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  What's in this Synastry/Composite that showcases instant connection?

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Author Topic:   What's in this Synastry/Composite that showcases instant connection?

Posts: 1680
From: Jupiter
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posted December 23, 2020 06:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for SilverFeather     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Like how they feel familiar to you and you just click? I'm in blue. By the way, I couldn't help but notice this is my first time having somewhat harsh Saturn aspects with someone else. Usually, I lack them (harsh or easy).


Synastry Aspects :

And Composite Midpoint :

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posted December 23, 2020 07:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for softissues     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Okay so your mercury conjunct their ic, your sun and venus in their 4th suggests the clickage factor.

I had my sun in my ex's 4th house and it increases comfortability a lot and for me it was the first time I felt so comfortable with someone like him before. With venus in there, you may like spending time at home with them but not too familiar with this, I've only been the house person with this venus situation. And the Venus loved spending time with me.

And maybe your Jupiter sextile their ascendant.

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posted December 26, 2020 11:52 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Hikaru29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Your ascendants are in the same sign, including all your other angles, so you will find many similarities with this person in terms of life outlook etc. You also have sun trine sun and sun-Mercury trine DW. This shows intellectual compatibility. Venus/Mercury conjunct IC makes your connection very comfortable and tender.

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posted December 27, 2020 04:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for todd     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
There are a couple of clicks here.
First the sun/ mercury conjunction is square the node and Uranus/Neptune.
This makes you minds in sync and it shows you followed each other thoughts usually gives a psychological c connect so you anticipated each other thoughts.Neptune and Uranus show s you both have innovations and creative minds so even with complex ideas you understood each other well.I would have thought that you both commented on how easily you followd each others ideas.
On a synchronistic level,the sun/Mr city and mars/Venus midpoints are square to the veryexy.first off the Venus/mars shows an innate affection.what's interesting about the vertex is that it gave both of you similar u usual experienced nces in your li es.different but similar inexplicable coincidences seem to have occurred of you both throughout your lives.
This often gives a sense of Intimacy because you would not have thought that anyone could appreciate or under stand the Venus uniqueness of these occurrences.with mars and Venus involved this might have included unusual social/romantic encounters.

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Posts: 1680
From: Jupiter
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posted December 27, 2020 06:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for SilverFeather     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by softissues:
Okay so your mercury conjunct their ic, your sun and venus in their 4th suggests the clickage factor.

I had my sun in my ex's 4th house and it increases comfortability a lot and for me it was the first time I felt so comfortable with someone like him before. With venus in there, you may like spending time at home with them but not too familiar with this, I've only been the house person with this venus situation. And the Venus loved spending time with me.

And maybe your Jupiter sextile their ascendant.

Thank you for the reply

I also wondered if the cause of this feeling was my Venus/Mercury's conjunction to his IC. He said that it felt 'easy and natural' to talk to me, like I was a longtime friend even though we met recently. We're both somewhat on the introverted side and we find comfort indoors, surrounded by things that we enjoy (books; music, movies, video games, soothing colors...) so I was surprised at how comfortable we felt around each other despite being strangers.

Do you think the Moon trine Venus aspect play a role in in too?

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Posts: 1680
From: Jupiter
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posted December 27, 2020 06:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for SilverFeather     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Hikaru29:
Your ascendants are in the same sign, including all your other angles, so you will find many similarities with this person in terms of life outlook etc. You also have sun trine sun and sun-Mercury trine DW. This shows intellectual compatibility. Venus/Mercury conjunct IC makes your connection very comfortable and tender.

Thank you.

I have never been with someone before who had the same rising sign as me so this is a first for me. Do you see any aspects for relationship longevity ?

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Posts: 1680
From: Jupiter
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posted December 27, 2020 06:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for SilverFeather     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by todd:
There are a couple of clicks here.
First the sun/ mercury conjunction is square the node and Uranus/Neptune.
This makes you minds in sync and it shows you followed each other thoughts usually gives a psychological c connect so you anticipated each other thoughts.Neptune and Uranus show s you both have innovations and creative minds so even with complex ideas you understood each other well.I would have thought that you both commented on how easily you followd each others ideas.
On a synchronistic level,the sun/Mr city and mars/Venus midpoints are square to the veryexy.first off the Venus/mars shows an innate affection.what's interesting about the vertex is that it gave both of you similar u usual experienced nces in your li es.different but similar inexplicable coincidences seem to have occurred of you both throughout your lives.
This often gives a sense of Intimacy because you would not have thought that anyone could appreciate or under stand the Venus uniqueness of these occurrences.with mars and Venus involved this might have included unusual social/romantic encounters.

