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  @Mirage....asteroid info

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Author Topic:   @Mirage....asteroid info

Posts: 4299
From: USA
Registered: Jan 2014

posted June 04, 2021 01:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Springtimeflower     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Mirage!

Hope you are doing well!

Curious question..lately the females around me (literally) don't seem to like me a whole lot. What asteroid/planet contacts would I look for with that? I find myself explaining at least once why I did something that they might have thought putting my groceries in the car on the more narrow side between cars instead of the other side (my stubborn pet was on the other side of the backseat and my mom in the passenger side front). Also, if guys seem to like me more than usual, what planet/asteroid contacts would garner that response from them?

Thank you,

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Posts: 14620
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posted June 05, 2021 08:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Spring

I don't have a copy of your chart,
nor know your placements.

You say that women don't seem to "like" you recently?
It 'could' be your sensitivity.
Are you feeling more awkward? or 'visible'?
Do you more wish that you didn't "feel" so visible? Deer in the Headlights? Spotlight?

Is the South Node in your 12th or 1st house?

You know, there's been a kind of 'nervousness' in the air.

Mercury Retrograde in Gemini...
Look at house that's traveling and aspects in your Chart?

Seriously-- Are you feeling more psychic, telepathic with others, with receiving imaginations with things going on in the world?

I know that my 'own' feelings, my spidey-senses, ?fears? from observation.. and life-experiences, are kicking in a bit.

Dangerous things right now, in the World.
Take SPECIAL Care of yourself.
Be AWARE of your Surroundings in Public.

Pay attention if your intuition nudges.
There could be a reason.


We are in the corridors between Eclipses.
There are also some STRONG transit energies.

Psychological Musings
Here's another way of looking at this for you, Spring--
Coming with a more-psychological bent.

You are a sensitive person--
You are 'noticing' faces--
Are you trying to 'read' faces for feedback on whether-or-not 'you' are okay with them? Not in trouble? They still like you or not?

Those may be self-esteem issues,
1st and 2nd House.

Assure self.

Rhetorical Questions--
You don't have to answer if you want privacy.

Been the Target of Bullies before? --
Way down in your subconscious you must have had past-interactions with 'bullies' in your life that left you still with residual fear from that memory?

Some parents 'control' their children
by giving them "the look" ?? *smile*

In a shallow and still-subconscious way, sometimes, if we have been in positions of 'non-likeability' then our InnerChild might have felt worried and insecure because it could have been a way of predicting (or assessing) rejection, or unpleasant looks could predict that we will perhaps not 'be safe' {physically?}, without 'faces' around us maintain a look of neutral or pleasant?

Social Modern Public Environments, Perils--
In the public venues, there have been news stories of mass-shootings, or drive-by shootings every single day, in the USA.

Sky Transits for ALL Humans--
There have been sky transits that have been 'stimulating' and bringing out the worse, in some. Bullying is UP-- including within those with unbalanced minds.
Agitation, frustration, belligerence!!

Geographic, HATE Groups!!--
A group in my location had held a 'protest rally' in front of the Jewish Holocaust Museum & Memorial.
They had awful messages on placards, some had message Teeshirts. Voices on bullhorns-- Located in a busy intersection, they shouted at vehicles stopped for traffic lights. Chanted things like
"Hitler Was Right"
{These were members of organized radicalized groups of politicals-- QAnons, trumpSupporters, whiteSupremecists, neoNazis, proudBoys, etc.
Scary! --

These bullies start loud mouthy 'fights' in business venues-- grocery stores, banks; multiple physical attacks of passengers and 'airline flight attendants'. {Airlines have stopped the serving of alcohol because of these BULLY aggressors that lack self-control and don't care -- Expressive of their shared cult-like mentalities and belligerence. No couth.}

In more States now, these assaultive individuals are given state-government permissions to open-carry guns, and some carry military-grade Assault-Rifles.

So, WITH things like that keeping us ALL on-edge, you're unconscious is being Realistic!--
Monitoring FACES around you -- might be your intuitive self helping to keep you safe?

You were in the public grocery store's parking-lot loading groceries in your car. Some women/people there are looking "displeased"???
Checking their faces is fine--
being concerned over whether you are 'in their way' because of the awkwardness for loading your car, with Dog! .. ho! o my.
.. I'm sure you said/did what you could to sooth them, but past that?, it was for THEM to stay 'patient.'

Then past that point? ...
Concentrate only on you, and your task.
Be gentle and good to the inside of you.
Take your 'internal' time!!
Feeling flustered can make things slower.

BOUNDARIES, and Self-Okay-ness---
Time to surround self with okay thoughts about your own self, Spring.
Think that you are inside the protection of a clear hamster-ball!
Past a certain point-- you have NO responsibility for others and what they're feeling.

After maybe a nervous nice remark to them,
it's their responsibility, to be Patient, and have Empathy.

Gosh-- COVID Shopping Trip
A few months ago, I was grocery shopping. It wasn't crowded, but I was trying to get used to wearing a mask, and 'see'-- haha. It was interfering with my eyeglasses, fogging up, etc. Needing to make sure I was following the 'correct' arrows indicating shopper lanes, and going with correct-flow (one-way aisles).
I got to the cash registers. Empty of shoppers so I 'just picked' the convenient cash-out. Emptying my things.
Some very elderly person got behind me and starting this ANGRY picking on me... She had only one item. I didn't REALIZE I had placed all my items in the Express Lane -- 10 items or less. I apologized to her. She kept being awful!! Then I started feeling upset.
Realized that ALL the other cashout lanes (had cashiers) were AVAILABLE for her to take her item and leave the store. Noooooo. SHE had to press and press and made it an issue.
I felt 'bad' because I did get in the wrong lane-- but wow!!!?, right? ..
Bully. A Bully.

