Topic: @TGem - JB and KC
LeeLoo2014 Moderator Posts: 9698 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted November 18, 2014 10:52 AM
Cutting cards: Coffin + Fish ------------------
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LeeLoo2014 Moderator Posts: 9698 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted November 18, 2014 10:56 AM
Things looks rosy now for her, he's totally holding her - he is the sig. and wow! what's with the Child? It came up before. It seems he wants a child with her but......they will split because of Fish man. It's possible he's even a friend of his (or hers maybe?). That's my prediction at first glance. ------------------
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tgem Moderator Posts: 3189 From: Registered: Jan 2013
posted November 18, 2014 11:06 AM
Think she's preggers?IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 Moderator Posts: 9698 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted November 18, 2014 11:14 AM
Not impossible, tgem...look at those cards Sun Moon Flowers Key Child Stork Stars wow! but I have to take an in-depth look. I'll be back!  ------------------
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tgem Moderator Posts: 3189 From: Registered: Jan 2013
posted November 18, 2014 11:16 AM
Thanks Leeloo! I REALLY appreciate it! Getting my cards in two weeks. Will owe you a couple of readings  Man, look at all those negative cards after the cross: yikes....looks like a lot of karma to me  IP: Logged |
tgem Moderator Posts: 3189 From: Registered: Jan 2013
posted November 19, 2014 08:41 AM
Bumping  IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 Moderator Posts: 9698 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted November 19, 2014 01:05 PM
all right, let's try to decipher what's going on here...the spread is from his perspective, he's the sig, with her in mind - so he's man, she's woman as you can see, there are very very good cards surrunding her...she's on top of the game right now there are indeed many child cards surrounding her. child is in birds and birds is in rider, so from his perspective this could be translated as news about a child (some say this combo could even mean twins geez) rider is far for him though, into the girl's future and it's in stork house wow! connected to the loss card though: mice. will she loose a pregnancy? I'm sorry to hear that, no matter where it comes from. next... ------------------
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LeeLoo2014 Moderator Posts: 9698 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted November 19, 2014 01:10 PM
an abortion is not impossible: mice in scythe, scythe in keyshe's surrounded by these good cards - that's how he's holding her, he's into her, but his heart, underneath her is in whip, and whip is in the man house in the future - they will fight, possibly about this child matter. tgem, remember I'm new to this, I have long experience with tarot and cards though, from highschool and college, that's why I move so fats with lenormand, possibly, However, I'm new, so take everything with a grain of salt, ok? child could simply mean something new, although, to be honest, there are too many maternity cards for that let's proceed...
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tgem Moderator Posts: 3189 From: Registered: Jan 2013
posted November 19, 2014 01:17 PM
Thanks so much for taking a few minutes to look at this Leeloo. Last reading Fille gave me before passing was a horary chart saying he would get her pregnant but there would be no baby. This seems to fit, once again.I am interested in the receptions between them. I had a reading showing he's into her more than she is in to him. Kind of like he is deluded about the quality of the relationship...doesn't see it for what it really is...which is one that doesn't have a strong foundation. I was told he would try to get her to commit to him but she won't, as that is not what she wants. I think there may be another man she is into as well, I wonder if this is the fish guy you mentioned in the spread that might break them up. IP: Logged |
tgem Moderator Posts: 3189 From: Registered: Jan 2013
posted November 19, 2014 01:21 PM
No, honestly I think you're on the right track. The cards won't lie and I'm really looking for verification of what I intuitively already know...that's all. Your expertise and insight is greatly appreciated (even if it is new  IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 Moderator Posts: 9698 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted November 19, 2014 01:22 PM
this spread involves a definitive ending/transformation, we see that the ending involves dog and anchor and snake - it's possible you are the snake woman? you're connected to anchor and dog is connected to house... let's leave this aside for now and focus on what is between them, your question:
garden ring sun fish cross letter - it's very possible his intentions are to propose to her, I'm sorry it doesn't mean a success, the last cards will tell us more on the outcome he is in fox fox in mice mice in scythe scythe scythe he is consummed by something but he will take a sudden decision... I hope he's not loosing his job or something, that's a possible combo for that too. a radical solution is necessary when it comes to this woman and he is thinking about is tower in her house, key in tower scythe in key he mirrors stars and ship he is very dreamy right now, wishful thinking, and I'm afraid connected to the child card and with her - she is in ship he is knighting the child with very very good cards and houses - flowers in house and sun in garden he definitely wants a child or something new with this woman, I'm afraid he will receive a letter (message) in connection with bear and I'm afraid also in connection with his star wish. clouds are in his heart, but he is committed - house in clouds I'll continue later...what do you think so far? does it resonate? ------------------
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LeeLoo2014 Moderator Posts: 9698 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted November 19, 2014 01:26 PM
quote: Originally posted by tgem: Thanks so much for taking a few minutes to look at this Leeloo. Last reading Fille gave me before passing was a horary chart saying he would get her pregnant but there would be no baby. This seems to fit, once again.I am interested in the receptions between them. I had a reading showing he's into her more than she is in to him. Kind of like he is deluded about the quality of the relationship...doesn't see it for what it really is...which is one that doesn't have a strong foundation. I was told he would try to get her to commit to him but she won't, as that is not what she wants. I think there may be another man she is into as well, I wonder if this is the fish guy you mentioned in the spread that might break them up.
