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Author Topic:   Kundalini, Chakras & Enlightenment
posted February 16, 2006 06:45 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Greetings Lady Fayte! How goes the ebb n flow?

I loved what you had posted on the various links about soul clusters and 'past' lives. My refrence to being High Priestesses was in regard to the group of ladies i've met w/in the past year! I wasn't trying to be presumptious about what you were/are I'm sure it 'was' fabulous cuz you give the impression of being so now, in this incarnation.

On another note, IQH had mentioned the asteroid Merlin on another string. This asteroid really struck home for me. It was like receiving the correct key for the correct door and now being able to go through. So exciting! A past/concurrent life that I have is being a great magician's apprentice (Merlin perhaps?!) Merlin is conjunct my ASC. It isn't surprising to me that this placement is there, it's just reeeaallly cool. It explains my love of magic (and a few other things) in this life time!!

`Who are you?' said the Caterpillar. This was not an encouraging opening for a conversation. Alice replied, rather shyly, `I--I hardly know, sir, just at present-- at least I know who I WAS when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.'
~Lewis Carroll

:::Libra Sun / 29* Gemini Rising / Aquarius Moon:::

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posted February 16, 2006 11:09 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
im glad we finally got to the mayan astro ive been waiting im redmoon red skywalker. anyway the green glow is angel Rapheal.he is an healing angel and works with archangel micheal to heal people when they are sick. also of topic but owrds for thought have you read dr.emotos water theory that water holds knowledgereally cool any how my very obscure senseworth love and light.

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posted February 17, 2006 01:47 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you so much.I will try to cancel out my depression and suicidal feelings and meditate on HigherSelf Soul Growth.I feel I have worked to get to this state and you are right,it would undo many lifetimes of good penance.I think my energy is growing at a rapid rate and it is making me feel a bunch of different ways right now.Thank you for being here and helping me to see myself a little better.I have always had a problem with accepting myself and I know this is the time to beat it.I will be looking foward to hearing from you and will continue to post what is going on.PeaceLove&Light to you all
Eliza Libra/Scorpio/Aquarius

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posted February 17, 2006 03:54 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
A happy psychic makes the best psychic.
If you notice, several people in this forum with strong Scorpio placements in general are feeling the heat of unknown energies. Pluto has touched the Galactic centre once and will do so again this year. There is definitely some connection there. Astronomy and Astrology are highly intertwined. Our galaxy is moving into uncharted areas of the Universe where new cosmic energy may be bombarding it. Spiritually, the Galaxy is connecting through its Crown Chakra to its Higher Self. The energy will be beamed down and Mr. Pluto, the Superman of our Solar System is relishing every bit of this when it comes to the centre, and obviosuly beaming it to his children on Earth.

Being in touch with your gifted sisters here will see to it that you never get depressed.

If you are having an email id for interaction, please send an email to so that I can send you some material for you to experiment step by step with your powers. Do you have a personal computer or laptop to store files?

I dislike scientists but the scientific method is very useful. You must maintain a logbook and journal for every spiritual exercise you do, what occurs, how you feel and so on. This way you can learnt to utilize some transits too. You can help heal others (if they allows themselves to be healed) and to start you have to get repeatable results of your powers. You can manifest easily because of the highly developed third eye and Crown Chakra. There are methods for this which I will send to you. These things take 3 or 6 frustrating months for non-psychics non-gifted men like me but it might take only 3 days for you.

Thoughts are things and you have to stay very happy or atleast neutral most of the time, especially the emtoions. Thoughts visualized with emotions help manifest them into physical reality.

<<Thank you for being here and helping me to see myself a little better.I have always had a problem with accepting myself >>
I am always at the service of a goddess in the making

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posted February 17, 2006 08:12 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Betelgeuse     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
"Thus, Karma can be paid anytime an enlightened soul chooses to pay it and can be paid physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually. But the human animal who chooses to be unenlightened, for him, Karma is paid everytime an astrological pattern repeats whch was there during the time of the act necessiating Karmic reward or punishment."

