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Author Topic:   Persona and the True Self

Posts: 2292
From: Pluto eyes in the sky
Registered: Dec 2014

posted September 16, 2015 02:32 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for VacantGazer     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
TGem, what you said resonates, my family werent strictly religious, but I did grow up having a strong faith. My family had an influence on me - my parents had very strong morals and principles, but they also let us think for ourselves I do have some scorpionic features - my pluto is on the asc, plus my progressed sun and asc are in scorpio. I have a scorpio stellium in the 12th house in my progressed chart - pluto, sat, sun and mercury I can be quite aloof at times

I dont have natal mercury in aries but i have mercury in virgo. Interestingly my progressed mars is conjunct my natal mercury, and my progressed mercury is in scorpio. To be honest I dont like confrontation and am quite sensitive but sometimes i can be sarcastic when im upset.

Thanks alot

please dont quote my posts might edit later

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Aunt Anomalia

Posts: 1367
From: Pandora's box
Registered: Mar 2015

posted September 16, 2015 09:37 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aunt Anomalia     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
GK, VG, do you want to play with me?

Anomaling around since 1911.

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Posts: 2292
From: Pluto eyes in the sky
Registered: Dec 2014

posted September 16, 2015 09:56 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for VacantGazer     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Sure AA if you dont mind a little time diff? I will do yours with tarot.

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Aunt Anomalia

Posts: 1367
From: Pandora's box
Registered: Mar 2015

posted September 16, 2015 11:49 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aunt Anomalia     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I can wait.

Your persona:
King of Wands, 9 of Wands, 6 of Cups
Confident, ambitious, capable, passionate, good at leading, stubborn, tough, perhaps a little wary people. You might've been kicked in the butt by life a couple of times, dissapointed by someone but you managed to preserve your kindness and innocence. You seem like a trustworthy person who could be a rock to others in difficult times.

Your true self:
Hanged Man, 2 of Swords, Knight of Wands
More introspective and dreamy than people realize. Deeply spiritual and prefering to think before acting. Tendency to repressing or hiding emotions is likely. Sometimes your inner analysis can turn into paralysis but with the Knight of Wands you can't stay in that state forever. The passion and drive you project are there, things aren't as easy to you as they appear though.

How people perceive you:
Page of Cups, 9 of Pentacles, Ace of Pentacles
Kind, friendly, sentimental, compassionate. Determined to reach your goals, disciplined, appreciative of art, seeking high quality, prosperous, single player.

How HE perceives your...
9 of Wands, Lovers, 10 of Pentacles
He would be happy to make love to you all night long
5 of Wands, 9 of Wands, Lovers
Ambitious, competitive, maybe a little bit aggressive and defensive, enduring, not giving up easily, ready to assert yourself but not above doing favors and nice things for others, following heart's desires, craving to connect with someone deeply.

Does it resonate?

Anomaling around since 1911.

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posted September 16, 2015 11:58 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Anyone want an exchange with me?

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Aunt Anomalia

Posts: 1367
From: Pandora's box
Registered: Mar 2015

posted September 16, 2015 12:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aunt Anomalia     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Me? But I'd do your reading later, I gotta do something now. If you're up for it, the person is Apollo. For experimental and comical purposes

Anomaling around since 1911.

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posted September 16, 2015 12:02 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
yes, let`s do it later. A little. Right after dinner.

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Aunt Anomalia

Posts: 1367
From: Pandora's box
Registered: Mar 2015

posted September 16, 2015 12:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aunt Anomalia     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Great. Tarot for me please.

Anomaling around since 1911.

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posted September 16, 2015 12:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
of course, I wouldn`t dare to force my leno on you. or maybe I would. but tarot.

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posted September 16, 2015 12:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

What is your Persona? (the image I project to the world)
Ace of Swords, Hierophant, 7 of pentacles.

A very mature person, however somehow there is an emphasis on earth/air symbolism; very intellectual and clever, mental creative, decisive, blunt and honest, a lot of ideas, but also able to work dedicated for a valued aim and purpose and being able to have the patience to hold out or endure or stick to something, even if there is no quick fix of results to be seen. Definitely a spiritual soul as well, someone with a lot of knowledge and maturity, but sometimes a little rigid.

