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  Tons of oppositions + grand kite in synastry?

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Author Topic:   Tons of oppositions + grand kite in synastry?

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posted April 04, 2021 09:44 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for sashavittoria     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'd really like to know what more experienced astrologers see in this synastry, since I know I have so much to learn... This is a new colleague with chemistry. The composite is basically ALL oppositions too, with an unaspected Mars, so I doubt anything will ever happen but I've also read not to look at the composite so early on.

Anyway I'm just curious what to make of so many oppositions coupled with a grand kite, or is there some red flag (or blue flag? can we make that a thing? lol) I'm not seeing...

I'm definitely already sensing the Mercury opposition, but funnily, he was the one who bulldozed me in conversation. I suspect he has a Virgo ascendant also but don't have a birth time.

I also see a lot of node and Chiron aspects. Are they always necessarily significant? I'm a huge fan of the nodes but I'm also skeptical of aspects to them and outer planets since they are more generational...

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posted April 04, 2021 07:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for livvywatermonkey     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi sashavittoria,

These aspects stick out to me:

- your Uranus/Neptune opposite his Chiron
- your Pluto conjunct his Moon
- your Saturn square his Moon
- your Sun opposite his Pluto
- your North Node conjunct his Uranus
- his Neptune conjunct your Descendant
- your Sun trine his Sun
- his Sun conjunct your IC
- his Moon, Pluto & Venus in your 5th house

From this, I do see potential for chemistry & intimacy ... you could both experience this as a significant connection & so want to engage/explore your dynamic with each other; you do seem evenly matched, in that you both have outer planets aspecting one another’s inner planets; and yet there also looks like the potential for the friction of attraction to be balanced with feelings of familiarity & comfort with each other later on.

I do wonder with your Suns in Taurus & Virgo, whether things will easily advance through the phase of scoping each other out, which may involve testing one another’s power & boundaries - I wonder with his Uranus conjunct your North Node, if he is self aware enough of the impact he has on you to be responsible with how he communicates.

Though you may have a similar level of ability to impact each other/help one another grow & change, I wonder if your Pluto conjunct his Moon, and your Uranus/Neptune opposite his Chiron, makes him feel like you have the upper hand, & he may try & dominate/control the dynamic underhandedly, to block you from getting in a position where you have any power to disrupt his present sense of self (?)

Does this resonate, or not so much?

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posted April 05, 2021 04:53 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for sashavittoria     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you livvy! Wow, yes. It's still pretty early to tell and like you said, our earth suns make us especially slow/cautious. Definitely still in the "scoping" phase and I'm not sure we'll be around one another long enough (only a month left in the same room at work) to get through it. There is, like you noted, a lot of testing of boundaries (physically, very earth) - I accidentally crossed through his workspace and surprised him, then felt guilty and awkward until he kindly reached out to say it was okay. But then he put up a new partition so I could no longer see what he is working on. (We're painters in the same studio.) I got the impression he feels self-conscious and his secretive Scorpio moon + perfectionist Virgo placements make him want to hide things he doesn't feel are "ready" to be seen. I had also wondered if my ascendant conjunct his Chiron was what made him feel threatened by me, but I didn't think of my Uranus/Neptune opposite, nor my Pluto on his moon, so thank you! I do get the strong impression that he feels bizarrely threatened by me and senses some power that I don't feel I really have. (From my POV, he is the older/more experienced painter.)

To me it does feel like we're evenly matched and have a "similar level of ability to impact each other/help one another grow & change" like you say. I definitely sense the potential for growth through one another. He is far and away a more advanced painter than I am and I really admire his work - hence my dismay when he erected a new partition.

As it is, we cautiously smile and wave hello to one another from afar. He did try to strike up a conversation with me once, but like I said, he kind of bulldozed me. It was like his Scorpio moon just took over and he wanted to know all about me and though I asked questions about him he basically ignored them. I felt interrogated! So much for Libra Mercury, though I guess it makes sense wanting to know about the other. I have not encountered many Libra Mercuries. Anyway he has not tried to talk to me since then, and keeps asking my permission before he puts music on lol. I'm like... chill out, dude. You don't need my permission!

Also, he found out through this conversation that I won't be here long, and I suspect he is staying away because he doesn't want to invest energy in someone who's just going to leave.

The other placements you indicated also resonate. I didn't notice how he lights up my 5th house, no wonder I have a crush! I'm going to look more into the others too.

I am wondering if, with such a short time to get to know one another, I should take more initiative to be friendly and start conversation? Since he seems to be intimidated. Or is it better to wait for him to approach me? Ahh the eternal question. lol. I've just had bad experiences of rejection when initiating in the past. (Haven't we all!)

I can't tell how mature/self aware he is (he's three years older and has already been through his Saturn return, so hopefully?) and I sense that if he isn't, it could be very bad. My closest friends are always Virgos but they can turn toxic very easily for me if they are not mature. (My Cancer ascendant and SN seem to make me absorb and internalize all their criticisms and insecurities.) I have strong chemistry with another Scorpio moon and in both cases I feel like they see right through me, and it frightens me. This feels like a case of "I'm more afraid of you than you are of me!" lol

Above all I sense the potential for intimacy and growth like you said. So I don't want the opportunity to slip by. But there may not be enough time.

