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  Came out of nowhere - thoughts on our dynamic?

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Author Topic:   Came out of nowhere - thoughts on our dynamic?

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posted February 22, 2023 04:41 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for cancergurll     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hello all!! I hope you're all doing well.

A couple of months ago I messaged this man out of the blue. I'd known of him previously, but this is the first time we'd ever talked - and found that we instantly clicked! We became borderline obsessed with each other, (I at least) have never fallen this hard and fast for someone.

But this relationship came completely out of nowhere! It wasn't one anybody would've expected. But I feel so comfortable and stable in this relationship like I've never known before - it honestly feels like we've known each other forever. It's the sort of relationship where he/I can finish my/his sentences.

A stretch, but could it be karmic? What do you think of our dynamic?

Any explanations/insights into this in our chart? I would love to hear any thoughts anybody has on the matter!!

Thank you in advance! <3

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posted February 23, 2023 07:15 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for sassaqua     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Well look here - what a lovely post!

A nice introduction outline offering details in fair exchange for the hard work of an astrology reading - well done!

And so lovely and polite!! Very nice

Lovely tidy chart upload that's easy to read, AND an aspect grid!

No manic busy aspect lines - thank you so much!

Fantastic. I am very happy to have a look

Omg - you even marked out who is who on the aspect grid ........ I'm speechless!

Now, it is obvious the easy flow of aspects to your planets (right? Do they need to be spelled out?)

I mean:
Your Venus is on his Sun (for goodness sake)
And your Moon is lovely compatible with his, and his mercury, and it's practically on his Venus, blah blah
Your Mars (for desire, and going forth and reaching out to him) is cool with his (essential self) Sun
Your Jupiter so close in degrees to his Moon and Mercury - and his so close in degrees to your Moon
Even the anomaly of his Mars in Taurus is tight with your Uranus, and conjunct your Juno

The list goes on and on.................... it's almost obscene

There's a lot of smooth aspects for sure. So much so in fact, that, if there was no bang of attraction to begin with but rather a slow realisation, these smooth aspects would explain this. Being so smooth and congenial, is also very appealing to your Libra planets.

Theoretically, you could probably blame his Mars square your Venus, and your Pluto square his Venus for the eventual "spark". They stand out like sore thumbs and the obvious culprits.

Can you please post the natals: there's so much overall ease in this synastry, I need to go deeper, and I can do this by looking at your natals, separately.

Your Moon conjunct Jupiter and his conjunct Neptune indicates slightly different personalities - but only slightly, because both of these planets are aspecting both of your Moons anyway (giving same vibes all round). And Jupiter and Neptune are somewhat related, too.

Yes.. need to see the natal please.

How long have you been together? How old are you?

Things that I would be careful of is just burn out in the respect that, you will initially like each other but it will become familiar and routine too soon.. which is really typical for so many nice aspects, and not at all unique to this synastry.

The way you play this, depends what your goals are .....

What are your goals? What do you both want? Is this a short term arrangement and you are hoping to move on? Or are you hoping to commit long, and do the whole family thing? Stupid question for a Cancer gurl of course, but these are trick questions

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posted February 23, 2023 11:53 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for cancergurll     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by sassaqua:
Well look here - what a lovely post!

First and foremost - thank you for your response! I'm very glad it was all legible enough for you (It is, quite literally, the very least I can do). Anybody that takes time out of their day to do a service many people charge for is a saint in my book, to be honest.

I can't believe I missed so many of the things you pointed out! Even the moon/jupiter/neptune seems rather obvious now. I'm very happy to post both our natals below:

This is mine:

This is his!

We actually haven't been together for very long - we've only been dating for 3 months! (I do feel a little silly looking at the depths of a relationship this new).

He and I will be turning 19 this year, so obviously we're very young. I know it's partly due to the sort of infatuation/carefreeness you feel at that age, and so I'm not going to be too devastated at any of the revelations I make here. Not many things last forever, especially not at this age.

But we're both starting university later this year, and could be long distance, which he sees as difficult to manage.

I'm not too bothered about this, and I don't think I'd be very upset if we were to break up over something like long distance. I don't believe we'd end on bad terms, unless something catastrophic happened, and that we could always get in touch in the future (I am a little bit of a cancer girl LOL)

Sorry for the longish ramble!! I hope I answered everything you were looking for.
But once again, I am very grateful. It'd only be a couple £/$, but if there's any tipping function on this site I'd be happy to reimburse you.

