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Author Topic:   Free Astrology Reports

Posts: 10490
From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God
Registered: Aug 2013

posted November 11, 2013 01:33 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ellynlvx     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday, Dear NothingButAName
Happy Birthday to You!!!

Astro*Talk Astrological Report for
NothingButANa Knowflake
Astro*Talk NothingButANa Knowflake
Astrology is as old as measured time. Although there are many different approaches to
astrology, all astrologers appear united in the idea that there is a connection between the
heavens and the Earth -- they share one common space. For centuries there has been a
misunderstanding concerning the nature of astrology to the effect that the heavens somehow
"influence" events here on Earth. This theory of celestial influence has penetrated into the
modern world until today it is the main concept or idea of astrology supported by the public --
the lay astrological audience.
Professional astrologers do not hold with theories of celestial influence. Instead, the modern
astrologer conceives of the heavens and Earth as united, interpenetrating, and sharing a
common space and time. The great cosmic or celestial events happening around and beyond the
Earth (eclipses, lineups, and so on) are not seen as CAUSING events to occur on Earth, but as
great signatures of events ALSO happening here on Earth. In other words, there is no "cause" in
the heavens followed by an "effect" here on Earth. Instead, both planetary and earthly events
happen simultaneously and are mutually reflective. Neither is the cause of the other; both are
the product of the moment, one acted out in the heavens above, the other here on the Earth
While astrologers don't feel that heavenly events are the cause of events here on Earth, they
do feel that specific heavenly events are enacted here on the Earth too -- at the same moment. In
other words, there is only one grand "play." The great drama enacted in the sky is also acted out
(in exact detail) here on Earth in the same instant. Another way to say this is that the Earth is
part of the cosmos and shares in that cosmic moment. Scientists have been discovering (for
example) that sunspots, solar flares, and solar activity have a very definite (and almost
immediate) effect here on Earth. Astrologers tend to feel that all major cosmic events such as
eclipses are interactive; they represent an activity also taking place within us and our
In summary, astrology is a study of heavenly cycles and cosmic events as they are reflected
in our earthly environment and vice- versa -- a vast cosmic clock. Astrologers find the cosmic
patterns revealed in the rhythmic motions of the planets a great help in shedding light on the
seeming helter-skelter of everyday life. Astrologers may have their heads in the heavens, but
only to better guide their feet here on Earth.
We hope you enjoy your Astro*Talk profile. It has been calculated using sophisticated
astronomical formulae to ensure high accuracy. On the next page you will find a list of the
zodiac positions of your natal planets along with the house cusps for your birth moment.
Introduction Page 2
Astro*Talk NothingButANa Knowflake
Your Rising Sign
First let's take a quick look at your ascendant, or rising sign. Astrologers want to know what
zodiac sign is rising at birth, since this gives a picture of the way you appear or come across to
You present yourself in a very practical and conservative manner. Always objective, you
come across as very much a sharp business and career person. Others may interpret your
clear-mindedness as emotional coolness.
Capricorn Rising
Your Chart Data
NothingButANa Knowflake

