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  A walking enigma

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posted January 31, 2015 09:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Yanmorg     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

What do you see?

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posted January 31, 2015 02:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for peony     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
He does have Jupiter and Pluto in Scorpio in the 3H, and Sun-Mars-Venus in Aquarius, so he has very different sides to his personality. Aquarius is very open and communicative, whereas Scorpio tends to have secrets. He may have power of mind and passion, but the passion may be directed more toward intellectual interests and pursuits.

He's very comfortable in the world of the mind, but he's rather inhibited or probably undeveloped on the feeling side. Both Venus and the Moon are conjunct Saturn. He probably has a hard time articulating his feelings or even being aware of them and is probably not comfortable talking about feelings. Of course, that's going to be a challenge in his relationships with women. Moon in the 7H in Pisces and Pisces on the 7H cusp indicates a tendency to project his feeling side onto a partner. This makes him very vulnerable to women, but perhaps this is largely unconscious. On the surface, he's probably rather cool or runs hot and cold emotionally.

Venus in Aquarius indicates he likes an intellectual, very bright woman as a partner. A meeting of the minds and friendship are very important to him. Intense feeling not so much.

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posted January 31, 2015 07:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Yanmorg     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by peony:
He does have Jupiter and Pluto in Scorpio in the 3H, and Sun-Mars-Venus in Aquarius, so he has very different sides to his personality. Aquarius is very open and communicative, whereas Scorpio tends to have secrets. He may have power of mind and passion, but the passion may be directed more toward intellectual interests and pursuits.

He's very comfortable in the world of the mind, but he's rather inhibited or probably undeveloped on the feeling side. Both Venus and the Moon are conjunct Saturn. He probably has a hard time articulating his feelings or even being aware of them and is probably not comfortable talking about feelings. Of course, that's going to be a challenge in his relationships with women. Moon in the 7H in Pisces and Pisces on the 7H cusp indicates a tendency to project his feeling side onto a partner. This makes him very vulnerable to women, but perhaps this is largely unconscious. On the surface, he's probably rather cool or runs hot and cold emotionally.

Venus in Aquarius indicates he likes an intellectual, very bright woman as a partner. A meeting of the minds and friendship are very important to him. Intense feeling not so much.

Chiron opposite his Moon, mercury, and venus wouldn't add to the depth of his feelings? Pluto is also square his Sun, Mercury, and Venus. He also has Pluto conjunct his NN in 3rd house. Still no desire for intense emotion?

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posted January 31, 2015 07:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for SDragon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I think his moon is in the 6th house so it may not be as tied to others as much as a set routine. Habits and a good schedule help him to regulate his emotions more than anything else and with his Moon in Pisces, I wouldn't say he would necessarily be attracted to strong emotions. Pisces sometimes have escapist tendencies and with three planets in Aquarius he can definitely detach emotionally when he needs to but with the squares to Pluto, I would definitely say that learning about emotions is a path he will need to learn about in this life time.

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posted January 31, 2015 09:54 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for peony     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Yanmorg:
Chiron opposite his Moon, mercury, and venus wouldn't add to the depth of his feelings? Pluto is also square his Sun, Mercury, and Venus. He also has Pluto conjunct his NN in 3rd house. Still no desire for intense emotion?

Nowhere did I say he doesn't have intense or deep feelings. I'm saying it's likely these create deep, internal conflicts given the squares to Pluto in Scorpio from his Aquarius stellium. Also, as I said, his Moon and Venus are conjunct Saturn. Saturn tends to restrict, inhibit, and suppress emotions and feelings, because of its aspects to the Moon and Venus in this case. In a mature or older individual who has done a lot of work on themselves, has resolved their issues with the mother (Chiron-Moon also very significant in this respect), and is self-aware, those Saturn aspects can manifest in more positive ways as wisdom, responsibility, and self-control rather than suppression of feeling.