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posted February 23, 2023 02:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted February 23, 2023 02:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for cancergurll     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Randall:

Thank you!! It's awesome to be here.

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posted February 23, 2023 04:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for cancergurll     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Randall:

Thank you!! It's awesome to be here.

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From: Oz
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posted February 23, 2023 07:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for sassaqua     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Looking at some patterns first:
Patterns are very powerful, and in synastry, when another completes a pattern in the other's chart, it's very binding.

You have the mystic rectangle, and only his Gemini Psyche makes an envelope from it, which, although not a planet, is still significant.
Your grand trine, becomes in your natal, a kite, of which the apex is his Moon (which is conjunct to Neptune in his chart). His Moon then is an intense focus of your interaction.

Another kite is formed from your grand trine with his Jupiter. it creates emphasis to your own Jupiter and Moon in your own chart - as they are close to his (all in Libra): meaning, this Jupiter and Moon energy in your chart, rises in your own consciousness now someone is "triggering" it - ie, with his Jupiter here, at the apex of your kite. So, what that means is that: he is literally turning your Moon and Jupiter on.

And, given it is Moon, it's very relevant to the relationship as the Moon is a fundamental planet for the deep connection, and compatible rhythms that are a part of relationships. This ALSO applies to his Moon, as described above, being the apex to the formed kite (and the Neptune that conjuncts his Moon) from your grand trine. So, both of your Moons are in great focus. This means they are active and alive in this interaction. They happen to be in compatible signs too.

Compatibility everywhere, as we will see..

That your Moon is with Jupiter, the sense of connection you have with this man is deeply enlarged, as well as feels so joyful and whole - you feel complete with him: which is the nature of Jupiter, and with the Moon. It also triggers his joy and trust too though, because his Jupiter is with your Moon and Jupiter. So, there is a wonderful friendship here, just for starters.

His Moon we see, is conjunct Neptune. Again remember, his Moon is ALSO emphasised (being at the apex of your kite). But, being with Neptune, instead of a bountiful, joyful feeling (like your Moon with your Jupiter), it's more of a soft, gentle romantic and lovie-dovey moon, and feeling that is emphasised with your interaction.

Both Jupiter (with your Moon) and Neptune (with his Moon), are very blissful feelings however

Your Jupiter with Moon, gives you a slightly more extroverted personality than him, with his Moon conjunct Neptune (and his Neptune in retrograde, so even more inward turning), but this is a good thing. Because this extroverted personality of yours, from the bouncy Jupiter energy, will only attract him and make him love and respect you more. Also, as it is mixed in with both of your South Nodes, there is a familiarity with you both - you feel (even more so!) like you've known each other since forever, and that it's somehow "fated". That you've returned to each other to pick up, where you once left off. This is the effect of planets on the SN in synastry.

Fire in your chart and the Nodes:
There are some additional firey elements in your nature that come from: your grand fire trine. But also, over time, in the period of your psychic development (spanning years and decades), you will definitely become more assertive, driven, self-determined - as your NN in on your Aries Mars. Which is ALSO on his NN. He's going to love this fire about you, and will continue to love this about you as you grow over the years - ie, you won't grow apart, you will grow in life, together.

This dynamic will go a long way to counter your planets (both of your Jupiters, and your Moon) that sit on both on your South Nodes. Planets in synastry on South Nodes, tend to wear out over time. So I am really happy to see that Mars on your NN and conjunct his NN - because the NN represents a pull to "the future", a drive toward tomorrow...

Descendant and Ascendant axes:
Back to the Moons for a sec: it's absolutely worth mentioning here, as it is uncanny, that, his descendant is Cancer (ruled by the Moon). Not only is this ruler (his Moon) tied up in the apex of the kite (in your chart - remember), but also, your Sun is in Cancer. So, everything here is triggering him to wake up and notice you as someone he is deeply fond of, and a besty with. And your descendant - INCREDIBLY - also reflects the desire to connect with someone Neptunian/Piscian: soft, gentle romantic and has a lovie-dovey feeling for relationship with. Refer back to what is said above regarding his Moon being conjunct Neptune. In astrology parlance: you are each, other's other half.

