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Author Topic:   Evaluate some more....

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posted March 30, 2015 03:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I thought we should start a new thread on this, the other starts eating replies, maybe because it got too extended.

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posted March 30, 2015 03:23 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DaniPepper87     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Great idea...

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posted March 30, 2015 03:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
If you`re bored, you can me tell me a fairytale as well.

(not wanting to pressure you though, I know it costs a lot of energy, but you wer just so GOOOOOD ).

And of course if you want I can repay the favour, if you give me an initial or name.

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posted March 30, 2015 03:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DaniPepper87     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
No problem, I'll do one for you!!!

But I don't have an initial... I'm a forever alone!! Hahahaha!!!

Me and LeeLoo call my future guy Mr. Lily (refereing to the Lily on Lenormand)...

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posted March 30, 2015 04:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Mr Lily

The Meeting
1a +b). Hero (personality and actions towards each other)

Mr Lily is either a doctor or he is working outside in the garden, tending to the trees. Maybe you meet him there.
Alternatively he is a very well grounded patient man, wanting a solid commitment and enjoys "growing things".

2a+b). Heroine

Either you are in quite some (physical or emotional) pain when you meet him or this will take place in a temple or having to do with your faith.
Wherever it takes place, it feels very fated and karmic (both Tree and Cross are Karma-cards), and you will be a very innocent young woman, but harboring an endless inner strength and calm. Able to pacify even wild animals.

Both of you will feel that your meeting is meaningful, but you won´t rush anything, as you know you are destined to be, there seems to be enough time to let it unfold very slowly and gradually....

The bump in the road
3. what`s keeping them apart? what
obstacle thy have to cross?


.... oh but then this young man will enter the scene, a friend, either his friend or one of your friends, and he will dazzle you with his wit and charm, wanting to make you leave the straight road.
A wolf to your Red Ridinghood, but you probably will not see the temptation brewing. He will be so convincing and enthralling....

The Quest
4a +b. what do they do in the meantime? to cross the obstacle probably.

... and you will walk right into some sort of triangle situation, which will bring a lot of cutting pain, pierce your heart into, maybe in relation to a work situation as well (is the wolf someone either you or Mr Lily work with?)

Alternatively it might signal the severing of a tie, losing your balance and feeling like you are all out at sea, just wanting, longing to come home.

mr Lily on the other hand will first be in the dark, not realizing what is happening, until the awareness cuts into him like a sword, and he will cut through the secrets, being very blunt and honest and clear about his side of things.

Nothing will be left in the dark, but with these swords card, the discussion will leave deep wounds in both of you probably.

The fairy godmother
5. what or who helps them to solve the problem.


Yet that honesty will help you to break threough the fog, eleminate the confusion. And either a woman might help you do that, mediate between the two of you, or it is you or even the two of you finding back to the emotional compassion and gentleness that is between the two of you. Emotional openness and accepting of vulnerability and that people sometimes get misguided will be the way back.

7. the re-union.
a) how does it take place

It will be made because both of you feel so much regret, such deep despair and sadness about what you think you have lost, and when that longing to go back and start a new gets overwhelming, you simply will do that, get back to each other, return.

(or you will meet up again at a seaside)

b+c) how do they relate to each other
his reaction

He will open up to you, will admit to you and let you know how much admiration and affection he still feels for you, and that he trusts in the strength of your connection after all you have been through, and he will make you see that he still wants that solid committed relationship with you. But only you and him. monogamous.

her reaction
You will need time for yourself to withdraw and think about it, reflect on what you really want, and wanting to start as friends again first, letting your connection deepen in a spiritual way again.

8. what is the outcome
HEART + 2 of SWORDS + 2 of CUPS (I was pressured internally to pull a third one. lol)

A decision will be at the core of the outcome, and that decision will be made from the bottom of both of your hearts, reuniting two soulmate lovers who have always belonged together but needed a third person, a bump in the road to see how much they belong to each other and while nothing can change that, that time is precious and there is no good in slowing down things too much, but sometimes the best you can do is fall into each other arms and accept that this is it, the one and true love.

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Aunt Anomalia

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posted March 30, 2015 04:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aunt Anomalia     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Cool reading. Whose idea is it?

My sister in arms presents...

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posted March 30, 2015 04:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
And Leeloo sharpened its structure.

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Aunt Anomalia

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posted March 30, 2015 04:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aunt Anomalia     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Lee, you can write a fairytale for me if you have some time to spare. I'm curious what I'd get.

My sister in arms presents...

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posted March 30, 2015 04:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for tgem     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'd Loooooove a fairytale please!!

