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  What is his "type"?

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Author Topic:   What is his "type"?

Posts: 966
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posted November 14, 2019 04:39 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for SoulOfABird     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi (: I was hoping someone can help decipher what type of girl this guy I am interested likes and is attracted to. I plan to meet him sometime in December or January possibly but I am worried I might not be his type. Now our synastry indicates a lot of sexual attraction. It is a quite passionate synastry, however, I still feel like despite have strong passionate synastry I might not be his type?
I know that my ascendent parallels his Venus and his Moon, and it's supposed to indicate the guy (Venus) will see you attractive and his "ideal", but Im not sure if it is true.

From what I know he has said to like "pretty girls with big eyes and pretty smile with perfect teeth and shorter than him" the description of the type of girl he likes seems a bit more focused on physical appearance. I would say my eyes are big I suppose, my smile? I don't know I think everyone has a pretty smile.
What really got me was his celebrity crush (An Aqua sun Virgo moon). She's so "cute" looking and is known for her cute looks and being short and petite. I thought for sure if she is his ideal type I can't fit his type, because Im not very "cute" looking. People close to me call me "cute" but that only because dumb things I do, not because Im cute looking lol. It's so unfortunate that all the guys I fall for like cute girls 😔

But then another time my friend mentioned he said his ideal type was Rihanna or Beyonce, and they are more glamorous so what does he like!? lol is he lying about one or the other? I don't know.😂Im like in the middle of cute and glamours type I suppose

But besides his physical ideal which is probably not really possible to determine through astrology alone, what does he look for past just appearances? He doesn't give much description on personality other than saying he likes kind girls who will watch dramas with him and like the same type of music he likes. That isn't too hard because we have similar taste in music.
But what does he really want in a girl? It is unclear to me.
Im nervous to meet him, and I would appreciate some insight.
I really like him, but can he like me just as much as I like him?

Any further insight on the type of woman he really likes? I would appreciate it
Thank you (:
This is his chart

"I appreciate the masterpiece that is you, because your existence alone is art"

"The fool who knows he is a fool
Is that much wiser.
The fool who thinks he is wise
Is a fool indeed."

"I look at you looking at me, now I know why they say the best things are free"

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posted November 14, 2019 04:44 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for SoulOfABird     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
And if anyone has time I would appreciate if you see anything in my chart that shows I can be the type of girl he's attracted to? Thank you!

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posted November 14, 2019 07:36 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Hikaru29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Is his birth time accurate?

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posted November 14, 2019 02:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for SoulOfABird     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Hikaru29:
Is his birth time accurate?

Yes his birth time is accurate

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posted November 14, 2019 02:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for athenaia     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I mean if that's what he says he likes, I would take him at his word... but honestly, looking at his chart, I don't know if I really get the impression he likes "cute"..?

His Venus is in Scorpio tightly conjunct Pluto
This happens in the 2nd house of Taurus

So he likes an.. intense, powerful woman. Someone sharp and witty. Who has a taste for the finer things in life.

This Venus is exactly trine Moon/Mars in Pisces, so I'm also sensing someone spunky, with an attitude problem, someone athletic. Emotional but unapologetic about it.

Venus in Scorpio and Moon in Pisces does suggest a sort of soft femininity but there is a lot of outer planet action going on (Pluto, Saturn, Neptune, Jupiter) that I feel like his tastes would be all over the place.

His 5th house is Aqua so he also like someone unconventional with rebellious qualities. He wouldn't like a mindless "yes sir!" kinda girl - someone dark, bold, ambitious but with high emotional intelligence. Also something whimsical given his 7th house is Pisces, so also an artist or a musician.

Although given the age gap in both your charts, my guess is that when he says he likes "cute" he actually just likes em young. I've noticed a pattern of guys with H3 Suns going for big age gaps

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posted November 14, 2019 10:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for SoulOfABird     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

thank you for your insight!
Yeah I was a bit lost on what his chart seemed to imply that he liked. Cause I thought Scorpio venus men usually liked sexy, dark and mysterious women.
He hasn't flat out said that he liked cute girls, I just assumed that he did because of the actress he picked as his type. She's very cute looking, and small. And I think another time he mentioned Arianna Grande and Arianna Grande again is more like cute style I think.

He hasn't said much about what personality and I guess charm he likes. So I guess maybe his type isn't really definite.
But I know he likes shorter girls, because he is shorter, he wants someone shorter than him. So it's strange he would mention someone like Rihanna when she is tall, but he says he likes short girls.