Planet Sign Position House House Cusps
Sun Scorpio 18°Sc46' 10th 01 13°Cp59'
Moon Capricorn 17°Cp11' 01st 02 26°Aq39'
Mercury Sagittarius 09°Sg47' 11th 03 07°Ar49'
Venus Libra 02°Li31' 08th 04 08°Ta40'
Mars Scorpio 17°Sc45' 10th 05 02°Ge06'
Jupiter Virgo 11°Vi01' 08th 06 22°Ge30'
Saturn Aquarius 01°Aq21' 01st 07 13°Ca59'
Uranus Capricorn 11°Cp00' 12th 08 26°Le39'
Neptune Capricorn 14°Cp34' 01st 09 07°Li49'
Pluto Scorpio 20°Sc14' 10th 10 08°Sc40'
Midheaven Scorpio 08°Sc40' 11 02°Sg06'
Ascendant Capricorn 13°Cp59' 12 22°Sg30'
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Introduction Page 3
Planet Aspects
The Lights: The Sun and Moon
At the time of our birth, the planets (through their configurations and relationships) tell us
something about how things were when we were born. Each planet points to special qualities
within us. Yet, of all the planets, the two most important planets to astrologers are the "lights,"
the Sun and the Moon. From where we stand here on Earth, the great shining Sun by day and
the reflecting Moon at night are our constant companions. They have much to tell us as to
where we have been and where we are headed.
The Sun: Your Self and Future
From the Sun comes light, that which draws us into life. The Sun represents all the changes
we have not yet taken, that part of us that we have not yet experienced but are headed toward.
The Sun represents our identity, or self, in that it is toward these that we are moving and
developing. Thus, it also represents that which we will become: older people, authorities --
those we look toward, or up to. Our essence, or future. Teachers, gurus, and older (more
experienced) people are represented by the Sun. The Sun is "hot stuff," those further up the road
of life experience.
You know how to say "No!" and to go without, if need be. Intense and sometimes driven,
you are able to cut through to the heart of things. You are seldom interested in refinement. You
can be very magnetic, even wild at times, and have a sense of power and an instinct for
survival. Moody.
Sun in Scorpio
You are very fortunate in being able to grow and progress throughout your life without
major difficulties. You can always find the resources you require at hand plus the necessary
instruction in how to use them. An inner vision, coupled with the ability to see the "Big"
picture, often finds you working as a go-between with others. You could even have a special
gift for spanning the generation gap, bringing older and younger spirits together. A love of
animals, children, older people, and the needy and downtrodden in general, is a lifelong trait.
Moon Sextile Sun
A born doer, with an incredible drive to accomplish and achieve in life. Your ambitions are
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backed up by the will to get things done. You can be very emotional, and others might find you
a bit too aggressive. You try hard and you always push on toward whatever goals you have in
mind. A conservative by nature, you tend to stand up for the status quo, and, if male, are
probably a "man's man."
Sun Conjunction Mars
You have a natural ability to grasp spiritual and visionary matters and to put them to work.
You can perform with the imagination and metaphysical thoughts like others work with durable
things. This is because you understand what is behind and connecting things. Much of your
own self-image is wrapped up with your ability to work with images -- dreams and the
imagination. You would make a good teacher in areas of music, philosophy, and all that is
Sun Sextile Neptune
You come on strong and may tend to intimidate those around you. It's nothing you have
done so much as something you are. Your presence and obvious concentration are very
forceful, and you like to get down to essentials right off. This intensity tends to put others
through a lot of changes. You are not afraid of a good confrontation, and you seldom pull any
punches. You would be great at research or any work that requires digging, searching,
investigating, and getting beneath the surface.
Sun Conjunction Pluto
You get along well with older people, especially those in authority. It is easy for you to
convey yourself to others, and you always manage to make a good appearance. You have an
easy manner and find it easy to communicate with just about anyone.
Sun Sextile Ascendant
The Moon: The Support System
Here is information about the kind of environment we create around us, our support system.
It is not only the surroundings that we set up today, but the Moon also represents our past, the
particular history and social background out of which we grew. Aside from our social
background, the Moon governs all of the old habits that we have grown beyond. We tend to
look down on, or back on, our Moon. It represents those experiences out of which we have
come, all those younger souls who are unconscious, or "sub" conscious to our own level. This is
why it is said that the Moon is a mystery planet, for it is both our parent and our child: our
parent in that out of it we were born, our child in that we can't but respond to others who are
now living as we once did.
Yours is the most practical of environments. You can manipulate every idea or situation and
put it to good use. Emotions are seldom a priority, and you are always very practical and
ambitious. Your career is central to everything you do. Farsighted and traditional, you enjoy
success and the successful. You are, for the most part, unmoved by tears and feelings.
Moon in Capricorn
A special affinity for old people and for children, plus an innate love of animals, the
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helpless, and the underdog. An inner vision coupled with the ability to see the "Big" picture
often finds you working as a go-between with others.
Moon Sextile Sun
You find it easy to work with other people and tend to pour a lot of energy into those
around you. Your home and surroundings reflect this. When it comes to teaching or coaching
younger people, you are a natural, always able to motivate and inspire others. With your
powerful spirit, you enjoy your strong emotions and have an active social life as well.
Moon Sextile Mars
You have a knack for always finding assistance in whatever career moves you decide to
make. In fact, your ability to rally support makes a public career of one kind or another quite
probable. Success is indicated in education, politics, or the law. You know how to attack and
solve problems, whether personal or public. Chances are, your social skills mean that you are
popular with almost everyone.
Moon Trine Jupiter
You are very much involved with all that is traditional, but with this special twist: you are a
revolutionary when it comes to the domestic scene and have very special insights into home,
family, and surroundings. Others find you original (certainly very different) and perhaps
unpredictable, especially when it comes to emotional reactions. Your approach to feelings,
moods, and the whole psychological gambit is novel. You tend to show emotions suddenly
and/or in unusual ways. You like unconventional friends and are a nonconformist yourself.
Independent women may be important to you.
Moon Conjunction Uranus
You find the past, tradition, and all that is historical very romantic, and the ideal world of
yesteryear seems to beckon and call. You are most imaginative when it comes to anything
spiritual, or psychological -- pertaining to the psyche. Others find you entrancing and always
able to draw them into your world of images and dreams. You can inspire them with spiritual
ideals. No one has any doubt that you are a high floater -- a full-blown dreamer, complete with
built-in psychic abilities and probably given to visions.
Moon Conjunction Neptune
You have natural psychological ability, in particular when working with the public. You can
handle emotional and personal issues (vulnerable areas) where angels fear to tread. People
sense this about you and trust you with sensitive matters, inner worries, and questions of
personal identity. You have a real mission and a sense of purpose.
Moon Sextile Pluto
You are never more at home than when entertaining and carrying on in front of a group.
You wear your heart on your sleeve, and your emotional life is an open book for all to read.
Others sense an interest in their welfare when they meet you.
Moon Conjunction Ascendant
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Astro*Talk NothingButANa Knowflake
The Inner Planets: Mercury and Venus
The planets Mercury and Venus have more to do with our internal and personal life than
with life outside us. These inner planets are located between the orbit of the Earth and the Sun.
We can look to qualities that are inside us. Venus indicates how we appreciate and measure our
experience, how we value life. Mercury tells us something about how our mind works, how we
think and communicate -- our intrinsic brightness.
Mercury: The Mind and Communication
Mercury is the light in our eyes, the ever-changing consciousness within us that moves from
idea to idea. Thus Mercury has always represented thoughts, ideas, and the mental process in
general. It governs not only ideas, but communications, too. Communications -- by phone,
letter, spoken, or however -- are ruled by Mercury. Also thoughts, connections, phone wires,
and everything that connects and conveys -- even conversations.
You are fair-minded and above-board, always direct and honest in thought. You are more
interested in eternal thoughts and broad landscapes than in minute details. You always manage
to get the picture right away. Farsighted, you have a wandering mind that loves to travel and are
at home with the bare bones of truth.
Mercury in Sagittarius
You don't spend a lot of time thinking out your problems, considering solutions, and the
like. Your thoughts are most often elsewhere, and tend to be impractical much of the time. You
can't seem to figure out the right course of action. This is most true when it comes to your
career or vocation. Not a good counselor yourself, you are well advised to seek the advice of
someone you trust when it comes to matters of your career.
Mercury Square Jupiter
Venus: Values and Discrimination
Venus rules our values and sense of appreciation. When we appraise or appreciate
something, whether that be another person or a new car, this is Venus -- the sense of love and
compassion we may feel. By the same token, this planet rules enjoyment too. Whether it be
self-appreciation or just plain old decadent self-enjoyment by having a good time, this is Venus.
When we go shopping or are on a spending spree, it is Venus that allows us to appreciate and
value all the good things of life.
A socialite, you love decorum and etiquette, but relationships are the big thing -- friends. A
peacemaker, sometimes superficial, you avoid all harsh and crude actions, people or things.
You appreciate care, concern for life, equality, gentleness, and acceptance.
Venus in Libra
You could be an excellent teacher in areas requiring discipline and organization. You value
order and place a high premium on hard work and effort. You like to get down to the bare
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bones, to what is essential. Whatever is most practical is best, and you appreciate things that are
durable and long-lasting. You love truth, philosophy, law, and the like.
Venus Trine Saturn
The External Planets: Mars, Jupiter, Saturn
The major planets outside the Earth's orbit (external to us) are Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.
These are the planets of the outer world -- life as we find it outside ourselves. Mars tells us
something about the drive and energy we have, Jupiter shows us how to best channel that
energy, and Saturn decrees what sort of material or territory we will be passing through. Again:
Saturn tells us about the territory we will be going through, Jupiter the way or path through it,
and Mars what kind of push or drive we can count on to keep going.
Mars: Drive and Emotions
Mars is the planet of emotion and inner motivation or drive. When we search for the
meaning of something, life or whatever, it is Mars that urges us on, keeps us searching. Mars
also drives us against things, too and sends us into war and combat. The urgency of Mars, the
search for meaning, is identical to the need for union, yoga, and marriage. Mars is the planet of
union, and marriage is the most common form of yoga. When we have questions about the
opposite sex, we are looking at the planet Mars.
You possess a powerful, persistent drive and are a hard, steady worker. Others may find you
deep, with a sense of mission and mystery. You are willing to do work others would not go
near, quietly bending things to your will, having it your own way. You have strong sexual
energy, too, and enjoy getting down to the nitty-gritty.
Mars in Scorpio
You are very motivated, with a strong drive and urge to do and accomplish. Others could
find you a bit pushy. With an eye to progress and the future, you feel compelled to try for what
is just out of your reach. You support authority in all forms.
Sun Conjunction Mars
A born coach or teacher, you are at home in the physical and "doing" areas of life. An
inspiration and driving force in the lives of others. Quite able to manage a very active and
strong emotional life. Strong spirit. Attractive. Direct, perhaps loud.
Moon Sextile Mars
You have an ability to work with the imagination, reaching beyond the mundane to the
potential beyond. Your enthusiasm for mystical and religious experience makes you an
excellent teacher in artistic and creative matters. Your sense of the unity behind things spiritual
and psychological is clear and felt by those around you. You are, no doubt, a romantic, at home
in the world of dreams and images. You enjoy working in these areas.
Mars Sextile Neptune
Planet Aspects Page 8
Astro*Talk NothingButANa Knowflake
You have a relentless drive to get at the heart of things, whatever is under the surface or behind
the scenes. Your relentless pursuit of anything hidden or secret makes you a researcher or
investigator bar none. Emotionally you are also hot stuff, rushing into areas and handling
subject matter that others would never come near. Vulnerable issues, sensitive areas of the self,
and psychology are the first places you head. This amounts to a passion with you. Those around
you may find you just too intense to be around. It puts them through a great many changes.
Mars Conjunction Pluto
You come on very strong. You have great confidence and a "take charge" sort of manner.
You are a great doer, and others accept your commanding nature. You are a good team player.
Mars Sextile Ascendant
Jupiter: Career and Life Path
Jupiter is the planet of success and simple survival, the way we have to solve the problems
that confront us. Thus Jupiter has to do with the way in which we can be successful, our
vocation. The Hindu word for Jupiter is Guru. Jupiter is the guru and guide, the way we go
through life, our life path or vocation. Jupiter is the method each of us has for dealing with the
laws of life, our Saturn, or limitations. Jupiter is the light or path. Jupiter provides us with our
sense of direction, the path we are on, the way we handle life. It affects how we approach life's
problems. It has always been an indicator of how successful we may be, our vocation.
A service career is a perfect choice, for you want very much to be of use, to be used up.
You have a fantastic appetite for detail work, and can take it all in and still look for more.
Willing and able to respond to almost any emergency, you are responsible and always ready.
Jupiter in Virgo
Like a fish in water when in the limelight or in a group, you have an innate social charm.
Political and lucky too! A natural sense of what's right or of the way to get things done brings
great popularity, even renown. Law, education. Could be lazy.
Moon Trine Jupiter
Your ideas and plans are not always the most practical or expedient. Fond of grand
schemes, verbalization, and the like, these ideas don't often boil down to real solutions. Your
main path may involve taking many of your ideas with a grain of salt.
Mercury Square Jupiter
You are independent and value freedom and nonconformity. A great problem-solver, you
enjoy working out new solutions, trying new things. Your career will be anything but ordinary,
and leave it to you to find unusual ways of supporting yourself. You bring a lot of mental skill
and understanding to whatever you do, and could teach or help others to take a more
independent approach to their life or career. You pursue electronics, computers, and the like.
Jupiter Trine Uranus
You would do well in a career in music, poetry, psychology, philosophy -- the realms of the
imagination. You work well in these areas and can help or teach others by sharing your
understanding. You can serve as a guide to the nether worlds of the mind and psyche --
Planet Aspects Page 9
Astro*Talk NothingButANa Knowflake
religions, mysticism, and so on. Spiritual problems and questions are easy, for you always grasp
the unity behind what appears separate.
Jupiter Trine Neptune
Your manner is so facilitating and attractive to others that you would make an excellent
counselor or teacher. You find it easy to solve the problems that present themselves, and others
benefit from this ability of yours.
Jupiter Trine Ascendant
You are gifted and even "lucky" when it comes to career decisions. Things almost always
manage to work out for you.
Jupiter Sextile Midheaven
Saturn: Responsibilities
The process of finding out who we are (self-discovery) starts when we come to grips with
whatever problems life presents to us and begin to get a handle on them. In other words, if we
have not dealt with Saturn, or time (that is, if we don't have some control of time), there is little
opportunity for other questions. Saturn rules the laws and limitations of this material world we
all live in. Saturn indicates where we are bound to learn, the narrowness that makes our way
felt, the walls that make homes possible. Saturn holds us together as much as apart. Saturn is
said to be the great teacher, the planet that keeps us from getting carried away in one direction
or another. Although it always seeks to limit and determine any thought, word, or action, it also
defines and clarifies. Saturn is called the prince of the material world.
You have an innate distrust of groups or large organizations and could tend to avoid what is
new or future-oriented. You are, perhaps, too conservative and need to develop a sense of
community and sharing with others. Learn to be independent. Practice impartiality and altruism.
Be innovative.
Saturn in Aquarius
An innate love of truth, essentialness, even adversity. A fierce sense of loyalty for loved
ones. Protective and security-minded. You have a love affair with the practical and useful; you
love to work and work with love. Form follows function.
Venus Trine Saturn
You are very painstaking and deliberate when it comes to partnerships, lovers --
relationships of all kinds. You tend toward long-lasting friendships and are very loyal.
sometimes too staid.
Saturn Square Midheaven
The Outer Planets
In the previous sections, we have dealt with planets that we can see with our naked eyes. In
general, these planets refer to life as we know and live it and are the so-called historical or
classic planets. Beyond these are three planets that are not visible in the sky and which have
cycles longer than the average human life span. Since they are beyond Saturn or time,
astrologers call them the trans-personal or transcendental planets -- the planets beyond the
physical. One of the ways astrologers learn something about our life beyond time (eternal life)
Planet Aspects Page 10
Astro*Talk NothingButANa Knowflake
is through these three outer planets: Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Here we find information on
how we discover ourselves (Uranus), how we understand and accept these discoveries
(Neptune), and, in time, how we depend and identify with them (Pluto).
Uranus: Break-Thrus & Insights
Our responsibilities can tend to weigh us down, and we each have our particular ways of
getting around (or breaking through) the mass of obstructions that tends to congeal around us.
The planet that has to do with how we get beyond the difficulties and problems life presents us
is Uranus. Here is the way insights come to us, how we discover or come to know and
understand ourselves. It has to do with finding new uses for old things, and it rules inventions
and sudden insights into our life -- everything that is unusual, eccentric, and out of the ordinary.
It is the reverse of the status quo and is always unconventional and heretical. Uranus is, in many
ways, the opposite, or undoing of Saturn.
You are innovative in the political and business arena. You find new ways to manage and
control things and people. Ever practical, you come up with new or alternate forms of
management -- breakthroughs in top-level management and corporate styles. You bring new
life to conservative traditions. Your emotions are very staid.
Uranus in Capricorn
You may have an unconventional family life and tend to surround yourself with a group of
independent and even eccentric friends. You tend to show emotions suddenly or in unusual
ways. Your approach to psychology, history, and groups is novel, unusual.
Moon Conjunction Uranus
Unusual occupations. Hate the everyday and the rut. Instead, always finding ways to break
through or away from what hems you in. Value independence, personal freedom; insist upon
and exist on the wildfire at the fringe or very front edge of life.
Jupiter Trine Uranus
You have real vision and insight into the unity that ties this world together. Your brilliant
imagination and enchanting manner transport all who meet you beyond the mundane and into
the extraordinary regions where you spend a lot of your time. You are a seer, in the true sense
of the word, and possess a waking experience of that part of us that is mystical and dreamlike.
You find new ways to bring people together, to unify situations. Unusual music.
Uranus Conjunction Neptune
Very independent in appearance and communication -- the way you come across to others.
Your spontaneity and unpredictability make you interesting to any group.
Uranus Conjunction Ascendant
You tend to be creative and original in your work and career, managing to bring new ideas
and spontaneity to bear.
Uranus Sextile Midheaven
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Astro*Talk NothingButANa Knowflake
Neptune: Ideals & Imagination
Even the most hard-nosed of us have moments of real understanding, when things are seen
as linked together and one piece. We stop getting the idea in little flashes and just get the whole
thing. It dawns on us. We each have our own way of letting go, having communion, and (as the
poet wrote) letting "the dewdrop slip into the shining sea." These moments and this state of
mind are, in fact, the source for all our imagination. There are many ways of seeing through the
separateness in the world to the unity behind it.
The practical is the ideal. Form follows function. You have a dream of being in control --
the puppet master. You are very interested in tradition and tend to be dignified and
conservative. You believe in an orderly society led by benevolent monarchs -- those who can
see what to do.
Neptune in Capricorn
A born mother to any and all forms of life. Very compassionate and attentive (aware of) the
needs of others. Spiritual ideas and concepts are a way of life here. There is deep appreciation,
even love for, movies, big ideas, themes. Visionary director.
Sun Sextile Neptune
You are a dreamer, with real psychic abilities and prone to visions. You are like a fish in
water when it comes to spellbinding a group with images and dreams -- entrancing. The
psychology of groups and cultures is transparent to you.
Moon Conjunction Neptune
Driven towards the communal, to what unifies us all. Always seeing what we hold in
common, rather than our differences. Idealism of a high order. Religious themes. Romantic. At
home in psychic or psychological realms. The common denominator.
Mars Sextile Neptune
Prefer the forest to the trees, the common to the uncommon or special. At home in ideas of
man's essential unity. Religious and psychological ideas are natural. Will act as a minister to
others, like it or not. You can sense and see the unity of life.
Jupiter Trine Neptune
You could be a visionary, with unusual and direct insight into everything mystical, the
dreams and ideals we all have. You are at your most creative when you are using your
imagination, pursuing your dreams, creating images.
Uranus Conjunction Neptune
You have a way of entrancing others and bringing them under the spell that you weave so
well with your imagination and sense of communion.
Neptune Conjunction Ascendant
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Astro*Talk NothingButANa Knowflake
Pluto: Inner Change and Growth
Pluto is the planet of profound change, starting deep within us and moving toward the
surface. It often touches upon the most sensitive psychological areas inside us. Once touched,
we have no choice but to change and grow. The most sensitive of experiences, the times of
greatest vulnerability, are times of complete identification with an experience, a person, or a
thing. We know in these instants that we are looking at our self, what we are. The most personal
of experiences is one of complete identification with a person, moment, or idea. Perhaps this is
only possible for most of us when we look into our child's eyes, and then only infrequently.
Love is not the experience here, but total identification. This is very sensitive stuff. To touch
upon this material is to go through deep inner change and transformation -- inner alchemy.
Identification and experiencing that life is our own creation and that, in fact, you are I and I am
you. This experience breaks us down and humbles. When we touch upon this experience, we
cannot but die to what we have been thinking and doing up to now. It reduces us to our most
sensitive because -- in a flash -- we see or remember that it all is us, our life.
You tear through appearances in an effort to get beneath, behind, and at the heart or
essence. You may find psychology, initiation, and mysticism, and the occult of great interest.
Intense personal change and inner growth are lifelong habits.
Pluto in Scorpio
Others may find you very intense and too personal. You are very direct and manage to get
to the heart of most matters without thinking. Power struggles are not unknown to you, and you
may work in politics or with authorities -- those older than you.
Sun Conjunction Pluto
A born psychologist. Able to understand and handle a crowd and the public in general.
Devoted to children and the idea of future changes. Not much given to a misuse of personal
power. Always this sense of vision and purpose. Intense. The long haul.
Moon Sextile Pluto
Intense and passionate emotions are your trademark, and you have a sense of mission when
it comes to pursuing psychological issues and anything that is esoteric, hidden, secret. You
search things out and are at home with change and transformation.
Mars Conjunction Pluto
Challenges and Abilities
Challenges and Abilities Page 13
Astro*Talk NothingButANa Knowflake
These are areas of life where we show intense focus and activity. For better or worse, these
qualities stand out and are obvious to all those who come to know us. They are very clear parts
of our character.
You have a way of entrancing others and bringing them under the spell that you weave so
well with your imagination and sense of communion.
Neptune Conjunction Ascendant 00°35'
A born doer, with an incredible drive to accomplish and achieve in life. Your ambitions are
backed up by the will to get things done. You can be very emotional, and others might find you
a bit too aggressive. You try hard and you always push on toward whatever goals you have in
mind. A conservative by nature, you tend to stand up for the status quo, and, if male, are
probably a "man's man."
Sun Conjunction Mars 01°01'
You come on strong and may tend to intimidate those around you. It's nothing you have
done so much as something you are. Your presence and obvious concentration are very
forceful, and you like to get down to essentials right off. This intensity tends to put others
through a lot of changes. You are not afraid of a good confrontation, and you seldom pull any
punches. You would be great at research or any work that requires digging, searching,
investigating, and getting beneath the surface.
Sun Conjunction Pluto 01°28'
You have a relentless drive to get at the heart of things, whatever is under the surface or
behind the scenes. Your relentless pursuit of anything hidden or secret makes you a researcher
or investigator bar none. Emotionally you are also hot stuff, rushing into areas and handling
subject matter that others would never come near. Vulnerable issues, sensitive areas of the self,
and psychology are the first places you head. This amounts to a passion with you. Those around
you may find you just too intense to be around. It puts them through a great many changes.
Mars Conjunction Pluto 02°29'
You find the past, tradition, and all that is historical very romantic, and the ideal world of
yesteryear seems to beckon and call. You are most imaginative when it comes to anything
spiritual, or psychological -- pertaining to the psyche. Others find you entrancing and always
able to draw them into your world of images and dreams. You can inspire them with spiritual
ideals. No one has any doubt that you are a high floater -- a full-blown dreamer, complete with
built-in psychic abilities and probably given to visions.
Moon Conjunction Neptune 02°37'
Very independent in appearance and communication -- the way you come across to others.
Your spontaneity and unpredictability make you interesting to any group.
Uranus Conjunction Ascendant 02°59'
You are never more at home than when entertaining and carrying on in front of a group.
You wear your heart on your sleeve, and your emotional life is an open book for all to read.
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Others sense an interest in their welfare when they meet you.
Moon Conjunction Ascendant 03°12'
You have real vision and insight into the unity that ties this world together. Your brilliant
imagination and enchanting manner transport all who meet you beyond the mundane and into
the extraordinary regions where you spend a lot of your time. You are a seer, in the true sense
of the word, and possess a waking experience of that part of us that is mystical and dreamlike.
You find new ways to bring people together, to unify situations. Unusual music.
Uranus Conjunction Neptune 03°34'
You are very much involved with all that is traditional, but with this special twist: you are a
revolutionary when it comes to the domestic scene and have very special insights into home,
family, and surroundings. Others find you original (certainly very different) and perhaps
unpredictable, especially when it comes to emotional reactions. Your approach to feelings,
moods, and the whole psychological gambit is novel. You tend to show emotions suddenly
and/or in unusual ways. You like unconventional friends and are a nonconformist yourself.
Independent women may be important to you.
Moon Conjunction Uranus 06°11'
Life can be challenging, and things are not always easy. The major challenges in a natal
chart are where we can expect increased activity and personal involvement -- ready or not.
These critical areas of life can be difficult, and the resulting confusion and possible obscuration
often makes it hard for us to see and act with normal clarity. Therefore, when it comes to the
following factors you may wish to exercise caution and extra patience.
You don't spend a lot of time thinking out your problems, considering solutions, and the
like. Your thoughts are most often elsewhere, and tend to be impractical much of the time. You
can't seem to figure out the right course of action. This is most true when it comes to your
career or vocation. Not a good counselor yourself, you are well advised to seek the advice of
someone you trust when it comes to matters of your career.
Mercury Square Jupiter 01°14'
You are very painstaking and deliberate when it comes to partnerships, lovers --
relationships of all kinds. You tend toward long-lasting friendships and are very loyal.
sometimes too staid.
Saturn Square Midheaven 07°19'
Talents and Abilities
Despite whatever problems we may have, there are areas of life where we have clear insight
and real talent -- natural ability. When it comes to these matters, our judgment is sharp and we
always manage to take charge. We have the knack. It may be as simple as the ability to work
hard and accomplish things without something going wrong. An innate sense of the workings of
these parts of life makes it easy for us to learn and accomplish things where they are concerned.
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You are independent and value freedom and nonconformity. A great problem-solver, you enjoy
working out new solutions, trying new things. Your career will be anything but ordinary, and
leave it to you to find unusual ways of supporting yourself. You bring a lot of mental skill and
understanding to whatever you do, and could teach or help others to take a more independent
approach to their life or career. You pursue electronics, computers, and the like.
Jupiter Trine Uranus 00°01'
You find it easy to work with other people and tend to pour a lot of energy into those
around you. Your home and surroundings reflect this. When it comes to teaching or coaching
younger people, you are a natural, always able to motivate and inspire others. With your
powerful spirit, you enjoy your strong emotions and have an active social life as well.
Moon Sextile Mars 00°34'
You could be an excellent teacher in areas requiring discipline and organization. You value
order and place a high premium on hard work and effort. You like to get down to the bare
bones, to what is essential. Whatever is most practical is best, and you appreciate things that are
durable and long-lasting. You love truth, philosophy, law, and the like.
Venus Trine Saturn 01°10'
You are very fortunate in being able to grow and progress throughout your life without
major difficulties. You can always find the resources you require at hand plus the necessary
instruction in how to use them. An inner vision, coupled with the ability to see the "Big"
picture, often finds you working as a go-between with others. You could even have a special
gift for spanning the generation gap, bringing older and younger spirits together. A love of
animals, children, older people, and the needy and downtrodden in general, is a lifelong trait.
Sun Sextile Moon 01°35'
You are very fortunate in being able to grow and progress throughout your life without
major difficulties. You can always find the resources you require at hand plus the necessary
instruction in how to use them. An inner vision, coupled with the ability to see the "Big"
picture, often finds you working as a go-between with others. You could even have a special
gift for spanning the generation gap, bringing older and younger spirits together. A love of
animals, children, older people, and the needy and downtrodden in general, is a lifelong trait.
Moon Sextile Sun 01°35'
You tend to be creative and original in your work and career, managing to bring new ideas
and spontaneity to bear.
Uranus Sextile Midheaven 02°20'
You are gifted and even "lucky" when it comes to career decisions. Things almost always
manage to work out for you.
Jupiter Sextile Midheaven 02°21'
Your manner is so facilitating and attractive to others that you would make an excellent
counselor or teacher. You find it easy to solve the problems that present themselves, and others
benefit from this ability of yours.
Jupiter Trine Ascendant 02°58'
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You have natural psychological ability, in particular when working with the public. You can
handle emotional and personal issues (vulnerable areas) where angels fear to tread. People
sense this about you and trust you with sensitive matters, inner worries, and questions of
personal identity. You have a real mission and a sense of purpose.
Moon Sextile Pluto 03°03'
You have an ability to work with the imagination, reaching beyond the mundane to the
potential beyond. Your enthusiasm for mystical and religious experience makes you an
excellent teacher in artistic and creative matters. Your sense of the unity behind things spiritual
and psychological is clear and felt by those around you. You are, no doubt, a romantic, at home
in the world of dreams and images. You enjoy working in these areas.
Mars Sextile Neptune 03°10'
You would do well in a career in music, poetry, psychology, philosophy -- the realms of the
imagination. You work well in these areas and can help or teach others by sharing your
understanding. You can serve as a guide to the nether worlds of the mind and psyche --
religions, mysticism, and so on. Spiritual problems and questions are easy, for you always grasp
the unity behind what appears separate.
Jupiter Trine Neptune 03°33'
You come on very strong. You have great confidence and a "take charge" sort of manner.
You are a great doer, and others accept your commanding nature. You are a good team player.
Mars Sextile Ascendant 03°46'
You have a natural ability to grasp spiritual and visionary matters and to put them to work.
You can perform with the imagination and metaphysical thoughts like others work with durable
things. This is because you understand what is behind and connecting things. Much of your
own self-image is wrapped up with your ability to work with images -- dreams and the
imagination. You would make a good teacher in areas of music, philosophy, and all that is
Sun Sextile Neptune 04°11'
You get along well with older people, especially those in authority. It is easy for you to
convey yourself to others, and you always manage to make a good appearance. You have an
easy manner and find it easy to communicate with just about anyone.
Sun Sextile Ascendant 04°47'
You have a knack for always finding assistance in whatever career moves you decide to
make. In fact, your ability to rally support makes a public career of one kind or another quite
probable. Success is indicated in education, politics, or the law. You know how to attack and
solve problems, whether personal or public. Chances are, your social skills mean that you are
popular with almost everyone.
Moon Trine Jupiter 06°09'
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Astro*Talk NothingButANa Knowflake
Landscape: Major Life Periods
What follows amounts to a brief overview of the first thirty years or so of your life -- a road
map of the years to come. Since childhood, adolescence, and early adult life are so crucial to
each of us, an attempt has been made to describe these formative years. Based on the gradual
movement of the planet Saturn, this is one of the most tested of all astrological techniques. It is
used by almost every professional astrologer as part of any personal consultation. Provided that
your time of birth is more or less accurate, you will find this information both accurate and
informative. Here is a general life overview, followed by a close-up on your current changes --
what is happening right now. First the overview:
Your Personal Background
You are what is called an "early riser," and your outgoing nature should start to show up
around 7 or 8 years of age. From that point, there should be increasing self-confidence with
each passing year, which will bring you into the real social scene in your early teens. You may
well be a class or public leader and have great group prominence. All of this continues to build
to a high or climax around 21-22 years of age, when you may be on top of the world -- very
successful at an early age. This type of chart often indicates a prodigy or one who shows great
promise early on. However, do note that after 21 years of age or so, your upward and outward
climb will slow and you could fade from the scene as quickly as you rose to the top. After the
age of 21 or so, plan to consolidate your gains and make plans to sustain your success. Do not
be surprised if your interest in outward success and social life wanes. Your attention and life
direction will begin to take a more inward turn. All of this is quite gradual and will not reach
any great turning point until your late twenties.
Your Current Situation
Now for a close-up of recent years: while landscape was quite general, the dates given in
this close-up should be much more precise. Life is composed of sections of time, each devoted
to one kind of activity or another. We go along for a while in one direction until something
changes within (or outside) us and we head off in a new course. Some of our earlier activities
dry up and new ones spring up in their place. What follows is an analysis of the time period in
which you find yourself now. Don't look here for a day-to-day account of life but rather to get a
picture of this stretch of time, "these years."
Jun 16, 2004 3rd Pass D> (Age 12 7m)
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The above dates mark the end of a number of years of hard work on your part, sort of an
apprenticeship. Now you will begin to come into your own. Opportunities will present
themselves. Now is the time to make that outward push and ride the crest of the wave into fame
and fortune. This is the best time you will have (for many years) to make progress, push
forward, and rise to prominence. It will be hard for you to do wrong, for all the cycles are
working in your favor. This is also a time when you may marry or take on a new role in the
community or with other people. You will be in demand, and recognition will be forthcoming.
Go for it. These next 6-7 years will find circumstances working to help you and raise you up,
push you forward. In summary, this marks a more outward and enjoyable series of years, during
which things will come to you easily. Friends and a social life are in order and, in general, an
easy and untroubled life. These are good years to grow up, be social, recognized, and so on.
Saturn in 03rd Quadrant
The Elements, Modalities and Angularity
Elements, modalities, and house quadrants. These are all techniques used by astrologers to
gain a general picture of how a person measures up. How do your planets and houses total up?
Which do you have in abundance, and which do you lack, if any? Those with high totals show
what we can or must do in life. These are qualities we have. However, most people are more
interested by what they lack or want -- their lowest totals. They tend to study their "wants,"
imitate, and even pretend to have them. The old adage is: we become what we want (or lack),
while we do what we can (or have to do). Here are your totals:
You're concerned with preserving the status quo and are stable and methodical in your ways
of going on. You resist change and may have trouble getting started, but once on the move are
indomitable. You mistrust that which is new or untried.
Have Earth
Your inner self-confidence may be lacking, and you could try to overcome this by defensive
aggressiveness. You probably wish you had more of the self-assurance your fiery acquaintances
Want Fire
You may lack flexibility, managing a foot-in-the-mouth when you least need it. You could
have trouble adapting to situations or to the demands of those around you. Perhaps it is not easy
for you to communicate or smooth over things.
Want Mutable
Your energies run effectively toward making yourself felt in the material, tangible outer
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world. You are an "action" person who gains the attention of others and seems to get things
moving. The circumstances of your life suggest extroversion.
Have Angular
You may complain of never having any privacy or time to think -- your pattern seems to
throw you much in contact with people and the outer world. Being an extrovert, you may have
difficulty understanding reclusive types.
Want Cadent
Your Burn Rate
We all change, but the question is: At what rate? Some of us tear through change after
change, one phase following another, year after year, while others move at a more serene pace.
Or, one area of our lives may be hectic and forever changing, while other areas are quite
tranquil. Why do some people seem to live lifetimes within lifetimes? Here is an analysis of
your particular rate of change or "burn rate," including the particular areas of your life (planets)
where you can expect continued change and growth. Areas where there is a very low index of
change (indicating clear and easy use of the qualities involved) will also be pointed out. If you
have sometimes wondered about the areas of your life where the candles burn at both ends, here
are the details.
You have a high burn rate (index of change) and tend to run hot and fast. It is almost like
having many lifetimes within this single one. Things are always fast and furious with you, and
you seldom remain calm for long. Your thirst for experience and growth keeps you always on
the move. You work through an enormous amount of change compared to an average person. In
particular, the following qualities are areas where you have experienced and will continue to
experience much change. These areas of life persist in presenting themselves to you, so you
may already have become very experienced in them. On the other hand, they could be arenas in
which you struggle but have not yet attained mastery.
A majority of planets in the PAST suggests that you are comfortable with established
values. You know and understand more than you let on, and life changes seldom take you by
surprise. You have a great deal of control over your actions.
Your Burn Rate Page 20
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Planets in High Focus
You will go through a lot of change regarding personal values -- your ability to appreciate,
measure, and appraise things. You may find yourself preoccupied with possessions and the way
you feel about them. All matters of value, valuing, and ownership will be the source of
continuous learning. Issues of compassion, love, and care are areas that will require learning.
Your drive and emotions are very pure and clear. They will tend to be tranquil and not
subject to continual adjustment and change. This is a special gift -- clear-seeing in emotional
There are big changes (high burn rate) throughout your life in matters of organization and
responsibility. It may be difficult for you to learn to be thorough, to finish things, and take care
of all the loose ends. You may have a lot to learn regarding what is and what is not essential in
life -- separating the wheat from the chaff. Getting down to the nitty-gritty, the bare bones of
the matter, could well be a major lesson.
An innate and true sense of psychology. Able to penetrate and get to the heart of any matter,
without hesitation or wavering. This gift is full-blown and requires no training. Your low burn
rate here means that you are always direct and to the point.
Patterns: Your Inner and Outer Self
Here we are examining your basic attitude or approach to life, what is called by some the
archetype or soul-type. If you know something about your particular soul-type, this can provide
valuable information as to the general direction and purpose of your life. In particular, it is
important to note the difference, if any, between our outer personality (the way we appear to
others) and our real inner self; how are we, in fact, as people get to know us? Not all people are
as they seem.
No mistake possible here. With you, the saying "What you see is what you get" is true. You
are very much just as you appear to be.
Geo: Trine Helio: Trine
Patterns: Your Inner and Outer Self Page 21
Astro*Talk NothingButANa Knowflake
Your Soul Type
There may be a tendency for you to get caught up in one mental syndrome or another,
coming up to the same problem over and over. And while it may be easy for others to see your
problems and to point them out to you, you may have difficulty overcoming them.
Trine Type
The Key to your Inner Life
Each person has one or more key qualities. Here we are not referring to our appearance or
personality, but rather to our inner nature, how we are when someone really gets to know us.
You have an uncanny ability to get beyond the status quo, always coming up with new ways
of doing things. You can take the most mundane stuff and find that new angle. Unpredictable
and spontaneous, you seldom lean on precedent, preferring to create as you go. All will agree
that you are indeed very original, unconventional, and possess deep and accurate insights. Much
of what makes you "you" depends on this independence and love of freedom. You discover
inner ways that are fresh and vital.
At the deepest level, you are a high floater, very much at home in the realm of visions and
dreams -- a seer. Your inner ideals are pure and spiritual in the true sense of the word. You
always see beyond that which is divisive to the unity that binds it all together. You grasp the
theme or thread that connects things. There may well be the ability to entrance, either with
words or music, and to overcome any objections with a flood of concord. When it comes to
images, you are a smoothie. This tendency to see unity in the world around you sets the tone for
your character.
The Key to your Personality
You are driven and passionate in your pursuit of change and inner growth. You possess, at
the core, an intensity that burns through superficialities, searching for opportunities to face the
truth and render the evident to view. This ceaseless analytical activity, while central to your
nature, may be the source of discomfort to others.
The Personal Hot Spot
When you get stress, it will tend to affect your sense of independence and originality -- for
better or worse.
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Astro*Talk NothingButANa Knowflake
Interface: Innermost qualities
This feature is based on an intricate analysis of the position of a particular planet in relation
to the orbital planes of the other planets. The resulting series of crossings, or nodes, tells us
something about the nature of our innermost inclinations (Inc) and disinclinations (Dis). These
indicators are not to be considered at the level of our personality, but rather are deep-seated
parts of our innermost character -- our internal biases. These pros and cons are not apt to change
in the course of our lifetime.
You don't spend a lot of time thinking out your problems, considering solutions, and the
like. Your thoughts are most often elsewhere, and tend to be impractical much of the time. You
can't seem to figure out the right course of action. This is most true when it comes to your
career or vocation. Not a good counselor yourself, you are well advised to seek the advice of
someone you trust when it comes to matters of your career.
Mercury Dis Jupiter
You find talk of the other world, and mysticism in general, to be a real hassle. You struggle
to keep this and any spiritual material at bay and, like your mind, down-to-earth and quite
conventional. It may be hard for you to think about spiritual matters, much less express them in
words or thoughts. You like your dreams neat and are troubled when thoughts of other lives and
what-not intrude. You would rather not talk about it.
Mercury Dis Neptune
You enjoy life yourself and value gusto and enthusiasm in those around you. Feelings are
something you express with ease, and you appreciate others doing the same. Emotional drama
is valued rather than avoided. Your appetite for action is probably well known, and well noted.
Sports, outdoor activities, and everything physical are high on your list of favorites. Sex is, no
doubt, also important.
Venus Inc Mars
You are a very forceful speaker and communicate with great enthusiasm. Words just flow
out and are always followed by an emotional impact that brings them home to your listeners.
You have no trouble putting your feelings into words; in fact, you may have to exercise some
control over your tongue, for you are quick to say things and everything you communicate
packs a wallop. Things you say mean a lot. You have a great mental drive and lavish great
energy on mental pursuits of all kinds. Ideas, words, books, and the like are pursued with great
Mars Inc Mercury
You don't like making career decisions, and you can get downright confused when it comes
Interface: Innermost qualities Page 23
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to making the right choice. You may not appreciate advice, and this makes the problem
somewhat more complex. It could be important for you to get the counsel of a trusted friend,
someone who can advise you as to the right choices. Whether you happen to like them or not,
once you have determined the right route, you should take it.
Jupiter Dis Venus
You find it difficult to be spontaneous, to get away from routine and do something different.
Others see in you a creature of routine. Travel may also be hard for you. It is not easy for you to
change or to accept changes. When you do enact a change, it is always at the deepest or core
level and affects everything else in your life. Once a change is made, it at once becomes a part
of you, solid and immovable. Those near you may feel that you inhibit the proverbial "life of
the party." Code, computer programming, and the like should interest you.
Saturn Inc Uranus
Your are very "bearish" when it comes to security and seldom make a move that does not
strengthen your position. You pursue responsibilities the way others pursue pleasure, and you
even invite obligations. Career moves are always solid, based on sound principles, and may be
tied in with the law or authorities -- all that is solid and well-reasoned. You don't invest in
anything that is not tried and tested. Truth, religion, and philosophy are subjects of great interest.
Saturn Inc Jupiter
Your interest in religion, spiritual matters, and things that stretch beyond the course of a
single human lifetime is quite unique. Others may not be able to share your vision into the
spiritual and psychological, seeing you as something of a weirdo. To get to know you is to
catch a glimpse, however brief, into some of the eternal thoughts and realms. You are very
devotional when it comes to anything connected to spiritual and inner growth, and the process
of personal introspection and analysis is also sacrosanct.
Neptune Inc Pluto
Getting personal with you is a real mistake, for it always manages to plunge you into
turmoil. You resent probing on the part of others, yet are fascinated by behind-the-scenes and
so-called "secret" information. You may prefer not to think about anything below the surface,
but even this is not a constant, and this inner conflict produces more than its share of tension.
Pluto Dis Mercury
Major Transits Happening Now
Astrologers use the term "transits" to mean the positions of the major planets that are
overhead (in the sky) right now and their relationship to our birth chart. Transits are very
important indicators of the current situation in which we find ourselves. They can provide
insight into what we are now going through. Here are the dates when the next major transits for
the planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are exact in your chart. Some dates will
Major Transits Happening Now Page 24
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have already passed and some are still to come. Remember, with these large planets transits
don't just happen on the day when they are exact. They cover a wide span of days, weeks,
months, and sometimes years, depending on which planet is involved.
In general, transits of Jupiter take from several days to a week or two to complete, while
those of Saturn take from two weeks to a month to play themselves out. With the outer planets,
the period of activity is even longer: transits of Uranus take about two months, Neptune three or
four months, and Pluto takes about a year. Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto move so slowly that the
complete transit experience may take a year or two to complete itself. So be prepared to work
with these situations.
Jul 07, 2013 1st Pass D> (Age 21 7m)
Career decisions that point to real success may go against your sense of values. You may
not be able to appreciate this particular way or road to success. The way life is going may seem
to ignore much of what you love and appreciate.
Jupiter Square Venus
Aug 15, 2013 1st Pass D> (Age 21 9m)
Feb 16, 2014 2nd Pass R< (Age 22 3m)
Mar 25, 2014 3rd Pass D> (Age 22 4m)
Career choices, the obvious path that is opening up for you, may grate against your own
sense of freedom and independence. Success and security at the expense of originality may be
too great a price to pay. Some middle road could be found.
Jupiter Opposition Uranus
Aug 15, 2013 1st Pass D> (Age 21 9m)
Feb 16, 2014 2nd Pass R< (Age 22 3m)
Mar 25, 2014 3rd Pass D> (Age 22 4m)
A time of good fortune when things open up in a very natural way for you. Situations are
almost tailor-made, and it is easy to see which path is the one to take. Opportunities abound,
and you may find yourself wanting (and able) to do almost everything.
Jupiter Sextile Jupiter
Aug 31, 2013 1st Pass D> (Age 21 9m)
Jan 17, 2014 2nd Pass R< (Age 22 2m)
Apr 24, 2014 3rd Pass D> (Age 22 5m)
Relationships, whether partnerships, personal, or the social scene in general, are very
Major Transits Happening Now Page 25
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important during this time and can have a very decided influence on your career and workplace.
You may find that a more impersonal attitude is the key.
Jupiter in Seventh House
Sep 03, 2013 1st Pass D> (Age 21 9m)
Jan 12, 2014 2nd Pass R< (Age 22 2m)
Apr 28, 2014 3rd Pass D> (Age 22 5m)
The career path is open and clear, yet it may go against or challenge some of your ideals
and life dreams. Choosing between the leadings of your intuition and the road to success is a
toughie. Take care to cut a deal that is a fair compromise.
Jupiter Opposition Neptune
Sep 21, 2013 1st Pass D> (Age 21 10m)
Dec 23, 2013 2nd Pass R< (Age 22 1m)
May 15, 2014 3rd Pass D> (Age 22 6m)
Career choices, decisions that should be made, may appear to go against or challenge your
current sense of security and home environment. The easy way out may not be beneficial to
your health and general well-being. Weigh alternatives with care.
Jupiter Opposition Moon
Sep 25, 2013 1st Pass D> (Age 21 10m)
Dec 18, 2013 2nd Pass R< (Age 22 1m)
May 18, 2014 3rd Pass D> (Age 22 6m)
Things are happening, and your career, or path depends upon your own ambition and drive,
which are strong now. Able to use good common horse-sense, you can feel trends and make the
right moves. A time to get ahead by taking action.
Jupiter Trine Mars
Oct 04, 2013 1st Pass D> (Age 21 10m)
Dec 09, 2013 2nd Pass R< (Age 22 0m)
May 24, 2014 3rd Pass D> (Age 22 6m)
Everything may be pouring in at once, and it's all good news. Your career direction gets
some encouragement, and life's problems should find easy solutions. You may benefit from an
older person or one in authority. Life could assume a dreamlike stance.
Jupiter Trine Sun
Oct 25, 2013 1st Pass D> (Age 21 11m)
Nov 19, 2013 2nd Pass R< (Age 22 0m)
May 31, 2014 3rd Pass D> (Age 22 6m)
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Astro*Talk NothingButANa Knowflake
You may find that both your personal growth and your career may depend upon how you
can handle the very sensitive psychological material that may be coming up now. You will
benefit from analytical insights, getting to the heart of things. Penetrating.
Jupiter Trine Pluto
Apr 22, 2013 2nd Pass R< (Age 21 5m)
Sep 17, 2013 3rd Pass D> (Age 21 10m)
A time to be disciplined regarding your career and lock your practical skills into routine and
good habits. Your mind and decision-making abilities should be at a peak. Organizational and
management skills are in high gear.
Saturn in Tenth House
Mar 14, 2013 2nd Pass R< (Age 21 4m)
Oct 09, 2013 3rd Pass D> (Age 21 10m)
Events may make it easy for you to be original, have breakthroughs, and find new solutions
to old problems. You may find yourself able to implement your ideas and put them into
practice. Independence, originality, and eccentricity are to the fore.
Saturn Sextile Uranus
Mar 14, 2013 2nd Pass R< (Age 21 4m)
Oct 09, 2013 3rd Pass D> (Age 21 10m)
Outer circumstances and the flow of events make it easy for you to make clear decisions,
see the road ahead, and move forward. Things seem to fall in place, and progress is easy. Be
careful not to overextend or bite off more than you can chew.
Saturn Sextile Jupiter
Nov 09, 2013 1st Pass D> (Age 21 11m)
Circumstances should work together to help bring out your ideals, make it easier to make
your dreams real. You may find yourself examining and testing ideals, separating the wheat
from the chaff. All in all, a good time to project your image.
Saturn Sextile Neptune
Dec 01, 2013 1st Pass D> (Age 22 0m)
Jun 25, 2014 2nd Pass R< (Age 22 7m)
A good time, when your efforts really pay off and things seem to run smoothly. Now you
have an ability for sustained work that allows you to coordinate and organize like never before.
Major Transits Happening Now Page 27
Astro*Talk NothingButANa Knowflake
Bring to fruition uncompleted tasks or character development.
Saturn Sextile Moon
Dec 06, 2013 1st Pass D> (Age 22 0m)
Jun 13, 2014 2nd Pass R< (Age 22 7m)
A time during which you could accomplish a lot through sheer discipline -- control of your
energy and drive. You may find yourself turning out any emotional pockets and working with
your feelings a lot. A very strong time. Don't push too hard.
Saturn Conjunction Mars
Dec 16, 2013 1st Pass D> (Age 22 1m)
May 28, 2014 2nd Pass R< (Age 22 6m)
A crucial time during which, depending upon what age this takes place, you may reach new
highs of determination and accomplishment. This will bring great discipline and a concentration
or focus that could make or break you -- the ability to work hard.
Saturn Conjunction Sun
Dec 31, 2013 1st Pass D> (Age 22 1m)
May 07, 2014 2nd Pass R< (Age 22 5m)
You will probably be reviewing a lot of very sensitive psychological material. Although
you may not be able to notice any change, this is a chance to organize your thoughts and build
new habits that will bring orderly change in the future.
Saturn Conjunction Pluto
May 16, 2013 1st Pass D> (Age 21 6m)
Sep 21, 2013 2nd Pass R< (Age 21 10m)
Mar 06, 2014 3rd Pass D> (Age 22 3m)
A period of pressure and tension relating to your sense of independence and freedom. You
may find yourself curbing a tendency within to rebel and actually finding freedom this time by
pursuing more established routes.
Uranus Square Uranus
May 11, 2014 1st Pass D> (Age 22 5m)
You could find yourself struggling to overthrow everything that is dreamy or other-worldly
in you, perhaps even undermining your real dreams and ideals. Don't throw the baby out with
the bath water. Perhaps your rebelliousness can be kept in tow.
Uranus Square Neptune
Jun 01, 2013 2nd Pass R< (Age 21 6m)
Major Transits Happening Now Page 28
Astro*Talk NothingButANa Knowflake
Dec 24, 2013 3rd Pass D> (Age 22 1m)
You may become fiercely independent and rebellious, defying rules and conventions,
especially as regard psychological mores and taboos. You could find yourself gaining insights
into everything secret and psychological, breaking accepted rules.
Pluto Conjunction Uranus
May 31, 2013 2nd Pass R< (Age 21 6m)
Dec 25, 2013 3rd Pass D> (Age 22 1m)
A time during which your career (life path) undergoes a certain amount of change and
transformation. You find yourself uninterested in sidetracks -- what is not essential. You can
really home in on how to solve problems and get where you want to go.
Pluto Trine Jupiter
House Activity and Emphasis
The twelve houses of the horoscope, particularly when they are occupied by a planet,
provide a clue to areas of special activity and use. Here is an analysis of house activity based on
planet emphasis:
First House: Appearance, Approach
The first house has to do with how we appear or the way we come across, thus our
appearance and personality. This is the essential stuff that bubbles up in us spontaneously and
that is obvious to others as our trademark or activity. It is what makes us each so personally
different. This house rules our personal self and everything about us that draws a reaction from
our surroundings or others.
First House
Capricorn is the business energy of the zodiac, for it is the very opposite of the emotional
Cancer. Given to clear-headedness and practical insight and vision, this sign always takes a
distanced perspective, a cool appraisal. Logical and painstaking, Capricorns love hard work and
earned results. Money and things in general are very important.
You always manage to end up in the limelight, with the support of those around you. You
get a lot of mileage out of your appearance and the way you carry yourself and communicate to
House Activity and Emphasis Page 29
Astro*Talk NothingButANa Knowflake
others. You could make your living from the public.
Moon in First House
You are very conservative when it comes to your personal appearance and communications
with others. You are impartial and don't play favorites or get overly personal. You probably
don't waste words.
Saturn in First House
You are a real charmer -- able to enchant others and bring them under your spell. You
manage to communicate an almost mystical sense to a group. Your ideals and ability to see the
whole picture are obvious to all who come to know you.
Neptune in First House
Second House: Possessions, Reactions
The second house is concerned with how we respond to or field whatever impulses or
unique and personal qualities we manifest via our first house. This is how we hold or "have"
things (possessions, material goods, money, and the like). The second house always refers to
how we secure ourselves, the kind of response we get from life and those around us.
Second House
Aquarius, the sign of humanitarian goals and altruism. Always impartial and nonsectarian,
Aquarian energy is communal (even global). The focus is on the goal, and the goal is always
one that is for the many and not the few. Thus this sign is connected to far-seeing visions, world
views, and group work of all kinds. This sign tends towards coolness, independence.
Third House: Inquiries, Communications
The third house is concerned with explorations, investigations, and inquiry and research of
all kinds. It also rules connections, communications, wires, tubes -- anything that we can get
through with our body, mind, voice, letters, what-have-you. It is here that we explore and
search for the limits of our life, whatever we are working with at the moment. A very mental
house, concerned with finding, furthering, peering, and all manner of questioning. Traditionally
rules short journeys, siblings.
Third House
Aries is the sign of the pioneer and leader. It is always impulsive, concentrated, and
spontaneous. Act first and think about what you have done later. Rushing in where others fear
to tread, the Aries energy is attention-getting. It always provokes a response from the
surroundings, from others. There is something essential and instigative that starts or causes
something else to happen -- a reaction or response.
House Activity and Emphasis Page 30
Astro*Talk NothingButANa Knowflake
Fourth House: Home, Family, Security
The fourth house is where we send down roots, find our limits, and generally secure
ourselves. It is the end of any searching we might have done in the third house. Here we find or
end our search, settle down, and manage to get in possession of the whole situation. This is our
home and the base from which we can work, feel, and experience. This is the root of our
experience, the core or thick of it.
Fourth House
Taurus manages to respond, possess, and "have" just about everything possible. This is a
nurturing and fertile sign in that any seed or impulse is cradled, bringing forth growth and
development. Taurus is the way we "have" things, how we possess and acquire things. There is
something gentle, regular, steadfast, and determined about Taurus. Always accepting,
mothering, providing a base for... a matrix or womb where growth takes place.
Fifth House: Expression, Creativity
The fifth house has to do with awareness, emotion (to move out), and expression (to press
out). Here there is always a growing sense of self-confidence and even a pride of ownership,
since we begin to recognize and own our experience. We know that we have had or are having
an experience. All forms of expression and offspring are connected to this house -- children,
animals, creative expression, and so on. A sense of direction and ownership takes hold at this
point in our experience.
Fifth House
Gemini is concerned with connections and communication of all kinds -- letters, wires,
telephones, voice, thoughts, writing, and mental processes in general. Gemini is the gadfly, the
communicator, the gossip of the zodiac. Searching conversations, scientific inquiry, research,
and so on belong here. Gemini energy is unattached, independent, and inquisitive.
Sixth House: Responsibility, Work, Health
The sixth house has to do with salvaging and preserving what is good and healthy in our
experience. Here we separate the wheat from the chaff. We begin to care for ourselves and our
experience and thus health, nutrition. The idea here is that we are able to analyze our experience
and have thoughts about what is pure and what is not. The sixth house is an attempt to save the
heart of an experience, one that already by that attempt is beginning to pass or not cohere.
Sixth House
Gemini is concerned with connections and communication of all kinds -- letters, wires,
telephones, voice, thoughts, writing, and mental processes in general. Gemini is the gadfly, the
communicator, the gossip of the zodiac. Searching conversations, scientific inquiry, research,
and so on belong here. Gemini energy is unattached, independent, and inquisitive.
House Activity and Emphasis Page 31
Astro*Talk NothingButANa Knowflake
Seventh House: Relationships, Other People
The seventh house is the house of partnerships, relationships, social life, and all that carries
us beyond our personal self into an awareness of other people, community, and the like. This
includes spiritual awakening and the discovery that we are more than just our personality. Here
we begin to respond to our personal needs (and those of others) for the first time. We can see
what is going on and are committed to it; thus, marriage and yoga, or union, is indicated in this
Seventh House
Cancer is the mother of the zodiac, always making a home, protecting and providing for
others. A sensitive sign where feelings and real experience count more than cold logic. It
doesn't get any more physical and emotional than here. This sign has a sense of substance, a
home base or foundation. Cancer energy is always limiting, bringing us down to Earth,
grounding our every thought in experience, in substance.
Eighth House: Business Savvy, Elimination
The eighth house, traditionally the house of death, is concerned with getting rid of excess
parts of ourselves that we see we no longer need. Thus this house also covers initiation and any
activities where we are transforming toward a more integral position, getting to the heart of
things. The no-nonsense quality of the eighth house makes it good for business ventures since
here we are stripping away the dross to reveal the truth or essence of the subject.
Eighth House
Leo energy is expressive, emotive, and concerned with awareness and a sense of pride and
ownership. Here is always a sense of home base or confidence from which the aggressive and
outgoing Leo energy operates. Often very artistic, and always theatrical and expressive, this
sign is good for creativity and the arts. Warm and big-hearted, this sign belongs to love of
animals, sports, children.
You don't care much for the superficial. You appreciate getting past the surface and down to
the heart--the bare bones of the matter. This could make you a very shrewd and discriminating
business person. You value passion in a relationship.
Venus in Eighth House
Your life path involves cutting through appearances and superficialities and laying bare the
reality of a situation. This could mean that the business world is an open book for you -- easy to
read. Any career where you get through to what really is there.
Jupiter in Eighth House
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Astro*Talk NothingButANa Knowflake
Ninth House: Religions, Philosophy, Ideas
The ninth house covers long journeys and religion (the longest journey of all). Here is what
remains of the purification that takes place in the eighth house -- the seed, or essence, of an
entire cycle of experience. Religion comes from a Latin word that means to bind back, and thus
refers to all things that last or endure, such as the truth. Essential ideas, philosophy, and all that
is the very heart of things belong here.
Ninth House
Libra energy is always facilitating and responsive, assuming the appropriate reaction or
response to any question or statement. What is sometimes seen as two-faced is only Libra's
facility at responding to each in kind. This is certainly the social sign, par excellence.
Impersonal and impartial, this sign doles out only what is demanded, never overdoing things.
Tenth House: Practical Vision, Vocation
The 10th house is a house of practical vision and clairvoyance, for here we can see clearly
what is. Reputation and career are often connected to this house, since the areas where we can
see with greatest clarity are those we most often can put to use to make a living. In summary,
this house is where we have real vision and can see to do and work. Planets transiting this house
may provide moments of insight and clear-seeing as well.
Tenth House
Scorpio is the most famous sign. Intense, passionate, and very personal, Scorpio rushes past
superficialities and right to the heart of any matter. A loyal friend but a fanatic foe, this sign
does well in politics and all areas where someone who dares is rewarded. Often associated with
sexual energy, perhaps due to its tendency to strip away veneer, laying bare anything that is
You are very career-oriented, and your personal reputation and honor are of the utmost
importance. You possess a natural sense of organization and practical insight and may excel at
managing or supervising others..
Sun in Tenth House
You are driven to manage and control things. An urge to organize and be practical amounts
to a minor obsession. Your career motivation is constant and relentless.
Mars in Tenth House
A tremendous practical sense and drive cuts through all the red tape and exposes the right
decisions every time. You may have an ability to organize and manage all that is vulnerable and
sensitive in the human psyche... the public mind.
Pluto in Tenth House
House Activity and Emphasis Page 33
Astro*Talk NothingButANa Knowflake
Eleventh House: Dreams & Visions, Community
The 11th house has to do with putting our visions and dreams to work. We have been on the
mountain and had a vision (10th house). Here we take our vows never to forget what we have
seen and to work hard to make these dreams into reality. Thus this house has always been
connected with altruistic and humanitarian goals and trying to set them in motion. It is the
house of friends and community, because when we are powered by a real insight or vision we
share with all -- irrespective of differences.
Eleventh House
Sagittarius is nothing if not direct, candid, and to the point. Sometimes harsh, this energy
always is concerned with the absolute truth of the subject at hand. Associated with philosophy,
religion, and all things that last, Sagittarius energy is always welcome in politics as well as
social and community endeavors, where its basic fairness and evenhandedness is helpful.
Your mind runs to humanitarian values and thoughts of what could (and should) be. Ideas
connected with group work and goals (making your inner vision real) are natural. You are good
at putting your ideas to work in the world, making dreams real.
Mercury in Eleventh House
Twelfth House: Sacrifice, Psychology, Acceptance
The 12th house is about all that we go through in order to make our dreams into reality and
manifest them in the world around us. It covers what we are willing to put up with, the
sacrifices we will make in order to bring across what is really important. This is connected to
prisons, institutions, betrayal, self-undoing, and the like, because it is here that we must choose
to take some possible abuse for the sake of the message we are carrying, or blow it all away
with a negative reaction.
Twelfth House
Sagittarius is nothing if not direct, candid, and to the point. Sometimes harsh, this energy
always is concerned with the absolute truth of the subject at hand. Associated with philosophy,
religion, and all things that last, Sagittarius energy is always welcome in politics as well as
social and community endeavors, where its basic fairness and evenhandedness is helpful.
You could be unconventional in matters of psychology, the psyche, and all that is mystical
or spiritual. Unusual ways to help or care for others -- insight into accepting life and
self-sacrifice -- are yours.
Uranus in Twelfth House
House Activity and Emphasis Page 34