Aside from intense feeling, Pluto also has to do with unconscious drives, will and power, emotional undercurrents, and the kinds of emotions that don't conform with ego ideals, and ideals are very important to an Aquarian Sun, Venus, and Mars, in general and in relationships. An interesting question is how well or to what extent has he or does he integrate Scorpio/Plutonic energy within himself? Does he prefer to encounter these energies only intellectually or does he project these energies onto other people and engage them that way. The more healthy scenario would be the first rather than the latter two.

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posted February 01, 2015 08:48 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Yanmorg     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I believe it's a combination of both, peony.

He is a workaholic and he always tells me he's not comfortable with expressing his emotions, but even with my Scorpio stellium in the 6th along with some very intense aspects connected to the stellium, he's patient, comforting, and understanding

I titled this post "A Walking Enigma" because I'm still trying to figure out when his depth of emotion is going to show. He's sensitive and intense, but then he'll shut off after awhile. Since he's Aquarius dominant, that need for space is still very much apparent but my obsessive Scorpio stellium is having a hard time adapting to this. He's not insensitive about it. We talk about it and are currently trying to find ways to compromise.

He doesn't get as flighty as a 'normal' Aquarius influenced individual with Saturn conjunct his stellium, but it's still an issue sometimes.

I do have a lot of Saturn aspects myself along with moon square uranus, sun sextile uranus, mercury quintile uranus, and mars semisquare uranus so I'm pretty familiar with uranian energy, but he can be so duty-oriented and cold sometimes. & my libra moon in the 5th craves romance and closeness 24/7.

Some days we have it all figured out and we're opperating as unit and the other days there's just a huge disconnect. He seems unmoved by the distance so I'm guessing all of this is within myself. He works a lot and has a full life. I just do the basics, school full-time, working. So I think I have more time to sit and think about the distance which creates insecurity. He always says there will just be days where he's so busy that he won't be able to contact me.

Our synastry and composite is pretty nice. We have the Cap love stellium including the moon and mars all trine chiron and sextile Jupiter. Saturn sextile the moon and venus in composite helps as well.

I'm wondering if Uranus and Neptune opposite ASC in composite creates this dynamic between us?

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posted February 01, 2015 11:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for peony     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
"He is a workaholic and he always tells me he's not comfortable with expressing his emotions, but even with my Scorpio stellium in the 6th along with some very intense aspects connected to the stellium, he's patient, comforting, and understanding."

He has a 6H Saturn square Pluto, and Sun in the 6H, so not only does he identify with his work, it looks like he is obsessive/compulsive about it.

Having knowledge of astrology, you probably are well aware of his discomfort expressing his feelings, but evidently it's hard for your Scorpio stellium to hear and accept this, even more so given your Mars-Pluto conjunction on your DESC. His Saturn squares this conjunction, which suggests a lot of frustration and rage could build up and explode if this issue isn't dealt with. Ditto, his Venus-Saturn conjunction square Pluto.

Besides his Aquarius planets and his Moon-Venus conjunct Saturn, he also has Uranus in the 5H (along with Neptune). So he's quite comfortable with the way things are. You say you want a 24/7 kind of relationship, but I think you know that's unlikely with this guy.

Uranus-Neptune opposing the Ascendant in the composite suggests to me having a common purpose that's larger that the relationship. The Neptune opposition may also indicate some illusions or not seeing the relationship as it is.

It seems to me you will need to be clear what your needs are and communicate them directly and honestly to him, and then decide whether you two can come up with a compromise that you both can live with. It sounds like you may be working on this already, but haven't come with what works yet or works consistently. Once you can both succinctly articulate what your needs are, then it's a matter of finding out what to do in order to get your respective needs met and expressing your requests to each other. It's important to be very specific so it's clear to both of you what exactly you can each do to meet the needs of the other. "I need you to be more attentive" or "I need you to give me space," are not specific enough. I also think it's important to do whatever you can to work on yourself so that you're not demanding something from him that he can't give you. More specifically, learn to equate distance with something neutral, rather than a negative about yourself which then triggers insecurity. It's going to take being vigilant when these thoughts come up, but it can be done. It sounds like you and he have a very good and loving relationship.

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posted February 02, 2015 10:51 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Yanmorg     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you so much, Peony. I appreciate you taking the time to respond and read my posts.