This Moon business tied into the descendants is simply incredible. But, just when you think it's too much - look - the ruler of your ascendant is on his Sun! You two know each other like you know yourselves - where does one person end and the other begin? Do you sometimes wonder?

BUT - remember what was said in the first post above I made: life has a way of never staying still - just when you think you have it all, it can slip. In this case, you two are so similar, you may just become friends. Now, given your ages, and all those hormones and the desire to discover things in life, before settling down, it may be best to keep this guy guessing and give him a run for his money a bit. Most guys (because hormones) appreciate a bit of a chase. Don't be friend-zoned, now, or, let him work you out too much or too early, and think that he's going to bookmark you for later because he thinks that you will wait

Which potentially, mind you, it might come very naturally for you to keep him on his toes given you have a (low aspected - semi rogue) Uranus on your descendant. With this (roguish) Uranus, it's not like you're going to want to have things in relationships too smooth or predictable, anyhow. It also makes you very independent and ok to say "whatever". And, he's going to love it about you that you can keep a little excitement, some interest, and adventure involved.

And - here we go again, sigghhh - Uranus, on your descendent, fits perfectly with his Moon in Aquarius - which (already explored) is conjunct his Neptune (also in Aqua). So - again, there's this incredible reflection in both of you and each other that one is the other 1/2 of the other. But, you know, again, don't get like brother and sister now... you know? Too easy.. too familiar?

Further on this Uranus of yours, and that is "low aspected" (rogue), and - importantly - on your descendant, it is like an antennae pulsing, picking up on high alert as it is links in to HIS chart via his Mars. His Mars is seriously waking you up for fun, excitement, best buddies, fated kindred spirits and maybe - hopefully - something more, if "fate" will permit it. You are happy to have fate have some say, as you are not the type to push things, if they are not meant to be.

I don't want to scare you but, personally, I do think that is is meant to be..

His Mars, and random point:
Now, his Mars is fairly highly charged and "loud" in his chart as it is part of a challenged t-square. By this I mean, the dynamics around his Mars takes up a lot of his psyche/personality. And, so, even more reason that there is no wonder he has become on your radar.

The dynamic between you - the unpredictable and zanny Uranus on your DC, that is also compatible with his unpredictable and zanny Moon, AND that is tuned into his Mars intensity, I am surmising, is just the kind of energy that will add longevity to your rapport. Like I say (and everyone knows): it's a funny thing, but relationships seem to need an amount of charge, some struggle, a push and pull in it, to make the two people prove each other to each other and, set new limits, and grow and learn.

Something random and worth mentioning: you both have some special matching points too with your planets being in their own sign ("domiciles"), such as: his Sun in Leo, and both the "love planets" (!!) your Mars in Aries, and his Venus in Libra. I do believe this is worth mentioning, as it is a special pure energy that, on some level, you will recognise in each other an expertise with these expressions. Not sure of your level of astrology and if you'll understand that, but I like to stretch people's thinking potential by giving them "out of the box" bits of data on their synastry.

More to say about his Mars in that T-square soon/later.. and the yods in your synastry too. As well as the Saturns opposite Chiron. And how that Saturn of his, is the ruler of his ascendant and opposite your Chiron (hint: be careful of his harshness, and his bossy, cold, authoritarian disapprovals)

Also, I will hopefully have time/energy to eventually summarise the points to bring it together and make it easier to understand

Finally - you may as well post the composite if you feel like it!

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posted February 24, 2023 09:48 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for cancergurll     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by sassaqua:
Looking at some patterns first:
Patterns are very powerful, and in synastry, when another completes a pattern in the other's chart, it's very binding.

Wow!!! Once again, amazing response. I've had a brief read of it all, and he was incredibly impressed too. I guess I'll have to hang onto him.

What you said about the South Node is so so true!! It's such an odd feeling - I feel as though I know everything about him already, even though I don't really. It's like he's been there my whole life; it feels as if there's no difference. Just today we said the same thing at the same time, and that feeling of familiarity and comfort is so strong. Once I read through the rest (it all seems incredibly true) I'll feedback to you!!

