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Author Topic:   FREE SOLAR RETURN reports!

Posts: 1265
From: Europe
Registered: Feb 2014

posted January 16, 2016 12:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LostSoulRebecca     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Theunknown - Solar Return from Feb 2016 until Feb 2017

Your birthday chart Ascendant is in Pisces, a sensitive sign --- nudging you into areas that draw on the compassionate and caring side of your nature...your journey is focussed on spiritual matters, not mundane ones. This year you may discover your true calling in life, as you reflect on spiritual riches, rather than material ones. At times you may feel overwhelmed by practicalities, so need to make sure that you eat and sleep well, and deal with the basic requirements of life. You may be required to focus on someone else's needs, sacrificing your own, but you learn a lot about love. You may have to adapt, but you are likely to learn much about yourself and your loved ones in the process.

When the Moon is in this sign you may find that you are more interested in exploring new ideas and friendships rather than close intimate relationships. This year strive for more autonomy in your private life. Throw out your preconceived ideas about personal matters and explore new options. If young you may leave home for the first time, exploring a new lifestyle and discovering your emotional strengths and weaknesses. If a mature person you may feel the urge to make changes in your home environment. Children leaving home may be spotlighted. The theme this year in your personal life is to think outside of the square, be innovative, explore new ideas and go with the flow. You have the chance of welcoming a freer and more flexible lifestyle.

It is time to slow down and spend some time reflecting on your life, and recharge your batteries. If you don't willingly take stock of your life then an event, or illness, may force you into a more contemplative mode. It is a time to write a book, go on a spiritual retreat, take that long holiday that you have been promising
yourself, or landscape your garden. The material world is unlikely to hold many rewards for you right now. You are being asked to dig deeper. If you let ambition rule you this year then you are likely to upset some people, who may plot against you behind the scenes. If you must take on more work then try to ensure it has a philanthropic motivation.

CONJUNCTION THE SUN Orb 7°57' Applying
This is a memorable year marked by new beginnings, where your intuition and self-confidence combine to help you move into a new chapter of your life. Your home and family are likely to be involved. This is your year for a healthy makeover emotionally and physically. Welcome new and exciting lifestyle changes. Listen to your own heart, use your thoughts positively and build your strength. You see your life in a different light. Your enthusiasm may be infectious inspiring others. You can find the emotional strength to rely on your own resources. As you move forward you discover renewed vitality, a sense of carrying a lighter load and a wondrous feeling that a whole new episode of your life is about to start with a clean slate.

SEXTILE SATURN Orb 3°58' Applying
SEXTILE THE MIDHEAVEN Orb 0°18' Separating

Your Sun is in the zodiac sign of Aquarius indicating that you're unconventional, friendly, unpredictable and innovative. Anything new and original will appeal, particularly if it goes against convention. You like to test ideas that have never been thought of before. At best this can be a exciting quest into unexplored territories. It can, however, be an indiscriminate rebellion against tradition. Not that you will mind, for you're a strong believer in people having the freedom of individual expression and not being oppressed by society's expectations. A regular livewire, you've an electric quality about your personality, which makes it difficult for you to sit still for long and also makes you attractive to people from all
walks of life. In fact you prefer to mingle with groups of people, often adopting the adage 'the more the merrier'. You may also enjoy working in a group which fights a particular cause.

The major theme of this year is confinement, either self-imposed or imposed by circumstances and is full of opportunities for quiet contemplation, to work behind the scenes and to support other people. While you may be restrained in a physical sense, your spirit is likely to be uplifted. The more that you can transcend restrictions the more you find this year rewarding. It is the ideal time for spiritual retreat and renewal, for being of service, or for working behind the scenes. In a woman's chart this can indicate pregnancy. It is an excellent year during which to lay the groundwork for a future project. This year go with the flow, act with integrity and understand that your experiences are leading to an awakening.

SQUARE MARS Orb 0°16' Separating
You are all set for an adventure, but first consider other factors or people. Even if you are not a risk-taker you have the courage to feel the fear and do it anyway. A male mentor or partner may help or inspire you to move closer to achieving your dreams. You are enterprising, able to initiate change. But you may not realize how selfish and pushy you are being. Be wary of being too rash…daring but not foolhardy. Avoid conflict where possible. Act with integrity not aggression. If you feel pent-up and aggressive, physical exercise is beneficial, and sports may be a prominent theme. You may also enjoy trips to out-of-the-way places. You are ripe for adventure, make the most of the opportunities and enjoy the ride.

SEXTILE URANUS Orb 1°17' Separating
This year's message is: "expect the unexpected", and anything goes, and you are well advised to go with the flow. If you love the newest and most frightening rides at the fairground, you could have the time of your life this year. Otherwise you may feel a little fretful and out-of-kilter. Sudden events can catapult you into an entirely different life, an eccentric benefactor may offer you a range of exciting new possibilities. You may be delighted as you attract a new exciting lover, a financial windfall or an unexpected pregnancy. Try to see your life as an exciting adventure and be thankful. This is your opportunity to break out of any old restricting habits, to express your unique talents and to shine as your true self.

This year you may commit to a plan of action, or make a promise to another, and you have the mental discipline to carry through. Others notice your responsible attitude and you gain their respect. Your responsibilities may increase as you are entrusted with more speaking, negotiating or writing. You know when to speak, and you choose your words carefully. Mercury in an earth sign indicates stubborn thinking so make sure that you are not too set in your thoughts, and you remain open to new ideas. You excel when common sense and logic are required, and your strength is being able to apply mental discipline. But note that human beings are not often logical, and when needed you offer calm reassurance rather than a superior rational communication.

This is a busy social year, perhaps because you are pursuing a particular hobby, project or cause. Networking plays a key role. You objectively reassess social commitments, group interests, and causes. If you have been laid back, perhaps just wasting time (watching television, perhaps), boredom may set in. Your lesson: find a hobby or cause to which you can commit. You may join a club, start classes, or try a new past-time. If you are already active your commitments may change. You enjoy being part of a group or team. Perhaps work now requires you to become a team member, or your role in a group changes. The changes you experience may bring about changes in friendships. Your lesson is to remain adaptable as the cards are reshuffled.

CONJUNCTION VENUS Orb 4°27' Applying
TRINE JUPITER Orb 1°22' Separating
CONJUNCTION PLUTO Orb 6°48' Separating

The planet of love is in an Earth sign this year indicating that you are more security conscious, and not willing to take risks, when it comes to your finances and love life. This year you are looking for stability, and are less willing to step out of your comfort zone. If you are single, then you are likely to be attracted to a solid and dependable type of person, someone to whom you can ultimately commit. If you are attached, then you want seek reliability and predictability. For this reason this year may be one during which you make a commitment, either of your own volition or as a result of your partner's request. Sensuality may also play a key role in your love life this year.

You are a social butterfly right now. As the result of your own plans and activities, your diary is full and so is your calendar. Superficially it may seem as if you are flitting from friend to friend, social group to social group, but you are in the process of reassessing your own social values and friendships, hopes and dreams are changing. It is possible that your change in social contacts results from a change in relationship status, or other life change such as a move of location, birth of a child, marriage or divorce. A friendship could develop into something intimate, but it is more likely that you play the field this year, enjoying fun-filled activities and a lighter side of life. You will probably form friendships quickly.

SEXTILE MARS Orb 0°17' Separating
TRINE JUPITER Orb 3°05' Applying
SQUARE URANUS Orb 1°18' Separating
CONJUNCTION PLUTO Orb 2°21' Separating

It is time to have the courage of your own convictions, overcome obstacles and follow your true path. Your first step may be to ascertain the truth about your beliefs, and discard those that no longer hold true. It is most likely your religious or philosophical beliefs that come under the microscope, perhaps prompted by an event or a prominent person challenging values that you have always held true. On the other hand your faith may be tested. This is your year to embrace your spiritual values, and if necessary to break with conventions and live true to yourself. Your urge for adventure is strong so follow your instincts, rather than suppressing urges. Plan that faraway trip, apply for that academic course, or train for the sport.

SEXTILE JUPITER Orb 3°22' Applying
QUINCUNX URANUS Orb 1°01' Separating
SEXTILE PLUTO Orb 2°03' Separating

Relationships are beneficial this year, helping you to expand your monetary and spiritual resources. If you are single, this year you can attract and perhaps marry a partner who is rich in the earthly or spiritual sense, or both. Single or married you're likely to be happy and benefit through your primary partnership. It's not just your relationship to your spouse but also any partnerships which require a legal agreement. You're likely to succeed in any project dealing with other people, and you prefer to work with others rather than on your own. Other people appreciate your ability to work happily and co-operatively in business and personal projects, so you are likely to be successful in achieving your goals in partnership with other people.

TRINE PLUTO Orb 5°26' Applying

Focus on the tasks that need to be done to fulfil your professional duties in this year of commitment and accountability. You adjust your expectations, renew commitment to your goals or take steps towards career fulfilment. You may alter your career path, although not overnight. A course of study, or an examination now may later benefit your career. You may change jobs but not career paths, or take a step in a different direction within your career. Even if you do not change now, you will be prepared to do so when the time is right, having done your homework. The change might be that you relocate to seek employment. This is your year to be dependable, stable, accountable and trustworthy - to "work the engines".

TRINE URANUS Orb 2°42' Applying

This is a year to change your beliefs around money and your own income earning abilities, to take reasonable risks and to increase your income. You may have to take a few financial risks, but you can do this sensibly not recklessly. You are challenged to think about other prospects. If you have been unemployed then you are likely to gain paid work this year if you actively seek it. The work may be erratic, but it is sure to be a catalyst for boosting your self-confidence and hence your income. You may volunteer your skills and be surprised by an offer of paid work. Don’t stay at home, but step outside your comfort zone, and actively change your moneymaking capacity. Start by re-evaluating your sense of self-worth.