Thank you for the reply Todd, I appreciate it

I have a question if you don't mind. Do you think the Synastry/Composite has the potential for a long-term relationship and even marriage?

I feel genuinely happy around this person. His presence sooths me. I don't need out of the world sexual attraction or outrageous public display of affection, or any grand gesture of romance for that matter. All I want is someone who I can have a healing, peaceful bond with. I had horrible luck with relationships before, ending one toxic relationship after another. All of them were heavy on Pluto/Mars/Neptune and emotional abuse. I'm afraid but I'm also willing to take a risk if what I have with this person can end up giving me what I'm looking for.

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posted December 27, 2020 06:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for CardinalT-Square     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
You guys have a wide Venus square Mars and Saturn conjunct NN. Definitely noticable right away.

I have the Saturn conjunct NN with my Twin-Flame, we're both Cancer Ascendants also. We notice each other near instantly everytime we come face-to-face. We also can't keep our eyes off each other.

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Posts: 1680
From: Jupiter
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posted December 27, 2020 07:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for SilverFeather     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by CardinalT-Square:
You guys have a wide Venus square Mars and Saturn conjunct NN. Definitely noticable right away.

What would such aspects indicate in your opinion?

On another note, I never had someone I'm romantically interested in place their Venus or Mars in my 12th House. I have no idea what would that manifest for me. Did you have it before with any past partners? If so, how would you describe it?

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posted December 28, 2020 06:10 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for todd     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi SiverFeather

First I have to correct my error.the mar-venus/mercury-sun midpoints are square your Lilith.

This is actually more favorable for your question than the vertex square,as I mistakenly said,.

This position co forms more exactly to the feelings you have ,as lith show the affection and mental compatibility is heart felt by both of you.the vertex would have made the intensity problematic in a continuing relationship.
But as it is I have to say the chart as a whole does show a possiblilty of longevity,with a ceveat.
First in addition to the affection and attraction present,the moon is quad-novile (4/9) to Saturn.this shows a subtle but fortunate feeling of loyalty and support for each underlying emotional loyalty is necessary for the attraction and affect to seal the bonds between you and not just fuel the passions.
the moon/Jupiter conjunction is favorable for marriage.
The caveat is that the 12th house position of Jupiter and the moon/Saturn midpoint com nju cycle to Pluto and these square the vertex,often indicate a emotional isation or selfishness the can alienate emotional bonding.
But as you describe your introspective natures,then these dynamics could also reflect the need for seclusion in a relationship.
As I misspoke earlier about the vertex,here those unusual similarities in feelings and experience could pertain to social isolation or inner experiences.

The vertex is a difficult symbol to anticipate, but here it may be symbic of past life interactions.

The venus-mars and Juno midpoints are also square the node and hence conjunction , thePF, sun and mercury which is very favorable.
A question mark is the Uranus square to the sun and mercury.Uranus usually bring instability and discontinuity to relationships.
But it does bring a very strong psychic and mental connection,so you would be well prepared to sense arguments or differences before the became divisive.
An additional potential uncertainty is that the mars-venus /Neptune's midpoints are square to Jupiter and the moon.
With Neptune conjunct the mode this could show a stronger spiritual connection between you but on a mundane level,this would bring uncertainty into a marriage.

I can't really give a opinion in this case,but because of the strong emotional and psychic connection, I think you will see the right path.

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Posts: 253
From: London
Registered: Nov 2020

posted December 28, 2020 06:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for softissues     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by SilverFeather:
Thank you for the reply

I also wondered if the cause of this feeling was my Venus/Mercury's conjunction to his IC. He said that it felt 'easy and natural' to talk to me, like I was a longtime friend even though we met recently. We're both somewhat on the introverted side and we find comfort indoors, surrounded by things that we enjoy (books; music, movies, video games, soothing colors...) so I was surprised at how comfortable we felt around each other despite being strangers.

Do you think the Moon trine Venus aspect play a role in in too?

Hi sorry for the late reply! Ahh that sounds so nice and yes, that would add to the comfortability. Really lovelyyy.

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Posts: 373
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posted December 29, 2020 03:23 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for CardinalT-Square     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by SilverFeather:
What would such aspects indicate in your opinion?

