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Author Topic:   Pet Peeves

Posts: 40
From: Omaha, NE
Registered: Sep 2004

posted October 17, 2004 06:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Wordweaver     Edit/Delete Message
My wife said that she's tired of hearing about it, and my Libra Moon won't let me be overly direct, and thereby possibly hurtful to the proper recipients, so I'm going to ***** here. Hope that's okay.
Pet peeve number one: rude people who are too stupid to realize that they're both rude and stupid. While driving through the parking lot at Home Depot today, some idiot; surely illiterate, possibly inbred, backed his dilapidated Ford out of a stall right in front of me, and cussed at me for being in his way, then drove off before I could make a proper Scorpionic reply.
Number two: I'm thouroughly tired of receiving memos at work, emails, or computer postings by people who can't spell, or write. If you didn't get past the 8th grade, it's best not to advertize tour ignorance by posting public writings.
Number three: scrawny, pencil-necked geeks (I dislike them on site, usually) who say or shout derogatory comments about the country, G. Bush, the war, or any other political issue, but have never voted, and did not possess the balls to join the military to help protect the country and the right to be able to express their opinions. If they can't help to protect the freedom the exercise so vocally, they shouldn't be allowed those freedoms. (I'm an ex Army Ranger, and very proud of the fact that I did my part to protect MY freedom)
Anyway, whether you agree, or disagree, thanks for letting me vent.


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posted October 17, 2004 08:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for pixelpixie     Edit/Delete Message

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Posts: 6034
From: Vancouver USA
Registered: May 2004

posted October 18, 2004 10:46 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LibraSparkle     Edit/Delete Message
I'm not scrawny or pencil necked... a bit of a geek... but clearly you wouldn't like me.

If the subject of Shrub comes up, I will express myself.

I would NEVER join the military, AND I encourage my 18 year old brother NOT to join the military... I will answer when the military PIMPS (otherwise known as recruiters) call him up and harass him over the phone. I tell them all kinds of rude things and to leave him the F alone.

No, I don't have the balls to join the military. Does that make me a bad person? No. It makes me an informed person.

My number one pet peeve is people that shove their ideals down other people's throats.

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Posts: 13411
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Registered: Jun 2004

posted October 18, 2004 11:37 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for 26taurus     Edit/Delete Message

Hey Word,
You wouldnt like me either. I don't vote and never will. I deserve every freedom known to man. And not only if I have served time in a military, killing other human beings, being a subserviant, efficient, obedient robot, to agendas I dont believe in. I deserve freedom because it is my Divine Birthright. It is mine, not something that is given to me by another.

I'm sick of warmongers. I'm sick of people who are closeminded, asleep, blind. Thanks for letting me vent.

"My country is the world and my religion is to do good." -Thomas Paine

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Posts: 40
From: Omaha, NE
Registered: Sep 2004

posted October 18, 2004 05:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Wordweaver     Edit/Delete Message
Part of my post, for whatever reason (perhaps I did something wrong in posting)didn't show. First of all, I'm not shoving my ideals down anyone's throat. Freedom of speech, thought, expression, etc., is a fundamental freedom that every person who lives in a democratic society has, because they live in a democratic society. If you don't happen to agree with my opinion, great! The world would become very boring indeed if there were no one to argue (ahem - I meant debate, of course) with. I'm sure people in China and Cuba would love the opportunity to express themselves as freely.
Secondly, I'm not - repeat, not - a war monger (two words, btw), and I resent any implications otherwise. I believe in peace and freedom at ANY cost, and if that cost happens to be obliterating totalitarian dictators who test chemical weapons on, torture, and persecute their own people, then it's a small price to pay.
If you happen to be anti-military, my advice is . . .don't join. My sister is very anti-military, doesn't vote, is pro-choice, and has myriad other opinions that differ from mine. We have some great debates whenever we get together. She also happens to be one of the closest people to my tiny stone heart, and the first person I call when I need a shoulder. I don't hold anyone's opinions against them, provided they're informed enough to back them up. As I said, I was venting. Be happy I stopped when I did. I have an opinion about everything.
And yes, feel free to vent back. But, wouldn't it be more fun at a bar over a beer? That's where debating becomes an art form.

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Posts: 468
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posted October 18, 2004 05:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Saffron     Edit/Delete Message
dear wordweaver ~

please be tolerant of people. nobody's perfect. you said, "Freedom of speech, thought, expression, etc., is a fundamental freedom that every person who lives in a democratic society has, because they live in a democratic society."

but in your first post, your statement that "scrawny, pencil-necked geeks (I dislike them on site, usually) who say or shout derogatory comments about the country, G. Bush, the war, or any other political issue, but have never voted, and did not possess the balls to join the military to help protect the country and the right to be able to express their opinions. If they can't help to protect the freedom the exercise so vocally, they shouldn't be allowed those freedoms" is blatantly contradictory to your democratic society statement.

you also said, "I'm thouroughly tired of receiving memos at work, emails, or computer postings by people who can't spell, or write. If you didn't get past the 8th grade, it's best not to advertize tour ignorance by posting public writings."

what is "tour", and is this a new spelling of 'advertise'?

all i'm asking is a little tolerance please.

love to you.

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Posts: 6034
From: Vancouver USA
Registered: May 2004

posted October 18, 2004 06:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LibraSparkle     Edit/Delete Message
Freedom of speach also includes those people that don't agree with the Bush Clan NOT just those that do.

Saffron's wise advice is worth considering. Tolerance is definately a virtue many of us could take a lesson in.

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Posts: 13411
From: *
Registered: Jun 2004

posted October 18, 2004 06:46 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for 26taurus     Edit/Delete Message
Hi Word,

I never stated that I was sick of 'Wordweaver the Warmonger'. (one word BTW)
Was just venting. Don't take it personally.

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Posts: 13411
From: *
Registered: Jun 2004

posted October 18, 2004 06:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for 26taurus     Edit/Delete Message

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Posts: 2512
From: Japan
Registered: Aug 2003

posted October 18, 2004 08:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Eleanore     Edit/Delete Message
Haven't seen ya' before so ... Hello!

Most people have pet peeves is all I can say. I can relate to the traffic issue, not so much that I feel people are necessarily stupid and rude for being bad drivers ... but I am just plum baffled as to how they got their licenses in the first place and how they manage to get around without causing serious injuries to themselves and others. You know, like the people that pull out in front of you, within mere feet, from a parking lot into moving traffic as though their life depended on it causing you to slam on your brakes and avoid getting hit by the guy behind you ... and then proceeding to drive well below the speed limit as though they haven't got a care in the world. Or the guy in the Escalade blaring his speakers so loud and munching on his BK meal that he doesn't hear or see the ambulance coming and pulls out just because it's a green light. Some people simply do not belong on the road, in my opinion.

As for the grammer issues ... That's the internet for you. Most people read and write more now than ever ... unfortunately it's on the internet or through e-mails and the same protocols of writing that were once followed regularly in written correspondences has taken a back seat to immediate rough draft responses, so much so that what we do actually write out is generally lacking in writing skill. What can we do about it?

As for the military ... I think the people who do join the military to defend our country are not just defending their own rights and liberties, rather they are defending them for every citizen of this land. After all, the military couldn't function financially or otherwise, and neither could our society, if each and every American was a member of the military.

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." - Ghandi

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