SQUARE PLUTO Orb 1°02' Separating
TRINE THE MIDHEAVEN Orb 6°22' Applying

This is a year of self-realisation, either an enlightening and uplifting process, or an uncomfortable comprehension of a few home truths. It is as if you are looking at an out-of-focus reflection in a mirror. You are confused, perhaps unsure of facets of your life. Try to see yourself with love, and make adjustments to ensure that your life is fulfilled. Have you have fallen into lazy habits, taking the easy way out? You need to be open to possibilities and choose the most positive course of action. It isn’t easy but it helps you grow. You may need to improve your physical self, perhaps with diet or exercise, and then look beyond to improving your spiritual self. Honour yourself, stare down fears, and follow your own dreams.


Pluto is highlighting the area of hopes, dreams and wishes this year, and you undergo changes in what you want from life. You are reassessing aspirations, exploring options and stepping out of your comfort zone. Do you follow your own interests, or are you always trying to please other people? There could be a change of friendships, a new social circle or a new relationship that offers social opportunities. You are open to new ideas and are stepping away from past interests. Old friends may have difficulty adjusting to the new you, but if they are true friends they’ll come around. You may be challenged to reassess your role in certain friendships. You may join a group, or take up a hobby that sparks your passion now.

IP: Logged


Posts: 1265
From: Europe
Registered: Feb 2014

posted January 16, 2016 12:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LostSoulRebecca     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Poochycat - Solar Return from Apr 2016 from Apr 2017

Your birthday chart Ascendant this year is in Sagittarius, a sunny and spirited sign --- urging you to expand your horizons and really let your creative fires burn. If you are usually more reliant on other people, this year you are champing at the bit to march to the beat of your own drum. You would like to act as you see fit, free of restrictions imposed by other people's expectations. Think of wild horses roaming free. Explore new fields of interest, areas that excite the, frequent the library, or explore the internet. This is a year of growth. What is important to your growth? What have you put off that you can longer resist? Which areas of your life need to be unshackled?

The fiery Moon sign of Sagittarius can work in two different ways. You may feel a strong urge to seek the meaning of life through reading, contemplation, meditation and retreat, consult metaphysical practitioners, or take classes, and reflect on the meaning of your life. Or you may seek to explore outside of your usual perimeters, such as overseas travel, seeking promotion at work, or socializing with people from foreign countries, and are keen to share experiences with people outside your usual social circle. Either way you want to feel free and impassioned, explore all options. If you can’t escape, and feel restless, try short trips into wide-open spaces, attend a local foreign film festival, or go to a boisterous sports game.

You are in for a bit of a roller coaster ride as far as your feelings this year. Past hurts can be healed as you assess the role of your feelings in your own life, as well as on other people. Objectivity may be difficult as feelings are close to the surface. You may be somewhat self-centred, focused how you feel about yourself rather than the welfare of others. You may reassess how you deal with the needs of your loved ones versus your own needs, and what support they give you. Embrace your feelings as the surface and find outlets to express them. Soothing activities can really help bolster your self-esteem and give you a new sense of vitality and renewal.

QUINCUNX MERCURY Orb 2°41' Applying
TRINE VENUS Orb 4°42' Applying
CONJUNCTION SATURN Orb 5°01' Separating
TRINE URANUS Orb 0°45' Applying
SQUARE THE MIDHEAVEN Orb 4°48' Separating

Your Sun is in the zodiac sign of Taurus indicating that you're a reliable and solid individual, with a strong need for stability, routine and security. You approach life in a methodical manner preferring the tried and true pathways of familiar territory. In fact the adventures of unexplored territories fill you with feelings of foreboding and you can be quite stubborn in your refusal to leave your secure surroundings. Much of your energy is spent on making your world secure. For this reason you're appreciated for your reliability and ability to provide a safe haven for others. Tradition appeals to you, and therefore you're often seen as a stalwart in society, taking on the more conventional roles. Your down-to-earth nature also means that you literally enjoy the fruits of the earth. You also enjoy the sensation of textures and tastes, often indulging yourself in the comforts and delights of the sensual side of life.

The major theme for this year is creativity and fun. It is time to play, to express yourself -- dance, sing, act, design, write, paint, or anything that your heart desires...let your inner child come out. Last year you sought knowledge, this year your imagination can reign. You may choose to study or teach a course in something
that inspires your creative genius. This is a year to take risks. Risk believing in yourself and your own abilities; perhaps even something exciting like sky diving. Read, research and take off in your mind or on a plane. If married you are likely to seek more romance from your spouse; if single then a new romance may enter your life. Children may also play a role this year.

QUINCUNX MARS Orb 2°00' Applying
You are all set for an adventure, and even if not a risk-taker you have the courage to feel the fear and do it anyway. But first consider other factors or people. Discard old ambitions, change bad habits, let go of the past to gain energy and drive. Someone may be the catalyst that changes your ideas, goals and life. You are enterprising, able to initiate change. But you may not realize how selfish and pushy you are being. Be wary of being too rash…daring but not foolhardy. Avoid conflict where possible. Act with integrity not aggression. If you feel pent-up and aggressive, physical exercise is beneficial, and sports may be a prominent theme. You are ripe for adventure, make the most of the opportunities, enjoy the ride.

TRINE JUPITER Orb 7°06' Applying
Jupiter here indicates that you can enjoy a year of growth and success. You are able to see your own life in terms of the big picture. You are likely to feel like a super hero, optimistic, gladly trying out new activities and ventures. Others notice your enthusiasm and may make you a magnet to draw to you for a beneficial mentor, teacher, or benefactor. This is one of those years when doors open almost as soon as you state your request. You are free to explore new options and able to take great strides towards your goals. Beware of becoming greedy, or arrogant. An attitude of gratitude can help you on your journey. This is also your year to become a benefactor, teacher or mentor.

This year you may commit to a plan of action, or make a promise to another, and you have the mental discipline to carry through. Others notice your responsible attitude and you gain their respect. Your responsibilities may increase as you are entrusted with more speaking, negotiating or writing. You know when to speak, and you choose your words carefully. Mercury in an earth sign indicates stubborn thinking so make sure that you are not too set in your thoughts, and you remain open to new ideas. You excel when common sense and logic are required, and your strength is being able to apply mental discipline. But note that human beings are not often logical, and when needed you offer calm reassurance rather than a superior rational communication.

It's time for a change of scenery, or to alter your lifestyle. Daily habits come under the microscope. If you have a healthy and happy lifestyle then you only need make minor adjustments, but if you've formed bad habits you need to adopt healthy new ones, such as changing your diet, exercising or cutting back on work hours for more rest and relaxation. You may need to change jobs to work in a healthier environment. Your calendar is likely to fill with commitments, and you may need to start practicing the word "no". Pay attention to your anatomy, seek advice on any minor health problems, look for ways to de-stress such as yoga, meditation, tai chi or walking in nature. You may also enjoy working with small animals.

TRINE PLUTO Orb 5°50' Separating

The planet of love is in a Fire sign this year indicating that you are more adventurous in love and money matters. Generally speaking you are more willing to take risks when it comes to love and money. Even if you usually enjoy security, you are prepared to venture out of your comfort zone a little. If you are single and looking for a lover, then you are likely to be attracted to outgoing, artistic or adventurous types. If you are attached, then you or your partner is likely to initiate changes. You are ready. Look at other aspects of your annual chart for more details on your personal life.

Romance is a key feature of your life, whether this is because you are love struck, witness someone else's tender liaison, or write a romance novel. If in a serious relationship you may marry; if married you may experience a renewed sense of love. If single you could meet someone, fall in love and enjoy a courtship period which may lead to a commitment. Alternatively you may enjoy seeing a friend or family member who is happily in love. Your passions are aroused this year and if not for a lover, then perhaps for your muse who stirs you in a creative endeavor. You may also express much love for children, encourage them and enjoy their company.

CONJUNCTION URANUS Orb 3°57' Separating

This year you grow in independence, strength, and vitality, readily try new things, eager to meet life head on. You know if you are heading in the right direction if you are happy and healthy, making forward thinking decisions and achieving your personal goals. You confidentally take on the challenges of new opportunities which require initiative and a little risk. If you feel angry, undermined, and resentful, perhaps feel that someone is blocking your path, then you have gotten yourself in a holding pattern, reluctant to let go of security, either going about things in the wrong way or expecting co-operation from unrealistic quarters. Selfish actions backfire. You are responsible for your actions, so make changes if needed, particularly if they improve your health and happiness.

SQUARE NEPTUNE Orb 2°59' Separating

Your world is opening up. This year, identify your most prominent desires, reach for your dreams and make them happen. If you have always wanted to travel to a specific destination, or always wanted to publish something special, now you can. Study a particular course you’ve wanted to. Your larger than life presence attracts attention and you may be bestowed with gifts from high places, or sponsorship from a benefactor. A project may finally get off the ground. You may meet an inspirational lover or teacher. You gain wisdom, as you learn about the world, and your role in it, and other people are the signposts. If you are afraid, then assess your fears and you can handle them by preparing yourself.

SQUARE SATURN Orb 2°04' Applying
TRINE PLUTO Orb 3°56' Separating

This is a momentous year. Something or someone is asking, or demanding, serious consideration and effort. You are about to take a crucial step towards achieving or completing a life-long ambition, where considerable commitment is required. Traits vital this year are patience, diligence, persistence and endurance. You might not have much fun, but you will be rewarded by achieving your goals. The major lesson is to ensure that you are satisfied your life is heading in the right direction. Even under heavy workload you know that you are accomplishing your objectives. If unhappy with your life direction you may have periods of feeling despondent, even ill, and if so you should seek the advice of an expert. Heed signs of physical or emotional strain and take corrective measures.

