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  Will this relationship work?

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Posts: 3841
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posted July 02, 2023 12:16 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Hikaru29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My friend recently got into a new relationship and is asking for astrology advice.

Things seemed to be going rosy for her now but friends are worried about how fast this is going. They only met 3 weeks ago and already gone on a trip together, talking about buying a place and being life partners etc. He’s in his final stage of divorce, yet he’s going on a year-end holiday with his soon-to-be ex and kids (he said it’s for the kids). Also that he’ll continue to live with them until the youngest kid turns 16yo, similar to her own situation so she finds it very comforting, but I’m seeing red flags.

I saw some attraction n passionate aspects (lotsa Jupiter and Mars aspects in Synastry) but not much of compatibility. She doesn’t know his exact birth time so I’m not sure if he’s a Virgo or Leo rising. Anyway, her Moon -which is already stressful in Natal - is opposite his Saturn, squaring his Uranus-Chiron. I doubt the sextile to his Jupiter can help much. The Composite looks passionate with Moon-Venus-Mars on the angles yet unstable with Uranus in the mix.

Anyway, not wanting to be a cynic here so hope to get some unbiased views on their charts. Thanks. 🙏🏼

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posted July 03, 2023 05:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted July 09, 2023 05:33 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Hikaru29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted July 09, 2023 07:46 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LilyIris07     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Hikaru29:
My friend recently got into a new relationship and is asking for astrology advice.

Things seemed to be going rosy for her now but friends are worried about how fast this is going. They only met 3 weeks ago and already gone on a trip together, talking about buying a place and being life partners etc. He’s in his final stage of divorce, yet he’s going on a year-end holiday with his soon-to-be ex and kids (he said it’s for the kids). Also that he’ll continue to live with them until the youngest kid turns 16yo, similar to her own situation so she finds it very comforting, but I’m seeing red flags.

I saw some attraction n passionate aspects (lotsa Jupiter and Mars aspects in Synastry) but not much of compatibility. She doesn’t know his exact birth time so I’m not sure if he’s a Virgo or Leo rising. Anyway, her Moon -which is already stressful in Natal - is opposite his Saturn, squaring his Uranus-Chiron. I doubt the sextile to his Jupiter can help much. The Composite looks passionate with Moon-Venus-Mars on the angles yet unstable with Uranus in the mix.

Anyway, not wanting to be a cynic here so hope to get some unbiased views on their charts. Thanks. 🙏🏼

I struggle to read synastry charts without the table but I’ll give it a go - the Saturn Moon Opposition could be concern, it might be tough on the moon; although it is in blues 7th so maybe that could be stabilizing with their own Saturn there too. Chiron Jupiter is nice, but I see Uranus there too - I would worry that would cause instability or hurt Chiron. Venus opposite Venus is nice - reds moon and sun could feel some impact or healing from Chiron. Mars on Neptune could show some difficulties with drive and vision.

The composite orbs are a tad bit wide - but I do that too - Mars is square to Moon and Venus; could probably be passionate on Venus but cause jealousy or hurt feelings; as well as on the moon. Uranus is in that mix too - maybe it’s their ex/kids that could cause upset between the couple, perhaps they don’t have time for one another or it blocks an ease of love and connection between them time to time, with Uranus it could be making it on/off in terms of time being together even if they are a couple because of the kids. I don’t know if there’s enough Saturn to stabilize the Uranus - but again, it could be their family situations coming in between them. Sun opposite Neptune too although it’s wide… Overall, it does look like there’s love and passion but difficult to work around their situations? And perhaps it causes a wedge between them?

Sorry replying to this half asleep lol

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Posts: 3841
From: Asia
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posted July 09, 2023 01:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Hikaru29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi LilyIris07

Thanks for the analysis! I'm seeing that this is not gonna be a smooth ride and maybe that's what Uranus is showing. They're both still gonna live with their respective spouses n kids and this situation is gonna go on for the next few years at least. We even wonder if he will really divorce becos he's going home for dinner every evening and seems to avoid being seen with her, like a married man, not someone who's in the final stage of divorce.

In their composite Saturn trine Mercury but also square Chiron. I'm not sure if this is enough to stabilise Uranus too.

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From: A South African in South Korea
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posted July 09, 2023 08:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LilyIris07     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Hikaru29:
Hi LilyIris07

Thanks for the analysis! I'm seeing that this is not gonna be a smooth ride and maybe that's what Uranus is showing. They're both still gonna live with their respective spouses n kids and this situation is gonna go on for the next few years at least. We even wonder if he will really divorce becos he's going home for dinner every evening and seems to avoid being seen with her, like a married man, not someone who's in the final stage of divorce.

In their composite Saturn trine Mercury but also square Chiron. I'm not sure if this is enough to stabilise Uranus too.

Ya, that sounds a bit red flaggy - does his kids know? Perhaps he’s trying to keep it under wraps because of his children.

