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  Should i remain open with this possibility of romance? (Page 1)

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Author Topic:   Should i remain open with this possibility of romance?

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posted August 06, 2019 10:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for bluestskies88     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I met him on my birthday, and i was hit with a super intense attraction and pull with this guy! and i can tell he felt it too! it's really intense i was even taken by surprise why i am so attracted to him when he's not even my type!lol

im blue he's red

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posted August 06, 2019 11:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stoika7     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi bluestskies88,

the list of aspects giving you a mutual intense attraction is really too long, LOL
Such attraction, with Mars square Venus square Pluto and Mars conjunct Moon square Uranus, is powerful and challenging. With your Sun/Mars conjunct his Moon (on your 7th house) trine to Pluto conjunct Pluto (in his 5th house), the level of intimacy can be really high. (not to mention your Venus in his 8th house trine to his Venus!)
I can tell you that his Moon opposite your ASC is terribly fascinated by you, and he dreams of you (his Jupiter trine to your Neptune in his 7th house sextile Pluto)...
Things might develope pretty fast, with Mars conjunct Moon square to Uranus conjunct Uranus.
You both might be actually ready to commit in short time... His Sun/Venus/NN/Saturn conjunct to your Saturn/NN trine to your Venus looks fated.
Beware of DW Saturn square Neptune/Neptune, this might become mutually restrictive to each others' individual life and - expression. Your individuality and approach to life, mainly where you come from, might be very different and you might have to be willing to learn from your differences.
A Composite chart might tell more about a potential relationship/future committment.

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posted August 07, 2019 06:33 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for bluestskies88     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Stoika7:
Hi bluestskies88,

the list of aspects giving you a mutual intense attraction is really too long, LOL
Such attraction, with Mars square Venus square Pluto and Mars conjunct Moon square Uranus, is powerful and challenging. With your Sun/Mars conjunct his Moon (on your 7th house) trine to Pluto conjunct Pluto (in his 5th house), the level of intimacy can be really high. (not to mention your Venus in his 8th house trine to his Venus!)
I can tell you that his Moon opposite your ASC is terribly fascinated by you, and he dreams of you (his Jupiter trine to your Neptune in his 7th house sextile Pluto)...
Things might develope pretty fast, with Mars conjunct Moon square to Uranus conjunct Uranus.
You both might be actually ready to commit in short time... His Sun/Venus/NN/Saturn conjunct to your Saturn/NN trine to your Venus looks fated.
Beware of DW Saturn square Neptune/Neptune, this might become mutually restrictive to each others' individual life and - expression. Your individuality and approach to life, mainly where you come from, might be very different and you might have to be willing to learn from your differences.
A Composite chart might tell more about a potential relationship/future committment.

Hi Stoika lol..thank you for this. it seems super relating. there seems to be this super feel good energy between us. i know he gets really hyper and out of his shell when i talk to him and see him lol....we were at a group meeting when we first met, and he was pointing me out and said THAT GIRL OVER THERE over and over again. everyone looked at me and i turned red lmao. he would get into this burst of joy/smiling i noticed when he sees me. i think he's a bit uptight, but i could be wrong because i barely know him still. one thing is for sure, i can't stop thinking about him at all! LOL

not sure how i am able to open him up and hang out to see if these mutual intense attraction is real. we rarely see each other. we indirecty work with each other and i sense that he's being cautious because of this factor. but when we do see each other, the intensity of the attraction and chemistry and even us being in sync....we cross each other whilst walking, me thinking of him then BAM he shows up around the corner time i was standing and started to walk towards the front of stage (we work at a events venue) and my mind said look to your right, there he was walking in sync with me lmao walking towards the stage.

the odd thing and maybe you can help me by looking at our chart, is that he's being nitpicking / critical with how i email stuff to him lmao. i realized through investigation that Virgo suns are like this? or what you said here Beware of DW Saturn square Neptune/Neptune, this might become mutually restrictive to each others' individual life and - expression. Your individuality and approach to life, mainly where you come from, might be very different and you might have to be willing to learn from your differences. could already be playing out?

he also seems annoyed with me out of nowhere with no reason, and he has ran away from me when he sees me a couple of times but then corrects himself by catching me again and says hello lol

Also, you said mars square venus. i don't see this. you mean his mars opp my venus?

here's our composite/progressive


progressed composite

let me know if these are the charts you asked?

thank you x

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posted August 07, 2019 12:31 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stoika7     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Your story with this guy is intriguing, Blues!
yes, sorry about the mistake, it is his Mars opposite your Venus, not square, my bad!