What defines your True Self?
HIEROPHANT, Ace of swords, 5 of pentacles.

with you people get what they see, mostly, however I think the 5 of pentacles also even more emphasizes the ability to stick it out even in hardships, and I think it emphasizes a bit more that you can be very supportive, but usually do not like to display this too much. On the other hand you yourself sometimes can feel as if you are being left alone or not supported enough, and maybe sometimes do not see the helping hands or ptential assistance that is there for you.

How do people perceive you in general, what is your archetype to them?
5 of wands - DEVIL - 4 of pentacles
Page of swords fell out.

Energetic, a playful competitive vibe, very creative, again the emphasis on creativity with words or in a mental way, blunt, honest, quick and sharp tongue, sometimes a little stuffy or defensive when it comes to emotional things (the 4 of pentacles crosses his arms across his heart as if to hide it)

How does Apollo, a certain person, perceives you?

3 cards
5 of wands - Queen of Cups - King of Wands

SEx on legs! lol
he would love to tease you and i suppose wrestle a little with you playfully. There is a clear erotic sexual vibe here coupled with the feminity of the Queen. He will definitely see you as a desireable woman.
Sorry about that. the platonic route will be very difficutl.

3 cards
Knight of swords - 5 of cups - Page of Cups

he does recognize your mental alrtness, your sharp wit and tongue, your honesty and bluntness,b ut at the same time he also sees an emotional being in you, prone to depression and regrets sometimes and maybe not able to seize the offers that are being presented to you. And he also sees you as gentle and sweet, though a little inexperienced, but basically good-natured.

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Posts: 2292
From: Pluto eyes in the sky
Registered: Dec 2014

posted September 16, 2015 01:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for VacantGazer     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks AA it does resonate, i will give more feedback when i get home, on my way now.

Ceri - i can exchange if you like?

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posted September 16, 2015 01:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

do you have a person X in mind?

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Posts: 2292
From: Pluto eyes in the sky
Registered: Dec 2014

posted September 16, 2015 02:03 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for VacantGazer     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
X person is T (dont quote his initial pls..)

Do you have someone as X? I work AA's first now then get to yours...

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Posts: 22260
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posted September 16, 2015 02:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
yes i have someone as X.

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posted September 16, 2015 02:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

What is your Persona? (the image I project to the world)
Ace of Swords - Temperance - Page of swords

strong mental skills, decisive, honest, enjoying verbal exchange, but also your sharp tongue is being tempered and balanced, striving for peace and unity. possibly quite artistic, too.

What defines your True Self?
4 of swords - Wheel of fortune - 10 of pentacles

needing a time-out occasionally, to withdraw, reflect and most importantly to take some breath and recharge your batteries. But also someone who is at the same time stable and reliable but also somehow undergoes rapid changes and transformations in life.

How do people perceive you in general, what is your archetype to them?
King of Pentacles - Page of Wands - 4 of pentacles

a mix of Earth and fire. Caring, but in a practical sense, responsible, but also curious and adventurous (as long as the sense of security is not endangered).
Maybe with the 4 of pentacles sometimes a tad bit stubborn and clinging too much to things or people.

How does X, a certain person, perceives you?

3 cards
5 of cups - King of Cups - Strenght

not sure how to relate the 5 of cups to the physical to be honest. It speaks to me of regret about lost chances mostly. maybe physically a little removed or while not exactly defensive, absentminded (the slumped shoulders, being deep in gloomy thoughts, of the man on the image).

But at the same time also very feminine with the STrenght cards, there is of course always the lust-factor with this one, combined with mature emotionalaity of the King of cups, still a little reserved physically, but with STrength able to "tame the beast", also he possibly sees you having those two sides, the innocent gentle one, but also a very strong sensuality.

3 cards

Moon - Lovers - 2 of pentacles / Queen of Pentacles

for some reason the Queen was sticking to the 2 of pentacles lol

with those two majors you leave a strong impression on him I think. you basically drive him crazy with your juggling of potentialities and slight elusiveness for practical reasons.

He sees you as creative and imaginative, slightly crazy or out of the norm sometimes, but completely loving and loveable, still with a strong mind (lovers is a Gemini card). Nevertheless there seems to be a bit of a vagueness around you and he is never sure if he sees you as you are, or if you are a fantasy come to life, and you seem to be juggling those options trying to figure out the best one. with the Queen coming up as well, despite all imaginative creativity you are very down to earth, grounded, warm and reliable to him.