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From: Curitiba, Brasil
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posted March 30, 2015 04:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for DaniPepper87     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Ceridwen, you are wounderful!! I loved your fairtale!!!

I'll do your tomorrow, I need to go to the bed to recharge my batteries, I redid LeeLoo's reading (I'm in the middle of it), but I'll do yours tomorrow...

Funny thing... LeeLoo made me a GT and came a guy between me and my soulmate... I need to be careful hum??

I'll be naughty and funny for your reading Ceridwen... no more no less

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Posts: 11240
From: Venus cornering Neptune
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posted March 30, 2015 05:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
good idea, Ceri!

Bollocks, it's Ceri's baby, she's the fairy godmother

Anomalia, you know we the gang only do exchanges so I'm afraid you're gonna have to fairytale your favorite Pisces for me. Of course, I'm happy to do yours, it will be tomorrow, but who's the lucky fellow, Uncle Eugene?

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From: Venus cornering Neptune
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posted March 30, 2015 05:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The Meeting
1a +b). Hero (personality and actions towards each other)
King of Wands Sun
There he is!!! The ultimate Fire King, proud and passionate, full of stamina, knowing what he wants. He is King Arthur

2a+b). Heroine
Hierophant Dog
She is a High Priestess, loyal, devoted and wise 

The bump in the road
3. what`s keeping them apart? what
obstacle thy have to cross?
Queen of Wands Lily
This must be his mother or someone’s mother A woman from one of your families, with a rather dominant personality. She will object a bit, but amor vincit omnia , she shall not prevail!

The Quest
4a +b. what do they do in the meantime? to cross the obstacle probably.
The King: 9 of Wands Clover
I think he was a mercenary, fought many wars, killed many vilans and dragons. Or maybe it is Arthur coming back with a grail. Perhaps he is a doctor healing wounded bodies and souls.
The Priestess: 8 of Swords Ship
She is trying to escape from a confining psychological or physical environment, As it happens, soon enough, the magical vessel for that will be at her disposal.

The fairy godmother
5. what or who helps them to solve the problem.
Hierophant Fox
It seems to be connected with the temple, some work there at the temple. Someone there organizes a work event or asks you two to do some job together and puts you in contact.
The (happy) end
7. the re-union.
This would be your FM, but for soulmates, this is always like a reunion.
10 of Cups Book
Awwww It’s fated with the Book there! And of course, as happy as they come. Perhaps you will even see a rainbow together, after the rain stops 

a) how does it take place
Knight of Cups Clouds
You will be doing something, carrying some things, working with your hands. It will be a cloudy or rainy day. Attraction and infatuation will be instant, chemistry and love at first sight.

b+c) how do they relate to each other
his side: 6 of Wands Anchor
He will want to conquer her, make her his prize. He will be unrelenting about it and very determined. Even if shy, he will be more courageous than usually, around her. Perhaps help her with her chores.
her side: Ace of Wands Garden
she won’t be shy either lol will respond to his advances with joyful and innocent flirting, maybe invite him to her garden for some tea. She will immediately introduce him in her circle of friends
in-between: Emperor Mountain
they will not be alone, someone else will be there, working with them, perhaps another man. It will be an official meeting, so to speak. Maybe a trip to the mountains is also indicated.

Why do I have the feeling I already did a similar spread for you?

8. what is the outcome
Page of Cups Heart


I seem to have loved you in numberless forms...

LeeLoo's Esotericorner

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Aunt Anomalia

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posted March 30, 2015 05:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aunt Anomalia     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Right. I remove my request

My sister in arms presents...

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Posts: 11240
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted March 30, 2015 05:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by tgem:
I'd Loooooove a fairytale please!!

If it can wait until tomorrow, I will be happy to do yours, dear Tgem! It's 0:30 here already

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Posts: 11240
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted March 30, 2015 05:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Aunt Anomalia:
Right. I remove my request


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posted March 30, 2015 05:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for tgem     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LeeLoo2014:
If it can wait until tomorrow, I will be happy to do yours, dear Tgem! It's 0:30 here already

Oh goodness..ok thank you!!!

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Aunt Anomalia

Posts: 167
From: Pandora's box
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posted March 30, 2015 05:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aunt Anomalia     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'm not in the mood to play with the tarot, at least not in an advanced way.

My sister in arms presents...

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Posts: 18866
Registered: Jul 2011

posted March 30, 2015 06:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

The Meeting
1a +b). Hero (personality and actions towards each other)

Confident, charismatic, used to win over others easily, very demonstrative, and possibly very open about his physical wants (at least at the time of meeting)

2a+b). Heroine

You on the other hand seemed to have been worrying a lot, a lot of anxiety, possibly about a rather controlling, demanding man. Your ex-husband?

