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Posts: 733
From: NY
Registered: Oct 2004

posted December 31, 2004 04:12 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for virgotaurustaurus     Edit/Delete Message
Hm, so I just wanted to share a curiosity I've had, and it's something I don't totally understand yet...

I've noticed, when in a bad situation and needing outside advice...if one were to ask one source, and then another source, the advice from both sources can be extremely different...

I've noticed this myself. I've asked for advice on certain situations from other people, and even message boards. The answers are almost always some sort of quick fix, defensiveness from the person who is asked, or sort of "tough love". But if I ask here, or ask someone who I've known to be more spiritual, the advice given is almost always very wise, includes a sort of truth about life, and is encouraging.

I'm not sure if I'm making sense, as I can't solidly express what I"m thinking about...but say like, I have a friend who is in a bad situation...I've actually asked for help on how I can help her...and I've had a person actually start asking me questions implying that my friend is a bad person! And this is from someone who was in the same situation as my friend. But I know if I come here and ask the same question, there'd be some wisdom and positive energy. And it happens ALL THE TIME!

I guess I'm just wondering why it's like this. It's definitely intriguing! It seems like the worst place to ask for advice is actually a support group, at least in my experience! It's very's almost as if humanity is split up by people who have no spirituality/wisdom and those who do, and discussions between the 2 are always going to be very very different.

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Posts: 4063
From: the stars
Registered: Jun 2004

posted December 31, 2004 07:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for 26taurus     Edit/Delete Message
I know what you mean VTT. It seems to me that with suppport groups although they work great for some, for others the answers they need have to go deeper or come in a way that isnt layed out for them in steps already.

I'm not a support group kind of person. Although we need support from others, the rebel in me doesnt like rules or following guidelines. What could work for one could be the downfall of another.

When asking for advice and recieving 'answers' from multiple sources, you are always going to get a part of that persons personality or may I say *ego* involved in their answer. Oftentimes that is good. Usually you can take a little nugget of wisdom from each source. But when it all comes down to it, you've got to go deep within, which most people arent used to doing. They are used to having others define them. They live the labels they've been given and havent yet figured out who they are. The part of them that isnt seen through the eyes of another. Do you know what I mean? This is something we all deal with.

We've got to strip off those layers of us. The way we are seen through others eyes and get down to who we really are. I think that is alot of people problem. Theyve lost themselves in who they have been told they are from others. It is there that people lose their power. They only know themselves through others eyes, and that's confusing and even frustrating at times.

I think deep down we are all good and loving souls. Even the most so-called bad or evil people. But those people have strayed very far away from themselves. Theyve forgotten themselves.

The person who was implying that your friend was a bad person was coming from a place of judgement and ego. Especially since you said that same person was at one point in the same position as your friend. Proof that while it's nice to get an outside opinion, the only real way to go is within. But this takes alot of work to be able to get through your own quirks and get to a point of stepping outside of yourself and getting some clear wisdom. Not letting your wants effect your answer.

The answers that anyone needs are there, waiting to be seen. But usually they are blocked by the person. I like to ask for signs. The Universe works in mysterious ways and is always looking to help you out. The trick is to keep your eyes open. Live in awareness. It's all there waiting to be looked at.

I think the best advice usually comes from people who have at one point been really down and out. Theyve gone through dark, rough times and have pulled themselves out. The troopers. It's only when youve gone to the depths that you can reach the highest altitudes. The most important thing is to listen to the feeling you get inside when someone gives you advice. If you get a good or warm feeling about it, you can be sure there is a message in it for you. If the advice annoys you or doesnt feel right to you in anyway - gives you a negative emotion - dont follow it.

You have a very good guide inside of you, to tell you what is best for you. Some people call it your gut feeling, intuition. But it is as simple as paying attention to your emotions. The feeling you get from something. It's never wrong.

When you start giving it more of your attention, it starts to work better for you and will always lead you in the right direction.

I hoped that helped in some way. I think I understood your question.


