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  Testify to the Father (a second message from John)

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Author Topic:   Testify to the Father (a second message from John)

Posts: 813
Registered: Nov 2002

posted November 19, 2003 11:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for dafremen     Edit/Delete Message
This is the second of two messages which were written by a man whose spirit is that of John, Son of Zebedee, disciple of Jesus of Nazareth. (You will find the first under: The world's greatest fraud.)

The identity of this man is to remain secret at this time. However, he is here to bear witness to the Truth of God's Promise, and to expose a lie that has prevailed throughout the Christian world and which threatens the very survival of our souls.

To this end, there have been a few of us who have been shown proof of his spirit's identity and who have been tasked with sharing this testimony to the Truth with the world.

That is what this is, the Truth and a testament to the Creator, not a shrine to a man, not a bid for glory.

Simply the Truth.

Testify to the Father:

Of greatest import to the Christian should not be the question of whether or not Christ was God, but whether the Son should come before the Father in our hearts. Understand that the entire purpose of Christ's life, death and resurrection was to prove beyond any doubt that the Father, who gives life to all, will give Life to those who remain faithful and obedient to Him.

Whether or not Christ was possessed of the Lord's Spirit is a game to be played by scholars, little more.

Let them bat their philosophies and their conjectures back and forth. Whether Christ's death was one of symbolic, blood-letting sacrifice or not, again is a distraction and little more. For if we are not obedient to the Father, how then can we be worthy of the Son's sacrifice? Won't we, instead be mocking His sacrifice and His example by not following that example?

Let the scholars argue until the day of judgement about who Christ was and what He did. The best they can hope to do is to shed light on a question that only a fool would engage, the worst they can hope to do is to embrace a lie, leading others away from the Will of our Father, Lord God Creator. Their egos, their opinions and their rhetoric are their gods.

Again and again we are reminded by these "scholars" of the multiheaded nature of their perception of God. He is Father, Son and Holy Spirit they assure us. If that is true, then should we not give allegiance to the Father before the Son? Was it not He who sacrificed the Son? Was it not His Spirit that was sent through the Son? Is it not His Spirit that can fill our lives? Was it not His Spirit that guided the Son to Calvary? Was it not His Hand that brought about Christ's resurrection?

Why then do they insist that we address the Son before the Father? Why then do they claim that we cannot be saved except through the Son? Was it the Son's power that saved Him? Or was it rather the Power of the Father that brought Life back to that lifeless body?

The alternative is to believe that the Son died without faith in His own Father. That He simply knew He could bring Himself back to life. That He was capable of His own resurrection, and that therefore His sacrifice and faith were only the illusions of sacrifice and faith.

What faith is there if one knows that one can bring one's self back from the dead? What sacrifice is to be found there? Why, none at all. This notion reduces the enormous faith of which Christ was possessed to little more than a parlor trick. That is not philosophy, that is not theology. That is blasphemy.

It is only through the Power and Spirit of the Father that the Son was risen, that the Son was able to raise others. It was only through obedience to the Father that the Son was resurrected. He did not know he would live again, he had faith that he would live again and was obedient to the Father no matter what the outcome would prove to be. "Thy will be done" might have been Christ's motto, not "I will do it because I know that I will live again."

It is only through obedience and loyalty to the Father, and faith in the Father, that we can hope to be saved.

To address the Son in hope of salvation, is to address He who led the way, but who did not bring about the miracle. To address the Son before the Father is a fool's gamble, a roll of a three-sided die brought to you, not courtesy of the Son, nor of the Father, nor of the Holy Spirit, but brought to you by men. By pompous, pretentious philosophers, and so-called scholars who have overlooked the most obvious of Christ's gifts to us: His message.

That message is this:

If you are obedient to God the Father as was Christ, you will not die, but will live again and again for the Father will not let you die. He will bring you back to life. Cherish the Son, but keep your eyes, heart, loyalty, love and faith with the Father, always.