LOOK at your Chart----
Transits. Are there aspects involving PLUTO, and MARS.
The square between Saturn Aquarius and Uranus Taurus?

Men Increased Interest---
Pluto in good aspect with your VENUS can 'pull' men to you {even obsessive ones}.
Uranus to your Venus .. can also act as a draw.
(There are relationship-astrology people who will know a lot more about what attracts men.)
Transiting MARS
Transiting VENUS

For Women Issues-
Pluto or Neptune aspects to your MOON?
Mars has been in Cancer, which is 'ruled' by Moon... so, look to any Mars Cancer connections.

Chiron in Aries, transits--
You might be having some "sensitivity heightening" transits - and the longer-moving asteroid Chiron in aspect can be behind those.

Asteroid short-list---
Chiron in Aries
in aspect to your chart, planets and points.
Chiron makes a Return ~ every 50 years.

ERIS in Aries

[Aside] ----------------
ARIES Chiron in conjunction
with transiting Eris, Year 1968.
- Racial Tensions -
Martin Luther King April 4, 1968, Jr
Robert F. Kennedy, {anniversary NOW} June 5, died June 6, 1968.
con'd ..
Currently ----

ERIS Aries
in a
T-SQUARE to Mars opp Pluto!
(Would you have anything touching those places?)


Women and the Masculine/Feminine Inner-Balance
Pallas aka Pallas Athene
and transiting Pallas aspects.

For General Sky Transit,
Pallas conjuncts Neptune in Pisces.
This may be affecting some in the social collective.

This is MORE-GENERAL Information
Read and ponder,
when it comes to your relationship with the Women you've spoken about.

What's 'your' Pallas doing in relation to the other planets in aspect mentioned above.

Idea to Explore----
Demetra George, Douglas Bloch
Asteroid Goddesses: The Mythology, Psychology, and Astrology of the Re-emerging Feminine.
Revised Edition: 1986, 2003
REF extracts from pages 91-95.

p.93, Astrologically, therefore,
Pallas-type women {in the social public?}
tend to overidentify with the masculine and develop "animUS-ridden" personalities.
In pure form, this archetype can manifest as
"the Amazon" - a pre-Hellenistic, personification of Pallas.

In modern society,
it can depict a competitive, combative, and aggressive woman
who has lost touch with her softness and receptivity.
Achievement, impregnability, power, and success become the goals of fulfillment,
and preclude the emotional and sensual life of this woman.
. .
In a man's horoscope,
a strong Pallas can denote the reverse situation--
the 'aniMA-ridden' personality.
The anima is a man's unconscious feminine side.
When this is dominant at an extreme range,
it may express as excessive passivity, dependence moodiness, and a hesitancy to assert his will.
In both cases,
Pallas' overidentification can lead to an estrangement from one's intrinsic nature,
giving rise to a personality expression
that alienates others
and prevents intimacy with the opposite sex.
. .
The "protective suit of armor" that Palls Athene wore to ease her entry into the masculine world, later becomes the barrier that prevents access to the world of emotions.
The defense system of intellectualizing and rationalizing,
acts to put distance between the self and others,
and keeps one from experiencing feeling and pain.
. .
In summary, Pallas Athene represents
the need to balance the male and female polarities within us
as well as the difficulties that result when this harmony is not achieved.

Right now in sky transits,
there's been this effect
(hanging over human psyches in the world).
{from above-book George, pg. 115-116}

(I wonder how much THIS energy plays-in to the more restless 'psyche' for those who are socially aggravated-activated, with notions and accusations of celebrities and democratic politicians "Eating Babies"? )

The mental-creative principle {Pallas}
combines with {conjuncts}
"the transcendent urge" {Neptune - in Pisces}
Individuals {'the collective consciousness'} [experiencing] this combination
can sensitize their perceptions
and allow access to more subtle realms and dimensions.
.. [since the 'conjunction' is a stressful aspect] ..
Stressful aspects
point to confusion in one's perception of reality with the inability to distinguish between the real and unreal.
In some instances,
mental delusions and hallucinations may occur.
DUE to 'the impressionality' symbolized by NEPTUNE,
these individuals may attract negative psychic influences.
They may also experience a
'dissolution of their belief system'
become inculcated
[cult-like group thinking]
with 'blind faith.'
[Pallas is a significator: Politics!]

Eris, Pallas, .. Chiron

There are some females in mythology that have mixed-presentations.

Athene .. was beautiful ..
and a very nasty goddess with a lot of anger-issues! haha.

Some of the mythical females were presented as awful haters of the Human Race and those that sought to help. ACTUALLY, these women myths (I'm thinking about) were victims of "Athene," and some of the other Olympians.

Take Care
{Thanks for thinking of me! }

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Posts: 4299
From: USA
Registered: Jan 2014

posted June 05, 2021 09:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Springtimeflower     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks Mirage!

That's a lot of aspects that could bring on those reactions. I actually overheard someone say that the guys liked helping me (used my first and last name) better...maybe bad on my assumption that the girls did not. Other girls I've run across seem almost annoyed by me (like I'm in their way and not so much what I say). Weird. Pluto is still conjuncting my natal Saturn until mid-November..and putting pressure on my 5th house ruler Mercury in Libra (which is already being squared by my Jup/Sat conjunction in Cap). Need to just rest and limit my interactions with others..not let them bother me and get my BP up...working on that..

You're welcome! As always, wish you the all the best.

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Posts: 14620
From: us
Registered: May 2012

posted June 06, 2021 05:24 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for mirage29     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

You too.

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