14 Leave: 04/04/15)
Your goals stand in stark contrast to the goals of others now, and an adjustment must be made.
There is a need for compromise, for coming to an understanding. This is a time of decision, when
small changes can have big effects later on down the road: make the right choice and it rebounds to
your benefit; the wrong one (or no choice at all) does you no favors.
Oct 23 Sun Conjunct Pluto Solar Eclipse (Scorpio-Libra 6th-6th)
*** Exact (Enter: 10/23/14 Exact: 10/23/14 Leave: 03/20/15)
This is one of those "you can't go home again" periods in your life. Time is a one-way street, so
don't look back: take the changes that come your way as they are, and go ahead from there. Your
home and family life, as well as strong emotional ties in general, are a focus for this. Emotional
stability and security are worth fighting for - but the real battle could well be with yourself.
October Highlights Page 26
TimeLine ladymunter Knowflake
Report for October
Oct 08 Moon Square Sun Lunar Eclipse (Aries-Cancer 12th-4th)
*** Exact (Enter: 10/08/14 Exact: 10/08/14 Leave: 04/04/15)
Your home and family environment is likely to be the scene of many challenges now. People
who want to do things their way seem to pull the rug out from under you. It's important to take
action aimed at dealing with changes of this sort - otherwise, a sense of insecurity can develop that
will be very hard to handle.
Oct 08 Moon Square MC Lunar Eclipse (Aries-Capricorn 12th-10th)
*** Exact (Enter: 10/08/14 Exact: 10/08/14 Leave: 04/04/15)
Your goals stand in stark contrast to the goals of others now, and an adjustment must be made.
There is a need for compromise, for coming to an understanding. This is a time of decision, when
small changes can have big effects later on down the road: make the right choice and it rebounds to
your benefit; the wrong one (or no choice at all) does you no favors.
Oct 22 Mars Enter Ninth Transit (Sagittarius 9th )
**** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 10/22/14 Leave: End Date)
Discovering what you truly believe in - fighting for it, even - is a high personal priority now.
Religion, law, politics, travel,and higher education are some of the arenas where this takes place.
This is a time of testing your limits to see how far you can go.
Oct 23 Sun Sextile Neptune Solar Eclipse (Scorpio-Sagittarius 6th-9th)
*** Exact (Enter: 10/23/14 Exact: 10/23/14 Leave: 03/20/15)
You tend to get over-emotional about ideas and ideologies at a time like this, letting feelings get
the upper hand over good sense. It's all very well to be in touch with your feelings - but not if it
means you end up being "touched in the head." Travel and communications seem to be the answers
to your problems - but sometimes knowing more doesn't answer the questions that really count, and
it doesn't matter where you go if you come home to the same old thing. New perspectives and new
ways of thinking need to be developed.
Oct 23 Sun Conjunct Pluto Solar Eclipse (Scorpio-Libra 6th-6th)
*** Exact (Enter: 10/23/14 Exact: 10/23/14 Leave: 03/20/15)
This is one of those "you can't go home again" periods in your life. Time is a one-way street, so
don't look back: take the changes that come your way as they are, and go ahead from there. Your
home and family life, as well as strong emotional ties in general, are a focus for this. Emotional
stability and security are worth fighting for - but the real battle could well be with yourself.
Oct 25 Mars Sextile Pluto Transit (Sagittarius-Libra 9th-6th)
*** Exact (Enter: 10/24/14 Exact: 10/25/14 Leave: 10/26/14)
A drive to probe and penetrate may find you examining and working through some strong
internal changes. Push too hard and you could be too dominating, even oppressive, to yourself and
October Report Page 27
TimeLine ladymunter Knowflake
Oct 25 Mars Conjunct Neptune Transit (Sagittarius-Sagittarius 9th-9th)
*** Exact (Enter: 10/24/14 Exact: 10/25/14 Leave: 10/27/14)
A strong drive to unify and simplify. You want something more imaginative and less mundane.
A yearning for other worlds and for some more cosmic form of love.
Oct 26 Mars Enter Capricorn Transit (Capricorn 9th )
**** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 10/26/14 Leave: End Date)
With this new cycle taking hold in your life now, taking charge and being in control become
more important issues for you. You want to get things organized, and you have the initiative to do
it. This is a time of ambition and responsibility, a time to keep your cool and pace yourself.
Working hard is smart, but working smart is better.
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TimeLine ladymunter Knowflake
Report for November
Nov 04 Mars Conjunct Jupiter Transit (Capricorn-Capricorn 9th-9th)
*** Exact (Enter: 11/03/14 Exact: 11/04/14 Leave: 11/05/14)
A perfect time to be assertive and to move forward in your career decisions. You have all the
drive and energy you could want, and it should be easy to channel it. The path is open and clear.
Nov 06 Mars Trine Asc Transit (Capricorn-Taurus 9th-1st)
*** Exact (Enter: 11/05/14 Exact: 11/06/14 Leave: 11/07/14)
You can really communicate and convey yourself to others right now. You have a lot of energy
and come across as assertive and dominant.
Nov 06 Saturn Trine Venus Transit (Scorpio-Cancer 7th-4th)
**** Exact (Enter: 10/29/14 Exact: 11/06/14 Leave: 11/15/14)
Circumstances may augment and stimulate appreciation and enjoyment of your life situation.
Your system of values may deepen, providing you with a better sense of discrimination and good
taste. Purchasing, selecting colors, and so on are at a high.
Nov 08 Mars Sextile Saturn Transit (Capricorn-Scorpio 9th-7th)
*** Exact (Enter: 11/07/14 Exact: 11/08/14 Leave: 11/09/14)
Irresistible force meets immovable object. Proceed with caution! There is a lot of energy
available for disciplined work, but push too hard and you may break something.
