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  strong winds while dreaming???

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Author Topic:   strong winds while dreaming???

Posts: 50
From: ohio
Registered: Aug 2004

posted October 21, 2004 05:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for future_uncertain     Edit/Delete Message
Last night I had this dream and at the end of it there was a small fire in my kitchen. I had just gotten out of the shower and was worried about finding my robe so I wouldn't have to run out in my towel. But right before I left the house, I realized I was dreaming and realized that I was safely in bed. In my half-conscious state I started to feel and hear really strong winds moving through my house. When they got to my bedroom they were blowing from the left side of my bed, strong enough that they blew me toward the right edge of my bed. The winds felt and sounded very real and they scared me, so I opened my eyes (in real life, now!) and looked over to the left side of my bed. I was leaning up on one elbow watching, and saw that the source of this wind was a grey angel (greyish because it was still dark outside with a little bit of light coming in the window) beating its wings very quickly, I kept watching until the angel transformed into a good friend of mine, then continued to watch as my friend disappeared and I was looking into the room adjacent my bedroom,which is the kitchen. WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT! The wind thing has happened I'm coming out of a dream state I am aware of wind rushing in my ears and against my body... I don't know what this is. But this is the first time I woke up and still experienced it and this is the first time I've seen anything once I was awake. What happened here?

I appreciate anyone's insight!


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Posts: 1978
From: the stars
Registered: Jun 2004

posted October 21, 2004 07:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for 26taurus     Edit/Delete Message
Hi Carissa,

I get the wind thing too. It has been happening for years. Also always in that in between sleep and awake state. It still freaks me out sometimes. I also, sometimes hear a high pitched ringing noise that gets so loud it wakes me up. When I hear the wind it sounds like I've stuck my head out a car window while going down the highway. Other times I hear voices. Bits and pieces of conversations, fading in and out. I can never make sense of what is said. I know I'm not going crazy. I'm tapping into something. Lately I've been seeing flashes of bright colors. When I hear the noises, I always feel this vibration within my whole body....very hard to explain. And it's as if the sounds come from inside. Not coming from the outside into my physical ears. But they are always extremely loud and jolt me awake at times. I also saw a blue light in the corner of my room once. And when I was a child, every night I would see a cluster of, ususally green, floating lights for a few years. Looked like an energy formation of some sort. I wasnt scared of them though.


I believe some of the things you are experiencing have to do with going out of body. Or at least that's what I read, years ago when this started happening. It was very scary at first but I'm used to it now.

I've read that some people hear wind, bells, a ringing noise, music, thunder......
This has to do with tapping into other levels of awareness or something. I'm going to try to find some links for you. A book that helped me out with is called The Shariyat Ki Sugmad by Paul Twitchell. Journeys Out of the Body by Robert Monroe.
Do a search on Eckankar also.

Check out this link:

You arent alone in this. Hope this helps.


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Posts: 1978
From: the stars
Registered: Jun 2004

posted October 21, 2004 07:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for 26taurus     Edit/Delete Message
Wow. This is an interesting link. Describing the opening of Kundalini energy...

"Kundalini Phenomena .... a short list - this is my list anyone want to add some more that they have encountered? would like to have a comprehensive list..... Thanks....

The Blue Light
Seeing of Auras
Heat up the Spine (can be extreme)
Cold feeling flooding a chakra area
Feeling the Nervous System is short-circuiting (can be extreme)
Pulsing Energy at the Base of the Spine (can be painful)
Red Flame Pattern over Heart Chakra Area
Sounds internally heard:
1. Birds
2. like a train sound
3. Bells
3. A hissing or whistling sound
4. Someone quickly saying something in your ear (like Ha)
Extreme Sensitivity to Sound, Vibration Etc...

Siddhis such as complete knowledge on energy work
Feeling what is happening in someone elses body
Picking up others emotions
Photographs that pick-up light phenomenon and mists etc. normal photos
Body awareness changes - feeling larger - feeling smaller
Feeling as if you are here and not here
An absolute absence of thought
Extreme Fear (note:this one is temporary)
Dreams of Snakes and Fires
Dreams of - religious and spiritual symbology
Samadhi states of Feeling Utterly connected with ALL - yet also
witnessing and not involved...
Finding the consciousness expanding to where you are not in the
body..(example seeing over the trees while you are at ground level)
Mudras (hand gestures ) spontaneously happen
Asanas (body postures) spontaneously happen
Body may move with certain music - uncontrolled pulsing or swaying
Feeling as if you are in a strong earthquake
Ability to manifest what is needed - once again a siddhi but do not
attach to these phenomena, let them go....
Seeing of internal lights (flashing lights in vision.... rotating
Seeing the world in enhanced coloration
Yawning - Laughing - Crying

Note : this is a partial list... no two people have the same
manifestations.... some have one - some have another .... hope this

"dreams shifting out of symbology and into the realm of abstract light, color, and static, including loss of dream awareness of the body... the ability to exist in this "space" with no desire to return to symbology or< sense of time

dreams in which clear, continual, and highly detailed awareness of the micro- to macroscropic is maintained in the (very large) mind and is accessible to the body

abilities to see/feel/sense through the "material" world (4 dimensions?) in dream and waking states

awareness of electrical current in the body / awareness of the transformation of electrical current into different shapes/zones and into heavy, deep, fuzzy charges in the body

other internal sounds: muted wooden clappers in sync with the breath (like the ears are the clappers), the sound of a 'spark' seeming to come from the center of the head

the (embarrassing!) inability to distinguish between events occuring during dreams and those occuring while awake

total loss of body awareness... leaving the body... losing the body.

disconnection from the mundane functions of life (avoidance of conversation, difficulty focusing on work and interpersonal relationships...)