Thank you livvy for all your insight!

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posted April 05, 2021 04:55 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for sashavittoria     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Also, is Pluto conjunct moon really such a big deal given how slowly Pluto moves? I am never sure how much weight to give those outer planets. Same with Uranus/Neptune.

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posted April 05, 2021 06:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for livvywatermonkey     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I’m happy it made sense & resonated :D

I know it can be hard to get things moving when you’re both feeling shy &/or awkward :) maybe he’s not used to feeling intimidated

I think when men feel out of their depth they don’t engage as much, but it’s not your job to bring him out of his shell, maybe he is mistrustful because there’ve been other times when women used their intuitive power against him (?)

I think Moon-Pluto can be quite powerful, maybe the felt power of outer planet energies in others is stronger when you have those emphasised in your own chart (?)

Your Moon/his Pluto conjunction is square his North Node, maybe he feels it especially because of that?

Maybe your connection touches on an insecurity he has around being seen to be strong & self assured, & he doesn’t know how to navigate those feelings or himself in relation to you?

I can relate! I’m very drawn to someone but feel disoriented in myself from what our connection brings up in me, & I don’t know how to regulate my feelings in the context of connecting with him, so it feels easier to shut down/shut off the connection

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posted April 06, 2021 01:05 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for sashavittoria     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you livvy! Yes I looked at the composite you had posted, I was going to reply but saw you tagged Graham so didn't want to steal the thread. But it looks like a lot! I noticed there is some mutual Nessus stuff going on...

I agree and thank you for saying it's not my job to bring him out of his shell. I feel that women are trained to tread this delicate line between showing interest in order to make men comfortable to approach, but we can't take initiative or show too much interest because it scares them away. It's really stupid and I'd rather just do my own thing!

I'm seeing the Moon/Pluto conjunction squaring my Saturn, am I reading it wrong? His NN isn't far away though. Thank you for pointing it out, I'm still learning. Does not show aspects to the NN? It is not my favorite site to use, I don't find it very readable.

What you say makes a lot of sense. I think even if nothing happens (unaspected Mars in composite seems to indicate this) it is still a good learning/growth experience for each of us. At least for me I can say it is! This is an 11/2 year for me just like the last one when I fell hard for someone I idealized (in my waning Saturn square), and being in similar circumstances now (approaching my Saturn return), I feel like Saturn is saying, "Okay, did you learn your lesson? Let's try again." So I sense the growth potential even if only from my side. I am learning and testing myself through this experience. Inside my own head. lol!

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posted April 06, 2021 05:45 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for livvywatermonkey     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I’m happy for you to add to that thread with what you see there :)

I think usually uses 2 degree orb for aspects to the Node

I just thought, your natal Saturn-Pluto square could reflect how you are drawn to older, intense partners, where you feel somewhat “out of your depth”, but the snare here could be that with the Moon-Saturn square between you, he is the one who feels more overwhelmed by your connection

Maybe part of what he represents to you is an ability you don’t know you have, to draw people in & be endlessly fascinating to them - your charisma :)

I can’t help you there with treading that line between friendliness & not chasing, I haven’t figured that one out! xD

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posted April 07, 2021 12:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for sashavittoria     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
WOW, that is accurate and I never realized that aspect indicated that about me but it is very true! Thank you livvy! And lol I hope the second part is true I think I am beginning to regain some confidence I had lost during Saturn square.

Wonderful, I’ll look into it more fully and add my two cents

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posted April 16, 2021 07:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted April 17, 2021 02:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for sashavittoria     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you Randall! I'm still puzzling over this... I realized there are some heavy karmic aspects in both synastry and composite with the nodes, Chiron, Saturn, and Venus. Can anyone give insight?? How seriously should I be taking this relationship? I feel strongly, but I'm going through my Saturn return in the 8th house so relationship/intimacy stuff is triggering. Lots of themes repeating from my waning Saturn square.

(I've now rectified his birth time, I'm pretty sure he is Sag rising.)

I've now noticed both our Chirons near one another's south nodes in synastry, and I'm already noticing these themes coming up. My SN (and ascendant)/his Chiron in Cancer (plus his natal moon square his NN) - through his paintings I can see the theme of nurturing from women being blocked. He's been surprisingly touched whenever I show compassion/nurturing/care in the most basic ways that come naturally to me. I quickly saw him as deeply wounded.

My Chiron/his SN in Leo - he's naturally and automatically been mentoring me in painting.

Then we both have our Saturns near each other's North Node.

In the composite, Saturn is tightly conjunct the NN. Composite Venus conjunct Jupiter, both sitting on the SN. Composite Chiron conjunct Venus, opposite Saturn and NN. Ruler of NN in same sign as SN, ruler of SN in same house as NN. Composite SN same sign as my natal SN, same house as ruled by his natal SN. ??? WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?

If I'm interpreting this correctly... Were we lovers in a past life who hurt or healed one another? Were we in a teacher-student relationship? Maybe one that became romantic? Composite SN is in Cancer in the 5th house, my natal SN in Cancer in house 12 and his natal SN in Leo in the 9th.

And what is the lesson now? Is this a soulmate, and should I be pursuing him more?

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posted April 17, 2021 02:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for sashavittoria     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Sorry, here's the composite:

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