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From: Hillsboro, OR, USA
Registered: Jan 2013

posted November 11, 2013 01:37 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for whitewitch111     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I mean of course with the Arabic parts?

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Posts: 10490
From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God
Registered: Aug 2013

posted November 11, 2013 01:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ellynlvx     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
For NothingButAName:

And Many More...

Trans-Neptunian Report for
NothingButANa Knowflake

The "Uranian" Planets in the Chart for:
NothingButANa Knowflake
Cupido (Coo Pee Doe) · 21Ò˜41'43"
Getting together. All groups: family, marriage, society, partnerships, organizations,
corporations, collections. Art. Marriage. This is the planet of togetherness.
Cupido in 10th House
The following phrases apply: professional organizations, meetings, conferences, and
conventions of professional organizations. You could be personally involved with an artistic
profession or with artistic professions that work in public, such as dancers, musicians,
Cupido Conjunction Sun
The married man. The artist. The member of a society or family or club. Art object. The
corporate man. Family man. Wedding Day. Dealer in the arts. Men in the family. Group
Cupido Conjunction Mars
Marriage. Marriage partnership. Work partnership. Group activities. Art activities. Active in the
community. Gun club (National Rifle Association). Gun collection. Men's club.
Cupido Conjunction Pluto
Changes in the family. Changes in the human society. Social transformation. Growth of a
company. Development of art. Corporate restructuring. Changes such as birth, death, and
Hades (Hay Deez) ¸ 10Ò“48'43"
All that is unpleasant, useless, antique, or deeply buried. The occult. Hades is misunderstood
because many think only of the negative meanings: dirt, garbage, sewage, sickness, poverty,
mistakes, and all things ugly and sinister. There is a positive side that deals with antiquity,
Trans-Neptunian Report: NothingButANa Knowflake Page 2
Copyright ©2006 Matrix Software - Big Rapids, MI 49307
depth, and past lives.
Hades in 5th House
A past life is bringing you experiences in this life that involve your children, or speculation,
gambling, or romance. You have known your children before.
Hades Opposition Mercury
Writing about the occult. Critical analyst. One who finds mistakes. Proofreader. Editor. Vulgar
thinking. To be sad. Bad news. Ancient hieroglyphics. Language of the past.
Hades Square Jupiter
There is a silver lining in a black cloud. Fortune out of misfortune. To be lucky with raw
materials, old materials, junk. Secret bank account. Questionable financial transactions.
Zeus (Zoos) ¹ 28Ò–38'39"
Controlled, directed energy. Machines; creativity; leadership. All things military. Combustion
engines. Compulsion. Drive. Zeus is like a loaded gun that is aimed. Even the glyph looks like
a rocket. It signifies well-planned efforts.
Zeus in 8th House
You are mentally creative. You are interested in studying history, wars, and everything military,
either as a career or a hobby. You might also choose a career or profession involving
occultism or mysticism.
Zeus Conjunction Venus
Expression of sympathy. Expression of condolence. To produce out of love. Procreation out of
love. To seed. Sperm. Semen. Devoted activity. Carrier of seed. Carrier of DNA.
Kronos (Krow Nos) º 22Ò“46'31"
Superiority: the highest quality attainable; the ultimate in authority; standard of excellence;
undisputed expert. Zeus and Kronos traveled in a very close square from 1900 to about 1970.
All natal horoscopes from 1900 to 1950 have these two planets together on the dial. These
two together speak of energetic, creative activity of the highest quality. Unfortunately, they
also speak of warfare, armament, and military commanders. The world experienced both
sides of this combination.
Trans-Neptunian Report: NothingButANa Knowflake Page 3
Copyright ©2006 Matrix Software - Big Rapids, MI 49307
Kronos in 6th House
You are a leader in the work that you do, and you deal with people who are outstanding. If you
are in the military, involved in law enforcement, in the government, or in any structured
organization, you will have a leadership rank and role.
Apollon (Ap Pull On) » 15Ò—52'42"
The multiplier: expansion and spreading; growth and increase. Science; commerce; trade;
industry; peaceful efforts. The glyph is a combination of Jupiter and Gemini, and Apollon is
truly a Superduper Jupiter.
Apollon in 9th House
You have a great mental horizon. You could be involved in some form of software
development. You could also study religion, philosophy, or science. The foregoing could
involve original research into these subjects.
Apollon Square Moon
People with a wide range of thought or vision. People with an eye on the future. Many, many
women. Emotional experience. Masses of people. Female scholar. Many hours. Known to
Apollon Square Uranus
Surprising successes. Revolutionary knowledge. To measure. Mathematics. Technical
science. Study of electronics. New science. Computer science. Astrology. Expansion. The
Apollon Square Neptune
Masses of air, gas, or water. Hidden activities. Occult Science. Science of the future.
Chemistry. Deceptions on a large scale. Frauds. Embezzlements. Deception of many. Science
of space travel.
Apollon Square Ascendant
Matters or things or people are in the far distance or they come from a far distance. For
example, for the merchant, customers come from far and wide. Relationships with many
people. Opportunity.
Admetos (Add Meet Tos) ¼ 14Ò’55'11"
The brick wall: steadfast; stable; immovable. Shrinking. Narrowing down to a sharp focus.
Specialization. Endurance. The glyph for Admetos shows an affinity for the sign Taurus and
Trans-Neptunian Report: NothingButANa Knowflake Page 4
Copyright ©2006 Matrix Software - Big Rapids, MI 49307
must be drawn with a base line to show the Admetos capacity to be steadfast, stable, and
immovable. Admetos describes inertia, slow motion, and things that go around in a circle like
phonograph records and ceiling fans.
Admetos in 4th House
You may feel that you are oppressed and crowded by (and have to defend yourself against)
conditions in your parents' or your own home. You will want to own real estate, and will work
hard to get it.
Admetos Opposition Sun
Real estate. Property. Landscape. Soil. Native land. "Standing on solid ground." A secure
anchor. Dead or resting body. A doll. Short body. Dwarf. Physical endurance. Stubborn man.
Body in cast.
Admetos Opposition Mars
Rocks, fragments, debris, a wreck. To wreck. To feel like a wreck. Sinking of the market.
Breaking up stagnation. Decrease of work. Narrowing down the field of activity. Special work.
The specialist.
Admetos Opposition Pluto
Deep reaching transformation. Fundamental changes from the ground up. To go deep to the
basic origin. Born-again experience. Therapy. From the beginning to the end. Raw material to
Admetos Opposition Midheaven
A person whose focus is narrowed to a fine point; therefore, The Specialist. Inner stability.
Personal stubbornness. Strong-willed and obstinate. Steadfast. Perseverance. Endurance.
Vulcanus (Vul Can Is) ½ 16Ò”30'34"
All that is mighty and powerful. Strength. Intensity. If a sentence has the word mighty or
powerful in it, the planetary signature will have Vulcanus in it. If the Sun and Vulcanus are
together, the vitality, strength, and muscular power describe outstanding good health.
Vulcanus in 7th House
You will find support and gain vitality through married life or through partners. You will attract
energetic partners who wield great power and who accomplish great things. Your urge to wield
and hold power will be strong.
Vulcanus Opposition Moon
A very powerful woman. A healthy, strong woman. A mighty mind. Strong public influence.
Amazon woman. Wonder Woman. Super-Mom. Great reputation. To create a sensation.
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Copyright ©2006 Matrix Software - Big Rapids, MI 49307
Vulcanus Opposition Uranus
Sudden display of forces, like lightning, thunderbolts, or explosions. Electrical high voltage.
Great display of strength. Electric energies. The power of engines or motors.
Vulcanus Opposition Neptune
To be without influence. Powerless. Impotent. Mighty deception. Great disappointment. Great
sensitivity. Power that one cannot see or hear. Powerful psychic. Perfume. Tsunami.
Vulcanus Opposition Ascendant
To strongly experience the influence of other people in one's life. Powerful environment.
Strong relationships. Mighty associates. A place of power. Others are dominant. To
experience force.
Poseidon (Po Side In) ¾ 00Ò˜13'22"
Spirituality; truth; ideation; enlightenment; illumination. Wisdom and culture. Poseidon has an
affinity for Pisces and its glyph looks like a sideways version of Pisces. Be careful drawing the
glyph, so it is not mistaken for Neptune. Poseidon is Super Neptune without a negative side.
Poseidon in 9th House
You are inventive and could propose ideas for future developments. You might even visualize
ideas which are not yet apparent to the general public, such as techniques for planetary
exploration. A career in science might utilize your high-minded capabilities.
Poseidon Square Saturn
Education. Upbringing. Teaching. To change one's philosophy of life, and to embrace a
different view of the world. The model, the pattern setter. The mentor. Style-setter, role model.