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Posts: 267
From: Cleveland, Ohio
Registered: Jan 2003

posted January 03, 2005 12:59 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Kat     Edit/Delete Message
I guess that whenever we are in a situation looking for advice, we are at the mercy of the other person advising us. They really don't know us well at all, and their advice will be colored by their own views and experience. Frequently, I've found myself in situations where I've asked someone's opinion only to realize now when looking back, I've triggered some personal view that had nothing to do with me. Some people have even gotten angry and I haven't figured out why.
I'm trying to learn to not look at other people's motives for their warped perception of me or the advice they have given me because I will never fully figure them out. I'm not them and I can't control their views. Instead I realize that I need to build my own self-esteem and confidence that I can make the best decision that I can ask God or the holy spirit to guide me and give me strength. Sometimes I just need to make the decision and face the consequences even if I'm wrong, at least I will have made a decision of my own doing.
At times, we do need a bit of extra help. I've learned over the years who to ask and not to ask. For instance, I have a friend who has a limited view of the world, pinches pennies, and has no goals in life. I've learned not to discuss my aspirations and choices that I have because she tells me consistantly to choose the safest route. Yet she's great if I'm having an issue where someone has hurt my feelings. Another friend of mine is very impulsive and has made many errors because of it.When I ask her about an issue, she really acts as a sounding board for what I'm saying rather than me really asking her for advice. Strangely, I've usually have done the opposite of what she has advised. (I mean nothing negative towards her by saying this.)If friends do not help. Pray pray pray and trust you will do the right thing.
Ultimately, we owe it to ourselves to build up our abilities to make decisions of our own. We need to get the knowledge, do the spiritual work, and get skills in feeling confident about being our own advice giver.

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Posts: 611
From: MAINE! :)
Registered: Aug 2003

posted January 03, 2005 07:52 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for ghanima81     Edit/Delete Message
Not to be punny, but very good advice indeed

But I really know what you mean as far as support groups and their ability to actually contribute positive advice to someone. Support groups are more specified to certain areas of experience. Like, MADD or ALANON, where certain situations are shared by all, or at least pretty closely related. I think it's harder to actually go to those people for advice, as a lot of the techniques used to help them in the first place comes from a ''tough love'' place, or one that is more like a 'generalized response' answer.
There are no real answers, it's all down to personal experince/opinon. I think here it is very free to be examined, and open to interpretation. Maybe becuase it's more 'spiritual', maybe becuase whoever can give advice in a positive manner will, whereas those who may have only negative things to say will refrain from complicating matters. I'm not sure why, but I do agree with you, there does seem to be a lot more positvity here when it comes to asking for advice. Sometimes I'm not sure it's really advice at all, to me it's more like sitting around a coffee table with a bunch of good friends vibing about life and sharing experiences... if any great nuggets of truth are shared, awesome! If nobody has anything to share, that's okay too. Better off for them if they haven't been through the same sadness or struggle.
There is also a certain level of respect and understanding here that I haven't found in a lot of other places. Like, say you are at an AA meeting, and you get up and share your story, there is always a guy who is like, ''that's nothing man, I once.. blah blah blah..'' when all you really want is for someone to just listen, not go on and on about how ''they had it worse''.. I think that happens here. When people share advice/personal experience, it's never in an ''OH YEAH!! Well I did that times ten!'' way, it's more supportive, more positive.
We have nothing to 'gain' from each other, only what we put out there reciprocated. If we want support and compassion, we all give it, and there never seems to be animosity (except in GU on occasion, but we all love a little drama once in a while ) or hard feelings.
I will simply end this rant (yeah, it's a rant, as most things this Aries rising/Leo moon usually has to offer) by saying I think we all love without expectation and share without inhibition, which makes for a really open and loving 'home'...

Hope I didn't get too far off topic...


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Posts: 733
From: NY
Registered: Oct 2004

posted January 04, 2005 01:05 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for virgotaurustaurus     Edit/Delete Message
26T! I always like what you have to say. I’m the type of person who needs deeper answers, and will keep looking until I find something. No wonder support groups do not work for me!

I didn’t even think about possibly getting another’s ego in an answer until recently, when I had someone giving me advice I didn’t ask for that was rather hurtful! I also noticed something else you mentioned, and that is actually an issue I have myself – I’m still trying to figure out who I am (which is why I personally don’t like giving advice myself).

I just started experimenting with just asking myself questions when there’s a problem to work on. Ask, then turn my mind to something else and usually answers start coming to me. Brand new thing for me! And so far, I’m surprised what my subconscious comes up with.

I think you are right that the best people to ask are those who have already been there. I have tried that with positive things (not problems), like networking when I was doing the radio stuff…the results are amazing at asking the right person!

But I think lately the frustration has been coming from not listening to myself 100% when someone offers advice. Not good for me to do especially since I do have a rather strong intuition. Thank you thank you!!

