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  First serious relationship.. How does it look?

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Author Topic:   First serious relationship.. How does it look?

Posts: 93
From: United Kingdom
Registered: Mar 2014

posted February 10, 2020 05:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for rubynoir     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi all,

I'm still a rookie when it comes to reading charts but I have recently started dating a guy 8 years older than me. I feel as though this will be the first serious relationship I have ever had after a series of short/abusive relationships as so far things have been great and he treats me wonderfully.

The synastry reports I have read look promising but the composite was quite disheartening. What do you think?

MY DOB: 29.07.1993 - 07.12 AM - Coventry, United Kingdom

Him: 21.12.1985 - Unknown time - Barcelona, Spain

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posted February 11, 2020 05:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for todd     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
hi rubynoir

i don't see this as a very favorable relationship. it is true that you sincerely have great love for his as the moon is conjunct the node and opposed to psyche conjunct the south node. in addition the vertex is square to the moon, so there is a feeling that destiny has brought you together and there is a deep sincere sympathy and love elicited from him.

but the are very unfavorable and deceptive aspects also.
eiris is conjunct to lilith which is not bad by itself,in fsct it gives a very srong physical attraction to go along with the more spiritual love shown by the moon and psyche. but eris extremely selfish and mainly sexual whihcmeans that an intense sexual union will not necessarily make the emotional love stronger. eris is more concerned with sexual conquest than intimate relationships.

the real negativity here is that Saturn is conjunct neptune and these are square to eris and addition the sun is square to Saturn and Neptune is square to the juno/mars conjunction. Neptune and Saturn shows he is very complex and most likely deceptive. you can't really trust what he says as he has different faces to different people.neptune square to mars is an aspect of a "player" that is he will never be loyal as his nature is to play women along. mars is also square to juno which shows that he is acting and saying things that make you think he is interested in a exclusive relationship but this is simply not true.

the mercury/venus conjuncton does show a very happy and joyous mental connection with him .
Jupiter is sextile to the mars/juno conjunction which is a favorable aspect for a serious relationship, so as i said he seems to be very serious about you, but this aspect is not enough to offset his inner,hidden ideas and tendencies.

in addition chiron is opposed to Saturn and square the sun. this is flat out a abusive aspect which means that he will want everything his way and will expect you to do everything he wants. this is a very controlling and dominating aspect.
eris is square to Saturn and opposed to the sun which shows he is mainly interested in sex and not really interested in a sincere intimate loving relationship.

as this is your first relationship you are in great emotional danger because you likely will not know what the red flags of a abusive relationship are. and you will do anything for him as you can't see his selfish motives.

you mentioned you have had a series of abusive relationships so it miht be that there are childhood issues that make it difficult for you to recognized abusive relationships.

he is much older and experienced and likely sees you as an easy prey, because that is what you are if you go into this relationship with rose tinted glasses on.
the moon/psyche shows you are overboard infatuated and have a idealistic and romantic attitude... he simply is not this way. he is a player and he is experienced with women. you are walking into a spider's web, especially if he wants you to go to him.

i looked at his chart and he is worse than i thought. he has mars/pluto/south node stellium square to orcus. this is a brutal and selfish aspect.

nessus us square to juno which shows he is abusive in relationships.

psyche is conjunct to chiron and these are opposed to Saturn and mercury.
this is extremely malicious as it shows,as i suggested, they he is experienced with preying on women...especially young women.

i can tell you right now if you start to back out of this relationship he will not let you go and he will begin to berate you. he will start pointing out your faults and will try to mentally control you to stay with him.

you are in danger,mars/pluto/orcus are dangerous aspects. he is not a good man and will resort to any means to get what he wants.

i have to conclude as i mentioned above, you have add a severe abusive childhood to the degree that you have emotional blocks which make it difficult to see abusive men wen you get involved.

your chart bears this out ,you have Saturn opposed to chiron on your descendant/ascendant axis, square to pluto and ixion.
clearly you had a abusive father likely violent ,if not physically, then emotionally.
this implies that you have repressed memories or blocked memories. hence your conscious mind does not recognize those men who have similar abusive qualities. this would explain why you have and a history of abusive encounter with men.

you have Sedna opposed to psyche which gives you a sweet,loving and honest soul.but orcus is square to this opposition which shows that abusers are drawn to you.

with your moon conjunct to the node and square to lilith ,you are a spirit of light .but with nessus square to eros many drawn to you want to dominate and abuse your divine nature.

i am not sure why, but i have to believe that you are working out tensions and struggles from a pervious life. there is something very supernatural about you . the darkness that comes after you must be part of a past life.


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Posts: 93
From: United Kingdom
Registered: Mar 2014

posted February 26, 2020 06:33 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for rubynoir     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you Todd, this is really horrible and has shocked me to be totally honest.
He met my parents last week...why would he ask to do this if he is playing games?

I thought our synastry had some very promising aspects and your message has really upset me. Do you think it is best I call this off?


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Posts: 93
From: United Kingdom
Registered: Mar 2014

posted February 26, 2020 06:34 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for rubynoir     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Also I wrote the wrong birthplace

He was born in Munich, Germany at 21:30 PM.. unsure if that makes any difference at all.

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