Arabic Parts for NothingButANa Knowflake

The ones marked with a Star*

Page: 1
Arabic Part Position Formula House Aspects
Accomplishment 21Òoe43' AS+SU-JU 2nd Ī
Advancement 01Ҙ24' AS+SU-SA 9th ŧ
Appreciation 27Ò˜45' AS+VE-SU 10th
Assassination 1* 10Җ26' AS+R12-NE 8th ¦, ţ, Ĩ
Assassination 2* 21Ҙ19' MA+NE-UR 10th ª
Astrology 12Ò™46' AS+ME-UR 11th
Bereavement 18ҕ58' C12+R12-NE 7th Ţ, ť, Ū
Bondage 29Ò™49' AS+MO-RMO 12th
Brethren 23Ò•39' AS+JU-SA 7th
Business Injury 25Ò›02' AS+PF-R1 1st
Cancer Malign.* 17Ғ32' AS+NE-JU 4th â, å, ġ
Catastrophe 06Òoe14' AS+UR-SU 2nd
Change 04Òoe45' AS+UR-PL 2nd
Commerce 05Ò›01' AS+ME-SU 1st
Cooperation* 12Җ24' C7+MO-SU 8th ¦, Ĩ
Damage* 10Òoe49' AS+NE-MA 2nd æ, Å£
Danger 22Ò˜25' AS+ME-SA 10th
Daughters 29Ò–19' AS+VE-MO 8th
Death 23Ò•27' AS+C8-MO 7th
Death (Medval)* 10Җ49' C8+SA-MO 8th ¦, ţ, Ĩ
Death Parents 23Ò•39' AS+JU-SA 7th
Death (Point) 10Ò›25' MA+SA-MC 1st
Death Siblings 05Ò•13' AS+10GE-SU 7th
Decapitation 27Ò“13' C8+MA-MO 6th
Deceit* 01җ56' AS+VE-NE 8th ¤, ħ
Delays 23Ò•27' AS+C8-MO 7th
Disappointment* 17Ҙ09' AS+MA-NE 10th ¥
Discord* 07Ҙ16' AS+JU-MA 9th ¬
Discord 2* 07Ҙ16' AS+JU-MA 9th ¬
Disputes 06Ò›02' AS+ME-MA 1st
Distress-Upset 00Ҙ23' AS+MA-SA 9th ŧ
Divorce* 02ґ31' AS+VE-C7 2nd ä
Economy 12Ò’49' AS+SA-VE 4th ÄExile
23Ò™38' AS+UR-SA 12th
Faith & Trust 06Ò™36' AS+ME-MO 11th
False Love 26Ò‘02' AS+NE-VE 3rd
Fame- Wisdom 06Ò˜15' AS+JU-SU 9th
Fate 26Òoe34' AS+SA-SU 2nd
Father 01Ҙ24' AS+SU-SA 9th ŧ
Female Children 29Ò–19' AS+VE-MO 8th
Find (Lost Obj) 24Ò‘30' MO+C4-RAS 3rd
Fortune (Day)* 12Òoe24' AS+MO-SU 2nd æ
Fortune (Night) 15Ò˜34' AS+SU-MO 10th
Fraud 18қ46' AS+NE-ME 1st Ţ, ť, Ū
Friends 20Òš10' AS+MO-UR 1st
Gossip* 09ҙ12' AS+ME-NE 11th £
Higher Educat. 12Ò˜01' AS+C9-ME 10th
Homosexuality* 20Ҙ44' AS+MA-UR 10th ª
Honor 14Ò“13' AS+19AR-SU 5th
Hopes & Wishes 05Ò‘03' AS+C11-R11 2nd
Imagination 05Ò™05' AS+C11-UR 11th
Imprisonment* 11Òoe49' AS+PF-NE 2nd æ
Increase 06Ò˜15' AS+JU-SU 9th
Individuality 21Ò˜45' AS+SU-UR 10th
Inheritance 29Ò™49' AS+MO-SA 12th
Insincerity* 16Қ36' AS+MO-NE 1st ¡
Killing Planet 29Ò™49' AS+MO-R1 12th
Lawsuits 06Ò›02' AS+ME-MA 1st
Leave Job 23Ò˜37' SA+JU-SU 10th
Legal Affairs 13Ò‘07' C3+C9-VE 3rd Å©, ÅLegalizing
13Ò‘07' C9+C3-VE 3rd Å©, ÅLost
Animal* 12Òš58' AS+MA-SU 12th ÂLove
27Ò˜45' AS+VE-SU 10th
Love & Marriage 22Ò™29' AS+JU-VE 11th
Lovers 18Òoe10' MA+VE-C5 2nd Ä¢, Ä¥
Luck* 20Ғ08' AS+MO-JU 4th â, ê
Male Children 07Ò–50' AS+JU-MO 8th
Arabic Parts for NothingButANa Knowflake Page: 2
Arabic Part Position Formula House Aspects
Male Children 2 07Ò–50' AS+JU-MO 8th
Man's Marriage 15Ò–09' AS+VE-SA 8th Ä©, ÄMarriage
25Ò—27' AS+C7-VE 9th
Merchandise 10Ғ49' AS+PF-PS 4th Ħ, Ĩ
Mind- Captivity 12Ғ01' AS+C3-ME 4th Ħ, Ĩ
Mother 28Ò‘39' AS+MO-VE 3rd
Mother & Family 22Ò™29' AS+JU-VE 11th
Mother 2 28Ò‘39' AS+MO-VE 3rd
Obstruction 27Ò™12' AS+NE-SA 12th
Occultism* 17Қ33' AS+NE-UR 1st ¡
Organization* 15Òš27' AS+PL-SU 1st ©, ÂPartners
25Ò—27' AS+C7-VE 9th
Passion* 12Òš58' AS+MA-SU 12th ÂPeril
01Ҙ24' AS+R8-SA 9th ŧ
Peril 2 01Ҙ24' AS+R8-SA 9th ŧ
Play 28Ò˜46' AS+VE-MA 10th
Police-Army 27Òoe35' AS+SA-MA 2nd
Popularity 26Ò˜16' AS+VE-PL 10th
Possessions 09қ17' AS+C2-R2 1st Ŭ
Powrful Friends 20Ò–21' AS+SU-PF 8th
Profession 29Ò™49' AS+MO-SA 12th
Proprty Movable 09қ17' AS+C2-R2 1st Ŭ
Radical Change 23Ò˜13' AS+PL-UR 10th
Real Estate 29Ò™49' AS+MO-SA 12th
Repression 25Òoe06' AS+SA-PL 2nd
Retribution* 15Òš00' AS+SU-MA 1st ©, ÂRitual
Ceremon. 13Ò‘07' C9+C3-VE 3rd Å©, ÅSecret
Enemies 25Ò‘28' AS+C12-R12 3rd
Self-Undoing 21Ò™55' AS+C12-NE 11th
Servants 21қ22' AS+MO-ME 1st Ū
Sex & Love 27Ò˜45' AS+VE-SU 10th
Sex Drive 01Òoe42' AS+PL-VE 2nd
Sickness 00Ҙ23' AS+MA-SA 9th ŧ
Slander* 00қ46' AS+SA-NE 1st §
Slyness 08Òoe20' AS+NE-PL 2nd Å£, Ĭ
Sons 07Ò–50' AS+JU-MO 8th
Sorrow 25Ò›02' AS+PF-R1 1st
Speculation 1 05Ò—03' AS+C5-JU 8th
Speculation 2* 10Җ26' AS+JU-NE 8th ¦, ţ, Ĩ
Spirit 15Ò˜34' AS+SU-MO 10th
Success* 12Ò”36' AS+JU-PF 6th ÃSudden
Advncmnt 25Ò›02' AS+PF-SA 1st
Sudn Advncmnt 2 25Ò›02' AS+PF-SA 1st
Sudden Luck 14Ò–00' AS+JU-UR 8th Ä©, ÄSudden
Parting 04Ò›20' AS+SA-UR 1st
Suicide 26Ò•04' AS+C8-NE 7th
Surgery 27Òoe35' AS+SA-MA 2nd
Surprise* 20Ҙ44' AS+MA-UR 10th ª
Sweet Foods 27Ò˜45' AS+VE-SU 10th
Time for Action 06Ò˜15' AS+JU-SU 9th
Torture 22Ò˜51' C10+SA-MO 10th
Tragedy 26Òoe34' AS+SA-SU 2nd
Travel by Air 10җ48' AS+C9-UR 9th Ũ
Travel by Water 27Ò“38' AS+15CA-SA 6th
Travels (Long) 19Òš17' AS+C9-R9 1st
Travels (Short) 12Ғ01' AS+C3-ME 4th Ħ, Ĩ
Travels by Land 19Òš17' AS+C9-R9 1st
Treachery* 09Òoe48' AS+NE-SU 2nd æ, Å£, Ĭ
Treasure 06Ò˜43' AS+VE-ME 9th
Trickery 14Ò˜33' AS+MA-MO 10th
Understanding 21Ò™56' AS+MA-ME 11th
Unusual Events 07Òš48' AS+UR-MO 12th
Weddings 13Ò‘07' C9+C3-VE 3rd Å©, ÅWidowhood
09Ò—14' AS+9LI48P-NE 9th

IP: Logged


Posts: 10490
From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God
Registered: Aug 2013

posted November 11, 2013 01:48 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ellynlvx     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by whitewitch111:
I mean of course with the Arabic parts?

Sorry, I just found this; the others got buried.

They are personal. I just thought I would give you guys the little extras while I was at it.

The only one I know much about is the Part of Fortune, and it is your Greatest Happiness.


The ones marked with a Star are the ones relevant to you.

IP: Logged


Posts: 3274
From: Hillsboro, OR, USA
Registered: Jan 2013

posted November 11, 2013 01:49 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for whitewitch111     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ellynlvx:
Sorry, I just found this; the others got buried.

They are personal. I just thought I would give you guys the little extras while I was at it.

The only one I know much about is the Part of Fortune, and it is your Greatest Happiness.


The ones marked with a Star are the ones relevant to you.

Oh ok thank you

IP: Logged


Posts: 10490
From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God
Registered: Aug 2013

posted November 11, 2013 02:03 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ellynlvx     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
For Jenny415:

I recognized the prefix!

You have both Sun and Moon in an Anaretic Degree:

The Eclipse will be Conjunct the Sun next week.

Astrological Report For Jenny415 Knowflake
Nov 01, 2013 to Feb 01, 2014
TimeLine Jenny415 Knowflake
Chart Data
Jenny415 Knowflake
Sort: Enter
Zodiac: Tropical
Coordinate System: Geocentric
Aspect set: Ptolemy
Transit Planets: Ma Ju Sa Ur Ne Pl
Progression 1 Method: Secondary
Progression 1 Planets: Mo Su Me Ve Ma
Eclipse Aspect Set: Ptolemy
Planet Sign Position House House Cusps
Sun Scorpio 29°Sc26' 06th 01 05°Ge13'
Moon Cancer 29°Ca52' 03rd 02 29°Ge00'
Mercury Scorpio 13°Sc06' R 06th 03 20°Ca13'
Venus Scorpio 05°Sc14' R 06th 04 13°Le21'
Mars Aquarius 27°Aq16' 10th 05 12°Vi42'
Jupiter Pisces 13°Pi17' 11th 06 21°Li56'
Saturn Sagittarius 10°Sg43' 07th 07 05°Sg13'
Uranus Sagittarius 21°Sg12' 07th 08 29°Sg00'
Neptune Capricorn 04°Cp14' 08th 09 20°Cp13'
Pluto Scorpio 08°Sc10' 06th 10 13°Aq21'
Midheaven Aquarius 13°Aq21' 11 12°Pi42'
Ascendant Gemini 05°Ge13' 12 21°Ar56'
Copyright 1985-2008 Matrix Software, Inc.
Introduction Page 2
TimeLine Jenny415 Knowflake
Report Highlights
Nov 03 Sun Trine Jupiter Solar Eclipse (Scorpio-Pisces 6th-11th)
*** Exact (Enter: 11/03/13 Exact: 11/03/13 Leave: 04/28/14)
High-level differences of opinion or outlook represent an important area of change in your life
at this time. This extends to fundamental religious or philosophical beliefs, which cry out for
re-examination in the light of new information and influences. Educational projects require much
study and may also involve travel. Fresh insight comes to you through mass media (broadcasting,
publishing, advertising), giving you a whole new perspective.
Nov 03 Sun Square MC Solar Eclipse (Scorpio-Aquarius 6th-10th)
*** Exact (Enter: 11/03/13 Exact: 11/03/13 Leave: 04/28/14)
Your goals stand in stark contrast to the goals of others now: adjustments and compromises
must be made in the interests of harmony. Failure to take such steps can increase tensions between
and others - especially those closest to you. Now is the time to act, because it doesn't get easier if
you let the moment slip by.
Nov 03 Sun Conjunct Pluto Solar Eclipse (Scorpio-Scorpio 6th-6th)
*** Exact (Enter: 11/03/13 Exact: 11/03/13 Leave: 04/28/14)
This is one of those "you can't go home again" periods in your life. Time is a one-way street, so
don't look back: take the changes that come your way as they are, and go ahead from there. Your
home and family life, as well as strong emotional ties in general, are a focus for this. Emotional
stability and security are worth fighting for - but the real battle could well be with yourself.
Nov 03 Sun Conjunct Mercury Solar Eclipse (Scorpio-Scorpio 6th-6th)
*** Exact (Enter: 11/03/13 Exact: 11/03/13 Leave: 04/28/14)
Reaching understanding with others - family members in particular - concerning feelings and
emotional issues is a special focus for you at this time. It's likely that YOU are the one letting
feelings get in the way, so try to get clear about such things. Business decisions need to be thought
through carefully.
Nov 04 Saturn Conjunct Mercury Transit (Scorpio-Scorpio 6th-6th)
**** Leave (Enter: Begin Date Exact: Begin Date Leave: 11/04/13)
A time to organize and discipline your mind and methods of communication. Perhaps a time for
serious thinking, getting down to the essential thoughts. School (studies of all kinds) are in order. A
time for perspiration in the idea department.
Nov 20 Jupiter Re-Enter Second Transit (Cancer 2nd )
***** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 11/20/13 Leave: End Date)
Financial gain and material wellbeing are among the brighter prospects looming before you
now, as you focus in on how much things really mean to you. Yet there may be a tendency to
emphasize the material too much, which could lead to the feeling that the things you own, own you
Report Highlights Page 3
TimeLine Jenny415 Knowflake
Jan 25 Moon Conjunct Moon Secondary Progression (Cancer-Cancer 3rd-3rd)
*** Enter (Enter: 01/25/14 Exact: End Date Leave: End Date)
This is a very emotional time for you. There's a need to be nurtured and cared for and to share
this experience with another person. The public in general and women in particular are a focus for
this; your home and family environment, as well. Food may seem more important to you than ever
before, incidentally. A yearning for "home sweet home".
Report Highlights Page 4
TimeLine Jenny415 Knowflake
November - Monthly Highlights
Nov 03 Sun Trine Jupiter Solar Eclipse (Scorpio-Pisces 6th-11th)
*** Exact (Enter: 11/03/13 Exact: 11/03/13 Leave: 04/28/14)
High-level differences of opinion or outlook represent an important area of change in your life
at this time. This extends to fundamental religious or philosophical beliefs, which cry out for
re-examination in the light of new information and influences. Educational projects require much
study and may also involve travel. Fresh insight comes to you through mass media (broadcasting,
publishing, advertising), giving you a whole new perspective.
Nov 03 Sun Square MC Solar Eclipse (Scorpio-Aquarius 6th-10th)
*** Exact (Enter: 11/03/13 Exact: 11/03/13 Leave: 04/28/14)
Your goals stand in stark contrast to the goals of others now: adjustments and compromises
must be made in the interests of harmony. Failure to take such steps can increase tensions between
and others - especially those closest to you. Now is the time to act, because it doesn't get easier if
you let the moment slip by.
Nov 03 Sun Conjunct Pluto Solar Eclipse (Scorpio-Scorpio 6th-6th)
*** Exact (Enter: 11/03/13 Exact: 11/03/13 Leave: 04/28/14)
This is one of those "you can't go home again" periods in your life. Time is a one-way street, so
don't look back: take the changes that come your way as they are, and go ahead from there. Your
home and family life, as well as strong emotional ties in general, are a focus for this. Emotional
stability and security are worth fighting for - but the real battle could well be with yourself.
Nov 03 Sun Conjunct Mercury Solar Eclipse (Scorpio-Scorpio 6th-6th)
*** Exact (Enter: 11/03/13 Exact: 11/03/13 Leave: 04/28/14)
Reaching understanding with others - family members in particular - concerning feelings and
emotional issues is a special focus for you at this time. It's likely that YOU are the one letting
feelings get in the way, so try to get clear about such things. Business decisions need to be thought
through carefully.
Nov 04 Saturn Conjunct Mercury Transit (Scorpio-Scorpio 6th-6th)
**** Leave (Enter: Begin Date Exact: Begin Date Leave: 11/04/13)
A time to organize and discipline your mind and methods of communication. Perhaps a time for
serious thinking, getting down to the essential thoughts. School (studies of all kinds) are in order. A
time for perspiration in the idea department.
Nov 20 Jupiter Re-Enter Second Transit (Cancer 2nd )
***** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 11/20/13 Leave: End Date)
Financial gain and material wellbeing are among the brighter prospects looming before you
now, as you focus in on how much things really mean to you. Yet there may be a tendency to
emphasize the material too much, which could lead to the feeling that the things you own, own you
November Highlights Page 5
TimeLine Jenny415 Knowflake
Report for November
Nov 02 Mars Square Saturn Transit (Virgo-Sagittarius 4th-7th)
*** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 11/02/13 Leave: 11/04/13)
Relax. This is not an easy time. Your own drive and emotions are hard set against the way
things are, your particular set of realities. Push on now and you risk breaking something. Be
patient, and let this one blow over.
Nov 03 Sun Trine Jupiter Solar Eclipse (Scorpio-Pisces 6th-11th)
*** Exact (Enter: 11/03/13 Exact: 11/03/13 Leave: 04/28/14)
High-level differences of opinion or outlook represent an important area of change in your life
at this time. This extends to fundamental religious or philosophical beliefs, which cry out for
re-examination in the light of new information and influences. Educational projects require much
study and may also involve travel. Fresh insight comes to you through mass media (broadcasting,
publishing, advertising), giving you a whole new perspective.
Nov 03 Sun Square MC Solar Eclipse (Scorpio-Aquarius 6th-10th)
*** Exact (Enter: 11/03/13 Exact: 11/03/13 Leave: 04/28/14)
Your goals stand in stark contrast to the goals of others now: adjustments and compromises
must be made in the interests of harmony. Failure to take such steps can increase tensions between
and others - especially those closest to you. Now is the time to act, because it doesn't get easier if
you let the moment slip by.
Nov 03 Sun Conjunct Pluto Solar Eclipse (Scorpio-Scorpio 6th-6th)
*** Exact (Enter: 11/03/13 Exact: 11/03/13 Leave: 04/28/14)
This is one of those "you can't go home again" periods in your life. Time is a one-way street, so
don't look back: take the changes that come your way as they are, and go ahead from there. Your
home and family life, as well as strong emotional ties in general, are a focus for this. Emotional
stability and security are worth fighting for - but the real battle could well be with yourself.
Nov 03 Sun Conjunct Mercury Solar Eclipse (Scorpio-Scorpio 6th-6th)
*** Exact (Enter: 11/03/13 Exact: 11/03/13 Leave: 04/28/14)
Reaching understanding with others - family members in particular - concerning feelings and
emotional issues is a special focus for you at this time. It's likely that YOU are the one letting
feelings get in the way, so try to get clear about such things. Business decisions need to be thought
through carefully.
Nov 04 Saturn Conjunct Mercury Transit (Scorpio-Scorpio 6th-6th)
**** Leave (Enter: Begin Date Exact: Begin Date Leave: 11/04/13)
A time to organize and discipline your mind and methods of communication. Perhaps a time for
serious thinking, getting down to the essential thoughts. School (studies of all kinds) are in order. A
time for perspiration in the idea department.
November Report Page 6
TimeLine Jenny415 Knowflake
Nov 05 Mars Enter Fifth Transit (Virgo 5th )
**** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 11/05/13 Leave: End Date)
You're coming into a creative and competitive phase now, one in which you want to be admired
and appreciated for what you do and who you are. A lover or child becomes a focal point in your
life. Romance and such creative pursuits as hobbies are an outlet for much of your energy.
Nov 06 Mars Sextile Mercury Transit (Virgo-Scorpio 5th-6th)
*** Exact (Enter: 11/04/13 Exact: 11/06/13 Leave: 11/08/13)
You may be very forceful in what you say and think. With all of this emotional energy, you
could speak or communicate very well. You have mental drive.
Nov 06 Saturn Trine Jupiter Transit (Scorpio-Pisces 6th-11th)
**** Leave (Enter: Begin Date Exact: Begin Date Leave: 11/06/13)
Outer circumstances and the flow of events make it easy for you to make clear decisions, see
the road ahead, and move forward. Things seem to fall in place, and progress is easy. Be careful not
to overextend or bite off more than you can chew.
Nov 06 Mars Opposite Jupiter Transit (Virgo-Pisces 5th-11th)
*** Exact (Enter: 11/05/13 Exact: 11/06/13 Leave: 11/08/13)
Emotional considerations may block or oppose how you proceed with a project or plan.
Someone may get pushy or obscure the real choices and the right path.
Nov 07 Saturn Square MC Transit (Scorpio-Aquarius 6th-10th)
**** Leave (Enter: Begin Date Exact: Begin Date Leave: 11/07/13)
This could be a difficult time both at home and on the job, so settle back and take it slowly. The
going may be less than easy, for you are making a lot of changes. You are entering a new stage of
life, and it could take a while to get into it.
Nov 20 Jupiter Re-Enter Second Transit (Cancer 2nd )
***** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 11/20/13 Leave: End Date)
Financial gain and material wellbeing are among the brighter prospects looming before you
now, as you focus in on how much things really mean to you. Yet there may be a tendency to
emphasize the material too much, which could lead to the feeling that the things you own, own you
Nov 21 Mars Square Uranus Transit (Virgo-Sagittarius 5th-7th)
*** Exact (Enter: 11/19/13 Exact: 11/21/13 Leave: 11/22/13)
Don't take chances or risks just now. Be satisfied with the ordinary and usual. Novel ideas or
insights could be more damaging than useful. Hectic emotional energy.
Nov 26 Mercury Square Jupiter Secondary Progression (Sagittarius-Pisces 7th-11th)
**** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 11/26/13 Leave: End Date)
Changing legal, cultural, and political realities require a change in your plans now; otherwise,
you could be headed for some tough sledding. It's crucial that you look beyond the daily exigencies
to see the big picture, or you're apt to get blind-sided. Business and financial interests also require
changes in plans now. Be alert; find what doesn't work for you and fix it!
November Report Page 7
TimeLine Jenny415 Knowflake
Report for December
Dec 06 Mars Sextile Sun Transit (Virgo-Scorpio 5th-6th)
*** Exact (Enter: 12/04/13 Exact: 12/06/13 Leave: 12/08/13)
You may be especially dynamic and assertive just now. There is a lot of energy and drive
Dec 07 Mars Sextile Moon Transit (Virgo-Cancer 5th-3rd)
*** Exact (Enter: 12/05/13 Exact: 12/07/13 Leave: 12/09/13)
You have a lot of energy for improving your surroundings or life situations. You are very
motivated to improve. There could be some hard feelings, especially from younger persons, if you
become too aggressive.
Dec 07 Mars Enter Libra Transit (Libra 5th )
**** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 12/07/13 Leave: End Date)
"I'm giving you a definite maybe" - that's the motto of the cycle you're now entering. It's a time
of refinement and tact, of an urge to please others that is so strong as to make it hard to decide or
act for fear of offending someone. You'll quickly learn to balance this out, or you'll discover that
there is no peace in compromise - and this can be tough on close relationships. The trick is to find
the win-win solution to the no-win situation - and if anyone's ever up to it, you are now.
Dec 11 Mercury Sextile MC Secondary Progression (Sagittarius-Aquarius 7th-10th)
**** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 12/11/13 Leave: End Date)
Career advances and other status boosts come to you through study and communication now, so
be alert and stay in touch. People in positions of authority are interested in your ideas and have
information to share that can help you reach your goals. Business dealings are favored; advertising
can pay bigger dividends than you expect.
Dec 15 Mars Square Neptune Transit (Libra-Capricorn 5th-8th)
*** Exact (Enter: 12/13/13 Exact: 12/15/13 Leave: 12/17/13)
Don't do too much dreaming just now. It would be very easy for you to get carried away with
some fancy or another. Your feelings are not in sync with your imagination. You may be hard to
Dec 17 Mars Trine Asc Transit (Libra-Gemini 5th-1st)
*** Exact (Enter: 12/15/13 Exact: 12/17/13 Leave: 12/19/13)
You can really communicate and convey yourself to others right now. You have a lot of energy
and come across as assertive and dominant.
Dec 29 Mars Sextile Saturn Transit (Libra-Sagittarius 5th-7th)
*** Exact (Enter: 12/27/13 Exact: 12/29/13 Leave: 12/31/13)
Irresistible force meets immovable object. Proceed with caution! There is a lot of energy
available for disciplined work, but push too hard and you may break something.
December Report Page 8
TimeLine Jenny415 Knowflake
January - Monthly Highlights
Jan 25 Moon Conjunct Moon Secondary Progression (Cancer-Cancer 3rd-3rd)
*** Enter (Enter: 01/25/14 Exact: End Date Leave: End Date)
This is a very emotional time for you. There's a need to be nurtured and cared for and to share
this experience with another person. The public in general and women in particular are a focus for
this; your home and family environment, as well. Food may seem more important to you than ever
before, incidentally. A yearning for "home sweet home".
January Highlights Page 9
TimeLine Jenny415 Knowflake
Report for January
Jan 01 Neptune Sextile Neptune Transit (Pisces-Capricorn 10th-8th)
***** Enter (Enter: 01/01/14 Exact: End Date Leave: End Date)
A time to reach beyond the physical into the realm of myths and dreams. You may have the
sensation of being awake within your own dream, and reality may be like you dreamed it could be.
This is a time for visions and seeing the unity beyond differences.
Jan 04 Mars Trine MC Transit (Libra-Aquarius 5th-10th)
*** Exact (Enter: 01/02/14 Exact: 01/04/14 Leave: 01/06/14)
You have a lot of energy to pour into practical and career decisions. You may appear
commanding and assertive.
Jan 11 Moon Trine Sun Secondary Progression (Cancer-Scorpio 3rd-6th)
*** Enter (Enter: 01/11/14 Exact: End Date Leave: End Date)
This is a time when emotional sensitivity and being attuned to your instincts can bring you all
kinds of good things. Take a chance on your hunches and psychic insights: you could be pleasantly
surprised at how far they can take you. Relationships of a romantic as well as social nature are
especially good for you now - particularly if you play the field rather than narrowing your focus. A
child or lover plays a big part in your life now, and you're at some kind of peak in creative potency.
Jan 22 Jupiter Trine Jupiter Transit (Cancer-Pisces 2nd-11th)
**** Exact (Enter: 01/14/14 Exact: 01/22/14 Leave: 01/31/14)
A time of good fortune when things open up in a very natural way for you. Situations are
almost tailor-made, and it is easy to see which path is the one to take. Opportunities abound, and
you may find yourself wanting (and able) to do almost everything.
Jan 23 Jupiter Trine Mercury Transit (Cancer-Scorpio 2nd-6th)
**** Exact (Enter: 01/15/14 Exact: 01/23/14 Leave: End Date)
You find that you can really use your mind to make clear choices and think things through.
Career decisions are straightforward and easy to make. You make your way through ideas,
concepts, and your ability to communicate and express them to others.
Jan 25 Pluto Sextile Mercury Transit (Capricorn-Scorpio 8th-6th)
***** Enter (Enter: 01/25/14 Exact: End Date Leave: End Date)
Your mental energies (ideas, thoughts, and so on) may undergo some transformation or change,
a natural sense of growth and development. Concentrating and getting down to really essential
ideas are facilitated during this time period.
Jan 25 Mars Sextile Uranus Transit (Libra-Sagittarius 5th-7th)
*** Exact (Enter: 01/22/14 Exact: 01/25/14 Leave: 01/28/14)
You feel like being different, trying something new and unusual. A perfect time for new ideas,
a breakthrough in thinking, a novel approach.
January Report Page 10
TimeLine Jenny415 Knowflake
Jan 25 Moon Conjunct Moon Secondary Progression (Cancer-Cancer 3rd-3rd)
*** Enter (Enter: 01/25/14 Exact: End Date Leave: End Date)
This is a very emotional time for you. There's a need to be nurtured and cared for and to share
this experience with another person. The public in general and women in particular are a focus for
this; your home and family environment, as well. Food may seem more important to you than ever
before, incidentally. A yearning for "home sweet home".
Jan 27 Mars Enter Sixth Transit (Libra 6th )
**** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 01/27/14 Leave: End Date)
A period when you take your work more seriously than usual has just begun. A lot of energy
goes into getting things scheduled and organized. The nail that sticks up gets hammered down.
Jan 30 Pluto Sextile Jupiter Transit (Capricorn-Pisces 8th-11th)
***** Enter (Enter: 01/30/14 Exact: End Date Leave: End Date)
A time during which your career (life path) undergoes a certain amount of change and
transformation. You find yourself uninterested in sidetracks -- what is not essential. You can really
home in on how to solve problems and get where you want to go.
January Report Page 11
TimeLine Jenny415 Knowflake
Time Scan
November 2013
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27
December 2013
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30
January 2014
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30
Jenny415 Knowflake: Transit to Natal: Geocentric
¥¡ Æ
¥¢ Æ
¥£ Æ
¥¦ Ã
¥§ Å Æ
¥¨ Å Æ
¥© Å
¥¬ Ä
¥Sn Mars in Virgo Mars in Libra Mars in Libra
¥Hs ¥4 Mars in 5th Mars in 5th Mars in 5th Mars in 5th ¥6
¦£ Ä
¦¦ Ä
¦Sn Jupiter in Cancer Jupiter in Cancer Jupiter in Cancer
¦Hs Jupiter in 3rd Jupiter in 2nd Jupiter in 2nd Jupiter in 2nd
§Sn Saturn in Scorpio Saturn in Scorpio Saturn in Scorpio
§Hs Saturn in 6th Saturn in 6th Saturn in 6th Saturn in 6th
¨Sn Uranus in Aries Uranus in Aries Uranus in Aries
¨Hs Uranus in 11th Uranus in 11th Uranus in 11th
©© Æ
©Sn Neptune in Pisces Neptune in Pisces Neptune in Pisces
©Hs Neptune in 10th Neptune in 10th Neptune in 10th
ª¦ Æ
ªSn Pluto in Capricorn Pluto in Capricorn Pluto in Capricorn
ªHs Pluto in 8th Pluto in 8th Pluto in 8th Pluto in 8th
Jenny415 Knowflake: Progressed to Natal : Secondary Progression: Geocentric
¡¡ Â
¡¢ Ä
¡Sn Moon in Cancer Moon in Cancer Moon in Cancer
¡Hs Moon in 3rd Moon in 3rd Moon in 3rd Moon in 3rd
¢Sn Sun in Sagittarius Sun in Sagittarius Sun in Sagittarius
¢Hs Sun in 7th Sun in 7th Sun in 7th Sun in 7th Sun in 7th
£¦ Å
£¬ Æ
£Sn Mercury in Sagittarius Mercury in Sagittarius
£Hs Mercury in 7th Mercury in 7th Mercury in 7th
¤Sn Venus in Scorpio Venus in Scorpio Venus in Scorpio
Time Scan Page 12
TimeLine Jenny415 Knowflake
Time Scan
November 2013
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27
December 2013
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30
January 2014
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30
Jenny415 Knowflake: Progressed to Natal : Secondary Progression: Geocentric (cont.)
¤Hs Venus in 6th Venus in 6th Venus in 6th Venus in 6th
¥Sn Mars in Pisces Mars in Pisces Mars in Pisces
¥Hs Mars in 11th Mars in 11th Mars in 11th Mars in 11th
Time Scan Page 13

