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Author Topic:   Recognising Karmic Relationships

Posts: 5256
From: nevada
Registered: Apr 2009

posted August 17, 2005 04:09 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for lalalinda     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Were not going to go through pages and pages of astrological jargon instead I'm just going to give you the most common or obvious inner aspects.

First and formost are the Saturn aspects, especially with the personal planets. they're sometimes difficult to work through but so secure and binding.

Saturn conjunct someones Moon becomes the structure of the relationship. What holds it together. the emotional bond that is here is frequently fought against.
But once accepted unbreakable. this does not mean that you will stay together but the emotional bond is never completely broken.(feels like emotional home, moon/4th) Saturn is the rock.

Saturn falling in the others water houses, especially the 8th. Here I see soul mates, providing that the rest of the chart supports this.

Your Sun/Moon/Venus falling in their 12th house shows that you are from their past (lives) Their Sun falling here can be seen as a secret enemy (12th house)
Their Mercury falling in your 12th house can show they gossip or talk about you behind your back (A subconscience thing)

If their Mars falls into your 12th house, can shows the chance of violence, not a rule but a possibility.

The nadir which is highly under rated in comparisons is an important Karmic point. The Moon, Saturn, South Node or Ruler of the Ascendant falling here is another placement that supports soul mates.

And the south node (from the past) conjunct the others personal planets or ruler of the ascendant. This is negative and will hold you back. One aspect alone is not enough to do it, additional planet placements HAVE to support this.

I know I'm forgetting quite a few and every chart is unique so there are so many possibilities.

Everyone list your favorites and an example if possible.

If not in your family any immidiate bonding and what inner aspect you feel may have triggered it

Peri I'm looking forward to seeing yours

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posted August 17, 2005 09:19 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hey there

I was wondering, what about conjunctions to the north node? And also apects between the nodes themselves? There was an articles that talked about the sun-moon midpoints too, would that be on your list?

Oh and one more thing, how would you find nadir?

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Posts: 5256
From: nevada
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posted August 17, 2005 10:47 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for lalalinda     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi MoonDuchess,
All conjunctions are important, but from a karmic standpoint, not the NN. This is because your NN is what you should strive to be attaining, you're not there yet.

The nadir sweetie is the 4th house cusp.

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posted August 17, 2005 04:18 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Great info lala.

Here's my favorite example - my last relationship. Yes, it was very karmic. We still see each other everyday and I love him so much, he's one of my best friends. I dont want to be back together and neither does he, but we have a deep soul bond that seems to be very hard to break for the both of us. There have been times of major turbulance, but ultimately we work things out and come back together as friends. There have been only a few people that I've felt so comfortable being around. I love him like a family member and he's been there for me more than most of my actual family members. Such a Bull....he's a rock. And actually, there are indicators that we were family members in some past lives too. I think we're finishing up some karma from them. I feel like he's helped to teach me about true unconditional love. Though he doesnt realize it.

Here are some of the synastry connections:

My Sun @ 26 Taurus -- His Moon @ 26 Taurus
His Saturn conj. my Sun in Taurus /my 4th house.
His Pluto conj. my Moon / my 8th house.
His Venus conj. my South Node.
My Mars conj. his South Node.
His Sun conj. my Chiron in Taurus.
His Vertex conj. my Neptune.
My Pluto conj. his IC.
His Mars in Cap. exactly trine my Sun.

Also, our Saturn's square each other's and our Venuses and Mars' dont connect to each others, though they are in compatible signs they are out of orb. Yes, that affected the relationship, I think.

Also, he's an 8 (26). Linda talked about how hard it is for two eights to split apart as well, I believe...

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posted August 19, 2005 05:42 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I met my husband when I was 20, he was 24. We married a year later and we have now been married over 9 years. I feel this is a very "soul mate" relationship.

Me: Sun Gem, Moon Taurus, Asc Libra
He: Sun Cap, Moon Libra, Asc Gem

*His Saturn (12th) conj. my moon (7th)

*My Saturn falls in his 2nd house, Cancer.

*My moon conj. his Saturn in his 12th

*My south node opp. his AC

*His sun conj. my IC

*My sun conj. his AC

*My Venus (chart ruler) opp. his sun

*Both suns in the 8th, both moons ruled by venus

Although he's a cap, he has a stellium im Sag (6th house scorp, but mars/jupiter/venus/neptune in sag, conjuncting). I have a 6th house aries stellium, mars/jupiter/chiron conjuncting.