Yes I agree. I do probably, unconsciously, have a hard time accepting that he's not comfortable with his feelings, but that's only because he's so horrible at hiding his sensitivity. I blame all those hard chiron aspects in his chart. He understands women thankfully. He's just one of those cliche men who feels like an alien when it comes to emotions. How would you recommend dealing with this? He's not emotional, but he expresses himself enough where I don't feel alienated or alone. I'm just thankful we have amazing communication to keep us grounded through all of this. We're going through the motions & just trying to adapt to our different ways of relating.

You know what's interesting? We have Venus trine Venus in our synastry, but our signs make a square. How would you interpret this? (Venus in Scorpio trine Venus in Aquarius)

He IS obsessed with his work & i'm okay with that. If his distance is a result of him chasing his dreams and being a man, I can adapt. My insecurities flare up when I create this evil image of him secretly laughing at me while he's away because I'm waiting on him. It sounds crazy, but after an extremely long relationship with a Scorpio who did nothing but lie and deceive, it's hard to believe that a guy is actually as busy as he says. I am aware that a big part of me having an issue with his distance and my own insecurities and that's something I've been working on. I really feel comforted knowing you get my 'fits' when it comes to this distance thing with my Aquarius. I'm just glad Saturn stepped in in his chart. Haha without those conjunctions, i doubt he would be able to sit still at all!

There's no illusions between us as far as I can tell. Unless it's a really nasty illusion that's almost impossible to detect. We have amazing synastry interms of communication (venus trine mercury DW, mercury trine mercury, sun trine moon just to name a few). He's bery open and honest with his feelings and thoughts. He just discusses things from a mental standpoint. He rationalizes his emotions which isn't entirely bad considering I do that too with my own Libra Moon

I wish I knew how to post charts from astro.
That chart I posted above isn't even correct. His moon isn't in his 7th house.

Here's our birth times if you have the time or are willing to take a look and tell me more.

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posted February 02, 2015 08:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for peony     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
"Yes I agree. I do probably, unconsciously, have a hard time accepting that he's not comfortable with his feelings, but that's only because he's so horrible at hiding his sensitivity."

Your Pluto in Scorpio square to his Venus-Saturn in Aquarius/Pisces respectively, suggests that your Pluto likes to probe and to dig beneath his surface. You long for a deep connection or merging. But his Venus-Saturn has defenses against this. Stepping back from any particular aspect, basically what you're faced with are the differences between Scorpio/Pluto and Aquarius, which I think you're well aware of. But you have much to gain from each other. His airy nature can help you gain perspective and be less subjective, while you can help him become more aware of and comfortable with his feeling side and needs.

With the Venus trine Venus, you have the affection and the compatibility and his Saturn trine to your Venus adds stability and loyalty from his side. But his Saturn is conjunct his Venus and your Pluto squares his Venus. It's like the Venus trine Venus is more on the surface. Other people can get away with that, but not you because of Saturn and Pluto being involved. Saturn and Pluto at their best add gravitas or weightiness to the interaction. The lightness, ease and pleasure of Venus will be there at times, but there's so much more going on, some of it unconscious. Saturn and Pluto can also bring in an obsessive-compulsive component into the relationship, which you're probably manifesting, even though I'd say it's also him with all his Pluto squares.

"He IS obsessed with his work & i'm okay with that. If his distance is a result of him chasing his dreams and being a man, I can adapt. My insecurities flare up when I create this evil image of him secretly laughing at me while he's away because I'm waiting on him. It sounds crazy, but after an extremely long relationship with a Scorpio who did nothing but lie and deceive, it's hard to believe that a guy is actually as busy as he says."

Going with all those planets in his 6H, including the Sun and Saturn, when he says he's busy working, he's busy working.

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posted February 03, 2015 08:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Yanmorg     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
His Pluto is in his 3rd house along with his North Node in Scorpio which probably shows how we channels his Pluto energy? Even though it's square his Sun, Mercury, Venus, he's not posessive in love, but mentally? Or he is Plutonian mentally, not emotionally?

From what he's shared about about his past, he attracts the crazy types so I'm assuming he projects the posessive-controlling nature of his Venus-Pluto square on his partners.