TRINE URANUS Orb 5°46' Separating
SQUARE NEPTUNE Orb 4°11' Applying

Quite simply and literally you may move out of one house and into another. This could be nearby or far away. Or you could also stay in your current house, and redecorate or renovate. The planet Uranus is challenging you to find a home which represents your individual self, and it doesn't matter how eccentric your domestic wishes appear. You might be quite selfish about demanding a house that suits you, not other people. (Of course, this is easier if you live on your own.) If you are hesitant to impose your wishes on those you live with you could find this year challenging. If you resist the internal changes and your need for a house that reflects them you feel restless, and may be uprooted anyway.

SQUARE PLUTO Orb 3°54' Separating

You are more contemplative than usual and might prefer to be silent this year, rather than have to communicate. Your mind is pre-occupied, and you need find avenues for escape or spirituality, or to indulge your imagination. You are very impressionable, and may be easily distracted. Avoid making big decisions, unless the process began before your last birthday, as you may not have all the facts, or someone may be making promises that they have no intention of keeping. Be wary of con artists. Your dreams may be more prolific. This is a time of assimilation rather than accumulation. This is your year to create a sacred space in your daily life so that you can have a deep conversation with yourself, and your God.

Money is a challenge this year. You could attract a windfall and face the challenge of how to manage your newfound wealth. But more likely, as Pluto strips away self-deceit and forces you to face the truth, you are required to learn how to manage your existing finances differently. Are you good with money, or in debt? Whatever your monetary management skills, you are being challenged to re-evaluate. Seek advice from a financial advisor, but make sure you trust that person implicitly. It is time to ensure that you are solid in your value system, that your morals are intact, that your self-worth is strong and as a result that you enjoy greater abundance. Matters of power and control are also likely to be prominent right now.

IP: Logged


Posts: 1265
From: Europe
Registered: Feb 2014

posted January 16, 2016 12:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LostSoulRebecca     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Strawberryaa - Solar Return from Jun 2015 until Jun 2016

Your birthday chart Ascendant is in Cancer, a caring and sharing sign --- nudging you to incorporate nurturing, life-giving qualities this year. Your nesting instincts are strong, even if you are usually a more extraverted and freedom-seeking individual. You reflect on your role in your relationships, in particular with those closest to you, more sensitive to the needs of loved ones. You are more likely to be concerned about your private life, turning your focus to matters of the home and hearth, rather than professional ambitions. Questions may arise such as, what does family mean to me and where is my true home and family? You may feel compelled to make your home more comfortable. This year focus on getting your house in order.

When the Moon is in this sign you may find that you are more interested in exploring new ideas and friendships rather than close intimate relationships. This year strive for more autonomy in your private life. Throw out your preconceived ideas about personal matters and explore new options. If young you may leave home for the first time, exploring a new lifestyle and discovering your emotional strengths and weaknesses. If a mature person you may feel the urge to make changes in your home environment. Children leaving home may be spotlighted. The theme this year in your personal life is to think outside of the square, be innovative, explore new ideas and go with the flow. You have the chance of welcoming a freer and more flexible lifestyle.

If you are heading in the right direction your life is unlikely to undergo major changes, but this year ask yourself what is the best life that you can have and make adjustments if necessary. A new job, promotion, marriage, change in parenthood, or more prominent role in public office are possible. Changes that occur are most likely in your career, but you can be noticed in public in other ways as well. If you are feeling lost and confused about how to change your life direction, someone significant will cross your path to teach you a significant lesson to help you live your life more productively. Acknowledge what changes you would like make and strive to live the best life that you can.

SQUARE SATURN Orb 3°47' Applying
TRINE THE ASCENDANT Orb 4°29' Separating

Your Sun is in the zodiac sign of Gemini indicating that you're curious, lively, versatile and talkative, with a need for constant stimulation. You're adept at keeping your finger on the pulse of several things at once, like a juggler. Many times you weave your way successfully and skilfully through your many activities leaving others in somewhat breathless awe of your abilities. However, there are also many times when everything comes tumbling down around you and you're left to pick up the pieces which have been scattered throughout your life. Communication is a key element in your life, taking the form of lively conversation, letter
writing, study, numerous telephone calls or even travelling to various destinations to satisfy your curiosity. You've a tendency to liven up even the quietest environment, sometimes even introducing a chaotic element. Life is never dull around you.

The major theme of this year is confinement, either self-imposed or imposed by circumstances and is full of opportunities for quiet contemplation, to work behind the scenes and to support other people. While you may be restrained in a physical sense, your spirit is likely to be uplifted. The more that you can transcend restrictions the more you find this year rewarding. It is the ideal time for spiritual retreat and renewal, for being of service, or for working behind the scenes. In a woman's chart this can indicate pregnancy. It is an excellent year during which to lay the groundwork for a future project. This year go with the flow, act with integrity and understand that your experiences are leading to an awakening.

CONJUNCTION MARS Orb 1°47' Applying
You are set for adventure, ready, willing and able to set goals, and then take action. Even if you are not a risk-taker you are willing to go out on a limb to achieve your goals. It doesn't This year you have the courage to feel the fear and do it anyway. A male mentor or partner may help or inspire you to move closer to achieving your dreams. You are enterprising, able to initiate change. Be wary of being too rash…daring but not foolhardy. If you feel pent-up and aggressive, physical exercise is beneficial, and a passion for sports may be a prominent theme. You may also enjoy trips to out-of-the-way places. You are ripe for adventure, make the most of the opportunities and enjoy the ride.

SEXTILE JUPITER Orb 0°38' Applying
Jupiter here indicates that you can enjoy a year of growth and success. You are able to see your own life in terms of the big picture. You are likely to feel like a super hero, optimistic, gladly trying out new activities and ventures. Others notice your enthusiasm and may make you a magnet to draw to you for a beneficial mentor, teacher, or benefactor. This is one of those years when doors open almost as soon as you state your request. You are free to explore new options and able to take great strides towards your goals. Beware of becoming greedy, or arrogant. An attitude of gratitude can help you on your journey. This is also your year to become a benefactor, teacher or mentor.

SEXTILE URANUS Orb 2°33' Applying
This year's message is: "expect the unexpected", and anything goes, and you are well advised to go with the flow. If you love the newest and most frightening rides at the fairground, you could have the time of your life this year. Otherwise you may feel a little fretful and out-of-kilter. Sudden events can catapult you into an entirely different life, an eccentric benefactor may offer you a range of exciting new possibilities. You may be delighted as you attract a new exciting lover, a financial windfall or an unexpected pregnancy. Try to see your life as an exciting adventure and be thankful. This is your opportunity to break out of any old restricting habits, to express your unique talents and to shine as your true self.

TRINE THE MIDHEAVEN Orb 0°01' Separating
This year you are teetering on the edge of a major life change, the direction up to you. Set aside time to reassess your career goals, your marital status and your ambitions. You can achieve your goals if you steer a steady course, make the most of the opportunities and stay focused. If typically a stay-at-home type your friends and family are likely to notice a change in your behaviour. If you are already an ambitious type then you are likely to really enjoy your time in the sun this year. Promotions, demotions, job offers, proposals of marriage and other such life changing situations all hold the promise of adventures into challenging territories. This year you are up for the challenge.

The ideas are flowing fast this year, and you are mentally sharp, with Mercury in an Air sign. Gatherings provide plenty of stimulation, and you may take a real interest in other people's news, as well as news of the world at large. You may even delight in juggling many activities. Your challenge is to avoid being too distracted by social events and chatty people, or you may have difficulty concentrating. If your path in life demands results, make sure you apply yourself to the tasks at hand and follow through when you give your word. Ask help if needed, delegate where possible. Don't try to talk your way out of trouble, or lash out with a sharp tongue. A good time for networking and improved communications.

Undercurrents come to light this year that you might not have been aware of. Someone or something is not as it seems, not acting in your best interests. Your lessons: keep your thoughts to yourself if possible so you don't say the wrong thing, act with integrity in all areas, and realize that you cannot control other people's behaviour. Go with the flow, changing what you can, and let go of the rest. Time to take a back seat if you are have been busy and mentally overloaded, for pushing yourself now you are likely to become tense, perhaps even distressed, and alienate others. It is a good year for solitude, meditation, rest and relaxation. Or focus on an imaginative or philanthropic project.

SEXTILE VENUS Orb 2°43' Applying
OPPOSITION SATURN Orb 4°37' Applying
SQUARE NEPTUNE Orb 4°43' Separating

The planet of love is in a Fire sign this year indicating that you are more adventurous in love and money matters this year. You are more willing to take risks when it comes to love and money. Even if you usually enjoy security, you are prepared to venture out of your comfort zone seeking companionship, and perhaps even social influence. If you are single you are likely to be attracted to outgoing, artistic or adventurous types. If you are attached, your partnership is likely to feature more prominently in your life. You may be tempted to "show-off" your beloved a little more, or to pursue more social activities with your partner. You may even enjoy more creative pursuits, or a little social climbing and pomp and circumstance.

This year you have a love of learning, exploring your neighbourhood and interacting with friends. You delight in conversations, and seek happiness through your connections. You want everyone to be happy and harmonious, and likely will mediate when loved ones argue, worrying if disharmony continues. You are more sensitive and likely to react to harsh words or criticism. You seek loving and supportive communication from a partner, and may look elsewhere if your lover withdraws or speaks harshly. Fond memories, perhaps of childhood playmates and siblings, or past loves, come to mind. Artistic and cultural events, and the beauties of nature may attract you. Creative thoughts abound. Accept your need for beauty, explore new avenues of learning, and when possible indulge your senses.