I feel like he is kind of focused on looks a bit more compared to other guys Ive known with water moon and venus'. From what Ive seen most guys with water moon and venus' always say they go with their aura/"feel" and don't say much about appearance. But he himself has said he likes a "pretty" girl so I guess he really focuses on looks but I don't know for sure.
Im sure he isn't lying, but from what things he's said it seems like he likes "cutesy" and innocent type of girls. He didn't say so himself it's just kinda the vibe Im getting. Because he also says he liked girls who will do "aegyo" which in his culture is basically when girls act like a child and guys seem to like it. Apparently he says he likes that too, which is another reason why I thought he liked cute.

But since he hasn't really said much about the personality he likes your input helped me a lot get more insight on what he possibly finds attractive. I wouldn't have known these things before, since he doesn't;t mention it. Thank you (:

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posted November 14, 2019 11:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Bismarck2     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by SoulOfABird:
Yes his birth time is accurate

It's possible he's a virgo ASC. Most people don't know their ACTUAL birth time exactly. Just saying.

Anyways, you put a lot of planets in his 5th house, so that's a positive sign.

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posted November 14, 2019 11:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for athenaia     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Oh very interesting! So his cultural upbringing plays a part in this.. I would imagine with Aqua H5 he would go for girls from a different culture, also his Sagittarius stellium suggests this on some level too

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posted November 14, 2019 11:58 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for SoulOfABird     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Bismarck2:
It's possible he's a virgo ASC. Most people don't know their ACTUAL birth time exactly. Just saying.

Anyways, you put a lot of planets in his 5th house, so that's a positive sign.

Yeah you're right. But hopefully it's accurate because he got his birthtime tattooed on lol
He said he did that because his mom told him he was born on 12/8 at 1:28 so it was a crazy coincidence so he got a tattoo of it. I don't think his mom would have let him tattoo his birthime without it being accurate at least hopefully not lol
My sister had a weird coincidence when she was born, she is an Aqua rising at 29 degrees, so close to being a Pisces rising. When I asked my mom for my birthtime, she was 2 hours off. Found out when I got my birth certificate. But she was correct about my sister's birthtime, I think because she remembered the weird coincidence that she was born right before midnight. Which is why she remembered my sister's birthtime accurately.
But yeah anyways it is possible he is a Virgo rising, I can't be sure. Libra rising would seem fit because everyone finds him good looking like a typical Libra rising, and he cares a lot about his looks and style. If he is a Virgo rising I just hope my planets stay in his 5th lol

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posted November 15, 2019 12:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for SoulOfABird     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by athenaia:
Oh very interesting! So his cultural upbringing plays a part in this.. I would imagine with Aqua H5 he would go for girls from a different culture, also his Sagittarius stellium suggests this on some level too

Yeah his culture probably does play a part. But I do feel like he would be extra interested in girls from another culture. He is into hip hop and r&b, which is like a sub culture from where he's from. So a bit more unconventional in that way I suppose, He's very familiar with hip hop style and culture, he dresses in Urban hip hop style too

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posted November 15, 2019 05:56 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Hikaru29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by SoulOfABird:
Libra rising would seem fit because everyone finds him good looking like a typical Libra rising, and he cares a lot about his looks and style.

This is very stereotype description, you know? A lot of non-Libra rising people are good looking and not all Libra rising are good looking. You will find yourself thrown off track if you try to guess a person's ascendent by such generalisation.

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posted November 15, 2019 08:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for SoulOfABird     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Hikaru29:
This is very stereotype description, you know? A lot of non-Libra rising people are good looking and not all Libra rising are good looking. You will find yourself thrown off track if you try to guess a person's ascendent by such generalisation.

Yes I understand that. But there are other traits he has that lead me to think he is a Libra rising. I just used the stereotypical examples. Anyways Im not that good at guessing rising signs anyway.
Do you think his birthtime is incorrect?

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posted November 20, 2019 06:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for todd     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
the easiest way is to look at the asteroid psyche.he will be attracted top someone that has the aspects ,by house and sign of psyche of psyche.

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posted November 21, 2019 11:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for SoulOfABird     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by todd:
the easiest way is to look at the asteroid psyche.he will be attracted top someone that has the aspects ,by house and sign of psyche of psyche.

Im not sure exactly if I understand. Do you mean the aspects other planets make to his psyche? His Psyche is show in his chart I posted. What would you concur from that?

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posted November 22, 2019 01:10 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for todd     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
hi SoulOfABird

in his chart psyche is square to the sun and Saturn. this implies he would tend to more mature women. psyche in virgo show he enjoys conversations and a mental rapport.
with Chiron forming a t square with psyche and Saturn/sun/Uranus, it seems the verbal and mental abilities are attractive to him. Chiron and Uranus show he is attracted to edgy women, women who are out spoken .it seems verbal ability is just as important if not more important to him than emotional compatibility.

you do have mercury opposed to psyche, so you had strong verbal abiklities,though in pisces you might not express yourself readily.
I suggest that you emphasize the mental compatibility rather that trying to establish a emotional conenction at first.