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Posts: 10490
From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God
Registered: Aug 2013

posted November 11, 2013 02:11 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ellynlvx     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
For Jenny415:

Natal Report for Jenny415 Knowflake

Jenny415 Knowflake
Moon in Cancer
You can sense and understand the mood and feelings of others, and are
excellent at counseling and nursing. You are quite emotional, and have a natural
sense of that which pleases, knowing the mood of the crowd. You can be overly
protective (or protected), but are good at parenting and creating a home. Quite
Moon in 3rd House
You have a knack for putting the feelings of a group into words and may serve
as a teacher or spokesperson. Communication is one area where you can
always get support and backing from friends and co-workers. Historical ideas
may interest you.
Moon Square Venus
You don't appreciate emotion and sentiment, in particular when in a group.
Despite the above, you may feel that your feelings go unappreciated. Your
disdain for demonstrations of affection may find you unable to appreciate or
show love to someone who supports and provides for you. Your system of
values tends to go against group norms, and may, at times, irritate others.
Tradition, the past, and history in general have little to offer you.
Moon Square Pluto
You keep your feelings and emotions to yourself and resent any attempt to
analyze or probe them. Your home and surroundings are tidy and air-tight, as
well. However, you don't mind probing and dissecting the lives of others. This
can't help but produce a strain in your relations with others, and you probably get
very little support for your detective work. These two parts of you which seldom
meet cause constant tension, resulting in periodic explosions.
Sun in Scorpio
You know how to say "No!" and to go without, if need be. Intense and sometimes
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Copyright ©2006 Matrix Software - Big Rapids, MI 49307
driven, you are able to cut through to the heart of things. You are seldom
interested in refinement. You can be very magnetic, even wild at times, and have
a sense of power and an instinct for survival. Moody.
Sun in 6th House
You are a good worker, always thinking and caring for things. You are naturally
service-oriented and enjoy taking care of the needs of others. You are very
discriminating and can sort out the good apples from the bad.
Sun Square Mars
You push hard, but much energy is wasted because you tend to lack direction
and planning. You often work against the way things are: authorities or the
status quo. It may be difficult for you to coordinate your ambitions with your
actual actions and feelings. You tend to hobble yourself emotionally. Your drive
and passions put you at odds with authority figures time and again. This
tendency towards clashes and emotional confrontation does exist, and at these
times you can be your own worst enemy.
Mercury in Scorpio
The original Sherlock Holmes, you are able to ferret out information and all kinds
of secrets. You are research-oriented and security minded. A shrewd and
penetrating mind, you have great psychological instincts and are able to get at
the causes beneath the surface of life.
Mercury in 6th House
You are skilled at using your mind in an analytical manner, always discriminating.
An expert at quality control, you can spot the bad apples every time. You may be
skillful when it comes to health-related matters (mental or physical).
Mercury Conjunction Venus
You have a love affair going with the mind and you value all of its offspring:
words, ideas, thoughts, and such. And you love to talk. In particular you
appreciate good conversation, and you feel that stimulating mental adventures
(either alone or with others) are among the most exciting experiences life offers.
You have a built-in sense of discrimination when it comes to the intellect -- all
mental activities.
Mercury Conjunction Pluto
Anyone who tries to get you to play with words is in for a big surprise. Your mind
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cuts right through all the window dressing and gets right down to the quick.
Before anyone knows it, you have the heart of the matter out front for everyone
to see. You would make a great investigator, either in scientific research or
undercover work. It makes no difference. Your ability to get to the point is all but
phenomenal. You can talk and put into words areas of the psychological that
others wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole.
Venus in Scorpio
A passionate one, you are never lukewarm in love. It's hot or not. You are in love
with mystery, secrets, and intrigue, anything but that which is open or superficial.
You have great personal magnetism and a loyalty verging on possessiveness.
You are never dull. You enjoy money and influence too. Politics.
Venus in 6th House
You like to do things with care and enjoy being discriminating and exact. Your
critical faculties are excellent, and you can always pick out what is worth saving
and what is not. You appreciate a caring attitude and are service-oriented.
Venus Conjunction Pluto
When you love, you love with energy and passion. You value personal contact,
cutting through all the externals and getting to the heart of things. You
understand and appreciate vulnerability and have no compunction about
presenting your own sensitive spots to others. You enjoy working behind the
scenes, getting at secret and hidden areas of the mind and psyche. Changes
and transformative experiences are where you like to be most.
Mars in Aquarius
You have an inner drive to improve, and reform the world, to share the wealth --
true democracy. You have a feel for groups and any large-scale business or
community project. Independent with a touch of the impersonal. With you, all
persons get the same treatment.
Mars in 10th House
You are driven to manage and control things. An urge to organize and be
practical amounts to a minor obsession. Your career motivation is constant and
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Jupiter in Pisces
You are a real humanitarian, with a genuine interest in social work and able to
sacrifice yourself to help others. You have a love of what's beyond the surface:
religion, psychology, and mysticism. Intuitive, sensitive to emotions, and
sympathetic, you are always giving of self and would make an excellent
counselor. You are farsighted, future- oriented.
Jupiter in 11th House
You could make a career out of group or community work, anything involving
attempts to bring large-scale and humanitarian dreams and ideas to reality. Your
ideals and inner vision keep what is best for everyone ever on your mind.
Jupiter Square Saturn
You have real difficulties when it comes to matters of self-discipline. Your career
suffers due to your lack of training and education. You go against authority,
clashing with it rather than finding a way to work with and learn from it. You end
up taking an unplanned course of action that lacks any organization and seldom
holds up for long. Taking the easy way out can be very painful. You come back
to square one again and again.
Jupiter Square Uranus
Your career is smooth until the question of personal freedom comes up.
Successful career moves may demand conformity and cost you personal
freedom, perhaps toning down your unconventional habits. You may have to
conform and go along in order to get the right job. This is a source of some
tension, and your tendency to rebel can get you in hot water every time.
Saturn in Sagittarius
There could be difficulty with long-term goals and philosophies. You don't trust
them. Nearsighted, with your nose to the grindstone, you need to travel and
explore the length and breadth of the mind and world. Open up. Learn to value
freedom, frankness, independence. Look up!
Saturn in 7th House
Relationships are so important to you that they could be a stumbling block at
times. It may be difficult for you to be close, as you are very demanding of others.
You are not satisfied with superficialities. You want a lasting marriage (union,
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Uranus in Sagittarius
You have new philosophies ideas for the future and new approaches to travel
and exploration (of all kinds). Long journeys interest you. You may startle others
with your direct conversations, always getting right to the nitty-gritty. You enjoy
being alone, free, and on the move. The original optimist.
Uranus in 7th House
You seem to assert your independence in relationships and the social scene.
Unconventional, to say the least, you may well enjoy a different kind of marriage
or friendship. You have insight into marriage or yoga -- the ties that bind.
Neptune in Capricorn
The practical is the ideal. Form follows function. You have a dream of being in
control -- the puppetmaster. You are very interested in tradition and tend to be
dignified and conservative. You believe in an orderly society led by benevolent
monarchs -- those who can see what to do.
Neptune in 8th House
You are very trusting and idealistic when it comes to taking care of business,
getting down to the nitty-gritty. You see the best in a situation, making it hard to
say no or cut yourself the best deal. Initiation and the mystical will appeal.
Pluto in Scorpio
You tear through appearances in an effort to get beneath, behind, and at the
heart or essence. You may find psychology, initiation, and mysticism, and the
occult of great interest. Intense personal change and inner growth are lifelong
Pluto in 6th House
You tend to be radical when it comes to self-analysis, which includes health care,
food, physical wellbeing. Serving and caring for yourself and others is a primary
source of inner growth and change. You are sensitive to criticism.
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Node in Aries
Swiftly acquired responsibilities are your style, and both debts and payoffs tend
to come from volatile involvements that require personal maneuvering. Instant
karma is more your style -- who's got extra lifetimes to waste? That, of course,
only makes it the more intense when you give, or when you have to pay the
Node in 11th House
Finding the right kind of friendship and close alliance can become as much a
duty as a pleasure, so don't vet your near and dear too closely or it may become
a habit. The ultimate rewards come when you can just be spontaneous and see
who comes naturally, however they may be situated in your personal hierarchy.
Midheaven in Aquarius
You can be seen as more of a team player than you really are, which can be to
your advantage. You’ll usually look like you’re cooperating, even when you’re
playing your own personal game, so don’t contradict the buzz.
Ascendant in Gemini
You are quick, witty, and much given to talk and communicating with others. You
come across as intelligent, verbal, and perhaps a little on the nervous side. You
tend to be changeable, being all things to all people.
Vertex in Scorpio
You may be driven by sex and power more than you think, and you may not
discover the real motives for your decisions until your life has changed because
of them. If it's about independence and fulfillment, it's all for the best, but not
when it's just to have the edge, get another serving. So, for you, purity of motive
is especially important.
Vertex in 6th House
The greatest decisions in your life may be the small ones, daily choices which
incrementally add up to major life directions not evident in each detail of the
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picture. You've got to serve somebody, and in the smallest favor can come the
road-altering opportunity that was awaiting your decision from the start.

Trans-Neptunian Report for
Jenny415 Knowflake

The "Uranian" Planets in the Chart for:
Jenny415 Knowflake
Cupido (Coo Pee Doe) · 15Ò˜11'43"
Getting together. All groups: family, marriage, society, partnerships, organizations,
corporations, collections. Art. Marriage. This is the planet of togetherness.
Cupido in 6th House
You could be working in a corporation or company. You might choose to work on committees
because you love to work with other people. "Works and plays well with others" describes you.
You enjoy agreeable surroundings at work. You enjoy art activity.
Cupido Conjunction Mercury
Intellectual associations. Thinking about or talking about marriage. Social conversations.
Corporations for communication (Sprint, Verizon). Telephone company. Music. Speech. Boy
Scouts. Love letters. Music group. Glee club.
Cupido Conjunction Pluto
Changes in the family. Changes in the human society. Social transformation. Growth of a
company. Development of art. Corporate restructuring. Changes such as birth, death, and
Cupido Square Midheaven
The professional artist. One's marriage. One's family. Getting it all together: Integration of the
self. Artistic taste. Appreciation of art. Sense of balance and proportion. Wedding planner.
Hades (Hay Deez) ¸ 05Ò“28'59"
All that is unpleasant, useless, antique, or deeply buried. The occult. Hades is misunderstood
because many think only of the negative meanings: dirt, garbage, sewage, sickness, poverty,
mistakes, and all things ugly and sinister. There is a positive side that deals with antiquity,
depth, and past lives.
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Copyright ©2006 Matrix Software - Big Rapids, MI 49307
Hades in 1st House
Your environment and those in your environment might deal with raw materials, dirty materials,
and things of the past. You will find yourself in places where you come into contact with
disagreeable things, such as a hospital, a prison, or a war zone. Those in your environment
deal with adversity or antiques or used furniture. You may find that you are with students of
metaphysics or astrology.
Hades Opposition Sun
Sick body. Infirmity, deformity. Involved in dirty or very unclean work. The keeper of secrets.
The occultist. A 12-step program. To deal with antiquities. The astrologer.
Hades Square Jupiter
There is a silver lining in a black cloud. Fortune out of misfortune. To be lucky with raw
materials, old materials, junk. Secret bank account. Questionable financial transactions.
Hades Opposition Saturn
To be separated by accidents, misfortune, or unemployment. To feel isolated. Melancholy.
Procrastination. Teaching or studying astrology. School for occult studies. Chronic ailment.
Hades Conjunction Ascendant
Disagreeable things in the environment. Doctor's office. Hospital. War zone. Antique shop.
Students of metaphysics and the occult. Secret, criminal, or underground relationships.
Zeus (Zoos) ¹ 24Ò–46'35"
Controlled, directed energy. Machines; creativity; leadership. All things military. Combustion
engines. Compulsion. Drive. Zeus is like a loaded gun that is aimed. Even the glyph looks like
a rocket. It signifies well-planned efforts.
Zeus in 5th House
Expect realization of your creative goals. You have a great spirit for creativity. If you have
children, they will be strong, healthy, and creative. You have a great mind for business and
other enterprises.
Zeus Square Uranus
Danger from fire. Fatherhood. Explosions. Bolt of lightning. Electric motor. Dynamo. Discharge
of firearms. Controlled forces. Surprising events. Creative astrology. Computers.
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Copyright ©2006 Matrix Software - Big Rapids, MI 49307
Kronos (Krow Nos) º 19Ò“05'20"
Superiority: the highest quality attainable; the ultimate in authority; standard of excellence;
undisputed expert. Zeus and Kronos traveled in a very close square from 1900 to about 1970.
All natal horoscopes from 1900 to 1950 have these two planets together on the dial. These
two together speak of energetic, creative activity of the highest quality. Unfortunately, they
also speak of warfare, armament, and military commanders. The world experienced both
sides of this combination.
Kronos in 1st House
People in your environment and your family and your inheritance prepare you well for
leadership. You will live a methodical life, gifted with intuition, and based on common sense.
You will have great plans, and develop the ability to realize them.
Kronos Square Jupiter
Great luck and fortune! Independence in money matters. Formula for a great money-man.
Lucky and successful manager. Beneficial change for the Government. Philanthropist.
Financial giant. Tycoon.
Kronos Opposition Uranus
Great excitement! Emphatic expressions. Authority appearing suddenly. Great tension and
collected power. Sudden intervention of authority or government. Suddenly emerging mastery.
Apollon (Ap Pull On) » 12Ò—54'49"
The multiplier: expansion and spreading; growth and increase. Science; commerce; trade;
industry; peaceful efforts. The glyph is a combination of Jupiter and Gemini, and Apollon is
truly a Superduper Jupiter.
Apollon in 5th House
You will be involved in scientific or commercial enterprises. You may have many children,
some of whom engage in scientific activity. Bold speculations will be a part of your life.
Admetos (Add Meet Tos) ¼ 11Ò’49'51"
The brick wall: steadfast; stable; immovable. Shrinking. Narrowing down to a sharp focus.
Specialization. Endurance. The glyph for Admetos shows an affinity for the sign Taurus and
must be drawn with a base line to show the Admetos capacity to be steadfast, stable, and
immovable. Admetos describes inertia, slow motion, and things that go around in a circle like
phonograph records and ceiling fans.
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Copyright ©2006 Matrix Software - Big Rapids, MI 49307
Admetos in 12th House
You might develop a career in some form of engineering or time-management studies. You
might design new methods for production in factories and offices. There will be people or
organizations who want to hinder your progress or objectives.
Admetos Opposition Mercury
Serious, deep, or pessimistic thinking. Profound thinker. Mental concentration. Specialization.
Grief. Thoughts of death. Negotiations which are a dead issue. Standstill. Tape recorder.
Admetos Opposition Venus
Lack of affection. Death of love. Frigid. Numb. Connected in love and friendship with a chosen
few. Meditation. Death of a female. Harmonious community in a close circle. Enduring love.
Admetos Opposition Pluto
Deep reaching transformation. Fundamental changes from the ground up. To go deep to the
basic origin. Born-again experience. Therapy. From the beginning to the end. Raw material to
Admetos Square Midheaven
A person whose focus is narrowed to a fine point; therefore, The Specialist. Inner stability.
Personal stubbornness. Strong-willed and obstinate. Steadfast. Perseverance. Endurance.
Vulcanus (Vul Can Is) ½ 13Ò”41'24"
All that is mighty and powerful. Strength. Intensity. If a sentence has the word mighty or
powerful in it, the planetary signature will have Vulcanus in it. If the Sun and Vulcanus are
together, the vitality, strength, and muscular power describe outstanding good health.
Vulcanus in 2nd House
Your personal vitality is directed at earning money. Much of your energy will be expended in
the pursuit of your monetary goals. Your enterprising spirit will be noticed by important people.
Poseidon (Po Side In) ¾ 27Ò—56'50"
Spirituality; truth; ideation; enlightenment; illumination. Wisdom and culture. Poseidon has an
affinity for Pisces and its glyph looks like a sideways version of Pisces. Be careful drawing the
glyph, so it is not mistaken for Neptune. Poseidon is Super Neptune without a negative side.
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Poseidon in 6th House
You will always be rich in ideas. At work, you will be involved in mental discoveries. Expect to
gain knowledge through your work, and at work through your employees or technicians. You
might work in the field of hygiene, health, or sanitation.
Poseidon Square Moon
Inspirational woman. Responsiveness to things of the spirit. To be a medium. The influence of
the spirit upon the soul. People who are susceptible to mental and spiritual things. Empathy.
Poseidon Conjunction Venus
Religiously inclined. Spiritual love. Platonic love. Inclinations for mental, intellectual, and
spiritual matters. One's view of the world.

Arabic Parts for Jenny415 Knowflake

The ones marked with a Star *

Page: 1
Arabic Part Position Formula House Aspects
Accomplishment 21Ò›21' AS+SU-JU 10th
Advancement 23Ò’56' AS+SU-SA 12th
Appreciation 11Ò’01' AS+VE-SU 12th
Assassination 1 28Ҕ15' AS+R12-NE 3rd Ģ
Assassination 2 10Òoe19' MA+NE-UR 10th ŧ
Astrology 27Ò‘06' AS+ME-UR 12th
Bereavement 14Ò“58' C12+R12-NE 1st
Bondage* 05Ò“13' AS+MO-RMO 1st ÂBrethren
02Òoe39' AS+SA-JU 10th
Business Injury* 27ҕ47' AS+PF-R1 4th å
Cancer Malign. 26Òoe10' AS+NE-JU 11th
Catastrophe 26ғ59' AS+UR-SU 1st ĥ
Change 18Ò”15' AS+UR-PL 2nd
Commerce 18Ò’53' AS+ME-SU 12th
Cooperation 05ҕ39' C7+MO-SU 3rd Ť
Damage 12ґ11' AS+NE-MA 11th ħ
Danger* 07Ғ36' AS+ME-SA 12th ê
Daughters 10Җ35' AS+VE-MO 4th ŧ
Death* 04Ҙ20' AS+C8-MO 6th ¤
Death (Medval) 09Ò’50' C8+SA-MO 12th
Death Parents 07Ò–47' AS+JU-SA 4th
Death (Point) 24Ò™38' MA+SA-MC 7th
Death Siblings 15Ò™47' AS+10GE-SU 7th
Decapitation 26Ò”24' C8+MA-MO 3rd
Deceit 06Ò‘13' AS+VE-NE 11th
Delays* 04Ҙ20' AS+C8-MO 6th ¤
Disappointment 28Ҕ15' AS+MA-NE 3rd Ģ
Discord* 21ғ14' AS+JU-MA 1st è
Discord 2 19Ò’12' AS+MA-JU 12th
Disputes 21Ò›02' AS+ME-MA 10th
Distress-Upset 21ҕ46' AS+MA-SA 4th Ĩ
Divorce* 05Ғ14' AS+VE-C7 12th ä, ĩ
Economy 10Ò”42' AS+SA-VE 2nd
Exile 15Ò“42' AS+UR-SA 1st
Faith & Trust 18Ò–26' AS+ME-MO 5th
False Love 04ҕ13' AS+NE-VE 3rd Ť
Fame- Wisdom 21Ò›21' AS+SU-JU 10th
Fate 16Ò“30' AS+SA-SU 1st
Father 23Ò’56' AS+SU-SA 12th
Female Children 10Җ35' AS+VE-MO 4th ŧ
Find (Lost Obj) 00Ò’07' MO+C4-RAS 12th Å¡
Fortune (Day) 05Ò›39' AS+MO-SU 9th Ť, ÄFortune
(Night) 04Ò—46' AS+SU-MO 5th Å©, ÄFraud
26Ò”22' AS+NE-ME 3rd
Friends 13Òš53' AS+MO-UR 8th
Gossip 14Ò‘04' AS+ME-NE 11th
Higher Educat.* 12ҕ20' AS+C9-ME 3rd ì, ţ
Homosexuality 11ҕ17' AS+MA-UR 3rd ħ
Honor 08Òoe21' AS+3TA-MO 10th Ī
Hopes & Wishes* 04Ò“38' AS+C11-R11 12th ÂImagination*
26ҕ43' AS+C11-UR 4th å
Imprisonment 06Ҕ38' AS+PF-NE 2nd Ĥ
Increase 19Ò–04' AS+JU-SU 5th
Individuality* 13Ғ26' AS+SU-UR 12th ã, Ŭ
Inheritance 24Òš22' AS+MO-SA 9th
Insincerity 00Òš51' AS+MO-NE 8th
Killing Planet 21Ò›59' AS+MO-R1 10th
Lawsuits 21Ò›02' AS+ME-MA 10th
Leave Job 24Òoe34' SA+JU-SU 11th
Legal Affairs 05Ò—12' C3+C9-VE 5th Å©, ÄLegalizing
05Ò—12' C9+C3-VE 5th Å©, ÄLost
Animal 03Ò–04' AS+MA-SU 4th Ä©
Love 11Ò’01' AS+VE-SU 12th
Love & Marriage 13җ16' AS+JU-VE 5th Ĭ
Lovers 19ґ49' MA+VE-C5 11th Ĩ
Luck 21Ò—48' AS+MO-JU 5th
Male Children 18Òš38' AS+JU-MO 8th
Arabic Parts for Jenny415 Knowflake Page: 2
Arabic Part Position Formula House Aspects
Male Children 2 21Ò—48' AS+MO-JU 5th
Man's Marriage 29Ò‘44' AS+VE-SA 12th Å¡
Marriage* 05Ҕ12' AS+C7-VE 2nd é, Ĥ
Merchandise 06Ò—06' AS+PF-PS 5th ÄMind-
Captivity* 12қ20' AS+C3-ME 9th ¬, ţ
Mother 29қ51' AS+MO-VE 10th Ţ
Mother & Family 13җ16' AS+JU-VE 5th Ĭ
Mother 2 10Җ35' AS+VE-MO 4th ŧ
Obstruction 28ғ44' AS+NE-SA 1st ĥ
Occultism 18Ò“15' AS+NE-UR 1st
Organization* 13Ғ57' AS+PL-SU 12th ã, Ŭ
Partners* 05Ҕ12' AS+C7-VE 2nd é, Ĥ
Passion 03Ò–04' AS+MA-SU 4th Ä©
Peril 07Ò–47' AS+R8-SA 4th
Peril 2 02Òoe39' AS+SA-R8 10th
Play* 13қ11' AS+VE-MA 9th ¬, ţ
Police-Army 18Òoe39' AS+SA-MA 11th
Popularity 02Ò“17' AS+VE-PL 12th
Possessions 21Òš07' AS+C2-R2 9th
Powrful Friends 11ҕ27' AS+PF-SU 3rd ħ
Profession 24Òš22' AS+MO-SA 9th
Proprty Movable 21Òš07' AS+C2-R2 9th
Radical Change 22ґ11' AS+PL-UR 12th Ĩ
Real Estate 24Òš22' AS+MO-SA 9th
Repression 07Ҕ46' AS+SA-PL 2nd Ī
Retribution 07Òoe22' AS+SU-MA 10th Ī
Ritual Ceremon. 05Ò—12' C9+C3-VE 5th Å©, ÄSecret
Enemies* 29Ҕ52' AS+C12-R12 3rd ¡, Ģ
Self-Undoing 22Ò–54' AS+C12-NE 5th
Servants 21Ò›59' AS+MO-ME 10th
Sex & Love 11Ò’01' AS+VE-SU 12th
Sex Drive 08Ò“09' AS+PL-VE 1st
Sickness 21ҕ46' AS+MA-SA 4th Ĩ
Slander* 11Ғ41' AS+SA-NE 12th ã
Slyness* 01ҕ17' AS+NE-PL 3rd ¡
Sons 18Òš38' AS+JU-MO 8th
Sorrow* 27ҕ47' AS+PF-R1 4th å
Speculation 1* 05Ò™48' AS+JU-C5 7th ÃSpeculation
2* 14ҕ16' AS+JU-NE 4th ì, ţ
Spirit 04Ò—46' AS+SU-MO 5th Å©, ÄSuccess
12Ҕ51' AS+JU-PF 2nd ģ, Ħ
Sudden Advncmnt* 00ҕ09' AS+PF-SA 3rd ¡, Ģ
Sudn Advncmnt 2 10ґ16' AS+SA-PF 11th ħ
Sudden Luck* 27ҕ18' AS+JU-UR 4th å
Sudden Parting 24Ò’44' AS+SA-UR 12th
Suicide* 29Ғ58' AS+C8-NE 12th â
Surgery 18Òoe39' AS+SA-MA 11th
Surprise 11ҕ17' AS+MA-UR 3rd ħ
Sweet Foods 11Ò’01' AS+VE-SU 12th
Time for Action 19Ò–04' AS+JU-SU 5th
Torture 24Ò“12' C10+SA-MO 1st
Tragedy 16Ò“30' AS+SA-SU 1st
Travel by Air* 04Ҕ14' AS+C9-UR 2nd é, Ĥ
Travel by Water 09Òš30' AS+15CA-SA 8th
Travels (Long) 14Ҕ43' AS+C9-R9 2nd Ħ
Travels (Short)* 12қ20' AS+C3-ME 9th ¬, ţ
Travels by Land 14Ҕ43' AS+C9-R9 2nd Ħ
Treachery 10Ò”02' AS+NE-SU 2nd
Treasure 27Ғ21' AS+VE-ME 12th ť
Trickery 02Òš37' AS+MA-MO 8th
Understanding 19Ò–24' AS+MA-ME 5th
Unusual Events 26җ33' AS+UR-MO 6th ĥ
Weddings 05Ò—12' C9+C3-VE 5th Å©, ÄWidowhood
10Òoe44' AS+9LI48P-NE 10th ŧ

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Posts: 10490
From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God
Registered: Aug 2013

posted November 11, 2013 02:39 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ellynlvx     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
For MillyX:

I'm so sorry, this one must have been buried. Here, I'll give you a good one, you have had Eclipses hitting your Nodes, the one next week being one of them.