What would his NN conjunct Pluto 3rd house mean being involved in all of this? My mars and Pluto is also conjunct NN. We have Pluto conjunct NN composite also.

jupiter is also square his Venus and in synastry, his jupiter is conjunct my Sun and Mercury and my Jupiter trines his Sun, Moon, mercury, venus. I mentioned his jupiter-venus square because I've heard this aspect can manifest as 'the slient treatment' when angry and since my mars square almost all of his planets, it makes sense that he would shut off and distance himself when we argue which is another uranian dynamic caused by our uranus-venus square in synastry.

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Posts: 212
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posted February 03, 2015 10:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for peony     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
"His Pluto is in his 3rd house along with his North Node in Scorpio which probably shows how we channels his Pluto energy?"

"Even though it's square his Sun, Mercury, Venus, he's not posessive in love, but mentally? Or he is Plutonian mentally, not emotionally?"

I'd say so, yes. He probably has a profound and penetrating mind, one that's like a laser able to focus intensely on whatever captures his attention. But as I mentioned in an earlier comment, because it's in his 3rd house, it's a passion of mind, or the passion tends to manifest intellectually rather than emotionally, i.e., passionate about ideas. I'd say the way to this man's heart is through his mind (not his stomach) that is, engaging him on the plane of ideas. Venus in Aquarius is a beautiful mind, intellectual beauty.

"From what he's shared about about his past, he attracts the crazy types so I'm assuming he projects the posessive-controlling nature of his Venus-Pluto square on his partners."

Exactly!!!! Evidently, I haven't succeeded in articulating it well enough, but that's what I've been saying.

"What would his NN conjunct Pluto 3rd house mean being involved in all of this? My mars and Pluto is also conjunct NN. We have Pluto conjunct NN composite also."

Regarding his NN conjunct Pluto, I think the NN is pointing to the step in front of him in this life, which is to follow where Pluto leads, like Orpheus going into the Underworld in order to retrieve his beloved Euridice (Venus square Pluto)! Venus square Pluto means romantic love is going to lead to a descent into the Underworld, into the depths. "Underworld" in modern terms means the unconscious, one's inner depths.

Speaking of Venus-Pluto, Yeats, the Irish poet, put it this way:

"But Love [Venus]has pitched his mansion in
The place of excrement [Pluto];
For nothing can be sole or whole
That has not been rent." [Pluto again]

As for your Mars-Pluto-NN, if I may use an analogy from alchemy, Mars-Pluto equates with intense heat, a fire that burns away all dross (the "calcinatio" or "blackening phase" in alchemy). That dross is a symbol of ego desire. Mars-Pluto being in your 7H, suggests the burning ground, which is psychological, is to play out in relationship. A relevant mythological correlation would be the Persephone myth, where Kore, the maiden, is abducted by Hades (Pluto) into the Underworld. In any intimate encounter, you too are going to be drawn into the depths. Although to Kore, it is felt to be an ordeal, the result is her transformation into Persephone, the Queen of the Underworld. In my view, what this is about is an initiation into a larger state of being, just as Kore's larger identity is Queen of the Underworld.

The Pluto-NN in the composite perhaps alludes to this work you are together to accomplish.

An opinion...take it for what it's worth.

"jupiter is also square his Venus and in synastry, his jupiter is conjunct my Sun and Mercury and my Jupiter trines his Sun, Moon, mercury, venus. I mentioned his jupiter-venus square because I've heard this aspect can manifest as 'the slient treatment' when angry and since my mars square almost all of his planets, it makes sense that he would shut off and distance himself when we argue which is another uranian dynamic caused by our uranus-venus square in synastry."

Those Jupiter aspects are supportive and benevolent, a blessing to have given what I think is the dynamic between you two. I haven't heard that take on Venus square Jupiter. What I'm familiar with is that Venus square Jupiter in synastry means a tendency to encourage each other's indulgences or weaknesses, or a lack of restraint. Laxness where rigor would do better.

Aquarius doesn't like to get into all the emotional muck. Moon in Libra doesn't either.

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