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  Neptune in hard aspect to moon/venus in synastry

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Author Topic:   Neptune in hard aspect to moon/venus in synastry

Posts: 151
From: Orlando, Florida,USA
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posted May 21, 2013 04:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Layla84     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hey everyone,

I'm just as curious as I can be on this forum. I love it so much! (blame my prog. moon in gemini this year lol1 )

I recently discovered this synastry aspect with someone. His neptune is in scorpio and my moon/venus are both in leo. It's a tight orb with this synastry aspect.

From my experience, this guy just met me this month and he's already head over heels in love with me. He is extremely clingy (Texting me several times a day to "see how I am", sharing emotional stories that should only be shared to really intimate partners. He also compliments me to the extreme. i.e. you are so smart, so mature for your age, so beautiful, etc.

While i have heard that this aspect is shown as the planet person (me) being clingy and not seeing the Neptune person for how he/she is, i have to disagree. It is the Neptune person in this case who is totally clingy and disillusioned. Keep in mind, we have never actually dated, but he is certainly trying his best. He even wants me to move out to LA with him. However, I'm not interested in him and I do not know how to turn him off. I got into the relationship thinking it was a friendship, but it's turning out to be more that what I bargained for.

Does anyone else have experiences w/ Neptune in hard aspect to moon/venus in synastry.
If so, were you the planet or Neptune person and how did it turn out?

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Venusian Moon
posted May 21, 2013 10:27 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Neptune can also be obsessive. Sort of like worshipping a god/goddess. Stay away if u dont feel the same way.

By the way love the name layla. If i have another daughter in the future that would be her name

Gemini sun 12th
Cancer asc 1st
Taurus moon 11th
Taurus venus 11th
Libra mars 3rd
Gemini mercury 11th

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Posts: 151
From: Orlando, Florida,USA
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posted May 22, 2013 08:26 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Layla84     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Venusian Moon:
Neptune can also be obsessive. Sort of like worshipping a god/goddess. Stay away if u dont feel the same way.

By the way love the name layla. If i have another daughter in the future that would be her name

Aw thanks so much Venusian moon

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From: Orlando, Florida,USA
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posted May 22, 2013 09:00 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Layla84     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I've noticed I've has this stress aspect with those in their mid 40's (44-46) born with Nepune in Scorpio at 23 degrees square my leo moon/ven in 27 degree leo.


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From: Orlando, Florida,USA
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posted May 22, 2013 09:08 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Layla84     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Venusian Moon:
Neptune can also be obsessive. Sort of like worshipping a god/goddess. Stay away if u dont feel the same way.

That's exactly what it feels like too-worshipping a goddess. I'm pretty down to earth and humble, but it was like he's seen a supermodel or something,its crazy. Need to stay away from those 44-46 I guess. DANGER!

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Mystic Melody

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posted May 22, 2013 04:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Mystic Melody     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Why don't you like him, Layla? Have you found the reason in synastry... like your planets fall into his relationship houses but his planets don't touch all of your relationship houses? I am crazy about a man with Neptune on my AC and moon (his Saturn is also there) and I'm not sure how he feels. I don't think he's exactly sure either. He comes on strong and then avoids me. I wonder if I am delusional about his attentions toward me and he is just friendly but his Neptune on my heart/moon makes me see it as fantasy romance or something like that...
His Venus is on my South Node and I just read this:
The South Node Conjunct Venus of another brings difficulty, such as Venus getting the best bargain in a trade, Venus not paying debts to the South Node, Venus being rude or, worst of all, past life romances being paid back. The South Node may fall deeply in love while Venus totally ignores it. There may be a relationship but one void of affection. There may be an effort to love, but somehow it does not stack up.
From Nodes: Life's Purpose by Helen Adams Garrett

so that colors ours for sure... we also have Pluto/Venus DWs and Mars/Moon and lots of heat and 8th house so I've been researching and learning. Fate is a funny thing.