TRINE SATURN Orb 1°53' Separating

This year you are the servant, not the master, which may be easy or difficult to accept depending on your nature. If you cannot avoid a leadership role, then you need to tread warily or you could become the target for other people's dissatisfaction with their own lives, or with someone else in a leadership position. You would be better off avoiding responsibilities that can damage your reputation in favour of pursuing more selfless work. You may enjoy working in isolation on a creative, charitable or manual project. You may also gain satisfaction from a more contemplative lifestyle this year. If you are feeling aimless and lost, voluntary work could be beneficial, helping you gain a new sense of direction and feel like you are contributing.

SEXTILE JUPITER Orb 1°08' Separating
SEXTILE URANUS Orb 0°46' Applying

This is a year of good family news, plus an opportunity to expand your living arrangements. You need room to breathe in your home and have the chance to create some space. Move to a larger house, or a more spacious area, or add rooms. Perhaps your family is expanding with the birth of a child, or children are moving back. Maybe you move in with a lover who has kids. You may plann a home office, or a meditation retreat. You are likely to discard unused items to make room for the new. It’s time to be released from the past to make way for growth, including letting go of old hurts in your family environment. Avoid moving too quickly to ensure that the foundations are solid.

TRINE URANUS Orb 1°55' Applying

This year, reap the benefits from a strong work ethic. Work, service and health are highlighted. Don't overdo things or your body will show the strain. Pay attention to your daily workload and how you apply yourself to your job. If you pay attention to work procedures you are likely to see your efforts are rewarded. However if you flout the system, everyday repetitive strain takes its toll. Your lesson is to pay attention to specifics, the minutiae and seemingly irrelevant details. When necessary take corrective measures, and follow the regulations. Learn the value of doing everyday tasks well or you suffer the consequences, which could include losing your job, being forced to take time off work through physical strain or illness, or feeling tired and disappointed.

With the planet of change in the friendship sector this year, the obvious meaning is that your social circle is altering. If a new relationship or relocation has triggered this shift, you may encounter some resistance from your old contacts, but true friends will support your decisions. Possibly you have changed your interests and old friends are no longer in contact. This is your opportunity to strip any social facades and live your life authentically, surrounded by like-minded individuals who value the real you. You may join a new and creative group this year. It is also time to re-evaluate your hopes, dreams and wishes. Dreams do come true, but you need to explore your options rather than opting for the status quo.

SQUARE PLUTO Orb 4°38' Separating

This year look beyond the mundane and ask if there is more to life than your current work. You seek meaning in life, particularly in your public life. Does your current job reflect your true passion? If so your work may change in subtle ways. You may take a break, slow down, recharge your batteries. If unsure about your work, vaguely dissatisfied, weary, perhaps you are resisting needed changes. You may decide to change your job or career, or start a course of study. If you are single you may come to terms with your single status. If married, perhaps your partner's career prospects are unclear, and are affecting you in your own work role, or making career decisions. Slow down and really reflect on your life direction.

Pluto is highlighting, and bringing challenges to, areas of investments and joint resources this year. This planet has the ability to strip self-deceit and force you to see the truth about money and investments, and in some cases sexuality. Long term investments may pay dividends, business ventures may prosper or you may inherit money. You may finally have saved enough to purchase that house or trip. Travel might result from a business investment, or desire to visit an aging relative. If you have handled your involvement with other people’s money with integrity, rewards are likely. If you have cut corners with investments or business, you pay the consequences. Separation or divorce may change your financial outlook. Matters of power and control of joint finances can be issues.

Strawberryaa - Solar Return from Jun 2016 until Jun 2017

Your birthday chart Ascendant this year is in Virgo, an intellectual sign --- emphasizing your need to have a more logical approach during this year. Logic rather than emotion plays a part in your own decisions. It is time for you to embrace a healthier lifestyle, take better care of yourself, so that you have a good balance of mental and physical health. You may change your diet, exercise regime or give up a bad habit. Even if you are a highly disorganized individual, this year sees you get your act together. Cleanliness, hygiene, tidiness and orderliness are within your reach. You may also find that your powers of concentration are heightened and you learn new skills, make important plans and decisions for the future.

Your birthday Moon is in the nurturing sign of Cancer indicates that you are strongly influenced by your family, especially female relatives. Someone close to you may need extra tender loving care, or you may be required to nurture a loved one through an illness or an emotional upset. You may enjoy a change of scenery by visiting a family member, or travelling with a favoured female companion. Your private life is changing as you are coming to terms with your own personal needs and those of loved ones. You may say goodbye as a child leaves home. Perhaps you will pick up your home and move, redecorate your home, invite a family member to live with you or welcome the birth of a new child.

Friendships are likely to change during the course of this year, and to focus on your dreams. Some friendships may end, or friends and colleagues may stir deep feelings. Perhaps your life path has changed and your friendships have changed as a result, or you have new friends who are challenging you to think in different ways. You may discover you have a deeper love for one of your close friends. To sort through your changing feelings you may need to spend some time on your own. Focus on your own goals and let those around you come and go. Now is your time to dream, and follow those dreams. Whatever your own personal dreams, this is your year to pursue them. Follow your intuition.

SEXTILE JUPITER Orb 2°38' Separating
SQUARE URANUS Orb 6°19' Applying
TRINE NEPTUNE Orb 5°05' Separating
OPPOSITION PLUTO Orb 0°11' Separating
SEXTILE THE MIDHEAVEN Orb 1°58' Separating

Your Sun is in the zodiac sign of Gemini indicating that you're curious, lively, versatile and talkative, with a need for constant stimulation. You're adept at keeping your finger on the pulse of several things at once, like a juggler. Many times you weave your way successfully and skilfully through your many activities leaving others in somewhat breathless awe of your abilities. However, there are also many times when everything comes tumbling down around you and you're left to pick up the pieces which have been scattered throughout your life. Communication is a key element in your life, taking the form of lively conversation, letter writing, study, numerous telephone calls or even travelling to various destinations to satisfy your curiosity. You've a tendency to liven up even the quietest environment, sometimes even introducing a chaotic element. Life is never dull around you.

This year you reap what you have sown, and you reassess your life direction. If you have acted with integrity, compassion and patience then you are likely to undergo an exciting change of direction; the more positive the reputation, the more that you are likely to reap rewards. If you have shirked responsibilities either to yourself or others then you are likely to spend your year re-building your reputation. You may change jobs, receive a promotion, alter your career path, stare your own benefits, or begin studies that influence your life direction. If you are single, then you may be considering the important step of marriage. If you are already married you are likely to enjoy a more public role with your spouse.

CONJUNCTION VENUS Orb 0°07' Separating
This year be on your toes when it comes to love and money. If single you are likely to attract a significant lover. Do you want love and commitment, or just enjoy the dating game? If you are ready to change your sense of self, and move into a loving bond with another person then you may fall in love and marry. If in love, ready for commitment your love deepens. You could reunite with a past love, or perhaps have fallen in love with someone new. If in a committed partnership, then your lover is likely to demand changes. A little financial planning can be a positive course of action during this period. Budget for pleasure, and don't be tempted to overspend.

SQUARE JUPITER Orb 2°32' Separating
Jupiter indicates you can enjoy a year of growth and good fortune. At times you may feel like a super hero, optimistic, able to see the big picture, gladly trying out new activities and ventures. However you are not handed your good fortune on a silver platter, but need to seek nuggets of wisdom. Despite some setbacks, you are generally lucky, doors opening almost as soon as you ask. There are some pitfalls on the way. Don't squander opportunities, beware of expecting too much, and becoming greedy. An attitude of gratitude goes a long way to help you on your journey. This is also your year to become a benefactor, teacher or mentor.

OPPOSITION SATURN Orb 4°12' Separating
This is your year to develop hard work, stick-to-itiveness and common sense, although you may have to struggle through a few obstacles. Patience is required as you ystematically work to achieve your ambitions. Your recreation time is likely to be sparse, so use it wisely. Apply yourself with diligence in any area that provides structure or new skills, or gradually build up new avenues when the old ones cease to work. You may be required to tighten the purse strings, work within a budget, or direct your funds to renovating your home or restructuring your business. Pay attention to the structures that uphold your life whether these are the buildings, your finances, partnerships or investments. Right now you are working hard as an investment in your future happiness.

SQUARE NEPTUNE Orb 4°59' Separating
The message this year is: "time to follow your dreams". You are seeking more magic in your life….a romantic liaison, artistic inspiration, spiritual enlightenment or remote and beautiful holiday. If you are a dreamy type, you may be even more soft and creative. If an ambitious, practical and analytical type, you may notice the softening effect and at first you may feel a little lost, lacking your usual clarity. Slow down, contemplate, or illness may force you to. Follow your dreams in a way that does not burn bridges. Not an auspicious time to make sound financial decisions. Explore the spiritual, explore your artistic talents. Fall in love , but don't commit until you have passed through this phase. Avoid drugs, alcohol, religious sects and unscrupulous business deals.

QUINCUNX PLUTO Orb 0°05' Separating
The message this year is: "time to change your habits", and their underlying psychological triggers. This could mean diet, alcohol, nicotine, or lack of exercise. Do a little soul-searching. You may need to face deeply entrenched fears in order to live your own authentic life. Time to find your own path. If you are not living a healthy and balanced lifestyle then an event or a person is likely to force matters. You may say farewell to someone you love because you have not faced up to your bad habits, or because they have a negative influence on your life. The theme is liberation. If you are heading in the right direction then doors open. Control the things that you can, and let go of others.