Right at the MidHeaven and Nadir, too.

Astrological Report For MillyX Knowflake
Nov 01, 2013 to Feb 01, 2014
TimeLine MillyX Knowflake
Chart Data

MillyX Knowflake

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Zodiac: Tropical
Coordinate System: Geocentric
Aspect set: Ptolemy
Transit Planets: Ma Ju Sa Ur Ne Pl
Progression 1 Method: Secondary
Progression 1 Planets: Mo Su Me Ve Ma
Eclipse Aspect Set: Ptolemy
Planet Sign Position House House Cusps
Sun Sagittarius 26°Sg43' 11th 01 05°Aq02'
Moon Pisces 01°Pi01' 01st 02 26°Pi47'
Mercury Sagittarius 17°Sg40' 10th 03 04°Ta46'
Venus Sagittarius 19°Sg40' 10th 04 00°Ge06'
Mars Sagittarius 28°Sg57' 11th 05 20°Ge12'
Jupiter Scorpio 07°Sc33' 09th 06 09°Ca55'
Saturn Aquarius 25°Aq49' 01st 07 05°Le02'
Uranus Capricorn 20°Cp49' 12th 08 26°Vi47'
Neptune Capricorn 19°Cp58' 12th 09 04°Sc46'
Pluto Scorpio 26°Sc37' 09th 10 00°Sg06'
Midheaven Sagittarius 00°Sg06' 11 20°Sg12'
Ascendant Aquarius 05°Aq02' 12 09°Cp55'

Introduction Page 2
TimeLine MillyX Knowflake
Report Highlights
Nov 03 Sun Conjunct Jupiter Solar Eclipse (Scorpio-Scorpio 9th-9th)
*** Exact (Enter: 11/03/13 Exact: 11/03/13 Leave: 04/29/14)
"Fools rush in where angels fear to tread" keep that in mind when the temptation arises to put
your guardian angel on overtime. It's wonderful to feel that anything is possible, but it's just plain
foolish to let impossible dreams become business as usual. Taking on too much can bring it all
down like a house of cards.
Nov 20 Pluto Enter Twelfth Transit (Capricorn 12th )
****** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 11/20/13 Leave: End Date)
Making peace with the past is essential now, and it's the only way you can get to the future you
want. Ignore this, and the "what ifs" will never go away. People who can't help themselves pay a
bigger role in your life: do unto others. Meditation brings self-awareness, and that can set you free
from being a prisoner of your own device.
Nov 25 Jupiter Opposite Neptune Transit (Cancer-Capricorn 6th-12th)
**** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 11/25/13 Leave: 12/07/13)
The career path is open and clear, yet it may go against or challenge some of your ideals and
life dreams. Choosing between the leadings of your intuition and the road to success is a toughie.
Take care to cut a deal that is a fair compromise.
Nov 27 Jupiter Opposite Uranus Transit (Cancer-Capricorn 6th-12th)
**** Leave (Enter: Begin Date Exact: Begin Date Leave: 11/27/13)
Career choices, the obvious path that is opening up for you, may grate against your own sense
of freedom and independence. Success and security at the expense of originality may be too great a
price to pay. Some middle road could be found.
Report Highlights Page 3
TimeLine MillyX Knowflake
November - Monthly Highlights
Nov 03 Sun Conjunct Jupiter Solar Eclipse (Scorpio-Scorpio 9th-9th)
*** Exact (Enter: 11/03/13 Exact: 11/03/13 Leave: 04/29/14)
"Fools rush in where angels fear to tread" keep that in mind when the temptation arises to put
your guardian angel on overtime. It's wonderful to feel that anything is possible, but it's just plain
foolish to let impossible dreams become business as usual. Taking on too much can bring it all
down like a house of cards.
Nov 20 Pluto Enter Twelfth Transit (Capricorn 12th )
****** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 11/20/13 Leave: End Date)
Making peace with the past is essential now, and it's the only way you can get to the future you
want. Ignore this, and the "what ifs" will never go away. People who can't help themselves pay a
bigger role in your life: do unto others. Meditation brings self-awareness, and that can set you free
from being a prisoner of your own device.
Nov 25 Jupiter Opposite Neptune Transit (Cancer-Capricorn 6th-12th)
**** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 11/25/13 Leave: 12/07/13)
The career path is open and clear, yet it may go against or challenge some of your ideals and
life dreams. Choosing between the leadings of your intuition and the road to success is a toughie.
Take care to cut a deal that is a fair compromise.
Nov 27 Jupiter Opposite Uranus Transit (Cancer-Capricorn 6th-12th)
**** Leave (Enter: Begin Date Exact: Begin Date Leave: 11/27/13)
Career choices, the obvious path that is opening up for you, may grate against your own sense
of freedom and independence. Success and security at the expense of originality may be too great a
price to pay. Some middle road could be found.
November Highlights Page 4
TimeLine MillyX Knowflake
Report for November
Nov 03 Sun Conjunct Jupiter Solar Eclipse (Scorpio-Scorpio 9th-9th)
*** Exact (Enter: 11/03/13 Exact: 11/03/13 Leave: 04/29/14)
"Fools rush in where angels fear to tread" keep that in mind when the temptation arises to put
your guardian angel on overtime. It's wonderful to feel that anything is possible, but it's just plain
foolish to let impossible dreams become business as usual. Taking on too much can bring it all
down like a house of cards.
Nov 10 Moon Sextile Neptune Secondary Progression (Scorpio-Capricorn 9th-12th)
*** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 11/10/13 Leave: 12/06/13)
Glamor, mystery, and intrigue fascinate you and play a larger and potentially more positive role
in your life than ever now. Artistic or psychic talents meet with opportunity - they can make you
shine, and there are openings for developing and using your abilities in these areas.
Nov 14 Mars Square Mercury Transit (Virgo-Sagittarius 7th-10th)
*** Exact (Enter: 11/12/13 Exact: 11/14/13 Leave: 11/16/13)
Excessive emotional energy could produce flare-ups, harsh words, and arguments. Your mind is
very sharp (on hair trigger) during this time and can cause as much harm as good.
Nov 18 Mars Square Venus Transit (Virgo-Sagittarius 7th-10th)
*** Exact (Enter: 11/16/13 Exact: 11/18/13 Leave: 11/20/13)
You may feel emotionally frustrated. Your feelings are going against much of what you value,
so make way for possible difficulty. Your enjoyment of life may be temporarily blocked.
Nov 18 Mars Trine Neptune Transit (Virgo-Capricorn 7th-12th)
*** Exact (Enter: 11/17/13 Exact: 11/18/13 Leave: 11/20/13)
A strong drive to unify and simplify. You want something more imaginative and less mundane.
A yearning for other worlds and for some more cosmic form of love.
Nov 20 Mars Trine Uranus Transit (Virgo-Capricorn 7th-12th)
*** Exact (Enter: 11/18/13 Exact: 11/20/13 Leave: 11/22/13)
You feel like being different, trying something new and unusual. A perfect time for new ideas,
a breakthrough in thinking, a novel approach.
Nov 20 Pluto Enter Twelfth Transit (Capricorn 12th )
****** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 11/20/13 Leave: End Date)
Making peace with the past is essential now, and it's the only way you can get to the future you
want. Ignore this, and the "what ifs" will never go away. People who can't help themselves pay a
bigger role in your life: do unto others. Meditation brings self-awareness, and that can set you free
from being a prisoner of your own device.
November Report Page 5
TimeLine MillyX Knowflake
Nov 25 Jupiter Opposite Neptune Transit (Cancer-Capricorn 6th-12th)
**** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 11/25/13 Leave: 12/07/13)
The career path is open and clear, yet it may go against or challenge some of your ideals and
life dreams. Choosing between the leadings of your intuition and the road to success is a toughie.
Take care to cut a deal that is a fair compromise.
Nov 27 Jupiter Opposite Uranus Transit (Cancer-Capricorn 6th-12th)
**** Leave (Enter: Begin Date Exact: Begin Date Leave: 11/27/13)
Career choices, the obvious path that is opening up for you, may grate against your own sense
of freedom and independence. Success and security at the expense of originality may be too great a
price to pay. Some middle road could be found.
November Report Page 6
TimeLine MillyX Knowflake
Report for December
Dec 01 Mars Sextile Pluto Transit (Virgo-Scorpio 7th-9th)
*** Exact (Enter: 11/29/13 Exact: 12/01/13 Leave: 12/03/13)
A drive to probe and penetrate may find you examining and working through some strong
internal changes. Push too hard and you could be too dominating, even oppressive, to yourself and
Dec 01 Mars Square Sun Transit (Virgo-Sagittarius 7th-11th)
*** Exact (Enter: 11/29/13 Exact: 12/01/13 Leave: 12/03/13)
Emotions may flare up or arguments occur that work against your own best interests. Be
prepared, and walk softly.
Dec 01 Mars Enter Eighth Transit (Virgo 8th )
**** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 12/01/13 Leave: End Date)
Who controls what and how to make sure you get what you want are foremost concerns now.
This is a sexy and powerful kind of experience at some levels. A need to prove yourself can lead to
all kinds of challenges, can lead to a new you that leaves the old behind like an outgrown shell.
Dec 02 Moon Sextile Uranus Secondary Progression (Scorpio-Capricorn 9th-12th)
*** Exact (Enter: 11/06/13 Exact: 12/02/13 Leave: 12/28/13)
Novelty, innovation, and ingenuity pay off for you now: be alert for new solutions to old
problems. Being different isn't so bad at a time like this, when the public in general (and women in
particular) are receptive to your uniqueness.
Dec 05 Mars Square Mars Transit (Virgo-Sagittarius 8th-11th)
*** Exact (Enter: 12/03/13 Exact: 12/05/13 Leave: 12/07/13)
Harsh energy could leave you feeling emotionally blocked and frustrated. Don't try to push too
hard. You are only fighting yourself. Wait this one out.
Dec 07 Mars Enter Libra Transit (Libra 8th )
**** Exact (Enter: Begin Date Exact: 12/07/13 Leave: End Date)
"I'm giving you a definite maybe" - that's the motto of the cycle you're now entering. It's a time
of refinement and tact, of an urge to please others that is so strong as to make it hard to decide or
act for fear of offending someone. You'll quickly learn to balance this out, or you'll discover that
there is no peace in compromise - and this can be tough on close relationships. The trick is to find
the win-win solution to the no-win situation - and if anyone's ever up to it, you are now.
Dec 07 Mars Sextile MC Transit (Libra-Sagittarius 8th-10th)
*** Exact (Enter: 12/05/13 Exact: 12/07/13 Leave: 12/09/13)
You have a lot of energy to pour into practical and career decisions. You may appear
commanding and assertive.
December Report Page 7
TimeLine MillyX Knowflake
Dec 17 Mars Trine Asc Transit (Libra-Aquarius 8th-1st)
*** Exact (Enter: 12/15/13 Exact: 12/17/13 Leave: 12/19/13)
You can really communicate and convey yourself to others right now. You have a lot of energy
and come across as assertive and dominant.
Dec 27 Saturn Sextile Neptune Transit (Scorpio-Capricorn 9th-12th)
**** Exact (Enter: 12/17/13 Exact: 12/27/13 Leave: 01/07/14)
Circumstances should work together to help bring out your ideals, make it easier to make your
dreams real. You may find yourself examining and testing ideals, separating the wheat from the
chaff. All in all, a good time to project your image.
December Report Page 8
TimeLine MillyX Knowflake
Report for January
Jan 06 Saturn Sextile Uranus Transit (Scorpio-Capricorn 9th-12th)
**** Exact (Enter: 12/25/13 Exact: 01/06/14 Leave: 01/19/14)
Events may make it easy for you to be original, have breakthroughs, and find new solutions to
old problems. You may find yourself able to implement your ideas and put them into practice.
Independence, originality, and eccentricity are to the fore.
Jan 15 Mars Sextile Mercury Transit (Libra-Sagittarius 8th-10th)
*** Exact (Enter: 01/12/14 Exact: 01/15/14 Leave: 01/18/14)
You may be very forceful in what you say and think. With all of this emotional energy, you
could speak or communicate very well. You have mental drive.
Jan 20 Mars Sextile Venus Transit (Libra-Sagittarius 8th-10th)
*** Exact (Enter: 01/18/14 Exact: 01/20/14 Leave: 01/23/14)
Your desires are strong, and you will want to enjoy yourself. Romance is very possible. There
is a basic drive to appreciate and taste life.
Jan 21 Mars Square Neptune Transit (Libra-Capricorn 8th-12th)
*** Exact (Enter: 01/18/14 Exact: 01/21/14 Leave: 01/24/14)
Don't do too much dreaming just now. It would be very easy for you to get carried away with
some fancy or another. Your feelings are not in sync with your imagination. You may be hard to
Jan 24 Mars Square Uranus Transit (Libra-Capricorn 8th-12th)
*** Exact (Enter: 01/21/14 Exact: 01/24/14 Leave: 01/27/14)
Don't take chances or risks just now. Be satisfied with the ordinary and usual. Novel ideas or
insights could be more damaging than useful. Hectic emotional energy.
January Report Page 9
TimeLine MillyX Knowflake
Time Scan
November 2013
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27
December 2013
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30
January 2014
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30
MillyX Knowflake: Transit to Natal: Geocentric
¥¢ Å
¥£ Å Æ
¥¤ Å Æ
¥¥ Å
¥¨ Ä Å
¥© Ä Å
¥ª Æ
¥¬ Æ
¥Sn Mars in Virgo Mars in Libra Mars in Libra
¥Hs Mars in 7th Mars in 8th Mars in 8th Mars in 8th
¦© Ã
¦Sn Jupiter in Cancer Jupiter in Cancer Jupiter in Cancer
¦Hs Jupiter in 6th Jupiter in 6th Jupiter in 6th Jupiter in 6th
§¨ Æ
§© Æ
§Sn Saturn in Scorpio Saturn in Scorpio Saturn in Scorpio
§Hs Saturn in 9th Saturn in 9th Saturn in 9th Saturn in 9th
¨Sn Uranus in Aries Uranus in Aries Uranus in Aries
¨Hs Uranus in 2nd Uranus in 2nd Uranus in 2nd
©Sn Neptune in Pisces Neptune in Pisces Neptune in Pisces
©Hs Neptune in 1st Neptune in 1st Neptune in 1st
ªSn Pluto in Capricorn Pluto in Capricorn Pluto in Capricorn
ªHs Pluto in 11th Pluto in 12th Pluto in 12th Pluto in 12th
MillyX Knowflake: Progressed to Natal : Secondary Progression: Geocentric
¡¨ Æ
¡© Æ
¡Sn Moon in Scorpio Moon in Scorpio Moon in Scorpio
¡Hs Moon in 9th Moon in 9th Moon in 9th Moon in 9th
¢Sn Sun in Capricorn Sun in Capricorn Sun in Capricorn
¢Hs Sun in 12th Sun in 12th Sun in 12th Sun in 12th
£Sn Mercury in Capricorn Mercury in Capricorn
£Hs Mercury in 12th Mercury in 12th Mercury in 12th
¤Sn Venus in Capricorn Venus in Capricorn
¤Hs Venus in 12th Venus in 12th Venus in 12th
¥Sn Mars in Capricorn Mars in Capricorn Mars in Capricorn
¥Hs Mars in 12th Mars in 12th Mars in 12th Mars in 12th
Time Scan Page 10

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Posts: 231
Registered: Nov 2010

posted November 11, 2013 02:47 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Nothingbutaname     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ellynlvx:
[B]Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday, Dear NothingButAName
Happy Birthday to You!!!

Thank you Ellynlvx for the report! and for the Happy birthday!. The transits were rather interesting and good to hear. I am not particularly sure how to interpret the arabic parts, and the starred ones in particular are rather concerning. But nevertheless, thank you again for posting it, I very much appreciate it.

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Posts: 10490
From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God
Registered: Aug 2013

posted November 11, 2013 02:50 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ellynlvx     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
For MillyX:

Natal Report for MillyX Knowflake
Moon in Pisces
The world is a sacred place to you, and you have an absolute commitment to
spiritual ideas. Intuition is a fact of life, and you are sensitive, kind, and gentle. A
romantic too, with a tender heart. You always work for a real future, doing what
has to be done. You love all that is musical and artistic. You have sensitivity to
all that is psychic. You have real faith.
Moon in 1st House
You always manage to end up in the limelight, with the support of those around
you. You get a lot of mileage out of your appearance and the way you carry
yourself and communicate to others. You could make your living from the public.
Sun Sextile Moon
A special affinity for old people and for children, plus an innate love of animals,
the helpless, and the underdog. An inner vision coupled with the ability to see
the "Big" picture often finds you working as a go-between with others.
Moon Sextile Mars
A born coach or teacher, you are at home in the physical and "doing" areas of
life. An inspiration and driving force in the lives of others. Quite able to manage a
very active and strong emotional life. Strong spirit. Attractive. Direct, perhaps
Moon Trine Jupiter
You have a knack for always finding assistance in whatever career moves you
decide to make. In fact, your ability to rally support makes a public career of one
kind or another quite probable. Success is indicated in education, politics, or the
law. You know how to attack and solve problems, whether personal or public.
Chances are, your social skills mean that you are popular with almost everyone.
Moon Conjunction Saturn
You are a natural architect when it comes to home and environment, always
arranging and re-ordering your present surroundings. Others recognize in you an
Natal Report: MillyX Knowflake Page 2
Copyright ©2006 Matrix Software - Big Rapids, MI 49307
intuitive organizer, able to manage both feelings and situations. Many may find
your determined approach useful but not a lot of laughs and thus tend to keep
their distance. You have very definite feelings and like to exercise emotional
control over yourself and a group. Your more serious approach, while perhaps
not the life of the party, is dependable and trustworthy.
Moon Square Pluto
You keep your feelings and emotions to yourself and resent any attempt to
analyze or probe them. Your home and surroundings are tidy and air-tight, as
well. However, you don't mind probing and dissecting the lives of others. This
can't help but produce a strain in your relations with others, and you probably get
very little support for your detective work. These two parts of you which seldom
meet cause constant tension, resulting in periodic explosions.
Sun in Sagittarius
You are always out-front, frank, and even rough at times -- getting to the heart of
any subject. On the move, you are a traveler of both the world and the mind --
philosophy and religion. Outgoing, friendly, and well-liked, you may enjoy sports
and physical activity. Not petty, you like grand themes and big gestures.
Sun in 11th House
Perfect as a group leader, where your innate idealism and love for humanity can
blossom. Group or community work -- anything that is altruistic or serves the
common good -- is where you can be found. You strive to make your dreams
and ideals real.
Sun Conjunction Mercury
You communicate with consummate skill, and it is stimulating just being with you.
Your high degree of mental concentration makes you an excellent student, able
to excel in speaking, writing, and all types of communication skills. Your
ambitions go hand-in-hand with communication and using the mind, and the two
should never be far apart.
Sun Conjunction Venus
You have a basic self-esteem that is plain to all who meet you. Your sense of
discrimination and innate good taste means that you know good items from bad
and are a connoisseur of all that is fine and beautiful. A love of authority figures
(men in particular), plus an appreciation for authority and your elders in general,
makes you welcome at any social scene.
Natal Report: MillyX Knowflake Page 3
Copyright ©2006 Matrix Software - Big Rapids, MI 49307
Sun Conjunction Mars
A born doer, with an incredible drive to accomplish and achieve in life. Your
ambitions are backed up by the will to get things done. You can be very
emotional, and others might find you a bit too aggressive. You try hard and you
always push on toward whatever goals you have in mind. A conservative by
nature, you tend to stand up for the status quo, and, if male, are probably a
"man's man."
Sun Sextile Saturn
There is a real love of science and natural laws. You are a hard and tireless
worker, with absolute determination and the ability to accomplish great projects
with ease. You are fiercely loyal to your friends. Also, very integral... perhaps too
Mercury in Sagittarius
You are fair-minded and above-board, always direct and honest in thought. You
are more interested in eternal thoughts and broad landscapes than in minute
details. You always manage to get the picture right away. Farsighted, you have a
wandering mind that loves to travel and are at home with the bare bones of truth.
Mercury in 10th House
When it comes to business and career, you have a mind that just can't help but
taking care of business. Your thoughts and ideas are nothing if not practical, and
your clear-sightedness makes some form of management or supervision almost
Mercury Conjunction Venus
You have a love affair going with the mind and you value all of its offspring:
words, ideas, thoughts, and such. And you love to talk. In particular you
appreciate good conversation, and you feel that stimulating mental adventures
(either alone or with others) are among the most exciting experiences life offers.
You have a built-in sense of discrimination when it comes to the intellect -- all
mental activities.
Venus in Sagittarius
You love all things plain and true, and possessing an innate sense of religion
Natal Report: MillyX Knowflake Page 4
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and what's real. Not prudish, even communal, you insist on freedom in all things.
You love sports, 'great' ideas, and travel. You are anything except too domestic.
An idealist of the first water, but not dreamy, you are frank and affectionate.
Venus in 10th House
You love large-scale organization, and career or business will always be close to
your heart. Your sense of discrimination when it comes to practical issues is
excellent, and you value clearheadedness in others. You like to work.
Mars in Sagittarius
With direct drive, you always head straight to the heart of the matter. You are
candid, even blunt or brusque in manner. No bells or whistles needed, for you
like simple living and could be an outdoors person. You have an urge to be free,
to be challenged and tested, and would rather travel far than be stuck in routine.
Mars in 11th House
You have real community spirit, a drive to work with others on projects of
humanitarian interest. An urge to make your altruistic dreams a reality keeps you
moving in the direction of group goals and work.
Mars Sextile Saturn
Applied force. Practical competence. Tremendous discipline and a love of
routine work. Ability to simplify, code, and reduce a subject to its essential
elements. Inner drive to be thorough and responsible in minute details. Selfdisciplined.
Jupiter in Scorpio
An in-fighter, with animal-like instincts when it comes to big business, you are
always where the action is most intense. Your penetrating mind gets through the
B.S. and straight to the bottom line every time. Exciting to be near, you are an
entrepreneur, the big wheel. Sometimes restless, driven.
Jupiter in 9th House
Your devotion and search for truth may carry you across the globe and certainly
to the far reaches of philosophy and religious thoughts. Your career may hinge
on your need to always get at the seed, essence, or heart of every question.
Natal Report: MillyX Knowflake Page 5
Copyright ©2006 Matrix Software - Big Rapids, MI 49307
Saturn in Aquarius
You have an innate distrust of groups or large organizations and could tend to
avoid what is new or future-oriented. You are, perhaps, too conservative and
need to develop a sense of community and sharing with others. Learn to be
independent. Practice impartiality and altruism. Be innovative.
Saturn in 1st House
You are very conservative when it comes to your personal appearance and
communications with others. You are impartial and don't play favorites or get
overly personal. You probably don't waste words.
Saturn Square Pluto
Your very organized self tends to hide behind duties and responsibilities. This nononsense
approach manages to push aside many opportunities for others to
reach out to you and get close. You resist getting personal and tend to avoid
issues that are touchy and might result in confrontation and change. There could
be eruptions that overturn all of the more orderly rituals.
Uranus in Capricorn
You are innovative in the political and business arena. You find new ways to
manage and control things and people. Ever practical, you come up with new or
alternate forms of management -- breakthroughs in top-level management and
corporate styles. You bring new life to conservative traditions. Your emotions are
very staid.
Uranus in 12th House
You could be unconventional in matters of psychology, the psyche, and all that is
mystical or spiritual. Unusual ways to help or care for others -- insight into
accepting life and self-sacrifice -- are yours.
Uranus Conjunction Neptune
You have real vision and insight into the unity that ties this world together. Your
brilliant imagination and enchanting manner transport all who meet you beyond
the mundane and into the extraordinary regions where you spend a lot of your
time. You are a seer, in the true sense of the word, and possess a waking
experience of that part of us that is mystical and dreamlike. You find new ways
to bring people together, to unify situations. Unusual music.
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Copyright ©2006 Matrix Software - Big Rapids, MI 49307
Neptune in Capricorn
The practical is the ideal. Form follows function. You have a dream of being in
control -- the puppetmaster. You are very interested in tradition and tend to be
dignified and conservative. You believe in an orderly society led by benevolent
monarchs -- those who can see what to do.
Neptune in 12th House
You have very high ideals and a vision of unity and togetherness that allows you
to be long-suffering and put up with a lot. You tend to be self-sacrificing,
understanding, and always interested in whatever is psychological, mystical, and
the like.
Pluto in Scorpio
You tear through appearances in an effort to get beneath, behind, and at the
heart or essence. You may find psychology, initiation, and mysticism, and the
occult of great interest. Intense personal change and inner growth are lifelong
Pluto in 9th House
You are passionate in your search for truth and essence. Nothing superficial or
ephemeral holds your attention. Your intense analytical approach to life cuts
through to the heart of things. This directness may not always endear you to
Node in Sagittarius
Before you take on the truth, be sure you can handle it. Knowing you are right
and going ahead are two different matters, and the latter can require the rest of
your life. The reward, however, is to learn how things really are put together and
what that truth is and the trails it takes, in glorious detail.
Node in 10th House
Taking on high profile situations can keep you more in the public eye than you
might want, or at least it might give you less options to escape, so be wary of
fame. Playing the top dog will get you everything at home, but it will also be a
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rare reward as you may not have time enough to enjoy it. The price of notoriety
can be time-consumingly dear.
Midheaven in Sagittarius
You may gain the reputation of someone who sees the whole picture, is a
stalwart thinker, and who is dedicated to independence. Well, who said it all had
to be true? Your reputation precedes you, even when it’s bigger than life.
Ascendant in Aquarius
Very much a social animal, you communicate yourself best when in a group or
when working toward some very worthwhile goal. You come across as impartial,
tolerant, and open. Your idealism is apparent to all who come to know you.
Vertex in Virgo
Hidden in your daily routine are small pivot points that turn your life in new
directions without your being entirely aware of it at the time. Little things that
seem ordinary, and the people who accompany them, have disproportionate
influence on rare occasions and quite alter your course through an accretion of
minor course adjustments.
Vertex in 7th House
Your most life-altering events will be directly linked with the partnerships you
make, and not always in the most obvious fashion -- in fact, it may be those
relationships which you most ignore or overlook. You have the rest of your life
awaiting you on a plate you didn't know was already served and at your disposal.