he's definitely the one into her and her future line shows ending (from his perspective) your info from other divination stuff is very much in tune with what we see here...I'll be back, I need to go to the store for something, sorry for keeping you on toes, yes, we'll look at everything there is reception between them if any, so far, he's the one more interested, to be honest 
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tgem Moderator Posts: 3189 From: Registered: Jan 2013
posted November 19, 2014 01:29 PM
You're awesome, thx Dear  IP: Logged |
tgem Moderator Posts: 3189 From: Registered: Jan 2013
posted November 19, 2014 01:45 PM
Ok two comments: 1. Yes, I believe he considers me the snake (which I think is hilarious because we've all already determined his moral character...what the heck did I do? Um??!!! So the fact this spread shows a definitive ending can mean one of two outcomes- either he realizes in the end that she manipulated him but they remain long-term friends OR he ends up coming crying back to me which results in some sort of (platonic) reconciliation between us for the long haul since we share our son (with the house in there, I see that more likely)...Karma karma karma .......but I'm not judging, of course. 2. If he has lost his job or has even been asked to be transferred I will die! Of course that's unfortunate for him but it would be a gift from God for me. I'm not exaggerating...I would then have control over my son and I would have the legal power to move back to my home state to be with my family who has been trying to figure out a legal way to get me back there for years! (But I'm not going to hold my breath...) Then again, the important news he's forced to make a decision about could just be the news of the baby. My "desperate housewives" me, I didn't ask for this..wait, at least not physically. Apparently, I asked for this back yonder spiritually....what was I thinking??!!! LOL If this isn't the kind of drama that precedes uniting with one's TF, I don't know what is....IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 Moderator Posts: 9698 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted November 19, 2014 04:36 PM
quote: Originally posted by tgem: Ok two comments: 1. Yes, I believe he considers me the snake (which I think is hilarious because we've all already determined his moral character...what the heck did I do? Um??!!! So the fact this spread shows a definitive ending can mean one of two outcomes- either he realizes in the end that she manipulated him but they remain long-term friends OR he ends up coming crying back to me which results in some sort of (platonic) reconciliation between us for the long haul since we share our son (with the house in there, I see that more likely)...Karma karma karma .......but I'm not judging, of course. 2. If he has lost his job or has even been asked to be transferred I will die! Of course that's unfortunate for him but it would be a gift from God for me. I'm not exaggerating...I would then have control over my son and I would have the legal power to move back to my home state to be with my family who has been trying to figure out a legal way to get me back there for years! (But I'm not going to hold my breath...) Then again, the important news he's forced to make a decision about could just be the news of the baby. My "desperate housewives" me, I didn't ask for this..wait, at least not physically. Apparently, I asked for this back yonder spiritually....what was I thinking??!!! LOL If this isn't the kind of drama that precedes uniting with one's TF, I don't know what is....
I'm with you, tgem. I've been looking at the spread and I think another possibility is suggested. OK, he is mirrored by heart and ship, with heart in whip and he is definitely the whip - whip in man - so he-s causing the fight, sort of speak. we can see she is the ship so he's definitely holding her. but ship is in roads - the urgent need for a decision and roads is in book with book in sun - something hidden will be revealed. now he is in fox and fox is in mice and mice in scythe (postponing the decision). he could be the one deluding, to be honest. moon tree in strong mutual reception (haha from horary) and he's the one holding them - he's definitely depressed about this, still him being the fox with fox near him ahead of him??? how could he be the deluded one?? maybe! anyway, I see the girl mirrors house in clouds and cross in letter - my guess this could also mean she's in pain about the confused situation of his marriage, the lack of the divorce. plus we can see she's the one looking for a solution or demanding or bringing the solution key is ahead of her, in tower, she is the tower - the key, in her view, is separation (either theirs or your divorce) and she's the one bringing/demanding this. we see scythe in key in the fate line - this means a radical solution and the fate as we can see is under the sign of the scythe. the fate line always starts with the key house - the solution - and it's a "key" card pertaining to the end of matter (haha more horary) now we see ahead of her cross in letter (he's the one with the letter, the letter comes to him or from him - it could be the divorce papers if this is the path) then scythe and we see they actually meet on these three cards, surrounding ring first they meet on stork, then we meet on this combo surrounding ring.
