  Sationary retrograde vs. retrograde

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Author Topic:   Sationary retrograde vs. retrograde
posted January 23, 2008 02:08 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
What's the difference and which is considered the more debilitated? I always thought my neptune was retro but it's actually sr. I'm going to assume this means stationary retro??


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posted January 23, 2008 02:15 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jane     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Since your chart says "SR" it's sationary retrograde. If it were stationary direct, it would say "SD."

I only recently heard of planets being stationary, so I don't know much more than that, sorry.

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posted January 23, 2008 02:28 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yeah, trying to look up info on that but not finding much.

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posted January 23, 2008 02:44 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Love     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
From what I know, a stationary planet in one's chart suggests that the planet in question has more power than if it were direct. The planet is theoretically preparing to pull all its energy in another direction in order to go either retrograde or direct (even though we know that a planet going retrograde or direct is actually not really going backwards or forwards).

I have Pluto Stationary Direct and the only info I have been able to find is that Pluto therefore takes on increased meaning for me in my chart. I suppose it gives my Pluto some extra oompf. I personally don't consider it debilitating at all.

Given my experiences with Pluto and Scorpios, it's not terribly surprising to me.

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posted January 23, 2008 02:53 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Oh wow, that's quite different than what I thought of my neptune. So instead of weaker my Neptune is stronger? Hmmm....being that it's neptune don't know if that's a good thing. I'm going to conclude since it's in my 3H of communications and learning of all things, a stronger Neptune is actually going to make me weaker in this area enhancing it's delusional qualities. Wow, I'm actually really surprised to learn this, not what I expected.

Thanks Love!

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posted January 23, 2008 03:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Glaucus     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yeah...stationary object is a strong energy
whether it's a planet or a minor planet

my father had stationary retrograde Neptune in Virgo. My mother told me that he was a drug addict/dealer diagnosed schizophrenic. I think he was a Dyslexic,Dyspraxic that was misdiagnosed like me because my mom told me that he had speech,auditory,coordination problems like me. He was a black man born in 1941. Many blacks do get psychiatric misdiagnoses.
In medical astrology,Neptune rules misdiagnoses. Neptune also rules drugs.

Your stationary retrograde Neptune in 3rd could be good for things like poetry,music,film,art,and/or creativity,writing. Neptune in 3rd indicates an imaginative,intuitive mind with strong visualization abilities....mainly rightbrained,nonlinear thought processes. That's how I am...especially with my Dyslexia,Dyspraxia. My Neptune in 3rd house is involved in t-square,and so mine is challenged. So my placement reflects my learning disabilities,special education,and psychiatric misdiagnoses. My Mercury parallels Neptune,and so it adds to it.

the stationary retrograde Neptune alone can be good for things ruled by Neptune.

I believe that all aspects are just potential which can be be used in positive or negative ways. but the hard aspects tend to indicate challenges in life and easy aspects tend to indicate easy things in life, but both hard and easy aspects can indicate the potential to use those experiences that will be to your benefit,detriment,and/or both.

Free will is the ultimate factor.

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posted January 23, 2008 03:13 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jane     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks for the info, Love.
What aspects does Pluto make in your chart?

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posted January 23, 2008 03:21 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

That's right, I remembered reading about your father having neptune SR so I'm not surprised you're well read on the subject. Is it quite rare then? It's weird how all of these things you learn about them and they fit into your life.

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posted January 23, 2008 03:28 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Oh jeeeez, just found out my chiron is stationary retro too. Hmmm....all 7H related. Must be some kind of special meaning for me...

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posted January 23, 2008 03:32 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Oh, ooops!! My bad! It's not neptune SR it's my Mercury. AND my chiron! But wait, that makes no sense. I certainly don't have strong communication/mental/intellectual abilities. Now I'm really thrown off.