My experiences started very recently but I'll try to outline them for you:

Energy rushing up spine or radiating out from the center of my body.
Constant buzzing and vibration in body.
Sound of rushing water.

........"5) Feeling wind blowing on me at night and hearing wind sounds in my ears

6) Lucid dreams and OBEs

7) Increased understanding of how everything is One.

8) Enhanced intuition--can read people's thoughts by looking at their facial expressions (this is very fun sometimes).

9) Electrical sensations, getting "zapped""

VERY interesting.......

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Posts: 50
From: ohio
Registered: Aug 2004

posted October 21, 2004 08:21 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for future_uncertain     Edit/Delete Message

This is very interesting! I'm not sure what Kundalini is, though. I checked around on the site, but didn't get much information. I'll have to check into it more. I had thought that the wind sensation may have had something to do with OBE before. It used to happen a lot when I first tried it, then I got scared and stopped trying.

Also, when I tried I felt like I was vibrating very quickly and this always startled me awake again. There are a number of times when, as I'm falling asleep, I hear my name being shouted. Usually it sounds like my mother!

I don't usually have any strong visual experiences as I fall asleep, but the other night after I had only been lying down for a few minutes I got a very clear picture in my mind of a little boy playing outside. I didn't recognize the boy or the environment, but it was as clear as if it had been on television.

As far as I know, I haven't had any OBE's, I've had some experiences where I didn't know if I was dreaming or having an OBE, and I chalked it up to dream, even though I was aware of my state from "dream" to consciousness. The most interesting time this has happened, when the "dream" was ending I felt myself slipping back into my body, as though I were a balloon being inflated and I "slid" from the end of my bed to the headboard... had to bend my neck because I was still sliding. I was awake the entire time, but I didn't know what was happening.

In any case, I have very detailed dreams and I recall my dreams nearly every night. There is a period of time between when the dream ends and I actually become fully awake when I find it easy to interpret my dreams, kind of a period of clear communication between my subconscious and my conscious. I find this very useful!

Thank you for your reply. If you come across any more information, please pass it along!


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Posts: 1978
From: the stars
Registered: Jun 2004

posted October 22, 2004 01:04 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for 26taurus     Edit/Delete Message
Hi Carissa,

Very interesting. Below are some definitions I found for Kundalini. I believe it has to do with the chakras also. I remember learning about it when I took classes for Reiki years ago.

Energy symbolized as a coiled sleeping serpent lying dormant at the base of the spine. This latent energy is aroused and made to ascend the spinal channel. When it reaches the top the yogi is in union with the supreme universal soul.

The spiritual energy lying dormant in all individuals. This energy is manifested by the practice of Yoga discipline.

A Sanskrit word meaning "coiled serpent."

primordial Shakti, or cosmic energy, that lies coiled at the base of the spine of every individual.

Spiritual energy depicted as the serpent power coiled at the root of the spine which rises to the head by spiritual practices, leading one to liberation.

The "serpent power" of individualized cosmic energy that awakens and evolves into full awakening. See Shakti.

The power of consciousness pure and divine. Holy Spirit supreme energy that lays dormant in the base of the spine.

I've also heard my name and other words/phrases shouted. And a couple of times as I was just about to fall into sleep, I heard a loud whisper that I couldnt make out, but felt the breath of it on my ear and almost jumped out of bed. Quite frightening when it happens. And especially when youre home alone.

Interesting about the clear picture you mentioned about the boy. I also get flashes of vivid pictures and faces. Though they usually too are to rapid to recall all of them. And they are always unrecognizable, or unfamiliar to me.

For over a month I havent been able to recall any of my dreams. Not sure why. Maybe I should try keeping a dream journal, I've heard that helps.

Well, it's nice to be able to share these things with someone. If I find anymore usefull info I'll pass it along. Take care.


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posted October 22, 2004 02:49 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ra     Edit/Delete Message
26T, you're awesome! Thanks.

Carissa, welcome to Astral Realms. Both your's and 26T's experiences are fascinating.

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Posts: 1978
From: the stars
Registered: Jun 2004

posted October 22, 2004 03:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for 26taurus     Edit/Delete Message
tee hee!

Thanks Ra. Youre ...'awesomer'.

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Posts: 50
From: ohio
Registered: Aug 2004

posted October 24, 2004 09:45 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for future_uncertain     Edit/Delete Message
Thank you for the welcome, Ra!


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