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Mystic Melody

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posted May 22, 2013 04:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Mystic Melody     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
and yes... if you DON'T like him, please stay away and don't send mixed signals, even UN-OBVIOUS mixed singles. I swear, I will latch on the stupidest things and find meaning in them with my Neptune boy. I am convinced he likes me too... but I might be delusional. I will keep obsessing until he stops coming around and standing next to me and grinning and offering to carry heavy boxes for me, even if it IS just because he is a nice and courteous Virgo moon boy.

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Posts: 151
From: Orlando, Florida,USA
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posted May 22, 2013 04:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Layla84     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Mystic Melody:
and yes... if you DON'T like him, please stay away and don't send mixed signals, even UN-OBVIOUS mixed singles. I swear, I will latch on the stupidest things and find meaning in them with my Neptune boy. I am convinced he likes me too... but I might be delusional. I will keep obsessing until he stops coming around and standing next to me and grinning and offering to carry heavy boxes for me, even if it IS just because he is a nice and courteous Virgo moon boy.

I have to admit I have led him on a bit... Ugh it gets kind of hairy. Do you REALLY want to know well okay here it goes...will keep it PG.

For some reason he likes to talk about sexual things via text/phone (his mars in my 12th)

I do not actively participate with his sex discussion but I just text ok over and over to not be rude. He's a writer and he asks me advice about a love scene in which he wants to write, and the way he is describing it is so explicit that I know he's trying to turn me on-not working!He even asked if he could "relieve" himself as he was getting worked up. Umm wierd... (hint: he did not have to pee or poop)

I for sure agree with you about cutting it off and I have not and will not text him again or see him again.

When I made the decision to leave him alone, he asked me out to dinner, i lied and said I was not free, which was actually true, i had friends i was going out with that night. Well, the whole time that night around 9 at night, he was texting me asking what I was doing and how my night was.

Before this week, he would always make comments about how he thought I was pretty and sexy and whatnot, how smart and wise i was ,etc. I think this has to do w. his Neptune squaring my venus (beauty appearance)

Also my moon squares his Neptune in a pretty tight aspect and I find that he is emotionally dependent on me. Hence why is cut this off and stopped talking to him.

He has his moon in my 8th.
Mercury and sun in my 7th

.......................Let's digress to another example with a certain scorpio guy with his neptune in the same 23 degree squaring my moon/venus.

Long story short, he had his moon, venus, jupi, uranus, pluto in my 11th. His mars in my 3rd. His sun/merc in my first.

Same behavior as the above guy in regards to the attachment and worship, but not as sexual (moon/venus in virgo)

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Posts: 151
From: Orlando, Florida,USA
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posted May 22, 2013 05:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Layla84     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Mystic Melody:
and yes... if you DON'T like him, please stay away and don't send mixed signals, even UN-OBVIOUS mixed singles. I swear, I will latch on the stupidest things and find meaning in them with my Neptune boy. I am convinced he likes me too... but I might be delusional. I will keep obsessing until he stops coming around and standing next to me and grinning and offering to carry heavy boxes for me, even if it IS just because he is a nice and courteous Virgo moon boy.

BTW, any advice on how to end this relationship when they always end the text with XOXO and whose nicknames have included "doll, babe, and hun" ?

Sticky situation for sure, but I'm just not interested in him.

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posted May 22, 2013 06:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for jjj     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Someone's Sco Neptune sits on my Moon and Mars and it s a lot like Mystic Melody says... initially he came on strong, a lot of sexual innuendo too, now he avoids me big time. Stopped coming to all the places where we could bump into each other.
As I has developed feelings for him too over the past year I was upfront about it, but he denies any feelings on his part. I dont believe him because his behavior shows that he must be attracted to me. But he is not available, hence the avoiding behavior.
Very very dreamy and otherworldly connection.

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posted May 22, 2013 07:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lily     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
This is a perfect example if how neptune/moon/Venus/sun/merc/mars can work.