This year you may commit to a plan of action, or make a promise to another, and you have the mental discipline to carry through. Others notice your responsible attitude and you gain their respect. Your responsibilities may increase as you are entrusted with more speaking, negotiating or writing. You know when to speak, and you choose your words carefully. Mercury in an earth sign indicates stubborn thinking so make sure that you are not too set in your thoughts, and you remain open to new ideas. You excel when common sense and logic are required, and your strength is being able to apply mental discipline. But note that human beings are not often logical, and when needed you offer calm reassurance rather than a superior rational communication.

Decisions that you make now are likely to change the course of your life. You are able to see your future if you stay on your existing path, and know what needs changed. You are keen to change your status while maintaining, or improving, your reputation and are aware of consequences, so your actions are likely to be well-considered. You may consult experts for advice. The respect of your superiors, peers and family is important. Communications, negotiations, and networking are now. Your decisions may take effect immediately prompting a change of career, marriage or public status, or perhaps plans made now take effect in the future. If you are in a position of authority then you are mindful of your responsibilities, and the necessity to make sensible choices.

OPPOSITION MARS Orb 3°18' Applying

The planet of love in an Air sign this year indicates that you seek stimulation in love and money matters, are open to ideas and eager to communicate, rather than. You may be interested in speculation, although perhaps not ready to make a commitment to a particular person or course of action. If you are single then you are likely to be attracted to someone who stimulates your mind, and quickly dismiss anyone who bores you. If you are attached, you are looking to create quality time for two-way communication. If your need for stimulation is not met this year, then you are likely to feel restless. Look at other aspects of your annual chart for more details on your love life and money matters.

The planet of love is closely linked to your livelihood this year, meaning someone close to your heart is also directly connected to your profession. You are likely to form a close bond with someone special who changes the course of your life. If single you may fall in love with someone in your working environment, or who works closely with you, a client, or someone associated with your career. If you are married you may form a partnership with your spouse that changes the course of your life. If not inclined towards romance, you may find pleasure in your work, enjoy planning your career or spending time with colleagues. You may also attract the attention of a prominent woman, one who helps forward your career ambitions.

SQUARE JUPITER Orb 2°39' Separating
OPPOSITION SATURN Orb 4°19' Separating
QUINCUNX PLUTO Orb 0°13' Separating

Home won’t be tranquil and settled home this year. While you may have moments of peace and quiet, more likely your household resembles a hustling and bustling metropolis. People come and go, friends and family keep dropping in for a moment, or for days. Home repairs may require the attention of tradesmen, or you may decide to renovate. You may even be forced to change homes this year. If you seek a peaceful home environment, expect to feel tense at times. There may be battles with family members over pecking order, but try to re-direct your feelings of resentment, into more positive channels. You may benefit from a robust round of garden work, setting up a home gym or taking martial arts lessons.


This is your year to grow, learn, spread your wings and fly, and with your larger than life presence you can do this in just about any area. If you have always wanted to study, teach, travel, write, or play sports, now you can set your plans in motion. You have plenty of initiative, and doors are likely to open. As you get increasingly enthusiastic, others can't resist becoming involved to help you achieve your goals. You may be in for a bit of a wild ride this year as your plans take on a life of their own, and you may need to temper some of your plans or actions with a little moderation. You feel renewed, ready to make the most of opportunities.

SQUARE SATURN Orb 1°39' Separating
OPPOSITION NEPTUNE Orb 2°26' Separating
TRINE PLUTO Orb 2°26' Applying

"Get your house in order" this year. This applies to whether you live alone or share a big household; dwell in a tent or a mansion. Look at where you live, facing that something has to happen. You may move, or stay and renovate. If you have been ignoring maintenance issues, or any household chores, you need to fix each problem. You may need to tighten your budget and channel funds into your home. The lesson is: undergo short term discomfort for long term benefits of a solid foundation. You also must make decisions regarding your family situation, perhaps moving into a smaller, bigger or different house, so start house hunting. Clear out cupboards, clean surfaces, rearrange furniture, landscape your garden. You may set up a home office.

SQUARE NEPTUNE Orb 0°47' Applying

This is an exciting, possibly unsettling year as your routine is prone to interruptions. You may not be aware of what is disrupting your usual routine, but the sense of unease is because your belief system is changing. You have the opportunity, and possibly the obligation, to challenge your set of beliefs to make sure that they still hold true, and if they don’t, to question what edicts can be discarded, and what new ones can be adopted. You are keen to push your boundaries of intellectual understanding. You may start or end a study course, travel unexpectedly, re-locate, even break away from fundamental beliefs and become fascinated with an unorthodox group. Think of yourself as an adventurer and enjoy the exhilaration of the journey into the unknown.

This year your attitude towards love and marriage is changing in subtle but irrefutable ways. Perhaps you are about to make a major commitment, or your partner is undergoing changes that affect your life. Whether single or in a partnership, ponder on love, marriage and your life and renew your faith in the power of love. Ponder past relationships, and let go of bitterness, forgive feelings of being wronged, heal fears of being hurt. You may end a current relationship, or fall much more deeply in love with your partner. Ultimately this is your year to discover the meaning of love, whether this is through love and partnership, or as a result of a stronger union with God, or your higher self, depending on your beliefs.

Pluto is highlighting the area of creativity and fun, and submerged desires bubble to the surface. In some ways you are reassessing what it means to truly express yourself, and being challenged to see what needs to be born in your life. Have you felt stifled and resisted your creative urges? Time for a deeply-felt need for
expression to be born. You could literally give birth to a child, perhaps as a result of a surprise pregnancy. Or start an artistic project --- write, sing, dance or other creative venture. You could find yourself exploring areas that previously held no attraction. You may be secretly attracted to someone from your past, or who represents how you would truly like to be now. A romantic liaison may emerge.

TRINE THE MIDHEAVEN Orb 2°10' Separating

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Posts: 1265
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posted January 16, 2016 12:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LostSoulRebecca     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ms.Pisces78 - Solar Return from Mar 2016 until Mar 2017

Your birthday chart Ascendant this year is in Leo, a showy and creative sign --- you are more likely to be in the limelight this year. If you are usually more reliant on other people, this year you are champing at the bit to march to the beat of your own drum. You would like to act as you see fit, free of restrictions imposed by other people's expectations. This could be literally stepping onto a podium, stage or in front of a class, or your talents could be recognized in other ways. It may be beneficial to focus on your own needs this year. In which area would you really like to shine? What is most important to you?

Your birthday Moon is in the nurturing sign of Cancer indicates that you are strongly influenced by your family, especially female relatives. Someone close to you may need extra tender loving care, or you may be required to nurture a loved one through an illness or an emotional upset. You may enjoy a change of scenery by visiting a family member, or travelling with a favoured female companion. Your private life is changing as you are coming to terms with your own personal needs and those of loved ones. You may say goodbye as a child leaves home. Perhaps you will pick up your home and move, redecorate your home, invite a family member to live with you or welcome the birth of a new child.

Friendships are likely to change during the course of this year, and to focus on your dreams. Some friendships may end, or friends and colleagues may stir deep feelings. Perhaps your life path has changed and your friendships have changed as a result, or you have new friends who are challenging you to think in different ways. You may discover you have a deeper love for one of your close friends. To sort through your changing feelings you may need to spend some time on your own. Focus on your own goals and let those around you come and go. Now is your time to dream, and follow those dreams. Whatever your own personal dreams, this is your year to pursue them. Follow your intuition.

TRINE VENUS Orb 4°41' Separating
TRINE NEPTUNE Orb 0°02' Applying
OPPOSITION PLUTO Orb 7°08' Applying

Your Sun is in the zodiac sign of Pisces indicating that you're an imaginative and serene individual with a strong wish to be allowed to live in a world where harsher realities fade into the background and the dreamier aspects come into focus. You're a very talented individual,
and it is indeed important for you to find a channel for all of your creative energies, otherwise you find yourself slipping into a world of unreality and apathy. You may even find yourself drawn to the world of drugs as a form of escapism. You're the type of person who finds it is important to set aside time each day for meditation, quiet time or artistic pursuits. Quiet activities such as sitting on a beach or listening to soothing music may appeal, in fact any activity which suits your gentle nature. You may find yourself drawn to the mystical or spiritual side of life, in particular pastimes or studies which develop your intuition and understanding of the sacred
side of life.

You have become clear about your hopes and wishes and are now ready to instigate change, and you are unlikely to brook any opposition. It may feel as if a phase of your life has ended, and you may seek counselling or advice to help with the changes. Relationships are likely to be intense. If you have been single then you may marry, if married then you may seek changes in your marriage perhaps even a divorce. You may welcome the birth of a child, or assist an older child to leave home. You may make investments this year that change your lifestyle, or benefit from past investments giving you more freedom for self-development. Your finances are likely to fluctuate during this year.

"Change" is the key word this year. You may be restless, eager to change your life, or fretful, concerned about impending differences. You receive news of changes, or perhaps take action yourself after weighing the pros and cons. You may also talk to friends, family and colleagues about how you would like to do things different and decisions that you need to make. Go with the flow, taking action when you can and garnering as much support as possible. Young people may be of help, and any care taking role is likely to help you understand yourself and your own situation better and once again may instigate a change of heart or mind. You are likely to gain many insights this year, and alter your opinions and beliefs.

TRINE MARS Orb 6°58' Applying
You are set for adventure, ready, willing and able to set goals, and then take action. Even if you are not a risk-taker you are willing to go out on a limb to achieve your goals. It doesn't This year you have the courage to feel the fear and do it anyway. A male mentor or partner may help or inspire you to move closer to achieving your dreams. You are enterprising, able to initiate change. Be wary of being too rash…daring but not foolhardy. If you feel pent-up and aggressive, physical exercise is beneficial, and a passion for sports may be a prominent theme. You may also enjoy trips to out-of-the-way places. You are ripe for adventure, make the most of the opportunities and enjoy the ride.