Well... this guy is very interesting. He's a top quality Virgo somehow. with his Virgo Sun/Mercury/Venus/NN, and yes, his Virgo Sun/Mercury can be very nitpicking especially on intellectual/work matters and with his Saturn/Venus square your Neptune he can be especially critical over your creative/intellectual style and approach, which might actually become annoying to you... even though his Sun/Mercury trine to your Venus can soften this critical attitude of his since he's still inspired and fascinated by your style and the Uranus conjunct Uranus trine to his Mars is very intrigued by the refreshing feeling you give him and the differences between you. In fact, his Uranus also square your ASC, and this might give that mutual feeling that you're not alike or not matching your ideal partner, and he might be puzzled and intrigued at the same time about this.
His a little weird behaviour might be explained by the fact that while he looks like a self-confident, outgoing person, he has a deep emotional insecurity in his life. This is given by a few fundamental natal aspects of his, natal Moon opposite Jupiter, ASC square to Sun/Mercury, Chiron in 12th house opposite Uranus and especially Saturn square to Neptune. The latter is a heavy aspect giving him insecurity and constantly questioning himself, and since Neptune is sextile to the Moon and Moon square to Uranus, this whole picture hits his emotional world, creating him an inner emotional conflict challenging his relationships. So, I'm thinking, based on these aspects of his, that such insecurity together with the strong attraction he seems to have towards you might lead him to have mixed feelings and might provoke a sort of emotional upheaval any time he meets you, and to act in such weird unclear way... moreover, in such astrological context, his Aqua Moon might (apparently) react with detachment. likely as you said, moreover within a work place context. He's very dedicated to his work though which he seems to fullfill his sense of identity and self-worth. He's also very skilled in what he does, even though he's not always self-disciplined and he might waste some of his energies, but gaining such a strong intellectual/professional structure might be a deep inner need of his.
The synchronicity/mind connection you also have with this person is very interesting, in fact your NN and Saturns are tightly linked and you have Composite Saturn conjunct NN in 3rd house as a result. This is pretty psychic, karmic and other wordly somehow. You have a stunning mental connection at subconscious level, since this conjunction is trine to Composite Chiron/Mars and square to Composite Neptune/Moon. Morever, the Uranus/NN midpoint is conjunct to Pluto in 4th house, so this connection is very powerful and gives a sense of fate and familiar feeling beyond any rational reason. This looks very karmic and life-changing, affecting a potential transformation in the way you both view life and relationships. The Composite Uranus/Venus conjunction opposite to Chiron Mars is challenging. This aspect might trigger all his emotional insecurities potentially giving instability to your relationship and this might lead to an abrupt/impulsive reaction from his part and/or an abrupt separation. At the same time the Saturn/NN square to Mercury and square to Neptune/Moon might deeply affect the relationship negatively, preventing you to gain mutual understanding and becoming an oppressive element on the long run. The Composite Moon/Neptune trine to Jupiter sextile Pluto, with the Sun trine to Jupiter, suggests that there might be enough empathy, affection and mutual inspiration to overcome the above mentioned negative aspects... With Composite Venus conjunct Uranus sextile to Saturn the relationship might stay on a very unconventional level, giving you both a lot of motivation, excitement, and sexual spark, even though it all might not ever become completely stable. The risk is that the Saturn seriousness and critical aspect might ruin the initial excitement preventing to find a balance between the differences between you two. He especially might rule the partner and might not be willing to compromise about his habits or rooted mindset or not to let the partner interfere in his own mental/emotional structure.

I have a question, if I can dare to ask... are you sure he's not in a couple already? (not linked to his chart, just wondering about his strange behaviour with you!)

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posted August 07, 2019 01:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for bluestskies88     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
WoW Stoika that was really precise and really on point! thank you. will need sometime to digest all this

i appreciate your time in reading the charts <3

i asked that friend if he's in a relationship, she said she hasn't seen him with anyone. i am not 100% sure if he is or not, but he's constantly working like you said. he's dedicated to his work. lol

i think he's being cautious is because we work together that's what i am sensing.

why do you ask?