You and the poster above me believe that these guys like you even when its obvious they don't.

The op confuses his blatant inappropriate sexual baiting with "love" instead of wanting sex and liking her appearance.

He finally broke down and asked her to dinner bc she cut him off and he could see he couldn't get it that easy, so needed to go the traditional dinner route.

The person above me thinks an attached and unavailable guy is really into her even though she was told by him he isn't.

The planet person is delusional about neptune and will believe to the end neptune loves them even in the face of overwhelming evidence contrary and even when neptune says "I don't like you (anymore, ever etc.)."

I am not trying to be mean but neptune deluded people need someone to tell them The truth so they don't get even more hurt.

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Mystic Melody

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posted May 22, 2013 11:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Mystic Melody     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Most of what I've read in the cookie cutter responses across the net are exactly what Lily says and there is some truth to that, especially for those who are unaware, but I've come across a few in-depth explanations that have a little more to them. This is a really superior link for Neptune and all aspects to Neptune.

As far as getting rid of him with kindness, Layla, that might not be possible. If he said something inappropriate by text again, I would get angry and say that it is completely inappropriate and that you are NOT interested in him THAT way at all and you never have been and you are sorry he thinks you were. Then say, "I'd rather you not text me any more." I guess it would be pulling the bandaid off quickly pain, but sometimes that is the kindest thing. Put the guy out of his misery if you think he really cares about you and you don't feel it back. If you want to remain friends, you can say that but then you have to pound in the 'not interested in that way' message extra hard. (But don't say pound and hard in the text, he might have to "relieve himself" again. lololol)

I seriously recommend reading this link. It is excellent. I found it in an old thread here at LL.

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posted May 23, 2013 04:02 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jjj     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I agree with Mystic Melody. This link is very good and this Neptune-personal planet attraction is clearly not one-sided.

Having been on both sides I think that the planet person feels the influence of this aspect in a more clear and action-oriented way, but for Neptune this energy is more on the subliminal level and thus more difficult to grasp and master. Somehow I tend to think that for the outer planet the aspect is more challenging (the same for Saturn, Pluto etc aspects with personal planets).

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posted May 23, 2013 07:03 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for 12thhouser     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Mystic Melody:
Most of what I've read in the cookie cutter responses across the net are exactly what Lily says and there is some truth to that, especially for those who are unaware, but I've come across a few in-depth explanations that have a little more to them. This is a really superior link for Neptune and all aspects to Neptune.

As far as getting rid of him with kindness, Layla, that might not be possible. If he said something inappropriate by text again, I would get angry and say that it is completely inappropriate and that you are NOT interested in him THAT way at all and you never have been and you are sorry he thinks you were. Then say, "I'd rather you not text me any more." I guess it would be pulling the bandaid off quickly pain, but sometimes that is the kindest thing. Put the guy out of his misery if you think he really cares about you and you don't feel it back. If you want to remain friends, you can say that but then you have to pound in the 'not interested in that way' message extra hard. (But don't say pound and hard in the text, he might have to "relieve himself" again. lololol)

I seriously recommend reading this link. It is excellent. I found it in an old thread here at LL.

I've actually got that book, the one that you linked. All I can say is, if people are looking for a quick, cut-and-dried answer to anything Neptune, good luck! lol It's really a fascinating read.

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Posts: 151
From: Orlando, Florida,USA
Registered: May 2012

posted May 23, 2013 10:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Layla84     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Lily:
This is a perfect example if how neptune/moon/Venus/sun/merc/mars can work.

You and the poster above me believe that these guys like you even when its obvious they don't.

The op confuses his blatant inappropriate sexual baiting with "love" instead of wanting sex and liking her appearance.

He finally broke down and asked her to dinner bc she cut him off and he could see he couldn't get it that easy, so needed to go the traditional dinner route.

The person above me thinks an attached and unavailable guy is really into her even though she was told by him he isn't.