Nov 12 Mars Enter Tenth Transit (Capricorn 10th )
**** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 11/12/14 Leave: End Date)
Challenging authority and striving for success are on your agenda now. Ambition is a powerful
motivation and can lead you into conflict if you let it get out of control. Properly channeled, it
results in great achievements and brings recognition.
Nov 12 Mars Conjunct MC Transit (Capricorn-Capricorn 10th-10th)
*** Exact (Enter: 11/11/14 Exact: 11/12/14 Leave: 11/13/14)
You have a lot of energy to pour into practical and career decisions. You may appear
commanding and assertive.
Nov 14 Mars Sextile Mars Transit (Capricorn-Scorpio 10th-7th)
*** Exact (Enter: 11/13/14 Exact: 11/14/14 Leave: 11/15/14)
A time of much energy and drive, perfect for starting something out or taking care of business.
Very physical too. Exercise or romance is in order.
Nov 19 Mars Opposite Sun Transit (Capricorn-Cancer 10th-4th)
*** Exact (Enter: 11/17/14 Exact: 11/19/14 Leave: 11/20/14)
You may have an emotional confrontation with someone older than you or with an authority
figure. Your feelings and emotions may be running against your best interests.
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TimeLine ladymunter Knowflake
Nov 27 Mars Opposite Venus Transit (Capricorn-Cancer 10th-4th)
*** Exact (Enter: 11/26/14 Exact: 11/27/14 Leave: 11/29/14)
Others may oppose or confront your value system. Their push or drive may tend to conflict with
the way you feel and do things. Your own desires may be ignored.
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TimeLine ladymunter Knowflake
December - Monthly Highlights
Dec 19 Pluto Enter Tenth Transit (Capricorn 10th )
****** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 12/19/14 Leave: End Date)
Ambition can take you further than you even dreamed at a time like this - perhaps further than
you should go, unless you keep things in perspective. Power plays are afoot when status is at stake:
don't get in over your head. People in high places have hidden agendas: know what you're getting
Dec 19 Pluto Conjunct MC Transit (Capricorn-Capricorn 10th-10th)
***** Exact (Enter: 11/17/14 Exact: 12/19/14 Leave: 01/17/15)
A deep inner change affecting your career goals and the way you set about fulfilling them. A
time of intense mental and psychological change, during which you see how your inner self works.
A mental transformation.
Dec 23 Saturn Enter Sagittarius Transit (Sagittarius 7th )
***** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 12/23/14 Leave: End Date)
The new phase now beginning in your life brings a need to break out of narrow concepts and
legalistic philosophical or religious ideas. Remember: "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of
small minds." Opportunities to broaden your mental horizons may not come with ease, but they are
essential if you are to avoid a kind of spiritual stagnation.
December Highlights Page 31
TimeLine ladymunter Knowflake
Report for December
Dec 01 Uranus Square MC Transit (Aries-Capricorn 12th-10th)
***** Exact (Enter: 10/27/14 Exact: 12/01/14 Leave: End Date)
A time for discovering others or for finding yourself able to respond to friends and lovers and
enter into relationships with a renewed sense of love and compassion. Real breakthroughs, a
willingness to try new and different approaches to relationships.
Dec 04 Mars Square Pluto Transit (Capricorn-Libra 10th-6th)
*** Exact (Enter: 12/02/14 Exact: 12/04/14 Leave: 12/05/14)
Intense emotional drama is available if that is what you need. Your emotions are not in tune
with the more sensitive and private areas of your life. Push on now and you risk some very
turbulent emotional scenes.
Dec 04 Mars Enter Aquarius Transit (Aquarius 10th )
**** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 12/04/14 Leave: End Date)
The reformer, the inventor, the engineer, the revolutionary - these are important archetypes for
you as a new cycle gets underway in your life. They are icons of the ambitions that stir you at a
time like this. Independence, freedom from past patterns, and a daring readiness to innovate: such
are the paths of achievement for you now.
Dec 06 Mars Enter Eleventh Transit (Aquarius 11th )
**** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 12/06/14 Leave: End Date)
Fighting for friends and ideals - maybe even struggling with them - comes into the picture now.
You become more actively involved on a social level, taking a bigger part in collective events and
developments. You have little patience for people who do not live up to their principles.
Dec 12 Mars Opposite Mercury Transit (Aquarius-Leo 11th-5th)
*** Exact (Enter: 12/11/14 Exact: 12/12/14 Leave: 12/13/14)
You may have words and possible hurt feelings with someone during this time. Emotional
needs conflict with the way you think and communicate. Some form of gut-level opposition to your
Dec 15 Mars Square Asc Transit (Aquarius-Taurus 11th-1st)
*** Exact (Enter: 12/14/14 Exact: 12/15/14 Leave: 12/16/14)
You may be under a lot of pressure, at least in the way you appear to others. All is not in
harmony between your emotions and the way you come across.
Dec 17 Mars Square Saturn Transit (Aquarius-Scorpio 11th-7th)
*** Exact (Enter: 12/16/14 Exact: 12/17/14 Leave: 12/18/14)
Relax. This is not an easy time. Your own drive and emotions are hard set against the way
things are, your particular set of realities. Push on now and you risk breaking something. Be
patient, and let this one blow over.
December Report Page 32
TimeLine ladymunter Knowflake
Dec 18 Mars Sextile Uranus Transit (Aquarius-Sagittarius 11th-8th)
*** Exact (Enter: 12/16/14 Exact: 12/18/14 Leave: 12/19/14)
You feel like being different, trying something new and unusual. A perfect time for new ideas,
a breakthrough in thinking, a novel approach.
Dec 18 Mars Sextile Moon Transit (Aquarius-Sagittarius 11th-8th)
*** Exact (Enter: 12/17/14 Exact: 12/18/14 Leave: 12/19/14)
You have a lot of energy for improving your surroundings or life situations. You are very
motivated to improve. There could be some hard feelings, especially from younger persons, if you
become too aggressive.
