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  Mars neptune in synastry and composite

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Author Topic:   Mars neptune in synastry and composite

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posted January 05, 2022 01:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DeepBlue     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Can you share your experiences with mars neptune contacts in synastry?

I have mars sextile neptune DW in synastry with this man. In composite it turnes in an exact mars/neptune conjunction in 12th house.

This connection started as a business one but the chemistry between us is strong. We get along extremely well, we collaborate easily, have a lot of fun moments together and I fantasise about him often. For me the sexual attraction is very strong and I totally idealize him. But I'm not sure if all of this fantasy will stay there, only in my head and never materialize in real life?

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posted January 05, 2022 02:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DeepBlue     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The composite

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posted January 11, 2022 10:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stoika7     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi DeepBlue!

The Mars/Neptune opposition to Venus gives strong attraction but it's usually sign of a fleeting affair or infidelty, typically a "friend with benefits" kind of aspect... Sun conjunct Chiron can give strong intimacy and familiarity, but it may signal that there are external interferences or other priorities challenging the relationship. This is square to Jupiter in the 2nd house so maybe actually professional reasons may be an issue... Jupiter is square to the Saturn/Uranus midpoint and this shows great instability... even though, Pluto exactly sextile to mars is clearly triggering great sexual attraction... well, transiting north node will be conjunct to composite moon in march, so I wouldn't rule out that you two may get much intimately closer by then, but in this case honestly it looks more like a short lived affair to me... where is Juno? and Vertex?

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posted January 12, 2022 02:25 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for DeepBlue     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you very much Stoika❤️. Yes, you are right, our relationship if it would get beyond the business collaboration would for sure have challenges from outside, we would also probably need to hide it, at least for some time. There are responsibilities in my life that are an absolute priority before any relationship, and would probably be a challenge to a new romantic partnership.
On the bottom is the composite with juno and vertex.
However I really don't want to ruin this relationship if it's only to satisfy our sexual desire.
Also he is a little younger than me, which is unusual as I always had older partners an lovers. But he is making me feel, very secure and he is so available for anything I need. It's a really nice feeling when we are together, it's like also the hardest thing to do gets much easier when we work together. What's turning me on about him the most it's actually I find him extremely intelligent.

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posted January 12, 2022 04:14 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for DeepBlue     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
This is our synastry. And yes, it feels like he completes me. With his mars completing my half kite in natal he gave me so much drive and motivation, I even got back to finish my studies after almost 15years of brake. And now I'm professionally living my dream doing exactly what I always wanted and was meant to do.
He is kind of teaching me so much without even knowing it probably professionally. I really appreciate him.

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posted January 12, 2022 05:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stoika7     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you for the new charts darling!

The composite Sun conjunct Chiron clearly gives a strong healing and supporting vibe to the relationship, which is karmic and has to do with your life path and progress. And yes, the Mars-Pluto-Jupiter aspects show sharing a great drive and motivation... Juno/Jupiter midpoint is opposite Pluto to confirm this, as this looks like "professional marriage", which shows you two are a good motivated team... this is also another strong sexual aspect... Vertex is square to Moon, this is an otherworldly aspect empowering the intimacy and emotional involvement in a soulmate kind of feeling. The problem with Vertex in this aspect is that it makes this connection feel possible behind the impossible, but things may actually be more complicated in reality and those feelings may be difficult to manifest in a earthly way or in your actual connection... Mars/Neptune in the 12ve house may also show there is some unattainable aspect, but still quite karmic.
Same goes for the synastry, which is very intense and like you said motivational... the North Node/Chiron forming a YOD to Neptune and Pluto looks difficult at karmic level, since it may show unfinished business at karmic level... this is also a draining aspect at emotional level, and then Venus/Chiron/DSC conjuct to the red stellium is very intense, intimate and healing, but the Neptune/Saturn conjunction on the ASC is opposite to this, il looks like a physical barrier against the manifestation of your feelings... I don't think that a relationship is impossible, but it has challenges... for instance, the Mars/Pluto conjunct Saturn opposite Jupiter shows again a strong mutual motivation, but it also shows that in reality you may not be so compatible as you had figured in a intimate relationship, there may be basic aspects in your lives which may not work out as a couple, while it make work out well in a professional environment, and Jupiter opposition here gives instability...
Are you sure he's not committed in another rleationship? In any case, with the composite Mars/Neptune opposite Venus, he may not be a very romantically committed man. Who is the red one in synastry? The Neptune/Venus opposition may show escapism and idealism at romantic level.

