  SATURN-Transit over ASC and/or VENUS

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Author Topic:   SATURN-Transit over ASC and/or VENUS
posted July 09, 2007 07:50 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I’ve got two heavy SATURN-transits coming up: First it will be SATURN square my ASC (Scorpio) for a couple of weeks - then it will be SATURN conjunct my VENUS in autumn.

Does anybody have experience with these? I’m a bit afraid of heartache, difficulties with other people, loss of attractiveness and so on ... I am not in a serious relationship right now. So: What could these transits bring to me?

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posted July 09, 2007 07:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for alanabelle86     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'm a novice/amateur at transits myself but I'm dealing with similar saturn transits myself

Within the coming months (by December), Saturn will be square my AC

Saturn has been conjunct my Moon
Squaring my Mercury
Squaring my Venus
Squaring my Mars

For a little over 2 years now...(I had the Saturn-Neptune opposition sitting on my Moon/Mars opposition for a while, activating some serious T-Squares in my Chart)

The main thing I've suffered is a severe loss of hope, and a hard dose of reality. My relationship is going through a *really* rough time that's testing us. (Mercury is the ruler of my 7th house, and Venus is the ruler of my 5th..I'm having a hell of a time)

When Saturn was square my Sun/Pluto conjunction about 2 years ago, I screwed up horribly in college because of an obsession with being popular (11th house) and drinking/drugs (12th house)...Pluto is the ruler of my 11th and 12th houses. I landed at rock bottom, and hard. My life had not just exploded but completely IMPLODED on my face. I was at the lowest low I had ever been in my entire existence. I had to literally pick myself up from scratch and prove myself. It's been a long hard 2 years in school but I worked through it and now I'm starting to reap the benefits. Also- all my problems with my father (Sun) came to the surface They'd been bottled up (Pluto) for 18 years at that point- yikes! So I guess I passed that Saturn test. My SUN is the ruler of my 9TH HOUSE (higher education).

Then Saturn landed right on my Moon/Mars opposition. It was conjunct my Moon. Issues and problems with my short temper and need to control and do what I want at all times (Note the signs are Leo-Aquarius) came to the foreplay. I have been continually being put in my place over and over again, and very unpretty ways. And Saturn has made me not only "grow up" in terms of my Leonine temper tantrums that exploded at the drop of a hat (Pluto-Moon-Mars TSquare), but I've also clearly developed an understanding of "my place". My emotions and emotional reactions are far more mature now, probably a bit too mature.

Then Saturn retrograded back to my Moon, and then issues of power and control over my "destiny" came to the forefront. I became far more aware of the harsh realities of life and how short life is. (My Moon is in the 8th house). I also became obsessed with money, accumulating it, and managing the finances of my boyfriend. I began to see how much I have changed and I literally have become a completely different person (down to my personal tastes..which almost never change), from who I was 2 years ago.

Then Saturn squared my Venus. Venus is the ruler of my 5th, 6th, and 10th houses. First, I felt my relationship was suffering and going to go down the drain. So I spent the entire summer trying to do everything I could to keep it working. This meant sacrificing a dead-end job that I hated (did not mind, trust me!) to show him how much I loved him. And I did. My relationship blossomed and expanded to new, exciting heights. But I got fired, from a job I held for 4 years with outstanding marks. Fired because of how far I was willing to go for the one I loved (5th house). besides the job was a high school job I held onto for years because it was a *safe* one...Saturn nixed that in the bud. It has a way of getting rid of things you don't need but are too lazy to get rid of yourself.

Luckily I had a back up job, at a good company but it was a job I hated. And I just had it to keep some extra change in my pocket. Then, I got laid off from there. I got a pretty nice severance at 20 years old, and decided I wouldn't work anymore for the rest of the year (I got laid off 2 weeks before Xmas). But then, I decided I would get another job (Feb 2007)...just because I can't stand not working. Then, 6 months later...(as of June 2007) I got laid off...AGAIN.

Saturn is squaring my Mercury now. Mercury is the ruler of my 7th, and intercepted (Virgo) in my 9th house. My thoughts have never been this depressing in my life. I'm a Sag AC, with a 3rd house Jupiter and the Moon in Leo! I'm usually the most happy-go-lucky, anything goes, person around. My nickname is sunshine...

Well call me cloudy. Because for the past month, Saturn has rained a huge, negative, depressing, cloud of hopelessness and desolation all over my parade. It's not so much blatant negativity as it is just a really strong awareness of reality. Very harsh, very real, very cold. Very restricting.

Mercury is also the ruler of my 7th house. My boyfriend of 3 years is not aware of any immediate problems but suddenly, I AM. I see every little threat and thing that's weak, and it's freaking me out. I've turned into a nervous wreck, expecting the worst. My relationship has turned quite cold lately. Not affectionately cold just, cold. It's a long distance relationship on top of that, so it's become noticably harder to manage for me...which is awkward because I've got Saturn & Uranus opposite my DC.