Hey IQH Sorry for the delay, been a challenging week. Thanks for sharing your experiences of Karma, I've quoted the above paragraph because it is something I have noticed on numerous occasions - although in a slightly different context. When a planet goes retrograde and appears to tread its footsteps backwards, I've noticed that it brings back energies from the 'past', but these energies are in a slightly different form - the pattern is similar but not the same. I'm struggling to find a way to explain this... Have you ever watched the perpetual motion of a wave crashing into the shore? Back and forth, back and forth, the ebb of flow of intimacy and separation. But if you look closely, when the wave recedes back into the ocean, some of its water is left on the shore, and some of its receding water is caught by a new wave - so each new wave contains a part of the last wave. Its a little like this in retrograde situations, I've observed that the 'past waves' contain more substance than they previously did. I'll think about this a little more and try to find better anaologies to explain it.

Hey Devilfish
You said;

"the interesting thing is that really what we percieve as good/bad positive/ negative is an illusion.
example:say one does do something that goes against his/her conscience, & experiences guilt. we would say "bad karma" but really to discover that a choice gives us inner discomfort is a positive lesson that brings us closer to our true self, so was it really negative? it is negative in the sense that it took (minus) away our level of was positive in that it gave(added) a new awareness of our true needs."

Fantastic I completely agree. In my study of the I Ching, I've found that many translations focus on the negative/positive, good/evil of any energy dynamic - it paints life in a very black and white way, which is denying the magic of it. There is beauty in ugliness, and ugliness in beauty. Sometimes I struggle in trying to create that 'win/win' situation in life - the ability to find a solution that benefits both sides. I can jump from one extreme to another, I can be so impatient, and a WIN/WIN situation often needs time, nuture and patience. If I'm too affectionate in intimacy, then I feel I should withdraw to 'balance it out', and if I've been too distant with intimate ones, then I feel I should devote myself whole-heartedly to them, its a radical jump from my own space into others space, and when the jump is made I often feel like either they are losing or I am losing. They lose because I withdraw so quickly and so feel the 'force of my absence', and I can lose because I jump forward so quickly and lose myself. Wow, I hope I can learn from this. This past week has been pondering such things. THanks for what you wrote Devilfish, I liked it very much.

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posted February 17, 2006 08:14 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Betelgeuse     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hey Dogstar
I have read about Dr Emotos work, its fascinating. He started by taking various water samples, heavy water, soft water etc and noticed that pure spring water would give beautiful ordered cyrstals when frozen, but polluted water from a river gave erratic forms and more than often failed to cyrstallize at all. This was an excpected scientific conclusion. But as he continued with his work, he began to notice that his own moods began influencing the crystallization process! He began experimenting - he would send positive thoughts/feelings and love to one water sample and the resulting crsytallization would be highly ordered and beautiful; and then he would send negative thoughts/feelings of hate towards another water sample and it either failed to crystalize or its form was very chaotic and muddy. It seemed his own consciousness was affecting the matter around him.

He further experimented with music - classical music created the beautiful coherent structures, and harder metal music created the more chaotic forms. He called ths the 'Hado effect'. In fact, 'Hado' has become a buzzword in Japan now, it is used to descrive atmospheres/people with good energy vibes, like; "He's got really good Hado', or 'This place is lacking in Hado'.

Dr Emotos Hado theory postulates that, 'since all phenomena is at heart resonating energy, by changing the vibration we can change the substance'. His findings correlate to findings in Quantum physics that our consciousness has affects all around us. I'm not sure if anyone here has read the 'Celestine Prophecies' by James Redfield, but they have similar concepts in the book. And so Dr Emoto took his theory one step further and speculated that the conscious act of sending good energy into matter around us can have a healing effect - water in this case - and thats exactly what he set about doing. He held a huge gathering outside of one of Japans most polluted lakes, Lake Biwa. The lake typically had a horrible foul stench because of the algae that would cover the lake, and water samples taken previously from the lake had always struggled to crystallize at all. So a mass gorup of people projected their positive thoghts over the polluted waters, and water samples taken before and after the ceremony showed a dramatic imporevment in the structure of the water cystals. A month after the ceremony, an article in Japanese newspaper reported that the algae spread had decreased significantly and the foul stench had all but dissapeared - it seemed that the water continued to heal itself.

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posted February 17, 2006 10:07 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi BG,
I think the example you gave for retrograde planets and waves seems quite good!