Dec 19 Pluto Enter Tenth Transit (Capricorn 10th )
****** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 12/19/14 Leave: End Date)
Ambition can take you further than you even dreamed at a time like this - perhaps further than
you should go, unless you keep things in perspective. Power plays are afoot when status is at stake:
don't get in over your head. People in high places have hidden agendas: know what you're getting
Dec 19 Pluto Conjunct MC Transit (Capricorn-Capricorn 10th-10th)
***** Exact (Enter: 11/17/14 Exact: 12/19/14 Leave: 01/17/15)
A deep inner change affecting your career goals and the way you set about fulfilling them. A
time of intense mental and psychological change, during which you see how your inner self works.
A mental transformation.
Dec 23 Mars Square Mars Transit (Aquarius-Scorpio 11th-7th)
*** Exact (Enter: 12/22/14 Exact: 12/23/14 Leave: 12/24/14)
Harsh energy could leave you feeling emotionally blocked and frustrated. Don't try to push too
hard. You are only fighting yourself. Wait this one out.
Dec 23 Saturn Enter Sagittarius Transit (Sagittarius 7th )
***** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 12/23/14 Leave: End Date)
The new phase now beginning in your life brings a need to break out of narrow concepts and
legalistic philosophical or religious ideas. Remember: "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of
small minds." Opportunities to broaden your mental horizons may not come with ease, but they are
essential if you are to avoid a kind of spiritual stagnation.
December Report Page 33
TimeLine ladymunter Knowflake
Report for January
Jan 11 Uranus Square MC Transit (Aries-Capricorn 12th-10th)
***** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 01/11/15 Leave: 02/13/15)
A time for discovering others or for finding yourself able to respond to friends and lovers and
enter into relationships with a renewed sense of love and compassion. Real breakthroughs, a
willingness to try new and different approaches to relationships.
Jan 11 Mars Trine Pluto Transit (Aquarius-Libra 11th-6th)
*** Exact (Enter: 01/10/15 Exact: 01/11/15 Leave: 01/12/15)
A drive to probe and penetrate may find you examining and working through some strong
internal changes. Push too hard and you could be too dominating, even oppressive, to yourself and
Jan 11 Mars Sextile Neptune Transit (Aquarius-Sagittarius 11th-9th)
*** Exact (Enter: 01/10/15 Exact: 01/11/15 Leave: 01/13/15)
A strong drive to unify and simplify. You want something more imaginative and less mundane.
A yearning for other worlds and for some more cosmic form of love.
Jan 12 Mars Enter Pisces Transit (Pisces 11th )
**** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 01/12/15 Leave: End Date)
There's a martyr complex in the air, now that this new phase has begun in your life. How can
you (or anyone) save the world? It's a question you'll probably ask yourself as this cycle continues.
Defending the weak, undoing injustice, and tilting at windmills can be a big temptation. You might
even win a few hands - but you'll blister a couple if you're not careful.
Jan 12 Mars Enter Twelfth Transit (Pisces 12th )
**** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 01/12/15 Leave: End Date)
This is a time for coming to grips with your shadow, for taking control of the forces within you
that thwart your progress. Don't burn your bridges behind you; learn that the only thing we truly
can control is ourselves.
Jan 21 Mars Sextile Jupiter Transit (Pisces-Capricorn 12th-9th)
*** Exact (Enter: 01/19/15 Exact: 01/21/15 Leave: 01/22/15)
A perfect time to be assertive and to move forward in your career decisions. You have all the
drive and energy you could want, and it should be easy to channel it. The path is open and clear.
Jan 22 Mars Sextile Asc Transit (Pisces-Taurus 12th-1st)
*** Exact (Enter: 01/21/15 Exact: 01/22/15 Leave: 01/24/15)
You can really communicate and convey yourself to others right now. You have a lot of energy
and come across as assertive and dominant.
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TimeLine ladymunter Knowflake
Jan 24 Mars Trine Saturn Transit (Pisces-Scorpio 12th-7th)
*** Exact (Enter: 01/23/15 Exact: 01/24/15 Leave: 01/26/15)
Irresistible force meets immovable object. Proceed with caution! There is a lot of energy
available for disciplined work, but push too hard and you may break something.
Jan 25 Mars Square Uranus Transit (Pisces-Sagittarius 12th-8th)
*** Exact (Enter: 01/24/15 Exact: 01/25/15 Leave: 01/26/15)
Don't take chances or risks just now. Be satisfied with the ordinary and usual. Novel ideas or
insights could be more damaging than useful. Hectic emotional energy.
Jan 25 Mars Square Moon Transit (Pisces-Sagittarius 12th-8th)
*** Exact (Enter: 01/24/15 Exact: 01/25/15 Leave: 01/27/15)
Emotional flare-ups, especially with younger people or those you spend time with are ,possible
right now. You could push too hard and damage your living situation or means of support.
Jan 28 Mars Sextile MC Transit (Pisces-Capricorn 12th-10th)
*** Exact (Enter: 01/27/15 Exact: 01/28/15 Leave: 01/30/15)
You have a lot of energy to pour into practical and career decisions. You may appear
commanding and assertive.
Jan 30 Mars Trine Mars Transit (Pisces-Scorpio 12th-7th)
*** Exact (Enter: 01/29/15 Exact: 01/30/15 Leave: 02/01/15)
A time of much energy and drive, perfect for starting something out or taking care of business.
Very physical too. Exercise or romance is in order.
January Report Page 35
TimeLine ladymunter Knowflake
February - Monthly Highlights
Feb 08 Moon Opposite Venus Secondary Progression (Capricorn-Cancer 10th-4th)
*** Enter (Enter: 02/08/15 Exact: End Date Leave: End Date)
Happiness depends on how you treat other people now, and how you are treated by them. This
is especially true in romantic relationships. There are tensions to be resolved, opposing viewpoints
and outlooks to be harmonized - differences in taste or social background may play a part in this. A
better time to sell than to buy, generally speaking.