All glory to the Father! Amen

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Posts: 27
Registered: Jul 2003

posted November 21, 2003 09:59 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for seeshells     Edit/Delete Message
I understand what you are saying, still pondering all of this, but i do have a question. For people that agree with what you are saying,and i for one say it makes alot of sense, where do they worship now?
How does one go about helping change the chruch views? Don't expect that to happen readily. So where does that leave us? IS there a place of worship that places more emphisis on GOD than Jesus? What i am asking is where do we go from here, what is the next step? Thanks for sharing your info.

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Posts: 4951
From: www.Heaven.Home
Registered: Mar 2002

posted November 21, 2003 11:17 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for juniperb     Edit/Delete Message
Welcome seeshell

That place of worship starts within yours-Elf

If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans. ~James Herriot

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Posts: 813
Registered: Nov 2002

posted November 21, 2003 12:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for dafremen     Edit/Delete Message
Again. These are John's words, not mine...but he is right. And you have no idea what I'm feeling right now!

There are tears in my eyes for you. (Literally, there are tears in my eyes.)

They are tears of joy, but they are tears of pain:

They are tears for the hundreds upon hundreds of these messages that I have personally handed out in the past two months, that ended up in the trash, or being discarded.

The hundreds and hundreds of times, that I've watched these people, who I love so deeply, people that I count as my kin, watched them walk away from something so simple that they could do to save themselves from the dust.

My wife thinks I smiled out of pride when I first met John, but she doesn't understand me as well as she thinks she does. When this message first came my way, the smile was because I knew that HERE, at last, was a mighty miracle and hope.

Hope for people like my father, and my cousin, the preacher. Good people with good hearts and the best of intentions. Hard working people, devoted and faithful people misguided by a lie that they had been taught was the Truth. A lie taught to them by people who had been taught themselves, from childhood, many of them, that what they were doing was God's Will.

Finally, here you are! You mighty mighty miracle!! A spark to make it all worthwhile.
At last a reward for patient waiting and working. If I do this in obedience to God for the salvation of my own soul, then I do it for nothing. Paper and hours spent in vain; for vanity and self preservation.

No, this is for you, and those like you and I would hold you, I would hold you so tightly and thank you for what you have done for me today. Thank you. Tears of Joy.

Tears also, of sadness. What of those like you and I? What of those of us who cannot find the light without the dirt? What of those of us who need the companionship and the fellowship? What of those of us who would know God through the faces and deeds of our fellow man? How lonely must we be? Must we have our beloved comradery yanked out from under us when we so desperately need to feel the warmth of human companionship and a sense of belonging? Certainly that companionship is to be found in the self as our beloved Juniper says, for God is with us, even when we are against us.

Still, it is sooo lonely. It is so cold and so very lonely marching onward like good soldiers down the Path. Take an arm and the miles evaporate, no distance is too great when the company is good. Tears for your question, for your longing and your need, our need. Tears of Compassion.

Take my arm, I'll take yours, and we'll figure out together where we go from here.

For starters, we are here, among friends.

Let's find consolation in that to stem the cold tide until there are enough to quiet our yearnings for fellowship.

I'll keep spreading the word. If you can, do the same. (If you can't, if it is too hard, that's ok too. Your personal decision is your salvation.)

It only takes two of you to congregate in one's home or the other. If you can, begin at home, with any that will listen. Any that will spend the time with you. You aren't, after all, changing who you worship, just correcting how you worship Him.

How HARD this is going to be for you, love! I've felt it for quite some time..waited to find my Teacher, and a congregation to belong to.

If it's any have a brother who is with you in spirit, thoughts and prayer.

One drop in a vast ocean, one light with which to shine, your brother,

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Posts: 75
From: M, OR, USA
Registered: Mar 2004

posted March 26, 2004 09:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Radna     Edit/Delete Message
Hello all. This is my first post here and I have been browzing for 6 hours now....and I must say WOW! All my life I was told that the church I was in was the most advanced in God than anyother. And there was some truth in that. But in someways they were all so wrong. They taught me well how to reach into His presence, but they also taught communion and other Christian doctrine that I have just learned today are false.