You are highly intuitive with a good imagination. You have the ability to tune into other people's thoughts. You may have difficulty distinguishing reality from fantasy. You may experience periods where you seem to disappear into a dream world before being jolted back to reality.

This year you get serious about how to invest your money. Banks, property, trust funds, or the stock market? You may also be seriously discussing shared resources with your partner, prioritizing, making plans and decisions. You may seek legal advice on resources, sign (or end) a contract. You may have received an inheritance, and have to decide how to best invest. Or you may need to help a close friend or relative with changes in their resources. You are also developing a growing awareness of the sharing of resources on a global level and may study economics, politics, sociology, environmental or global law. You are keenly aware of the forces that work beneath the surface. Metaphysically you are increasingly conscious of people's subconscious motivations. Your intellect is sharp.

OPPOSITION JUPITER Orb 2°45' Separating
SQUARE SATURN Orb 3°38' Separating

The planet of love in a Water sign this year indicates that you seek sensitivity and understanding in love, and are more likely to be focused on caring and sharing than material matters. Feelings are important right now. If you are single, you yearn for someone who is simpatico, sharing or supporting your passions. You are well advised to avoid anyone who expresses harsh words. If attached, you enjoy relaxing with your loved one in beautiful natural surroundings, at artistic or inspirational events, or perhaps even on a spiritual retreat. The key is for you to feel emotionally safe and in tune with your partner. Look at other aspects of your annual chart for more details on your love life and money matters.

Hidden forces affect your love life as you are about to come face to face with strong feelings about an intimate relationship. If single there may be a magnetic attraction to someone who represents your hidden desires. This may cause you to seriously question your own needs and desires when it comes to marriage and commitment, perhaps facing a fear of intimacy. If married, perhaps there is a change of direction based on your own or your partner’s desires, and tension may arise as you both tackle previously suppressed feelings. Questions surrounding finances and sharing of material resources are also likely to arise. You may receive an expected monetary gift. Seasons have a profound effect on you as you seek pleasure and comfort warmer or cooler climates.

SQUARE MARS Orb 1°47' Separating
No text included for this topic.

Home won’t be tranquil and settled home this year. While you may have moments of peace and quiet, more likely your household resembles a hustling and bustling metropolis. People come and go, friends and family keep dropping in for a moment, or for days. Home repairs may require the attention of tradesmen, or you may decide to renovate. You may even be forced to change homes this year. If you seek a peaceful home environment, expect to feel tense at times. There may be battles with family members over pecking order, but try to re-direct your feelings of resentment, into more positive channels. You may benefit from a robust round of garden work, setting up a home gym or taking martial arts lessons.

Finances take on an increasingly noticeable role in your life this year as money is coming in or going out very fast. Perhaps you have mounting bills, or perhaps you are reaping the benefits of a pay rise or past financial decisions. This is an ideal time to focus on abundance. But try to moderate your spending habits, avoid wasting resources, so that you can make the most of the money that you have. You may be very lucky with money, receive unexpected gifts, finding a little bit more tucked away when most needed or achieve a promotion that boosts your income. It is a good time to try new moneymaking ideas, or apply for a job with larger income.

SQUARE SATURN Orb 0°52' Applying
TRINE PLUTO Orb 0°00' Applying

Playtime is limited by or to work this year. Perhaps your heavy work load means you must cancel holiday plans, limit social occasions, and squeeze in a little play sometimes. Alternatively your sense of fun comes from a satisfying work project. You may play and work with children, or take on responsibilities in a creative field. Possibly a decision to have a child requires extra work. You may discover that, when you try to plan some rest and recreation, it creates extra responsibilities. Learn to incorporate more creativity into daily life and work environment. Most of your spare time may be taken up by a child, or creative project. If you have always wanted to start a creative work project with long term results, this is your year.

TRINE URANUS Orb 2°45' Separating

This is an exciting, possibly unsettling year as your routine is prone to interruptions. You may not be aware of what is disrupting your usual routine, but the sense of unease is because your belief system is changing. You have the opportunity, and possibly the obligation, to challenge your set of beliefs to make sure that they still hold true, and if they don’t, to question what edicts can be discarded, and what new ones can be adopted. You are keen to push your boundaries of intellectual understanding. You may start or end a study course, travel unexpectedly, re-locate, even break away from fundamental beliefs and become fascinated with an unorthodox group. Think of yourself as an adventurer and enjoy the exhilaration of the journey into the unknown.

SQUARE PLUTO Orb 1°52' Separating

This year you awaken to an understanding that the world is more meets the eyes. You are sensitive to undercurrents in human relationships, aware of both light and dark. A change in your financial resources or business dealings may awaken awareness of the intransient nature of physical resources, and the sometimes fickle nature of human beings. You may also be pondering matters linked to trust, and the meaning of deeply intimate connections with a partner. You may also be tuned into the threat to the natural environment and the pulse of the rhythms of life. Your challenge is to create a sacred space, so that you can assimilate your experiences, and feel cleansed and uplifted, aware of the seasons of life.

Pluto influences your daily life, and the way that you structure your days is likely to change. There could be a job change (not career), a decision to work part-time or work more, or to start a diet or exercise program. Distribution of labour becomes an issue. If you are co-parenting you may need to reassess how jobs and responsibilities are shared. If you have been undermining yourself (or others), or if you are being dishonest at work, Pluto will expose the truth and you will have to deal with it. Entrenched habits can annoy others. Face the truth, challenge any bad habits or obsessive-compulsive tendencies, and respect the boundaries of those who share your daily space. You could also acquire a pet which effects how you live.

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Posts: 1265
From: Europe
Registered: Feb 2014

posted January 16, 2016 12:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LostSoulRebecca     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
dustib - Solar Return from Oct 2015 until Oct 2016

Your birthday chart Ascendant is in Cancer, a caring and sharing sign --- nudging you to incorporate nurturing, life-giving qualities this year. Your nesting instincts are strong, even if you are usually a more extraverted and freedom-seeking individual. You reflect on your role in your relationships, in particular with those closest to you, more sensitive to the needs of loved ones. You are more likely to be concerned about your private life, turning your focus to matters of the home and hearth, rather than professional ambitions. Questions may arise such as, what does family mean to me and where is my true home and family? You may feel compelled to make your home more comfortable. This year focus on getting your house in order.

This Moon sign indicates that a year when relationships with loved ones are highlighted. You have a strong need for harmony, peace and quiet but this is not necessarily achievable. It is likely that your patience is going to be tested by loved ones. Your powers of diplomacy may also be tested. You may find it difficult to relate to others in a rational and logical manner because you are so intricately involved emotionally. Decide when to say "no" and when to say "yes". Distracting yourself from other people's problems may be just what you need. There may be opportunities for pleasure trips, social outings, enjoying artistic venues. A creative or artistic hobby may be soothing, and you may take up a pleasurable activity that always attracted you.

It is time to look at the emotional needs of yourself and your family, and your feelings regarding home. Loved ones may seem irrational. So may your own feelings on home and family, but you need to face them, for if you suppress them they may erupt in strange ways. Where is home? Who is your family? Where do you belong? What do you need to feel safe and secure in your home? Reflect on the feelings that are surfacing, and take considered action. Changes may need to be made in your home, someone new may become part of your household. Reach out to your loved ones, heal past hurts, and create channels of communication that are warm and loving.

CONJUNCTION THE SUN Orb 9°44' Applying
This is a memorable year marked by new beginnings, where your intuition and self-confidence combine to help you move into a new chapter of your life. Your home and family are likely to be involved. This is your year for a healthy makeover emotionally and physically. Welcome new and exciting lifestyle changes. Listen to your own heart, use your thoughts positively and build your strength. You see your life in a different light. Your enthusiasm may be infectious inspiring others. You can find the emotional strength to rely on your own resources. As you move forward you discover renewed vitality, a sense of carrying a lighter load and a wondrous feeling that a whole new episode of your life is about to start with a clean slate.

CONJUNCTION MERCURY Orb 7°16' Separating
QUINCUNX NEPTUNE Orb 1°19' Separating
SQUARE PLUTO Orb 4°19' Applying

Your Sun is in the zodiac sign of Libra indicating that you strive to live a life of peace and harmony. This need for balance can be seen in all areas of your life, but particularly in personal relationships which play such a strong part in your life. Justice and fairness in interpersonal relationships are all-important. You can always see both sides of the story and therefore often find yourself in a peace-making or mediating role. You're diplomatic, and therefore carry out these roles well. However, make sure that you don't lose sight of your own objectives in your efforts to help others feel at ease. There can be a tendency to become so embroiled in the problems of others and in your efforts to make others feel at peace, that you forget about yourself. Artistic appreciation, and perhaps artistic talents, will feature in your life.

The major theme for this year is creativity and fun. It is time to play, to express yourself -- dance, sing, act, design, write, paint, or anything that your heart desires...let your inner child come out. Last year you sought knowledge, this year your imagination can reign. You may choose to study or teach a course in something that inspires your creative genius. This is a year to take risks. Risk believing in yourself and your own abilities; perhaps even something exciting like sky diving. Read, research and take off in your mind or on a plane. If married you are likely to seek more romance from your spouse; if single then a new romance may enter your life. Children may also play a role this year.

OPPOSITION URANUS Orb 0°03' Applying
This year's message is: "expect the unexpected", and anything goes, and you are well advised to go with the flow. If you love the newest and most frightening rides at the fairground, you could have the time of your life this year. Otherwise you may feel a little fretful and out-of-kilter. Sudden events can catapult you into an entirely different life, an eccentric benefactor may offer you a range of exciting new possibilities. If you have heard of the saying, "careful what you wish for", then it is a little too late because wishes that you have made in the past may suddenly come true. You may be delighted as you attract a new exciting lover, a financial windfall or an unexpected pregnancy. Try to see your life as an exciting adventure and be thankful. This is your opportunity to break out of any old restricting habits, to express your unique talents and to shine as your true self.