February Highlights Page 36
TimeLine ladymunter Knowflake
Report for February
Feb 03 Pluto Sextile Mars Transit (Capricorn-Scorpio 10th-7th)
***** Exact (Enter: 01/04/15 Exact: 02/03/15 Leave: End Date)
A time when you may feel very passionate, or during which your feelings, emotions, and basic
life urges undergo change and possibly transformation. You feel more personal and direct and find
that you waste less time with hurt feelings than before.
Feb 04 Mars Trine Sun Transit (Pisces-Cancer 12th-4th)
*** Exact (Enter: 02/03/15 Exact: 02/04/15 Leave: 02/05/15)
You may be especially dynamic and assertive just now. There is a lot of energy and drive
Feb 08 Moon Opposite Venus Secondary Progression (Capricorn-Cancer 10th-4th)
*** Enter (Enter: 02/08/15 Exact: End Date Leave: End Date)
Happiness depends on how you treat other people now, and how you are treated by them. This
is especially true in romantic relationships. There are tensions to be resolved, opposing viewpoints
and outlooks to be harmonized - differences in taste or social background may play a part in this. A
better time to sell than to buy, generally speaking.
Feb 12 Mars Trine Venus Transit (Pisces-Cancer 12th-4th)
*** Exact (Enter: 02/11/15 Exact: 02/12/15 Leave: 02/14/15)
Your desires are strong, and you will want to enjoy yourself. Romance is very possible. There
is a basic drive to appreciate and taste life.
Feb 13 Neptune Sextile Jupiter Transit (Pisces-Capricorn 12th-9th)
***** Exact (Enter: 01/14/15 Exact: 02/13/15 Leave: End Date)
Your career could become almost ideal, or you could find yourself taking an interest in more
spiritual and mystical matters. The direction of your life could turn more to questions of religion
and world unity. Occult and esoteric subjects may concern you.
Feb 19 Mars Square Neptune Transit (Pisces-Sagittarius 12th-9th)
*** Exact (Enter: 02/18/15 Exact: 02/19/15 Leave: 02/20/15)
Don't do too much dreaming just now. It would be very easy for you to get carried away with
some fancy or another. Your feelings are not in sync with your imagination. You may be hard to
Feb 20 Mars Enter Aries Transit (Aries 12th )
**** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 02/20/15 Leave: End Date)
Fresh challenges and initiatives light your fires now, as a new cycle begins in your life - lots of
energy, a powerful urge to be first or come out on top. Away with the old and on to the new - let no
one and nothing stand between you and your objective! Headstrong impulses and rash courage can
take you far ... sometimes in harm's way, if you're not careful.
February Report Page 37
TimeLine ladymunter Knowflake
Feb 25 Jupiter Square Mars Transit (Leo-Scorpio 5th-7th)
**** Enter (Enter: 02/25/15 Exact: End Date Leave: End Date)
You may not feel like taking the obvious road to success that has opened in front of you. Good
choices from a career standpoint may tend to ignore your feelings and ambitions. Your own basic
drive may be at odds with the direction your life is taking.
Feb 25 Neptune Sextile Asc Transit (Pisces-Taurus 12th-1st)
***** Enter (Enter: 02/25/15 Exact: End Date Leave: End Date)
A dreamy manner or appearance, plus the ability to enchant others, finds this a time when
mysticism and idealism seem to really be living in you.
Feb 27 Mars Trine Mercury Transit (Aries-Leo 12th-5th)
*** Exact (Enter: 02/26/15 Exact: 02/27/15 Leave: 02/28/15)
You may be very forceful in what you say and think. With all of this emotional energy, you
could speak or communicate very well. You have mental drive.
Feb 28 Mars Square Jupiter Transit (Aries-Capricorn 12th-9th)
*** Exact (Enter: 02/27/15 Exact: 02/28/15 Leave: End Date)
Your emotional drive and sense of things may be at odds with your best interests, the way to
proceed. You could make some bad decisions, be too generous, or squander your resources.
February Report Page 38
TimeLine ladymunter Knowflake
Time Scan
Mar 14
5 15
Apr 14
5 15
May 14
5 15
Jun 14
5 15
Jul 14
5 15
Aug 14
5 15
Sep 14
5 15
Oct 14
5 15
Nov 14
5 15
Dec 14
5 15
Jan 15
5 15
Feb 15
5 15
ladymunter Knowflake: Transit to Natal: Geocentric
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¥Sn Mars in Libra ¥ in Scorpio ¥ in ™ ¥ in š ¥ in › ¥ in oe ‘
¥Hs Mars in 6th Mars in 6th Mars in 7th ¥ in 8 ¥9 ¥10 ¥ in 11th Mars in 12th
¦¡ Ä
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¦Sn Jupiter in Cancer Jupiter in Leo Jupiter in Leo
¦Hs ¦ in 3rd Jupiter in 4th Jupiter in 5th Jupiter in 5th
§¢ Ä Ä
§¤ Ä
§Sn Saturn in Scorpio Saturn in Scorpio Saturn in Sagittarius
§Hs Saturn in 7th Saturn in 7th Saturn in 7th Saturn in 7th
¨¬ Å Å Å
¨Sn Uranus in Aries Uranus in Aries Uranus in Aries
¨Hs Uranus in 12th Uranus in 12th Uranus in 12th
©¦ Æ Æ Æ Æ
©Sn Neptune in Pisces Neptune in Pisces Neptune in Pisces
©Hs Neptune in 12th Neptune in 12th Neptune in 12th
ª¥Æ Æ
ª¬  Â
ªSn Pluto in Capricorn Pluto in Capricorn Pluto in Capricorn
Time Scan Page 39
TimeLine ladymunter Knowflake
Time Scan
Mar 14
5 15
Apr 14
5 15
May 14
5 15
Jun 14
5 15
Jul 14
5 15
Aug 14
5 15
Sep 14
5 15
Oct 14
5 15
Nov 14
5 15
Dec 14
5 15
Jan 15
5 15
Feb 15
5 15
ladymunter Knowflake: Transit to Natal: Geocentric (cont.)