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Posts: 16476
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted September 16, 2015 02:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

each row has 2 or 3 cards, at your choice (enough to understand and give the answer)

What is your Persona? (the image I project to the world)

Hanged Man Tower Queen of Cups

youhoo. at least at some point you changed it. you are basically projecting the Queen of Cups, but this seems to be the result of some major shift. or this shift is always within you, you can project all kinds of personas if you like. this queen is quite flexible, inventive and imaginative. typical gemini heh!

" The personality of the Queen of Cups combines the positive water energy of the Cups suit with the inward focus of a Queen. Because she has a sweet, loving and sensitive nature, the Queen of Cups has a kind word for everyone and never reacts with anger or impatience. There is a gentleness about her that soothes and calms. Compassion is her watchword. Her reactions to the world are guided by her feelings. In all matters, she lets her heart lead the way. She senses emotional currents and knows what others are experiencing without having to ask. She is never moody, but understands moods and their influence. She trusts her intuition and so is more open to knowledge that comes from within herself and beyond. She is often moved by the beauty and tragedy of life. The Queen of Cups feels deeply and has a reverence for all aspects of God's creation. Her love includes and embraces everyone and everything.

In readings, the Queen of Cups asks you to think and feel as she does. For example: Are you aware of the emotional climate? Are you feeling loving? Do you trust your heart? Have you received an intuitive message? Have you been moved by another's pain?

This Queen can also represent a man or woman who is like her, or an atmosphere of gentle love, acceptance and respect for feelings. In a reading, she tells you that her special energy has meaning for you at this time. Let yourself be inspired by this Queen in whatever form she appears in your life.
What defines your True Self?"

there is also an indication you are actually projecting your true self

what is your true self?

WoF 4 of cups Queen of swords

interesting, quite interesting, you are basically a sharp smart picky and funny QoS.

and very adventurous!

faces the truth, even if unpleasant
is up front with everyone
likes everything on the table
plays by the rules
avoids lies and deception

sizes up a situation quickly
understands hidden motives and desires
is difficult to fool, trick or con
figures out the unspoken rules and agendas
is quick on the uptake

is direct and open in all dealings
gets to the heart of the matter
acts without pretense or guile
is straightforward and no-nonsense
can be candid when necessary

has a delightful sense of humor
diffuses awkward situations with a funny remark
never takes anything too seriously
laughs at everything, including him or herself

has seen and done it all
has strength due to life's hard knocks
is free of self-righteous judgments
has realistic expectations

How do people perceive you in general, what is your archetype to them?

HP Hierophant Hermit

another hermit!!! what's going on ladies? are we hermits here?

go figure

they have no clue, Tgem...kidding! they see you as a nice blending of yin and yang and even androgynous, as spirit. quite smart and sharp but also mysterious. a conformist. ingenious. someone who doesn't like to be alone.
the hermit also is their attempt to look at you, to see you, to understand you.
you have many eyes on you.

How does X, a certain person, perceives you?

3 cards

wow everyone see you in another light ahahahahaha

devil queen of wands 2 of cups

the ultimate hottie ever!!!! very sexually attractive, charismatic; the guy is drooling over your physique.

3 cards

ace of swords 2 of cups 2 of swords

hm he doesn't know what to think; the moment you do something and he says evrika! next moment you do something that baffles him,. he sees you as easy to control and manipulate though, loving and flexible, but also indecisive and submissive somehow. he does appreciate your fairness and balance.

I seem to have loved you in numberless forms...


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posted September 16, 2015 03:01 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Enneline     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Anyone wanna exchange with me?

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Posts: 16476
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted September 16, 2015 03:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
There you are....I was about to go to an online date....maybe some online FWB comes out of it

But men can always wait, it does good to them. (I'll let him know I have a pressing spread to do)

Let's do it!

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Aunt Anomalia

Posts: 1367
From: Pandora's box
Registered: Mar 2015

posted September 16, 2015 03:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Aunt Anomalia     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

with you people get what they see, mostly

Take it or leave it, b.itches
Once upon a time I got a psychological tarot profile, only majors, and in the "how others perceive you" position I got the Hierophant. I was like 18 What's with these people?