there are two possible ways here and i have to think about this more: it all depends on the meaning of fish here, to be honest. now we see for him fish is an obstacle: ahead of him we see mountain fish with mountain being in another masculine house. so one possible scenario: they fight, they separate, she's with another man, who is a blessing in desguise for him - it is connected to clover, takes him back to anchor (and I'm pretty sure anchor house coffin above him is his marriage, yours in fact) or they fight, she presses for your divorce, in which case they probably get married, to be honest. ring is strongly connected to fish - ring in fish fish in letter, then very good cards coming from ring and letter... i have to think more about this fish card ------------------
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LeeLoo2014 Moderator Posts: 9698 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted November 19, 2014 04:42 PM
Does anyone else have any ideas about the meaning of the Fish card in this spread?------------------
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LeeLoo2014 Moderator Posts: 9698 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted November 19, 2014 04:49 PM
The main reason I considered at first (and still do, to be honest, although the other possibility is not impossible) that they will separate s because, as you can see, in his fate line, in the future, they only meet on separation cards:first they meet on stork in mountain and mountain in lily (which proves to be a blessing in disguise for him) - now lily also stands for the genitals then they meet on the nasty whip cross scythe surrounding ring the result is ring plus fish with clover in the middle leading to the anchor card (in snake) this fate line is very tricky hahaha generally fate lines starting with scythe are tricky, and fish always brings confusion (at least to me, now lol) ------------------
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tgem Moderator Posts: 3189 From: Registered: Jan 2013
posted November 19, 2014 07:36 PM
So this is like the 4th time someone has indicated a "big secret will be revealed!" I gotta be honest.. I'm kinda on the edge of my seat with this one  I'm not sure why why he is depressed and her wanting to push for the divorce? 1. Because I don't think she wants marriage but 2. He has had the power all along to divorce me (remember in my love GT it showed he had the answer). So the real question is what is the real answer he won't divorce me? Why is he dragging his feet? It doesn't make sense, if I had the means to do it, I'd divorce him like a year ago. Unless we go back to this job possibility...if he transfers, he loses power over our son and he knows I'll take him back to my home state. Maybe she doesn't want to commit because she would have to leave? Plus she has two kids already. He' s the one that is definitely deluded...I kinda think she might be playing him... ....I should write a book. IP: Logged |
LeeLoo2014 Moderator Posts: 9698 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted November 20, 2014 07:01 AM
Maybe that's what the Book stands for becoming a writer.Two things are certain: the child thing and the fight. It's his spread, so the Ring Clover Fish could be with someone else..the funny thing is it leads back to Anchor and Snake....any chance of you guys getting back together?  ------------------
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tgem Moderator Posts: 3189 From: Registered: Jan 2013
posted November 20, 2014 07:42 AM
"Any chance we might get back together?" Leeloo do you know how many readings I've had that hints at that possibility!! About as many as have told me about the big "secret!" Ugh!!! Why...I don't know. I don't see us getting back together, he's made the past two years of my life a living hell- he has left me penniless and homeless among other things, to take someone like that like back after they deliberately tried to make me miserable would be insane. I deserve better than that...for sure. Not to mention his mother and I are on very bad terms (despite my multiple attempts to bond with her) and if I never saw her again, it would be too soon. I don't get it ... Anyway, you've done so much for me with this, thank you so much. It'll be interesting to find out who this Fish is...and it looks like the next 6 months are going to VERY interesting....I'll keep you updated, of course 
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LeeLoo2014 Moderator Posts: 9698 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted November 20, 2014 08:27 AM
Please do, tgem! Stay strong!Maybe this is his way of getting his revenge...not that it's laudable, but it means he's not indifferent, at least. If you get news pertaining to the GT, let me know...the GT remains valid and maybe we get a clearer picture of the "Fishy" matter  ------------------
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LeeLoo2014 Moderator Posts: 9698 From: Venus cornering Neptune Registered: Mar 2014
posted November 20, 2014 09:06 AM
I forgot to tell you something important though...a second meaning of Whip in a love Lenormand is a relationship based solely on sex: here his Heart in Whip, Whip in Man, so it would be his perspective, if that be the case.------------------
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tgem Moderator Posts: 3189 From: Registered: Jan 2013
posted November 20, 2014 09:39 AM
quote: Originally posted by LeeLoo2014: I forgot to tell you something important though...a second meaning of Whip in a love Lenormand is a relationship based solely on sex: here his Heart in Whip, Whip in Man, so it would be his perspective, if that be the case.
HA...horary told me as well that their relationship was purely a sexual're interpretation fits (again.) IP: Logged |
hannaramaa Moderator Posts: 9306 From: Registered: Nov 2011
posted November 25, 2014 11:05 AM
For Tgem - I wonder if he's going to ask her to move in soon, sort of because the first row of cards and he seems to want to move on but keeps hitting an obstacles (Ship + Mountain) assuming it's with the divorce. I just woke up so I'll come back in a little bit.IP: Logged |
hannaramaa Moderator Posts: 9306 From: Registered: Nov 2011
posted November 25, 2014 11:39 AM
I also think she is his karma and that she definitely controls the relationship and it goes at her pace, what she wants, etc. I say that because Ring is in the house of Fish, and even though it's unorthodox the ring reminded me of what goes around, comes around, and the Fish can sometimes represent the spiritual side to a relationship. IP: Logged |