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posted August 07, 2019 01:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stoika7     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I was just wondering about his funny behaviour you described. If he's not in a rs, I believe he's very insecure on how to act with you. From the chart, it looks he's very intrigued and attracted though. With those Mars and Uranus contacts I would expect things to develope quickly, but his natal chart shows he has an emotional block somehow, he's probably someone who needs to be very at ease in order to expose himself... maybe you might do somehing to encourage him a little and get closer? 😜

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posted August 07, 2019 02:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for bluestskies88     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Stoika7:
I was just wondering about his funny behaviour you described. If he's not in a rs, I believe he's very insecure on how to act with you. From the chart, it looks he's very intrigued and attracted though. With those Mars and Uranus contacts I would expect things to develope quickly, but his natal chart shows he has an emotional block somehow, he's probably someone who needs to be very at ease in order to expose himself... maybe you might do somehing to encourage him a little and get closer? 😜

haha. i rarely make moves with men. i let them do it first. however, with this one, i did text him a few months ago if he was attending a party. he said no lol. he was working that night. so i don't know what else to do.

do you think virgos in general are critical and nitpicky? i can tell from his eyes though that he has some sort of love/care towards me lol. i only saw it twice it was intense

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posted August 07, 2019 02:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stoika7     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Oh yes, Virgos are quite picky sometimes!! And they can be shy... Btw, I think you wouldnt need to do anything so special to encourage him, maybe just be nice and let him feel at ease when you cross his road, start a chat or something. The more you get a little closer, the more he might accept an invitation for a party or so next time theres a chance (or he might be the one to invite you hopefully!! ) :-))
Keep me updated!

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posted August 07, 2019 04:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for bluestskies88     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
thank you Stoika! <3 <3

i have been nice to him, he's the one that's been mean /critical. i don't react well when people are like that even though i know it's not personal.

it's hard to have small convo with him because he literally runs away from me LMAO

i truly appreciate your insight and kind words. i hope something falls through i would love to get to know him more.

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posted August 07, 2019 04:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for anska5     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Is it possible that he might be in a relationship with someone else and his 'running away' is his way of resisting the attraction, so things won't develop any further? Those synastry aspects are really quite intense, I've had the venus opposite mars and moon conjunct mars aspects with a man, also several uranus conjunctions and the physical side developed extremely quickly.

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posted August 07, 2019 04:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for bluestskies88     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by anska5:
Is it possible that he might be in a relationship with someone else and his 'running away' is his way of resisting the attraction, so things won't develop any further? Those synastry aspects are really quite intense, I've had the venus opposite mars and moon conjunct mars aspects with a man, also several uranus conjunctions and the physical side developed extremely quickly.

it could be a possibility he's with someone. i barely know him, however, as what i said above with Stoika, a friend who knows him said he doesn't have a gf as far as she knows because she hasn't seen him with a girl.

i think he's just socially awkward or maybe he is also sensing the intensity as well. i sense it so much especially if i see him / talk to him. it's so weird

i sense the resistance of the attraction is that we work together. to me it's not a big deal because we don't directly work together. he's not my boss, i am not his boss lol .. but if he's so stiffy virgo, he might see this as a big deal

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posted August 07, 2019 05:06 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stoika7     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I would add that in such work context and given his Saturn in 5th house making him not very social but pretty serious instead, he might actually "escape" from the attraction cause of mars square pluto in synastry... This aspect might give him some kind of fear to face his attraction and the mixed feelings at emotional level, i.e. Mars square Pluto might make him unable to face you and might trigger some of his emotional fears....

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posted August 07, 2019 08:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for bluestskies88     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

yes seems like it. i get the feeling that he also acts snobbish around me. it's so strange! lol

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posted August 12, 2019 05:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted August 18, 2019 09:24 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted August 27, 2019 11:05 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for bluestskies88     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

so a bit of an update. i am trying to be friendly with this guy, but he seems to be super aloof and snobbish..just plain mean. i don't know how to call it.

i sent out a few texts to people the other day after working with them, which i do all the time, and he never replied and just ignored me. lol.

i am trying to not take it personally. i am such an outgoing and extroverted person that when i am being nice, i am just being nice. others are just WEIRD.