And interesting, our son is a saggie, with a cappy moon and aqua asc. including the uranus conj. Asc that I also have.

I really really love this topic!!!


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posted August 20, 2005 11:26 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Really good info.

"There is no use trying," said Alice; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." Lewis Carroll

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Posts: 1848
From: 49N35 34E34
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posted August 27, 2005 08:06 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Peri     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hey Lala ,

I have checked the charts of the people that I seem to have karmic bonds with but none of them activates my 12th house and we do not have lots of nodal aspects really. The most usual aspect is the conjunction of my sun to their South Node and vice versa. The person that seems ‘more karmic’ that any other and I have lots of double whammies. We were in love and still probably are (at least I) but I guess we are not ready to be together yet, maybe in the next life.

Our aspects:

Me: Sun – Taurus, Moon – Sagittarius, ASC – Cappy

Him: Sun – Scorpio, Moon – Taurus, ACS – Virgo

My Sun conj his South Node

My Sun conj his Moon (very loose conjunction though)

His Chiron falls exactly on my South Node

His Sun, North Node conj my Juno

We both have Venuses at 10 degree (Aries/Libra)and both have it in the 2nd house

We both have Mercury in the 3rd house

His Venus conj Pluto oppose my Venus conj Mars

My Pluto conj his Venus conj Pluto

My Neptune sextiles his Venus conj Pluto

His Neptune sextiles my Venus conj Mars

My Jupiter trines his Venus conj Pluto

His Jupiter conj my Venus/Mars conj

My Saturn trines his Venus conj Pluto

His Saturn trines my Mars conj Venus

My Saturn trines his Neptune and Jupiter

Our BMLs (2 Aries and 1’30 Gemini) sextile each other

His BML conj my Mars

My BML conj his Moon

His Venus conj Pluto falls into my 8th house

My Venus conj Mars falls into his 8th house

My ASC/MC (at 13 degrees) trines/sextiles his ASC (at 11 degrees)

His ASC falls into my 8th house

My ASC falls exactly on the cusp of his 5th house

His MC falls on the cusp of my 5th house, conj my Jupiter and BML, sextiles my Venus conj Mars, Saturn

His 5th house cusp conj my Eros

His Moon is in the 9th house, mine is in Sag

His Moon falls into my 4th house and vice versa

His 7th house ruler is Neptune, my 7th house ruler conj Neptune

His 7th house ruler conj my 7th house ruler

My 5th house ruler is Mercury, chart ruler is Saturn; his chart ruler is Mercury, 5th house ruler is Saturn

Our Vertices oppose each other (22 Leo/18 Aqua), though it is a loose opposition

Dunno if it all counts...

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posted August 27, 2005 08:56 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks LLL

"...and dreams, don't ever forget, are the first step in manifesting wishes into reality"
-Linda Goodman

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posted August 30, 2005 06:05 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
A few things from the synastry notes I have:

*Neptune is all that illusion, confusion, delusion, fantasy, glamor. This person is always looking for the ideal. If you are a strong Neptunian person or under a Neptune transit, what you fall in love with is the Christ consciousness within. So Neptune with the personal planets is looking for the glamor and fantasy, perfection and the ideal. If you put someone on a pedestal, you have to be prepared to have them fall off.
Though every great romance needs a little bit of Neptune.

*Through the planets in the houses you psychologically affect the other person. The contacts throught the ascendant are always dynamic points of contact.

*First house contacts are very dynamic and powerful.

*It is hard to get in touch with 12th house planets. If your planets fall in someone's 12th house, they will not clearly relate to that part of your personality.

*Moon ties are fluctuating. If you have no squares between your charts it will go down the drain..too dull. Moon has to do with instinctive habit patterns, the emotional nature and the personality. It describes you attitude about home and nurturing.

*The 1st house cusp is who you are and the 7th house is what you are seeking in the relationship.
The 2nd house is what you bring to the sexual relationship and the 8th is what you are seeking.

