  I'm not enjoying this....

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Author Topic:   I'm not enjoying this....
Gemini Nymph
posted July 28, 2005 08:23 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Transiting Pluto (in f'ing retro no less!) is opposed my Gemini Sun/Mercury, sqauring my natal Virgo Pluto rising and my 7th house Pisces moon. This forms a grand cross, and what a b*tch of a grand cross it is. For weeks now, I feel like the universe is just running up to me at random intervals, taking wild low punches, and then retreating, laughing at me from a distance. I want stand and fight, but I never know where the next blow's going to come from (see my Mars-Neptune transit below). This got much worse when Mercury went rx - I'm very Mercurial, and that's just no help to me. I feel oppressed (or maybe that just the heat wave). I feel tired. I need a vacation, preferrably someplace where Pluto ain't taking cheap shots at me.

Uranus in retro's been hanging around my DC, and Neptune in retro in sitting right on top of my Mars and NN. SOmeone else asked how people were doing now the Sun's in Leo, and at least there I get a break - it's trining my Jupiter and Neptune (helps me keep my game face and cling to an ounce of optimism) and sextiles my Venus (people have been nice to me lately - that does help).

So anyone else getting their a** royally kicked by transits right now?

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posted July 29, 2005 12:07 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
i feel for ya!
ts saturn conjunct natal saturn in leo...'nuff said lol. my moon is opposed saturn also. saturn square venus and uranus...
as far as pluto goes, it's conjunct my neptune right now but i don't know what that means!
just trying to take baby steps, taking things a day (an hour even) at a time! "and this too shall pass"! don't feel bad yer not alone

~Libra Sun / somewhere between a 29 degree Gemini & a 0 degree Cancer Rising / Aquarius Moon~

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Neptune's Muse
posted July 29, 2005 12:37 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yep! You can say that again, Saturn is coming back for me, in Leo, my first house (where I have Saturn already) to square everything! I already have T-square(s) Saturn sq. Moon, Mars, Venus, Chiron, and I am not sure how Saturn return is gonna affect that, perhaps DOUBLE THE SQUARE effect, like to the power of two! lol! Saturn is sq. my already square saturn-uranus. But I feel Saturn Sq. Moon very much, this gloomy, depressive kind of dampening feeling...

Then, there is URANUS long transit in my 8th HOUSE -- Bob Marks says expect anything with that transit, I am not sure what! Neptune and Chiron in my 7th, Rx. (I am trying to be optimistic, and envision that Chiron and Neptune in the 7th is a good thing? I want to make believe that this IS a good transit: Healing through Spritual partnership perhaps...?) lol

Transit Pluto is opposing my Sun, Mercury, Jupiter too and conjunct my Neptune!

GeminiNymph, not good transits for us Geminis

Hang in there...

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posted July 29, 2005 07:48 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hey you girls - try and hang in there I sympathise totally.

Transitting Pluto is opposition my Sun. Transitting Saturn is oppostion my North Node and conjunct South Node.

I am on the brink of resigning from my boring, dead-end job that I've been suffering for far too long. I'm now at that stage where I'm asking myself why put myself through it. I've hit the wall at work and it's like I feel I have to walk out of the job NOW and go for a complete career change or end up on permanent sick leave because that's what my current job is doing to me .

I don't like change so this is very unsettling for me but I realise I need to move on and think about what I want for a change. I've always wanted a lively, active, fun job - not stuck in an office. So the office days are numbered and I'm now feeling kind of liberated yet still scared...

I'm so worried about handing my notice in. I feel guilty as it is but I just can't face going back in. My doctor has signed me off on sick leave at the moment but I'm still worried about getting my personal items back, worry-monger that I am. lol.

I feel like such a head-case at times though I guess I'll get through this and come out roses on the other side. I get up each morning and say positive affirmations that I will get my career sorted.

I hope and pray that the transits treat you all kindly. Here's a rainbow for everyone beset by troublesome planets


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posted July 30, 2005 03:33 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for BlueRoamer     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

That pluto oppo your merc/sun cojunction square your asc is pretty difficult. I imagine you're having a crisis of faith in all aspects of your life. I see oppositions as a disconnect, and in this case, power is disconnected from your vitality. Being so far from pluto is like needing to change your life but not knowing how. The universe will keep throwing pot shots at you, in an attempt for you to bind with plutos humbling energy, but you will have trouble embracing its influence. Like you said, standing up and fighting won't work with pluto, only sublime humility and acceptance work here. For what you must truly accept is the power of death, and this is hard for people to do.