Kat, I agree that we are at the mercy of the person giving advice. Actually, building my own self-esteem and self-confidence is a HUGE struggle for me that I’m working on.
I know about the friends who you can only ask certain advice from, I have one friend I just don’t ask advice from and just kind of let it slide when she gives her opinions/suggestions when not asked and I’m just talking about something. But yup!!! You are right in just having to build up confidence and trust that we can make the right decisions!

Ghanima: haha I agree that it is more like sitting around having coffee with friends here! I like that, it’s something missing from my real life I looooove looove looove shared experiences!! I’m glad personal experiences expressed here aren’t competition as well Makes it much more comfortable.

I feel so much better now haha, so many things in the responses made soooo much sense to me and it’s things I’ve never really thought about before! Hmm *runs off to think*

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Posts: 168
From: Rochester Hills, MI USA
Registered: May 2004

posted January 04, 2005 02:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for thirteen     Edit/Delete Message
I read a book one time that describes highly sensitive people. I bout fell off my chair as this book was describing me. They say about 20% of the population is highly sensitive while it once was the other way around and sensitives were once the decision makers of society. Their wisdom has gone lost these days. I am one and you are one too. 80% are not and it helped me to realize this. I no longer look to the 80% for anything anymore as i am deeper than they ( this is not a negative judgement although i could scream at times). An astrologer once told me "you have to know that you KNOW". Make sense? Also I do the self asking thing all the time and my higher self is not ever wrong. Sometimes its uncanny how accurate of an answer i get back. I do it in a relaxed meditative state and i get an immediate response. Its fun.

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Posts: 77
From: United *Magical* Kingdom
Registered: Nov 2004

posted January 04, 2005 04:51 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for merlinesque     Edit/Delete Message
I don't know much about support groups having never joined and been involved in one, but if ever I have a problem and I'm looking for answers, the last thing I do is seek other people. I've always been that way, that listening to what other people think only confuses things in my mind. For me, personally, the best thing I can do is sit or curl up, close my eyes and confide in the best friend I ever had, knowing He (or She) will guide me if I decide to listen and go with that guidance that becomes apparent. Sounds corny, but I've spent most of my 24 years of life in this incarnation acting on impulse and cycling on the bicycle of whirling emotions and I've finally learned the value of looking inside for answers. That following the emotional feeling isn't always helpful. Sometimes standing still in the silence and waiting for the quiet voice to whisper is the way forward, rather than seeking a chorus voices speaking from their own emotions and experiences.
Being individual as we are though, our answers and solutions come through whatever medium or vehicle they need to come through.

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Posts: 640
From: Brisbane, QLD, Oz
Registered: Nov 2003

posted January 04, 2005 09:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for sesame     Edit/Delete Message
I rarely ask for advice. I think I did once to a uni guidance counselar. I didn't know exactly which path I should take through uni, and I started failing a lot. He said "Is that all? I'm here more for people with unintended pregnancies and housing issues, not academic problems". I never asked again, not exactly from his reaction, but I actually put complete faith in God. Many times I think she will work it out without my asking, but if something's fairly serious, or I feel something's about to occur that I don't want, I will speak aloud to request that things change. Or when trying to find things. By speaking aloud, I feel I'll either find it, or completely know it can't be found, or even that I don't need it.

I think there are three main reasons why this site is so loving:
1. It's dedicated to Lidna who's every words and philosophies were filled with love. I've never read anyone that makes everyone feel so special about everything. And Magical. Hence most people here most likely come from this kind of background. Not to mention her presence here. I've read (in Conversations with God) that the instant you think of someone who has left this material plane, they will be there, no matter how many people asked in any instant. The reason is that they are everywhere, and yet can focus into specific areas too. I wonder if in there lasted carnated form whether they can still do this - maybe astrally during their sleep? Or maybe just daydreams or the soul peices Linda talked of.
2. It's founded by Randall who is such a cool dude, that his positivity rubs off over everything. Well, I think so.
3. The violet background - subconsciously invokes feelings of love and peace. As Linda said Violet = Love, Let Live. Or something like that

Heaps of Love,

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Posts: 1557
From: Douglas, AZ. USA
Registered: Jun 2004

posted January 07, 2005 07:34 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Philbird     Edit/Delete Message
Like,?? Ya AALLL?!?! This is a support group!

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