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Posts: 1848
From: 49N35 34E34
Registered: Apr 2009

posted August 31, 2005 02:16 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Peri     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Bissie has found some very interesting info on karmic relationship too!

and something else about KARMIC relationship clues:

One of the classic marks of a strong relationship is a close conjunction between one person's Sun and the other person's Moon. Squares and oppositions are also strong, but the soft angles of trines and sextiles are not strong indicators in and of themselves. However, if there are other indicators, then the trines and sextiles certainly add to the strength of the relationship.

Close contacts between one person's Sun and another person's Ascendant are also strong indicators of Soulmate possibilities. Conjunctions are strongest with squares and oppositions also strong.

Contacts between one person's Mars and another person's Venus are also very important in romantic and/or sexual relationships. (These would not be as significant in non-romantic or non-sexual soulmates, often called soul brothers or soul sisters.)

Sun/Mars and Sun/Venus contacts, and Venus/Venus contacts and Moon/Moon contacts and Sun/Sun contacts can also be important, although possibly not as strong as the previously mentioned contacts. Again, the hard aspects of conjunction, square, and opposition seem to carry more weight than trines and sextiles.

Sometimes Sun/Neptune contacts are indicators of soulmate relationships although many astrologers don't seem to say much about this one when discussing soulmates. At the very least, Sun/Neptune contacts indicate a feeling of merging into each other, which can be quite exhilarating. Often it is hard to tell where one person ends and the other person begins. The two people frequently have a strong psychic connection as well as a other types of connections.

Moving beyond planets and the Ascendant, there are some additional astrological clues for possible soulmate relationships. First, if one person's nodes are prominent in another person's chart, this is significant. Examples would be if the nodes of one person were square the nodes of the other person, if the nodes of one person were along the other person's Ascendant/Descendant, if the nodes of one person were conjunct/opposite/square the Sun or Moon of the other person.

Secondly, the Vertex is often used with synastry (chart comparison). If one person's Vertex makes a hard aspect to a planet or angle of the other person, this is a strong indicator of a karmic relationship, although not necessarily a soulmate one.

Thirdly, if the two persons have their angles square one another, this is a strong point of synastry. For instance, if one person's Ascendant/Descant is square the other person's Ascendant/Descendant, or if one person's Ascendant/Descendant is conjunct the other person's Midheaven/IC, then this is a strong karmic indicator, usually a Soulmate one of some kind.

Another indicator, one not commonly discussed, would be a similarity of pattern. In astrology, we talk about patterns that the planets make in a chart. Such patterns are called bowls, buckets, kites, yods, and so forth. If two persons have similar patterns and if those patterns have similar distinguishing marks, that could be a good indication of soulmate probability. For instance, for one soulmate couple that I know, both persons had a kite in their charts. Kites consist of a Grand Trine (three trines), and then an opposition to one corner of the trine which sextiles to the other two corners. The end result is a pattern that looks like a kite. Kites are not very common, and for two people to both have kites in a relationship made me sit up a bit straighter. Then I kept looking. Both of the Grand Trines were in Air signs, although the planets were not the same nor were the houses. Finally, both Kites had the same planet as the opposing planet. Thus, not only did the two people have the same pattern, but both patterns shared two strong distinguishing features.

Yet one more indicator might be that the Part of Marriage for one person falls upon a significant placement of another person's chart. The Part of Marriage is calculated by adding the Ascendant to the Descendant and then subtracting Venus. Some astrologers also use the Parts of Fascination and Karma when looking for Soulmate connections. The Part of Fascination is calculated by adding the Ascendant and Venus and then subtracting Uranus. The Part of Karma is calculated by Adding the Ascendant to Saturn and subtracting the Sun. (It helps to convert the signs to 360 degree equivalents when doing this sort of work or having your computer program calculate these parts for you.)

I'm writing all of this off the top of my head, not from prepared notes or a text, so I'm sure that I'm leaving out some significant soulmate indicators. However, this is enough for even an astrological novice to see that there is no one definitive marker of soulmates in astrological charts. If you and another person share several of these features between your charts, chances are that you are soulmates. However, remember that not even soulmate relationships exist happily ever after without a great deal of work and effort. Good luck, best wishes, and happy hunting.

copyright 1999, Nina Lee Braden

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Posts: 5256
From: nevada
Registered: Apr 2009

posted February 11, 2006 04:54 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for lalalinda     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
While rereading past posts it just dawned on me that
My Ascendant, my daughters Saturn and her sons Sun/Pluto conjunction (my daughter's a Scorpio) are all within a degree (in my 12th).