SQUARE PLUTO Orb 5°24' Separating
The message this year is: "time to change your habits", and their underlying psychological triggers. This could mean diet, alcohol, nicotine, or lack of exercise. Do a little soul-searching. You may need to face deeply entrenched fears in order to live your own authentic life. Time to find your own path. If you are not living a healthy and balanced lifestyle then an event or a person is likely to force matters. You may say farewell to someone you love because you have not faced up to your bad habits, or because they have a negative influence on your life. The theme is liberation. If you are heading in the right direction then doors open. Control the things that you can, and let go of others.

The ideas are flowing fast this year, and you are mentally sharp, with Mercury in an Air sign. Gatherings provide plenty of stimulation, and you may take a real interest in other people's news, as well as news of the world at large. You may even delight in juggling many activities. Your challenge is to avoid being too distracted by social events and chatty people, or you may have difficulty concentrating. If your path in life demands results, make sure you apply yourself to the tasks at hand and follow through when you give your word. Ask help if needed, delegate where possible. Don't try to talk your way out of trouble, or lash out with a sharp tongue. A good time for networking and improved communications.

You recognize that it is time for changes to occur in your home life, time to alter the structure of your household. If young perhaps it is time to leave the family nest and go out into the world. For a mature adult you might move from a crowded shared household to living on your own, or from a quiet family unit to a busy one. The focus is on domesticity, living conditions and what they mean to you. Time to learn the importance of family and foundations in your life. If work and home are out of kilter, you may need to juggle your commitments. You could experience family members coming and going, babies born or older children leaving home. Good news may spark family celebrations.

SEXTILE SATURN Orb 0°34' Applying

The planet of love is in an Earth sign this year indicating that you are more security conscious, and not willing to take risks, when it comes to your finances and love life. This year you are looking for stability, and are less willing to step out of your comfort zone. If you are single, then you are likely to be attracted to a solid and dependable type of person, someone to whom you can ultimately commit. If you are attached, then you want seek reliability and predictability. For this reason this year may be one during which you make a commitment, either of your own volition or as a result of your partner's request. Sensuality may also play a key role in your love life this year.

This year you have a love of learning, exploring your neighborhood and interacting with friends. You delight in conversations, and seek happiness through your connections. You want everyone to be happy and harmonious, and likely will mediate when loved ones argue, worrying if disharmony continues. You are more sensitive and likely to react to harsh words or criticism. You seek loving and supportive communication from a partner, and may look elsewhere if your lover withdraws or speaks harshly. Fond memories, perhaps of childhood playmates and siblings, or past loves, come to mind. Artistic and cultural events, and the beauties of nature may attract you. Creative thoughts abound. Accept your need for beauty, explore new avenues of learning, and when possible indulge your senses.

CONJUNCTION MARS Orb 7°44' Applying
SQUARE SATURN Orb 0°49' Separating

Home won’t be tranquil and settled home this year. While you may have moments of peace and quiet, more likely your household resembles a hustling and bustling metropolis. People come and go, friends and family keep dropping in for a moment, or for days. Home repairs may require the attention of tradesmen, or you may decide to renovate. You may even be forced to change homes this year. If you seek a peaceful home environment, expect to feel tense at times. There may be battles with family members over pecking order, but try to re-direct your feelings of resentment, into more positive channels. You may benefit from a robust round of garden work, setting up a home gym or taking martial arts lessons.

OPPOSITION NEPTUNE Orb 3°11' Separating
TRINE PLUTO Orb 2°27' Applying

This is a year of good family news, plus an opportunity to expand your living arrangements. You need room to breathe in your home and have the chance to create some space. Move to a larger house, or a more spacious area, or add rooms. Perhaps your family is expanding with the birth of a child, or children are moving back. Maybe you move in with a lover who has kids. You may plann a home office, or a meditation retreat. You are likely to discard unused items to make room for the new. It’s time to be released from the past to make way for growth, including letting go of old hurts in your family environment. Avoid moving too quickly to ensure that the foundations are solid.

OPPOSITION NEPTUNE Orb 5°40' Separating
TRINE PLUTO Orb 0°01' Separating

This year, reap the benefits from a strong work ethic. Work, service and health are highlighted. Don't overdo things or your body will show the strain. Pay attention to your daily workload and how you apply yourself to your job. If you pay attention to work procedures you are likely to see your efforts are rewarded. However if you flout the system, everyday repetitive strain takes its toll. Your lesson is to pay attention to specifics, the minutiae and seemingly irrelevant details. When necessary take corrective measures, and follow the regulations. Learn the value of doing everyday tasks well or you suffer the consequences, which could include losing your job, being forced to take time off work through physical strain or illness, or feeling tired and disappointed.

SQUARE NEPTUNE Orb 5°22' Applying

With the planet of change in the friendship sector this year, the obvious meaning is that your social circle is altering. If a new relationship or relocation has triggered this shift, you may encounter some resistance from your old contacts, but true friends will support your decisions. Possibly you have changed your interests and old friends are no longer in contact. This is your opportunity to strip any social facades and live your life authentically, surrounded by like-minded individuals who value the real you. You may join a new and creative group this year. It is also time to re-evaluate your hopes, dreams and wishes. Dreams do come true, but you need to explore your options rather than opting for the status quo.

SQUARE PLUTO Orb 5°27' Applying

This year look beyond the mundane and ask if there is more to life than your current work. You seek meaning in life, particularly in your public life. Does your current job reflect your true passion? If so your work may change in subtle ways. You may take a break, slow down, recharge your batteries. If unsure about your work, vaguely dissatisfied, weary, perhaps you are resisting needed changes. You may decide to change your job or career, or start a course of study. If you are single you may come to terms with your single status. If married, perhaps your partner's career prospects are unclear, and are affecting you in your own work role, or making career decisions. Slow down and really reflect on your life direction.


Pluto highlights the area of marriage, business partnerships and contracts, areas that may change your life this year. Pluto’s ability to strip self-deceit can force you to face the truth in these areas. If single you may meet someone who transforms your life. If married, your interactions with your spouse are likely to change in a way that profoundly affects you. Resisting these changes will create tension and may break up your partnership. Reflect on new possibilities, work co-operatively. Trust may be an issue, and if you don’t have trust then you may need to reconsider your contracts and walk away. Matters of power are also likely to be prominent in the area of relationships. Are you, or is someone else, being exceedingly forceful right now, demanding changes?

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posted January 16, 2016 01:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for theunknown     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

The place I'll be spending my birthday and most of my time is Houston Tx. Did you put that in ?

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posted January 16, 2016 01:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for UrsusBlack     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you so much Rebecca! I'm lookig forward to reading mine!

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Empty Spaces

Posts: 987
Registered: Jun 2015

posted January 16, 2016 01:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Empty Spaces     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Sounds good!
Thanks a lot Rebecca!Hope you have an amazing year 👍💞

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posted January 16, 2016 02:00 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LostSoulRebecca     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by theunknown:

The place I'll be spending my birthday and most of my time is Houston Tx. Did you put that in ?

No, I missread this. Here it is with changed SR location.

Theunknown - Solar Return Feb 2016 – Feb 2017

Your birthday chart Ascendant this year is in Leo, a showy and creative sign --- you are more likely to be in the limelight this year. If you are usually more reliant on other people, this year you are champing at the bit to march to the beat of your own drum. You would like to act as you see fit, free of restrictions imposed by other people's expectations. This could be literally stepping onto a podium, stage or in front of a class, or your talents could be recognized in other ways. It may be beneficial to focus on your own needs this year. In which area would you really like to shine? What is most important to you?

When the Moon is in this sign you may find that you are more interested in exploring new ideas and friendships rather than close intimate relationships. This year strive for more autonomy in your private life. Throw out your preconceived ideas about personal matters and explore new options. If young you may leave home for the first time, exploring a new lifestyle and discovering your emotional strengths and weaknesses. If a mature person you may feel the urge to make changes in your home environment. Children leaving home may be spotlighted. The theme this year in your personal life is to think outside of the square, be innovative, explore new ideas and go with the flow. You have the chance of welcoming a freer and more flexible lifestyle.

It is time to focus on your health and well being, and you are motivated to change bad and work on the underlying psychological problems that have led to them. You feel good about adopting a healthier lifestyle. Some physical warning signs may have prompted you to seek medical advice, or you may already be living a healthy lifestyle and simply decide to make some adjustments. Slow down, reflect on what type of lifestyle is going to be most beneficial to your emotional well-being. What is stressful in your life? Or perhaps you have felt in a bit of a rut, and now feel motivated to change jobs, re-arrange your working environment, become more involved with your co-workers, or start a new work-training program.

CONJUNCTION THE SUN Orb 7°57' Applying
This is a memorable year marked by new beginnings, where your intuition and self-confidence combine to help you move into a new chapter of your life. Your home and family are likely to be involved. This is your year for a healthy makeover emotionally and physically. Welcome new and exciting lifestyle changes. Listen to your own heart, use your thoughts positively and build your strength. You see your life in a different light. Your enthusiasm may be infectious inspiring others. You can find the emotional strength to rely on your own resources. As you move forward you discover renewed vitality, a sense of carrying a lighter load and a wondrous feeling that a whole new episode of your life is about to start with a clean slate.