Otherwise, this is our composite chart. I've looked at it a good few times before, but it never seemed as positive as our synastry. But then again, you have picked up on all the very substantial things I've missed.

I can't thank you enough for your observations. They're so awesome to read! And my offer of tipping is very much still open. I hope your day has been well.

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From: Oz
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posted February 24, 2023 10:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for sassaqua     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks cancergurll

The composite doesn't look too bad honestly.

I hope more people will chime in for this interesting synastry you have here!

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posted February 25, 2023 02:25 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for cancergurll     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by sassaqua:
Thanks cancergurll

The composite doesn't look too bad honestly.

I hope more people will chime in for this interesting synastry you have here!

Thank you! And I hope so too.

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posted February 25, 2023 03:15 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for cancergurll     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by sassaqua:
Thanks cancergurll

The composite doesn't look too bad honestly.

I hope more people will chime in for this interesting synastry you have here!

Thank you! And I hope so too.

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From: Oz
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posted February 26, 2023 05:51 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for sassaqua     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
And not only -

Both of the RULERS of your descendant are conjunct.

This synastry is truly out of this world in that it ticks all the classic boxes. My mind is still blown!

I don't tend to look at houses and cusps as mostly, times are off.

But assuming you have the correct times, hopefully someone else will chime in and find it interesting to look at.

It takes time to go through it all...... I'll be back later in the week because there's still heaps more to say

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posted March 07, 2023 11:13 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for cancergurll     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by sassaqua:
And not only

This is truly incredible!

All the insights you've provided so far are fantastic! Him and I have been going through it this week and marvelling at the accuracy. I can't thank you enough.

I'm fairly certain both mine and his' birth times are fairly accurate, as they're down to the minute. Are birth times usually 'off' despite this? I'm aware there have been cases of guessing in the past!

Otherwise, I hope you're doing well! :]

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posted March 08, 2023 05:39 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for sassaqua     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi cancergurll,

yes it truly is. I would be very interested to hear other people chime in and I'm glad you bumped.

There is actually more to say.. about challenges and other things.

Only if you're interested though as it all takes time.

Be careful to overload yourselves with incredible astrological data and place too much pressure on the relationship! Sometimes for some people it can be too much for their psyche

Yes I'm doing great!

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posted May 09, 2023 09:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for sassaqua     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Def time for an update. Guessing you have better things to do.......

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posted July 30, 2023 03:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for cancergurll     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by sassaqua:

Def time for an update. Guessing you have better things to do.......

Goodness - I’m so sorry!! I had no idea it was forum etiquette to come back and keep you updated, but looking back I guess that was kind of obvious. I’m sorry for keeping you in the dark here.

I'd also like to preface this with the fact that you have gotten almost everything bang-on. Completely! I'm in shock.

7 months on, (into our relationship) it’s been so nice to get to read your post again and the fascinating things you mentioned! Once again - I really can’t thank you enough. If there genuinely is any way you accept tips, I’d be more than happy to.

I have no idea where to start! But I know that a lot about myself (and us) has changed in that time. Reading back I realised I really didn’t give much detail on our real-world dynamic, but I know that much of it was very in line with what you said.

I don't know if this'll be too wordy, but I'd love to give you some insight into most of the points you mentioned.

Bit of context:

Our relationship began during a tense time. (Funnily enough - December 25th!) I had difficulties with independence from my family and we were dealing with additional academic pressure. I noticed what you mentioned about the potential struggle most strongly here:

I think this was the time where I first brushed up against his very stubborn nature (fondly, I say). It made me realise that we both have a strong sense of pride (though I don’t express mine outwardly, ever) and understand what was triggering us to show that - our external (stress) and internal conflicts (interpretation vs reaction). After we moved on from the external stressors, though, life has been very sweet. Mentioning family, his has been very kind towards me, too.

He definitely made me understand the spirit of a Taurus mars, though!

But as we’ve moved into summer, all I can say is I think my love for him has only become more serious. 'Love' isn't a word I like to throw around, especially not at this stage and age, but I honestly feel as though I mean it.

Originally posted by sassaqua: There's a lot of smooth aspects for sure. So much so in fact, that, if there was no bang of attraction to begin with but rather a slow realisation, these smooth aspects would explain this. Being so smooth and congenial, is also very appealing to your Libra planets.

