  Uranus currently conjuncting my midheaven...

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Author Topic:   Uranus currently conjuncting my midheaven...
posted April 13, 2006 03:53 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Uranus is currently in pisces I gather....this is conjuncting my midheaven.

I was made redundant at the begining of this month. It was horrible, a job I loved more than anything ever, the people, the place, the role, everything. And it was just taken away from me. I'm feeling very shocked at the moment.

Could this be due to uranus conjuncting my midheaven? If so when will uranus move out of pisces, and when did it move into there? Can I hope for better things with this conjunction or will I have to wait until uranus moves on?

I can't imagine finding another job I loved as much as this. I miss my friends at work so much it hurts and I feel lost.


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posted April 13, 2006 05:38 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Join the club lol My MC is Pisces also. Uranus has moved a bit past my MC by now though. I also have Jupiter and Mercury there so Uranus is conjunct Jupiter at the moment.

Don’t worry though Uranus doesn’t only bring bad surprises.. I’m sure you’ll soon get a good surprise.. There will definitely be changes in your career.

I haven’t had any changes but I’ve felt such a strong urge to rebel and say “stf everything.. I’ll do something entirely different” lol.. good thing for all the Capricorn in my chart and my Saturn trine Sun knocking some sense into me. I still feel like I want to drop everything and do something crazy, but I’ll definitely stop myself.

What aspects does transiting Uranus make with planets in your chart?

Sorry to hear you lost your job.. Interesting you mentioned your friends from work..Uranus rules friends.. But usually it just signifies *change*..not endings. Saturn cuts ties. Uranus doesn't really do that.. Uranus just makes weird things happen. You can always keep in touch with these people. And I'm sure you'll find a job you do love just as much.. and it will probably be something you'd never ever normally think you'd do.. that's Uranus

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From: in the ether
Registered: Jul 2009

posted April 13, 2006 05:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for astroleolady     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Full-fifthhouse-loulou,

First off, I'm sorry for your loss.

To answer your question. Yes, Uranus transiting your Midheaven, which is the cusp of the 10th house, could be the aspect that caused the loss of your job. The 10th house rules your profession, status, ego, reputation, those with authority over you and usually the father. Uranus rules sudden, unexpected changes and freedom. Uranus transits can leave you feeling very surprised and shocked.

Uranus moved into Pisces in March of 2003, briefly through retrograde motion, it did move back into Aquarius in 2004.

Uranus will be into Aries, briefly, in the middle of 2010 and then it journeys back into Pisces for a time through retrograde movement. Uranus will be out of Pisces, completely, by March 2011.

You didn't give the specific degree of your MC, but Uranus will most likely will be conjuncting your MC throughout 2006, both directly and by retrograde motion.

As Uranus conjuncts your MC, it will be opposing your IC or the cusp of your 4th house. The 4th house rules your home, security, your heritage, endings, property, your private life, and usually the mother. So you may notice some changes with respect to those areas of your life as well.

Uranus is providing you the opportunity to make changes in your life, even though at the moment you aren't welcoming those changes. Uranus is the awakener and is quick acting. You may want to slow down and reaccess what has happened to you. Take your time. Look before leap so to speak and decide what your are going to do next. Good luck to you.

Here's what cafeastrology says:

Uranus Transits Conjunct Midheaven
*Freedom and independence are critically important to you at this time. If your job is tedious, boring, and unexciting, there is a strong possibility that you will quit your job now. Because the need for freedom and excitement is very strong, you are more willing to be innovative and daring.

+A powerful time of change, during which you may have great insight into your career. You could change jobs or suddenly find a way to transform and improve your current job. A certain amount of mental tension can be expected, so bear with it.

And MyRice:

Uranus Conjunct MC
Career prospects look extremely promising around now. As others
will recognise your enthusiasm and unique could be
rewarded with promotions and pay rises. However, excellent
career opportunities could also be missed now - as you may be too
restless to settle down to serious, concentrated work. You may
want the rewards - but not the responsibility!
Mental, intuitive and psychic abilities will be heightened...and
used in a practical and positive way. Your mind will be open to
exciting, new and original realms of thought...creating
possibilities only dreamed of in the past.
New beneficial friendships and business contacts could also be
formed - their influence leading you along a completely different
path. You may now be presented with golden opportunities which
definitely should not be ignored. Be aware of what’s happening
around you so these opportunities aren’t missed.
Unexpected events, seemingly beyond your control, are also likely
to disrupt your normal daily routine during this time. Be very
aware of what’s happening around you as you could also be
accident prone now. Take special care when handling fast or
dangerous machinery - and that includes cars!