SEXTILE SATURN Orb 3°58' Applying

Your Sun is in the zodiac sign of Aquarius indicating that you're unconventional, friendly, unpredictable and innovative. Anything new and original will appeal, particularly if it goes against convention. You like to test ideas that have never been thought of before. At best this can be a exciting quest into unexplored territories. It can, however, be an indiscriminate rebellion against tradition. Not that you will mind, for you're a strong believer in people having the freedom of individual expression and not being oppressed by society's expectations. A regular livewire, you've an electric quality about your personality, which makes it difficult for you to sit still for long and also makes you attractive to people from all
walks of life. In fact you prefer to mingle with groups of people, often adopting the adage 'the more the merrier'. You may also enjoy working in a group which fights a particular cause.

It is time to focus on your lifestyle….change habits, start a new health regime, improve your organization skills, begin a new job, or even completely change scenery. Investigate any signals your body may be giving you, and have a health check-up. Time to focus on life’s details, the minutiae rather than the big picture. Does your car need service, does the faucet need a new washer, do your pets need vaccinations? If you have been putting off renovations then you may need to do some right now. Your role at work may change, become more demanding, perhaps you need to delegate tasks. You may change work places or employers, or become self-employed. Small animals may be a focus. Daily life is likely to be busier this year.

SQUARE MARS Orb 0°16' Separating
You are all set for an adventure, but first consider other factors or people. Even if you are not a risk-taker you have the courage to feel the fear and do it anyway. A male mentor or partner may help or inspire you to move closer to achieving your dreams. You are enterprising, able to initiate change. But you may not realize how selfish and pushy you are being. Be wary of being too rash…daring but not foolhardy. Avoid conflict where possible. Act with integrity not aggression. If you feel pent-up and aggressive, physical exercise is beneficial, and sports may be a prominent theme. You may also enjoy trips to out-of-the-way places. You are ripe for adventure, make the most of the opportunities and enjoy the ride.

SEXTILE URANUS Orb 1°17' Separating
This year's message is: "expect the unexpected", and anything goes, and you are well advised to go with the flow. If you love the newest and most frightening rides at the fairground, you could have the time of your life this year. Otherwise you may feel a little fretful and out-of-kilter. Sudden events can catapult you into an entirely different life, an eccentric benefactor may offer you a range of exciting new possibilities. You may be delighted as you attract a new exciting lover, a financial windfall or an unexpected pregnancy. Try to see your life as an exciting adventure and be thankful. This is your opportunity to break out of any old restricting habits, to express your unique talents and to shine as your true self.

The focus is on other people this year. Alliances of all kinds are highlighted. Assess your personal or business partnership needs. If single you may meet someone who challenges your single status which could lead you either to commit to staying alone, or commit to a serious relationship. If married then you may be more focussed on your partner's needs than your own. Any changes in your partner's life, are likely to affect your lifestyle. Joint decisions are likely to feature more largely. You may put some of your own plans on hold, or consider them in the light of your beloved's needs. Of course, this may challenge you to reassess the validity of your bond. The focus remains on the partnership and its effects on your life.

You are striving to make some headway in your career this year, but you may face a few challenges along the way. Nevertheless this is your year to make progress in any area that represents success for you. You may be a career-oriented person and hence your focus is on advancement in your profession. On the other hand your role as a parent may take prominence, or you could strive for excellence in a community group. This is your year for advancement with some effort, patience and persistence.


This year you may commit to a plan of action, or make a promise to another, and you have the mental discipline to carry through. Others notice your responsible attitude and you gain their respect. Your responsibilities may increase as you are entrusted with more speaking, negotiating or writing. You know when to speak, and you choose your words carefully. Mercury in an earth sign indicates stubborn thinking so make sure that you are not too set in your thoughts, and you remain open to new ideas. You excel when common sense and logic are required, and your strength is being able to apply mental discipline. But note that human beings are not often logical, and when needed you offer calm reassurance rather than a superior rational communication.

It's time for a change of scenery, or to alter your lifestyle. Daily habits come under the microscope. If you have a healthy and happy lifestyle then you only need make minor adjustments, but if you've formed bad habits you need to adopt healthy new ones, such as changing your diet, exercising or cutting back on work hours for more rest and relaxation. You may need to change jobs to work in a healthier environment. Your calendar is likely to fill with commitments, and you may need to start practicing the word "no". Pay attention to your anatomy, seek advice on any minor health problems, look for ways to de-stress such as yoga, meditation, tai chi or walking in nature. You may also enjoy working with small animals.

CONJUNCTION VENUS Orb 4°27' Applying
TRINE JUPITER Orb 1°22' Separating
CONJUNCTION PLUTO Orb 6°48' Separating

The planet of love is in an Earth sign this year indicating that you are more security conscious, and not willing to take risks, when it comes to your finances and love life. This year you are looking for stability, and are less willing to step out of your comfort zone. If you are single, then you are likely to be attracted to a
solid and dependable type of person, someone to whom you can ultimately commit. If you are attached, then you want seek reliability and predictability. For this reason this year may be one during which you make a commitment, either of your own volition or as a result of your partner's request. Sensuality may also play a key role in your love life this year.

Romance is a key feature of your life, whether this is because you are love struck, witness someone else's tender liaison, or write a romance novel. If in a serious relationship you may marry; if married you may experience a renewed sense of love. If single you could meet someone, fall in love and enjoy a courtship period which may lead to a commitment. Alternatively you may enjoy seeing a friend or family member who is happily in love. Your passions are aroused this year and if not for a lover, then perhaps for your muse who stirs you in a creative endeavor. You may also express much love for children, encourage them and enjoy their company.

SEXTILE MARS Orb 0°17' Separating
TRINE JUPITER Orb 3°05' Applying
SQUARE URANUS Orb 1°18' Separating
CONJUNCTION PLUTO Orb 2°21' Separating

Home won’t be tranquil and settled home this year. While you may have moments of peace and quiet, more likely your household resembles a hustling and bustling metropolis. People come and go, friends and family keep dropping in for a moment, or for days. Home repairs may require the attention of tradesmen, or you may decide to renovate. You may even be forced to change homes this year. If you seek a peaceful home environment, expect to feel tense at times. There may be battles with family members over pecking order, but try to re-direct your feelings of resentment, into more positive channels. You may benefit from a robust round of garden work, setting up a home gym or taking martial arts lessons.

SEXTILE JUPITER Orb 3°22' Applying
QUINCUNX URANUS Orb 1°01' Separating
SEXTILE PLUTO Orb 2°03' Separating

Finances take on an increasingly noticeable role in your life this year as money is coming in or going out very fast. Perhaps you have mounting bills, or perhaps you are reaping the benefits of a pay rise or past financial decisions. This is an ideal time to focus on abundance. But try to moderate your spending habits, avoid wasting resources, so that you can make the most of the money that you have. You may be very lucky with money, receive unexpected gifts, finding a little bit more tucked away when most needed or achieve a promotion that boosts your income. It is a good time to try new moneymaking ideas, or apply for a job with larger income.

TRINE PLUTO Orb 5°26' Applying

"Get your house in order" this year. This applies to whether you live alone or share a big household; dwell in a tent or a mansion. Look at where you live, facing that something has to happen. You may move, or stay and renovate. If you have been ignoring maintenance issues, or any household chores, you need to fix each problem. You may need to tighten your budget and channel funds into your home. The lesson is: undergo short term discomfort for long term benefits of a solid foundation. You also must make decisions regarding your family situation, perhaps moving into a smaller, bigger or different house, so start house hunting. Clear out cupboards, clean surfaces, rearrange furniture, landscape your garden. You may set up a home office.

TRINE URANUS Orb 2°42' Applying

This is an exciting, possibly unsettling year as your routine is prone to interruptions. You may not be aware of what is disrupting your usual routine, but the sense of unease is because your belief system is changing. You have the opportunity, and possibly the obligation, to challenge your set of beliefs to make sure that they still hold true, and if they don’t, to question what edicts can be discarded, and what new ones can be adopted. You are keen to push your boundaries of intellectual understanding. You may start or end a study course, travel unexpectedly, re-locate, even break away from fundamental beliefs and become fascinated with an unorthodox group. Think of yourself as an adventurer and enjoy the exhilaration of the journey into the unknown.

SQUARE PLUTO Orb 1°02' Separating

This year your attitude towards love and marriage is changing in subtle but irrefutable ways. Perhaps you are about to make a major commitment, or your partner is undergoing changes that affect your life. Whether single or in a partnership, ponder on love, marriage and your life and renew your faith in the power of love. Ponder past relationships, and let go of bitterness, forgive feelings of being wronged, heal fears of being hurt. You may end a current relationship, or fall much more deeply in love with your partner. Ultimately this is your year to discover the meaning of love, whether this is through love and partnership, or as a result of a stronger union with God, or your higher self, depending on your beliefs.

Pluto is highlighting the area of creativity and fun, and submerged desires bubble to the surface. In some ways you are reassessing what it means to truly express yourself, and being challenged to see what needs to be born in your life. Have you felt stifled and resisted your creative urges? Time for a deeply-felt need for
expression to be born. You could literally give birth to a child, perhaps as a result of a surprise pregnancy. Or start an artistic project --- write, sing, dance or other creative venture. You could find yourself exploring areas that previously held no attraction. You may be secretly attracted to someone from your past, or who
represents how you would truly like to be now. A romantic liaison may emerge.

TRINE THE MIDHEAVEN Orb 1°47' Separating

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posted January 16, 2016 02:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for poochycat     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you so much LSR! I'm looking forward to my birthday, it's a milestone birthday, and everything following Poochy

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posted January 16, 2016 11:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for theunknown     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks LSR, that sounds stormy....

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posted January 17, 2016 04:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for SereneDaze     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks again for posting the solar return reading its scary to read what's going to come yet some things I'm excited about.

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