Speaking of Water Crystals, the pioneer in such work is Dr Wilhelm Reich who discovered Orgone as a necessary energy in all that has life and classified two forms as OR or good energy and DOR as bad energy.

I think giving positive loving thoughts would create OR, and the natural intelligence of this manifests as sacred geometry structures, as seen in some of Dr Emotos photographs.

This might also imply that pure/loving thoughts are hitting the Galaxy as Cosmic Rays, because SnowFlakes have such amazingly beautiful crystals.
Random explanation of Atheists cannot explain the symmetric beauty and unqiueness of SnowFlake crystals.

DR Reich was was murdered by confinement and his works destroyed by US FDA. The reasons for this were never declassified but some reports on the internet suggest it was because he discovered tangible evidence of Extra Terrestrials and also means of Weather Control.

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posted February 18, 2006 06:17 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi BG,
Check this out, you have asteroids ISIS conjunct OSIRIS in 22 Leo sextiling your True Node perfectly (TN 22 Libra)
I had posted this earlier and was thinking whether this placement would enable a man to appreciate the Divine Feminine but now I am convinced after you explained your approach to sex.

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posted February 18, 2006 07:04 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I am taking your advice,and stickin to it.I know I have to stay positive and happy in order to direct my energies the right way.
No i dont have a laptop,just a regular computer right now but I would definitely either keep notes handwritten(i like writing)or type it out on my computer.I am ready to do this.This feeling inside me is building.I know now I have to live my life a certain way and eat certain foods in order to develop these gifts to the fullest.I am very intereting in what would be a the best diet for this.Anyways there are a few questions I want to ask you regarding all of this.My email is,but i'll send you an email now.Thank you Iqhunk,you are helping me more than you may know.I am eternally grateful.PeaceLove&Light to you Eliza
p.s. I hope I will blossom into a goddess,haha you are very sweet

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Posts: 33
From: England
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posted February 18, 2006 08:08 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Betelgeuse     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hey IQH, are there any sites detailing information about asteroids?

You are right though, the 'divine feminine' principal is something very important to me. From my studies of the Tao Teh Ching, one thing in particular has always stood out to me, the female principal, I'll quote;

"The Spirit of the Fountain dies not.
It is called the Mysterious Feminine.
The Doorway of the Mysterious Feminine
Is called the Root of Heaven-and-Earth"

and particularly...

"Know the masculine,
Keep to the feminine,
And be the Brook of the World.
To be the Brook of the World is
To move constantly in the path of Virtue
Without swerving from it,
And to return again to infancy."

The I Ching also talks about the interaction between male/female principles, the female gives birth to energy from the source of all, and the male manifests that energy into form.
And so it can be said that;
"The woman correcting the situation reaching to the inside,
The man correcting the situation reaching to the outside" (I Ching, hex 37)

I feel that a woman can truly make a mans heart blossom, and in that ripening of heart, a man can then make the womans dreams a reality.

And on an inner level, our own individual inner levels, we all have the female/male essence, and this dynamic works within us, yet it is harder for us to find inside ourselves, so luckily we have another option of finding it in the world with another soul.

I look upon 'Nature' as feminine in essence - the trees, forests, grasses, oceans, rivers. And if I find myself struggling to understand my relationships, or struggling to understand love, then the first thing I think of is - 'I need to renew my connection with the female'.
Often in my past, I have tried to seek this renewal of female energies by looking for it in women, I've experienced infatutuation, incredible intensity, a disliking of space between me and an intimiate one, and even to some degree; an addiction to thier energy/presence.
These are the times I've failed to find the female within myself, and instead tried to find it in another person, and it can be quite exhausting to both of us. But then one day I found another way - I began taking walks in the forest near my house, and found that nature refuels me remarkably. Natures feminine energy can balance out my own erratic male energy, and then I can be more for myself and others. So if Im feeling unbalanced or overly stressed, I try to remind myself to take that walk, recharge myself, and clarity returns once more. So the female divine is certainly something important to me, I see it as the inspiration of life, the home of all magic.

p.s. would my interest in football show an appreciation of the male divine? hehe

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posted February 18, 2006 10:12 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

the valley spirit never dies;
it is the woman, primal mother.
her gateway is the root of heaven and earth.
it is like a veil barely seen.
use it; it will never fail.

tao te ching

finding the divine feminine in nature this way is so beautiful...what a very sensitive post.

your description holds such depth and clarity...thank you.

the Soul answers never by words, but by the thing itself that is inquired after.