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posted January 23, 2008 03:36 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Love     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Jane ~

My Plutonic resumé:

Sun square Pluto
Moon biQuintile Pluto
Mercury trine Pluto
Venus square Pluto
Mars semi-square Pluto
Neptune sextile Pluto
AC trine Pluto
MC trine Pluto

Pallas, Vesta and Osiris trine Pluto, Isis square Pluto and Karma conjunct Pluto.

North Node and Uranus in Scorpio, intercepted.

Lots of Scorpio boyfriends.

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posted January 23, 2008 03:39 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Love     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
LeoCat ~

You might have stronger abilities than you think. It's also analytical ability and pattern recognition and education/learning. What about computers? I think that's a 3rd house ruled thing...

Does Chiron make an aspect to your Mercury?

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posted January 23, 2008 03:39 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ha ha, Pluto SR sounds like it would be cool. I have lots of Scorpio bf's as well, I Have Pluto in the first, maybe that's why...

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posted January 23, 2008 03:43 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Oh god Love, all those things I'm really poor at. I'm not of an analytical mind at all. Patterns, etc....none of those stand out for me. Clearly, I have poor mental skills if I can't even tell which one of my planets is SR :-P.

Mercury is my chart ruler though, maybe that's where the difference is. That would be cool if my chart ruler kicked a**.

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posted January 23, 2008 03:54 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for jane     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Love - Good god! So you're basically a Scorpio.
That Pluto Karma conjunction must be fun. Ah, and I too am acquainted with the Venus-Pluto square. Mine's very wide (8º), but I've felt its influence. You have my sympathy.

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posted January 23, 2008 03:58 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ha ha, I have venus pluto square also, mine is wide too, 7 some orbs. So you have my sympathy as well. But I love the Pluto energy.

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posted January 23, 2008 05:35 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Here are some good reads for Stationary Planet people:

"There is a point right before a planet goes backwards it visually appears to be stationary, (stationary retrograde) then it starts its retrograde movement (backwards). When the planet changes to direct from retrograde motion there is a point where it will appear to stand still again before it proceeds to its direct movement (stationary direct). Since the slower a planet moves the deeper the impact, these stationary times and the degrees they station at are extremely powerful.

Individuals who are born with a planet stationary will exhibit the planet in its most powerful state. This planet and whatever it rules will be magnified enormously in their life. The retrograde process symbolizes a time for reflection and review. In a birth chart the energy of the planet is sometimes delayed, till later in life. It is a time to retreat, reflect and become more introspective. A planet that is retrograde is at its closest point to the earth. This is why it will seem larger in the sky. Therefore the effects of a retrograde planet stand out and must be addressed. A retrograde planet seems to be intensified, a bit eccentric and out of control. It will cause problems because it does not function like forward moving planets. It is like a dyslectic planet, not the norm, misunderstood with a bit of genius, if only its energy can be harnessed. The planet in its forward, faster motion is when it is time to move forward and start new projects, when a planet slows down and retrogrades its time to slow down and review. It is like the ebb and flow of the tides of the ocean. There is a time to push forward, and a time to pull back. Our lives must heed the cycles for understanding and development, instead of forcing things against nature. It just doesn’t work.

The Sun and the Moon do not ever go retrograde. Mercury is retrograde approximately 20 days three times a year. Venus is retrograde lest of any planet. It retrogrades every 18 months for 42 days. Mars will retrograde every 24-26 months for 60-80 days. Jupiter retrogrades every 9 months for 4 months at a time. Saturn retrogrades every 8 months for 4-5 months."

-Joni Patry

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posted January 23, 2008 05:44 AM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
"This paragraph is for those of you who are curious about what is meant by the terms, 'transiting,' 'station' and 'retrograde.' Planets always move forward in motion, but at particular intervals in time, from the
perspective of earth, it appears that a planet slows down and then stops its movement in the sky. This is referred to by astrologers as a planetary station. A planetary station is made when a planet appears to halt its movement. If it appears from earth as if that planet then begins
to move backward, we call this apparent movement retrograde motion and the
station a retrograde station. Again, the planet may appear to be moving backwards when viewed from earth. What is really occurring is the variations of orbital speeds during certain times of the year and therefore it just appears that the planet is moving backwards through the sky. When it appears from earth as if a planet is just beginning to move slowly forward again, that is referred to as direct motion and a station direct.