Trans-Neptunian Report for
MillyX Knowflake

The "Uranian" Planets in the Chart for:
MillyX Knowflake

Cupido (Coo Pee Doe) · 25Ò˜24'20"
Getting together. All groups: family, marriage, society, partnerships, organizations,
corporations, collections. Art. Marriage. This is the planet of togetherness.
Cupido in 9th House
You will have associations abroad or family connections at a distance. The following is
possible: group travel to foreign places, congregation for religious study, or involvement with a
political party.
Cupido Square Moon
Female artist. Married woman. The bride. Group of women. Hours of art or sociability. Social
gathering. Public artist. Ladies' Association. Women in the family. Sisters. Mother-in-law.
Cupido Square Saturn
Separation in the family. Separation from partnership. To leave a corporation or a company.
Home for the elderly. Nursing home. AARP. Losses in art.
Cupido Conjunction Pluto
Changes in the family. Changes in the human society. Social transformation. Growth of a
company. Development of art. Corporate restructuring. Changes such as birth, death, and
Cupido Conjunction Midheaven
The professional artist. One's marriage. One's family. Getting it all together: Integration of the
self. Artistic taste. Appreciation of art. Sense of balance and proportion. Wedding planner.
Trans-Neptunian Report: MillyX Knowflake Page 2
Copyright ©2006 Matrix Software - Big Rapids, MI 49307
Hades (Hay Deez) ¸ 12Ò“14'16"
All that is unpleasant, useless, antique, or deeply buried. The occult. Hades is misunderstood
because many think only of the negative meanings: dirt, garbage, sewage, sickness, poverty,
mistakes, and all things ugly and sinister. There is a positive side that deals with antiquity,
depth, and past lives.
Hades in 4th House
You are the keeper of domestic secrets. There could be a skeleton in the closet at home or at
your parents' home. Your home is a place for occult studies. You might hold astrology classes
at home. Your home could have mold in the basement. You could be involved with buildings
condemned because of earthquake, flood, or mudslide.
Hades Opposition Mercury
Writing about the occult. Critical analyst. One who finds mistakes. Proofreader. Editor. Vulgar
thinking. To be sad. Bad news. Ancient hieroglyphics. Language of the past.
Hades Opposition Venus
A love affair. Clandestine love affair. Love worries. Vulgar sensuality. Prostitution. Woman in
service occupations. Voluntary sterility. Tubal ligation. Vasectomy. Reproductive disorders.
Zeus (Zoos) ¹ 00Ò—33'02"
Controlled, directed energy. Machines; creativity; leadership. All things military. Combustion
engines. Compulsion. Drive. Zeus is like a loaded gun that is aimed. Even the glyph looks like
a rocket. It signifies well-planned efforts.
Zeus in 8th House
You are mentally creative. You are interested in studying history, wars, and everything military,
either as a career or a hobby. You might also choose a career or profession involving
occultism or mysticism.
Zeus Square Sun
A person with a purpose. The will to create. Creative person. A born leader. A person with
fever. A person with passion. A military person. Flammable objects. To stand up for oneself.
Zeus Square Mars
Military strength. Military activities. To handle firearms. Directed activity. To fire a gun. Leading
activity. To act with a goal in mind. Machines. Technical science. Computer science.
Trans-Neptunian Report: MillyX Knowflake Page 3
Copyright ©2006 Matrix Software - Big Rapids, MI 49307
Kronos (Krow Nos) º 23Ò“43'00"
Superiority: the highest quality attainable; the ultimate in authority; standard of excellence;
undisputed expert. Zeus and Kronos traveled in a very close square from 1900 to about 1970.
All natal horoscopes from 1900 to 1950 have these two planets together on the dial. These
two together speak of energetic, creative activity of the highest quality. Unfortunately, they
also speak of warfare, armament, and military commanders. The world experienced both
sides of this combination.
Kronos in 5th House
Your children are superior intellectually, creatively, and socially. So are all of your creative
endeavors, which are outstanding in every way. If you are a homemaker, you will do a superb
job. Your every creative endeavor is outstanding.
Kronos Opposition Sun
The ruling prince. The president. The king. The leader. The male superior. The district
attorney. The father. The landlord. The top banana. The director. The man with authority.
Kronos Opposition Mercury
Great ideas. Official letters. Court decision. The great spiritual leader. Lofty mental qualities.
Honorable thinking. Great thoughts. A noble way of thinking.
Kronos Opposition Venus
Mother-love. Unselfish love. Charity. The great helping hand. Help through the state. Welfare
departments. Affection. Fondness. Benevolence. High feelings. Great love. A "class act."
Kronos Opposition Mars
Procedure is indicated by the power of the government. Police authority. Power of the state.
Master of the house. Autocratic. The great leader and organizer. The "Great Original."
Apollon (Ap Pull On) » 17Ò—30'22"
The multiplier: expansion and spreading; growth and increase. Science; commerce; trade;
industry; peaceful efforts. The glyph is a combination of Jupiter and Gemini, and Apollon is
truly a Superduper Jupiter.
Apollon in 8th House
You may study the occult sciences. You may study astrology. You may study the science of
the beyond. You may choose to hold séances to further your studies.
Apollon Square Uranus
Surprising successes. Revolutionary knowledge. To measure. Mathematics. Technical
science. Study of electronics. New science. Computer science. Astrology. Expansion. The
Trans-Neptunian Report: MillyX Knowflake Page 4
Copyright ©2006 Matrix Software - Big Rapids, MI 49307
Apollon Square Neptune
Masses of air, gas, or water. Hidden activities. Occult Science. Science of the future.
Chemistry. Deceptions on a large scale. Frauds. Embezzlements. Deception of many. Science
of space travel.
Admetos (Add Meet Tos) ¼ 15Ò’41'42"
The brick wall: steadfast; stable; immovable. Shrinking. Narrowing down to a sharp focus.
Specialization. Endurance. The glyph for Admetos shows an affinity for the sign Taurus and
must be drawn with a base line to show the Admetos capacity to be steadfast, stable, and
immovable. Admetos describes inertia, slow motion, and things that go around in a circle like
phonograph records and ceiling fans.
Admetos in 3rd House
Your mind will be firm as you encounter great odds and resistance. Expect pressure to be
brought to you in thought, documents, contracts, or spoken words.
Vulcanus (Vul Can Is) ½ 17Ò”17'29"
All that is mighty and powerful. Strength. Intensity. If a sentence has the word mighty or
powerful in it, the planetary signature will have Vulcanus in it. If the Sun and Vulcanus are
together, the vitality, strength, and muscular power describe outstanding good health.
Vulcanus in 6th House
You have a mighty urge to work. Expect to strive for and gain power through your work. You
may attract energetic employees or subordinates. Your forceful personal vitality will influence
your work.
Vulcanus Opposition Uranus
Sudden display of forces, like lightning, thunderbolts, or explosions. Electrical high voltage.
Great display of strength. Electric energies. The power of engines or motors.
Vulcanus Opposition Neptune
To be without influence. Powerless. Impotent. Mighty deception. Great disappointment. Great
sensitivity. Power that one cannot see or hear. Powerful psychic. Perfume. Tsunami.
Trans-Neptunian Report: MillyX Knowflake Page 5
Copyright ©2006 Matrix Software - Big Rapids, MI 49307
Poseidon (Po Side In) ¾ 01Ò˜34'50"
Spirituality; truth; ideation; enlightenment; illumination. Wisdom and culture. Poseidon has an
affinity for Pisces and its glyph looks like a sideways version of Pisces. Be careful drawing the
glyph, so it is not mistaken for Neptune. Poseidon is Super Neptune without a negative side.
Poseidon in 8th House
Seek the wisdom of people who have lived before you. The knowledge gained may prove to
be of benefit to you. There is a possibility of an attractive inheritance. You may be interested in
the study of the occult, metaphysics, or astrology.
Poseidon Conjunction Jupiter
Understanding, reason, and wisdom. Intelligence. Discernment. Conscience. Mental
happiness. Instinct. Insight. Successful mental activities. Justice. Common sense.
Poseidon Square Ascendant
Spiritual surroundings. A spiritual place like a church, temple, or mosque. Understanding or
inspirational associates. To meet spiritual people. To cultivate spiritual associates.

Arabic Parts for MillyX Knowflake
The ones with a Star*

Page: 1
Arabic Part Position Formula House Aspects
Accomplishment 24Òoe12' AS+SU-JU 1st
Advancement 05Ò™56' AS+SU-SA 10th
Appreciation 27Òš59' AS+VE-SU 12th
Assassination 1 10Òoe53' AS+R12-NE 1st
Assassination 2* 28ҙ06' MA+NE-UR 11th ¢, ¥
Astrology 01Òš53' AS+ME-UR 11th
Bereavement 15Ò›46' C12+R12-NE 1st
Bondage 28Ò’30' AS+MO-RMO 3rd
Brethren 16Ò—46' AS+JU-SA 8th
Business Injury 18Òoe33' AS+PF-R1 1st Å£, Ť
Cancer Malign. 17ґ27' AS+NE-JU 2nd ģ
Catastrophe 29қ08' AS+UR-SU 1st Ŭ
Change 29Òoe14' AS+UR-PL 2nd Å¥, Ĭ
Commerce 25Òš59' AS+ME-SU 12th
Cooperation 09Ò—20' C7+MO-SU 8th
Damage* 26қ03' AS+NE-MA 1st §, Ū
Danger* 26Ҙ53' AS+ME-SA 9th ª, ŧ
Daughters 23Ò˜40' AS+VE-MO 9th
Death* 00Җ47' AS+C8-MO 7th á, Ŭ
Death (Medval) 21Җ35' C8+SA-MO 7th Ĩ
Death Parents 16Ò—46' AS+JU-SA 8th
Death (Point) 24Òoe40' MA+SA-MC 1st
Death Siblings 18Ò”19' AS+10GE-SU 6th
Decapitation 24Ò”42' C8+MA-MO 6th
Deceit 04Òš43' AS+VE-NE 11th
Delays* 00Җ47' AS+C8-MO 7th á, Ŭ
Disappointment 14Òš00' AS+MA-NE 12th
Discord 13Ò™38' AS+JU-MA 10th
Discord 2 13Ò™38' AS+JU-MA 10th
Disputes 23Òš45' AS+ME-MA 12th
Distress-Upset 08Ò™10' AS+MA-SA 10th
Divorce* 19ғ40' AS+VE-C7 4th ä
Economy 11Ò‘11' AS+SA-VE 2nd
Exile* 00Қ02' AS+UR-SA 11th ¥
Faith & Trust 21Ò˜41' AS+ME-MO 9th
False Love 05Òoe21' AS+NE-VE 1st
Fame- Wisdom 15Ò™52' AS+JU-SU 10th
Fate 04Ò‘08' AS+SA-SU 2nd
Father 05Ò™56' AS+SU-SA 10th
Female Children 23Ò˜40' AS+VE-MO 9th
Find (Lost Obj) 05Ò“18' MO+C4-RAS 4th ÄFortune
(Day) 09Ò‘20' AS+MO-SU 2nd
Fortune (Night)* 00ҙ43' AS+SU-MO 10th ¬, š
Fraud 07Òoe20' AS+NE-ME 1st Ħ
Friends 15Òoe14' AS+MO-UR 1st
Gossip 02Òš44' AS+ME-NE 11th
Higher Educat. 22Ò™07' AS+C9-ME 11th
Homosexuality 13Òš10' AS+MA-UR 12th
Honor* 27Ғ19' AS+19AR-SU 3rd ê, ŧ
Hopes & Wishes 17Òoe41' AS+C11-R11 1st Å£
Imagination 04Òš25' AS+C11-UR 11th
Imprisonment 24Ò‘24' AS+PF-NE 2nd
Increase 15Ò™52' AS+JU-SU 10th
Individuality 10Òš56' AS+SU-UR 12th
Inheritance 10Ò›14' AS+MO-SA 1st
Insincerity 16Òoe05' AS+MO-NE 1st
Killing Planet 10Ò›14' AS+MO-R1 1st
Lawsuits 23Òš45' AS+ME-MA 12th
Leave Job 06Òš39' SA+JU-SU 11th
Legal Affairs 19Òoe52' C3+C9-VE 1st Ť
Legalizing 19Òoe52' C9+C3-VE 1st Ť
Lost Animal 07қ16' AS+MA-SU 1st Ŧ
Love 27Òš59' AS+VE-SU 12th
Love & Marriage 22Ò™55' AS+JU-VE 11th
Lovers* 28ғ24' MA+VE-C5 5th å
Luck 28Ò’30' AS+MO-JU 3rd
Male Children 11Ò—33' AS+JU-MO 8th
Arabic Parts for MillyX Knowflake Page: 2
Arabic Part Position Formula House Aspects
Male Children 2 11Ò—33' AS+JU-MO 8th
Man's Marriage* 28Ҙ52' AS+VE-SA 9th ¬
Marriage 20Җ24' AS+C7-VE 7th Ť, Ĩ, ĩ
Merchandise 13Ò“39' AS+PF-PS 4th
Mind- Captivity 22Ò“07' AS+C3-ME 5th
Mother 16ґ24' AS+MO-VE 2nd ģ
Mother & Family 22Ò™55' AS+JU-VE 11th
Mother 2 16ґ24' AS+MO-VE 2nd ģ
Obstruction* 29ҙ11' AS+NE-SA 11th ¥
Occultism* 04Ò›11' AS+NE-UR 12th ÂOrganization
04Òš56' AS+PL-SU 11th
Partners 20Җ24' AS+C7-VE 7th Ť, Ĩ, ĩ
Passion 07қ16' AS+MA-SU 1st Ŧ
Peril* 26Ҙ53' AS+R8-SA 9th ª, ŧ
Peril 2* 26Ҙ53' AS+R8-SA 9th ª, ŧ
Play 25Òš45' AS+VE-MA 12th
Police-Army 01Ò‘54' AS+SA-MA 2nd
Popularity 28қ04' AS+VE-PL 1st Ū
Possessions 24Ò“16' AS+C2-R2 5th
Powrful Friends 22Ò—24' AS+SU-PF 8th
Profession 10Ò›14' AS+MO-SA 1st
Proprty Movable 24Ò“16' AS+C2-R2 5th
Radical Change 10Ò™50' AS+PL-UR 10th
Real Estate 10Ò›14' AS+MO-SA 1st
Repression 04Ò’14' AS+SA-PL 2nd ÅRetribution
02Ò›48' AS+SU-MA 12th
Ritual Ceremon. 19Òoe52' C9+C3-VE 1st Ť
Secret Enemies* 19ҙ08' AS+C12-R12 10th £, ¤
Self-Undoing 24Òš58' AS+C12-NE 12th
Servants 18ґ23' AS+MO-ME 2nd ģ, Ĥ
Sex & Love 27Òš59' AS+VE-SU 12th
Sex Drive 12Òš00' AS+PL-VE 12th
Sickness 08Ò™10' AS+MA-SA 10th
Slander 10Òoe53' AS+SA-NE 1st
Slyness 28Òoe23' AS+NE-PL 2nd Å¥
Sons 11Ò—33' AS+JU-MO 8th
Sorrow 18Òoe33' AS+PF-R1 1st Å£, Ť
Speculation 1 17Җ41' AS+C5-JU 7th ţ
Speculation 2 22Ò˜37' AS+JU-NE 9th
Spirit* 00ҙ43' AS+SU-MO 10th ¬, š
Success 03Ò–14' AS+JU-PF 7th
Sudden Advncmnt 18Òoe33' AS+PF-SA 1st Å£, Ť
Sudn Advncmnt 2 18Òoe33' AS+PF-SA 1st Å£, Ť
Sudden Luck 21Ò˜46' AS+JU-UR 9th
Sudden Parting 10Òoe02' AS+SA-UR 1st
Suicide 11Ò—51' AS+C8-NE 8th
Surgery 01Ò‘54' AS+SA-MA 2nd
Surprise 13Òš10' AS+MA-UR 12th
Sweet Foods 27Òš59' AS+VE-SU 12th
Time for Action 15Ò™52' AS+JU-SU 10th
Torture 24Ҙ53' C10+SA-MO 9th ŧ
Tragedy 04Ò‘08' AS+SA-SU 2nd
Travel by Air 18Ò˜59' AS+C9-UR 9th
Travel by Water 24Ò“13' AS+15CA-SA 5th
Travels (Long) 10Ò™51' AS+C9-R9 10th
Travels (Short) 22Ò“07' AS+C3-ME 5th
Travels by Land 10Ò™51' AS+C9-R9 10th
Treachery 28Ò›17' AS+NE-SU 1st
Treasure 07қ01' AS+VE-ME 1st Ŧ
Trickery 02Ò™57' AS+MA-MO 10th
Understanding 16Ò›18' AS+MA-ME 1st
Unusual Events 24Ò™49' AS+UR-MO 11th
Weddings 19Òoe52' C9+C3-VE 1st Ť
Widowhood 24җ55' AS+9LI48P-NE 8th ħ

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Posts: 10490
From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God
Registered: Aug 2013

posted November 11, 2013 02:56 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ellynlvx     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Nothingbutaname:

Thank you Ellynlvx for the report! and for the Happy birthday!. The transits were rather interesting and good to hear. I am not particularly sure how to interpret the arabic parts, and the starred ones in particular are rather concerning. But nevertheless, thank you again for posting it, I very much appreciate it.

I think they may be slightly fatalistic in their approach...

But if people run across an interpretation somewhere, at least they have the pertinent ones starred. It is easier to figure out when you have the Planets aspected. The text doesn't come through completely.

You have some REALLY Powerful Planets!

Anyway, have a Wonderful Birthday, and Enjoy!

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Registered: Mar 2013

posted November 11, 2013 03:28 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for m.blade     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Can I get a natal report please?

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Posts: 2045
From: Rio de Janeiro
Registered: Sep 2013

posted November 11, 2013 03:40 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for filleaspirant     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ellyn, you are too good to be true, woman!

I know you said I could e-mail you with questions, but -- just wanted to polite and ask you if I can get my natal and a relationship report as well. Will e-mail you the second person's data as soon as you say yes (or no ).

You are too awesome, honestly!

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Posts: 10490
From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God
Registered: Aug 2013

posted November 11, 2013 03:46 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ellynlvx     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by filleaspirant:
Ellyn, you are too good to be true, woman!

I know you said I could e-mail you with questions, but -- just wanted to polite and ask you if I can get my natal and a relationship report as well. Will e-mail you the second person's data as soon as you say yes (or no ).

You are too awesome, honestly!


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Posts: 2045
From: Rio de Janeiro
Registered: Sep 2013

posted November 11, 2013 03:55 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for filleaspirant     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ellynlvx:


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Posts: 10490
From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God
Registered: Aug 2013

posted November 11, 2013 03:58 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ellynlvx     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
For M.Blade:

Natal Report for M.Blade Knowflake
M.Blade Knowflake

Moon in Leo
You are gregarious, even to the point of bringing out the performer in others.
You somehow always manage to find a creative environment or the creative in
any environment. You are great with kids and big on animals, sports, and the
outdoors. You are an instant umbrella of warmth, friendship, and self-expression.
Moon in 9th House
Your sense of honesty and truth is something that others sense in you and
support. You might find yourself teaching or guiding groups in matters of religion
or philosophy. Travel, especially with others, is indicated.
Moon Conjunction Mercury
You always can say just what you mean. Almost always right-on when it comes
to questions of feelings, you take an active interest in psychology, different
cultures, and history. You can find support from all sides when it comes to any
sort of mental activity -- writing, speaking, and all forms of communication.
Moon Square Mars
You may find yourself being too harsh or forceful when dealing with others,
especially in group situations. The social fabric around you is something you tear
through all too often in your drive to get things done. This can result in a distinct
lack of support or assistance from others. Since you tend to ignore sentiment
and the feelings of others, you are often left on your own. This noncooperation
makes it hard to really get ahead.
Moon Square Saturn
You have difficulty controlling your emotions, and this often results in flare-ups
with others, especially family or those closest to you. This could cost you muchneeded
support and intimacy. Your tendency to get harsh, both with yourself and
with those around you, may mean that you spend a lot of time alone. You have a
tendency to spoil your own nest. Your many responsibilities and obligations may
keep you away from those who would offer you much-needed support.
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Copyright ©2006 Matrix Software - Big Rapids, MI 49307
Moon Opposition Uranus
You have little use for tradition, history, and the past, in general. Your autonomy
and nonconformist attitude tends to ignore the feelings of others. You seem to
enjoy confrontation, going out of your way to challenge whatever is traditional
and customary. Don't be surprised if those around you won't always give you the
support you feel you deserve.
Moon Opposition Neptune
The image you project of what is perfect or ideal from your point of view may find
little support at home. Others could oppose or block you in these matters, and
maintaining your dreams may be at the price of your friends and surroundings.
You may find your background, environment, and all that is traditional less than
ideal, even flat and uninspiring.
Sun in Cancer
You are a very sensitive person who can depend on feelings and intuition to get
around in life. Possessing good common sense, you are always very practical
and down-to-earth -- mothering and protective to all. Security is very important.
You also love cooking, growing things, and music.
Sun in 8th House
"What you see is what you get" is not enough for you. You want more than
appearances and are willing to dig down to get at the heart of things. You work
through all that is superficial, no matter what kind of personal sacrifice is
Mercury in Leo
You are dynamic and always expressive in thought and speech -- dramatic. You
appreciate your own ideas, and tend to be outgoing in speech and manner.
Fresh. Warm. You put forth strong views and are hard to influence or change.
Emotional and a good entertainer, you are louder than average and tend to
exaggerate. You are a lover. There are always plenty of tears and laughter.
Mercury in 9th House
Your mind and thoughts always gravitate to what is lasting, true, or of the
essence. Philosophy and religion are subjects that often occupy you. Your ideas
are always to the point and candid, never florid or superficial.
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Copyright ©2006 Matrix Software - Big Rapids, MI 49307
Mercury Square Mars
You have a hair-trigger temper and it takes little to set it off. Your sharp-tongue is
well-known and you use it before you have time to think, resulting in little mental
and verbal explosions that you regret later. The sad part is that half the time you
don't even mean what you may have said in anger. What is clear to those
around you is that you communicate as much with your feelings as with words.
People learn to look at what you do, rather than what you say. Your mind is very,
very sharp. The less said the better.
Mercury Square Jupiter
You don't spend a lot of time thinking out your problems, considering solutions,
and the like. Your thoughts are most often elsewhere, and tend to be impractical
much of the time. You can't seem to figure out the right course of action. This is
most true when it comes to your career or vocation. Not a good counselor
yourself, you are well advised to seek the advice of someone you trust when it
comes to matters of your career.
Mercury Square Saturn
You have much trouble organizing your thoughts, and your lack of discipline is a
constant hassle to both you and others. Study and mental self-control are not
your cup of tea. You can say things that are simply impractical and have trouble
limiting yourself to ideas that are down-to-earth, pragmatic. Some of your ideas
are just plain irresponsible. Mental hassles can be a constant headache for you.
Mercury Opposition Uranus
You play it pretty straight when it comes to the words and ideas you use. You
make a virtue out of plain talk, and tend to avoid jargon and all things new or
unusual. You could find that nonconformists, so-called radicals, like to pit
themselves against you in conversation and arguments. You do this too often to
be a real innocent. Your avoidance of the novel and unorthodox at every turn is
itself a bit unusual.
Mercury Opposition Neptune
Mystical and other-worldly thoughts are not for you. You are painstaking in your
avoidance of all that is transcendental and smacks of the next world. You find
yourself in conversations (and probably arguments) on these subjects more
often than not. For yourself, you go out of your way to be clear-headed and
practical and have little tolerance for the stuff of imagination and dreams. Your
ideal world is right here, and any other thoughts are beside the point.
Natal Report: M.Blade Knowflake Page 4
Copyright ©2006 Matrix Software - Big Rapids, MI 49307
Venus in Virgo
Finely wrought or overwrought? You have a fine sense of appreciation and are
very attentive. You love to help out and take care of others, expressing a firstrate
sense of compassion. You possess an almost infinite ability to respond to
the needs and demands of others. Fragile, refined, you are perhaps too prudish.
Venus in 9th House
Your love of truth makes philosophy and religious ideas a life-long habit. You
appreciate things of a global or universal level and could love to travel.
Appearances mean little to you, and you value honesty and candidness in
friends and partners.
Venus Square Pluto
You are unruffled and like things calm and impersonal. Polite, but not too close,
and never personal. You don't appreciate displays of emotion, and any attempts
at analysis meet with the cold cut-off. It is as if all vulnerable issues do not, and
never did, exist. Your surveillance sees to that. However, the stuff of gossip
fascinates and calls to you from across the void. You hate it, but you love it.
There is a lot of unrest built around this issue.
Mars in Scorpio
You possess a powerful, persistent drive and are a hard, steady worker. Others
may find you deep, with a sense of mission and mystery. You are willing to do
work others would not go near, quietly bending things to your will, having it your
own way. You have strong sexual energy, too, and enjoy getting down to the
Mars in 11th House
You have real community spirit, a drive to work with others on projects of
humanitarian interest. An urge to make your altruistic dreams a reality keeps you
moving in the direction of group goals and work.
Mars Opposition Jupiter
You don't lack drive, but you may lack good judgment at times. You could rush
into things before thinking them through, and thus not have adequate planning
and forethought. You may take a career in something unsuited to your real
feelings and emotional demands. Your emotions could bring on problems in your
Natal Report: M.Blade Knowflake Page 5
Copyright ©2006 Matrix Software - Big Rapids, MI 49307
job and affect your career. Arguments on these issues abound. It may take some
careful footwork on your part to find a way of making a living that does not
hamper your feelings.
Mars Square Neptune
You hate a lack of clarity, especially when it comes to your feelings and
emotions. This is a less than ideal world as far as you are concerned, and you
are for making the best of it. Whatever dreams and ideals you may have had are
somehow shut off from the day-to-day realities you face. You would rather ignore
your dreams than be tortured by their remoteness. You are suspicious of pie-inthe-
sky and have an abnormal fear of being deceived, in particular in matters of
love and feelings. A sign of emotional tension.
Jupiter in Taurus
You have a green thumb in many areas, able to cultivate and nurture almost any
subject. Making money is second nature, and you are able to field ideas and
bring forth growth and success. A steady worker, you could also be a backer or
money man. Accumulation.
Jupiter in 5th House
You could be successful working with creativity and self-expression through the
arts and theater, in sports, or with the ultimate self-expression, children. You
may find yourself a guide and teacher to others when it comes to these matters.
Jupiter Square Neptune
Your tendency to compromise and settle for less than you dreamed can be a
problem. Given the opportunity, you may choose the path of least resistance,
willing to bypass some of the things you always wanted in favor of expediency.
Career moves must be given special attention. Tension results when you ignore
your own desires (the things you need and want) and take a course of action, job,
career, or whatever that can never satisfy. Or worse, you may find yourself in a
job that is compromising.
Saturn in Taurus
You have difficulty feeling secure. You avoid routine and can't seem to find the
right environment for growth and development. This could include a fear of
wealth and possessions. You need to develop the steady domestic virtues:
Natal Report: M.Blade Knowflake Page 6
Copyright ©2006 Matrix Software - Big Rapids, MI 49307
routine work, regular growth, commitments, and so on.
Saturn in 6th House
Your critical faculties are severe, and it may be difficult for you to exercise them.
Once you turn your analytical light on, you tend to be relentless in appraisal. This
could make working with others difficult. Good for food, health, conservation.
Saturn Square Uranus
You have trouble controlling yourself and tend to fluctuate between uninspired
routine and crazy binges. Your sense of responsibility and the way you go about
organizing your life seem like a prison sentence. You rule out any possibility of
change, all spontaneity. You get so set in your ways that you can't help but
revolt and break out. Your flings have a total lack of caution. When they die
down, you find yourself seeking refuge in the same old routine, and we begin
Uranus in Aquarius
You have a radical approach to communities and group work. Progressive, with
insights into uniting humanity, you understand the true meaning of democracy.
You want equal rights for all, and function from an inspired sense of idealism, the
urge to make it matter. You would make a great networker and are always
working for the benefit of all.
Uranus in 3rd House
You have real insight when it comes to anything connected to research, study,
and the world of ideas. Your independent mental approach to problem-solving
and communication finds you coming up with connections that are new and
Neptune in Aquarius
The age of Aquarius marks the ideal. The world community networking with itself.
Altruism. Religion is science. Group work is in full swing. Cooperation.
Impersonal sharing. Emotions are controlled and managed. The world on the
improve. Global co-ops.
Neptune in 2nd House
You are very idealistic when it comes to possessions, finance, and how you
Natal Report: M.Blade Knowflake Page 7
Copyright ©2006 Matrix Software - Big Rapids, MI 49307
choose to make your living. Your response to what life offers you is always very
elevated, although not always practical. This could lead to some
Pluto in Sagittarius
You are passionate in your search for truth and essence. Nothing superficial or
ephemeral holds your attention. Your intense analytical approach to life cuts
through to the heart of things. This directness may not always endear you to
Pluto in 1st House
You are very out-front and candid, probably not known for your great sense of
diplomacy or tact. Your intensity and passionate approach to life are obvious to
all who meet you. You are driven to penetrate the superficial and get at the
Node in Leo
The burden of leadership is in large part to be alone and still share your joy and
light with the rest of the world. Its reward is universal recognition and a legacy of
achievement. They don't come one on one, however, and your life is about
constantly juggling them in different areas not always equally balanced or paid
Node in 9th House
Defending the higher cause may fall your lot, which can be time-consuming, so
watch what you take on, because you have to keep it, and keep it up. In the
process, however, you'll find that you come to know everybody as you uncover
the specific applications for the general issues that have taken you in thrall.
Midheaven in Virgo
You’re probably not as picky as some people claim, but when they label it
'discriminating' and 'tasteful to the max',why fight the good press? Your life
demands you be watchful, but make sure to play with it along the way.
Natal Report: M.Blade Knowflake Page 8
Copyright ©2006 Matrix Software - Big Rapids, MI 49307
Ascendant in Scorpio
You appear intense and passionate and probably tend to gravitate to positions of
power and control. You come across as somewhat secretive, penetrating, and at
all times very sensitive. You can get to the heart of things.
Vertex in Cancer
It's what you most carefully protect and keep to yourself that determines the road
not taken, and the one you fatefully took. What you are especially sensitive
about and are reluctant to share becomes magnified not by its intrinsic
importance but by how it influences your small, but critical decisions.
Vertex in 8th House
When you wander onto another's property, what you find there can change your
life. Curiosity may not kill the cat, but it certainly can be an eye-opener, and
when you tap into others' resources, especially historical ones, there you may
find forks in your own road you were least expecting -- and don't fully recognize
until you've made the choice.

Trans-Neptunian Report for
M.Blade Knowflake

The "Uranian" Planets in the Chart for:
M.Blade Knowflake

Cupido (Coo Pee Doe) · 01Ò™20'22"
Getting together. All groups: family, marriage, society, partnerships, organizations,
corporations, collections. Art. Marriage. This is the planet of togetherness.
Cupido in 1st House
You have a beautifully decorated home. Artists are in the environment. Artistic people are in
your home and family. People love to come to your house for parties and meetings.
Cupido Square Venus
Love marriage. Happy marriage. Beautiful art creations. Group of objets d'art. Painting class.
Group of beauticians or fashion designers. Beautiful home. Loving family. Social gathering.
Cupido Conjunction Pluto
Changes in the family. Changes in the human society. Social transformation. Growth of a
company. Development of art. Corporate restructuring. Changes such as birth, death, and
Cupido Conjunction Ascendant
Artists in the environment. The family home. The home of the parents. Relatives. Living
conditions. Location of the residence. Corporate headquarters. Artistically decorated home.
Hades (Hay Deez) ¸ 18Ò“44'45"
All that is unpleasant, useless, antique, or deeply buried. The occult. Hades is misunderstood
because many think only of the negative meanings: dirt, garbage, sewage, sickness, poverty,
mistakes, and all things ugly and sinister. There is a positive side that deals with antiquity,
depth, and past lives.
Trans-Neptunian Report: M.Blade Knowflake Page 2
Copyright ©2006 Matrix Software - Big Rapids, MI 49307
Hades in 7th House
You have known your marriage partner in the distant past. You form associations with people
whom you have known in other lifetimes. You may have to deal with people who are
disagreeable or vulgar.
Hades Square Midheaven
A profession dealing with dirt, details, secrets, ancient arts, and ancient techniques. The
medical profession. The professional astrologer. The policeman. The keeper of the secrets.
The occultist.
Zeus (Zoos) ¹ 03Ò—08'00"
Controlled, directed energy. Machines; creativity; leadership. All things military. Combustion
engines. Compulsion. Drive. Zeus is like a loaded gun that is aimed. Even the glyph looks like
a rocket. It signifies well-planned efforts.
Zeus in 10th House
You will be creative professionally. Your creativity could put you in the public eye. You will be
enterprising and leading in your field. You will gain recognition and be famous.
Kronos (Krow Nos) º 28Ò“00'42"
Superiority: the highest quality attainable; the ultimate in authority; standard of excellence;
undisputed expert. Zeus and Kronos traveled in a very close square from 1900 to about 1970.
All natal horoscopes from 1900 to 1950 have these two planets together on the dial. These
two together speak of energetic, creative activity of the highest quality. Unfortunately, they
also speak of warfare, armament, and military commanders. The world experienced both
sides of this combination.
Kronos in 8th House
You may anticipate inheritance or endowments from deceased important, or leading, people.
What you inherit is far above what you expected. Your marriage partner may be very, very rich.
Trans-Neptunian Report: M.Blade Knowflake Page 3
Copyright ©2006 Matrix Software - Big Rapids, MI 49307
Apollon (Ap Pull On) » 19Ò—24'07"
The multiplier: expansion and spreading; growth and increase. Science; commerce; trade;
industry; peaceful efforts. The glyph is a combination of Jupiter and Gemini, and Apollon is
truly a Superduper Jupiter.
Apollon in 11th House
You will have widespread friendships through commerce, trade, and science. You attract very
wealthy and important, high-ranking friends. Generous help and protection will come to you.
Apollon Square Sun
The successful person who finds recognition. Days devoted to science and days which bring
success. Peaceful day. Glory. Dignity. Successes. Fame. Honor. To be known far and wide.
Admetos (Add Meet Tos) ¼ 20Ò’07'49"
The brick wall: steadfast; stable; immovable. Shrinking. Narrowing down to a sharp focus.
Specialization. Endurance. The glyph for Admetos shows an affinity for the sign Taurus and
must be drawn with a base line to show the Admetos capacity to be steadfast, stable, and
immovable. Admetos describes inertia, slow motion, and things that go around in a circle like
phonograph records and ceiling fans.
Admetos in 6th House
You might work in the fields of history or astrophysics. You may be involved, as a career or a
hobby, with archeology or related fields, such as geology. It is a good thing that you have
patience and perseverance.
Admetos Square Moon
Crowded for space. Narrow conditions. Narrow-mindedness. An enclosed space. Behind
closed doors (in camera). Expulsion of the public. Inner contemplation. Peace. Repose. Death
of a female.
Admetos Conjunction Saturn
To be in a tight spot. To have to go through a narrow pass. A bottleneck. To be in a serious
jam. To be trapped. This is a trial of patience. Long duration. To be compelled to wait. A
difficult birth.
Admetos Square Uranus
To tear up. To break up. To break off. To break down. Fissures, cracks, shreds, rags. Violent
events. Shock. Murder. Destruction through convulsion. Earthquake. Commotion. Abrupt
Trans-Neptunian Report: M.Blade Knowflake Page 4
Copyright ©2006 Matrix Software - Big Rapids, MI 49307
Admetos Opposition Ascendant
A special location. The definite setup. Settled. Permanent residence. Stability. Roots. The
countryside. Rest area. Rotation and circulation (phonograph, ceiling fan, blood circulation).
Vulcanus (Vul Can Is) ½ 20Ò”04'09"
All that is mighty and powerful. Strength. Intensity. If a sentence has the word mighty or
powerful in it, the planetary signature will have Vulcanus in it. If the Sun and Vulcanus are
together, the vitality, strength, and muscular power describe outstanding good health.
Vulcanus in 8th House
You might have a great career which involves death, force, and the attendant sorrows, such
as law enforcement, the military, geriatric medicine, or nursing. You might have a leadership
role in hospices.
Vulcanus Conjunction Sun
Powerful body. Muscular strength. Physical strength. Vitality. Feeling of power. Hercules. The
strength of the body.
Poseidon (Po Side In) ¾ 03Ò˜02'21"
Spirituality; truth; ideation; enlightenment; illumination. Wisdom and culture. Poseidon has an
affinity for Pisces and its glyph looks like a sideways version of Pisces. Be careful drawing the
glyph, so it is not mistaken for Neptune. Poseidon is Super Neptune without a negative side.
Poseidon in 11th House
You will attract intellectual friends who possess knowledge and richness of ideas. Some of
your friends will be quite important. Many of your hopes and wishes will be realized.
Poseidon Square Mercury
Thoughts, ideas, and talks about mental or spiritual matters. To propose or to present ideas.
Mental or spiritual perception. To have ideals. To communicate concepts. Talk show host.
Poseidon Conjunction Mars
Ethics. Morals. Mental activity. Moral or spiritual activity. Moral behavior. To act according to
one's knowledge and understanding.
Trans-Neptunian Report: M.Blade Knowflake Page 5
Copyright ©2006 Matrix Software - Big Rapids, MI 49307
Poseidon Opposition Jupiter
Understanding, reason, and wisdom. Intelligence. Discernment. Conscience. Mental
happiness. Instinct. Insight. Successful mental activities. Justice. Common sense.
Poseidon Square Neptune
Deception. Reflection. Refraction of light. A mirror. Spiritualization. Enthusiasm. Fanaticism.
High-minded, abstract matters and ideas. Mirage. The unknown. Psychology. Metaphysics.

Arabic Parts for M.Blade Knowflake
The ones with Stars*

Page: 1
Arabic Part Position Formula House Aspects
Accomplishment* 15қ14' AS+SU-JU 3rd ¨, ŧ
Advancement* 02қ11' AS+SU-SA 2nd ©, ť, Ŧ
Appreciation 05Òš02' AS+VE-SU 2nd
Assassination 1 25Ò•58' AS+R12-NE 9th ÅAssassination
2 21җ02' MA+NE-UR 11th Ţ
Astrology 19Ғ24' AS+ME-UR 6th Ĭ
Bereavement* 09ҕ19' C12+R12-NE 9th £, Ī
Bondage 16Ò™45' AS+MO-RMO 1st
Brethren 12Ò˜43' AS+JU-SA 12th Å¡
Business Injury 09Òš02' AS+PF-R1 2nd
Cancer Malign. 26Ò•45' AS+NE-JU 9th ÅCatastrophe
19ғ44' AS+UR-SU 7th Ŭ
Change* 03қ27' AS+UR-PL 2nd ©, ť, Ŧ
Commerce 13Ò™22' AS+ME-SU 1st Ä¡
Cooperation 16ғ45' C7+MO-SU 7th Ĩ
Damage 25Ò›34' AS+NE-MA 3rd ÅDanger
19Ò›47' AS+ME-SA 3rd
Daughters 14Ò™04' AS+VE-MO 1st Ä¡
Death 10Ò—38' AS+C8-MO 10th
Death (Medval) 00Ò‘14' C8+SA-MO 4th
Death Parents 12Ò˜43' AS+JU-SA 12th Å¡
Death (Point) 00Ò”22' MA+SA-MC 8th
Death Siblings 14Ò—00' AS+10GE-SU 10th
Decapitation* 18Җ21' C8+MA-MO 9th ¬
Deceit 23Ò“31' AS+VE-NE 7th
Delays 10Ò—38' AS+C8-MO 10th
Disappointment 25Ò•58' AS+MA-NE 9th ÅDiscord*
24Ò’35' AS+JU-MA 6th ÃDiscord
2* 24Ò’35' AS+JU-MA 6th ÃDisputes*
01Җ40' AS+ME-MA 9th ¤, Ħ
Distress-Upset* 13Ғ54' AS+MA-SA 6th §, š
Divorce* 01Òoe03' AS+VE-C7 3rd ä
Economy* 10ҕ05' AS+SA-VE 9th £
Exile 26Ò•09' AS+UR-SA 9th ÅFaith
& Trust 22Ҙ24' AS+ME-MO 12th Ģ
False Love 28Ò‘01' AS+NE-VE 5th
Fame- Wisdom 06Ò–18' AS+JU-SU 9th
Fate* 19Җ21' AS+SA-SU 10th ¬
Father* 02қ11' AS+SU-SA 2nd ©, ť, Ŧ
Female Children 14Ò™04' AS+VE-MO 1st Ä¡
Find (Lost Obj) 27Ò™45' MO+C4-RAS 2nd
Fortune (Day) 16Ò™45' AS+MO-SU 1st
Fortune (Night)* 04Ҙ47' AS+SU-MO 11th ¥, ũ
Fraud 19Ғ41' AS+NE-ME 6th Ĭ
Friends 22Ò’47' AS+MO-UR 6th
Gossip 01ғ51' AS+ME-NE 7th Ť, ĩ
Higher Educat.* 25Ò˜19' AS+C9-ME 12th ÂHomosexuality*
13ҕ31' AS+MA-UR 9th ¡
Honor 23Ò•00' AS+19AR-SU 9th
Hopes & Wishes 12Òš33' AS+C11-R11 2nd
Imagination 27Ò”52' AS+C11-UR 8th
Imprisonment 09Ò—14' AS+PF-NE 10th
Increase 06Ò–18' AS+JU-SU 9th
Individuality* 01Ғ48' AS+SU-UR 5th ¦, ũ, Ĥ
Inheritance 23Ò›10' AS+MO-SA 3rd
Insincerity 05Ò“14' AS+MO-NE 7th
Killing Planet 05Ò–02' AS+MO-R1 9th
Lawsuits* 01Җ40' AS+ME-MA 9th ¤, Ħ
Leave Job 25Ò›54' SA+JU-SU 3rd ÅLegal
Affairs 16Қ48' C3+C9-VE 2nd ħ
Legalizing 16Қ48' C9+C3-VE 2nd ħ
Lost Animal 07Òoe29' AS+MA-SU 3rd Ū
Love 05Òš02' AS+VE-SU 2nd
Love & Marriage 27Ò”02' AS+JU-VE 8th ÄLovers
16Òoe42' MA+VE-C5 3rd
Luck 06Òoe13' AS+MO-JU 3rd
Male Children* 15ҕ19' AS+JU-MO 9th è, ŧ
Arabic Parts for M.Blade Knowflake Page: 2
Arabic Part Position Formula House Aspects
Male Children 2* 15ҕ19' AS+JU-MO 9th è, ŧ
Man's Marriage 11Òoe27' AS+VE-SA 3rd
Marriage 20Ò•30' AS+C7-VE 9th
Merchandise 07Òš44' AS+PF-PS 2nd
Mind- Captivity* 25Ò’19' AS+C3-ME 6th ÃMother
07Ò˜29' AS+MO-VE 11th
Mother & Family 27Ò”02' AS+JU-VE 8th ÄMother
2 07Ò˜29' AS+MO-VE 11th
Obstruction* 13ҕ42' AS+NE-SA 9th ¡
Occultism 13Ò˜19' AS+NE-UR 12th Å¡
Organization 12Ò‘03' AS+PL-SU 4th Ä¡
Partners 20Ò•30' AS+C7-VE 9th
Passion 07Òoe29' AS+MA-SU 3rd Ū
Peril 19Ò›47' AS+R8-SA 3rd
Peril 2 19Ò›47' AS+R8-SA 3rd
Play 23Ò–20' AS+VE-MA 10th
Police-Army* 07ғ39' AS+SA-MA 7th ê
Popularity 18Ò•45' AS+VE-PL 9th
Possessions* 21Ҕ05' AS+C2-R2 8th ¢
Powrful Friends 00Ò”48' AS+SU-PF 8th
Profession 23Ò›10' AS+MO-SA 3rd
Proprty Movable* 21Ҕ05' AS+C2-R2 8th ¢
Radical Change* 18Җ05' AS+PL-UR 9th ¬
Real Estate 23Ò›10' AS+MO-SA 3rd
Repression* 03Ғ04' AS+SA-PL 5th ¦, å, ũ
Retribution* 14ҕ03' AS+SU-MA 9th ¡, ŧ
Ritual Ceremon. 16Қ48' C9+C3-VE 2nd ħ
Secret Enemies 01ҙ24' AS+C12-R12 1st Ť
Self-Undoing* 01Җ36' AS+C12-NE 9th ¤, Ħ
Servants 29Ò˜09' AS+MO-ME 1st
Sex & Love 05Òš02' AS+VE-SU 2nd
Sex Drive 02Òoe47' AS+PL-VE 3rd Ä¥
Sickness* 13Ғ54' AS+MA-SA 6th §, š
Slander 07Òoe50' AS+SA-NE 3rd Ū
Slyness* 21Қ00' AS+NE-PL 2nd â
Sons* 15ҕ19' AS+JU-MO 9th è, ŧ
Sorrow 09Òš02' AS+PF-R1 2nd
Speculation 1 11Ò˜18' AS+C5-JU 12th Å¡
Speculation 2 24Ò›47' AS+JU-NE 3rd ÅSpirit*
04Ҙ47' AS+SU-MO 11th ¥, ũ
Success 11Ò‘19' AS+JU-PF 4th Ä¡
Sudden Advncmnt 27Ò“10' AS+PF-SA 7th
Sudn Advncmnt 2 27Ò“10' AS+PF-SA 7th
Sudden Luck* 12қ20' AS+JU-UR 3rd á
Sudden Parting 25Ò›23' AS+SA-UR 3rd ÅSuicide
20Ò‘06' AS+C8-NE 5th
Surgery* 07ғ39' AS+SA-MA 7th ê
Surprise* 13ҕ31' AS+MA-UR 9th ¡
Sweet Foods 05Òš02' AS+VE-SU 2nd
Time for Action 06Ò–18' AS+JU-SU 9th
Torture 21Ò“05' C10+SA-MO 7th
Tragedy* 19Җ21' AS+SA-SU 10th ¬
Travel by Air 18Ғ57' AS+C9-UR 6th Ĭ
Travel by Water 25Òš25' AS+15CA-SA 2nd
Travels (Long) 12Ò™55' AS+C9-R9 1st Ä¡
Travels (Short)* 25Ò’19' AS+C3-ME 6th ÃTravels
by Land 12Ò™55' AS+C9-R9 1st Ä¡
Treachery* 07ғ17' AS+NE-SU 7th ê
Treasure 17ҙ26' AS+VE-ME 1st Ŭ
Trickery* 16қ30' AS+MA-MO 3rd ¨, ŧ
Understanding 19Ò›53' AS+MA-ME 3rd
Unusual Events 28Ò’45' AS+UR-MO 7th
Weddings 16Қ48' C9+C3-VE 2nd ħ
Widowhood* 02ҕ25' AS+9LI48P-NE 8th é, ť, Ŧ

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Posts: 10490
From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God
Registered: Aug 2013

posted November 11, 2013 04:19 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ellynlvx     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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Posts: 10490
From: the Point of Light within the Mind of God
Registered: Aug 2013

posted November 11, 2013 04:28 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ellynlvx     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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Posts: 2045
From: Rio de Janeiro
Registered: Sep 2013

posted November 11, 2013 05:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for filleaspirant     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ellynlvx:
For FilleAspirant:
Trouble with mail, do you have his birthtime?

Yeah, I think I forgot to send it. 9:45 am.

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Posts: 255
From: Germany
Registered: Jun 2013

posted November 11, 2013 05:03 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for amorphis     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Can you do my astrology report as well?

Here is my data :

DOB : 7 August 1990
Birth hour : 2:00 PM (14:00)
Birth place : Ankara, Turkey
Current location : Jülich, Germany
Coordinates : 39° 52′ 0″ N, 32° 52′ 0″ E

Thanks in advance!

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Posts: 5615
From: Curitiba, Brasil
Registered: Sep 2013

posted November 11, 2013 05:26 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for DaniPepper87     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'd love a transit one.

Daniela Santos
13th November, 1987
Curitiba, Brazil
Current city: Curitiba


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posted November 11, 2013 05:39 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for elixir     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
thank you!

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Posts: 2045
From: Rio de Janeiro
Registered: Sep 2013

posted November 11, 2013 09:14 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for filleaspirant     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you so much, Ellyn! Gonna save it in a file.

You're the best!

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posted November 11, 2013 11:52 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for pvorb     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'd love if you could do me a natal report.

Thanks in advance.

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Dreamy Fish

Posts: 145
From: Living in my dreams
Registered: Sep 2012

posted November 11, 2013 01:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dreamy Fish     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Ellynlvx,

Can you please compile a natal report for me?

March 7, 1980
3:51 PM
Chicago, IL

Thank you in advance and for offering these reports!


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