The bump in the road
3. what`s keeping them apart? what
obstacle thy have to cross?


Well you surely have quite some cross to bear there! Seems like you both have loaded more onto your shoulders than you can really carry or just hardly carry.

The Quest
4a +b. what do they do in the meantime? to cross the obstacle probably.



Interesting how th Chariot comes up for the two of you.

Well he seems to be preoccupied with his child mostly, and you with your now Ex-husband (contratulations btw).
You both have to figure out a new direction in terms of children and relationships.

Or alternatively he is facing a new begin and needs to decide which direction it should take.

You are coming out of a very confused and foggy phase (the clouds have the light side on the right in my deck, so you are coming out of the darkness into the light), and after the fog is clearing also need to decide for a direction in your life.

The fairy godmother
5. what or who helps them to solve the problem.

A child bringing you together again?

Here Judgement also clearly indicates that the connection betwen you is "being raised from the dead", you are not finished with each other yet, and will get another chance for a new begin, but this will involve a choice and a clear statement "Yes, I want that"

The (happy) end
7. the re-union.

a) how does it take place

In secret? But very romantic? I could also see that it might take place in a creative environment.

b+c) how do they relate to each other
his side: BOOK + KNIGHT of WANDS
Hmm, he probably wants to not be too obvious, and keep it a little secret, but neverthelss he will feel extremely aroused and attracted to you and will charge at you to sweep you off your feet and possibly kidnap you to some secret cave somewhere. And you will not do much reading there! Unless it is the kamasutra maybe.

her side: FISH + PAGE of CUPS
You will relate to him in a very deep way, and a very deep profound romantic and loving connection will be formed.

Where he is energetic and passionate, you will be emotional and affectionate, which I find is a nice complementarity.

8. what is the outcome

Sex, a lot of sex! Strenght is also called "lust" in some decks.

This will be a whirlind passionate sexual interplay that will exhaust you and revive you at the same time.
More on the rough and teasing side though, not the flowery kind of sex. lol

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posted March 30, 2015 07:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for tgem     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Sigh.... thank you Fairy Godmother
On a cautionary note..I hope I'm not getting ready to reinact 50 Shades of Gray LOL

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Posts: 3734
From: Curitiba, Brasil
Registered: Sep 2013

posted March 31, 2015 08:22 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for DaniPepper87     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi LeeLoo2014... here comes your reading...

The Meeting
1a +b). Hero (personality and actions towards each other)
Man - Tree - Sun + Laguz

Seems like our hero is a true hero. Strong, tall and with a lot of stamina to go after he wants. And Our hero has too an intuitive type that is very nice to see. He is now lost in a forest full of trees, by foot, trying to make those masculine things as trying to return home without a map (because he knows where he's heading). But our Hero is an intuitive guy, so he doesn't know, but he feels the strange, the urge to go to the river... And how about to take a look at it? There's a lot of time until night falls! lol
Because of this feeling, now he's going to the river side...

2a+b). Heroine
Cross - Snake - Stork + Elhaz (INV)

Our Heroine is some kind of a person who bring fate with her. Everywhere she goes, an amount of things happen at the same time. She's a person who loves to protect. Now, she's running from people who think she did something very bad to them. While she runs, she doesn't make any sound, any mark on the ground... And if you could see her now, you'd think she is dancing with grace, jumping over those trunks trees, escaping the hunters... She didn't do anything bad, just has some good powers that rude people doesn't know... and she refused to marry an ugly guy that's now running after her...

The bump in the road
3. what`s keeping them apart? what obstacle thy have to cross?
Clouds - Coffin - Child + Dagaz

Transformation through the path to the meeting. Our hero is trying to get the same old route, but as he's more intuitive than logic, he went the worng way to the river. Our Heroine is having troubles, as some trunks are big and she needs an extra effort to jump without being noticed. Both don't want to change the course to the river, but I told you that they wanted to be in different parts of the river side?? While he wanted to be in a calm and nice place, she NEEDED something not calm... nervous and why not, a waterfall for finally jump off from all those problems??? But the winds of change are coming to these ones...

The Quest
4a +b. what do they do in the meantime? to cross the obstacle probably.
Bear - Mountain - Stars + Tiwaz
Our hero now is trying to conquer his feelings of fear and be strong to go ahead. He looks at the sky and asked for guidance. Skies answer telling him that he's a stronge warrior, to not fear anything and the need to go ahead. "Remember the destiny" they remind him....