ªHs Pluto in 10th Pluto in 9th Pluto in 9th Pluto in 10th
ladymunter Knowflake: Progressed to Natal : Secondary Progression: Geocentric
¡¢ Ã
¡¤ Ã
¡¥ Æ
¡¬ Â
¡Sn Moon in Capricorn Moon in Capricorn
¡Hs ¡ in 9th Moon in 10th Moon in 10th Moon in 10th
¢Sn Sun in Leo Sun in Leo Sun in Leo Sun in Leo
¢Hs Sun in 5th Sun in 5th Sun in 5th Sun in 5th Sun in 5th
£Sn Mercury in Virgo Mercury in Virgo Mercury in Virgo
£Hs Mercury in 6th Mercury in 6th Mercury in 6th
¤Sn Venus in Virgo Venus in Virgo Venus in Virgo
¤Hs Venus in 6th Venus in 6th Venus in 6th Venus in 6th
¥Sn Mars in Scorpio Mars in Scorpio Mars in Scorpio
¥Hs Mars in 7th Mars in 7th Mars in 7th Mars in 7th
Time Scan Page 40

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Posts: 6112
From: Mountain Gate
Registered: Aug 2013

posted March 12, 2014 12:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ellynlvx     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Natal Report for ladymunter Knowflake
ladymunter Knowflake

Moon in Sagittarius
You are even happy in austere settings, and enjoy getting back to the basics.
Religion, truth, and the world of philosophy and ideas are of interest. Your love
of simplicity is good for politics too. It brings out the truth and a sense of honesty
in a group. You are freedom-loving, independent, and at times, even a trifle
remote. You are not bound by relationships and are thus not much of a domestic.
Moon in 8th House
Your keen business sense is never sharper than when you are working with or
for others -- a group, corporation, and so on. You are great at finding excess and
rooting it out, and your actions receive support from those around you. Initiating
Moon Trine Mercury
Your ideas and images about the traditional (history in general) and the
environment around you make it easy for you to work with and teach others. You
understand and perform well with younger people and know what it takes to
create a supportive environment. You handle words and tell stories with
consummate skill, and others love to hear you speak or entertain. You have a
touch of the Blarney Stone about you.
Moon Conjunction Uranus
You are very much involved with all that is traditional, but with this special twist:
you are a revolutionary when it comes to the domestic scene and have very
special insights into home, family, and surroundings. Others find you original
(certainly very different) and perhaps unpredictable, especially when it comes to
emotional reactions. Your approach to feelings, moods, and the whole
psychological gambit is novel. You tend to show emotions suddenly and/or in
unusual ways. You like unconventional friends and are a nonconformist yourself.
Independent women may be important to you.
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Copyright ©2006 Matrix Software - Big Rapids, MI 49307
Sun in Cancer
You are a very sensitive person who can depend on feelings and intuition to get
around in life. Possessing good common sense, you are always very practical
and down-to-earth -- mothering and protective to all. Security is very important.
You also love cooking, growing things, and music.
Sun in 4th House
Home, family, and security are important to you. You love to send out roots and
build a home base. Sensitive and somewhat private, you tend to be a very
feeling (and sometimes vulnerable) person. You sense things and have a good
feel for business.
Sun Conjunction Venus
You have a basic self-esteem that is plain to all who meet you. Your sense of
discrimination and innate good taste means that you know good items from bad
and are a connoisseur of all that is fine and beautiful. A love of authority figures
(men in particular), plus an appreciation for authority and your elders in general,
makes you welcome at any social scene.
Sun Trine Mars
It is easy for you to work with those in authority -- those older and more
experienced than you. You enjoy working with others and would make a good
manager. An interest (and ability) in athletics, exercise (working with the physical
body), the outdoors, and such, should be lifelong. Another form this could take is
training or coaching others. You have a natural ability to express yourself and
handle emotions and you may like to perform a bit. A career in one of the
entertainment industries is a possibility.
Sun Trine Saturn
Responsibilities are easy for you, and you tend to pile on tasks, one after
another. You work very hard, with a gritty resolve, and can accomplish much. It
takes a lot to overload your willingness to take charge and help out.
Organizational skills are good, and a career in one of the physical sciences is
quite possible. You find it easy to work with those in authority or those who are
more experienced than yourself.
Mercury in Leo
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You are dynamic and always expressive in thought and speech -- dramatic. You
appreciate your own ideas, and tend to be outgoing in speech and manner.
Fresh. Warm. You put forth strong views and are hard to influence or change.
Emotional and a good entertainer, you are louder than average and tend to
exaggerate. You are a lover. There are always plenty of tears and laughter.
Mercury in 5th House
You can express feelings and put emotions into words. This could give you a
flair for the dramatic, public speaking, poetry, and the arts. You are proud of your
mind and enjoy using it, solving puzzles -- any creative mental outlet.
Mercury Square Saturn
You have much trouble organizing your thoughts, and your lack of discipline is a
constant hassle to both you and others. Study and mental self-control are not
your cup of tea. You can say things that are simply impractical and have trouble
limiting yourself to ideas that are down-to-earth, pragmatic. Some of your ideas
are just plain irresponsible. Mental hassles can be a constant headache for you.
Mercury Trine Uranus
You enjoy working with your mind, and your sharp perceptions make finding new
solutions easy. You always bring an unexpected twist or insight to anything you
set your mind to. You are able to teach or help others to be more original when it
comes to the words or thoughts they use. You can use the mind in original ways
and probably have excellent eye-hand coordination. Your laser-like mind makes
conversations fast-paced and illuminating. A ready wit.