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Neptune's Muse
posted February 18, 2006 11:40 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
BG and IQ,

Wouldn't the whole 1977 born have Isis and Osiris at that degree more or less, and conjunct? I have them conjunct at 23 Leo, Sextiling my True node at 22 Libra.

Hmmm...for a minute I thought these two asteroids are never apart (as the myth goes) but I ran the asteroids in some charts and they do part. I guess we are a blessed bunch, 1977!

Funny I don't find the 1977 boys sensitive enough! :P Kidding, or maybe not? But what does it mean for women though, any idea...BG? IQ?

Biologically, men have XY chromosomes, they do need to balance their X (feminine) energy with Y, it is understandable being in tune with the divine feminine. As far as women go XX, there has never been a need to get in touch with our masculine side, or the male divine? Biologically the Y, because it simply does not exist in biological terms.

Good insight on the Asteroids IQ! Thanks!

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posted February 20, 2006 08:23 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
<<Hey IQH, are there any sites detailing information about asteroids>>
I think we have the most exciting info on asteroids right here in this string and the Clairvoyance String

I believe there are some good links for Standard Asteroids like Pholus, PAllas, Ceres, Eros, Juno and Vesta.

I will post them whenever I get them while googling.

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posted February 20, 2006 08:31 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
1977 batch is the most significant this generation because Chiron was discovered this year. We might have a transformational healing job to do anytime after next decade maybe after 2021 when our second Saturn opposition is complete. Bigger challenges are for the batch born 2003 when Sedna was discovered. They would be 18 in 2021. Maybe we have to help unlock their talents? What if all kids born post 2003 are Indigo Children/Crystal Children? We might be responsible for seeing to it that they are no called wacko or weird and so on.

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posted February 22, 2006 10:32 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
BG,you're welcome & im glad you enjoyed my post!

P.S.i hope you keep posting, i think the spiritual/scientific mixture you bring to the forum is refreshing & needed

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posted February 23, 2006 05:33 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Betelgeuse     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks Devilfish I'm not sure what turn this thread will take next, but lets hope its an interesting one.

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posted February 26, 2006 10:22 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Azalaksh     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
BG & IQ ~

Thought you might find this link interesting.....


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posted February 26, 2006 04:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Betelgeuse     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you so much Zala! That was such an interesting read, and you've actually inspired me to learn more about the astronomical side of things. I didnt know there were correlations with the chakras and stars/constellations! In fact, Im working on a few ideas/theories at the moment, and this article was a push in the right direction for me at just the right time, I really appreciate it Oh and can I also take the time to thank you for all the fantastic information you post here; like info about new moon cycyles, upcoming retros etc.. - its a great reminder, because I often forget about such things whilst being busy in my own little world!!

If I manage to get anywhere with the ideas I'm working on, I'll post them up.

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posted February 27, 2006 02:21 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hey thebigliza I am also a Libra Sun / Aqua Mooner! I hope all is well with you NOW. Lady Libra I also hope you have yourself an Opal, birthstone for us symbolizing HOPE!...

Take this kiss upon the brow! And, in parting from you now, Thus much let me avow-You are not wrong, who deem That my days have been a dream; Yet if hope has flown away In a night, or in a day, In a vision, or in none, Is it therefore the less gone? All that we see or seem Is but a dream within a dream." - Edgar Allen Poe, from his poem, "A Dream Within a Dream"

...Before they grow so big, the baobabs start out by being little.
...But seeds are invisible. They sleep deep in the heart of the earth's darkness, until someone among them is seized with the desire to awaken.
...It is a question of discipline.
~The Little Prince

On a random note. I read that Betelgeuse link Zala. It was cool and I learned a new word: 'Betelgeusian' LOL. Oh and this part is really cool too...