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posted January 12, 2022 06:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DeepBlue     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you very much, and sorry I didn't tell who is who. I'm the red one, the cancer sun.
And when you speak about mars, pluto conjunct saturn, you mean his pluto on my mars saturn conjunction?
And the yod is pointed to his sun, juno on my IC (I post here the link to synastry again as in the previous somehow my chart degrees were wrong.

And yes, we are both currently in relationships. Me for 11 years, but last 2 years we really fell into a crises with my current partner. But our crises was not related to me meeting this man, it started long before.
So yes this relationship that we are discussing in the charts in reality it would have many challenges, too many probably. But the pull is so strong and I'm natally inclined to not see clearly my romantic relationships, plus pluto is trining my 5th house stellium from 8th,sooo I know something about deep passion and also obsession.
I'm just trying not to make a bad decision here, if we would get in a situation where something more could happen between us.

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From: Rome, Italy
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posted January 12, 2022 07:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stoika7     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yes, I meant your Mars/Saturn conjunct his Pluto opposite his Jupiter... this is greatly unstable cause shows incompatibility and interference of life ambitions in a potential intimate relationship...

Oh sorry, I mistook the YOD aspect, didn't look at it well, it's out of orb. The Juno/Sun quincunx to his Neptune shows great idealism though, which is apparently hard to get off the ground.
If he's the blue one, with his Chiron/DSC/Venus opposite Uranus, he seems to struggle in relationships, which look like a burden to him and likely unstable. So the most idealistic one is you :-) But your stellium conjunct his DSC/Chiron/Venus is greatly romantic and it's hard to resist to these feelings. Looks like your meeting may be a happy way out from past wounds and current life issues or so...
Since you both are in relationships, maybe Chiron in both charts suggests that through this meeting you both may find a reason to definitely deal with and solve whatever is no longer serving you well in your current relationships, giving you awareness and triggering a change, whether you get together or don't.

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posted January 13, 2022 02:35 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for DeepBlue     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Waw, it's exactly how it felt for me at the beginning. When I met him I was like : "great, this is what I needed to be able to detach myself from my current relationship to see things clearly, cuz it got extremely intense in a challenging way in the last 2 years (with my current partner) . " But then I got too emotionally attached to this new man too, so my neptune kicked in and I ended in a fairytale land in my head - again 😏.
It doesn't help that when we met, my tr saturn was crossing my ascendant and now pluto will cross it too in the next 3 years - I feel so lucky 😂(not)

Can you tell from the progressed composite if things would turn for the worst if I would get romantically involved with him at this time?
Can we become more intimate friends and satisfy our need to deepen our relationship and just leave it at that and our business collaboration?

Thank you very much Stoika for your time and insights. ❤️

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From: Rome, Italy
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posted January 13, 2022 07:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stoika7     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The prog chart shows that the emotional level is going to increase between you two, as prog Moon is conjunct DSC, and with prog Uranus conjunct MC quincunx to prog Sun/Venus, this looks like some kind of upheaval, a change in the nature of your connection or a change triggered by sudden events.
Transiting North Node approaching composite Moon is also suggesting a shift at emotional level... comp. Vertex is involved in this transit so it looks quite fated or "magic"... since transiting South Node is entering Scorpio in composite 10th house, again it looks like a shift, a change in the nature of your connection, from professional to emotional. Transiting Jupiter is not too favourable though, since it's going to be square to composite Saturn/10th house soon, and this again looks like upheaval or quite unstable situation... Transiting Neptune is square to Mercury/Juno, so it is possible that your connection is going to be confused, there's great indecisiveness and question marks... I think that when Venus and Mercury go direct, something between you two may become manifest, in february...
I think that "the worst" may be especially at emotional level, as maybe you both are not sure how to deal with the relationship at one point... the Composite Jupiter square to the Uranus/Saturn midpoint is not favourable for stability and long term... when transiting Jupiter will be conjunct Jupiter square to Uranus/Saturn midpoint, there may be a choice to me made.
My feeling based on the whole composite chart is that there is the possibility of an affair, maybe secret affair, likely intense, but it may turn out emotionally draining. If this happens, honestly it looks like a "parallel life"... I am not sure how long it may last, because transiting North Node suggests long terms developments, while other aspects point to short lived affair, so likely it's potentially very unstable but it may even last for a while.
Let me know :-)

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posted January 14, 2022 03:10 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for DeepBlue     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you very much.