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posted March 14, 2006 06:55 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for aqua     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
what'll be the aspects if the house's empty?

for example my 12th house is empty so i can find out about the person's 12th house planet in my chart but not mine.

and also what about mercury?if it falls in the 12th house.what'll be its aspects?

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Posts: 5256
From: nevada
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posted March 14, 2006 02:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for lalalinda     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Aqua,

I'm not sure I understand what you are saying so I pulled up your chart.
Asc. 29 25 Gemini right?
You have Jupiter in the 12th house (a very special placement).

But in the case of an empty 12th house and anothers planet falling in there. could be a past life connection. I see a lot of family ties here. Especially Saturn.

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posted March 16, 2006 01:13 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for aqua     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Greetings lalalinda !

wow that ws fast! u pulled out my chart ! amazing !

yes what i mean here is,that we r doing comparision two suppose a person's mercury falls into my 12th house what'll be its aspects?what 'll it represent? as i see above that its explained about mars ,saturn etc falling in the 12 th house but not mercury.

secondly, my planets present in the 12th house ,but my 11th house is empty.while comparing two charts i get no planet of mine falling in the other person's how do we explain that?

thank you.

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Posts: 5256
From: nevada
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posted March 17, 2006 05:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for lalalinda     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Their Mercury falling in your 12th house can show they gossip or talk about you behind your back (A subconscience thing)

this is not as negative as it sounds and its not always malicious. Remember the inner-aspect is Mercury conjunct Ascendant which is great for communication. You understand what they are saying.

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posted March 18, 2006 02:03 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for aqua     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
thanks lalalinda !

and i feel about the second the 12th house is empty ,does this show no karmatic relation,we's starting a new karma cycle?

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Mystic Gemini
posted March 19, 2006 09:50 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
How about me?

My Moon opposition his Moon
My Moon opposition his Mars
My Venus opposition his Mars
My Venus opposition his sun
My chiron opposition his sun

My Jupiter sextile his Uranus
My Pluto sextile his North Node
My Sun sextile his Uranus

My Jupiter square his Jupiter
My Jupiter square his Saturn
My Uranus square his Chiron
My Chiron square his Chiron
My Moon square his Uranus:
My Moon square his North Node
My Mercury square his Pluto
My Mercury square his Chiron
My Venus square his North Node

My Jupiter trine his Chiron
My Uranus trine his Ascendant
My Neptune trine his North Node
My Venus trine his Saturn
My Sun trine his Mercury
My Sun trine his Chiron
My Sun trine his Venus
My North Node trine his sun
My Moon trine his Jupiter
My Moon trine his Saturn

My Ascendant conjunct his Ascendant

His Moon opposition my Venus
His Moon opposition my Chiron
His Mars opposition my Chiron
His Jupiter opposition my Ascendant

His Mercury conjunct my Jupiter
His Mercury conjunct my Pluto
His Venus conjunct my Pluto
His Mars conjunct my Uranus

His Saturn opposition my Ascendant

His Mercury sextile my Neptune
His Venus sextile my Neptune

His Mars trine my Ascendant
His Uranus trine my Neptune
His Moon trine my Ascendant
His Saturn trine my Chiron

His Saturn square my Pluto
His Jupiter square my Pluto
His North Node square my Chiron
His Venus square my Ascendant
His Mercury square my Ascendant

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Posts: 941
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posted August 04, 2006 04:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Nephthys     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Rose Murray has a great article on this;

I have her book, When Planets Promise Love which is very, very good.

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Posts: 5256
From: nevada
Registered: Apr 2009

posted August 05, 2006 03:09 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for lalalinda     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks Nephthys

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posted August 13, 2006 09:22 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Great info, thanks!

I felt a very strong connection with my boyfriend right away... we were actually talking about the first time we met the other night, and he said he felt like he was being pulled to me.

