Topic: Does he think I deserve someone better than him?
ILovePoems Knowflake Posts: 3032 From: Registered: Feb 2015
posted January 26, 2016 09:32 AM
Someone told me that a while back so I asked the cards myself.10 of cups - 6 of cups - 8 of wands - 4 of wands I honestly dont know if its saying yes or no. The 10 of cups usually talks about happiness or feeling satisfied with what ever comes. The 6 of cups talks about memories or from the past.. And well I known him for a while so I guess I can say he is the 6 of cups? The 8 of wands maybe talking about moving into something fast? And the 4 of wands is being stable.... Maybe in a relationship? Anybody want to try? :/ IP: Logged |
tinkerbug Knowflake Posts: 156 From: Registered: Jul 2015
posted January 26, 2016 04:18 PM
Hi ILP, take this with a grain of salt:The answer to your question is 'Yes'. The man in question has thought this through and decided that it is best for you both to move on from each other. Once you accept this you can only move forwards and upwards on your path. Perhaps he is already showing signs of moving on?
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ILovePoems Knowflake Posts: 3032 From: Registered: Feb 2015
posted January 26, 2016 04:32 PM
Thanks for your reply.I don't know if he actually moved on or not. It's like he seems confused.. IP: Logged |
tinkerbug Knowflake Posts: 156 From: Registered: Jul 2015
posted January 26, 2016 04:41 PM
Ok, thanks for replying to me, I hope you have clarity soon.IP: Logged |
ILovePoems Knowflake Posts: 3032 From: Registered: Feb 2015
posted January 26, 2016 04:51 PM
are you a reader yourself? maybe to figure out why he acts confused..?IP: Logged |
tinkerbug Knowflake Posts: 156 From: Registered: Jul 2015
posted January 26, 2016 05:06 PM
 I am not a reader dear i'm sorry, i absolutely would help you more if i could.IP: Logged |
ILovePoems Knowflake Posts: 3032 From: Registered: Feb 2015
posted January 26, 2016 05:24 PM
Okay thanks though.have a q? lol IP: Logged |
tinkerbug Knowflake Posts: 156 From: Registered: Jul 2015
posted January 26, 2016 05:48 PM
You're so sweet ILP, thank you.I am A and he is H, can you see if he really loves me like he says he does? IP: Logged |
littlecloud Moderator Posts: 3629 From: Registered: Nov 2010
posted January 26, 2016 05:55 PM
I think the spread is saying that he loves you and feels a lot for you but is convinced that some relationship in your past is the one that is right for you. IP: Logged |
ILovePoems Knowflake Posts: 3032 From: Registered: Feb 2015
posted January 26, 2016 06:42 PM
quote: Originally posted by tinkerbug: You're so sweet ILP, thank you.I am A and he is H, can you see if he really loves me like he says he does?
I want to ask something else. I pulled for you by asking the wrong question. But I pulled again The first time I pulled for you which was the wrong question. I asked does A love you.. Lol and I got this card that talks about the past.. Like you may know someone from your past that the contact that has been cut off? Maybe by you or this other person. It looks like someone was like in charge of this and can control what happens between you two.. Sorry if this doesn't relate to you.. I wanted to share that. 6 of cups - ace of swords - the hermit - the magician Your next reading was the right question.. It looks like he suppose to show you that he loves you. Is that the reason why you ask cause there's a card here that says that he isn't showing it much to prove to you or that maybe you're sad about it? It could also mean that you're maybe depressed? I see that there's a card that may represents you. I think there is some fear here from someone. Maybe doesnt know the real truth or just needs to find the real truth.. The chariot - 10 of swords - queen of pentacles - the moon IP: Logged |
ILovePoems Knowflake Posts: 3032 From: Registered: Feb 2015
posted January 26, 2016 07:59 PM
quote: Originally posted by littlecloud: I think the spread is saying that he loves you and feels a lot for you but is convinced that some relationship in your past is the one that is right for you.
Its interesting that you got that.. Never really thought it meant that though lol but what do you mean that some relationship in the past I know he's from my past so would that count? IP: Logged |
tinkerbug Knowflake Posts: 156 From: Registered: Jul 2015
posted January 26, 2016 11:07 PM
Thank you ILP, for providing both spreads. The cards you got for the wrong question do not relate to me as far as i know  With the second spread though, that's pretty much the crux of it. I'm not an expert but it seems to be an odd mix of cards to be read purely as is.. do you draw on your intuition as well to interpret what is pulled? Oh, you also mentioned above that you wanted to ask something else? IP: Logged |
ILovePoems Knowflake Posts: 3032 From: Registered: Feb 2015
posted January 26, 2016 11:19 PM
Ah now I see why it look like there is not talking.. I guess that was a big mistake lolUm what do you mean by crux? Sorry if it didnt relate. I try to use my intuition, but I look at the image of the cards as well. Its hard to interpret loads of times. I mostly use my intuition separately though :/ IP: Logged |
tinkerbug Knowflake Posts: 156 From: Registered: Jul 2015
posted January 26, 2016 11:44 PM
'The crux of a matter' is the basic or central idea behind some situation. So with interpreting my spread, you have pointed out the main concern i had which prompted me to ask the question. I think you are extremely intuitive with interpreting readings, you are even better than some professionals i have been to. Thanks again dear *hugs* IP: Logged |
littlecloud Moderator Posts: 3629 From: Registered: Nov 2010
posted January 27, 2016 03:10 AM
quote: Originally posted by ILovePoems: Its interesting that you got that.. Never really thought it meant that though lol but what do you mean that some relationship in the past I know he's from my past so would that count?
You asked if he believes that you could do better than him and the reason you ask this is because someone mentioned it but I'm betting this has come up in some way in the relationship? A lot depends on context. Are you two in fact in a relationship? Now, the reason I said past relationship is bc the 10 of cups is followed by the 6, the 6 often indicating something with roots in the past. Perhaps someone you lived with? Perhaps its better to phrase it as "how does he see himself in our relationship?" IP: Logged |
ILovePoems Knowflake Posts: 3032 From: Registered: Feb 2015
posted January 27, 2016 11:30 AM
quote: Originally posted by littlecloud: You asked if he believes that you could do better than him and the reason you ask this is because someone mentioned it but I'm betting this has come up in some way in the relationship? A lot depends on context. Are you two in fact in a relationship?Now, the reason I said past relationship is bc the 10 of cups is followed by the 6, the 6 often indicating something with roots in the past. Perhaps someone you lived with? Perhaps its better to phrase it as "how does he see himself in our relationship?"
Well a reader had told me that a few months ago and someone else said that too a year ago. But me and him wasn't in a relationship during that time. I live with my mom and sister.. Always have. But me and him was in the past.. When I was very young. IP: Logged |
ILovePoems Knowflake Posts: 3032 From: Registered: Feb 2015
posted January 27, 2016 02:27 PM
quote: Originally posted by tinkerbug:
'The crux of a matter' is the basic or central idea behind some situation. So with interpreting my spread, you have pointed out the main concern i had which prompted me to ask the question. I think you are extremely intuitive with interpreting readings, you are even better than some professionals i have been to. Thanks again dear *hugs*
Thanks I'm glad to give readings out and try to help people. IP: Logged |
ILovePoems Knowflake Posts: 3032 From: Registered: Feb 2015
posted January 29, 2016 07:22 AM
*bumpity bump bump*IP: Logged |