Mercury Square Pluto
Getting personal with you is a real mistake, for it always manages to plunge you
into turmoil. You resent probing on the part of others, yet are fascinated by
behind-the-scenes and so-called "secret" information. You may prefer not to
think about anything below the surface, but even this is not a constant, and this
inner conflict produces more than its share of tension.
Venus in Cancer
Homeward bound! With you, the domestic scene is ideal. Marriage, children,
animals, gardens -- the whole works. You like to feel secure. Sensitive too. You
are dependent on others and like to be taken care of, even mothered. You love
music, can be very emotional, and tend to be protective.
Natal Report: ladymunter Knowflake Page 4
Copyright ©2006 Matrix Software - Big Rapids, MI 49307
Venus in 4th House
You love your roots, whether home and family, ancestors, or history in general.
You are probably a collector and very discriminating in this area. You appreciate
emotions and like to get a sense or feel for whatever is happening.
Venus Square Pluto
You are unruffled and like things calm and impersonal. Polite, but not too close,
and never personal. You don't appreciate displays of emotion, and any attempts
at analysis meet with the cold cut-off. It is as if all vulnerable issues do not, and
never did, exist. Your surveillance sees to that. However, the stuff of gossip
fascinates and calls to you from across the void. You hate it, but you love it.
There is a lot of unrest built around this issue.
Mars in Scorpio
You possess a powerful, persistent drive and are a hard, steady worker. Others
may find you deep, with a sense of mission and mystery. You are willing to do
work others would not go near, quietly bending things to your will, having it your
own way. You have strong sexual energy, too, and enjoy getting down to the
Mars in 7th House
You are highly motivated when it comes to relationships (social or private) and
strive to rise above personalities. An urge to see unity in everything, to marry or
join all disparities, may find you going overboard now and again.
Mars Conjunction Saturn
You are responsible to the extreme, always taking on obligations and pushing
yourself to the limit. You pursue your obligations with much emotion and obvious
enthusiasm. You are spartan when it comes to your needs and surroundings.
Small and less are beautiful for you. If anything, you try too hard and tend to
force things. Others may find your approach severe and hurtful at times. You can
be too sober and frugal.
Jupiter in Capricorn
The perfect manager: conservative and professional in all things. Your career is
all-important. A "doer," you are always practical. Never ruled by emotions, you
are cool, capable, and competent. You are quick to get the outline or skeleton of
Natal Report: ladymunter Knowflake Page 5
Copyright ©2006 Matrix Software - Big Rapids, MI 49307
a project, to see how things work.
Jupiter in 9th House
Your devotion and search for truth may carry you across the globe and certainly
to the far reaches of philosophy and religious thoughts. Your career may hinge
on your need to always get at the seed, essence, or heart of every question.
Jupiter Sextile Saturn
You possess an architect's vision for what needs to be done and how to do it
right to make it last -- an expert or true builder. Knowing what tool to use and just
how and when to use it. A sense of the right path or dharma. With you, the
means and ends are identical.
Jupiter Conjunction Neptune
With you, dreams and ideals have become a way of life. You seek to bring them
down to earth and make them real. You will, as the song says, never let your
dreams depart. Yours is a path of imagination and vision, perhaps leading to a
career in music, mysticism, or the arts. You understand the forest behind the
trees and the unity beyond all separateness.
Saturn in Scorpio
You have difficulty owning up to any selfishness, sexuality or mental
undercurrents of any kind. You may attempt to deny your passions, but you need
to accept instincts, attachments, and all things natural. Allow your desires to
function unhindered. Take off the straight-jacket. Feel it.
Saturn in 7th House
Relationships are so important to you that they could be a stumbling block at
times. It may be difficult for you to be close, as you are very demanding of others.
You are not satisfied with superficialities. You want a lasting marriage (union,
Uranus in Sagittarius
You have new philosophies ideas for the future and new approaches to travel
and exploration (of all kinds). Long journeys interest you. You may startle others
with your direct conversations, always getting right to the nitty-gritty. You enjoy
being alone, free, and on the move. The original optimist.
Natal Report: ladymunter Knowflake Page 6
Copyright ©2006 Matrix Software - Big Rapids, MI 49307
Uranus in 8th House
Lightning fast when it comes to the business deal, you seem to have direct
insight into what is worthwhile and worthless in a situation. You have new and
unconventional ways to cut through the red tape and get at what is important.
Neptune in Sagittarius
Idealism is an innate talent, and you are in love with grand gestures and long
thoughts. Religion, politics and philosophy are natural. The world traveler. You
enjoy fair, just, frank, and broad-minded persons. You are gregarious and sportsminded.
You dare to dream big. You like new philosophies, long novels.
Neptune in 9th House
Your dreams and ideals rest in whatever is pure and true. Philosophy and
religion are your escape and refuge from the mundane world. An almost mystical
imagination provides you with visions into the world as a community -- a sense
of unity.
Neptune Sextile Pluto
A searing vision that cuts through what passes for conventional religion. A vision
of the endless process of life ever being born afresh. Great acceptance and faith
in the natural process and next generation. Love of children and animals.
Pluto in Libra
Change and inner growth tend to come through relationships, both friends and
lovers. Marriage or union (yoga) will be very intense and not at all superficial.
You get to the heart of a relationship each and every time.
Pluto in 6th House
You tend to be radical when it comes to self-analysis, which includes health care,
food, physical wellbeing. Serving and caring for yourself and others is a primary
source of inner growth and change. You are sensitive to criticism.
Node in Gemini
Taking on personal responsibilities may seem to come easy but they can turn
Natal Report: ladymunter Knowflake Page 7
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into a flurry and then a flood, so open the faucet gradually. The rewards of life
are very much about tale-telling and a hearty welcome in, a round of comrades
together. Making each word real is the trick, because they don't go away.
