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Author Topic:   sidereality

Posts: 114
Registered: Jun 2002

posted October 22, 2008 10:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for alkmi     Edit/Delete Message
to begin with -- beacuse, this is
a big thing:

what is envy? what are the origins of envy in human behaviour?

i feel that the origins of such are DEMONIC in nature --

the Source that gave existance to all things...even gave birth to things that had no love for it at all. Such things are legendary...

it's the sort of hate that seems bigger than any, everything, and a hate that lies, that i can write about, in part...

but it's a hate that lies,
and so actually, it is small, so small, and yet it hates the expanding universe,

the kingdom of heaven that is within all of you.

it uses the curse - magic of denial, then, it imposes boundaries and limitations...

...perhaps you know that you are larger than all that, perhaps envy has visited itself on you, beloved, envy that has sought to say that it was all that was,

a crushing, compressing, unloving cruelty that did its best to convince you that you were nothing, good for nothing...

especially your INNOCENCE.

the denial spirits, one source calls them -- but i think that there is only one and it comes from different directions -- but it is only one spirit of denial. That's how I feel, and how it hates love!

The sort of innocent, unconditional love that some of us seek all the time, tired of substitutes, weary of fakes...

the denial spirits do a cruel sort of manipulating. Oh, they exist, child of the universes...they do.

Have you ever experienced that sort of envy?

Denying your innocence?

Funny thing about innocence -- it is at once
ancient and youthful, youthful.

Yeah, there is something that hates innocence.
It lies, and does its best to infest everything. It causes problems, it lies to undermine...

it lies to conquer, it lies to undermine,
it lies and lies about lying.

If you've seen it you might not want to admit it -- because it is frightening.

And it wishes to be frightening, and more importantly -- to deceive...

"first KNOW
then you will have WON"

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Posts: 114
Registered: Jun 2002

posted October 22, 2008 10:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for alkmi     Edit/Delete Message

I LOVE scorpio as a vibration, as a constellation in the skies, as -- as what "she" represents -- desire.

Now, what a dirty trick on poor old Buddha!

Poor old Shakyamuni Buddha has been the victim of some dirty tricks in the aeons that we have known that Buddha was. But of course!

if there were "things" that hated the earth people -- didn't want them to be happy, DEFINITELY didn't want someone like a bodhisattva or Buddha (they are related) to get in touch with Nirvana, with Heaven, with source and help the Earth people know what they were --

wow. I LOVE scorpio.

It would be incredible if "things" decided to interfere with Gautama on his path, while he was in meditation at Bodh Gaya, seeking a cure for human suffering --

-- if "things" got through to Shakyamuni and put lies in his head -- things that didn't LIKE OR LOVE Earth Humanity...

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Posts: 114
Registered: Jun 2002

posted October 22, 2008 10:42 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for alkmi     Edit/Delete Message
I love scorpio. What an awesome energy, what a necessary energy...we cannot do well without it. Yet -- "she" seems to have gotten a bad rap.

I love aquarius as well, and while I know that the two signs indeed have a square aspect -- a square aspect means that they have something in common.


James Michener wrote, so I recall, that 'it is not power that corrupts, but the unwillingness of men to relinquish that power.'

as a psychic astrologer I have spent a lot of time looking right through people who were determined to lie to me. They would often be surprised and frustrated when I didn't go for it -- when I knew that they were lying as if they had the NYSE Index flashing across their foreheads with dirty tricks, cruel plans and a basic calculating, cold and STUPID

lack of love...

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Posts: 26485
From: Columbus, GA USA
Registered: Nov 2000

posted October 23, 2008 07:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Randall     Edit/Delete Message
Methinks you have the wrong Forum.

"Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It's already tomorrow in Australia." Charles Schultz

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