Indeed. I think this slow progression of feelings was very apparent in the beginning of our relationship, but as time goes on I think it’s still growing. Every day I feel more sure and secure and ‘right’ with him, like we belong.

Originally posted by sassaqua: Your Moon conjunct Jupiter and his conjunct Neptune indicates slightly different personalities - but only slightly, because both of these planets are aspecting both of your Moons anyway (giving same vibes all round). And Jupiter and Neptune are somewhat related, too. [...]

[...] Your Jupiter with Moon, gives you a slightly more extroverted personality than him, with his Moon conjunct Neptune (and his Neptune in retrograde, so even more inward turning), but this is a good thing. Because this extroverted personality of yours, from the bouncy Jupiter energy, will only attract him and make him love and respect you more.

This is definitely true. It’s something I find hard to articulate - we’re very similar inwardly, but outwardly we look to be almost opposites. He’s very introverted as it stands (he has his solid mix of people, which he’s hesitant to stray from) while I love finding and meeting and befriending new people lol (though I’m very selective on who I keep). He used to be quite extroverted before I met him, and is even now averse to meeting new people - but when he had the opportunity to meet mine, he had a great time. But I digress - he’s always said I have such a bouncy, infectious energy he loves.

Originally posted by sassaqua: BUT - remember what was said in the first post above I made: life has a way of never staying still - just when you think you have it all, it can slip. In this case, you two are so similar, you may just become friends. [...]

[...] Which potentially, mind you, it might come very naturally for you to keep him on his toes given you have a (low aspected - semi rogue) Uranus on your descendant. With this (roguish) Uranus, it's not like you're going to want to have things in relationships too smooth or predictable, anyhow. It also makes you very independent and ok to say "whatever". And, he's going to love it about you that you can keep a little excitement, some interest, and adventure involved.

In a funny way, I have heeded your advice. It’s definitely a guy thing to want a chase, to keep the other person guessing - but I feel like I play that role! As a person, he’s very steady and permanent, whereas I’m insistently on the search for new things: something new to think of myself with, something new in my environment, something new for us to do or play or go together. I don’t suppose that’d be the fire energy in my chart, lol. And I think ‘whatever’ is literally my motto!

Originally posted by sassaqua: And - here we go again, sigghhh - Uranus, on your descendent, fits perfectly with his Moon in Aquarius - which (already explored) is conjunct his Neptune (also in Aqua). So - again, there's this incredible reflection in both of you and each other that one is the other 1/2 of the other. But, you know, again, don't get like brother and sister now... you know? Too easy.. too familiar? [...]

[...] Further on this Uranus of yours, and that is "low aspected" (rogue), and - importantly - on your descendant, it is like an antennae pulsing, picking up on high alert as it is links in to HIS chart via his Mars. His Mars is seriously waking you up for fun, excitement, best buddies, fated kindred spirits and maybe - hopefully - something more, if "fate" will permit it. You are happy to have fate have some say, as you are not the type to push things, if they are not meant to be.

I think this is definitely valid. Moreso at the beginning I feel we could break things off and still be very good friends, best friends even. But at this stage I feel as though having that friendship dynamic between us is what makes (me at least) love him the way I do. My first and foremost ‘want’ in a relationship has always been somebody that could make me laugh, that I could see as my best friend, and he is all of that! Not to get too sappy, but we feel like kids together… that whole ‘inner child’ thing, if you believe in that. He’s like a kid around me, and I can’t help but retaliate. I’m much smaller and shorter, and yet we both love when I baby him lol. Regardless (and not to get too personal!!) I think we have a very strong intimate relationship beyond that. It’s what drew us to one another in the first place, and I think the sweetness and feeling of love itself isn’t something we expected, at least not so strongly.

And the ‘waking up’ resonated with me a lot. We feel like all of that! If fate keeps us together, I’ll be grateful.

Originally posted by sassaqua: I don't want to scare you but, personally, I do think that is is meant to be..

This is the sentence that popped into my head a lot. Not too much, not too often, and I would never let astrology be the dictator of how I live my life (an explanation, exploration rather than self-fulfilling prophecy) but there is genuinely just something so right about it. Even if we don’t stay together forever, or we fall apart, I think that right now what we have/had is meant to be.