Node in 1st House
You take on responsibility because of who you are and what you are, and as a
result you are your own burden, answerable ultimately only to yourself. There is
innate isolation because of it, and your greatest desire and ultimate reward is a
partner to share it with. But for that, you must forge it, and yourself, first.
Midheaven in Capricorn
They say you’re a no-nonsense type that takes care of business above all else.
That may belie the tender part underneath, but it can’t hurt to seem a little tough
on top when what’s underneath needs protection.
Ascendant in Taurus
You come across as stable, even gentle, and your response to most situations is
even-handed and supportive. Sometimes you may seem very stubborn, for you
tend to take your time and react to a situation fully.
Vertex in Libra
Making necessary course adjustments to accommodate another may come to
seem routine, but every now and then one of those decisions becomes quite lifealtering
in retrospect. Thus, manipulative situations are more important to you
than you may think, even when it's "done for your own good." Be sure you
always fully participate.
Vertex in 6th House
The greatest decisions in your life may be the small ones, daily choices which
incrementally add up to major life directions not evident in each detail of the
picture. You've got to serve somebody, and in the smallest favor can come the
road-altering opportunity that was awaiting your decision from the start.

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Posts: 6112
From: Mountain Gate
Registered: Aug 2013

posted March 12, 2014 12:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ellynlvx     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Transit Report for ladymunter Knowflake
ladymunter Knowflake

004W15'00" 55N53'00"
Chart Transit
Wednesday Mar 12, 2014

Moon in 5th House
You may get support from those around you or from your general surroundings
(situation) to be more creative and expressive. Others may urge you on toward a
more self-confident and outgoing attitude.
Moon Trine Moon
A great time to reflect and understand your own situation, just how you feel
about yourself. Emotions in particular, or the feelings of those around you, may
be very clear. A nice time.
Moon Conjunction Mercury
A good time to read a romantic book or take in a movie. Ideas and thoughts will
have greater meaning and form just now. You may be very eloquent or forceful
in speaking or communicating. People will understand just what you mean.
Moon Square Mars
Other people, or the general circumstances in which you find yourself at present,
may unite to irritate or anger you. You could find yourself getting over-emotional
and flying off the handle. A difficult time to relax and remain calm.
Moon Square Saturn
You may feel left out or passed over just now. Your own requirements may
appear to limit and separate you from where the rest of the gang is headed. A
sense of isolation and loneliness is not unusual. This is of short duration.
Moon Trine Uranus
Everything conspires to value and bring out your more unique and unusual
qualities. You may find that someone close to you understands and is supportive
of your eccentricities. You could come up with new solutions or inventions.
Moon Square Pluto
You may find yourself at odds with those around you or with your life situation
regarding issues of great sensitivity -- very personal. Difficulties, blocks, and all
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manner of hot spots may be discovered and have to be worked through.
Sun in 12th House
A time to put up with minor inconveniences and irritations for the sake of what is
really important in your life. Sacrifices made now will be more than repaid by an
increased ability on your part to bring things across and make dreams real.
Sun Trine Sun
An easy, calm day that should find everything running in a smooth manner.
Ideas and interaction with authority figures or older people may be in the fore.
Working with -- rather than against -- the flow should be easy to do.
Sun Trine Venus
A very nice day, perhaps filled with some renewed appreciation for all that is
beautiful and fine. A sense of value and valuing that may find you lavishing
affection on those near you. You might feel love or value for an older person.
Sun Trine Mars
A good day to get things done. Good eye-hand coordination and sustained effort
make almost any task run well. You may feel like exercising or getting out and
about. Emotions are very present but within control.
Sun Square Neptune
Perhaps an ultra-mundane day, lacking in imagination or much, if any, escape. It
is not likely that you will lose yourself in a great book or movie. You may feel
separated and not a part of everything around you.
Mercury in 11th House
Ideas of a social or humanitarian nature are in the air. You may communicate or
come up with new thoughts and concepts that affect the way you are able to put
your dreams and visions into practice.
Mercury Trine Pluto
In-depth discussions and probing conversations find you at your mental best.
Your analytical abilities are at a high point.
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Venus in 11th House
A new love for humanitarian or altruistic goals may be at hand. You can
appreciate working for community or even global ends, and value impartiality
and even-handedness.
Venus Sextile Moon
A good time for surrounding yourself with friends and younger people and for
having a good time. You appreciate your particular situation and enjoy support
from those around you.
Venus Opposition Mercury
You may not like the ideas or thoughts of someone who confronts you. What
they say may seem inappropriate or be unappreciated.
Venus Square Saturn
You may tend to ignore or fail to appreciate the law or what you know to be the
truth. Your values may run counter to established tradition.
Venus Sextile Uranus
Independence, as well as anything unusual or different, is valued. You may
enjoy getting away from routine and doing something completely different for a
Venus Square Pluto
You value what is above-board and straightforward and have a particular
aversion to what is secret, intense, and private. You do not enjoy gossip or nosy
neighbors just now.
Mars in 6th House
A new surge of energy regarding food and health-related matters could move
you to make some changes in that department. You may feel like taking care of
some details that have piled up or just have that extra energy to clean up your
Mars Square Sun
Emotions may flare up or arguments occur that work against your own best
interests. Be prepared, and walk softly.
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Mars Square Venus
You may feel emotionally frustrated. Your feelings are going against much of
what you value, so make way for possible difficulty. Your enjoyment of life may
be temporarily blocked.
Mars Sextile Neptune
A strong drive to unify and simplify. You want something more imaginative and
less mundane. A yearning for other worlds and for some more cosmic form of
Mars Conjunction Pluto
A drive to probe and penetrate may find you examining and working through
some strong internal changes. Push too hard and you could be too dominating
and even oppressive to yourself and others.