On another note, I never had someone I'm romantically interested in place their Venus or Mars in my 12th House. I have no idea what would that manifest for me. Did you have it before with any past partners? If so, how would you describe it?

I'm not really sure to be honest we're still working on things (very slowly) in this lifetime. A lot of people say it's a Instructor/Student dynamic, so I'm still trying to figure out what we need to teach each other. I've noticed that she can be on the more impetuous and silly side of things, taking risks she shouldn't be, and me being the Saturn person, I put the brakes on her. We also have Moon conjunct NN (she's the Moon, I'm NN). I'm still trying to figure that out as well.

We don't have any Venus/Mars aspects. However, her Mars conjuncts my Moon, which in my opinion is equally hot. And same goes for our Mars square Mars too.

I've never had Venus in another's 12 House in a relationship per-say. I had it with a female colleague. It was her Venus in my 12 House. It was ok, I guess. Nothing special, personally I think that one is overrated.

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Posts: 1680
From: Jupiter
Registered: Aug 2012

posted December 30, 2020 03:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for SilverFeather     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by todd:
Hi SiverFeather

First I have to correct my error.the mar-venus/mercury-sun midpoints are square your Lilith.

This is actually more favorable for your question than the vertex square,as I mistakenly said,.

This position co forms more exactly to the feelings you have ,as lith show the affection and mental compatibility is heart felt by both of you.the vertex would have made the intensity problematic in a continuing relationship.
But as it is I have to say the chart as a whole does show a possiblilty of longevity,with a ceveat.
First in addition to the affection and attraction present,the moon is quad-novile (4/9) to Saturn.this shows a subtle but fortunate feeling of loyalty and support for each underlying emotional loyalty is necessary for the attraction and affect to seal the bonds between you and not just fuel the passions.
the moon/Jupiter conjunction is favorable for marriage.
The caveat is that the 12th house position of Jupiter and the moon/Saturn midpoint com nju cycle to Pluto and these square the vertex,often indicate a emotional isation or selfishness the can alienate emotional bonding.
But as you describe your introspective natures,then these dynamics could also reflect the need for seclusion in a relationship.
As I misspoke earlier about the vertex,here those unusual similarities in feelings and experience could pertain to social isolation or inner experiences.

The vertex is a difficult symbol to anticipate, but here it may be symbic of past life interactions.

The venus-mars and Juno midpoints are also square the node and hence conjunction , thePF, sun and mercury which is very favorable.
A question mark is the Uranus square to the sun and mercury.Uranus usually bring instability and discontinuity to relationships.
But it does bring a very strong psychic and mental connection,so you would be well prepared to sense arguments or differences before the became divisive.
An additional potential uncertainty is that the mars-venus /Neptune's midpoints are square to Jupiter and the moon.
With Neptune conjunct the mode this could show a stronger spiritual connection between you but on a mundane level,this would bring uncertainty into a marriage.

I can't really give a opinion in this case,but because of the strong emotional and psychic connection, I think you will see the right path.

Thank you Todd

About Neptune and Uranus. I have Moon Square Neptune and Uranus natally and what these aspects create for me is a need for personal space in relationships. Also erratic moodiness at times which I've learnt to deal with in creative ways as I grew older and wiser.

As for him, he has Sun and Moon Square Pluto natally which was very difficult for him to deal with growing up. He told him that he sometimes finds himself swinging between two extremes and that his emotions do tend to get the best of him at times. He learnt to use music, books and physicals activities to 'center' himself. So in that sense, we're both used to having harsh aspects to our Moons from outer planets.

The astrological culprit for almost all my past failures in relationships is, without a doubt, Neptune. Even though it rules my 7th House, I rarely see its positive side manifesting. I've been cheated on, lied to and manipulated several times. All of my past partners were never truly themselves with me, just a constructed image/mask of who they truly were. And the irony is the more open and honest I am, the more deceptive they get. It's bizarre.
I'm honestly tired of it all and I don't want to go through it again.

He divorced his wife about a year ago because of infidelity on her part (or that what he says). And wants to start afresh with me. I don't mind it at all because we all have pasts but in the deepest part of me, I'm worried if he is still in love with her or if he is just using me as a replacement to what he lost with her (her and I do look similar and we did actually study the same degree and have the same job.)

I want to have an honest and open conversation about my inner most fears with him but I'm worried it might be too early and it might come up as invasive and ruin what we have.