Woman - Book - Heart + Laguz

Our heroine now is using all those knowleadges she got from her family. She's using her woman side, that is connected with the Mother Nature and asking to help her. She knew that a moher never let her children in danger. She loves the Nature. And she's now asking for some solution. She is know listening her heart and the secrets it contains. About her heart...Well people after her believes that her heart on a plate is great to pull off all the "bad energies". Mother Nature knows that her daughter isn't bad.

The fairy godmother
5. what or who helps them to solve the problem.
Key - Birds - Mice + Inguz

Our heroine looks at the top of the trees and see that many birds are around. She stars to mimic the birds' voices, and they repond to her! The people who want to kill her are afraid of the sounds of nature, and then stop in the middle of the forest, with panic in their eyes. "Return!" said the chief of those people... He's too worried with the sounds that didn't noticed that the Heroine is just 3 trees distant from him...

7. the re-union.
a) how does it take place
Tower - Ways - Whip + Nauthiz

Both of our heros are now taking the road to the river. They know from the heart that they need to be there for some reason. It was a long road and full of obstacles, they really tried bad to conquer the time to be by the river. She didn't know what she would find, maybe she just needed to wash or feel some energy to recharge what she lost in the running... He was already there, looking at the water with some magnetism, somethihg in it was taking his attention to the center of the river... then he turned his head to his left side....

b+c) how do they relate to each other
his reaction:
Letter - Fish - Tree + Gebo

He just saw the heroine... a very beautiful and nice woman by his side, walking to the river... The first thing he wants to do is to invite her to live with him, because in the botton of his heart, she's his soulmate... And he wants for sure the union, he's been alone for sooooooo long....

her reaction
House - ring - Lily + Tiwaz

She wants to go home with him, married and happy, to try to forget all the hurt other people did to her. She just found him!! And she wants to make love with him by the river(sure after the wedding!! ). She'll fight for this to come true, and she knows that they will be happy...

8. what is the outcome
Clover - Rider - Moon + Othila (inv)

They really know that was destiny that took place of this reunion, and both felt lucky for being there. They go to his village, happy for the good change of their lives, their intuition conquered it all!! But both know that the adaptation to the new style of life will take some time, but they will try with courage!!!

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Posts: 11240
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted March 31, 2015 08:26 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My fairytale is here! (I'm like a 3 year old

Let's read it!

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Posts: 3734
From: Curitiba, Brasil
Registered: Sep 2013

posted March 31, 2015 08:31 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for DaniPepper87     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yes!! Finally!!!

Originally posted by LeeLoo2014:
My fairytale is here! (I'm like a 3 year old

Let's read it!

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Posts: 11240
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted March 31, 2015 08:49 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
OMG Dani, you wrote such a beautiful story! And so true!

let me just say this to prove it:

Laguz is his water side (Pisces, Scorpio, he is a full water man). He has spent his life working the land, in a place with forest and river.

I'm the Snake in Leno, but also Snake Stork Cross + Algiz shows I've been on a lonely path for a long time, some sort of "mission" birth, change and transformation-related.

Clouds Coffin Child Dagaz
It seems only the passing clouds are in our way and the new beginning is so near!

Your Quest for him is so similar to Ceri's: a path of finding one's strength, the hero inside.

My Quest described me perfectly, a woman with a secret in her heart, and a path of initiation into feminine secrets opening the heart now seems the way here, with Heart beyond the Book and Laguz.

Perhaps the Fairy Godmother is not far from Cinderella's, since she turned Mice into horses and birds into dresses, with a magic touch of her wand (Key + Inguz)? that's what I thought when seeing your spread!

The reunion has Tower, just like Ceri's (it was tarot in there), there is seems to be an element of great intensity in it, and pain, or a strong need, and need for forgiveness.

Wow, the outcome points to relocation to my art project, with every card, and Othala rev! This is my plan, so there is a chance for it to succeed!

Thank you so much and may you be blessed with a fairytale as beautiful as your story!

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Posts: 3734
From: Curitiba, Brasil
Registered: Sep 2013

posted March 31, 2015 08:55 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for DaniPepper87     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I'm glad that you liked it LeeLoo2014!!!

I'm not that good with Runes, but I'll try more and more...

Tower, here I saw more like the difficulties too, and the learning. I always thought about school being a prision

Ceri, I'm doing yours right now!!

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posted March 31, 2015 03:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for tgem     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LeeLoo2014:
If it can wait until tomorrow, I will be happy to do yours, dear Tgem! It's 0:30 here already

Bumping for you if you get time

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