While my relationship unravels in my face, my issue with college has only gotten better. I've been reaping all the rewards from all my hard work I've done in the past 2 years. I'm about to graduate... Saturn (achievements and endings) transiting my 9th (college) = College graduation (I found that cool )Like I noted, Virgo is intercepted in my 9th house. Saturn is about to enter my 9th and I cannot wait. The sooner I get it out of my 8th and away from ruining the most intimate parts of my life, the better.

My only advice to you is don't expect the worse, I believe strongly in the power of positive thinking. It's helping me through some of these tough transits. With Saturn, you just have to do your homework that's all!

I MET my boyfriend, the love of my life, while Saturn transited my 7th house and trined my Venus/Mercury conjunction.

Who knows? You may find someone who changes your life

That's just my long winded 2 cents

Sagittarius AC, Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Leo

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posted July 09, 2007 08:47 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Azalaksh     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Saturn'll be sashaying across my Ascendant in August -- and I'm actually looking forward to streamlining and simplifying my life, but at the same time as Pluto will be sitting on exact square to my Moon

This is what says:

This is one of the most significant times of your life. During this time your responsibilities will increase considerably, and you will try to eliminate everything in your life that is not necessary to fulfilling them. Therefore your life will become more complex and simpler at the same time. You are finishing up certain tasks in your life and going into a five- to eight-year period of relatively quiet preparation for a new beginning. You will be cutting some elements out of your life and working hard to complete others.

During this time you may have less freedom of movement than usual because of the pressure of circumstances and the need to get things done. Old tasks that have never been completed must be finished now. At work, you may have to exert more effort in order to get the job done. Your superiors may give you even more responsibility than you would choose to have. This may not be a very light-hearted time, but it should be quite productive. But do not start out on a completely new project, because in a few years you may find that you do not have the material or psychological resources to complete it. Finish what is unfinished and simplify your life.

Good relationships will not suffer appreciably during this time, but bad ones will break up completely. You are withdrawing from everything in your life that is unnecessary or in the way of your development during the next few years. Bad or difficult relationships may be among the elements that are discarded.

Try to avoid building a wall between yourself and others, for this is a great danger now. Duty, responsibility and obligations do not preclude personally satisfying relationships, even though you may feel that they do. If you cut yourself off from others unnecessarily, you will become lonely and depressed. The people who belong in your everyday life are very important for you now, especially since you are excluding those who do not belong. Often it is good to seek out the company and advice of older people, for they have the insight and understanding you need.

~ Zala

PS: Those were some really great thoughts, alanabelle!!

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posted July 09, 2007 09:17 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks, Alanabelle! Especially for that hint concerning positive thinking. ;-) I must admit that some Saturn-transits have helped me a lot.

I had Saturn conjunct my natal Sun (Cancer) in summer 2004. After nine years I finally broke up from a serious relationship that I hadn’t been happy with for a while. Love/passion had been gone– but I was stuck because I felt so responsible for that man and that relationship. Very much routine, as well. I was quite unhappy, I just didn’t admit that to myself.

Before I broke up, Saturn squared my Chiron in the spring of 2004 –I experienced a short but intense “outside”-flirt with another man. It was a very dominant, self-secure male … whom I found very attractive. This flirt was quite exciting and hurt me a bit – I behaved VERY insecure. Meeting this man confronted me with all my weaknesses, my shyness and my unhappiness. I guess he was my Chiron-teacher in that very moment.

I got the strong feeling: I MUST change.

Some weeks later, Saturn entered into a conjunction to my Cancer-Sun (and sextile to my natal Pluto) – finally I had the guts to break up from my boyfriend. I just woke up one morning and was very (!) sure: This is over – right now. When I told him, I was astonishingly calm – and absolutely secure of what I was doing. I re-organized my life and moved to a new town, while Saturn was around my Sun (and sextile my Pluto) until Jan. 2005. So, Saturn gave me the strength and the perseverance to make a new start. It was hard work, but I enjoyed it, because I felt it was right. I even found it exciting.

The STRANGE thing is: It got worse and less euphoric for me AFTER Saturn had left my Sun and Pluto alone! Especially after he changed from my sunsign Cancer to Leo. Somehow my personal “new development” has come to a halt since then. I have been a single person since then and not very successful in my professional life. It feels like a mean “Saturn-afterglow".....?
Scorpio AC, Cancer Sun, Sagittarius Moon

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Posts: 28
From: united states
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posted July 09, 2007 09:43 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ann7     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ughhh! I have Saturn square Ascendant AND Saturn opposition Moon transits coming up. Both of them starting in mid September 07 and ending around june of next year. I'm kind of already starting to feel them {and it doesn't feel to good}. Thankfully for my Sag rising, I try very hard to keep it all in check and tell myself that I will learn from this. There is a little glimmer of hope though, I have Saturn sextile Sun transiting from October through August / 08 So maybe that will balance a few things out. {Jeez...when am I going to have a transit pointing to romance and hot passion??? lol}. Hang in there Alvarella!

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