The two *lights,* the Sun and Moon, do not form stations or appear to travel retrograde in the sky. But Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto do.

Here's an analogy borrowed from astrologer, Demetra George, that may illustrate this point further. If you are sitting in a stationary train and another train speeds by, you may feel as if you are moving backwards
and even experience a lurching sensation in your stomach. In reality you have not moved, but the effect you experience is real. In the same way, when a planet is moving retrograde at the time of your birth, you will experience that planetary function in a different way than if it was in direct motion at your time of birth. Also, to clarify the meaning of the word 'transiting,' a transiting planet refers to the planet's position by degree and constellation in the sky during the time period referenced.
Maybe you've heard folks say, "Transiting Pluto is wreaking havoc in my life right now!" That would mean that the planet Pluto's current position in the sky is making some sort of key contact with the person's birth chart.

Retrograde planets are considered to carry more *oomph* than a planet in direct motion. The degree and constellation (i.e. which astrological sign)a planet is in at the time it forms its station can be very significant to an individual if it links to key planets or houses in the natal or progressed charts. In this sense, stations carry the most 'oomph' of all.

When a planet is retrograde in its apparent motion at the time of a persons birth, we would say that he/she has a natal planet retrograde. If you have a copy of your birth chart, retrograde planets are typically noted with an 'R' or 'Rx' beside them. Some people have no retrograde planets natally, some have a few, others still have four or more. Two retrograde planets is the average.

What is the effect of a natal planet that is retrograde? Speaking from my own personal and professional experience, the one thing I can say for sure is that the energy of that planet is more pronounced than if it were
direct. If the planet is stationary at the time of birth, or at significantly reduced speed, it is even more pronounced. That is,
retrograde and stationary natal planets function at the extreme ranges of their expression. Retrograde and stationary planets have heightened energy and the state of retrogradation can alter or divert the energy of a planet from its normal expressions. Why would this be so? When a planet is retrograde it is actually closer to the earth. This is why the planet's
energy is more pronounced. This means its energy is more personal to the person who has it retrograde in the natal chart. It can mean that it is difficult for the person to experience that planet's energies as separate
from the self. In this sense, it can be difficult to 'control' a retrograde planet or experience its energies objectively. It is easier both to objectify and to detach oneself from the energies of planets in
direct motion.

When a planet is stationary or retrograde at birth, the expression of that planet's energies are usually less obvious, less open, and much more inwardly focused. I've found that when the planet who rules the sign that
the natal Sun, Moon, or Ascendant is in, the person may seem shy or be cautious in approaching new situations. A person with four or more retrograde planets tends to be someone who marches to their own drum beat.

When an astrologer does a forecast for a client, one very important aspect of that forecast involves looking into the future to see the positions the transiting planets are going to be moving through over a particular period of time, most commonly one year into the future. The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars typically move quickly and make their 'aspects,' or make contact with our natal planets for no more than a few hours (in the case of the moon) to a few days (in the case of Mars.) But if Mercury, Venus or Mars forms a station while in contact to key points or planets in a person's natal chart, it can be quite significant. Why is this so? When a planet turns retrograde, it traverses a particular range of the zodiac for a sustained period of time. As it moves backward, it will move through a portion of the zodiac it had already appeared to travel, and will do so again when it moves forward. Therefore, if it is also contacting key points or planets in a persons natal chart, it is possible it will make that contact several times over the course of a month (with Mercury) up to several years (if the planets is Pluto.)"

My Warmest Regards to you.
Terri McCartney

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