Originally posted by sassaqua: His Mars, and random point:
Now, his Mars is fairly highly charged and "loud" in his chart as it is part of a challenged t-square. By this I mean, the dynamics around his Mars takes up a lot of his psyche/personality. And, so, even more reason that there is no wonder he has become on your radar.

It’s very interesting you mention this. He is very Leonine, what with his pride, but his Taurus mars was something that took me a while to understand. He’s very known for his Mars traits, and the caring/softer/genuinely surprisingly sweetly childish side of him is something that shocks a lot of his friends - he’s become a lot more publicly affectionate with me, much to their surprise.

Originally posted by sassaqua: The dynamic between you - the unpredictable and zanny Uranus on your DC, that is also compatible with his unpredictable and zanny Moon, AND that is tuned into his Mars intensity, I am surmising, is just the kind of energy that will add longevity to your rapport. Like I say (and everyone knows): it's a funny thing, but relationships seem to need an amount of charge, some struggle, a push and pull in it, to make the two people prove each other to each other and, set new limits, and grow and learn.

Definitely. This push-and-pull wasn’t something I’d ever really experienced with another person, growing up very anxious and non-confrontational. But here where we brought out a different side of one another (as mentioned above, pride) I feel I’ve managed to navigate and understand both of us in a way I didn’t before. It’s kind of humbling to admit at this age that I needed to understand that people think differently to me, but it’s genuinely something I didn’t really ‘get’ until we had to adapt the way we communicated and confront our attachment styles to get past the power struggles we were having at the beginning. I feel positively about it though: rather than overreacting and fearing abandonment as I did at the beginning, I feel constructive and we feel closer than ever after we resolve it. Sure, there may come a day where this’ll make or break us, but I feel ready to face that as best as I can.

Originally posted by sassaqua: Something random and worth mentioning: you both have some special matching points too with your planets being in their own sign ("domiciles"), such as: his Sun in Leo, and both the "love planets" (!!) your Mars in Aries, and his Venus in Libra. I do believe this is worth mentioning, as it is a special pure energy that, on some level, you will recognise in each other an expertise with these expressions. Not sure of your level of astrology and if you'll understand that, but I like to stretch people's thinking potential by giving them "out of the box" bits of data on their synastry.

I love this! I think my knowledge is a bit scattered. I do know the domiciles and various aspects and degrees, but it’s all much more technical and I struggle to apply it to the real world (which is why I truly value your work. Thank you).

Originally posted by sassaqua: More to say about his Mars in that T-square soon/later.. and the yods in your synastry too. As well as the Saturns opposite Chiron. And how that Saturn of his, is the ruler of his ascendant and opposite your Chiron (hint: be careful of his harshness, and his bossy, cold, authoritarian disapprovals)

As above, definitely brushed up on this. It was a real struggle at the start. It was a big thing of his to distance and - not ignore, but you know what I mean - when he was upset, angry or otherwise emotional. It was highly triggering for me, who needs to talk and resolve as soon as she can. But through countless occurrences, I think we’ve now reached a point where we understand and trust one another enough to deal with our emotions more healthily. He’s been great at communicating with me before he feels the need to distance, and I’ve been making sure that he knows he is allowed that time if he needs it (and that I should keep myself from wanting to resolve everything instantly).

But despite everything, when he said that I was the love of his life I knew he was sincere.

And so I shall keep loving him as long as I can!

I really can’t thank you enough. The labour of love you’ve put into this is second to none.

(I know this is incredibly long and wordy, so please - if you have any questions, I would be happy to answer)

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posted August 24, 2023 07:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted September 12, 2023 04:39 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for cancergurll     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Randall:

Thank you for bumping!!

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
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posted September 30, 2023 02:33 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted May 09, 2024 09:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for cancergurll     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Randall:

Bump x2! If anybody else would like to hand in their two cents I'd love it. I certainly have a lot more to say after reaching a year together.

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posted May 11, 2024 02:18 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for antiphon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
This is your basic sun conjunct descendant synastry experience. If someone starts talking about how they might have found their soulmate, 9 times out of 10 you see sun, moon or asc conjunct dsc or asc. Maybe also sun or moon conj sun/moon midpoint.

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From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)!
Registered: Apr 2009

posted May 25, 2024 03:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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