All living things possess this energetic gridwork composed of interlacing energy threads (lines of force) that unify matter and create organized forms. Because the threads are magnetic in nature, when enough of them intersect, vortexes of energy are set up. These whirlpools of magnetic currents attract particles to themselves, thus providing the "blueprint" or foundation upon which matter is build. The Hindu teaching calls small vortexes "nadis." When greater amounts of lines of force intersect, "chakras" or polarised centers of energy occur.


`Who are you?' said the Caterpillar. This was not an encouraging opening for a conversation. Alice replied, rather shyly, `I--I hardly know, sir, just at present-- at least I know who I WAS when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.'
~Lewis Carroll

:::Libra Sun / 29* Gemini Rising / Aquarius Moon:::

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posted February 27, 2006 02:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Betelgeuse     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hey Hexxie

Betelgeusian was a new word for me too lol

Theres a synchronicity here - Zala posted this link, which is about magnetic frequencies and harmnonics within the galaxy, and their effects upon us...

And then GingerB posted the link about Harmonic Astrology - which lead me to studying it and found it ALSO talks about resonating frequencies, and their effect on the planets in our natal charts.

And - all of this interested me so much because in my personal I Ching cyclic work, I am currently working on harmonics/frequencies - it was a new direction for me. So all of this information from others came about at the perfect time.

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posted February 27, 2006 03:24 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Cool syncronisities! The ever so subtle clues that appear right before our very eyes. Follow those leads, yeah! The quote I posted made me think of the Earth's Ley Lines. As above, so below; and also within / without! Glastonbury has been calling me with it's vortex of Ley Lines as of late.

Cheers to perfect timing

`Who are you?' said the Caterpillar. This was not an encouraging opening for a conversation. Alice replied, rather shyly, `I--I hardly know, sir, just at present-- at least I know who I WAS when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.'
~Lewis Carroll

:::Libra Sun / 29* Gemini Rising / Aquarius Moon:::

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Posts: 33
From: England
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posted February 27, 2006 03:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Betelgeuse     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Oh really? Hexxie, have you seen the diagram of the earths leyline structure? I saw it ages ago but I cant seem to find it again. It relates parts of the Earth to chakra locations. I think Glastonbury is a very condensed region of powerful magnetic lines, and it supposedly corresponds to the heart chakra of the Earth. I live about 45 minutes from Glastonbury - just down the road - and since I moved here, my ideas have boomed and I've felt much more inspired.

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posted March 02, 2006 05:35 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
This was an amazing link. Only Zala could have found it

Speaking of Synchronicities, I was returning home from the city of Mysore after 4 days.
A one year old baby girl was giving a tough time to her parents. The dad was an International Relations professor but I dont think he knew how to draft a peace treaty with the hyper energetic bundle of joy. I thought she was Aries but her dad said she was a Scorpio, Nov 7. Her name was "Tejaswini" which means Radiant and has a name number of 27. This is not at all a common name in India.
In front of us were a middle aged Swiss family with a 5 year old daughter named "Muriel". The one year old fell in love with golden haired Muriel and it was a very cute scene as the tiny tot pulled the Swiss girl's cheeks and blew her kisses!

The Synchronicities:
The Swiss were German Swiss. The Professor got his PhD from a German University [A very rare occurance for an Indian] and the subject International Relations is something that is the main mastery of the Swiss nation.

Muriel has a name number of 19 and is considered the angel of June.

My first name number is 23.

The pattern is 19,23,27 exactly harmonic.

My birth month is June and my birth date number is 25 = 7.

Lastly, the first car I see while taking a taxi home has a sticker "Tejaswini". The first time I am seeing this rare name on a car sticker!

So if we keep our awareness on a high, we will soon notice that we are truly connected to everyone and everything in the Universe all the time!

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posted March 02, 2006 10:33 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
hello, dear IQ ~

that was an excellent rendition of connection, and the amazing way events happen each day in relation to each though the universe is winking and twinkling at us always, esp when we are aware and in tune.

very nice

I want to turn the whole thing upside down
I'll find the things they say just can't be found
I'll share this love I find with everyone
We'll sing and dance to Mother Nature's songs

Jack Johnson
Curious George Lullabies

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posted March 02, 2006 11:09 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Salome!
Did you see the link that Zala posted?

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