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posted November 25, 2019 07:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Hierophantom     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
His Mars is in Pisces so he is getting sexually aroused by dreamy, emotional types so maybe that's what he calls "cute".
His Venus is in Scorpio, so he falls in love with the mysterious and intense Scorpionic types, he is very watery so you see. He is in there for the long haul. He is very emotional himself.
Men in Pisces are not the most monogamous men by the way. The tend to have escapist behaviours when things are not going well. Can either be drugs, alcohol or cheating. He is easily impressed by beautiful women and tend to fantasize about them. Not my piece of cake, to be honest, but maybe for you, there is a lover for everyone so to speak.

With the Aries on the Descendant he likes the tomboyisch girls, who take the lead, are impulsive and can be very bossy if he is displaying his Libra ascendant too much. He likes to be the peacemaker and diplomat and can be conflict avoiding. So when he is not standing his ground, those girls will walk all over him.

You are Pisces Sun and Venus so you can dream along with him, so he would be very attracted to you. You have Mars in Libra so you want a sexually attractive man to get going, luckily he is Libra rising so his physical appearance should be very attractive. I would say this is a match. But this is just based on astrology. I don't know what happens when you meet. You have descendant in Leo so you want a man who treats you like a queen and give you full attention, so him saying those other girls are cute, works on your nerves and makes you insecure and can frustrate you because you want him to look only to you! Unconciously because your Aquarius Ascendant is all about loving the whole world and wants to be very openminded so you won't permit yourself to be the center of attention.

But you must be very careful here, because if you are displaying your ow so open minded and un-selfisch Aquarius Rising too much, you will attract the men who makes you the center of attention...but also every other girl too. So you must allow yourself to set clear boundaries that you won't tolerate some things and try to be more of a queen yourself. You have to sit on the middle of the axis ASC - DESC for not turning the things you liked at first, into the things that may later on, turn against you.

Mercury conjunct Neptune: Can I take a message?

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Posts: 966
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posted November 26, 2019 05:00 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for SoulOfABird     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Thank you for your input(: Im quite surprised by what his chart says his type is! I didn't think Scorpion or Arian type girls would be his type, I thought more Piscean like I don't know why lol Im definitely lacking the Scorpio and Aries element or aura. Im afraid Im not very tomboyish or mysteriously alluring lol I am I shy and quiet and difficult to get to open up. So he likes emotional girls Im afraid he won't be able to see that side of me til he gets to know me more because I keep a lot to myself. Probably not what he would like unfortunately

Yeah I will admit I feel insecure or a bit jealous when he notices another girl.
You know it's interesting you mentioned Pisces men not being very monogamous, because Ive heard this before, especially for Pisces moon. I don't know why I thought that they would be loyal and never cheat, because they wouldn't want to put their significant other through something like that. So it's interesting you mentioned that, something to consider. I mean I like a guy who will be monogamous, because ideally I do want all his love, and as selfish as it may sound, I would want him to have only eyes for me, so if he could easily fall in love with someone else, that would hurt, that's not my cup of tea either. I do love the traits Pisces men have, I think that's probably the reason for my attraction to him, because typically I don't like fire sign guys lol but I don't have enough dating experience to know if it's even good for me.

Especially him being a Sag I would wonder if he can stay faithful since Sags don't like to be tied down.

Im grateful you guys gave me more insight to his type , because I was wondering about it. I know he's my type lol but if the feelings mutual is always a gamble. Wish me luck 🙈

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Posts: 966
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posted November 26, 2019 05:07 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for SoulOfABird     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by todd:
hi SoulOfABird

in his chart psyche is square to the sun and Saturn. this implies he would tend to more mature women. psyche in virgo show he enjoys conversations and a mental rapport.
with Chiron forming a t square with psyche and Saturn/sun/Uranus, it seems the verbal and mental abilities are attractive to him. Chiron and Uranus show he is attracted to edgy women, women who are out spoken .it seems verbal ability is just as important if not more important to him than emotional compatibility.

you do have mercury opposed to psyche, so you had strong verbal abiklities,though in pisces you might not express yourself readily.
I suggest that you emphasize the mental compatibility rather that trying to establish a emotional conenction at first.


Thank you for your input Todd (: I never thought to look at Psyche ! Yeah you are right Im not good at verbalizing... like at all lol probably the Pisces mercury I should work on that haha

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