Hikaru29, do you mind giving a small analysis on my thread? I know there’s no longevity but I’m just curious about the energies 🤔

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Posts: 506
From: A South African in South Korea
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posted July 09, 2023 08:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LilyIris07     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Hikaru29:
Hi LilyIris07

Thanks for the analysis! I'm seeing that this is not gonna be a smooth ride and maybe that's what Uranus is showing. They're both still gonna live with their respective spouses n kids and this situation is gonna go on for the next few years at least. We even wonder if he will really divorce becos he's going home for dinner every evening and seems to avoid being seen with her, like a married man, not someone who's in the final stage of divorce.

In their composite Saturn trine Mercury but also square Chiron. I'm not sure if this is enough to stabilise Uranus too.

There could just be a block in terms of communication - like he’s not telling the full truth to her - in terms of when, or why. I don’t know if it could last while they are both still with their spouses like surely their spouses will influence them to try again or something… and maybe that’s the on and off.

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Posts: 3841
From: Asia
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posted July 10, 2023 01:15 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Hikaru29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
His kids don’t know as he didn’t want them to think that she is the reason for his divorce, which sounds valid…but he seems to also be hiding her from some people i.e his friend’s spouse. He once cancelled on her because the friend’s spouse suddenly showed up. This sounds more like he doesn’t want news to be passed to his wife. Our sense is his wife could be still trying to work things out with him.

I definitely see passion in the chart with that cMars-Moon-Venus tsquare but that tsquare also means this passion can get overheated easily, and with cUranus in the mix it also means it can be on/off or this might suddenly fizzle out. Problem is I don’t see an outlet for cMoon-Venus, the 2 soft planets that are important in romantic relationships. cMars, however, has several other nice aspects so my take is they can perhaps focus their energy elsewhere (e.g. in their personal or joint pursuits) rather than on their relationship/feelings for each other.

Also in Synastry you can see most of his planets are in Leo while her big 3 are in water-earth. He’s matching her Venus-Mars but not her Sun-Moon-ASC, so again this is telling me love and passion are there but if she’s looking for a natural connection on a personal and emotional level, it may be lacking. Anyway I attached the aspects here. Let me know if you see anything else. 🙂 She doesn’t know his exact birth time so that Sun-Moon opp and Sun-DSC conjunct may or may not be there. He could be a Leo or Virgo rising but he looks more like a Leo rising to me.

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From: A South African in South Korea
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posted July 10, 2023 03:12 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LilyIris07     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Hikaru29:
His kids don’t know as he didn’t want them to think that she is the reason for his divorce, which sounds valid…but he seems to also be hiding her from some people i.e his friend’s spouse. He once cancelled on her because the friend’s spouse suddenly showed up. This sounds more like he doesn’t want news to be passed to his wife. Our sense is his wife could be still trying to work things out with him.

I definitely see passion in the chart with that cMars-Moon-Venus tsquare but that tsquare also means this passion can get overheated easily, and with cUranus in the mix it also means it can be on/off or this might suddenly fizzle out. Problem is I don’t see an outlet for cMoon-Venus, the 2 soft planets that are important in romantic relationships. cMars, however, has several other nice aspects so my take is they can perhaps focus their energy elsewhere (e.g. in their personal or joint pursuits) rather than on their relationship/feelings for each other.

Also in Synastry you can see most of his planets are in Leo while her big 3 are in water-earth. He’s matching her Venus-Mars but not her Sun-Moon-ASC, so again this is telling me love and passion are there but if she’s looking for a natural connection on a personal and emotional level, it may be lacking. Anyway I attached the aspects here. Let me know if you see anything else. 🙂 She doesn’t know his exact birth time so that Sun-Moon opp and Sun-DSC conjunct may or may not be there. He could be a Leo or Virgo rising but he looks more like a Leo rising to me.

Ya, that's the sense I was getting that his wife could want to work out things. Perhaps, he's agreed to that and that's he's why he's hiding her. Also, possible he may have been . unfaithful in the past? Seems like she has many hard ish aspects to her moon from his planets ~ also Csaturn would also be on her moon if I’m correct, I’m worried that would be a lot of pressure. Or I wonder if she will take on a parental role of a sort, maybe with him or his kids. There is some nodal action too - I’m not sure but it seems like her Neptune is on his NN, I wonder if that could lead to a sort of soulmatey feeling. CNN is on the CSun which is nice. Her Saturn conjunct his Venus, could want commitment from him but he may not be inclined to give it.

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Posts: 3841
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posted July 11, 2023 02:36 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Hikaru29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
And in natal her Moon is in a tsquare with Saturn, Jupiter and Chiron. IRL her emotional nature is extremely dramatic so I worry about the square/opposite aspects her Moon is getting from his Saturn/Uranus/Chiron. It’s adding pressure to her already volatile emotions instead of providing nice, soothing outlet with trines and sextiles. His Mars does trine her Moon which is strong attraction but Moon-Mars is also known to be volatile due to the instinctual responses one have towards the other.