Oppositions are probably the least fun of all influences, because at least squares can be worked with. I often feel like oppositions leave you with no options other than to ride out the misery. This is a slow moving influence thouhg, and by its effect you are bolstering your soul little by little. Pluto brings us down to our deepest core, and all the hardships at this time are trying to bring you at one with who you truly are. Its not so much about cutting out the unecessary in your life, like a saturn transit, its much deeper and more personal. Here we see that pluto is aspecting your ascendant AND your sun, whihc means not only a deepening of your sense of self, but a deepening of the way you relate to the world. I belive this square is good, as it gives you a way to work with the pluto you'll do that I dont know, which of your houses is pluto transiting right now?

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Posts: 43
From: Strasbourg, France
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posted July 30, 2005 07:33 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for nove731     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hm. The only transit that's really irritating me right now is Uranus in my 6th House (LOL, I need a job ), and Saturn opposing my Natal Saturn (24.59 Capricorn). Oh, and Merc. in retrograde is slightly annoying, too. :-P Otherwise, it's awesome. Neptune's in my 5th House (chaaaaaching), Mars is in my 8th (tee hee), Venus is in my 12th (should be in the 1st in a few weeks!), everything is moving rather smoothly. Even though Pluto is worrying me a bit. It's gonna move into my 4th House before the end of the year.

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Gemini Nymph
posted July 30, 2005 10:49 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks everyone - your sympathies are grreatly appreciated.

I hear you BR, and actually I'm aware of all that, since Pluto's my rising planet, and I've doena lot of work with it. But I'm still p*ssed. LOL> I think a lot of that resistence is my natal Pluto rising is sq tr Pluto, and it just doesn't want to back down. I've got uranus (a singleton) in teh 1st too - my 1st house is like a "Stand and fight" zone, and like tr Pluto, these are influences (Pluto and Uranus) I can't really "own." So I'm felling kind of screwed right now.

Here's where it's such a b*tch for me - this grand cross with tr pluto is hitting ALL my angles. My moon and Mercury are both conjunct angles (DC and MC respectively). My Sun is conjunct my Mercury in the 10th (Merc is int eh 10th too). Tr Pluto is conjunct (obviously) my IC. Right now I am having problem with my family (actually that's not that new) and with employment/my career aspirations. Not surprising the problems in each areas are conflicting against each other, making the overall situation feel incredibly overwhleming. I am in fact taking things one step at a time, I am struggling with faith and I am very humbled by this experience, because I am having a very hard seeing any outcome (good or bad) to all of this. I just don't know, and i acknowledge that. I don't know how to resolve any of this, so I just focus on what is in front of me at the moment. I get up in the morning not understanding whether anything I do that day will be of any consequence, but I accept simply that I have to do something.

As for my moon and 7th house - I had a humbling blow there recently too. I found someone I want to be with, someone I felt a genuine connection with and great potential for a relationship, and he with me. It was the most mutual, reciprocal attraction I've probably ever had with anyone. And we can't be together. At least not anytime soon, and not because we wouldn't if we could. We just have to accept this. It sucks, but I'm working on it, just like everything else.

As for teh faith I caught myself muttering to myself yesterday, "Well I still have faith in God, but I think that's genetic, because I'm Jewish!" I'm a lunar-Piscean, so I know my nature, at least my inner nature, lives for and by faith. To have my faith pummeled is pretty brutal and discouraging, regardless of what is in the works for me. Plus I have strong Uranian/Aqua energies - it I lose faith in something, I just don't see the point in doing it, and naturally become very resistent. Aqua rules my 6th, where my Mars, NN, and Vertex are (and currently, both tr Neptune and Uranus!). I am struggling alot with having fiath in anything I do. I have a lot of ambivalnce and a lack of clarity to the purpose of whatever I do.

I have had something good and inspiring come into my life recently. I have found couple of individuals who can be a role models for me, genuine inspirations. At first I fought against this - I felt their presence and example was more like mockery, like "This is what you should be doing, but you're not, because you're a failure." I hated that - I wanted to admire them and appreciate them. They're both excellant people, and deserved to be admired and not envied. But my anger at myself was getting the better of me and I realized finally last night that I can't let myself fight against their presence in my life (despite what my Pluto rising says).

I too think ultimately this Pluto tr will be good (it better's in retro, so I still have to deal with it when it swings back direct...@#&!). I'm one of those annoying Pluto advocates who goes around telling people these transits are good, even if they don't feel like it at the time. I suppose it is also humbling that I have to live my own words now. LOLOLOL.

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Posts: 982
From: New Brighton, MN, USA
Registered: Apr 2009

posted July 30, 2005 11:08 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Azalaksh     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Gemini Nymph, Annoying Pluto Advocate!

I just wanted to say how glad I am for the vision and understanding you share of your astro-aspects, I glean a lot of knowledge from your posts! Your courage is amazing, and I have the utmost respect for your writing ability, I often feel a kind of verbal constipation.....

Another Annoying Pluto Advocate (nPluto in XII)

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Posts: 1120
From: nevada
Registered: Apr 2009

posted July 30, 2005 01:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for lalalinda     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
nice to see you Gemini Nymph

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