5 of wands - DEVIL - 4 of pentacles

Devil, woohoo Wait...tell your deck to make up its mind Well, perhaps I'm a demon and a saint in 1. Anyway, I even got this card when I pulled for myself. It looks like you skipped interpreting it for some reason but that's ok, I already know I'm an abomination 4oP probably has something to do with my fixity.

Sorry about that. the platonic route will be very difficutl.

Not if I secretly add some anaphrodisiac to his drinks *evil giggle*

Generally, it makes sense. Thank you. Is your person Mr. Sag?

Anomaling around since 1911.

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posted September 16, 2015 03:15 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Enneline     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LeeLoo2014:
There you are....I was about to go to an online date....maybe some online FWB comes out of it

But men can always wait, it does good to them. (I'll let him know I have a pressing spread to do)

Let's do it!

online fwb What is this?

Okay, i would like to know how people who meet me freshly perceive me-. okay if this is too general how men perceive me- ah i am also interested how women children and animals perceive me. Ah, can't decide. What do you think?

And who is X I shall ask about?

What do you want me to use? Tarot, Shamanic, Grand Lenormand?

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Posts: 2292
From: Pluto eyes in the sky
Registered: Dec 2014

posted September 16, 2015 03:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for VacantGazer     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

What is your Persona? (the image I project to the world)

8 Wands Queen Swords Ace Swords (4 Wands and the fool were upright as I spread the cards out).

Fire and air, air fans the flames lol so I think quite fiery at times, yet rational and fair. Maybe a bit of a risk taker and adventurous. Are you a little bit stubborn? I think you probably need alot of time for yourself. Maybe you might be a little sharp with your words, perhaps blunt, but you're honest.

What defines your True Self?
Queen of Swords, Ace of Pentacles, The Empress

Very intellectual and rational, yet you have a nuturing/mothering side to you. Very practical and secure. I think you would handle difficult situations well.

How do people perceive you in general, what is your archetype to them?
7 swords, 7 Wands, Death

I think very analytical and maybe strong intuition. Probably like to spend alot of time alone. Very determined and not afraid to say what's on your mind, if upset you might show anger quite quickly but it disappears just as quick. I think death perhaps shows your strength in that whatever life throws at you, you can move from it.

How does Apollo, a certain person, perceives you?

3 cards
Ace Wands Ace Cups Justice

They find you very attractive not sure on how to interpret the justice card though? Balanced?

3 cards

6 Swords 3 Swords Judgement

Maybe hard to get to know, maybe a heart breaker, very decisive. I think the cards show you're a very intellectual and rational person.

Does any of this resonate?

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Posts: 16476
From: Venus cornering Neptune
Registered: Mar 2014

posted September 16, 2015 03:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for LeeLoo2014     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Enneline:
online fwb What is this?

Okay, i would like to know how people who meet me freshly perceive me-. okay if this is too general how men perceive me- ah i am also interested how women children and animals perceive me. Ah, can't decide. What do you think?

And who is X I shall ask about?

What do you want me to use? Tarot, Shamanic, Grand Lenormand?

How about the animals? something with little animals

children women animals insects plants?
what is this? you think everyone has perceptions of you?

hehehe kidding

I will do the spread plus what women and men think, what do you say?

X is R

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posted September 16, 2015 03:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Enneline     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by LeeLoo2014:
How about the animals? something with little animals

children women animals insects plants?
what is this? you think everyone has perceptions of you?

hehehe kidding

I will do the spread plus what women and men think, what do you say?

X is R

oh, you want the Shamanic only? Okay

Yeah Ma'am

Oki doki.

Okay X is R...I respect that and my x is R as well

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Registered: Jan 2013

posted September 16, 2015 03:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for tgem     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
HA! Leeloo that spread was spot on I think In so many ways. Did you pull for person X with DL in mind (Cusp?) I'm doing yours now...thanks so much
Who do you want person X to be, R?

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Posts: 2292
From: Pluto eyes in the sky
Registered: Dec 2014

posted September 16, 2015 03:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for VacantGazer     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you Ceri, It resonates, will give you and AA feedback when i finish your spread

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