There was one saying though that I find always to be true. "Truth will ring like a bell, while a lie will fall to the ground flat."

I have had more truth in just one day here than I have for my entire life. I had quit that church quite a while ago, and found my time with my Father much more gratifying. My step-father was the ascociate pastor in that church and he never was a father to me, neither was my biological dad. For a long time i would cry because i had no father and i felt lost.

Then one day I realized that I did have a Father. And only ONE Father, the only one I will ever need. I wish to bless all of you in the name of God, bless your lives with love and hopes.

There is so much I want to tell and learn, I could never do it all in one post. I have been filled with a Zeal that I haven't felt in years. For some time now I have felt the need to share in a community of people who will not look down on me for my "weirdness"

I do have one question though....this immortality stuff has me confused somewhat....where did you all learn of it please i would love to read up on it...but am poor lol. Dang kids are spendy = ) wink, wink....

And no, not all Gemini are bad, I am a very faithful and loyal Gemini, but I do think to much = )

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Posts: 17828
From: Columbus, GA USA
Registered: Nov 2000

posted March 27, 2004 04:03 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message

"Never mentally imagine for another that which you would not want to experience for yourself, since the mental image you send out inevitably comes back to you." Rebecca Clark

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Posts: 2200
From: King Arthur's Camelot
Registered: Jun 2002

posted March 27, 2004 09:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for StarLover33     Edit/Delete Message
The best way to start learning about immortality is through Linda Goodman's Star Signs. She was one of the first people to introduce this concept to a very large population.

The best thing about immortality is that you don't have to be a Saint or a Guru. You don't have to give up so much right away until your ready. All you have to do is really believe that you can attain what you already have inside you. The churches don't teach that all you need in life is yourself.

Remeber the passage, "The kingdom of God is inside you, and all around you; not in mansions made of wood and stone. Split a piece of wood, and I will be there. Lift a stone, and you will find me."


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Posts: 75
From: Rennes-le-Chateau
Registered: May 2004

posted July 04, 2004 01:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for maven     Edit/Delete Message
I am blessed enough to have wonderful friends who share in the same worship of Him.Growing up my grandfather was a minister and I went to a private catholic school.I have always had problems with organized religion..I could never find the answers my heart was seeking.
When I was 12 years old I was in the parking lot of a whole foods with my parents.A man dressed in a typical sarong wrap with a shaven head and sandals approached me.I had been lagging behind my they were far ahead of me..and now I would surely regret it as this odd stranger had now entered the space that separated us."good day sister", he said with a smile."Might I offer you something?".I pulled away a little cautiously."I have no money", I said..not understanding his intentions." NO I am afraid you are mistaken.This is a gift from the Spirit".And he handed me a small hard bound book that was buddhist.It was called "the path of enlightenment".I just looked at him for a moment not really understanding the gravity of the transaction.He smiled,bowed his head briefly,and wandered off into the parking lot.Not wanting to get in trouble from my parents..I slid the book into my purse.When I got home I glanced through it..but not really understanding it put the book into an old toy chest of mine.
Years later...around the age of 18...I found that book again.And I read it..and I found answers for a compassionate God.In that instant my world changed forever.I began the role of student...I starting searching for my own answers to quench my thirsty soul.
When I realised the lie that man had been living I became sick with grief.My friends struck me out like I was a plague upon them.Very few remained.The ones that did are friends to me even now.I had to stop going to church.I could not sit there every Sunday and have people glorify Jesus without giving any credit to the Father himself.Thankfully my own father saw my plight and has embraced me and my journey.He has been a wonderful source of,and understanding.He has shared my belief his whole life.He had to conceal it however,to fit into his family role with his dad being a pastor.
I am so thankful that people are starting to see with their own eyes.Regardless of what they accept as their own least the darkness is being rubbed off little by little the deeper you delve into Spirit.Many Blessings to all...Be joyous unto your Path....maven

"I am an enigma,wrapped up in a mystery,shrouded by lies"

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