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posted August 27, 2019 11:26 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for athenaia     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I can't see the synastry in the original post... was it removed?

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posted August 27, 2019 11:38 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stoika7     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Blues, good to hear from you!
Oh wow... what did you do to this man? (just kidding!!!)
I mean... why is he acting mean and snobbish? The Composite Saturn square Mercury and square Moon/Neptune in 6th house looks like he's blocking his emotions. The Saturn square Neptune might actually manifest as "mean"... the Chiron/Mars opposite Venus/Uranus can also suggest the male has a "difensive" attitude with possible "abrupt" reactions... but what is the reason triggering this pattern?
In prog Composite, the hard saturn and uranus aspects suggest the man needs to control the situation, with Saturn square neptune again and neptune opposite Moon there might be resentement for some reason, cause of a misunderstanding or escape from confrontation, and since Pluto is square to mercury in 6th house, it might have to do with the professional sphere...
Why don't you just talk to him and openly tell him "is everything all right" ??

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posted August 27, 2019 03:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for bluestskies88     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
hey stoika

i have no idea that's why i am asking.
others has said that he's just 'odd' and can snap at people, so it's not personal.

i am just curious why he ignored my text. i basically just thanked him for a great show, and that i said you're hilarious because he was trying to make me and others laugh. i even said i appreciate all the hard work that he and the staff does.

was that too condescending maybe? i was genuinely trying to be friendly.

he alludes an alpha energy, but i agree with what you said before, he masks his insecurities with this alpha energy.

maybe he just doesn't like me lol but i know he's lying. lmao

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posted August 27, 2019 04:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stoika7     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I don't think you were too condescending! I think you were absolutely nice!
Yes, his natal aspects shows he's emotionally insecure, and reserved on private matters... I believe the synastry shows the attraction so I believe he might block his emotions in such a professional environment, given his dedication to work... Maybe he's just shy or "weird" as they say and it's not towards you at all as you say, but being even snobbish or too harsh/critical with you is too much ! Or... is he acting this way to avoid any emotional involvement with you cause your "being nice" becomes embarassing for him? Mmmh... what if you start to ignore him instead ? Could have he sensed your attraction towards him, and felt uncomfortable somehow?

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posted August 27, 2019 04:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for bluestskies88     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
what do you mean if i am being nice, it's embarrasing for him?

my friend told me he's single and straight so lol...i am not making any 'moves' or overtly chasing him, not at all. i barely speak to him, and when we speak it's about work.

i don't even like him like that anymore because it seems there's alot of red flags and he's way too insecure.

i don't know, i am not really showing him i like him directly. i told a couple of my girlfriends, i hope it didn't get back to him lol

Stoiki can you also edit the quotes of my posts on yours? thank you

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posted August 27, 2019 07:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stoika7     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I meant that if he's attracted to you but doesn't know how to deal with the attraction cause he's shy or insecure, he might prefer to avoid you as soon as you're being (genuinely and normally) nice and rather act in a detached way (his Aqua Moon). Of course we don't know if this is the real reason though, or if it's just the way he is, lol, I'm just supposing based on those natal aspects that look challenging in the way he deals with romantic matters and insecurity...

The Composite Saturn squares might also play out in such restrictive ways, taking you to lose interest, as I previously assumed that "The risk is that the Saturn seriousness and critical aspect might ruin the initial excitement..." (in that case though, I believe he'd be the one to lose something, i.e. YOU!)

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posted August 27, 2019 07:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for bluestskies88     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
oh i see. yeah maybe that's why he's being weird towards me and ignoring.

it's just odd because my other coworkers, they have no issue texting and having convos with me. lol so it's not a 'work' thing...

ah, no i was asking if you can delete the quote responses. i may delete this post lol

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posted August 27, 2019 07:49 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stoika7     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Sorry about the misunderstanding... so you mean you basically don't want me quoting you and delete your quotes in all my replies, right? (not sure I have got it right this time either, lol)

I hope you will be able to give me updates though! This guy is tough :-)

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posted August 27, 2019 07:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for bluestskies88     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
haha no worries. yeah just don't quote..

yeah he's a strange one. he doesn't have social media etc. super private i guess

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