I doubt she will take on a parental role because she’s quite the pampered type. What I see is usually her boyfriends taking care of her, lol. Also his soon-to-be ex wife will have custody of their kids.

Latest news is she says he doesn’t really have time for her while she’s a very clingy type. Her ex met her every day while this guy only wants to spend one day a week with her, for a few hours only. This is probably what cUranus is showing. I don’t look at composite to natal aspects as I personally don’t find it to be an accurate reflection of what the relationship means to the individuals involved.

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From: A South African in South Korea
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posted July 11, 2023 03:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LilyIris07     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Hikaru29:
And in natal her Moon is in a tsquare with Saturn, Jupiter and Chiron. IRL her emotional nature is extremely dramatic so I worry about the square/opposite aspects her Moon is getting from his Saturn/Uranus/Chiron. It’s adding pressure to her already volatile emotions instead of providing nice, soothing outlet with trines and sextiles. His Mars does trine her Moon which is strong attraction but Moon-Mars is also known to be volatile due to the instinctual responses one have towards the other.

I doubt she will take on a parental role because she’s quite the pampered type. What I see is usually her boyfriends taking care of her, lol. Also his soon-to-be ex wife will have custody of their kids.

Latest news is she says he doesn’t really have time for her while she’s a very clingy type. Her ex met her every day while this guy only wants to spend one day a week with her, for a few hours only. This is probably what cUranus is showing. I don’t look at composite to natal aspects as I personally don’t find it to be an accurate reflection of what the relationship means to the individuals involved.

Hm, sounds like he's just not as invested ATM - well since she already has Saturn and Chiron on her moon perhaps she’s used to this energy ish? But honestly Chiron can be painful, if she hasn’t worked on herself and her emotional triggers it will definitely add triggers. Also his Uranus may be a shock to her emotional self, I don’t think the Trine from Moon/Mars would be enough to combat those stronger energies anyway. If she’s a bit volatile emotionally, yeah I’d worry this r.ship would spiral her a bit?

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Posts: 3841
From: Asia
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posted July 12, 2023 02:10 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Hikaru29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LilyIris07:
Hm, sounds like he's just not as invested ATM - well since she already has Saturn and Chiron on her moon perhaps she’s used to this energy ish? But honestly Chiron can be painful, if she hasn’t worked on herself and her emotional triggers it will definitely add triggers. Also his Uranus may be a shock to her emotional self, I don’t think the Trine from Moon/Mars would be enough to combat those stronger energies anyway. If she’s a bit volatile emotionally, yeah I’d worry this r.ship would spiral her a bit?

We’ll have to see how it goes… but we foresee she would spiral if this rs turns out bad becos right now she’s totally smitten with him.

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Posts: 3841
From: Asia
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posted November 11, 2023 01:37 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Hikaru29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Just wanna update on this rs since it’s been 4 months. This guy became controlling from 3rd month in… at one outing he got mad when he saw one of our guy friends standing a little too close to her. They left the pub to quarrel and ended up leaving early. Also he accused us of being unfriendly to him (he basically said the guys didn’t go up to him to say ‘hi’). The accusations were baseless anyway. Subsequently he banned her from hanging out with guy friends. So most recently she wanted to join us for a bbq session but he hit the roof when she told him because the guys will be there too. During the argument he shouted, grabbed her wrist and shoulders so tight and when she pushed him away, she fell and bruised herself.

But my friend is defending him saying that she’s the one who made him upset and he didn’t do it intentionally etc, and that she’s also at fault for behaving too chummy with her guy friends.

I see their composite Uranus working up already… just wanna see what others saw from their charts?

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posted November 11, 2023 12:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mee_chryssa     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hikaru, yes, there's nothing between them. The Mars/Mars square appears in affairs when there's not compatibility on Sun/Moon/ASC level.
The Venus/Venus opposition and Mars/Mars square made them be attracted to each other. The square made them falsely thinking that it's good, but it breeds frustration because the sexual compatibility is bad, but it's a weird attraction and since there's no compatibility on Sun/Moon/ASC, then it leads to potential violence for those that choose to maintain it instead of giving up, which most often happens.

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Posts: 3841
From: Asia
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posted November 12, 2023 04:23 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Hikaru29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi mee_chryssa

Thanks for the input. Oh ya, the Mars-Mars square… I didn’t notice it since it’s a wide orb. Their composite Mars is nicely aspected though, wonder how this may work out (where Synastry Mars don’t match but cMars is well aspected)? Do you have any thoughts on their composite t-square?

In progression, I saw that when his prog Moon square her natal Sun exact, that’s when he banned her from hanging out with the guys. They’ve pVenus trine nVenus though and this maybe showing them together. Also I saw that in a year’s time their prog composite Moon will conjunct Mars and square transit Uranus. This may signal a fallout.

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Posts: 1151
From: Romania
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posted November 12, 2023 05:20 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for mee_chryssa     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Unfortunately, I haven't found composite charts or progressed ones to work, so I don't use them.

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