And Bob Marks:

Uranus Transits Through Your Tenth House: The 10th House influences your career and “public image”, your “boss”, and those who have authority over you in general. Uranus transiting here can give a sudden desire to change bosses, jobs, and even careers. All of a sudden, the idea of taking orders can seem irritating to you. As always with Uranus transits, you may have to make changes, but be sure to do a little planning first. Don’t jump. Uranus going through this house can also make you want to change your appearance, your “look”. Good idea, but watch out for a tendency to go overboard.

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posted April 13, 2006 07:06 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Oh thank you so much astroleolady and Lauren, you helped so much. Really really good advice. Makes sense. And thanks for the kind wishes.

My Pisces midheaven is at 8.28 degrees.

You're feeling it too huh Lauren? I do have lots of my planets trining this uranus...jupiter, moon, sun, ascendant, venus and neptune so maybe this is good.

Thanks for all the links astroleolady. The career is so right, the only difference is that it was kind of forced on me rather than 'left my job' ....the job was so perfect and I hadn't yet fulfilled my it feels cruel at the minute that it's over in a flash...maybe uranus has better things for me, but I don't see how!!

Love and luck to both you ladies!


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Happy Dragon
posted April 13, 2006 09:12 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

* My Pisces midheaven is at 8.28 degrees. *
Uranus is currently at 13.02 Pisces direct
(i.e. 04.34 passed your MC)
maybe the real MC calculation is a bit off .. .. from ..

Chiron / Neptune and Saturn are all in signs square to Scorpio ..
depending on your sun position .. there is a potential square by transit ..
Uranus and Lillith are squaring .. by sign .. the Gemini sector ..
and Pluto (in sag) is only 3 and half degrees from Capricorn .. and retrograde ..
also Jupiter is currently retrograde ..
(for those born in '78 .. it's conjunct their natal Uranus )

actualy transiting Lillith is at 08.59 Virgo ...
closely opposite your Pisces 8.28 MC ..

todays outer astro menu :

Jupiter 16 scorp and retro
Saturn 4 leo
Urns 13 pisces
Nept 19 aqua
Plut 26 sag and retro
Chiron 9 aqua
Lillith 8 virgo

sorry to hear about your work situation ....
hopefuly it's a case of one door closes .. another one opens up ..

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posted April 13, 2006 09:45 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Astrology is truly amazing. I checked and on the exact date I found out about possible redundancy (18th January 2006) uranus was at 8.28 in pisces...exactly conjunct my midheaven. Gosh, these things never cease to amaze me. That was actually one of the worst days. Total shock and disruption.
Thanks for the extra help happydragon! I know also that saturn is squaring my sun (and in my 2nd house) so money is also difficult at the moment.


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posted April 13, 2006 09:50 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My Jupiter is at 18.08 degrees in we are nearing that exact transit will that be a good day for me when they exactly conjunct??? Hope so!!!!
Thanks happydragon!!!

Oh I just realised it is currently retrograde.......boohoo......


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posted April 13, 2006 09:59 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I know these times are a bit difficult for you but the fastest way to improve the situation is to remove as much financial insecurity as you can from your Aura. Once released to you HIgher Self, you can replace this Auric space with heaps of positive affirmations of attracting a better job.

The best way to remove this insecurity energy is to mentally visualize Navy Blue colours leaving your physcial body and Aura out thru the top of your head.

I dont know how exactly this works but it does.

The colour for attracting health, wealth and better conditions is bright medium green, the kind that comes in the top of trees as fresh leaves in spring. This has to be visualized flowing into your body and Aura.

Write down the goals too, of what you want in your next job. Down to the last nitty gritty detail. Imagine emotionaly that you have acquired this job everyday and night. Something good will definitely occur.

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All times are Eastern Standard Time

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