Some of our "good" aspects:

-My sun sextile his moon

-My moon & venus in his first house

-My moon conjunct his ascendant

-My venus conjunct his ascendant

-His mars is in Scorpio, My venus is in Scorpio

-His sun in my 4th house

-His moon in my 8th house

-Our moons are trined

-Our venuses are trined

-My Moon conjuncts his Saturn... and my sun, mercury, & mars sextile his saturn, and my jupiter trines his Saturn.... we also have Saturn conjunct ascendant in the composite chart.

-His moon sextile my mercury

-My venus conjuncts his pluto

-His sun conjuncts my jupiter, his jupiter trines my sun, my moon sextiles his jupiter, his moon trines my jupiter.

-Composite Sun is in the 7th house, etc., etc.

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Posts: 5256
From: nevada
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posted August 13, 2006 12:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for lalalinda     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
welcome blue eyes

You will feel an instant connection when you have the Moon and/or Venus falling in someones 1st or 7th house.
A very nice comparitive house placement.

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posted August 14, 2006 02:14 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hello Lalalinda! May I know your opinion about a Venus-Pluto contact as an indicator of karmic relationships?

Sun in Aries, Moon in Pisces, Leo rising... your fellow sojourner in this earthly plane.

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Posts: 5256
From: nevada
Registered: Apr 2009

posted August 14, 2006 04:18 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for lalalinda     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Actually Venus and Pluto have a lot in common but that's another thread.

This is a Karmic aspect, it's also intense, binding and somewhere controlling.

The best interpretation of this aspect (in my opinion) is by Stephen Arroyo. If you get a chance look it up.

(forgive me for paraphrasing)
With the hard aspects (opposition) in the natal and a strong connection with the other persons planets, this can show (in extreme cases) a fatality just before or just after nuptuals.

Venus/love, Pluto/death.
Love that transends death.

Mind you thats an extreme case and there are many things to consider first before you can even get close to that interpretation.

This just goes to show (in the extreme) how deep the Karmic link is between Venus and Pluto.

What is your experience with this aspect kismetkaizen?

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posted August 14, 2006 08:08 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My experience with Venus-Pluto: is actually not direct. I do compatibility charts for friends and clients, and I often come across Venus-Pluto aspects between "soul mates." My parents have such a contact and their marriage is still going on strong for 37 years now, despite the usual ups and downs we come to expect with a marriage. I did one chart for an Aries friend and her Cancerian husband, and Venus-Pluto showed up, too, despite surface-level incompatibility between their signs. They've been married for several years now. Now that I'm primed about Venus-Pluto, I see contacts in almost every synastry chart I do (not always, but often). I think that Venus-Pluto overrrides the usual compatibility considerations. It's like the union is fated to be. And forgive me for mentioning what seems to be taboo here, but what I know of synastry, I learned from "Linda Goodman's Relationship Signs," which started me on the path to making my own charts (and taking astrology more seriously) in year 2000.

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posted August 15, 2006 04:03 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
i think the relationship i am going through right now is VERY karmic. and boy it ain't easy. it seems we have all the tough aspects with few of the easy, fun ones to make it a little lighter. and yet we both keep hanging on. i feel like we are supposed to but sometimes i wonder how much longer we can both put up with it.

our aspects...

his saturn conjunct my moon and ascendant in pisces, opposite my mars and saturn, and trine my sun.

my pluto conjunct his IC.

my uranus conjunct his neptune and moon in scorpio in the 4th house.

my mars conjunct his uranus and pluto in the 2nd house in virgo.

my sun, mercury conjunct jupiter in his 12th house of cancer. his

his north node conjunct my sun.

both of our moons fall into eachother's 8th house.

my neptune falls into his 5th. his uranus and pluto are in my 7th.

his venus conjunct mars in gemini is conjunct my IC.

bottomline- i activate his moon/neptune, saturn in pisces and 12th house (all cancer/pisces stuff- which is stuff he is not conscious of in my opinion). and he activates my mars (repressed anger issues), my 7th house (issues with commitment), my moon in pisces with his saturn (talk about depressing at times) as well as my 8th house/scorpio.

to be honest a couple years ago i would have walked away from this relationship a few months into it, but at 8 months (i know- not long to some but long for me!) we are still working on the relationship. i had a consultation with a well known astrologer who told me he had aspects to be a lifelong partner- and we actually were good for one another. i hope he's right :P


my true center
is an enormous capacity
to fall in love
with everything around me

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