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Registered: Jun 2009

posted December 30, 2020 04:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for todd     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
He again

You have quite amazing psychic abilities.
Your mercury is exactly conjunct your node.this one of the strongest indications of telepathy etc possible .it also gives intelligence and a prescient mind.
The midpoints of moon/neptune-uranus are conjunct this adding prophetic visions and astral insights,often out of the body experiences as well as vivid dreams and flying might have dream/ visionary states that transition from dream states to consciousness.

You intuitions are usually correct,though,you mention you have problems when to transparent about you inner self.

Looking at his sun-moon-pluto pattern ,you may be correct that he still has unclear nscious emotional ties to addition,he may have issues tied to his mother.

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Posts: 1680
From: Jupiter
Registered: Aug 2012

posted December 30, 2020 05:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for SilverFeather     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by todd:
He again

Looking at his sun-moon-pluto pattern ,you may be correct that he still has unclear nscious emotional ties to addition,he may have issues tied to his mother.

Thank you again, Todd

Yes I noticed that throughout life, sometimes things I feel or predict do come into reality. It happened several times. I did once dream of a neighbor dying, which I found weird because I never particularly thought of them but a week later, they had a health complication and did indeed pass away which I found shocking and unsettling.

About him, I'm so afraid of being hurt again and lied to. The thought of it makes my heart race and tears spring to my eyes. I really had more than enough with those kind of experiences. I don't feel like I can endure it happening to me all over again. I want to ask him right to his face and I want to know but I worry that I might be just projecting my own insecurities and traumas into him.

Actually, he has a very good and healthy relationship with his mother. Which doesn't correlate with the typical hard Pluto-Moon's assumptions we tend to make.

I was told that harsh Moon-Neptune/Uranus aspects as well mean an unhealthy or problematic relationship with the mother but that's not true for me either. Throughout my life, my mother has always been my biggest supporter.

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Posts: 253
From: London
Registered: Nov 2020

posted December 30, 2020 05:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for softissues     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi sorry to intrude! Just wanted to leave a message for @Todd I posted another synastry + composite thread and I think you may think you already commented on it as I posted one a couple of days before that but it's a different one and I would really appreciate your insight again. You were able to pick up on the trauma, manipulation perfectly in my last relationship and hopefully any warning signs I may have missed, hopefully, you'll be able to give me your wonderful insight again!

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posted January 02, 2021 02:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for todd     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Hi silver feather

I looked deeper into you natal because the extreme anguish your expressed about your relationships and their affect.

First ,as I said you have amazing psychic abilities.but you also have the vertex square your node/mercury.the vertex adds otherworldly,paranormal experiences and feelings.but the vertex's enegergies are vastly encompassing. Much of the vertex energy dies not directly affect the earth a consequence,especially with your innate psychic sensitivity,the vertex can add bizarre, phantasmagorical or inchoate visions,feeling or experiences to your consciousness.

You have the Venus/Pluto midpoint conjunct your node/mercury which shows that emotional interaction have a high degree of selfishness and carnal desire beneath the feelings of love.this fits part of what you have encountered.and keep in mind the "paranormal" influence of the vertex energy .

The Pluto/uranus-midpoint is conjunct to mars.this adds unconscious influences to your normal social interactions and it characterizes men around you as driven by I unconscious in a general sense you draw force men who are impulsive and insensitive to love.this exacerbates your the motionless dilemma because the moon and Saturn are indices of devotion and loyalty

Then your mars /Pluto midpoint is conjunct Venus,so once again carnal and selfishness tend to be attracted midpoint to you.

The Mars/Jupiter midpoint is conjunct to Pluto.this shows you are goal directed and competent but it also marks men in general around you as ambitious ,putting careers over emotional fulfilment.
With chiron square to Venus ,you try to understand everything about the other.every thought,reaction and response.but with such a selfishness environment this is nor reciprocated and your self revelations are used against you when arguments arise.

With moon conjunct Juno opposed to Lilith,a committed relationship/marriage is at the base of your emotional desires.

So it seems that you have extraordinary psychic abilities with very rare interactions with higher planes that you do not understand.

As a consequence the base men you become involved with do not have the aeawr ESS or understanding to appreciate or be true to you.they essential try to exploit your sexual energies without any thought of the higher energies around you.

Mercury/node square vertex
Venus/Pluto midpoint conjunct node/mercury
Pluto/neptune-uranus midpoints conjunct mars
Mars/Pluto midpoint conjunct Venus and square chiron


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