OH I will update the post about how things evolved in this whole situation .
It's funny cuz it reminds me of another love story of mine from years ago. Even the names of the characters involved are almost all the same... Hopefully now, I will know how to handle the situation better than I did in the past 🙏😂

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posted January 15, 2022 09:44 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for DeepBlue     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Here however are the composite:

and progressed composite:

with my current partner.

We have a lot of glue that's keeping us still together, there is good stuff but there are also challenges right from the start of our relationship. I need more freedom than he does or is willing to give in our relationship. Nothing terrible, but me being aquarius Ac and aries moon, I just have a really hard time being committed especially with all the responsibilities that came into our life over the years, and we have very different approach at handling things and resolving problems.

So if you are still around Stoica and if you are willing to give these charts a look, I will be more than happy.

And regarding the other men, it's actually me, who is unstable regarding what I want in reality from this relationship. Because now that I think about it, any time he made a slightly bolder move in my direction I didn't respond. Ahhh, I'm so confused. But in my defense uranus is currently opposing my saturn /mars in 9th and saturn just made a square to them after transiting across my ascendant last year and I'm aquarius ascendant, so...

I really start to feel more and more my natal quincunx between Ac (aquarius) and sun (0deg cancer) . But also my 10th - 4th house nodal axes. Freedom or commitment, career or family life. And my moon in aries is squaring my sun also... Yeeey. It is really a challenge to balance this energy, it's so contradicting and pulling in opposite directions.

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From: Rome, Italy
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posted January 15, 2022 05:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Stoika7     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
As an Aqua Sun/Venus, I understand your "freedom issue" well :-)

Even so, remember that your True Self is Cancer!

With your current partner, there's clearly a deep loving bond with the stellium sextile to Lilith/Moon and Saturn/DSC. The nodes are square PLuto and so this relationship is very transformative at individidual level, but also destined to change the relationship as well over time... On the committment side, there are issues since the Juno/Jupiter midpoint is square to Uranus/Chiron opposition, which means that the couple requires individual freedoms to work out or that the two people are actually self-reliant and may have freedoms outside the relationship, but with Chiron here such freedom is challenged or can trigger conflicts and critical attitudes... Mars square Neptune again here shows this openness also in sexual matters, and so the bond may not have exclusive committment traits, or infidelty...
With Pluto conjunct the Saturn/Uranus midpoint in the 7th house, there are challenges for long term committment cause life goals, ambitions or attitudes may differ. Vertex conjunct DSC shows that the relationship may have karmic aspects or soulmate feelings which are apparently fated but difficult to manifest and so there are unsolved aspects which not fullfill the expectations.

The transiting nodes are getting close to square the Juno/Jupiter midpoint, with transiting North Node going to be conjunct Chiron within March, and tr. South Node conjunct to Uranus... this may trigger a turning point in your relationship, maybe some issues have to be addressed once and for all.... consider that tr. South Node on Uranus is a typical detachment aspect.
Tr. Saturn will also be square to the Uranus/Jupiter midpoint... this is also a separation aspect, or a very unstable energy at the least...

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posted January 16, 2022 03:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DeepBlue     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you very much Stoika❤️

I will update how things went 🙂

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posted January 25, 2022 01:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted March 25, 2022 07:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for DeepBlue     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Stoica you were so on point. NN just conjuncted the composite moon with the new guy and yes, we definitely got more close, due to interesting circumstances happening. The timing is pretty amazing 😊.

However I found out his TOB was probably not exact, because he doesn't really know the exact time of his birth, vut probably pretty close.

So NN is now on our comp. Moon and tr Pluto is squaring the nodes. Also tr Saturn is also square the comp moon and tr neptune is making a sextile.

Simultaneously I have tr NN on chiron with my current partner and tr Chiron crossing the comp ascendant.

I can alredy tell I will not be able to resist to get involved with new guy, the pull is just too strong. I belive we may have vertex conj AC in synastry at least it feels like we do. Cuz fated events are just raining from the sky.

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