The planet person is delusional about neptune and will believe to the end neptune loves them even in the face of overwhelming evidence contrary and even when neptune says "I don't like you (anymore, ever etc.)."

I am not trying to be mean but neptune deluded people need someone to tell them The truth so they don't get even more hurt.

You're not being mean, you're actually helping me understand this more! Thanks. As you said, he needed to ask me to dinner when he saw I was not an easy chick! Asking me to dinner still did not work though!

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Posts: 151
From: Orlando, Florida,USA
Registered: May 2012

posted May 23, 2013 10:02 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Layla84     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Mystic Melody:
Most of what I've read in the cookie cutter responses across the net are exactly what Lily says and there is some truth to that, especially for those who are unaware, but I've come across a few in-depth explanations that have a little more to them. This is a really superior link for Neptune and all aspects to Neptune.

As far as getting rid of him with kindness, Layla, that might not be possible. If he said something inappropriate by text again, I would get angry and say that it is completely inappropriate and that you are NOT interested in him THAT way at all and you never have been and you are sorry he thinks you were. Then say, "I'd rather you not text me any more." I guess it would be pulling the bandaid off quickly pain, but sometimes that is the kindest thing. Put the guy out of his misery if you think he really cares about you and you don't feel it back. If you want to remain friends, you can say that but then you have to pound in the 'not interested in that way' message extra hard. (But don't say pound and hard in the text, he might have to "relieve himself" again. lololol)

I seriously recommend reading this link. It is excellent. I found it in an old thread here at LL.

Hehe "pound" ur funny lol! Wonerful advice that I will take!

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Posts: 268
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posted May 23, 2013 08:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lily     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Layla84:
You're not being mean, you're actually helping me understand this more! Thanks. As you said, he needed to ask me to dinner when he saw I was not an easy chick! Asking me to dinner still did not work though!

I'm glad! Don't feel bad about telling him you're not interested.

Having been both planet and neptune, I think planet is more unclear on whats going on with the other person and doesn't read their actions and signals as clear. Neptune person also tends to give mixed signals. Both people are in the dark but neptune seems to have more of a firm grasp on reality whereas planet person is bamboozled by their own fantasies and can't interpret neptune well.

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posted July 06, 2021 08:10 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GirlMelanie     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
What if it's a double whammy? Neptune trine moon and Neptune square moon...?

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posted July 07, 2021 07:52 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Hikaru29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I have natal Neptune conjunct Moon opposite Venus square Mars so I’ve been both the Neptune and planets person in relationship. Often times the connection runs both ways when I date people in the same generation. But because I have these aspects in natal, I have often acted like the Neptune person… very into someone for awhile then totally lose interest thereafter, or people can get confused thinking I like them when I don’t. I used to blame my Gemini Venus. But it could also be my Neptune.

When feelings are reciprocated, Neptune can see planet person as their ideal lover and they can get dreamy, clingy, lovey etc… gradually planet person will also become clingy, swimming in the Neptunian dream together.

So Layla, have you nicely told him off?

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posted July 07, 2021 05:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Moving to Interpersonal Astrology.

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posted July 16, 2021 11:22 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted July 20, 2021 10:23 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted July 21, 2021 05:12 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Laylay     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yasss love the name as my daughter is named Layla <3
I have a tight venus opp neptune in synastry with my man and we have the square in composite.
When we first started dating I was absolutely head over heels.. however a year has passed and the illusion is slowly lifting and I feel like I am seeing him for who he truly is.. which is not the man I fell In love with (I'm neptune he's venus). I feel like I've been conned in a way and I'm really angry at myself for believing the fairytale was real.
I have venus conj neptune natally so unfortunately I hot sucked into this one.
The love is still there but I believe this aspect definitely had me "looking through rose coloured glasses" as they say.
As the neptune person I can absolutely say I was 100% obsessed however as mentioned this feeling is fading. I can honestly say after this relationship I dont think I can handle any tough neptune synastry in future.. it's really made take a good hard look at myself

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