Jupiter in 3rd House
You may find yourself succeeding and moving ahead by using your mind and
thoughts. Also, communication and research in all forms could be a key area for
career growth.
Jupiter Conjunction Sun
A great time, when good fortune and plain old luck surround you. It is easy for
you to make correct decisions, find the right path, and move forward where
career and success are concerned. Life's problems seem manageable and easy
to solve.
Jupiter Trine Mars
Things are happening, and your career, or path depends upon your own
ambition and drive, which are strong now. Able to use good common horsesense,
you can feel trends and make the right moves. A time to get ahead by
taking action.
Jupiter Opposition Jupiter
Possibly a career turning-point that may require some careful thought and good
judgment on your part. The current flow of events may dictate a path that runs
against your best talents and abilities. Don't sell yourself short. Hang in there.
Jupiter Trine Saturn
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A real time to buckle down and consolidate your career. Your organizational
abilities and sense of responsibility will be what guide you and prove successful.
Your career could assume a much more determined and solid form -- a firm
Saturn in 7th House
A time to review the social scene and relationships in particular. A renewed
perception of commitment could lead to marriage or some form of yoga --
bringing it all together.
Saturn Trine Sun
A time during which circumstances bend to your will and things have a way of
working out smoothly. Here is a real opportunity to complete and work out
difficulties and projects that require both long-term effort and a high degree of
Saturn Trine Venus
Circumstances may augment and stimulate appreciation and enjoyment of your
life situation. Your system of values may deepen, providing you with a better
sense of discrimination and good taste. Purchasing, selecting colors, and so on
are at a high.
Uranus in 12th House
A time when insights and possibly breakthroughs are possible in self-sacrifice
and giving in on what is not important. New ways to be understanding and
accepting are possible now. You can see into the greater reasoning behind
Uranus Trine Moon
You could receive unexpected help or support from those around you especially
someone younger or a woman. A time when you may get insights into your living
situation or support system. New ideas about your past history, new approaches
to established facts.
Uranus Square Sun
You may have to control an urge to rebel and be different that could set your
ambitions and goals back a step. An inner struggle between your sense of
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purpose or direction and a need for independence and freedom makes this a
possibly tense time.
Uranus Trine Mercury
A time to have new thoughts and sudden insights and to get an unexpected
boost in the way you think, speak, or write. Communications are facilitated,
connections of all kinds, news, and so on, are furthered, often at the expense of
tradition, established order.
Uranus Square Jupiter
An urge on your part to rebel or break away could affect your career direction or
vocation. Your wish to be independent, to try new things, and so on comes at an
inappropriate time and could cause real tensions at work.
Uranus Trine Uranus
A surge of independence, a need for freedom, and an interest in trying new and
different things may take hold of you. Unusual or unconventional behavior, an
interest in the exotic or in eccentric friends. Breaking away, turning over the
apple cart.
Neptune in 12th House
A time of great idealism and self-sacrifice. You are at your most compassionate
and understanding when it comes to accepting all the barbs and arrows that life
offers. You do understand and carry your dreams and ideals always before you.
Neptune Square Moon
You could get the wrong idea, develop false ideals, and let your imagination
carry you away to the point that those who support and care for you are
neglected or hurt. Walk a careful line when it comes to dreams versus realities.
The dreams can be bad.
Neptune Sextile Jupiter
Your career could become almost ideal, or you could find yourself taking an
interest in more spiritual and mystical matters. The direction of your life could
turn more to questions of religion and world unity. Occult and esoteric subjects
may concern you.
Neptune Trine Saturn
The problems and responsibilities of life may be seen in a new light, as part of a
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larger drama you are living (almost like a dream). You are able to handle
difficulties more easily, seeing them as part of a larger story.
Neptune Square Uranus
A (perhaps) rugged time when it is easy for you to get lost in the clouds and lose
sight of your own intrinsic originality and independence. You could deceive
yourself in matters concerning personal freedom and real insight.
Neptune Trine Pluto
Your own inner psychology and vulnerabilities are open to you now, almost as if
in a waking dream. A renewed interest in exploring the realm of dreams and
imagination finds you getting to the heart of your secrets and sensitive areas.
Pluto in 10th House
A relentless getting-down-to-essentials makes your sense of management and
practical vision very deep now. You have a sense of mass psychology, how to
organize and manipulate sensitive areas of the public mind. Could be mentally
stressful for you.
Pluto Opposition Sun
Power struggles, with authorities in particular, can be one sign of this aspect.
Your need for constant inner change and growth may end up setting you back as
much as it helps. Your ambitions and basic life direction could be challenged.
Pluto Sextile Mars
A time when you may feel very passionate, or during which your feelings,
emotions, and basic life urges undergo change and possibly transformation. You
feel more personal and direct and find that you waste less time with hurt feelings
than before.
Pluto Conjunction Jupiter
Intense focus on your career can find you mercilessly cutting back and getting
down to the bare essentials regarding the path or direction you are taking with
your life. You will have a sense of being almost driven to pursue your course and
Pluto Sextile Saturn
A time of change that finds you examining your foundations, responsibilities, and
basic security. You can dispense with all that is unsound or superficial, leaving
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only that which has been properly determined or solid. Get down to the nittygritty.
Node in 6th House
The intricacies of the daily routine can become your stock in trade, to the extent
that you are more married to them than you might choose, so choose only as
much as you have time for. Nevertheless, it is through the gates of the obvious
that the most hidden material walks, as if unseen, except by you.
Node Conjunction Pluto
Commitments where force is involved -- emotional or even physical -- have
especial appeal to you. The challenge is to engage strongly without either being
too overbearing or getting steamrolled into more than you intended to get
involved in. Must-do situations are compelling indeed...but you must be ready to
do, and do again.
Vertex in 11th House

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